flaky-test-reporter is a tool that identifies flaky tests by retrospectively
analyzing continuous flows, tracks flaky tests with Github issues, and sends
summary of flaky tests to Slack channels.
Basic Usage
Flags for this tool are:
specifies the path of file containing Github token for
Github API calls.
specifies the path of file containing Slack token for Slack
web API calls.
skips all Github/Slack activities. This is used for the purpose
of data collection.
enables dry-run mode.
How To Debug/Verify Changes
For debugging purpose it's highly recommended to start with --dry-run
flag, by
passing this flag it will only read information from GCS/Github, and all the
writes of Github/Slack resources are omitted.
- Google Credentials. Make sure you have configured your gcloud SDK by running
google application-default login
Github token
: Create a github token by visiting
, click Generate new token
and select at
least repo:status
and public_repo
permissions before generate the token.
Save generated token in a file securely on your system.
Debug Command
IMPORTANT: Please DO pass in --dry-run for debugging purpose, as it's good enough for debugging majority of the cases.
Command for debugging:
go run tools/flaky-test-reporter \
--github-account "[PATH_OF_GITHUB_TOKEN]" --dry-run
Prow Jobs
: triggers this tool at 4:00/5:00AM(Day light
saving) everyday, which does Github/Slack reporting.
: runs every hour, does only data
collection part by passing --skip-report
flag, the data it collected can be
used like
Criteria for a test to be considered flaky/passed
This tool scans latest 10 runs. A test is considered flaky if it failed in some
but not all runs. For a test to be considered pass, it has to pass in all runs.
Exceptions are test being ignored or omitted, these may be results of bad runs
or test being omitted for any reason, which is tolerized for up to 2 runs. For
example, if a test passed 8 times and skipped/omitted 2 times, it's still
considered pass.
Logics for Github issue to be created/closed/reopened
See diagram below

Github Issue deduplication
Efficient deduplication is crucial for the sustainability of this tool, and this
can be achieved by associate issue with test by unique identifiers. There are 2
identifiers associated with each flaky issue:
label. This tool adds this label when creating issues, and only
manages issues with this label
section in
issue body. Issue with auto:flaky
label but not this identifier is
considered abnormal and this tool will stop at information collection phase.
Minimize Noise
Too many flaky tests identified
When there are too many tests found to be flaky, most likely something abnormal
is going on, and we don't want to create Github issues for all of them, or list
all of them in Slack notifications. There are thresholds defined in
, if the flaky rate went over a threshold there
will be only 1 Github issue created, and Slack notification will not list all
flaky tests.
Github issue updates
This tool runs everyday, and leaves comments on existing issues everyday, to
avoid flooding the issue with comments, all histories are written into the first
comment by prepending it in a collapsible format, like example below:
PLACEHOLDER for contents of latest results
>Click to see older results