Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddPartOfLabel(s *appv1.Subscription, m map[string]string) map[string]string
- func AllowApplyTemplate(localClient client.Client, template *unstructured.Unstructured) bool
- func Base64StringDecode(encodedStr string) string
- func CheckPackageOverride(ov *appv1.Overrides) error
- func CloneGitRepo(cloneOptions *GitCloneOption) (commitID string, err error)
- func CompareManifestWork(oldManifestWork, newManifestWork *manifestWorkV1.ManifestWork) bool
- func ConvertLabels(labelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector) (labels.Selector, error)
- func CreateClusterManagementAddon(clt client.Client)
- func CreateFailedAppsubReportResult(client client.Client, cluster string, appsubNs, appsubName, statusMsg string) error
- func CreateHelmCRManifest(repoURL string, packageName string, chartVersions repo.ChartVersions, ...) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
- func CreateOrUpdateHelmChart(packageName string, releaseCRName string, chartVersions repo.ChartVersions, ...) (helmRelease *releasev1.HelmRelease, err error)
- func DeleteHelmReleaseCRD(runtimeClient client.Client, crdx *clientsetx.Clientset)
- func DeleteReferredObjects(clt client.Client, rq types.NamespacedName, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error
- func DeleteSubscriptionCRD(runtimeClient client.Client, crdx *clientsetx.Clientset)
- func DetectPlacementDecision(ctx context.Context, clReader client.Reader, clt client.Client)
- func EnterFnString() string
- func ExitFuString(s string)
- func FetchChannelReferences(clt client.Client, chn chnv1.Channel) (sec *corev1.Secret, cm *corev1.ConfigMap)
- func FilterCharts(sub *appv1.Subscription, indexFile *repo.IndexFile) error
- func FilterOutTimeRelatedFields(in *appv1.Subscription) *appv1.Subscription
- func GenerateHelmIndexFile(sub *appv1.Subscription, repoRoot string, chartDirs map[string]string) (*repo.IndexFile, error)
- func GenerateServerCerts(dir string) error
- func GetAllowDenyLists(subscription appv1.Subscription) (map[string]map[string]string, map[string]map[string]string)
- func GetChannelConfigMap(client client.Client, chn *chnv1.Channel) *corev1.ConfigMap
- func GetChannelSecret(client client.Client, chn *chnv1.Channel) (string, string, []byte, []byte, []byte, []byte, error)
- func GetCheckSum(kubeconfigfile string) ([32]byte, error)
- func GetClientConfigFromKubeConfig(kubeconfigFile string) (*rest.Config, error)
- func GetComponentNamespace() (string, error)
- func GetFnName() string
- func GetHostSubscriptionFromObject(obj metav1.Object) *types.NamespacedName
- func GetKubeIgnore(resourcePath string) *gitignore.GitIgnore
- func GetLatestCommitID(url, branch string, clt ...*github.Client) (string, error)
- func GetLocalGitFolder(sub *appv1.Subscription) string
- func GetPackageAlias(sub *appv1.Subscription, packageName string) string
- func GetPauseLabel(instance *appv1.Subscription) bool
- func GetReconcileInterval(reconcileRate, chType string) (time.Duration, time.Duration, int)
- func GetReconcileRate(chnAnnotations, subAnnotations map[string]string) string
- func GetReleaseName(base string) (string, error)
- func GetSubscriptionBranch(sub *appv1.Subscription) plumbing.ReferenceName
- func GetSubscriptionBranchRef(b string) plumbing.ReferenceName
- func GetTestGitRepoURLFromEnvVar() string
- func IsClusterAdmin(client client.Client, sub *appv1.Subscription, eventRecorder *EventRecorder) bool
- func IsEqualSubScriptionStatus(o, n *appv1.SubscriptionStatus) bool
- func IsGitChannel(chType string) bool
- func IsHostingAppsub(appsub *appv1.Subscription) bool
- func IsHub(config *rest.Config) bool
- func IsHubRelatedStatusChanged(old, nnew *appv1.SubscriptionStatus) bool
- func IsInWindow(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) bool
- func IsReadyManagedClusterView(clReader client.Reader) bool
- func IsReadyPlacementDecision(clReader client.Reader) bool
- func IsResourceAllowed(resource unstructured.Unstructured, allowlist map[string]map[string]string, ...) bool
- func IsResourceDenied(resource unstructured.Unstructured, denyList map[string]map[string]string, ...) bool
- func IsSubscriptionBasicChanged(o, n *appv1.Subscription) bool
- func IsSubscriptionBeDeleted(clt client.Client, subKey types.NamespacedName) bool
- func IsSubscriptionResourceChanged(oSub, nSub *appv1.Subscription) bool
- func IsURL(str string) bool
- func KeywordsChecker(labelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector, ks []string) bool
- func KubeResourceParser(file []byte, cond Kube) [][]byte
- func LabelChecker(ls *metav1.LabelSelector, dplls map[string]string) bool
- func LabelsChecker(labelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector, ls map[string]string) bool
- func ListAndDeployReferredObject(clt client.Client, instance *appv1.Subscription, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, ...) error
- func MatchLabelForSubAndDpl(ls *metav1.LabelSelector, dplls map[string]string) bool
- func NamespacedNameFormat(str string) types.NamespacedName
- func NextStartPoint(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) time.Duration
- func NextStatusReconcile(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) time.Duration
- func Override(helmRelease *releasev1.HelmRelease, sub *appv1.Subscription) error
- func OverrideKustomize(pov appv1.PackageOverride, kustomizeDir string) error
- func OverrideResourceBySubscription(template *unstructured.Unstructured, pkgName string, ...) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
- func OverrideTemplate(template *unstructured.Unstructured, overrides []appsubv1.ClusterOverride) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
- func ParseAPIVersion(apiVersion string) (string, string)
- func ParseChannelSecret(secret *corev1.Secret) (string, string, []byte, []byte, []byte, []byte, error)
- func ParseKubeResoures(file []byte) [][]byte
- func ParseNamespacedName(namespacedName string) (string, string)
- func ParseYAML(fileContent []byte) []string
- func PkgToReleaseCRName(sub *appv1.Subscription, packageName string) (string, error)
- func PrepareOverrides(cluster types.NamespacedName, appsub *appsubv1.Subscription) ([]appsubv1.ClusterOverride, error)
- func RemoveSubAnnotations(obj *unstructured.Unstructured) *unstructured.Unstructured
- func RemoveSubOwnerRef(obj *unstructured.Unstructured) *unstructured.Unstructured
- func RunKustomizeBuild(kustomizeDir string) ([]byte, error)
- func SetInClusterPackageStatus(substatus *appv1.SubscriptionStatus, pkgname string, pkgerr error, ...) error
- func SetPartOfLabel(s *appv1.Subscription, rsc *unstructured.Unstructured)
- func SkipHooksOnManaged(resourcePath, curPath string) bool
- func SortResources(repoRoot, resourcePath string, skips ...SkipFunc) (map[string]string, map[string]string, []string, []string, []string, error)
- func UnifyTimeZone(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) time.Time
- func UpdateLastUpdateTime(clt client.Client, instance *appv1.Subscription)
- func ValidateK8sLabel(s string) string
- func VerifyAndOverrideKustomize(packageOverrides []*appv1.Overrides, relativePath, kustomizeDir string)
- type ChannelConnectionCfg
- type EventRecorder
- type GitCloneOption
- type Kube
- type KubeResource
- type SkipFunc
Constants ¶
const ( // UserID is key of GitHub user ID in secret UserID = "user" // AccessToken is key of GitHub user password or personal token in secret AccessToken = "accessToken" // SSHKey is use to connect to the channel via SSH SSHKey = "sshKey" // Passphrase is used to open the SSH key Passphrase = "passphrase" // ClientKey is a client private key for connecting to a Git server ClientKey = "clientKey" // ClientCert is a client certificate for connecting to a Git server ClientCert = "clientCert" Error = " err: " )
const (
//MIDNIGHT define the midnight format
MIDNIGHT = "12:00AM"
const NoiseLogLel = 5
NoiseLogLel - information inside "important functions"
const QuiteLogLel = 4
QuiteLogLel - "important" information
const VeryNoisy = 10
VeryNoisy = show call stack, routine and everything
Variables ¶
var AppSubSummaryPredicateFunc = predicate.Funcs{ UpdateFunc: func(e event.UpdateEvent) bool { klog.Info("UpdateFunc oldlabels:", e.ObjectOld.GetLabels()) var clusterLabel string _, oldOK := e.ObjectOld.GetLabels()[""] clusterLabel, newOK := e.ObjectNew.GetLabels()[""] if !oldOK || !newOK || clusterLabel == "" { klog.V(1).Infof("Not a managed cluster appSubPackageStatus updated, old: %v/%v, new: %v/%v", e.ObjectOld.GetNamespace(), e.ObjectOld.GetName(), e.ObjectNew.GetNamespace(), e.ObjectNew.GetName()) return false } oldAppSubSummary, ok := e.ObjectOld.(*appsubReportV1alpha1.SubscriptionReport) if !ok { klog.V(1).Infof("Not a valid managed cluster appSubPackageStatus, old: %v/%v", e.ObjectOld.GetNamespace(), e.ObjectOld.GetName()) return false } newAppSubSummary, ok := e.ObjectNew.(*appsubReportV1alpha1.SubscriptionReport) if !ok { klog.V(1).Infof("Not a valid managed cluster appSubPackageStatus, new: %v/%v", e.ObjectNew.GetNamespace(), e.ObjectNew.GetName()) return false } return !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(oldAppSubSummary, newAppSubSummary) }, CreateFunc: func(e event.CreateEvent) bool { klog.Info("CreateFunc oldlabels:", e.Object.GetLabels()) var clusterLabel string clusterLabel, ok := e.Object.GetLabels()[""] if !ok || clusterLabel == "" { klog.V(1).Infof("Not a managed cluster appSubPackageStatus created: %v/%v", e.Object.GetNamespace(), e.Object.GetName()) return false } klog.V(1).Infof("New managed cluster appSubPackageStatus created: %v/%v", e.Object.GetNamespace(), e.Object.GetName()) return true }, DeleteFunc: func(e event.DeleteEvent) bool { klog.Info("DeleteFunc oldlabels:", e.Object.GetLabels()) var clusterLabel string clusterLabel, ok := e.Object.GetLabels()[""] if !ok || clusterLabel == "" { klog.V(1).Infof("Not a managed cluster appSubPackageStatus deleted: %v/%v", e.Object.GetNamespace(), e.Object.GetName()) return false } klog.Infof("managed cluster appSubPackageStatus deleted: %v/%v", e.Object.GetNamespace(), e.Object.GetName()) return true }, }
var ChannelPredicateFunctions = predicate.Funcs{ UpdateFunc: func(e event.UpdateEvent) bool { newChn := e.ObjectNew.(*chnv1.Channel) oldChn := e.ObjectOld.(*chnv1.Channel) oldAnnotations := oldChn.GetAnnotations() newAnnotations := newChn.GetAnnotations() if !reflect.DeepEqual(oldAnnotations, newAnnotations) { return true } return !reflect.DeepEqual(newChn.Spec, oldChn.Spec) }, CreateFunc: func(e event.CreateEvent) bool { return true }, DeleteFunc: func(e event.DeleteEvent) bool { return true }, }
ChannelPredicateFunctions filters channel spec update
var ConfigMapKindStr = "ConfigMap"
var PlacementDecisionPredicateFunctions = predicate.Funcs{ UpdateFunc: func(e event.UpdateEvent) bool { newPd := e.ObjectNew.(*clusterapi.PlacementDecision) oldPd := e.ObjectOld.(*clusterapi.PlacementDecision) return !reflect.DeepEqual(newPd.Status.Decisions, oldPd.Status.Decisions) }, CreateFunc: func(e event.CreateEvent) bool { return true }, DeleteFunc: func(e event.DeleteEvent) bool { return true }, }
PlacementDecisionPredicateFunctions filters PlacementDecision status decisions update
var SecretKindStr = "Secret"
var SercertReferredMarker = "IsReferredBySub-"
SercertReferredMarker is used as a label key to filter out the secert coming from reference
var ServiceAccountPredicateFunctions = predicate.Funcs{ UpdateFunc: func(e event.UpdateEvent) bool { newSA := e.ObjectNew.(*corev1.ServiceAccount) if strings.EqualFold(newSA.Namespace, addonServiceAccountNamespace) && strings.EqualFold(newSA.Name, addonServiceAccountName) { return true } return false }, CreateFunc: func(e event.CreateEvent) bool { sa := e.Object.(*corev1.ServiceAccount) if strings.EqualFold(sa.Namespace, addonServiceAccountNamespace) && strings.EqualFold(sa.Name, addonServiceAccountName) { return true } return false }, DeleteFunc: func(e event.DeleteEvent) bool { sa := e.Object.(*corev1.ServiceAccount) if strings.EqualFold(sa.Namespace, addonServiceAccountNamespace) && strings.EqualFold(sa.Name, addonServiceAccountName) { return true } return false }, }
ServiceAccountPredicateFunctions watches for changes in klusterlet-addon-appmgr service account in open-cluster-management-agent-addon namespace
var SubscriptionGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Kind: "Subscription", Version: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version}
var SubscriptionPredicateFunctions = predicate.Funcs{ UpdateFunc: func(e event.UpdateEvent) bool { subOld := e.ObjectOld.(*appv1.Subscription) subNew := e.ObjectNew.(*appv1.Subscription) return IsSubscriptionResourceChanged(subOld, subNew) }, }
SubscriptionPredicateFunctions filters status update
Functions ¶
func AddPartOfLabel ¶
func AllowApplyTemplate ¶
func AllowApplyTemplate(localClient client.Client, template *unstructured.Unstructured) bool
AllowApplyTemplate check if the template is allowed to apply based on its hosting subscription pause label return false if the hosting subscription is paused.
func Base64StringDecode ¶ added in v0.5.0
func CheckPackageOverride ¶
func CloneGitRepo ¶
func CloneGitRepo(cloneOptions *GitCloneOption) (commitID string, err error)
CloneGitRepo clones a GitHub repository
func CompareManifestWork ¶ added in v0.5.0
func CompareManifestWork(oldManifestWork, newManifestWork *manifestWorkV1.ManifestWork) bool
CompareManifestWork compare two manifestWorks and return true if they are equal.
func ConvertLabels ¶
func ConvertLabels(labelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector) (labels.Selector, error)
ConvertLabels coverts label selector to lables.Selector
func CreateClusterManagementAddon ¶ added in v0.7.0
func CreateFailedAppsubReportResult ¶ added in v0.5.0
func CreateFailedAppsubReportResult(client client.Client, cluster string, appsubNs, appsubName, statusMsg string) error
Create PropagatioFailed result in cluster appsubReport in the managed cluster namespace
func CreateHelmCRManifest ¶ added in v0.5.0
func CreateHelmCRManifest( repoURL string, packageName string, chartVersions repo.ChartVersions, client client.Client, channel *chnv1.Channel, secondaryChannel *chnv1.Channel, sub *appv1.Subscription, clusterAdmin bool) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
func CreateOrUpdateHelmChart ¶
func CreateOrUpdateHelmChart( packageName string, releaseCRName string, chartVersions repo.ChartVersions, client client.Client, channel *chnv1.Channel, secondaryChannel *chnv1.Channel, sub *appv1.Subscription) (helmRelease *releasev1.HelmRelease, err error)
func DeleteHelmReleaseCRD ¶
func DeleteHelmReleaseCRD(runtimeClient client.Client, crdx *clientsetx.Clientset)
DeleteHelmReleaseCRD deletes the HelmRelease CRD
func DeleteReferredObjects ¶ added in v0.5.0
func DeleteReferredObjects(clt client.Client, rq types.NamespacedName, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error
func DeleteSubscriptionCRD ¶
func DeleteSubscriptionCRD(runtimeClient client.Client, crdx *clientsetx.Clientset)
DeleteSubscriptionCRD deletes the Subscription CRD
func DetectPlacementDecision ¶ added in v0.6.0
DetectPlacementDecision - Detect the Placement Decision API every 10 seconds. the controller will be exited when it is ready The controller will be auto restarted by the multicluster-operators-application deployment CR later.
func FetchChannelReferences ¶ added in v0.5.0
func FetchChannelReferences(clt client.Client, chn chnv1.Channel) (sec *corev1.Secret, cm *corev1.ConfigMap)
FetchChannelReferences best-effort to return the channel secret and configmap if they exist
func FilterCharts ¶
func FilterCharts(sub *appv1.Subscription, indexFile *repo.IndexFile) error
FilterCharts filters the indexFile by name, version, digest
func FilterOutTimeRelatedFields ¶
func FilterOutTimeRelatedFields(in *appv1.Subscription) *appv1.Subscription
the input object shouldn't be changed at all
func GenerateHelmIndexFile ¶
func GenerateHelmIndexFile(sub *appv1.Subscription, repoRoot string, chartDirs map[string]string) (*repo.IndexFile, error)
GenerateHelmIndexFile generate helm repo index file
func GenerateServerCerts ¶
func GetAllowDenyLists ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetAllowDenyLists(subscription appv1.Subscription) (map[string]map[string]string, map[string]map[string]string)
GetAllowDenyLists returns subscription's allow and deny lists as maps. It returns empty map if there is no list.
func GetChannelConfigMap ¶
GetDataFromChannelConfigMap returns username and password for channel
func GetChannelSecret ¶
func GetChannelSecret(client client.Client, chn *chnv1.Channel) (string, string, []byte, []byte, []byte, []byte, error)
GetChannelSecret returns username and password for channel
func GetCheckSum ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetCheckSum generates a checksum of a kube config file
func GetClientConfigFromKubeConfig ¶ added in v0.7.0
func GetComponentNamespace ¶
func GetHostSubscriptionFromObject ¶
func GetHostSubscriptionFromObject(obj metav1.Object) *types.NamespacedName
GetHostSubscriptionFromObject extract the namespacedname of subscription hosting the object resource
func GetKubeIgnore ¶
GetKubeIgnore get .kubernetesignore list
func GetLatestCommitID ¶
func GetLocalGitFolder ¶
func GetLocalGitFolder(sub *appv1.Subscription) string
GetLocalGitFolder returns the local Git repo clone directory
func GetPackageAlias ¶
func GetPackageAlias(sub *appv1.Subscription, packageName string) string
func GetPauseLabel ¶
func GetPauseLabel(instance *appv1.Subscription) bool
GetPauseLabel check if the subscription-pause label exists
func GetReconcileInterval ¶
GetReconcileInterval determines reconcile loop interval based on reconcileRate setting
func GetReconcileRate ¶
GetReconcileRate determines reconcile rate based on channel annotations
func GetReleaseName ¶
GetReleaseName alters the given name in a deterministic way if the length exceed the maximum character
func GetSubscriptionBranch ¶
func GetSubscriptionBranch(sub *appv1.Subscription) plumbing.ReferenceName
GetSubscriptionBranch returns GitHub repo branch for a given subscription
func GetSubscriptionBranchRef ¶
func GetSubscriptionBranchRef(b string) plumbing.ReferenceName
func GetTestGitRepoURLFromEnvVar ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetTestGitRepoURLFromEnvVar() string
func IsClusterAdmin ¶
func IsClusterAdmin(client client.Client, sub *appv1.Subscription, eventRecorder *EventRecorder) bool
func IsEqualSubScriptionStatus ¶
func IsEqualSubScriptionStatus(o, n *appv1.SubscriptionStatus) bool
func IsGitChannel ¶
IsGitChannel returns true if channel type is github or git
func IsHostingAppsub ¶ added in v0.5.0
func IsHostingAppsub(appsub *appv1.Subscription) bool
IsHostingAppsub return true if contains hosting annotation
func IsHubRelatedStatusChanged ¶
func IsHubRelatedStatusChanged(old, nnew *appv1.SubscriptionStatus) bool
func IsInWindow ¶
func IsInWindow(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) bool
IsInWindow returns true if the give time is within a timewindow
func IsReadyManagedClusterView ¶ added in v0.7.0
IsReadyManagedClusterView check if managed cluster view API is ready or not.
func IsReadyPlacementDecision ¶ added in v0.6.0
IsReadyPlacementDecision check if Placement Decision API is ready or not.
func IsResourceAllowed ¶ added in v0.5.0
func IsResourceAllowed(resource unstructured.Unstructured, allowlist map[string]map[string]string, isAdmin bool) bool
IsResourceAllowed checks if the resource is on application subscription's allow list. The allow list is used only if the subscription is created by subscription-admin user.
func IsResourceDenied ¶ added in v0.5.0
func IsResourceDenied(resource unstructured.Unstructured, denyList map[string]map[string]string, isAdmin bool) bool
IsResourceDenied checks if the resource is on application subscription's deny list. The deny list is used only if the subscription is created by subscription-admin user.
func IsSubscriptionBasicChanged ¶
func IsSubscriptionBasicChanged(o, n *appv1.Subscription) bool
func IsSubscriptionBeDeleted ¶
func IsSubscriptionBeDeleted(clt client.Client, subKey types.NamespacedName) bool
func IsSubscriptionResourceChanged ¶
func IsSubscriptionResourceChanged(oSub, nSub *appv1.Subscription) bool
func KeywordsChecker ¶
func KeywordsChecker(labelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector, ks []string) bool
KeywordsChecker Checks if the helm chart has at least 1 keyword from the packageFilter.Keywords array
func KubeResourceParser ¶
func LabelChecker ¶
func LabelChecker(ls *metav1.LabelSelector, dplls map[string]string) bool
func LabelsChecker ¶
func LabelsChecker(labelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector, ls map[string]string) bool
LabelsChecker checks labels against a labelSelector
func ListAndDeployReferredObject ¶ added in v0.5.0
func ListAndDeployReferredObject(clt client.Client, instance *appv1.Subscription, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, refObj referredObject) error
ListAndDeployReferredObject handles the create/update reconciler request the idea is, first it will try to get the referred secret from the subscription namespace if it can't find it, //it could be it's a brand new secret request or it's trying to use a differenet one. // to address these, we will try to list the sercert within the subscription namespace with the subscription label. // if we are seeing these secret, we will delete the label of the reconciled subscription. /// then we will create a new secret and label it if we can find a secret at the subscription namespace, it means there must be some other subscription is using it. In this case, we will just add an extra label to it
func MatchLabelForSubAndDpl ¶
func MatchLabelForSubAndDpl(ls *metav1.LabelSelector, dplls map[string]string) bool
func NamespacedNameFormat ¶
func NamespacedNameFormat(str string) types.NamespacedName
func NextStartPoint ¶
func NextStartPoint(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) time.Duration
NextStartPoint will map the container's time to the location time specified by user then it will handle the window type as will the hour ange and daysofweek for hour range and daysofweek, it will handle as the following if hour range is empty and weekday is empty then retrun 0 if hour range is empty and weekday is not then return nextday durtion(here the window type will be considered again)
func NextStatusReconcile ¶
func NextStatusReconcile(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) time.Duration
NextStatusReconcile generate a duartion for the reconcile to requeue after
func Override ¶
func Override(helmRelease *releasev1.HelmRelease, sub *appv1.Subscription) error
func OverrideKustomize ¶
func OverrideKustomize(pov appv1.PackageOverride, kustomizeDir string) error
func OverrideResourceBySubscription ¶
func OverrideResourceBySubscription(template *unstructured.Unstructured, pkgName string, instance *appv1.Subscription) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
OverrideResourceBySubscription alter the given template with overrides
func OverrideTemplate ¶
func OverrideTemplate(template *unstructured.Unstructured, overrides []appsubv1.ClusterOverride) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
OverrideTemplate alter the given template with overrides.
func ParseAPIVersion ¶ added in v0.5.0
ParseAPIVersion return group and version from a given apiVersion string
func ParseChannelSecret ¶
func ParseKubeResoures ¶
ParseKubeResoures parses a YAML content and returns kube resources in byte array from the file
func ParseNamespacedName ¶ added in v0.5.0
ParseNamespacedName return namespace and name from a given "namespace/name" string
func PkgToReleaseCRName ¶
func PkgToReleaseCRName(sub *appv1.Subscription, packageName string) (string, error)
func PrepareOverrides ¶
func PrepareOverrides(cluster types.NamespacedName, appsub *appsubv1.Subscription) ([]appsubv1.ClusterOverride, error)
PrepareOverrides returns the overridemap for given subscription instance.
func RemoveSubAnnotations ¶
func RemoveSubAnnotations(obj *unstructured.Unstructured) *unstructured.Unstructured
RemoveSubAnnotations removes RHACM specific annotations from subscription
func RemoveSubOwnerRef ¶
func RemoveSubOwnerRef(obj *unstructured.Unstructured) *unstructured.Unstructured
RemoveSubOwnerRef removes RHACM specific owner reference from subscription
func RunKustomizeBuild ¶
RunKustomizeBuild runs kustomize build and returns the build output
func SetInClusterPackageStatus ¶
func SetInClusterPackageStatus(substatus *appv1.SubscriptionStatus, pkgname string, pkgerr error, status interface{}) error
SetInClusterPackageStatus creates status strcuture and fill status
func SetPartOfLabel ¶
func SetPartOfLabel(s *appv1.Subscription, rsc *unstructured.Unstructured)
func SkipHooksOnManaged ¶
func SortResources ¶
func SortResources(repoRoot, resourcePath string, skips ...SkipFunc) (map[string]string, map[string]string, []string, []string, []string, error)
SortResources sorts kube resources into different arrays for processing them later.
func UnifyTimeZone ¶
func UnifyTimeZone(tw *appv1alpha1.TimeWindow, t time.Time) time.Time
UnifyTimeZone convert a given time to the timewindow time zone, if the time window doesn't sepcifiy a time zone, then the running machine's time zone will be used
func UpdateLastUpdateTime ¶ added in v0.7.0
func UpdateLastUpdateTime(clt client.Client, instance *appv1.Subscription)
func ValidateK8sLabel ¶
ValidateK8sLabel returns a valid k8s label string by enforcing k8s label values rules as below
- Must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.' No need to check this as the input string is the host name of the k8s api url
- Must be no more than 63 characters
- Must start and end with an alphanumeric character
Types ¶
type ChannelConnectionCfg ¶ added in v0.5.0
type EventRecorder ¶
type EventRecorder struct {
EventRecorder - record kubernetes event
func NewEventRecorder ¶
func NewEventRecorder(cfg *rest.Config, scheme *apiruntime.Scheme) (*EventRecorder, error)
NewEventRecorder - create new event recorder from rect config
func (*EventRecorder) RecordEvent ¶
func (rec *EventRecorder) RecordEvent(obj apiruntime.Object, reason, msg string, err error)
RecordEvent - record kuberentes event
type GitCloneOption ¶
type GitCloneOption struct { CommitHash string RevisionTag string Branch plumbing.ReferenceName DestDir string CloneDepth int PrimaryConnectionOption *ChannelConnectionCfg SecondaryConnectionOption *ChannelConnectionCfg }
type Kube ¶
type Kube func(KubeResource) bool
type KubeResource ¶
type KubeResource struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KKubeResource export the kuKubeResource for other package