Index ¶
- type ChangeImageV3Default
- type ChangeImageV3Params
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackImageChangeRequest)
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackImageChangeRequest) *ChangeImageV3Params
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeImageV3Params
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ChangeImageV3Params
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithName(name string) *ChangeImageV3Params
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ChangeImageV3Params
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *ChangeImageV3Params
- func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ChangeImageV3Reader
- type Client
- func (a *Client) ChangeImageV3(params *ChangeImageV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) CreateStackInWorkspace(params *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) (*CreateStackInWorkspaceOK, error)
- func (a *Client) DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3(params *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) DeleteInstanceStackV3(params *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) DeleteStackInWorkspace(params *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) error
- func (a *Client) GetStackInWorkspace(params *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) (*GetStackInWorkspaceOK, error)
- func (a *Client) GetStackRequestFromNameV3(params *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK, error)
- func (a *Client) ListStacksByWorkspace(params *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) (*ListStacksByWorkspaceOK, error)
- func (a *Client) PostStackForBlueprintV3(params *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) (*PostStackForBlueprintV3OK, error)
- func (a *Client) PutpasswordStackV3(params *PutpasswordStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) PutreinstallStackV3(params *PutreinstallStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) PutscalingStackV3(params *PutscalingStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) PutstartStackV3(params *PutstartStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) PutstopStackV3(params *PutstopStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) PutsyncStackV3(params *PutsyncStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) RepairClusterV3(params *RepairClusterV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) RetryStackV3(params *RetryStackV3Params) error
- func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
- func (a *Client) StatusStackV3(params *StatusStackV3Params) (*StatusStackV3OK, error)
- type CreateStackInWorkspaceOK
- type CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParams() *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request)
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type CreateStackInWorkspaceReader
- type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default
- type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params() *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool)
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetWithStackDelete(withStackDelete *bool)
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithName(name string) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithWithStackDelete(withStackDelete *bool) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
- func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Reader
- type DeleteInstanceStackV3Default
- type DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3Params() *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetForced(forced *bool)
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetInstanceID(instanceID string)
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithForced(forced *bool) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithInstanceID(instanceID string) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
- func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeleteInstanceStackV3Reader
- type DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault
- type DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParams() *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool)
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetForced(forced *bool)
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetName(name string)
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithForced(forced *bool) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithName(name string) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type DeleteStackInWorkspaceReader
- type GetStackInWorkspaceOK
- type GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParams() *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetEntry(entry []string)
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetName(name string)
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithEntry(entry []string) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithName(name string) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
- func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetStackInWorkspaceReader
- type GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK
- type GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3Params() *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithName(name string) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
- func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type GetStackRequestFromNameV3Reader
- type ListStacksByWorkspaceOK
- type ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParams() *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
- func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type ListStacksByWorkspaceReader
- type PostStackForBlueprintV3OK
- type PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3Params() *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request)
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithName(name string) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
- func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostStackForBlueprintV3Reader
- type PutpasswordStackV3Default
- type PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func NewPutpasswordStackV3Params() *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.UserNamePassword)
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.UserNamePassword) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
- func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PutpasswordStackV3Reader
- type PutreinstallStackV3Default
- type PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func NewPutreinstallStackV3Params() *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ReinstallRequestV2)
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ReinstallRequestV2) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
- func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PutreinstallStackV3Reader
- type PutscalingStackV3Default
- type PutscalingStackV3Params
- func NewPutscalingStackV3Params() *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackScaleRequestV2)
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackScaleRequestV2) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutscalingStackV3Params
- func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PutscalingStackV3Reader
- type PutstartStackV3Default
- type PutstartStackV3Params
- func NewPutstartStackV3Params() *PutstartStackV3Params
- func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutstartStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PutstartStackV3Reader
- type PutstopStackV3Default
- type PutstopStackV3Params
- func NewPutstopStackV3Params() *PutstopStackV3Params
- func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutstopStackV3Params
- func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PutstopStackV3Reader
- type PutsyncStackV3Default
- type PutsyncStackV3Params
- func NewPutsyncStackV3Params() *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutsyncStackV3Params
- func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type PutsyncStackV3Reader
- type RepairClusterV3Default
- type RepairClusterV3Params
- func NewRepairClusterV3Params() *RepairClusterV3Params
- func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ClusterRepairRequest)
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ClusterRepairRequest) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithName(name string) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *RepairClusterV3Params
- func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type RepairClusterV3Reader
- type RetryStackV3Default
- type RetryStackV3Params
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RetryStackV3Params
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RetryStackV3Params
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *RetryStackV3Params
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RetryStackV3Params
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *RetryStackV3Params
- func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type RetryStackV3Reader
- type StatusStackV3OK
- type StatusStackV3OKBody
- type StatusStackV3Params
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *StatusStackV3Params
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StatusStackV3Params
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *StatusStackV3Params
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StatusStackV3Params
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *StatusStackV3Params
- func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
- type StatusStackV3Reader
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ChangeImageV3Default ¶
type ChangeImageV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChangeImageV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewChangeImageV3Default ¶
func NewChangeImageV3Default(code int) *ChangeImageV3Default
NewChangeImageV3Default creates a ChangeImageV3Default with default headers values
func (*ChangeImageV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the change image v3 default response
func (*ChangeImageV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Default) Error() string
type ChangeImageV3Params ¶
type ChangeImageV3Params struct { /*Body*/ Body *models_cloudbreak.StackImageChangeRequest /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ChangeImageV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the change image v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewChangeImageV3Params ¶
func NewChangeImageV3Params() *ChangeImageV3Params
NewChangeImageV3Params creates a new ChangeImageV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeImageV3Params
NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithContext creates a new ChangeImageV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ChangeImageV3Params
NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ChangeImageV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ChangeImageV3Params
NewChangeImageV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new ChangeImageV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) SetBody ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackImageChangeRequest)
SetBody adds the body to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) WithBody ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackImageChangeRequest) *ChangeImageV3Params
WithBody adds the body to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeImageV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ChangeImageV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithName(name string) *ChangeImageV3Params
WithName adds the name to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ChangeImageV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *ChangeImageV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the change image v3 params
func (*ChangeImageV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ChangeImageV3Reader ¶
type ChangeImageV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChangeImageV3Reader is a Reader for the ChangeImageV3 structure.
func (*ChangeImageV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ChangeImageV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client for v3 workspace id stacks API
func New ¶
func New(transport runtime.ClientTransport, formats strfmt.Registry) *Client
New creates a new v3 workspace id stacks API client.
func (*Client) ChangeImageV3 ¶
func (a *Client) ChangeImageV3(params *ChangeImageV3Params) error
ChangeImageV3 checks image in stack by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) CreateStackInWorkspace ¶
func (a *Client) CreateStackInWorkspace(params *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) (*CreateStackInWorkspaceOK, error)
CreateStackInWorkspace creates stack in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3 ¶
func (a *Client) DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3(params *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) error
DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3 deletes the stack with kerberos cluster by name in workspace
Clusters are materialised Hadoop services on a given infrastructure. They are built based on a Blueprint (running the components and services specified) and on a configured infrastructure Stack. Once a cluster is created and launched, it can be used the usual way as any Hadoop cluster. We suggest to start with the Cluster's Ambari UI for an overview of your cluster.
func (*Client) DeleteInstanceStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) DeleteInstanceStackV3(params *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) error
DeleteInstanceStackV3 deletes instance from the stack s cluster in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) DeleteStackInWorkspace ¶
func (a *Client) DeleteStackInWorkspace(params *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) error
DeleteStackInWorkspace deletes stack by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) GetStackInWorkspace ¶
func (a *Client) GetStackInWorkspace(params *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) (*GetStackInWorkspaceOK, error)
GetStackInWorkspace gets stack by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) GetStackRequestFromNameV3 ¶
func (a *Client) GetStackRequestFromNameV3(params *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK, error)
GetStackRequestFromNameV3 gets stack request by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) ListStacksByWorkspace ¶
func (a *Client) ListStacksByWorkspace(params *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) (*ListStacksByWorkspaceOK, error)
ListStacksByWorkspace lists stacks for the given workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) PostStackForBlueprintV3 ¶
func (a *Client) PostStackForBlueprintV3(params *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) (*PostStackForBlueprintV3OK, error)
PostStackForBlueprintV3 posts stack for blueprint in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) PutpasswordStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) PutpasswordStackV3(params *PutpasswordStackV3Params) error
PutpasswordStackV3 updates stack by name
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) PutreinstallStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) PutreinstallStackV3(params *PutreinstallStackV3Params) error
PutreinstallStackV3 updates stack by name
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) PutscalingStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) PutscalingStackV3(params *PutscalingStackV3Params) error
PutscalingStackV3 scales the stack by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) PutstartStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) PutstartStackV3(params *PutstartStackV3Params) error
PutstartStackV3 starts the stack by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) PutstopStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) PutstopStackV3(params *PutstopStackV3Params) error
PutstopStackV3 stops the stack by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) PutsyncStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) PutsyncStackV3(params *PutsyncStackV3Params) error
PutsyncStackV3 syncs the stack by name in workspace
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
func (*Client) RepairClusterV3 ¶
func (a *Client) RepairClusterV3(params *RepairClusterV3Params) error
RepairClusterV3 repairs the stack by name in workspace
Removing the failed nodes and starting new nodes to substitute them.
func (*Client) RetryStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) RetryStackV3(params *RetryStackV3Params) error
RetryStackV3 retries the stack by name in workspace
Failed or interrupted stack and cluster operations can be retried, after the cause of the failure was eliminated. The operations will continue at the state, where the previous process failed.
func (*Client) SetTransport ¶
func (a *Client) SetTransport(transport runtime.ClientTransport)
SetTransport changes the transport on the client
func (*Client) StatusStackV3 ¶
func (a *Client) StatusStackV3(params *StatusStackV3Params) (*StatusStackV3OK, error)
StatusStackV3 retrieves stack status by stack name
Stacks are template instances - a running cloud infrastructure created based on a template. Stacks are always launched on behalf of a cloud user account. Stacks support a wide range of resources, allowing you to build a highly available, reliable, and scalable infrastructure for your application needs.
type CreateStackInWorkspaceOK ¶
type CreateStackInWorkspaceOK struct {
Payload *models_cloudbreak.StackResponse
CreateStackInWorkspaceOK handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceOK ¶
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceOK() *CreateStackInWorkspaceOK
NewCreateStackInWorkspaceOK creates a CreateStackInWorkspaceOK with default headers values
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceOK) Error ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceOK) Error() string
type CreateStackInWorkspaceParams ¶
type CreateStackInWorkspaceParams struct { /*Body*/ Body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CreateStackInWorkspaceParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the create stack in workspace operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParams ¶
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParams() *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParams creates a new CreateStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext ¶
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext creates a new CreateStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new CreateStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
NewCreateStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout creates a new CreateStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetBody ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request)
SetBody adds the body to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithBody ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
WithBody adds the body to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
WithContext adds the context to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the create stack in workspace params
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type CreateStackInWorkspaceReader ¶
type CreateStackInWorkspaceReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CreateStackInWorkspaceReader is a Reader for the CreateStackInWorkspace structure.
func (*CreateStackInWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *CreateStackInWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default ¶
type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default ¶
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default(code int) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default
NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default creates a DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default with default headers values
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the delete cluster with kerberos v3 default response
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Default) Error() string
type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params ¶
type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params struct { /*DeleteDependencies*/ DeleteDependencies *bool /*Name*/ Name string /*WithStackDelete*/ WithStackDelete *bool /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the delete cluster with kerberos v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params ¶
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params() *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params creates a new DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithContext creates a new DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
NewDeleteClusterWithKerberosV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetDeleteDependencies ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool)
SetDeleteDependencies adds the deleteDependencies to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetWithStackDelete ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetWithStackDelete(withStackDelete *bool)
SetWithStackDelete adds the withStackDelete to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithDeleteDependencies ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
WithDeleteDependencies adds the deleteDependencies to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithName(name string) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
WithName adds the name to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithWithStackDelete ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithWithStackDelete(withStackDelete *bool) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
WithWithStackDelete adds the withStackDelete to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the delete cluster with kerberos v3 params
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Reader ¶
type DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Reader is a Reader for the DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3 structure.
func (*DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DeleteClusterWithKerberosV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DeleteInstanceStackV3Default ¶
type DeleteInstanceStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteInstanceStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3Default ¶
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3Default(code int) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Default
NewDeleteInstanceStackV3Default creates a DeleteInstanceStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the delete instance stack v3 default response
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Default) Error() string
type DeleteInstanceStackV3Params ¶
type DeleteInstanceStackV3Params struct { /*Forced*/ Forced *bool /*InstanceID*/ InstanceID string /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteInstanceStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the delete instance stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3Params ¶
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3Params() *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
NewDeleteInstanceStackV3Params creates a new DeleteInstanceStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new DeleteInstanceStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeleteInstanceStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
NewDeleteInstanceStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeleteInstanceStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetForced ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetForced(forced *bool)
SetForced adds the forced to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetInstanceID ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetInstanceID(instanceID string)
SetInstanceID adds the instanceId to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithForced ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithForced(forced *bool) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
WithForced adds the forced to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithInstanceID ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithInstanceID(instanceID string) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
WithInstanceID adds the instanceID to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the delete instance stack v3 params
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DeleteInstanceStackV3Reader ¶
type DeleteInstanceStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteInstanceStackV3Reader is a Reader for the DeleteInstanceStackV3 structure.
func (*DeleteInstanceStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DeleteInstanceStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault ¶
type DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault ¶
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault(code int) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault
NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault creates a DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault with default headers values
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault) Code ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the delete stack in workspace default response
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault) Error ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceDefault) Error() string
type DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams ¶
type DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams struct { /*DeleteDependencies*/ DeleteDependencies *bool /*Forced*/ Forced *bool /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the delete stack in workspace operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParams ¶
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParams() *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParams creates a new DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext ¶
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext creates a new DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
NewDeleteStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout creates a new DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetDeleteDependencies ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool)
SetDeleteDependencies adds the deleteDependencies to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetForced ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetForced(forced *bool)
SetForced adds the forced to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetName ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
WithContext adds the context to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithDeleteDependencies ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithDeleteDependencies(deleteDependencies *bool) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
WithDeleteDependencies adds the deleteDependencies to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithForced ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithForced(forced *bool) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
WithForced adds the forced to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithName ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithName(name string) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
WithName adds the name to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the delete stack in workspace params
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type DeleteStackInWorkspaceReader ¶
type DeleteStackInWorkspaceReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteStackInWorkspaceReader is a Reader for the DeleteStackInWorkspace structure.
func (*DeleteStackInWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *DeleteStackInWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetStackInWorkspaceOK ¶
type GetStackInWorkspaceOK struct {
Payload *models_cloudbreak.StackResponse
GetStackInWorkspaceOK handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceOK ¶
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceOK() *GetStackInWorkspaceOK
NewGetStackInWorkspaceOK creates a GetStackInWorkspaceOK with default headers values
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceOK) Error ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceOK) Error() string
type GetStackInWorkspaceParams ¶
type GetStackInWorkspaceParams struct { /*Entry*/ Entry []string /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetStackInWorkspaceParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the get stack in workspace operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParams ¶
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParams() *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
NewGetStackInWorkspaceParams creates a new GetStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithContext creates a new GetStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
NewGetStackInWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetStackInWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetEntry ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetEntry(entry []string)
SetEntry adds the entry to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetName ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
WithContext adds the context to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithEntry ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithEntry(entry []string) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
WithEntry adds the entry to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithName ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithName(name string) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
WithName adds the name to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *GetStackInWorkspaceParams
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the get stack in workspace params
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetStackInWorkspaceReader ¶
type GetStackInWorkspaceReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetStackInWorkspaceReader is a Reader for the GetStackInWorkspace structure.
func (*GetStackInWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetStackInWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK ¶
type GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK struct {
Payload *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request
GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3OK ¶
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3OK() *GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK
NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3OK creates a GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK with default headers values
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK) Error ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3OK) Error() string
type GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params ¶
type GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params struct { /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the get stack request from name v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3Params ¶
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3Params() *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3Params creates a new GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithContext creates a new GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
NewGetStackRequestFromNameV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithName(name string) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
WithName adds the name to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the get stack request from name v3 params
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type GetStackRequestFromNameV3Reader ¶
type GetStackRequestFromNameV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetStackRequestFromNameV3Reader is a Reader for the GetStackRequestFromNameV3 structure.
func (*GetStackRequestFromNameV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *GetStackRequestFromNameV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type ListStacksByWorkspaceOK ¶
type ListStacksByWorkspaceOK struct {
Payload []*models_cloudbreak.StackResponse
ListStacksByWorkspaceOK handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceOK ¶
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceOK() *ListStacksByWorkspaceOK
NewListStacksByWorkspaceOK creates a ListStacksByWorkspaceOK with default headers values
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceOK) Error ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceOK) Error() string
type ListStacksByWorkspaceParams ¶
type ListStacksByWorkspaceParams struct { /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListStacksByWorkspaceParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the list stacks by workspace operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParams ¶
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParams() *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
NewListStacksByWorkspaceParams creates a new ListStacksByWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized.
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithContext ¶
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithContext creates a new ListStacksByWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new ListStacksByWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
NewListStacksByWorkspaceParamsWithTimeout creates a new ListStacksByWorkspaceParams object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetContext ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithContext ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
WithContext adds the context to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the list stacks by workspace params
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type ListStacksByWorkspaceReader ¶
type ListStacksByWorkspaceReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListStacksByWorkspaceReader is a Reader for the ListStacksByWorkspace structure.
func (*ListStacksByWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *ListStacksByWorkspaceReader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PostStackForBlueprintV3OK ¶
type PostStackForBlueprintV3OK struct {
Payload *models_cloudbreak.GeneratedBlueprintResponse
PostStackForBlueprintV3OK handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3OK ¶
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3OK() *PostStackForBlueprintV3OK
NewPostStackForBlueprintV3OK creates a PostStackForBlueprintV3OK with default headers values
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3OK) Error ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3OK) Error() string
type PostStackForBlueprintV3Params ¶
type PostStackForBlueprintV3Params struct { /*Body*/ Body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostStackForBlueprintV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the post stack for blueprint v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3Params ¶
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3Params() *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
NewPostStackForBlueprintV3Params creates a new PostStackForBlueprintV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithContext creates a new PostStackForBlueprintV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PostStackForBlueprintV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
NewPostStackForBlueprintV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new PostStackForBlueprintV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetBody ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request)
SetBody adds the body to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithBody ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackV2Request) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
WithBody adds the body to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithName(name string) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
WithName adds the name to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the post stack for blueprint v3 params
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PostStackForBlueprintV3Reader ¶
type PostStackForBlueprintV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PostStackForBlueprintV3Reader is a Reader for the PostStackForBlueprintV3 structure.
func (*PostStackForBlueprintV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PostStackForBlueprintV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PutpasswordStackV3Default ¶
type PutpasswordStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutpasswordStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewPutpasswordStackV3Default ¶
func NewPutpasswordStackV3Default(code int) *PutpasswordStackV3Default
NewPutpasswordStackV3Default creates a PutpasswordStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the putpassword stack v3 default response
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Default) Error() string
type PutpasswordStackV3Params ¶
type PutpasswordStackV3Params struct { /*Body*/ Body *models_cloudbreak.UserNamePassword /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutpasswordStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the putpassword stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewPutpasswordStackV3Params ¶
func NewPutpasswordStackV3Params() *PutpasswordStackV3Params
NewPutpasswordStackV3Params creates a new PutpasswordStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new PutpasswordStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PutpasswordStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
NewPutpasswordStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new PutpasswordStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetBody ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.UserNamePassword)
SetBody adds the body to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithBody ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.UserNamePassword) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
WithBody adds the body to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutpasswordStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the putpassword stack v3 params
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PutpasswordStackV3Reader ¶
type PutpasswordStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutpasswordStackV3Reader is a Reader for the PutpasswordStackV3 structure.
func (*PutpasswordStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PutpasswordStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PutreinstallStackV3Default ¶
type PutreinstallStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutreinstallStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewPutreinstallStackV3Default ¶
func NewPutreinstallStackV3Default(code int) *PutreinstallStackV3Default
NewPutreinstallStackV3Default creates a PutreinstallStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the putreinstall stack v3 default response
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Default) Error() string
type PutreinstallStackV3Params ¶
type PutreinstallStackV3Params struct { /*Body*/ Body *models_cloudbreak.ReinstallRequestV2 /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutreinstallStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the putreinstall stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewPutreinstallStackV3Params ¶
func NewPutreinstallStackV3Params() *PutreinstallStackV3Params
NewPutreinstallStackV3Params creates a new PutreinstallStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new PutreinstallStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PutreinstallStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
NewPutreinstallStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new PutreinstallStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetBody ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ReinstallRequestV2)
SetBody adds the body to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithBody ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ReinstallRequestV2) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
WithBody adds the body to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutreinstallStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the putreinstall stack v3 params
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PutreinstallStackV3Reader ¶
type PutreinstallStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutreinstallStackV3Reader is a Reader for the PutreinstallStackV3 structure.
func (*PutreinstallStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PutreinstallStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PutscalingStackV3Default ¶
type PutscalingStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutscalingStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewPutscalingStackV3Default ¶
func NewPutscalingStackV3Default(code int) *PutscalingStackV3Default
NewPutscalingStackV3Default creates a PutscalingStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*PutscalingStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the putscaling stack v3 default response
func (*PutscalingStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Default) Error() string
type PutscalingStackV3Params ¶
type PutscalingStackV3Params struct { /*Body*/ Body *models_cloudbreak.StackScaleRequestV2 /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutscalingStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the putscaling stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewPutscalingStackV3Params ¶
func NewPutscalingStackV3Params() *PutscalingStackV3Params
NewPutscalingStackV3Params creates a new PutscalingStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutscalingStackV3Params
NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new PutscalingStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutscalingStackV3Params
NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PutscalingStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutscalingStackV3Params
NewPutscalingStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new PutscalingStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) SetBody ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackScaleRequestV2)
SetBody adds the body to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) WithBody ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.StackScaleRequestV2) *PutscalingStackV3Params
WithBody adds the body to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutscalingStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutscalingStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutscalingStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutscalingStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutscalingStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the putscaling stack v3 params
func (*PutscalingStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PutscalingStackV3Reader ¶
type PutscalingStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutscalingStackV3Reader is a Reader for the PutscalingStackV3 structure.
func (*PutscalingStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PutscalingStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PutstartStackV3Default ¶
type PutstartStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutstartStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewPutstartStackV3Default ¶
func NewPutstartStackV3Default(code int) *PutstartStackV3Default
NewPutstartStackV3Default creates a PutstartStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*PutstartStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the putstart stack v3 default response
func (*PutstartStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Default) Error() string
type PutstartStackV3Params ¶
type PutstartStackV3Params struct { /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutstartStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the putstart stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewPutstartStackV3Params ¶
func NewPutstartStackV3Params() *PutstartStackV3Params
NewPutstartStackV3Params creates a new PutstartStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstartStackV3Params
NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new PutstartStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstartStackV3Params
NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PutstartStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstartStackV3Params
NewPutstartStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new PutstartStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstartStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstartStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutstartStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstartStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutstartStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the putstart stack v3 params
func (*PutstartStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PutstartStackV3Reader ¶
type PutstartStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutstartStackV3Reader is a Reader for the PutstartStackV3 structure.
func (*PutstartStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PutstartStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PutstopStackV3Default ¶
type PutstopStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutstopStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewPutstopStackV3Default ¶
func NewPutstopStackV3Default(code int) *PutstopStackV3Default
NewPutstopStackV3Default creates a PutstopStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*PutstopStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the putstop stack v3 default response
func (*PutstopStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Default) Error() string
type PutstopStackV3Params ¶
type PutstopStackV3Params struct { /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutstopStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the putstop stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewPutstopStackV3Params ¶
func NewPutstopStackV3Params() *PutstopStackV3Params
NewPutstopStackV3Params creates a new PutstopStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstopStackV3Params
NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new PutstopStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstopStackV3Params
NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PutstopStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstopStackV3Params
NewPutstopStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new PutstopStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutstopStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutstopStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutstopStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutstopStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutstopStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the putstop stack v3 params
func (*PutstopStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PutstopStackV3Reader ¶
type PutstopStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutstopStackV3Reader is a Reader for the PutstopStackV3 structure.
func (*PutstopStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PutstopStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type PutsyncStackV3Default ¶
type PutsyncStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutsyncStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewPutsyncStackV3Default ¶
func NewPutsyncStackV3Default(code int) *PutsyncStackV3Default
NewPutsyncStackV3Default creates a PutsyncStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*PutsyncStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the putsync stack v3 default response
func (*PutsyncStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Default) Error() string
type PutsyncStackV3Params ¶
type PutsyncStackV3Params struct { /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PutsyncStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the putsync stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewPutsyncStackV3Params ¶
func NewPutsyncStackV3Params() *PutsyncStackV3Params
NewPutsyncStackV3Params creates a new PutsyncStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutsyncStackV3Params
NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new PutsyncStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutsyncStackV3Params
NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new PutsyncStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutsyncStackV3Params
NewPutsyncStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new PutsyncStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PutsyncStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *PutsyncStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *PutsyncStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *PutsyncStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *PutsyncStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the putsync stack v3 params
func (*PutsyncStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type PutsyncStackV3Reader ¶
type PutsyncStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PutsyncStackV3Reader is a Reader for the PutsyncStackV3 structure.
func (*PutsyncStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *PutsyncStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type RepairClusterV3Default ¶
type RepairClusterV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RepairClusterV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewRepairClusterV3Default ¶
func NewRepairClusterV3Default(code int) *RepairClusterV3Default
NewRepairClusterV3Default creates a RepairClusterV3Default with default headers values
func (*RepairClusterV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the repair cluster v3 default response
func (*RepairClusterV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Default) Error() string
type RepairClusterV3Params ¶
type RepairClusterV3Params struct { /*Body*/ Body *models_cloudbreak.ClusterRepairRequest /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RepairClusterV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the repair cluster v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewRepairClusterV3Params ¶
func NewRepairClusterV3Params() *RepairClusterV3Params
NewRepairClusterV3Params creates a new RepairClusterV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RepairClusterV3Params
NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithContext creates a new RepairClusterV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RepairClusterV3Params
NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new RepairClusterV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RepairClusterV3Params
NewRepairClusterV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new RepairClusterV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) SetBody ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ClusterRepairRequest)
SetBody adds the body to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) WithBody ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithBody(body *models_cloudbreak.ClusterRepairRequest) *RepairClusterV3Params
WithBody adds the body to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RepairClusterV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RepairClusterV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithName(name string) *RepairClusterV3Params
WithName adds the name to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RepairClusterV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *RepairClusterV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the repair cluster v3 params
func (*RepairClusterV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type RepairClusterV3Reader ¶
type RepairClusterV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RepairClusterV3Reader is a Reader for the RepairClusterV3 structure.
func (*RepairClusterV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *RepairClusterV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type RetryStackV3Default ¶
type RetryStackV3Default struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RetryStackV3Default handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewRetryStackV3Default ¶
func NewRetryStackV3Default(code int) *RetryStackV3Default
NewRetryStackV3Default creates a RetryStackV3Default with default headers values
func (*RetryStackV3Default) Code ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Default) Code() int
Code gets the status code for the retry stack v3 default response
func (*RetryStackV3Default) Error ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Default) Error() string
type RetryStackV3Params ¶
type RetryStackV3Params struct { /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RetryStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the retry stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewRetryStackV3Params ¶
func NewRetryStackV3Params() *RetryStackV3Params
NewRetryStackV3Params creates a new RetryStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *RetryStackV3Params
NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new RetryStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RetryStackV3Params
NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new RetryStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RetryStackV3Params
NewRetryStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new RetryStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*RetryStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RetryStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *RetryStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *RetryStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *RetryStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *RetryStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the retry stack v3 params
func (*RetryStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type RetryStackV3Reader ¶
type RetryStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RetryStackV3Reader is a Reader for the RetryStackV3 structure.
func (*RetryStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *RetryStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
type StatusStackV3OK ¶
type StatusStackV3OK struct {
Payload StatusStackV3OKBody
StatusStackV3OK handles this case with default header values.
successful operation
func NewStatusStackV3OK ¶
func NewStatusStackV3OK() *StatusStackV3OK
NewStatusStackV3OK creates a StatusStackV3OK with default headers values
func (*StatusStackV3OK) Error ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3OK) Error() string
type StatusStackV3OKBody ¶
type StatusStackV3OKBody map[string]interface{}
func (StatusStackV3OKBody) Validate ¶
func (o StatusStackV3OKBody) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
Validate validates this status stack v3 o k body
type StatusStackV3Params ¶
type StatusStackV3Params struct { /*Name*/ Name string /*WorkspaceID*/ WorkspaceID int64 Context context.Context HTTPClient *http.Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StatusStackV3Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the status stack v3 operation typically these are written to a http.Request
func NewStatusStackV3Params ¶
func NewStatusStackV3Params() *StatusStackV3Params
NewStatusStackV3Params creates a new StatusStackV3Params object with the default values initialized.
func NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithContext ¶
func NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *StatusStackV3Params
NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithContext creates a new StatusStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient ¶
func NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StatusStackV3Params
NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new StatusStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithTimeout ¶
func NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StatusStackV3Params
NewStatusStackV3ParamsWithTimeout creates a new StatusStackV3Params object with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func (*StatusStackV3Params) SetContext ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetContext(ctx context.Context)
SetContext adds the context to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client)
SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) SetName ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetName(name string)
SetName adds the name to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) SetTimeout ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout adds the timeout to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) SetWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64)
SetWorkspaceID adds the workspaceId to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) WithContext ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *StatusStackV3Params
WithContext adds the context to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *StatusStackV3Params
WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) WithName ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithName(name string) *StatusStackV3Params
WithName adds the name to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) WithTimeout ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *StatusStackV3Params
WithTimeout adds the timeout to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WithWorkspaceID(workspaceID int64) *StatusStackV3Params
WithWorkspaceID adds the workspaceID to the status stack v3 params
func (*StatusStackV3Params) WriteToRequest ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Params) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error
WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
type StatusStackV3Reader ¶
type StatusStackV3Reader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StatusStackV3Reader is a Reader for the StatusStackV3 structure.
func (*StatusStackV3Reader) ReadResponse ¶
func (o *StatusStackV3Reader) ReadResponse(response runtime.ClientResponse, consumer runtime.Consumer) (interface{}, error)
ReadResponse reads a server response into the received o.
Source Files
- change_image_v3_parameters.go
- change_image_v3_responses.go
- create_stack_in_workspace_parameters.go
- create_stack_in_workspace_responses.go
- delete_cluster_with_kerberos_v3_parameters.go
- delete_cluster_with_kerberos_v3_responses.go
- delete_instance_stack_v3_parameters.go
- delete_instance_stack_v3_responses.go
- delete_stack_in_workspace_parameters.go
- delete_stack_in_workspace_responses.go
- get_stack_in_workspace_parameters.go
- get_stack_in_workspace_responses.go
- get_stack_request_from_name_v3_parameters.go
- get_stack_request_from_name_v3_responses.go
- list_stacks_by_workspace_parameters.go
- list_stacks_by_workspace_responses.go
- post_stack_for_blueprint_v3_parameters.go
- post_stack_for_blueprint_v3_responses.go
- putpassword_stack_v3_parameters.go
- putpassword_stack_v3_responses.go
- putreinstall_stack_v3_parameters.go
- putreinstall_stack_v3_responses.go
- putscaling_stack_v3_parameters.go
- putscaling_stack_v3_responses.go
- putstart_stack_v3_parameters.go
- putstart_stack_v3_responses.go
- putstop_stack_v3_parameters.go
- putstop_stack_v3_responses.go
- putsync_stack_v3_parameters.go
- putsync_stack_v3_responses.go
- repair_cluster_v3_parameters.go
- repair_cluster_v3_responses.go
- retry_stack_v3_parameters.go
- retry_stack_v3_responses.go
- status_stack_v3_parameters.go
- status_stack_v3_responses.go
- v3_workspace_id_stacks_client.go