Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package framework contains provider-independent helper code for building and running E2E tests with Ginkgo. The actual Ginkgo test suites gets assembled by combining this framework, the optional provider support code and specific tests via a separate .go file like Kubernetes' test/e2e.go.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, labelKey, labelValue string)
- func AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint v1.Taint)
- func AfterReadingAllFlags(t *TestContextType)
- func AfterSuiteActions()
- func AllNodesReady(c clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration) error
- func AssertCleanup(ns string, selectors ...string)
- func BlockNetwork(from string, to string)
- func CheckTestingNSDeletedExcept(c clientset.Interface, skip string) error
- func Cleanup(filePath, ns string, selectors ...string)
- func CleanupSuite()
- func ConformanceIt(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool
- func CoreDump(dir string)
- func CreateEmptyFileOnPod(namespace string, podName string, filePath string) error
- func CreateManagedInstanceGroup(size int64, zone, template string) error
- func CreatePrivilegedPSPBinding(kubeClient clientset.Interface, namespace string)
- func CreateTestingNS(baseName string, c clientset.Interface, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
- func DeleteManagedInstanceGroup(zone string) error
- func DeleteNamespaces(c clientset.Interface, deleteFilter, skipFilter []string) ([]string, error)
- func DeleteRCAndWaitForGC(c clientset.Interface, ns, name string) error
- func DeleteResourceAndWaitForGC(c clientset.Interface, kind schema.GroupKind, ns, name string) error
- func DescribeIng(ns string)
- func DsFromManifest(url string) (*appsv1.DaemonSet, error)
- func DumpAllNamespaceInfo(c clientset.Interface, namespace string)
- func DumpDebugInfo(c clientset.Interface, ns string)
- func DumpNodeDebugInfo(c clientset.Interface, nodeNames []string, ...)
- func EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted(ip, portRange string) error
- func EtcdUpgrade(targetStorage, targetVersion string) error
- func ExpectEqual(actual interface{}, extra interface{}, explain ...interface{})
- func ExpectError(err error, explain ...interface{})
- func ExpectNoError(err error, explain ...interface{})
- func ExpectNoErrorWithOffset(offset int, err error, explain ...interface{})
- func ExpectNodeHasLabel(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, labelKey string, labelValue string)
- func ExpectNodeHasTaint(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint *v1.Taint)
- func ExpectNotEqual(actual interface{}, extra interface{}, explain ...interface{})
- func Fail(msg string, callerSkip
- func Failf(format string, args ...interface{})
- func FailfWithOffset(offset int, format string, args ...interface{})
- func GatherCPUProfile(componentName string, profileBaseName string, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
- func GatherCPUProfileForSeconds(componentName string, profileBaseName string, seconds int, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
- func GatherMemoryProfile(componentName string, profileBaseName string, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
- func GetAllMasterAddresses(c clientset.Interface) []string
- func GetClusterZones(c clientset.Interface) (sets.String, error)
- func GetFileModeRegex(filePath string, mask *int32) string
- func GetGroupNodes(group string) ([]string, error)
- func GetKubemarkMasterComponentsResourceUsage() map[string]*KubemarkResourceUsage
- func GetManagedInstanceGroupTemplateName(zone string) (string, error)
- func GetMasterHost() string
- func GetPodSecretUpdateTimeout(c clientset.Interface) time.Duration
- func GetProviders() []string
- func GroupSize(group string) (int, error)
- func IsAppArmorSupported() bool
- func IsPodSecurityPolicyEnabled(kubeClient clientset.Interface) bool
- func KubeDescribe(text string, body func()) bool
- func KubectlCmd(args ...string) *exec.Cmd
- func LoadClientset() (*clientset.Clientset, error)
- func LoadConfig() (config *restclient.Config, err error)
- func LogClusterImageSources()
- func LogFailedContainers(c clientset.Interface, ns string, ...)
- func Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
- func LookForString(expectedString string, timeout time.Duration, fn func() string) (result string, err error)
- func LookForStringInLog(ns, podName, container, expectedString string, timeout time.Duration) (result string, err error)
- func LookForStringInPodExec(ns, podName string, command []string, expectedString string, ...) (result string, err error)
- func MasterOSDistroIs(supportedMasterOsDistros ...string) bool
- func MasterUpgrade(v string) error
- func MasterUpgradeGCEWithKubeProxyDaemonSet(v string, enableKubeProxyDaemonSet bool) error
- func NodeHasTaint(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint *v1.Taint) (bool, error)
- func NodeOSDistroIs(supportedNodeOsDistros ...string) bool
- func NodeUpgrade(f *Framework, v string, img string) error
- func NodeUpgradeGCEWithKubeProxyDaemonSet(f *Framework, v string, img string, enableKubeProxyDaemonSet bool) error
- func OpenWebSocketForURL(url *url.URL, config *restclient.Config, protocols []string) (*websocket.Conn, error)
- func PreconfiguredRuntimeClassHandler() string
- func PrettyPrintJSON(metrics interface{}) string
- func ProviderIs(providers ...string) bool
- func PrunedStack(skip int) string
- func RandomSuffix() string
- func RcByNameContainer(name string, replicas int32, image string, labels map[string]string, ...) *v1.ReplicationController
- func RegisterClusterFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet)
- func RegisterCommonFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet)
- func RegisterProvider(name string, factory Factory)
- func RemoveCleanupAction(p CleanupActionHandle)
- func RemoveLabelOffNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, labelKey string)
- func RemoveTaintOffNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, taint v1.Taint)
- func ResizeGroup(group string, size int32) error
- func RestartApiserver(cs clientset.Interface) error
- func RestartControllerManager() error
- func RestartKubelet(host string) error
- func RunCleanupActions()
- func RunCmd(command string, args ...string) (string, string, error)
- func RunCmdEnv(env []string, command string, args ...string) (string, string, error)
- func RunHostCmd(ns, name, cmd string) (string, error)
- func RunHostCmdOrDie(ns, name, cmd string) string
- func RunHostCmdWithRetries(ns, name, cmd string, interval, timeout time.Duration) (string, error)
- func RunIfContainerRuntimeIs(runtimes ...string)
- func RunIfSystemSpecNameIs(names ...string)
- func RunKubectl(args ...string) (string, error)
- func RunKubectlInput(data string, args ...string) (string, error)
- func RunKubectlOrDie(args ...string) string
- func RunKubectlOrDieInput(data string, args ...string) string
- func RunKubemciCmd(args ...string) (string, error)
- func RunKubemciWithKubeconfig(args ...string) (string, error)
- func RunRC(config testutils.RCConfig) error
- func ScaleRC(clientset clientset.Interface, scalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter, ...) error
- func ScaleResource(clientset clientset.Interface, scalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter, ...) error
- func SkipIfAppArmorNotSupported()
- func SkipIfMissingResource(dynamicClient dynamic.Interface, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, ...)
- func SkipIfMultizone(c clientset.Interface)
- func SkipIfNodeOSDistroIs(unsupportedNodeOsDistros ...string)
- func SkipIfProviderIs(unsupportedProviders ...string)
- func SkipUnlessAtLeast(value int, minValue int, message string)
- func SkipUnlessLocalEphemeralStorageEnabled()
- func SkipUnlessMasterOSDistroIs(supportedMasterOsDistros ...string)
- func SkipUnlessMultizone(c clientset.Interface)
- func SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtLeast(minNodeCount int)
- func SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtMost(maxNodeCount int)
- func SkipUnlessNodeOSDistroIs(supportedNodeOsDistros ...string)
- func SkipUnlessProviderIs(supportedProviders ...string)
- func SkipUnlessSSHKeyPresent()
- func SkipUnlessServerVersionGTE(v *utilversion.Version, c discovery.ServerVersionInterface)
- func Skipf(format string, args ...interface{})
- func StartCPUProfileGatherer(componentName string, profileBaseName string, interval time.Duration) chan struct{}
- func StartCmdAndStreamOutput(cmd *exec.Cmd) (stdout, stderr io.ReadCloser, err error)
- func TryKill(cmd *exec.Cmd)
- func UnblockNetwork(from string, to string)
- func WaitForAllNodesSchedulable(c clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration) error
- func WaitForControllerManagerUp() error
- func WaitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace(c clientset.Interface, namespace string) error
- func WaitForGroupSize(group string, size int32) error
- func WaitForNamespacesDeleted(c clientset.Interface, namespaces []string, timeout time.Duration) error
- func WaitForPersistentVolumeDeleted(c clientset.Interface, pvName string, Poll, timeout time.Duration) error
- func WaitForService(c clientset.Interface, namespace, name string, exist bool, ...) error
- func WaitForServiceEndpointsNum(c clientset.Interface, namespace, serviceName string, expectNum int, ...) error
- type CleanupActionHandle
- type ClientConfigGetter
- type CloudConfig
- type ClusterVerification
- type ContainerResourceGatherer
- type ContainerResourceUsage
- type CreateTestingNSFn
- type E2ETestNodePreparer
- type EventsLister
- type ExecOptions
- type Factory
- type FlakeReport
- type Framework
- func (f *Framework) AddNamespacesToDelete(namespaces ...*v1.Namespace)
- func (f *Framework) AfterEach()
- func (f *Framework) BeforeEach()
- func (f *Framework) CheckFileSizeViaContainer(podName, containerName, path string) (string, error)
- func (f *Framework) CreateNamespace(baseName string, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
- func (f *Framework) CreatePodsPerNodeForSimpleApp(appName string, podSpec func(n v1.Node) v1.PodSpec, maxCount int) map[string]string
- func (f *Framework) CreateServiceForSimpleApp(contPort, svcPort int, appName string) *v1.Service
- func (f *Framework) CreateServiceForSimpleAppWithPods(contPort int, svcPort int, appName string, podSpec func(n v1.Node) v1.PodSpec, ...) (*v1.Service, error)
- func (f *Framework) ExecCommandInContainer(podName, containerName string, cmd ...string) string
- func (f *Framework) ExecCommandInContainerWithFullOutput(podName, containerName string, cmd ...string) (string, string, error)
- func (f *Framework) ExecShellInContainer(podName, containerName string, cmd string) string
- func (f *Framework) ExecShellInPod(podName string, cmd string) string
- func (f *Framework) ExecShellInPodWithFullOutput(podName string, cmd string) (string, string, error)
- func (f *Framework) ExecWithOptions(options ExecOptions) (string, string, error)
- func (f *Framework) MatchContainerOutput(pod *v1.Pod, containerName string, expectedOutput []string, ...) error
- func (f *Framework) NewAgnhostPod(name string, args ...string) *v1.Pod
- func (f *Framework) NewClusterVerification(namespace *v1.Namespace, filter PodStateVerification) *ClusterVerification
- func (f *Framework) NewTestPod(name string, requests v1.ResourceList, limits v1.ResourceList) *v1.Pod
- func (f *Framework) PodClient() *PodClient
- func (f *Framework) PodClientNS(namespace string) *PodClient
- func (f *Framework) ReadFileViaContainer(podName, containerName string, path string) (string, error)
- func (f *Framework) RecordFlakeIfError(err error, optionalDescription ...interface{})
- func (f *Framework) TestContainerOutput(scenarioName string, pod *v1.Pod, containerIndex int, expectedOutput []string)
- func (f *Framework) TestContainerOutputRegexp(scenarioName string, pod *v1.Pod, containerIndex int, expectedOutput []string)
- func (f *Framework) WaitForPodNoLongerRunning(podName string) error
- func (f *Framework) WaitForPodNotFound(podName string, timeout time.Duration) error
- func (f *Framework) WaitForPodReady(podName string) error
- func (f *Framework) WaitForPodRunning(podName string) error
- func (f *Framework) WaitForPodRunningSlow(podName string) error
- func (f *Framework) WaitForPodTerminated(podName, reason string) error
- func (f *Framework) WriteFileViaContainer(podName, containerName string, path string, contents string) error
- type KubeCluster
- type KubeConfig
- type KubeUser
- type KubectlBuilder
- func (b KubectlBuilder) Exec() (string, error)
- func (b KubectlBuilder) ExecOrDie() string
- func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithEnv(env []string) *KubectlBuilder
- func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinData(data string) *KubectlBuilder
- func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinReader(reader io.Reader) *KubectlBuilder
- func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithTimeout(t <-chan time.Time) *KubectlBuilder
- type KubemarkResourceUsage
- type LogSizeDataTimeseries
- type LogSizeGatherer
- type LogsSizeData
- type LogsSizeDataSummary
- type LogsSizeVerifier
- type NodeKiller
- type NodeKillerConfig
- type NodeTestContextType
- type NodesSet
- type NullProvider
- func (n NullProvider) CleanupServiceResources(c clientset.Interface, loadBalancerName, region, zone string)
- func (n NullProvider) CreatePD(zone string) (string, error)
- func (n NullProvider) CreatePVSource(zone, diskName string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeSource, error)
- func (n NullProvider) DeleteNode(node *v1.Node) error
- func (n NullProvider) DeletePD(pdName string) error
- func (n NullProvider) DeletePVSource(pvSource *v1.PersistentVolumeSource) error
- func (n NullProvider) EnableAndDisableInternalLB() (enable, disable func(svc *v1.Service))
- func (n NullProvider) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted(ip, portRange string) error
- func (n NullProvider) FrameworkAfterEach(f *Framework)
- func (n NullProvider) FrameworkBeforeEach(f *Framework)
- func (n NullProvider) GetGroupNodes(group string) ([]string, error)
- func (n NullProvider) GroupSize(group string) (int, error)
- func (n NullProvider) LoadBalancerSrcRanges() []string
- func (n NullProvider) ResizeGroup(string, int32) error
- type Options
- type PodClient
- func (c *PodClient) Create(pod *v1.Pod) *v1.Pod
- func (c *PodClient) CreateBatch(pods []*v1.Pod) []*v1.Pod
- func (c *PodClient) CreateSync(pod *v1.Pod) *v1.Pod
- func (c *PodClient) CreateSyncInNamespace(pod *v1.Pod, namespace string) *v1.Pod
- func (c *PodClient) DeleteSync(name string, options *metav1.DeleteOptions, timeout time.Duration)
- func (c *PodClient) DeleteSyncInNamespace(name string, namespace string, options *metav1.DeleteOptions, ...)
- func (c *PodClient) MatchContainerOutput(name string, containerName string, expectedRegexp string) error
- func (c *PodClient) PodIsReady(name string) bool
- func (c *PodClient) Update(name string, updateFn func(pod *v1.Pod))
- func (c *PodClient) WaitForErrorEventOrSuccess(pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Event, error)
- func (c *PodClient) WaitForFailure(name string, timeout time.Duration)
- func (c *PodClient) WaitForFinish(name string, timeout time.Duration)
- func (c *PodClient) WaitForSuccess(name string, timeout time.Duration)
- type PodStateVerification
- type ProviderInterface
- type ResourceConstraint
- type ResourceGathererOptions
- type ResourceUsagePerContainer
- type ResourceUsageSummary
- type SingleContainerSummary
- type SingleLogSummary
- type TestContextType
- type TestDataSummary
- type TimestampedSize
- type WorkItem
Constants ¶
const ( // PodListTimeout is how long to wait for the pod to be listable. PodListTimeout = time.Minute // PodStartTimeout is how long to wait for the pod to be started. // Initial pod start can be delayed O(minutes) by slow docker pulls. // TODO: Make this 30 seconds once #4566 is resolved. PodStartTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // PodStartShortTimeout is same as `PodStartTimeout` to wait for the pod to be started, but shorter. // Use it case by case when we are sure pod start will not be delayed. // minutes by slow docker pulls or something else. PodStartShortTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // PodDeleteTimeout is how long to wait for a pod to be deleted. PodDeleteTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // PodGetTimeout is how long to wait for a pod to be got. PodGetTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // PodEventTimeout is how much we wait for a pod event to occur. PodEventTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // NamespaceCleanupTimeout is how long to wait for the namespace to be deleted. // If there are any orphaned namespaces to clean up, this test is running // on a long lived cluster. A long wait here is preferably to spurious test // failures caused by leaked resources from a previous test run. NamespaceCleanupTimeout = 15 * time.Minute // ServiceStartTimeout is how long to wait for a service endpoint to be resolvable. ServiceStartTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // Poll is how often to Poll pods, nodes and claims. Poll = 2 * time.Second // PollShortTimeout is the short timeout value in polling. PollShortTimeout = 1 * time.Minute // ServiceAccountProvisionTimeout is how long to wait for a service account to be provisioned. // service accounts are provisioned after namespace creation // a service account is required to support pod creation in a namespace as part of admission control ServiceAccountProvisionTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // SingleCallTimeout is how long to try single API calls (like 'get' or 'list'). Used to prevent // transient failures from failing tests. // TODO: client should not apply this timeout to Watch calls. Increased from 30s until that is fixed. SingleCallTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // NodeReadyInitialTimeout is how long nodes have to be "ready" when a test begins. They should already // be "ready" before the test starts, so this is small. NodeReadyInitialTimeout = 20 * time.Second // PodReadyBeforeTimeout is how long pods have to be "ready" when a test begins. PodReadyBeforeTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // ClaimProvisionShortTimeout is same as `ClaimProvisionTimeout` to wait for claim to be dynamically provisioned, but shorter. // Use it case by case when we are sure this timeout is enough. ClaimProvisionShortTimeout = 1 * time.Minute // ClaimDeletingTimeout is How long claims have to become deleted. ClaimDeletingTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // RecreateNodeReadyAgainTimeout is how long a node is allowed to become "Ready" after it is recreated before // the test is considered failed. RecreateNodeReadyAgainTimeout = 10 * time.Minute // RestartNodeReadyAgainTimeout is how long a node is allowed to become "Ready" after it is restarted before // the test is considered failed. RestartNodeReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // RestartPodReadyAgainTimeout is how long a pod is allowed to become "running" and "ready" after a node // restart before test is considered failed. RestartPodReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // SnapshotCreateTimeout is how long for snapshot to create snapshotContent. SnapshotCreateTimeout = 5 * time.Minute )
const (
// DefaultCPUProfileSeconds is default value for how long the CPU profile is gathered for.
DefaultCPUProfileSeconds = 30
const ( // DefaultNamespaceDeletionTimeout is timeout duration for waiting for a namespace deletion. DefaultNamespaceDeletionTimeout = 5 * time.Minute )
const (
// DefaultNumNodes is the number of nodes. If not specified, then number of nodes is auto-detected
DefaultNumNodes = -1
const DefaultPodDeletionTimeout = 3 * time.Minute
DefaultPodDeletionTimeout is the default timeout for deleting pod
const NoCPUConstraint = math.MaxFloat64
NoCPUConstraint is the number of constraint for CPU.
Variables ¶
var ( // ClaimProvisionTimeout is how long claims have to become dynamically provisioned. ClaimProvisionTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // BusyBoxImage is the image URI of BusyBox. BusyBoxImage = imageutils.GetE2EImage(imageutils.BusyBox) // AgnHostImage is the image URI of AgnHost AgnHostImage = imageutils.GetE2EImage(imageutils.Agnhost) // ProvidersWithSSH are those providers where each node is accessible with SSH ProvidersWithSSH = []string{"gce", "gke", "aws", "local"} // ServeHostnameImage is a serve hostname image name. ServeHostnameImage = imageutils.GetE2EImage(imageutils.Agnhost) )
var AppArmorDistros = []string{"gci", "ubuntu"}
AppArmorDistros are distros with AppArmor support
var ImageWhiteList sets.String
ImageWhiteList is the images used in the current test suite. It should be initialized in test suite and the images in the white list should be pre-pulled in the test suite. Currently, this is only used by node e2e test.
var RunID = uuid.NewUUID()
RunID is a unique identifier of the e2e run. Beware that this ID is not the same for all tests in the e2e run, because each Ginkgo node creates it separately.
Functions ¶
func AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode ¶ added in v1.4.0
AddOrUpdateLabelOnNode adds the given label key and value to the given node or updates value.
func AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode ¶ added in v1.4.0
AddOrUpdateTaintOnNode adds the given taint to the given node or updates taint.
func AfterReadingAllFlags ¶ added in v1.7.0
func AfterReadingAllFlags(t *TestContextType)
AfterReadingAllFlags makes changes to the context after all flags have been read.
func AfterSuiteActions ¶ added in v1.16.0
func AfterSuiteActions()
AfterSuiteActions are actions that are run on ginkgo's SynchronizedAfterSuite
func AllNodesReady ¶
AllNodesReady checks whether all registered nodes are ready. TODO: we should change the AllNodesReady call in AfterEach to WaitForAllNodesHealthy, and figure out how to do it in a configurable way, as we can't expect all setups to run default test add-ons.
func AssertCleanup ¶
AssertCleanup asserts that cleanup of a namespace wrt selectors occurred.
func BlockNetwork ¶
BlockNetwork blocks network between the given from value and the given to value. The following helper functions can block/unblock network from source host to destination host by manipulating iptable rules. This function assumes it can ssh to the source host.
Caution: Recommend to input IP instead of hostnames. Using hostnames will cause iptables to do a DNS lookup to resolve the name to an IP address, which will slow down the test and cause it to fail if DNS is absent or broken.
Suggested usage pattern:
func foo() { ... defer UnblockNetwork(from, to) BlockNetwork(from, to) ... }
func CheckTestingNSDeletedExcept ¶
CheckTestingNSDeletedExcept checks whether all e2e based existing namespaces are in the Terminating state and waits until they are finally deleted. It ignores namespace skip.
func Cleanup ¶
Cleanup stops everything from filePath from namespace ns and checks if everything matching selectors from the given namespace is correctly stopped.
func CleanupSuite ¶ added in v1.16.0
func CleanupSuite()
CleanupSuite is the boilerplate that can be used after tests on ginkgo were run, on the SynchronizedAfterSuite step. Similar to SynchronizedBeforeSuite, we want to run some operations only once (such as collecting cluster logs). Here, the order of functions is reversed; first, the function which runs everywhere, and then the function that only runs on the first Ginkgo node.
func ConformanceIt ¶ added in v1.9.0
ConformanceIt is wrapper function for ginkgo It. Adds "[Conformance]" tag and makes static analysis easier.
func CoreDump ¶
func CoreDump(dir string)
CoreDump SSHs to the master and all nodes and dumps their logs into dir. It shells out to cluster/log-dump/ to accomplish this.
func CreateEmptyFileOnPod ¶ added in v1.7.0
CreateEmptyFileOnPod creates empty file at given path on the pod. TODO(alejandrox1): move to subpkg pod once kubectl methods have been refactored.
func CreateManagedInstanceGroup ¶ added in v1.10.0
CreateManagedInstanceGroup creates a Compute Engine managed instance group.
func CreatePrivilegedPSPBinding ¶ added in v1.8.3
CreatePrivilegedPSPBinding creates the privileged PSP & role
func CreateTestingNS ¶
func CreateTestingNS(baseName string, c clientset.Interface, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
CreateTestingNS should be used by every test, note that we append a common prefix to the provided test name. Please see NewFramework instead of using this directly.
func DeleteManagedInstanceGroup ¶ added in v1.10.0
DeleteManagedInstanceGroup deletes Google Compute Engine managed instance group.
func DeleteNamespaces ¶
DeleteNamespaces deletes all namespaces that match the given delete and skip filters. Filter is by simple strings.Contains; first skip filter, then delete filter. Returns the list of deleted namespaces or an error.
func DeleteRCAndWaitForGC ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeleteRCAndWaitForGC deletes only the Replication Controller and waits for GC to delete the pods.
func DeleteResourceAndWaitForGC ¶ added in v1.6.0
func DeleteResourceAndWaitForGC(c clientset.Interface, kind schema.GroupKind, ns, name string) error
DeleteResourceAndWaitForGC deletes only given resource and waits for GC to delete the pods.
func DescribeIng ¶ added in v1.6.0
func DescribeIng(ns string)
DescribeIng describes information of ingress by running kubectl describe ing.
func DsFromManifest ¶ added in v1.8.1
DsFromManifest reads a .json/yaml file and returns the daemonset in it.
func DumpAllNamespaceInfo ¶
DumpAllNamespaceInfo dumps events, pods and nodes information in the given namespace.
func DumpDebugInfo ¶ added in v1.8.0
DumpDebugInfo dumps debug info of tests.
func DumpNodeDebugInfo ¶
func DumpNodeDebugInfo(c clientset.Interface, nodeNames []string, logFunc func(fmt string, args ...interface{}))
DumpNodeDebugInfo dumps debug information of the given nodes.
func EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted ¶
EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted ensures that cloud load balancer resources that were created are actually cleaned up. Currently only implemented for GCE/GKE.
func EtcdUpgrade ¶ added in v1.5.4
EtcdUpgrade upgrades etcd on GCE.
func ExpectEqual ¶ added in v1.16.0
func ExpectEqual(actual interface{}, extra interface{}, explain ...interface{})
ExpectEqual expects the specified two are the same, otherwise an exception raises
func ExpectError ¶ added in v1.15.0
func ExpectError(err error, explain ...interface{})
ExpectError expects an error happens, otherwise an exception raises
func ExpectNoError ¶
func ExpectNoError(err error, explain ...interface{})
ExpectNoError checks if "err" is set, and if so, fails assertion while logging the error.
func ExpectNoErrorWithOffset ¶ added in v1.7.0
ExpectNoErrorWithOffset checks if "err" is set, and if so, fails assertion while logging the error at "offset" levels above its caller (for example, for call chain f -> g -> ExpectNoErrorWithOffset(1, ...) error would be logged for "f").
func ExpectNodeHasLabel ¶ added in v1.4.0
ExpectNodeHasLabel expects that the given node has the given label pair.
func ExpectNodeHasTaint ¶ added in v1.4.0
ExpectNodeHasTaint expects that the node has the given taint.
func ExpectNotEqual ¶ added in v1.16.0
func ExpectNotEqual(actual interface{}, extra interface{}, explain ...interface{})
ExpectNotEqual expects the specified two are not the same, otherwise an exception raises
func Fail ¶ added in v1.17.0
Fail is a replacement for ginkgo.Fail which logs the problem as it occurs together with a stack trace and then calls ginkgowrapper.Fail.
func Failf ¶
func Failf(format string, args ...interface{})
Failf logs the fail info, including a stack trace.
func FailfWithOffset ¶ added in v1.7.0
FailfWithOffset calls "Fail" and logs the error with a stack trace that starts at "offset" levels above its caller (for example, for call chain f -> g -> FailfWithOffset(1, ...) error would be logged for "f").
func GatherCPUProfile ¶ added in v1.12.0
GatherCPUProfile gathers CPU profile.
func GatherCPUProfileForSeconds ¶ added in v1.12.0
func GatherCPUProfileForSeconds(componentName string, profileBaseName string, seconds int, wg *sync.WaitGroup)
GatherCPUProfileForSeconds gathers CPU profile for specified seconds.
func GatherMemoryProfile ¶ added in v1.12.0
GatherMemoryProfile gathers memory profile.
func GetAllMasterAddresses ¶ added in v1.13.0
GetAllMasterAddresses returns all IP addresses on which the kubelet can reach the master. It may return internal and external IPs, even if we expect for e.g. internal IPs to be used (issue #56787), so that we can be sure to block the master fully during tests.
func GetClusterZones ¶ added in v1.7.16
GetClusterZones returns the values of zone label collected from all nodes.
func GetFileModeRegex ¶ added in v1.14.0
GetFileModeRegex returns a file mode related regex which should be matched by the mounttest pods' output. If the given mask is nil, then the regex will contain the default OS file modes, which are 0644 for Linux and 0775 for Windows.
func GetGroupNodes ¶ added in v1.7.0
GetGroupNodes returns a node name for the specified node group
func GetKubemarkMasterComponentsResourceUsage ¶ added in v1.6.0
func GetKubemarkMasterComponentsResourceUsage() map[string]*KubemarkResourceUsage
GetKubemarkMasterComponentsResourceUsage returns the resource usage of kubemark which contains multiple combinations of cpu and memory usage for each pod name. TODO: figure out how to move this to kubemark directory (need to factor test SSH out of e2e framework)
func GetManagedInstanceGroupTemplateName ¶ added in v1.11.0
GetManagedInstanceGroupTemplateName returns the list of Google Compute Engine managed instance groups.
func GetPodSecretUpdateTimeout ¶ added in v1.8.0
GetPodSecretUpdateTimeout reuturns the timeout duration for updating pod secret.
func GetProviders ¶ added in v1.14.0
func GetProviders() []string
GetProviders returns the names of all currently registered providers.
func IsAppArmorSupported ¶ added in v1.17.0
func IsAppArmorSupported() bool
IsAppArmorSupported checks whether the AppArmor is supported by the node OS distro.
func IsPodSecurityPolicyEnabled ¶ added in v1.8.3
IsPodSecurityPolicyEnabled returns true if PodSecurityPolicy is enabled. Otherwise false.
func KubeDescribe ¶
KubeDescribe is wrapper function for ginkgo describe. Adds namespacing. TODO: Support type safe tagging as well
func KubectlCmd ¶
KubectlCmd runs the kubectl executable through the wrapper script.
func LoadClientset ¶ added in v1.5.0
LoadClientset returns clientset for connecting to kubernetes clusters.
func LoadConfig ¶
func LoadConfig() (config *restclient.Config, err error)
LoadConfig returns a config for a rest client with the UserAgent set to include the current test name.
func LogClusterImageSources ¶ added in v1.5.8
func LogClusterImageSources()
LogClusterImageSources writes out cluster image sources.
func LogFailedContainers ¶
func LogFailedContainers(c clientset.Interface, ns string, logFunc func(ftm string, args ...interface{}))
LogFailedContainers runs `kubectl logs` on a failed containers.
func LookForString ¶
func LookForString(expectedString string, timeout time.Duration, fn func() string) (result string, err error)
LookForString looks for the given string in the output of fn, repeatedly calling fn until the timeout is reached or the string is found. Returns last log and possibly error if the string was not found. TODO(alejandrox1): move to pod/ subpkg once kubectl methods are refactored.
func LookForStringInLog ¶
func LookForStringInLog(ns, podName, container, expectedString string, timeout time.Duration) (result string, err error)
LookForStringInLog looks for the given string in the log of a specific pod container
func LookForStringInPodExec ¶
func LookForStringInPodExec(ns, podName string, command []string, expectedString string, timeout time.Duration) (result string, err error)
LookForStringInPodExec looks for the given string in the output of a command executed in a specific pod container. TODO(alejandrox1): move to pod/ subpkg once kubectl methods are refactored.
func MasterOSDistroIs ¶ added in v1.8.0
MasterOSDistroIs returns true if the master OS distro is included in the supportedMasterOsDistros. Otherwise false.
func MasterUpgrade ¶
MasterUpgrade upgrades master node on GCE/GKE.
func MasterUpgradeGCEWithKubeProxyDaemonSet ¶ added in v1.8.0
MasterUpgradeGCEWithKubeProxyDaemonSet upgrades master node on GCE with enabling/disabling the daemon set of kube-proxy. TODO(mrhohn): Remove this function when kube-proxy is run as a DaemonSet by default.
func NodeHasTaint ¶ added in v1.6.0
NodeHasTaint returns true if the node has the given taint, else returns false.
func NodeOSDistroIs ¶ added in v1.6.0
NodeOSDistroIs returns true if the node OS distro is included in the supportedNodeOsDistros. Otherwise false.
func NodeUpgrade ¶
NodeUpgrade upgrades nodes on GCE/GKE.
func NodeUpgradeGCEWithKubeProxyDaemonSet ¶ added in v1.8.0
func NodeUpgradeGCEWithKubeProxyDaemonSet(f *Framework, v string, img string, enableKubeProxyDaemonSet bool) error
NodeUpgradeGCEWithKubeProxyDaemonSet upgrades nodes on GCE with enabling/disabling the daemon set of kube-proxy. TODO(mrhohn): Remove this function when kube-proxy is run as a DaemonSet by default.
func OpenWebSocketForURL ¶
func OpenWebSocketForURL(url *url.URL, config *restclient.Config, protocols []string) (*websocket.Conn, error)
OpenWebSocketForURL constructs a websocket connection to the provided URL, using the client config, with the specified protocols.
func PreconfiguredRuntimeClassHandler ¶ added in v1.16.0
func PreconfiguredRuntimeClassHandler() string
PreconfiguredRuntimeClassHandler returns configured runtime handler.
func PrettyPrintJSON ¶
func PrettyPrintJSON(metrics interface{}) string
PrettyPrintJSON converts metrics to JSON format.
func ProviderIs ¶
ProviderIs returns true if the provider is included is the providers. Otherwise false.
func PrunedStack ¶ added in v1.17.0
PrunedStack is a wrapper around debug.Stack() that removes information about the current goroutine and optionally skips some of the initial stack entries. With skip == 0, the returned stack will start with the caller of PruneStack. From the remaining entries it automatically filters out useless ones like entries coming from Ginkgo.
This is a modified copy of PruneStack in - simplified API and thus renamed (calls debug.Stack() instead of taking a parameter) - source code filtering updated to be specific to Kubernetes
func RandomSuffix ¶ added in v1.14.0
func RandomSuffix() string
RandomSuffix provides a random string to append to pods,services,rcs. TODO: Allow service names to have the same form as names
for pods and replication controllers so we don't need to use such a function and can instead use the UUID utility function.
func RcByNameContainer ¶ added in v1.6.0
func RcByNameContainer(name string, replicas int32, image string, labels map[string]string, c v1.Container, gracePeriod *int64) *v1.ReplicationController
RcByNameContainer returns a ReplicationController with specified name and container
func RegisterClusterFlags ¶ added in v1.4.0
RegisterClusterFlags registers flags specific to the cluster e2e test suite.
func RegisterCommonFlags ¶ added in v1.4.0
RegisterCommonFlags registers flags common to all e2e test suites. The flag set can be flag.CommandLine (if desired) or a custom flag set that then gets passed to viperconfig.ViperizeFlags.
The other Register*Flags methods below can be used to add more test-specific flags. However, those settings then get added regardless whether the test is actually in the test suite.
For tests that have been converted to registering their options themselves, copy flags from test/e2e/framework/config as shown in HandleFlags.
func RegisterProvider ¶ added in v1.13.0
RegisterProvider is expected to be called during application init, typically by an init function in a provider package.
func RemoveCleanupAction ¶
func RemoveCleanupAction(p CleanupActionHandle)
RemoveCleanupAction removes a function that was installed by AddCleanupAction.
func RemoveLabelOffNode ¶ added in v1.4.0
RemoveLabelOffNode is for cleaning up labels temporarily added to node, won't fail if target label doesn't exist or has been removed.
func RemoveTaintOffNode ¶ added in v1.4.0
RemoveTaintOffNode removes the given taint from the given node.
func ResizeGroup ¶ added in v1.7.0
ResizeGroup resizes an instance group
func RestartApiserver ¶
RestartApiserver restarts the kube-apiserver.
func RestartControllerManager ¶ added in v1.8.0
func RestartControllerManager() error
RestartControllerManager restarts the kube-controller-manager.
func RestartKubelet ¶ added in v1.8.0
RestartKubelet restarts kubelet on the given host.
func RunCleanupActions ¶
func RunCleanupActions()
RunCleanupActions runs all functions installed by AddCleanupAction. It does not remove them (see RemoveCleanupAction) but it does run unlocked, so they may remove themselves.
func RunCmd ¶
RunCmd runs cmd using args and returns its stdout and stderr. It also outputs cmd's stdout and stderr to their respective OS streams.
func RunCmdEnv ¶ added in v1.5.4
RunCmdEnv runs cmd with the provided environment and args and returns its stdout and stderr. It also outputs cmd's stdout and stderr to their respective OS streams.
func RunHostCmd ¶
RunHostCmd runs the given cmd in the context of the given pod using `kubectl exec` inside of a shell.
func RunHostCmdOrDie ¶
RunHostCmdOrDie calls RunHostCmd and dies on error.
func RunHostCmdWithRetries ¶ added in v1.7.6
RunHostCmdWithRetries calls RunHostCmd and retries all errors until it succeeds or the specified timeout expires. This can be used with idempotent commands to deflake transient Node issues.
func RunIfContainerRuntimeIs ¶ added in v1.6.8
func RunIfContainerRuntimeIs(runtimes ...string)
RunIfContainerRuntimeIs runs if the container runtime is included in the runtimes.
func RunIfSystemSpecNameIs ¶ added in v1.6.8
func RunIfSystemSpecNameIs(names ...string)
RunIfSystemSpecNameIs runs if the system spec name is included in the names.
func RunKubectl ¶
RunKubectl is a convenience wrapper over kubectlBuilder
func RunKubectlInput ¶ added in v1.14.0
RunKubectlInput is a convenience wrapper over kubectlBuilder that takes input to stdin
func RunKubectlOrDie ¶
RunKubectlOrDie is a convenience wrapper over kubectlBuilder
func RunKubectlOrDieInput ¶
RunKubectlOrDieInput is a convenience wrapper over kubectlBuilder that takes input to stdin
func RunKubemciCmd ¶ added in v1.11.0
RunKubemciCmd is a convenience wrapper over kubectlBuilder to run kubemci. It assumes that kubemci exists in PATH.
func RunKubemciWithKubeconfig ¶ added in v1.11.0
RunKubemciWithKubeconfig is a convenience wrapper over RunKubemciCmd
func RunRC ¶
RunRC Launches (and verifies correctness) of a Replication Controller and will wait for all pods it spawns to become "Running".
func ScaleRC ¶
func ScaleRC(clientset clientset.Interface, scalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter, ns, name string, size uint, wait bool) error
ScaleRC scales Replication Controller to be desired size.
func ScaleResource ¶ added in v1.6.0
func ScaleResource( clientset clientset.Interface, scalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter, ns, name string, size uint, wait bool, kind schema.GroupKind, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, ) error
ScaleResource scales resource to the given size.
func SkipIfAppArmorNotSupported ¶ added in v1.17.0
func SkipIfAppArmorNotSupported()
SkipIfAppArmorNotSupported skips if the AppArmor is not supported by the node OS distro.
func SkipIfMissingResource ¶ added in v1.4.1
func SkipIfMissingResource(dynamicClient dynamic.Interface, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, namespace string)
SkipIfMissingResource skips if the gvr resource is missing.
func SkipIfMultizone ¶ added in v1.7.16
SkipIfMultizone skips if the cluster has multizone.
func SkipIfNodeOSDistroIs ¶ added in v1.16.0
func SkipIfNodeOSDistroIs(unsupportedNodeOsDistros ...string)
SkipIfNodeOSDistroIs skips if the node OS distro is included in the unsupportedNodeOsDistros.
func SkipIfProviderIs ¶
func SkipIfProviderIs(unsupportedProviders ...string)
SkipIfProviderIs skips if the provider is included in the unsupportedProviders.
func SkipUnlessAtLeast ¶
SkipUnlessAtLeast skips if the value is less than the minValue.
func SkipUnlessLocalEphemeralStorageEnabled ¶ added in v1.9.0
func SkipUnlessLocalEphemeralStorageEnabled()
SkipUnlessLocalEphemeralStorageEnabled skips if the LocalStorageCapacityIsolation is not enabled.
func SkipUnlessMasterOSDistroIs ¶ added in v1.8.0
func SkipUnlessMasterOSDistroIs(supportedMasterOsDistros ...string)
SkipUnlessMasterOSDistroIs skips if the master OS distro is not included in the supportedMasterOsDistros.
func SkipUnlessMultizone ¶ added in v1.10.0
SkipUnlessMultizone skips if the cluster does not have multizone.
func SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtLeast ¶
func SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtLeast(minNodeCount int)
SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtLeast skips if the number of nodes is less than the minNodeCount.
func SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtMost ¶ added in v1.6.0
func SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtMost(maxNodeCount int)
SkipUnlessNodeCountIsAtMost skips if the number of nodes is greater than the maxNodeCount.
func SkipUnlessNodeOSDistroIs ¶ added in v1.6.0
func SkipUnlessNodeOSDistroIs(supportedNodeOsDistros ...string)
SkipUnlessNodeOSDistroIs skips if the node OS distro is not included in the supportedNodeOsDistros.
func SkipUnlessProviderIs ¶
func SkipUnlessProviderIs(supportedProviders ...string)
SkipUnlessProviderIs skips if the provider is not included in the supportedProviders.
func SkipUnlessSSHKeyPresent ¶ added in v1.6.4
func SkipUnlessSSHKeyPresent()
SkipUnlessSSHKeyPresent skips if no SSH key is found.
func SkipUnlessServerVersionGTE ¶
func SkipUnlessServerVersionGTE(v *utilversion.Version, c discovery.ServerVersionInterface)
SkipUnlessServerVersionGTE skips if the server version is less than v.
func Skipf ¶
func Skipf(format string, args ...interface{})
Skipf skips with information about why the test is being skipped.
func StartCPUProfileGatherer ¶ added in v1.12.0
func StartCPUProfileGatherer(componentName string, profileBaseName string, interval time.Duration) chan struct{}
StartCPUProfileGatherer performs polling-based gathering of the component's CPU profile. It takes the interval b/w consecutive gatherings as an argument and starts the gathering goroutine. To stop the gatherer, close the returned channel.
func StartCmdAndStreamOutput ¶
func StartCmdAndStreamOutput(cmd *exec.Cmd) (stdout, stderr io.ReadCloser, err error)
StartCmdAndStreamOutput returns stdout and stderr after starting the given cmd.
func TryKill ¶
TryKill is rough equivalent of ctrl+c for cleaning up processes. Intended to be run in defer.
func UnblockNetwork ¶
UnblockNetwork unblocks network between the given from value and the given to value.
func WaitForAllNodesSchedulable ¶
WaitForAllNodesSchedulable waits up to timeout for all (but TestContext.AllowedNotReadyNodes) to become scheduable.
func WaitForControllerManagerUp ¶ added in v1.8.0
func WaitForControllerManagerUp() error
WaitForControllerManagerUp waits for the kube-controller-manager to be up.
func WaitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace ¶
WaitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace waits for the default service account to be provisioned the default service account is what is associated with pods when they do not specify a service account as a result, pods are not able to be provisioned in a namespace until the service account is provisioned
func WaitForGroupSize ¶ added in v1.7.0
WaitForGroupSize waits for node instance group reached the desired size
func WaitForNamespacesDeleted ¶
func WaitForNamespacesDeleted(c clientset.Interface, namespaces []string, timeout time.Duration) error
WaitForNamespacesDeleted waits for the namespaces to be deleted.
func WaitForPersistentVolumeDeleted ¶
func WaitForPersistentVolumeDeleted(c clientset.Interface, pvName string, Poll, timeout time.Duration) error
WaitForPersistentVolumeDeleted waits for a PersistentVolume to get deleted or until timeout occurs, whichever comes first.
Types ¶
type CleanupActionHandle ¶
type CleanupActionHandle *int
CleanupActionHandle is an integer pointer type for handling cleanup action
func AddCleanupAction ¶
func AddCleanupAction(fn func()) CleanupActionHandle
AddCleanupAction installs a function that will be called in the event of the whole test being terminated. This allows arbitrary pieces of the overall test to hook into SynchronizedAfterSuite().
type ClientConfigGetter ¶
type ClientConfigGetter func() (*restclient.Config, error)
ClientConfigGetter is a func that returns getter to return a config.
type CloudConfig ¶
type CloudConfig struct { APIEndpoint string ProjectID string Zone string // for multizone tests, arbitrarily chosen zone Region string MultiZone bool MultiMaster bool Cluster string MasterName string NodeInstanceGroup string // comma-delimited list of groups' names NumNodes int ClusterIPRange string ClusterTag string Network string ConfigFile string // for azure and openstack NodeTag string MasterTag string Provider ProviderInterface }
CloudConfig holds the cloud configuration for e2e test suites.
type ClusterVerification ¶
type ClusterVerification struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterVerification is a struct for a verification of cluster state.
func (*ClusterVerification) ForEach ¶
func (cl *ClusterVerification) ForEach(podFunc func(v1.Pod)) error
ForEach runs a function against every verifiable pod. Be warned that this doesn't wait for "n" pods to verify, so it may return very quickly if you have strict pod state requirements.
For example, if you require at least 5 pods to be running before your test will pass, its smart to first call "clusterVerification.WaitFor(5)" before you call clusterVerification.ForEach.
func (*ClusterVerification) WaitFor ¶
WaitFor waits for some minimum number of pods to be verified, according to the PodStateVerification definition.
func (*ClusterVerification) WaitForOrFail ¶
func (cl *ClusterVerification) WaitForOrFail(atLeast int, timeout time.Duration)
WaitForOrFail provides a shorthand WaitFor with failure as an option if anything goes wrong.
type ContainerResourceGatherer ¶ added in v1.10.0
type ContainerResourceGatherer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ContainerResourceGatherer is a struct for gathering container resource.
func NewResourceUsageGatherer ¶
func NewResourceUsageGatherer(c clientset.Interface, options ResourceGathererOptions, pods *v1.PodList) (*ContainerResourceGatherer, error)
NewResourceUsageGatherer returns a new ContainerResourceGatherer.
func (*ContainerResourceGatherer) StartGatheringData ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (g *ContainerResourceGatherer) StartGatheringData()
StartGatheringData starts a stat gathering worker blocks for each node to track, and blocks until StopAndSummarize is called.
func (*ContainerResourceGatherer) StopAndSummarize ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (g *ContainerResourceGatherer) StopAndSummarize(percentiles []int, constraints map[string]ResourceConstraint) (*ResourceUsageSummary, error)
StopAndSummarize stops stat gathering workers, processes the collected stats, generates resource summary for the passed-in percentiles, and returns the summary. It returns an error if the resource usage at any percentile is beyond the specified resource constraints.
type ContainerResourceUsage ¶
type ContainerResourceUsage struct { Name string Timestamp time.Time CPUUsageInCores float64 MemoryUsageInBytes uint64 MemoryWorkingSetInBytes uint64 MemoryRSSInBytes uint64 // The interval used to calculate CPUUsageInCores. CPUInterval time.Duration }
ContainerResourceUsage is a structure for gathering container resource usage.
type CreateTestingNSFn ¶
type CreateTestingNSFn func(baseName string, c clientset.Interface, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
CreateTestingNSFn is a func that is responsible for creating namespace used for executing e2e tests.
type E2ETestNodePreparer ¶ added in v1.5.0
type E2ETestNodePreparer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
E2ETestNodePreparer implements testutils.TestNodePreparer interface, which is used to create/modify Nodes before running a test.
func (*E2ETestNodePreparer) CleanupNodes ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (p *E2ETestNodePreparer) CleanupNodes() error
CleanupNodes cleanups nodes in the cluster.
func (*E2ETestNodePreparer) PrepareNodes ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (p *E2ETestNodePreparer) PrepareNodes() error
PrepareNodes prepares nodes in the cluster.
type EventsLister ¶ added in v1.5.0
EventsLister is a func that lists events.
type ExecOptions ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ExecOptions struct { Command []string Namespace string PodName string ContainerName string Stdin io.Reader CaptureStdout bool CaptureStderr bool // If false, whitespace in std{err,out} will be removed. PreserveWhitespace bool }
ExecOptions passed to ExecWithOptions
type Factory ¶ added in v1.13.0
type Factory func() (ProviderInterface, error)
Factory is a func which operates provider specific behavior.
type FlakeReport ¶ added in v1.12.0
type FlakeReport struct { Flakes []string `json:"flakes"` FlakeCount int `json:"flakeCount"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FlakeReport is a struct for managing the flake report.
func NewFlakeReport ¶ added in v1.12.0
func NewFlakeReport() *FlakeReport
NewFlakeReport returns a new flake report.
func (*FlakeReport) GetFlakeCount ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (f *FlakeReport) GetFlakeCount() int
GetFlakeCount returns the flake count.
func (*FlakeReport) PrintHumanReadable ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (f *FlakeReport) PrintHumanReadable() string
PrintHumanReadable returns string of flake report.
func (*FlakeReport) PrintJSON ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (f *FlakeReport) PrintJSON() string
PrintJSON returns the summary of frake report with JSON format.
func (*FlakeReport) RecordFlakeIfError ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (f *FlakeReport) RecordFlakeIfError(err error, optionalDescription ...interface{})
RecordFlakeIfError records the error (if non-nil) as a flake along with an optional description. This can be used as a replacement of framework.ExpectNoError() for non-critical errors that can be considered as 'flakes' to avoid causing failures in tests.
func (*FlakeReport) SummaryKind ¶ added in v1.12.0
func (f *FlakeReport) SummaryKind() string
SummaryKind returns the summary of flake report.
type Framework ¶
type Framework struct { BaseName string // Set together with creating the ClientSet and the namespace. // Guaranteed to be unique in the cluster even when running the same // test multiple times in parallel. UniqueName string ClientSet clientset.Interface KubemarkExternalClusterClientSet clientset.Interface DynamicClient dynamic.Interface ScalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter SkipNamespaceCreation bool // Whether to skip creating a namespace Namespace *v1.Namespace // Every test has at least one namespace unless creation is skipped NamespaceDeletionTimeout time.Duration SkipPrivilegedPSPBinding bool // Whether to skip creating a binding to the privileged PSP in the test namespace // Constraints that passed to a check which is executed after data is gathered to // see if 99% of results are within acceptable bounds. It has to be injected in the test, // as expectations vary greatly. Constraints are grouped by the container names. AddonResourceConstraints map[string]ResourceConstraint // configuration for framework's client Options Options // Place where various additional data is stored during test run to be printed to ReportDir, // or stdout if ReportDir is not set once test ends. TestSummaries []TestDataSummary // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Framework supports common operations used by e2e tests; it will keep a client & a namespace for you. Eventual goal is to merge this with integration test framework.
func NewDefaultFramework ¶
NewDefaultFramework makes a new framework and sets up a BeforeEach/AfterEach for you (you can write additional before/after each functions).
func NewFramework ¶
NewFramework creates a test framework.
func (*Framework) AddNamespacesToDelete ¶ added in v1.11.0
AddNamespacesToDelete adds one or more namespaces to be deleted when the test completes.
func (*Framework) AfterEach ¶
func (f *Framework) AfterEach()
AfterEach deletes the namespace, after reading its events.
func (*Framework) BeforeEach ¶
func (f *Framework) BeforeEach()
BeforeEach gets a client and makes a namespace.
func (*Framework) CheckFileSizeViaContainer ¶ added in v1.4.6
CheckFileSizeViaContainer returns the list of file size under the specified path.
func (*Framework) CreateNamespace ¶
func (f *Framework) CreateNamespace(baseName string, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
CreateNamespace creates a namespace for e2e testing.
func (*Framework) CreatePodsPerNodeForSimpleApp ¶
func (f *Framework) CreatePodsPerNodeForSimpleApp(appName string, podSpec func(n v1.Node) v1.PodSpec, maxCount int) map[string]string
CreatePodsPerNodeForSimpleApp creates pods w/ labels. Useful for tests which make a bunch of pods w/o any networking.
func (*Framework) CreateServiceForSimpleApp ¶
CreateServiceForSimpleApp returns a service that selects/exposes pods (send -1 ports if no exposure needed) with an app label.
func (*Framework) CreateServiceForSimpleAppWithPods ¶
func (f *Framework) CreateServiceForSimpleAppWithPods(contPort int, svcPort int, appName string, podSpec func(n v1.Node) v1.PodSpec, count int, block bool) (*v1.Service, error)
CreateServiceForSimpleAppWithPods is a convenience wrapper to create a service and its matching pods all at once.
func (*Framework) ExecCommandInContainer ¶ added in v1.4.0
ExecCommandInContainer executes a command in the specified container.
func (*Framework) ExecCommandInContainerWithFullOutput ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (f *Framework) ExecCommandInContainerWithFullOutput(podName, containerName string, cmd ...string) (string, string, error)
ExecCommandInContainerWithFullOutput executes a command in the specified container and return stdout, stderr and error
func (*Framework) ExecShellInContainer ¶ added in v1.4.0
ExecShellInContainer executes the specified command on the pod's container.
func (*Framework) ExecShellInPod ¶ added in v1.4.0
ExecShellInPod executes the specified command on the pod.
func (*Framework) ExecShellInPodWithFullOutput ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (f *Framework) ExecShellInPodWithFullOutput(podName string, cmd string) (string, string, error)
ExecShellInPodWithFullOutput executes the specified command on the Pod and returns stdout, stderr and error.
func (*Framework) ExecWithOptions ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (f *Framework) ExecWithOptions(options ExecOptions) (string, string, error)
ExecWithOptions executes a command in the specified container, returning stdout, stderr and error. `options` allowed for additional parameters to be passed.
func (*Framework) MatchContainerOutput ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (f *Framework) MatchContainerOutput( pod *v1.Pod, containerName string, expectedOutput []string, matcher func(string, ...interface{}) gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher) error
MatchContainerOutput creates a pod and waits for all it's containers to exit with success. It then tests that the matcher with each expectedOutput matches the output of the specified container.
func (*Framework) NewAgnhostPod ¶ added in v1.15.0
NewAgnhostPod returns a pod that uses the agnhost image. The image's binary supports various subcommands that behave the same, no matter the underlying OS.
func (*Framework) NewClusterVerification ¶
func (f *Framework) NewClusterVerification(namespace *v1.Namespace, filter PodStateVerification) *ClusterVerification
NewClusterVerification creates a new cluster verification.
func (*Framework) NewTestPod ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (f *Framework) NewTestPod(name string, requests v1.ResourceList, limits v1.ResourceList) *v1.Pod
NewTestPod returns a pod that has the specified requests and limits
func (*Framework) PodClient ¶ added in v1.4.0
PodClient is a convenience method for getting a pod client interface in the framework's namespace, possibly applying test-suite specific transformations to the pod spec, e.g. for node e2e pod scheduling.
func (*Framework) PodClientNS ¶ added in v1.6.0
PodClientNS is a convenience method for getting a pod client interface in an alternative namespace, possibly applying test-suite specific transformations to the pod spec, e.g. for node e2e pod scheduling.
func (*Framework) ReadFileViaContainer ¶
func (f *Framework) ReadFileViaContainer(podName, containerName string, path string) (string, error)
ReadFileViaContainer reads a file using kubectl exec cat <path>.
func (*Framework) RecordFlakeIfError ¶ added in v1.12.0
RecordFlakeIfError records flakeness info if error happens. NOTE: This function is not used at any places yet, but we are in progress for which requires this. Please don't remove this.
func (*Framework) TestContainerOutput ¶
func (f *Framework) TestContainerOutput(scenarioName string, pod *v1.Pod, containerIndex int, expectedOutput []string)
TestContainerOutput runs the given pod in the given namespace and waits for all of the containers in the podSpec to move into the 'Success' status, and tests the specified container log against the given expected output using a substring matcher.
func (*Framework) TestContainerOutputRegexp ¶
func (f *Framework) TestContainerOutputRegexp(scenarioName string, pod *v1.Pod, containerIndex int, expectedOutput []string)
TestContainerOutputRegexp runs the given pod in the given namespace and waits for all of the containers in the podSpec to move into the 'Success' status, and tests the specified container log against the given expected output using a regexp matcher.
func (*Framework) WaitForPodNoLongerRunning ¶
WaitForPodNoLongerRunning waits for the pod to no longer be running in the namespace, for either success or failure.
func (*Framework) WaitForPodNotFound ¶ added in v1.9.0
WaitForPodNotFound waits for the pod to be completely terminated (not "Get-able").
func (*Framework) WaitForPodReady ¶
WaitForPodReady waits for the pod to flip to ready in the namespace.
func (*Framework) WaitForPodRunning ¶
WaitForPodRunning waits for the pod to run in the namespace.
func (*Framework) WaitForPodRunningSlow ¶
WaitForPodRunningSlow waits for the pod to run in the namespace. It has a longer timeout then WaitForPodRunning (util.slowPodStartTimeout).
func (*Framework) WaitForPodTerminated ¶
WaitForPodTerminated waits for the pod to be terminated with the given reason.
func (*Framework) WriteFileViaContainer ¶
func (f *Framework) WriteFileViaContainer(podName, containerName string, path string, contents string) error
WriteFileViaContainer writes a file using kubectl exec echo <contents> > <path> via specified container because of the primitive technique we're using here, we only allow ASCII alphanumeric characters
type KubeCluster ¶
type KubeCluster struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Cluster struct { CertificateAuthorityData string `yaml:"certificate-authority-data"` Server string `yaml:"server"` } `yaml:"cluster"` }
KubeCluster is a struct for managing kubernetes cluster info.
type KubeConfig ¶
type KubeConfig struct { Contexts []struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Context struct { Cluster string `yaml:"cluster"` User string } `yaml:"context"` } `yaml:"contexts"` Clusters []KubeCluster `yaml:"clusters"` Users []KubeUser `yaml:"users"` }
KubeConfig is a struct for managing kubernetes config.
func (*KubeConfig) FindCluster ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (kc *KubeConfig) FindCluster(name string) *KubeCluster
FindCluster returns cluster info which is the specified cluster name.
func (*KubeConfig) FindUser ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (kc *KubeConfig) FindUser(name string) *KubeUser
FindUser returns user info which is the specified user name.
type KubeUser ¶
type KubeUser struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` User struct { Username string `yaml:"username"` Password string `yaml:"password"` Token string `yaml:"token"` } `yaml:"user"` }
KubeUser is a struct for managing kubernetes user info.
type KubectlBuilder ¶ added in v1.15.0
type KubectlBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KubectlBuilder is used to build, customize and execute a kubectl Command. Add more functions to customize the builder as needed.
func NewKubectlCommand ¶
func NewKubectlCommand(args ...string) *KubectlBuilder
NewKubectlCommand returns a KubectlBuilder for running kubectl.
func (KubectlBuilder) Exec ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (b KubectlBuilder) Exec() (string, error)
Exec runs the kubectl executable.
func (KubectlBuilder) ExecOrDie ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (b KubectlBuilder) ExecOrDie() string
ExecOrDie runs the kubectl executable or dies if error occurs.
func (*KubectlBuilder) WithEnv ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithEnv(env []string) *KubectlBuilder
WithEnv sets the given environment and returns itself.
func (KubectlBuilder) WithStdinData ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinData(data string) *KubectlBuilder
WithStdinData sets the given data to stdin and returns itself.
func (KubectlBuilder) WithStdinReader ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinReader(reader io.Reader) *KubectlBuilder
WithStdinReader sets the given reader and returns itself.
func (*KubectlBuilder) WithTimeout ¶ added in v1.15.0
func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithTimeout(t <-chan time.Time) *KubectlBuilder
WithTimeout sets the given timeout and returns itself.
type KubemarkResourceUsage ¶ added in v1.6.0
type KubemarkResourceUsage struct { Name string MemoryWorkingSetInBytes uint64 CPUUsageInCores float64 }
KubemarkResourceUsage is a struct for tracking the resource usage of kubemark.
type LogSizeDataTimeseries ¶
type LogSizeDataTimeseries map[string]map[string][]TimestampedSize
LogSizeDataTimeseries is map of timestamped size.
type LogSizeGatherer ¶
type LogSizeGatherer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogSizeGatherer is a worker which grabs a WorkItem from the channel and does assigned work.
func (*LogSizeGatherer) Work ¶
func (g *LogSizeGatherer) Work() bool
Work does a single unit of work: tries to take out a WorkItem from the queue, ssh-es into a given machine, gathers data, writes it to the shared <data> map, and creates a gorouting which reinserts work item into the queue with a <pollingPeriod> delay. Returns false if worker should exit.
type LogsSizeData ¶
type LogsSizeData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogsSizeData is a structure for handling timeseries of log size data and lock.
type LogsSizeDataSummary ¶
type LogsSizeDataSummary map[string]map[string]SingleLogSummary
LogsSizeDataSummary is map of log summary. node -> file -> data
func (*LogsSizeDataSummary) PrintHumanReadable ¶
func (s *LogsSizeDataSummary) PrintHumanReadable() string
PrintHumanReadable returns string of log size data summary. TODO: make sure that we don't need locking here
func (*LogsSizeDataSummary) PrintJSON ¶
func (s *LogsSizeDataSummary) PrintJSON() string
PrintJSON returns the summary of log size data with JSON format.
func (*LogsSizeDataSummary) SummaryKind ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (s *LogsSizeDataSummary) SummaryKind() string
SummaryKind returns the summary of log size data summary.
type LogsSizeVerifier ¶
type LogsSizeVerifier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LogsSizeVerifier gathers data about log files sizes from master and node machines. It oversees a <workersNo> workers which do the gathering.
func NewLogsVerifier ¶
func NewLogsVerifier(c clientset.Interface, stopChannel chan bool) *LogsSizeVerifier
NewLogsVerifier creates a new LogsSizeVerifier which will stop when stopChannel is closed
func (*LogsSizeVerifier) GetSummary ¶
func (s *LogsSizeVerifier) GetSummary() *LogsSizeDataSummary
GetSummary returns a summary (average generation rate and number of probes) of the data gathered by LogSizeVerifier
func (*LogsSizeVerifier) Run ¶
func (s *LogsSizeVerifier) Run()
Run starts log size gathering. It starts a gorouting for every worker and then blocks until stopChannel is closed
type NodeKiller ¶ added in v1.14.0
type NodeKiller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKiller is a utility to simulate node failures.
func NewNodeKiller ¶ added in v1.14.0
func NewNodeKiller(config NodeKillerConfig, client clientset.Interface, provider string) *NodeKiller
NewNodeKiller creates new NodeKiller.
func (*NodeKiller) Run ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (k *NodeKiller) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{})
Run starts NodeKiller until stopCh is closed.
type NodeKillerConfig ¶ added in v1.14.0
type NodeKillerConfig struct { // Enabled determines whether NodeKill should do anything at all. // All other options below are ignored if Enabled = false. Enabled bool // FailureRatio is a percentage of all nodes that could fail simultinously. FailureRatio float64 // Interval is time between node failures. Interval time.Duration // JitterFactor is factor used to jitter node failures. // Node will be killed between [Interval, Interval + (1.0 + JitterFactor)]. JitterFactor float64 // SimulatedDowntime is a duration between node is killed and recreated. SimulatedDowntime time.Duration // NodeKillerStopCh is a channel that is used to notify NodeKiller to stop killing nodes. NodeKillerStopCh chan struct{} }
NodeKillerConfig describes configuration of NodeKiller -- a utility to simulate node failures.
type NodeTestContextType ¶ added in v1.4.0
type NodeTestContextType struct { // NodeE2E indicates whether it is running node e2e. NodeE2E bool // Name of the node to run tests on. NodeName string // NodeConformance indicates whether the test is running in node conformance mode. NodeConformance bool // PrepullImages indicates whether node e2e framework should prepull images. PrepullImages bool // KubeletConfig is the kubelet configuration the test is running against. KubeletConfig kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration // ImageDescription is the description of the image on which the test is running. ImageDescription string // SystemSpecName is the name of the system spec (e.g., gke) that's used in // the node e2e test. If empty, the default one (system.DefaultSpec) is // used. The system specs are in test/e2e_node/system/specs/. SystemSpecName string // ExtraEnvs is a map of environment names to values. ExtraEnvs map[string]string }
NodeTestContextType is part of TestContextType, it is shared by all node e2e test.
type NullProvider ¶ added in v1.13.0
type NullProvider struct{}
NullProvider is the default implementation of the ProviderInterface which doesn't do anything.
func (NullProvider) CleanupServiceResources ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) CleanupServiceResources(c clientset.Interface, loadBalancerName, region, zone string)
CleanupServiceResources is a base implementation which cleans up service resources.
func (NullProvider) CreatePD ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) CreatePD(zone string) (string, error)
CreatePD is a base implementation which creates PD.
func (NullProvider) CreatePVSource ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) CreatePVSource(zone, diskName string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeSource, error)
CreatePVSource is a base implementation which creates PV source.
func (NullProvider) DeleteNode ¶ added in v1.14.0
func (n NullProvider) DeleteNode(node *v1.Node) error
DeleteNode is a base implementation which deletes a node.
func (NullProvider) DeletePD ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) DeletePD(pdName string) error
DeletePD is a base implementation which deletes PD.
func (NullProvider) DeletePVSource ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) DeletePVSource(pvSource *v1.PersistentVolumeSource) error
DeletePVSource is a base implementation which deletes PV source.
func (NullProvider) EnableAndDisableInternalLB ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) EnableAndDisableInternalLB() (enable, disable func(svc *v1.Service))
EnableAndDisableInternalLB is a base implementation which returns functions for enabling/disabling an internal LB.
func (NullProvider) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted(ip, portRange string) error
EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted is a base implementation which ensures load balancer is deleted.
func (NullProvider) FrameworkAfterEach ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) FrameworkAfterEach(f *Framework)
FrameworkAfterEach is a base implementation which does AfterEach.
func (NullProvider) FrameworkBeforeEach ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) FrameworkBeforeEach(f *Framework)
FrameworkBeforeEach is a base implementation which does BeforeEach.
func (NullProvider) GetGroupNodes ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) GetGroupNodes(group string) ([]string, error)
GetGroupNodes is a base implementation which returns group nodes.
func (NullProvider) GroupSize ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) GroupSize(group string) (int, error)
GroupSize returns the size of an instance group
func (NullProvider) LoadBalancerSrcRanges ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) LoadBalancerSrcRanges() []string
LoadBalancerSrcRanges is a base implementation which returns the ranges of ips used by load balancers.
func (NullProvider) ResizeGroup ¶ added in v1.13.0
func (n NullProvider) ResizeGroup(string, int32) error
ResizeGroup is a base implementation which resizes group.
type Options ¶ added in v1.15.0
type Options struct { ClientQPS float32 ClientBurst int GroupVersion *schema.GroupVersion }
Options is a struct for managing test framework options.
type PodClient ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PodClient struct { v1core.PodInterface // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PodClient is a struct for pod client.
func (*PodClient) Create ¶ added in v1.4.0
Create creates a new pod according to the framework specifications (don't wait for it to start).
func (*PodClient) CreateBatch ¶ added in v1.4.0
CreateBatch create a batch of pods. All pods are created before waiting.
func (*PodClient) CreateSync ¶ added in v1.4.0
CreateSync creates a new pod according to the framework specifications, and wait for it to start.
func (*PodClient) CreateSyncInNamespace ¶ added in v1.6.0
CreateSyncInNamespace creates a new pod according to the framework specifications in the given namespace, and waits for it to start.
func (*PodClient) DeleteSync ¶ added in v1.5.0
DeleteSync deletes the pod and wait for the pod to disappear for `timeout`. If the pod doesn't disappear before the timeout, it will fail the test.
func (*PodClient) DeleteSyncInNamespace ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (c *PodClient) DeleteSyncInNamespace(name string, namespace string, options *metav1.DeleteOptions, timeout time.Duration)
DeleteSyncInNamespace deletes the pod from the namespace and wait for the pod to disappear for `timeout`. If the pod doesn't disappear before the timeout, it will fail the test.
func (*PodClient) MatchContainerOutput ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (c *PodClient) MatchContainerOutput(name string, containerName string, expectedRegexp string) error
MatchContainerOutput gets output of a container and match expected regexp in the output.
func (*PodClient) PodIsReady ¶ added in v1.12.0
PodIsReady returns true if the specified pod is ready. Otherwise false.
func (*PodClient) Update ¶ added in v1.4.0
Update updates the pod object. It retries if there is a conflict, throw out error if there is any other errors. name is the pod name, updateFn is the function updating the pod object.
func (*PodClient) WaitForErrorEventOrSuccess ¶ added in v1.6.0
WaitForErrorEventOrSuccess waits for pod to succeed or an error event for that pod.
func (*PodClient) WaitForFailure ¶ added in v1.8.0
WaitForFailure waits for pod to fail.
func (*PodClient) WaitForFinish ¶ added in v1.15.0
WaitForFinish waits for pod to finish running, regardless of success or failure.
type PodStateVerification ¶
type PodStateVerification struct { // Optional: only pods that have k=v labels will pass this filter. Selectors map[string]string // Required: The phases which are valid for your pod. ValidPhases []v1.PodPhase // Optional: only pods passing this function will pass the filter // Verify a pod. // As an optimization, in addition to specifying filter (boolean), // this function allows specifying an error as well. // The error indicates that the polling of the pod spectrum should stop. Verify func(v1.Pod) (bool, error) // Optional: only pods with this name will pass the filter. PodName string }
PodStateVerification represents a verification of pod state. Any time you have a set of pods that you want to operate against or query, this struct can be used to declaratively identify those pods.
type ProviderInterface ¶ added in v1.13.0
type ProviderInterface interface { FrameworkBeforeEach(f *Framework) FrameworkAfterEach(f *Framework) ResizeGroup(group string, size int32) error GetGroupNodes(group string) ([]string, error) GroupSize(group string) (int, error) DeleteNode(node *v1.Node) error CreatePD(zone string) (string, error) DeletePD(pdName string) error CreatePVSource(zone, diskName string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeSource, error) DeletePVSource(pvSource *v1.PersistentVolumeSource) error CleanupServiceResources(c clientset.Interface, loadBalancerName, region, zone string) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted(ip, portRange string) error LoadBalancerSrcRanges() []string EnableAndDisableInternalLB() (enable, disable func(svc *v1.Service)) }
ProviderInterface contains the implementation for certain provider-specific functionality.
func SetupProviderConfig ¶ added in v1.13.0
func SetupProviderConfig(providerName string) (ProviderInterface, error)
SetupProviderConfig validates the chosen provider and creates an interface instance for it.
type ResourceConstraint ¶
ResourceConstraint is a struct to hold constraints.
type ResourceGathererOptions ¶
type ResourceGathererOptions struct { InKubemark bool Nodes NodesSet ResourceDataGatheringPeriod time.Duration ProbeDuration time.Duration PrintVerboseLogs bool }
ResourceGathererOptions is a struct to hold options for resource.
type ResourceUsagePerContainer ¶
type ResourceUsagePerContainer map[string]*ContainerResourceUsage
ResourceUsagePerContainer is map of ContainerResourceUsage
type ResourceUsageSummary ¶
type ResourceUsageSummary map[string][]SingleContainerSummary
ResourceUsageSummary is a struct to hold resource usage summary. we can't have int here, as JSON does not accept integer keys.
func (*ResourceUsageSummary) PrintHumanReadable ¶
func (s *ResourceUsageSummary) PrintHumanReadable() string
PrintHumanReadable prints resource usage summary in human readable.
func (*ResourceUsageSummary) PrintJSON ¶
func (s *ResourceUsageSummary) PrintJSON() string
PrintJSON prints resource usage summary in JSON.
func (*ResourceUsageSummary) SummaryKind ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (s *ResourceUsageSummary) SummaryKind() string
SummaryKind returns string of ResourceUsageSummary
type SingleContainerSummary ¶
SingleContainerSummary is a struct to hold single container summary.
type SingleLogSummary ¶
SingleLogSummary is a structure for handling average generation rate and number of probes.
type TestContextType ¶
type TestContextType struct { KubeConfig string KubeContext string KubeAPIContentType string KubeVolumeDir string CertDir string Host string // TODO: Deprecating this over time... instead just use gobindata_util.go , see #23987. RepoRoot string DockershimCheckpointDir string // ListImages will list off all images that are used then quit ListImages bool // Provider identifies the infrastructure provider (gce, gke, aws) Provider string // Tooling is the tooling in use (e.g. kops, gke). Provider is the cloud provider and might not uniquely identify the tooling. Tooling string CloudConfig CloudConfig KubectlPath string OutputDir string ReportDir string ReportPrefix string Prefix string MinStartupPods int // Timeout for waiting for system pods to be running SystemPodsStartupTimeout time.Duration EtcdUpgradeStorage string EtcdUpgradeVersion string GCEUpgradeScript string ContainerRuntime string ContainerRuntimeEndpoint string ContainerRuntimeProcessName string ContainerRuntimePidFile string // SystemdServices are comma separated list of systemd services the test framework // will dump logs for. SystemdServices string // DumpSystemdJournal controls whether to dump the full systemd journal. DumpSystemdJournal bool ImageServiceEndpoint string MasterOSDistro string NodeOSDistro string VerifyServiceAccount bool DeleteNamespace bool DeleteNamespaceOnFailure bool AllowedNotReadyNodes int CleanStart bool // If set to 'true' or 'all' framework will start a goroutine monitoring resource usage of system add-ons. // It will read the data every 30 seconds from all Nodes and print summary during afterEach. If set to 'master' // only master Node will be monitored. GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData string GatherLogsSizes bool GatherMetricsAfterTest string GatherSuiteMetricsAfterTest bool MaxNodesToGather int AllowGatheringProfiles bool // If set to 'true' framework will gather ClusterAutoscaler metrics when gathering them for other components. IncludeClusterAutoscalerMetrics bool // Currently supported values are 'hr' for human-readable and 'json'. It's a comma separated list. OutputPrintType string // NodeSchedulableTimeout is the timeout for waiting for all nodes to be schedulable. NodeSchedulableTimeout time.Duration // SystemDaemonsetStartupTimeout is the timeout for waiting for all system daemonsets to be ready. SystemDaemonsetStartupTimeout time.Duration // CreateTestingNS is responsible for creating namespace used for executing e2e tests. // It accepts namespace base name, which will be prepended with e2e prefix, kube client // and labels to be applied to a namespace. CreateTestingNS CreateTestingNSFn // If set to true test will dump data about the namespace in which test was running. DumpLogsOnFailure bool // Disables dumping cluster log from master and nodes after all tests. DisableLogDump bool // Path to the GCS artifacts directory to dump logs from nodes. Logexporter gets enabled if this is non-empty. LogexporterGCSPath string // featureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable alpha/experimental features. FeatureGates map[string]bool // Node e2e specific test context NodeTestContextType // Monitoring solution that is used in current cluster. ClusterMonitoringMode string // Indicates what path the kubernetes-anywhere is installed on KubernetesAnywherePath string // The DNS Domain of the cluster. ClusterDNSDomain string // The configuration of NodeKiller. NodeKiller NodeKillerConfig // The Default IP Family of the cluster ("ipv4" or "ipv6") IPFamily string // NonblockingTaints is the comma-delimeted string given by the user to specify taints which should not stop the test framework from running tests. NonblockingTaints string // ProgressReportURL is the URL which progress updates will be posted to as tests complete. If empty, no updates are sent. ProgressReportURL string }
TestContextType contains test settings and global state. Due to historic reasons, it is a mixture of items managed by the test framework itself, cloud providers and individual tests. The goal is to move anything not required by the framework into the code which uses the settings.
The recommendation for those settings is:
- They are stored in their own context structure or local variables.
- The standard `flag` package is used to register them. The flag name should follow the pattern <part1>.<part2>....<partn> where the prefix is unlikely to conflict with other tests or standard packages and each part is in lower camel case. For example, test/e2e/storage/csi/context.go could define storage.csi.numIterations.
- framework/config can be used to simplify the registration of multiple options with a single function call: var storageCSI { NumIterations `default:"1" usage:"number of iterations"` } _ config.AddOptions(&storageCSI, "storage.csi")
- The direct use Viper in tests is possible, but discouraged because it only works in test suites which use Viper (which is not required) and the supported options cannot be discovered by a test suite user.
Test suite authors can use framework/viper to make all command line parameters also configurable via a configuration file.
var TestContext TestContextType
TestContext should be used by all tests to access common context data.
func (TestContextType) ClusterIsIPv6 ¶ added in v1.17.0
func (tc TestContextType) ClusterIsIPv6() bool
ClusterIsIPv6 returns true if the cluster is IPv6
type TestDataSummary ¶
type TestDataSummary interface { SummaryKind() string PrintHumanReadable() string PrintJSON() string }
TestDataSummary is an interface for managing test data.
type TimestampedSize ¶
type TimestampedSize struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TimestampedSize contains a size together with a time of measurement.
Source Files ¶
- checks.go
- cleanup.go
- exec_util.go
- expect.go
- flake_reporting_util.go
- framework.go
- get-kubemark-resource-usage.go
- google_compute.go
- log.go
- log_size_monitoring.go
- nodes_util.go
- pods.go
- profile_gatherer.go
- provider.go
- psp.go
- rc_util.go
- resource_usage_gatherer.go
- size.go
- skip.go
- suites.go
- test_context.go
- util.go
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package config simplifies the declaration of configuration options.
Package config simplifies the declaration of configuration options. |
Package ginkgowrapper wraps Ginkgo Fail and Skip functions to panic with structured data instead of a constant string.
Package ginkgowrapper wraps Ginkgo Fail and Skip functions to panic with structured data instead of a constant string. |
Package log will be removed after switching to use core framework log.
Package log will be removed after switching to use core framework log. |
Package podlogs enables live capturing of all events and log messages for some or all pods in a namespace as they get generated.
Package podlogs enables live capturing of all events and log messages for some or all pods in a namespace as they get generated. |
Package testfiles provides a wrapper around various optional ways of retrieving additional files needed during a test run: - builtin bindata - filesystem access Because it is a is self-contained package, it can be used by test/e2e/framework and test/e2e/manifest without creating a circular dependency.
Package testfiles provides a wrapper around various optional ways of retrieving additional files needed during a test run: - builtin bindata - filesystem access Because it is a is self-contained package, it can be used by test/e2e/framework and test/e2e/manifest without creating a circular dependency. |