WARNING: This driver is beta and should not be used in performance critical applications
DISCLAIMER: This is not an officially supported Google product
GCP Compute Persistent Disk CSI Driver
The GCP Compute Persistent Disk CSI Driver is a
Specification compliant driver used by Container Orchestrators to manage the
lifecycle of Google Compute Engine Persistent Disks.
Project Status
Status: Beta
Latest stable image: gcr.io/gke-release/gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver:v0.3.0-gke.0
Test Status
Kubernetes Integration
CSI Compatibility
This plugin is compatible with CSI versions v1.0.0
Kubernetes Compatibility
GCE PD CSI Driver\Kubernetes Version |
1.10.5 - 1.11 |
1.12 |
1.13+ |
v0.1.0.alpha |
yes |
no |
no |
v0.2.0 (alpha) |
no |
yes |
no |
v0.3.0 (beta) |
no |
no |
yes |
dev |
no |
no |
yes |
Known Issues
See Github Issues
Plugin Features
CreateVolume Parameters
Parameter |
Values |
Default |
Description |
"type" |
pd-ssd OR pd-standard |
pd-standard |
Type allows you to choose between standard Persistent Disks or Solid State Drive Persistent Disks |
"replication-type" |
none OR regional-pd |
none |
Replication type allows you to choose between standard zonal Persistent Disks or highly available Regional Persistent Disks |
Future Features
See Github Issues
This driver supports only one topology key:
that represents availability by zone.
Kubernetes User Guide
Install Driver
- [One-time per project] Create GCP service account for the CSI driver and set required roles
$ PROJECT=your-project-here # GCP project
$ GCE_PD_SA_NAME=my-gce-pd-csi-sa # Name of the service account to create
$ GCE_PD_SA_DIR=/my/safe/credentials/directory # Directory to save the service account key
$ ./deploy/setup-project.sh
- Deploy driver to Kubernetes Cluster
$ GCE_PD_SA_DIR=/my/safe/credentials/directory # Directory to get the service account key
$ GCE_PD_DRIVER_VERSION=stable # Driver version to deploy
$ ./deploy/kubernetes/deploy-driver.sh
Zonal Example
- Create example Zonal Storage Class
$ kubectl apply -f ./examples/kubernetes/demo-zonal-sc.yaml
- Create example PVC and Pod
$ kubectl apply -f ./examples/kubernetes/demo-pod.yaml
- Verify PV is created and bound to PVC
$ kubectl get pvc
podpvc Bound pvc-e36abf50-84f3-11e8-8538-42010a800002 10Gi RWO csi-gce-pd 9s
- Verify pod is created and in
state (it may take a few minutes to get to running state)
$ kubectl get pods
web-server 1/1 Running 0 1m
Snapshot Example
Please note that VolumeSnapshot is currently alpha feature. In order to enable this feature, please install CSI driver with
dev version by setting the environment variable "GCE_PD_DRIVER_VERSION=dev"
- Create example Default Snapshot Class
$ kubectl create -f ./examples/kubernetes/demo-defaultsnapshotclass.yaml
- Create a snapshot of the PVC created in above example
$ kubectl create -f ./examples/kubernetes/demo-snapshot.yaml
- Verify Snapshot is created and is ready to use
$ k get volumesnapshots demo-snapshot-podpvc -o yaml
apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: VolumeSnapshot
creationTimestamp: 2018-10-05T16:59:26Z
generation: 1
name: demo-snapshot-podpvc
namespace: default
creationTime: 2018-10-05T16:59:27Z
ready: true
restoreSize: 6Gi
- Create a new volume from the snapshot
$ kubectl create -f ./examples/kubernetes/demo-restore-snapshot.yaml
Kubernetes Development
To build and install a development version of the driver:
$ GCE_PD_CSI_STAGING_IMAGE=gcr.io/path/to/driver/image:dev # Location to push dev image to
$ make push-container
# Modify controller.yaml and node.yaml in ./deploy/kubernetes/dev to use dev image
$ ./deploy/kubernetes/deploy-driver.sh
To bring down driver:
$ ./deploy/kubernetes/delete-driver.sh
Running E2E Tests:
$ PROJECT=my-project # GCP Project to run tests in
$ IAM_NAME=my-iam@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com # Existing IAM Account with GCE PD CSI Driver Permissions
$ ./test/run-e2e-local.sh
Running Sanity Tests:
$ ./test/run-sanity.sh
Running Unit Tests:
$ ./test/run-unit.sh
Dependency Management
Use dep
$ dep ensure
To modify dependencies or versions change ./Gopkg.toml