Overview ¶
Code generated by the generate package DO NOT EDIT
Code generated by the generate package DO NOT EDIT
Index ¶
- Variables
- func As[T IsClass](godot Lifetime, class IsClass) (T, bool)
- func FrameGet[T any](frame callFrame) T
- func FrameSet[T any](index int, frame callFrame, value T)
- func LetVariantAsPointerType[T mmm.PointerWithFree[API, T, Size], Size mmm.PointerSize](ctx Lifetime, variant Variant, vtype VariantType) T
- func PointerWithOwnershipTransferredToGodot(godot Lifetime, ptr Pointer) uintptr
- func UnsafeGet[T any](frame UnsafeArgs, index int) T
- func UnsafeSet[T any](frame UnsafeBack, value T)
- func VirtualByName(class IsClass, name string) reflect.Value
- type AABB
- type API
- type Array
- func (self Array) All(method Callable) bool
- func (self Array) Any(method Callable) bool
- func (self Array) Append(value Variant)
- func (self Array) AppendArray(array Array)
- func (self Array) Assign(array Array)
- func (self Array) Back(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) Bsearch(value Variant, before bool) Int
- func (self Array) BsearchCustom(value Variant, fn Callable, before bool) Int
- func (self Array) Clear()
- func (self Array) Count(value Variant) Int
- func (self Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime, deep bool) Array
- func (self Array) Erase(value Variant)
- func (self Array) Fill(value Variant)
- func (self Array) Filter(ctx Lifetime, method Callable) Array
- func (self Array) Find(what Variant, from Int) Int
- func (a Array) Free()
- func (self Array) Front(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) GetTypedBuiltin() Int
- func (self Array) GetTypedClassName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
- func (self Array) GetTypedScript(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) Has(value Variant) bool
- func (self Array) Hash() Int
- func (a Array) Index(ctx Lifetime, index Int) Variant
- func (self Array) Insert(position Int, value Variant) Int
- func (self Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (self Array) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (self Array) IsSameTyped(array Array) bool
- func (self Array) IsTyped() bool
- func (a Array) Iter() iter.Seq2[Int, Variant]
- func (self Array) MakeReadOnly()
- func (self Array) Map(ctx Lifetime, method Callable) Array
- func (self Array) Max(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) Min(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) PickRandom(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) PopAt(ctx Lifetime, position Int) Variant
- func (self Array) PopBack(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) PopFront(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Array) PushBack(value Variant)
- func (self Array) PushFront(value Variant)
- func (self Array) Reduce(ctx Lifetime, method Callable, accum Variant) Variant
- func (self Array) RemoveAt(position Int)
- func (self Array) Resize(size Int) Int
- func (self Array) Reverse()
- func (self Array) Rfind(what Variant, from Int) Int
- func (a Array) SetIndex(index Int, value Variant)
- func (self Array) Shuffle()
- func (self Array) Size() Int
- func (self Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int, step Int, deep bool) Array
- func (self Array) Sort()
- func (self Array) SortCustom(fn Callable)
- type ArrayOf
- type AudioFrame
- type Basis
- type Bool
- type CallError
- type CallErrorType
- type CallFrameArgs
- type CallFrameBack
- type Callable
- func (self Callable) Bind(ctx Lifetime, args ...Variant) Callable
- func (self Callable) Bindv(ctx Lifetime, arguments Array) Callable
- func (self Callable) Call(ctx Lifetime, args ...Variant) Variant
- func (self Callable) CallDeferred(args ...Variant)
- func (self Callable) Callv(ctx Lifetime, arguments Array) Variant
- func (self Callable) Create(ctx Lifetime, variant Variant, method StringName) Callable
- func (c Callable) Free()
- func (self Callable) GetArgumentCount() Int
- func (self Callable) GetBoundArguments(ctx Lifetime) Array
- func (self Callable) GetBoundArgumentsCount() Int
- func (self Callable) GetMethod(ctx Lifetime) StringName
- func (self Callable) GetObject(ctx Lifetime) Object
- func (self Callable) GetObjectId() Int
- func (self Callable) Hash() Int
- func (self Callable) IsCustom() bool
- func (self Callable) IsNull() bool
- func (self Callable) IsStandard() bool
- func (self Callable) IsValid() bool
- func (self Callable) Rpc(args ...Variant)
- func (self Callable) RpcId(peer_id Int, args ...Variant)
- func (self Callable) Unbind(ctx Lifetime, argcount Int) Callable
- type CaretInfo
- type Class
- func (class Class[T, S]) AsObject() Object
- func (class Class[T, S]) AsPointer() Pointer
- func (class *Class[T, S]) GetKeepAlive() Lifetime
- func (class Class[T, S]) Pin() Lifetime
- func (class *Class[T, S]) SetKeepAlive(godot Lifetime)
- func (class *Class[T, S]) SetPointer(ptr Pointer)
- func (class *Class[T, S]) SetTemporary(godot Lifetime)
- func (class *Class[T, S]) Super() *S
- func (class Class[T, S]) Virtual(s string) reflect.Value
- type ClassInterface
- type ClassMethodArgumentMetadata
- type ClassTag
- type ClockDirection
- type Color
- type Context
- type Corner
- type Dictionary
- func (self Dictionary) Clear()
- func (self Dictionary) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime, deep bool) Dictionary
- func (self Dictionary) Erase(key Variant) bool
- func (self Dictionary) FindKey(ctx Lifetime, value Variant) Variant
- func (d Dictionary) Free()
- func (self Dictionary) Get(ctx Lifetime, key Variant, def Variant) Variant
- func (self Dictionary) GetOrAdd(ctx Lifetime, key Variant, def Variant) Variant
- func (self Dictionary) Has(key Variant) bool
- func (self Dictionary) HasAll(keys Array) bool
- func (self Dictionary) Hash() Int
- func (d Dictionary) Index(ctx Lifetime, key Variant) Variant
- func (self Dictionary) IsEmpty() bool
- func (self Dictionary) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (self Dictionary) Keys(ctx Lifetime) Array
- func (self Dictionary) MakeReadOnly()
- func (self Dictionary) Merge(dictionary Dictionary, overwrite bool)
- func (self Dictionary) Merged(ctx Lifetime, dictionary Dictionary, overwrite bool) Dictionary
- func (self Dictionary) RecursiveEqual(dictionary Dictionary, recursion_count Int) bool
- func (d Dictionary) SetIndex(key Variant, value Variant)
- func (self Dictionary) Size() Int
- func (self Dictionary) Values(ctx Lifetime) Array
- type Error
- type EulerOrder
- type Extends
- type ExtensionClass
- type ExtensionClassCallVirtualFunc
- type ExtensionToken
- type Float
- type GDExtensionInitializationLevel
- type Glyph
- type HorizontalAlignment
- type InlineAlignment
- type InstanceBindingType
- type InstanceID
- type Int
- type IsArray
- type IsArrayType
- type IsClass
- type IsPointer
- type IsSignal
- type Iterator
- type JoyAxis
- type JoyButton
- type Key
- type KeyLocation
- type KeyModifierMask
- type Lifetime
- func (ctx Lifetime) Abs(x Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Absf(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Absi(x Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Acos(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Acosh(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) AngleDifference(from Float, to Float) Float
- func (godot Lifetime) Array() Array
- func (ctx Lifetime) Asin(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Asinh(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Atan(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Atan2(y Float, x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Atanh(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) BezierDerivative(start Float, control_1 Float, control_2 Float, end Float, t Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) BezierInterpolate(start Float, control_1 Float, control_2 Float, end Float, t Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) BytesToVar(bytes PackedByteArray) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) BytesToVarWithObjects(bytes PackedByteArray) Variant
- func (godot Lifetime) Callable(fn any) Callable
- func (ctx Lifetime) Ceil(x Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Ceilf(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Ceili(x Float) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Clamp(value Variant, min Variant, max Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Clampf(value Float, min Float, max Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Clampi(value Int, min Int, max Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Cos(angle_rad Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Cosh(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) CubicInterpolate(from Float, to Float, pre Float, post Float, weight Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) CubicInterpolateAngle(from Float, to Float, pre Float, post Float, weight Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) CubicInterpolateAngleInTime(from Float, to Float, pre Float, post Float, weight Float, to_t Float, ...) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) CubicInterpolateInTime(from Float, to Float, pre Float, post Float, weight Float, to_t Float, ...) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) DbToLinear(db Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) DegToRad(deg Float) Float
- func (godot Lifetime) Dictionary() Dictionary
- func (ctx Lifetime) Ease(x Float, curve Float) Float
- func (godot Lifetime) End()
- func (ctx Lifetime) ErrorString(error Int) String
- func (ctx Lifetime) Exp(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Floor(x Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Floorf(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Floori(x Float) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Fmod(x Float, y Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Fposmod(x Float, y Float) Float
- func (godot Lifetime) Free()
- func (godot Lifetime) GetLibraryPath() string
- func (ctx Lifetime) Hash(variable Variant) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) InstanceFromId(instance_id Int) Object
- func (ctx Lifetime) InverseLerp(from Float, to Float, weight Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsEqualApprox(a Float, b Float) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsFinite(x Float) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsInf(x Float) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsInstanceIdValid(id Int) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsInstanceValid(instance Variant) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsNan(x Float) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsSame(a Variant, b Variant) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) IsZeroApprox(x Float) bool
- func (ctx Lifetime) Lerp(from Variant, to Variant, weight Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) LerpAngle(from Float, to Float, weight Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Lerpf(from Float, to Float, weight Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) LinearToDb(lin Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Log(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Max(arg1 Variant, arg2 Variant, args ...Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Maxf(a Float, b Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Maxi(a Int, b Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Min(arg1 Variant, arg2 Variant, args ...Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Minf(a Float, b Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Mini(a Int, b Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) MoveToward(from Float, to Float, delta Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) NearestPo2(value Int) Int
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedByteArray() PackedByteArray
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedByteSlice(data []byte) PackedByteArray
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedColorArray() PackedColorArray
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedColorSlice(data []uc.Color) PackedColorArray
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat32Array() PackedFloat32Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat32Slice(data []float32) PackedFloat32Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat64Array() PackedFloat64Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat64Slice(data []float64) PackedFloat64Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt32Array() PackedInt32Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt32Slice(data []int32) PackedInt32Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt64Array() PackedInt64Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt64Slice(data []int64) PackedInt64Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedStringArray() PackedStringArray
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedStringSlice(data []string) PackedStringArray
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector2Array() PackedVector2Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector2Slice(data []Vector2) PackedVector2Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector3Array() PackedVector3Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector3Slice(data []Vector3) PackedVector3Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector4Array() PackedVector4Array
- func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector4Slice(data []Vector4) PackedVector4Array
- func (ctx Lifetime) Pingpong(value Float, length Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Posmod(x Int, y Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Pow(base Float, exp Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Print(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) PrintRich(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) PrintVerbose(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) Printerr(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) Printraw(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) Prints(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) Printt(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) PushError(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) PushWarning(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant)
- func (ctx Lifetime) RadToDeg(rad Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) RandFromSeed(seed Int) PackedInt64Array
- func (ctx Lifetime) Randf() Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) RandfRange(from Float, to Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Randfn(mean Float, deviation Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Randi() Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) RandiRange(from Int, to Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Randomize()
- func (godot Lifetime) Recover()
- func (godot Lifetime) Register(spec Registrable)
- func (ctx Lifetime) Remap(value Float, istart Float, istop Float, ostart Float, ostop Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) RidAllocateId() Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) RidFromInt64(base Int) RID
- func (ctx Lifetime) RotateToward(from Float, to Float, delta Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Round(x Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Roundf(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Roundi(x Float) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Seed(base Int)
- func (ctx Lifetime) Sign(x Variant) Variant
- func (Godot *Lifetime) SignalOf(ctx Lifetime, object Object, signal StringName) Signal
- func (ctx Lifetime) Signf(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Signi(x Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Sin(angle_rad Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Sinh(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Smoothstep(from Float, to Float, x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Snapped(x Variant, step Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Snappedf(x Float, step Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Snappedi(x Float, step Int) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Sqrt(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) StepDecimals(x Float) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) Str(arg1 Variant, args ...Variant) String
- func (ctx Lifetime) StrToVar(s String) Variant
- func (godot Lifetime) String(s string) String
- func (godot Lifetime) StringName(s string) StringName
- func (ctx Lifetime) Tan(angle_rad Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Tanh(x Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) TypeConvert(variant Variant, atype Int) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) TypeToString(atype Int) String
- func (ctx Lifetime) Typeof(variable Variant) Int
- func (ctx Lifetime) VarToBytes(variable Variant) PackedByteArray
- func (ctx Lifetime) VarToBytesWithObjects(variable Variant) PackedByteArray
- func (ctx Lifetime) VarToStr(variable Variant) String
- func (godot Lifetime) Variant(v any) Variant
- func (godot Lifetime) Version() Version
- func (ctx Lifetime) Weakref(obj Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Wrap(value Variant, min Variant, max Variant) Variant
- func (ctx Lifetime) Wrapf(value Float, min Float, max Float) Float
- func (ctx Lifetime) Wrapi(value Int, min Int, max Int) Int
- type MIDIMessage
- type Method
- type MethodBind
- type MethodFlags
- type MethodInfo
- type MouseButton
- type MouseButtonMask
- type NodePath
- func (n NodePath) Free()
- func (self NodePath) GetAsPropertyPath(ctx Lifetime) NodePath
- func (self NodePath) GetConcatenatedNames(ctx Lifetime) StringName
- func (self NodePath) GetConcatenatedSubnames(ctx Lifetime) StringName
- func (self NodePath) GetName(ctx Lifetime, idx Int) StringName
- func (self NodePath) GetNameCount() Int
- func (self NodePath) GetSubname(ctx Lifetime, idx Int) StringName
- func (self NodePath) GetSubnameCount() Int
- func (self NodePath) Hash() Int
- func (self NodePath) IsAbsolute() bool
- func (self NodePath) IsEmpty() bool
- func (self NodePath) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) NodePath
- type NotificationType
- type Object
- func (self Object) AddUserSignal(signal String, arguments Array)
- func (self Object) AsObject() Object
- func (o Object) AsPointer() Pointer
- func (self Object) Callv(ctx Lifetime, method StringName, arg_array Array) Variant
- func (self Object) CanTranslateMessages() bool
- func (self Object) CancelFree()
- func (self Object) Connect(signal StringName, callable Callable, flags Int) int64
- func (self Object) Disconnect(signal StringName, callable Callable)
- func (self Object) Free()
- func (self Object) Get(ctx Lifetime, property StringName) Variant
- func (self Object) GetClass(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self Object) GetIncomingConnections(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
- func (self Object) GetIndexed(ctx Lifetime, property_path NodePath) Variant
- func (self Object) GetInstanceId() Int
- func (self Object) GetMeta(ctx Lifetime, name StringName, def Variant) Variant
- func (self Object) GetMetaList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[StringName]
- func (self Object) GetMethodArgumentCount(method StringName) Int
- func (self Object) GetMethodList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
- func (self Object) GetPropertyList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
- func (self Object) GetScript(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (self Object) GetSignalConnectionList(ctx Lifetime, signal StringName) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
- func (self Object) GetSignalList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
- func (self Object) HasMeta(name StringName) bool
- func (self Object) HasMethod(method StringName) bool
- func (self Object) HasSignal(signal StringName) bool
- func (self Object) HasUserSignal(signal StringName) bool
- func (self Object) IsBlockingSignals() bool
- func (self Object) IsClass(class String) bool
- func (self Object) IsConnected(signal StringName, callable Callable) bool
- func (self Object) IsQueuedForDeletion() bool
- func (self Object) Notification(what Int, reversed bool)
- func (self Object) NotifyPropertyListChanged()
- func (self Object) PropertyCanRevert(property StringName) bool
- func (self Object) PropertyGetRevert(ctx Lifetime, property StringName) Variant
- func (self Object) RemoveMeta(name StringName)
- func (self Object) RemoveUserSignal(signal StringName)
- func (self Object) Set(property StringName, value Variant)
- func (self Object) SetBlockSignals(enable bool)
- func (self Object) SetDeferred(property StringName, value Variant)
- func (self Object) SetIndexed(property_path NodePath, value Variant)
- func (self Object) SetMessageTranslation(enable bool)
- func (self Object) SetMeta(name StringName, value Variant)
- func (o *Object) SetPointer(ptr Pointer)
- func (self Object) SetScript(script Variant)
- func (self Object) ToString(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self Object) Tr(ctx Lifetime, message StringName, context StringName) String
- func (self Object) TrN(ctx Lifetime, message StringName, plural_message StringName, n Int, ...) String
- func (self Object) Virtual(name string) reflect.Value
- type ObjectConnectFlags
- type ObjectID
- type ObjectInterface
- type Operator
- type Orientation
- type Packed
- type PackedByteArray
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Append(value Int) bool
- func (self *PackedByteArray) AppendArray(array PackedByteArray)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Bsearch(value Int, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedByteArray) Bytes() []byte
- func (p PackedByteArray) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Clear()
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Compress(ctx Lifetime, compression_mode Int) PackedByteArray
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Count(value Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeDouble(byte_offset Int) Float
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeFloat(byte_offset Int) Float
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeHalf(byte_offset Int) Float
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS16(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS32(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS64(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS8(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU16(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU32(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU64(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU8(byte_offset Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeVar(ctx Lifetime, byte_offset Int, allow_objects bool) Variant
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeVarSize(byte_offset Int, allow_objects bool) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Decompress(ctx Lifetime, buffer_size Int, compression_mode Int) PackedByteArray
- func (self *PackedByteArray) DecompressDynamic(ctx Lifetime, max_output_size Int, compression_mode Int) PackedByteArray
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeDouble(byte_offset Int, value Float)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeFloat(byte_offset Int, value Float)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeHalf(byte_offset Int, value Float)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS16(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS32(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS64(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS8(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU16(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU32(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU64(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU8(byte_offset Int, value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeVar(byte_offset Int, value Variant, allow_objects bool) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Fill(value Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Find(value Int, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedByteArray) Free()
- func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromAscii(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf16(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf32(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf8(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromWchar(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Has(value Int) bool
- func (self *PackedByteArray) HasEncodedVar(byte_offset Int, allow_objects bool) bool
- func (self *PackedByteArray) HexEncode(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (p PackedByteArray) Index(idx Int) byte
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Insert(at_index Int, value Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedByteArray) Len() int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) PushBack(value Int) bool
- func (self *PackedByteArray) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Rfind(value Int, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Set(index Int, value Int)
- func (p PackedByteArray) SetIndex(idx Int, value byte)
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedByteArray
- func (self *PackedByteArray) Sort()
- func (self *PackedByteArray) ToFloat32Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat32Array
- func (self *PackedByteArray) ToFloat64Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat64Array
- func (self *PackedByteArray) ToInt32Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt32Array
- func (self *PackedByteArray) ToInt64Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt64Array
- func (p PackedByteArray) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedColorArray
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Append(value Color) bool
- func (self *PackedColorArray) AppendArray(array PackedColorArray)
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Bsearch(value Color, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedColorArray) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Clear()
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Count(value Color) Int
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedColorArray
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Fill(value Color)
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Find(value Color, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedColorArray) Free()
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Has(value Color) bool
- func (p PackedColorArray) Index(idx Int) Color
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Insert(at_index Int, value Color) Int
- func (self *PackedColorArray) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedColorArray) Len() int
- func (self *PackedColorArray) PushBack(value Color) bool
- func (self *PackedColorArray) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Rfind(value Color, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Set(index Int, value Color)
- func (p PackedColorArray) SetIndex(idx Int, value Color)
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedColorArray
- func (self *PackedColorArray) Sort()
- func (self *PackedColorArray) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedColorArray) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedFloat32Array
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Append(value Float) bool
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) AppendArray(array PackedFloat32Array)
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Bsearch(value Float, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedFloat32Array) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Clear()
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Count(value Float) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat32Array
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Fill(value Float)
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Find(value Float, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedFloat32Array) Free()
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Has(value Float) bool
- func (p PackedFloat32Array) Index(idx Int) float32
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Float) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedFloat32Array) Len() int
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) PushBack(value Float) bool
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Rfind(value Float, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Set(index Int, value Float)
- func (p PackedFloat32Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value float32)
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedFloat32Array
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Sort()
- func (self *PackedFloat32Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedFloat32Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedFloat64Array
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Append(value Float) bool
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) AppendArray(array PackedFloat64Array)
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Bsearch(value Float, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedFloat64Array) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Clear()
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Count(value Float) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat64Array
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Fill(value Float)
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Find(value Float, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedFloat64Array) Free()
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Has(value Float) bool
- func (p PackedFloat64Array) Index(idx Int) float64
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Float) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedFloat64Array) Len() int
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) PushBack(value Float) bool
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Rfind(value Float, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Set(index Int, value Float)
- func (p PackedFloat64Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value float64)
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedFloat64Array
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Sort()
- func (self *PackedFloat64Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedFloat64Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedFunctionsFor
- type PackedInt32Array
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Append(value Int) bool
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) AppendArray(array PackedInt32Array)
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Bsearch(value Int, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedInt32Array) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Clear()
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Count(value Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt32Array
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Fill(value Int)
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Find(value Int, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedInt32Array) Free()
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Has(value Int) bool
- func (p PackedInt32Array) Index(idx Int) int32
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedInt32Array) Len() int
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) PushBack(value Int) bool
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Rfind(value Int, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Set(index Int, value Int)
- func (p PackedInt32Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value int32)
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedInt32Array
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) Sort()
- func (self *PackedInt32Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedInt32Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedInt64Array
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Append(value Int) bool
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) AppendArray(array PackedInt64Array)
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Bsearch(value Int, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedInt64Array) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Clear()
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Count(value Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt64Array
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Fill(value Int)
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Find(value Int, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedInt64Array) Free()
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Has(value Int) bool
- func (p PackedInt64Array) Index(idx Int) int64
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedInt64Array) Len() int
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) PushBack(value Int) bool
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Rfind(value Int, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Set(index Int, value Int)
- func (p PackedInt64Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value int64)
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedInt64Array
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) Sort()
- func (self *PackedInt64Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedInt64Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedStringArray
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Append(value String) bool
- func (self *PackedStringArray) AppendArray(array PackedStringArray)
- func (p PackedStringArray) AsSlice(ctx Lifetime) []String
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Bsearch(value String, before bool) Int
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Clear()
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Count(value String) Int
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedStringArray
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Fill(value String)
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Find(value String, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedStringArray) Free()
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Has(value String) bool
- func (p PackedStringArray) Index(ctx Lifetime, idx Int) String
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Insert(at_index Int, value String) Int
- func (self *PackedStringArray) IsEmpty() bool
- func (self *PackedStringArray) PushBack(value String) bool
- func (self *PackedStringArray) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Rfind(value String, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Set(index Int, value String)
- func (p PackedStringArray) SetIndex(idx Int, value String)
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedStringArray
- func (self *PackedStringArray) Sort()
- func (p PackedStringArray) String() string
- func (self *PackedStringArray) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- type PackedVector2Array
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Append(value Vector2) bool
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) AppendArray(array PackedVector2Array)
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Bsearch(value Vector2, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedVector2Array) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Clear()
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Count(value Vector2) Int
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedVector2Array
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Fill(value Vector2)
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Find(value Vector2, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedVector2Array) Free()
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Has(value Vector2) bool
- func (p PackedVector2Array) Index(idx Int) Vector2
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Vector2) Int
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedVector2Array) Len() int
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) PushBack(value Vector2) bool
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Rfind(value Vector2, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Set(index Int, value Vector2)
- func (p PackedVector2Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value Vector2)
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedVector2Array
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) Sort()
- func (self *PackedVector2Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedVector2Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedVector3Array
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Append(value Vector3) bool
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) AppendArray(array PackedVector3Array)
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Bsearch(value Vector3, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedVector3Array) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Clear()
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Count(value Vector3) Int
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedVector3Array
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Fill(value Vector3)
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Find(value Vector3, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedVector3Array) Free()
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Has(value Vector3) bool
- func (p PackedVector3Array) Index(idx Int) Vector3
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Vector3) Int
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedVector3Array) Len() int
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) PushBack(value Vector3) bool
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Rfind(value Vector3, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Set(index Int, value Vector3)
- func (p PackedVector3Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value Vector3)
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedVector3Array
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) Sort()
- func (self *PackedVector3Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedVector3Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PackedVector4Array
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Append(value Vector4) bool
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) AppendArray(array PackedVector4Array)
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Bsearch(value Vector4, before bool) Int
- func (p PackedVector4Array) Cap() int
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Clear()
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Count(value Vector4) Int
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedVector4Array
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Fill(value Vector4)
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Find(value Vector4, from Int) Int
- func (p PackedVector4Array) Free()
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Has(value Vector4) bool
- func (p PackedVector4Array) Index(idx Int) Vector4
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Vector4) Int
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p PackedVector4Array) Len() int
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) PushBack(value Vector4) bool
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Reverse()
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Rfind(value Vector4, from Int) Int
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Set(index Int, value Vector4)
- func (p PackedVector4Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value Vector4)
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Size() Int
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedVector4Array
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) Sort()
- func (self *PackedVector4Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (p PackedVector4Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type PhysicsServer2DExtensionMotionResult
- type PhysicsServer2DExtensionRayResult
- type PhysicsServer2DExtensionShapeRestInfo
- type PhysicsServer2DExtensionShapeResult
- type PhysicsServer3DExtensionMotionCollision
- type PhysicsServer3DExtensionMotionResult
- type PhysicsServer3DExtensionRayResult
- type PhysicsServer3DExtensionShapeRestInfo
- type PhysicsServer3DExtensionShapeResult
- type Plane
- type Pointer
- type PointerToClass
- type Projection
- type ProjectionPlanes
- type PropertyHint
- type PropertyInfo
- type PropertyUsageFlags
- type Quaternion
- type RID
- type Rect2
- type Rect2i
- type RefCounted
- func (self RefCounted) AsObject() Object
- func (self RefCounted) AsPointer() Pointer
- func (self RefCounted) AsRefCounted() RefCounted
- func (self RefCounted) GetReferenceCount() Int
- func (self RefCounted) InitRef() bool
- func (self RefCounted) Reference() bool
- func (self *RefCounted) SetPointer(ptr Pointer)
- func (self RefCounted) Super() Object
- func (self RefCounted) Unreference() bool
- func (self RefCounted) Virtual(name string) reflect.Value
- type Registrable
- type ScriptLanguageExtensionProfilingInfo
- type Side
- type Signal
- func (self Signal) Connect(callable Callable, flags Int) Int
- func (self Signal) Disconnect(callable Callable)
- func (self Signal) Emit(args ...Variant)
- func (s Signal) Free()
- func (self Signal) GetConnections(ctx Lifetime) Array
- func (self Signal) GetName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
- func (self Signal) GetObject(ctx Lifetime) Object
- func (self Signal) GetObjectId() Int
- func (self Signal) IsConnected(callable Callable) bool
- func (self Signal) IsNull() bool
- type Singleton
- type String
- func (s *String) Append(ctx Lifetime, other String)
- func (self String) BeginsWith(text String) bool
- func (self String) Bigrams(ctx Lifetime) PackedStringArray
- func (self String) BinToInt() Int
- func (self String) CEscape(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) CUnescape(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (s String) Cap() int
- func (self String) Capitalize(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) CasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self String) Chr(ctx Lifetime, char Int) String
- func (self String) Contains(what String) bool
- func (self String) Containsn(what String) bool
- func (s String) Copy(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) Count(what String, from Int, to Int) Int
- func (self String) Countn(what String, from Int, to Int) Int
- func (self String) Dedent(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) EndsWith(text String) bool
- func (self String) Erase(ctx Lifetime, position Int, chars Int) String
- func (self String) FilecasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self String) FilenocasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self String) Find(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self String) Findn(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self String) Format(ctx Lifetime, values Variant, placeholder String) String
- func (s String) Free()
- func (self String) GetBaseDir(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) GetBasename(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) GetExtension(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) GetFile(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) GetSlice(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, slice Int) String
- func (self String) GetSliceCount(delimiter String) Int
- func (self String) GetSlicec(ctx Lifetime, delimiter Int, slice Int) String
- func (self String) Hash() Int
- func (self String) HexDecode(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) HexToInt() Int
- func (self String) HumanizeSize(ctx Lifetime, size Int) String
- func (self String) Indent(ctx Lifetime, prefix String) String
- func (self String) Insert(ctx Lifetime, position Int, what String) String
- func (self String) IsAbsolutePath() bool
- func (self String) IsEmpty() bool
- func (self String) IsRelativePath() bool
- func (self String) IsSubsequenceOf(text String) bool
- func (self String) IsSubsequenceOfn(text String) bool
- func (self String) IsValidFilename() bool
- func (self String) IsValidFloat() bool
- func (self String) IsValidHexNumber(with_prefix bool) bool
- func (self String) IsValidHtmlColor() bool
- func (self String) IsValidIdentifier() bool
- func (self String) IsValidInt() bool
- func (self String) IsValidIpAddress() bool
- func (self String) Join(ctx Lifetime, parts PackedStringArray) String
- func (self String) JsonEscape(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) Left(ctx Lifetime, length Int) String
- func (s String) Len() int
- func (self String) Length() Int
- func (self String) Lpad(ctx Lifetime, min_length Int, character String) String
- func (self String) Lstrip(ctx Lifetime, chars String) String
- func (self String) Match(expr String) bool
- func (self String) Matchn(expr String) bool
- func (self String) Md5Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) Md5Text(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) NaturalcasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self String) NaturalnocasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self String) NocasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (s String) NodePath(ctx Lifetime) NodePath
- func (self String) Num(ctx Lifetime, number Float, decimals Int) String
- func (self String) NumInt64(ctx Lifetime, number Int, base Int, capitalize_hex bool) String
- func (self String) NumScientific(ctx Lifetime, number Float) String
- func (self String) NumUint64(ctx Lifetime, number Int, base Int, capitalize_hex bool) String
- func (self String) PadDecimals(ctx Lifetime, digits Int) String
- func (self String) PadZeros(ctx Lifetime, digits Int) String
- func (self String) PathJoin(ctx Lifetime, file String) String
- func (self String) Repeat(ctx Lifetime, count Int) String
- func (self String) Replace(ctx Lifetime, what String, forwhat String) String
- func (self String) Replacen(ctx Lifetime, what String, forwhat String) String
- func (self String) Reverse(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) Rfind(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self String) Rfindn(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self String) Right(ctx Lifetime, length Int) String
- func (self String) Rpad(ctx Lifetime, min_length Int, character String) String
- func (self String) Rsplit(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
- func (self String) Rstrip(ctx Lifetime, chars String) String
- func (self String) Sha1Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) Sha1Text(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) Sha256Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) Sha256Text(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) Similarity(text String) Float
- func (self String) SimplifyPath(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) Split(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
- func (self String) SplitFloats(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool) PackedFloat64Array
- func (s String) String() string
- func (s String) StringName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
- func (self String) StripEdges(ctx Lifetime, left bool, right bool) String
- func (self String) StripEscapes(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) Substr(ctx Lifetime, from Int, len Int) String
- func (self String) ToAsciiBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) ToCamelCase(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) ToFloat() Float
- func (self String) ToInt() Int
- func (self String) ToLower(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) ToPascalCase(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) ToSnakeCase(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) ToUpper(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) ToUtf16Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) ToUtf32Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) ToUtf8Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) ToWcharBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self String) TrimPrefix(ctx Lifetime, prefix String) String
- func (self String) TrimSuffix(ctx Lifetime, suffix String) String
- func (self String) UnicodeAt(at Int) Int
- func (s String) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self String) UriDecode(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) UriEncode(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) ValidateFilename(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) ValidateNodeName(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self String) XmlEscape(ctx Lifetime, escape_quotes bool) String
- func (self String) XmlUnescape(ctx Lifetime) String
- type StringName
- func (self StringName) BeginsWith(text String) bool
- func (self StringName) Bigrams(ctx Lifetime) PackedStringArray
- func (self StringName) BinToInt() Int
- func (self StringName) CEscape(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) CUnescape(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) Capitalize(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) CasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self StringName) Contains(what String) bool
- func (self StringName) Containsn(what String) bool
- func (self StringName) Count(what String, from Int, to Int) Int
- func (self StringName) Countn(what String, from Int, to Int) Int
- func (self StringName) Dedent(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) EndsWith(text String) bool
- func (self StringName) Erase(ctx Lifetime, position Int, chars Int) String
- func (self StringName) FilecasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self StringName) FilenocasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self StringName) Find(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self StringName) Findn(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self StringName) Format(ctx Lifetime, values Variant, placeholder String) String
- func (s StringName) Free()
- func (self StringName) GetBaseDir(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) GetBasename(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) GetExtension(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) GetFile(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) GetSlice(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, slice Int) String
- func (self StringName) GetSliceCount(delimiter String) Int
- func (self StringName) GetSlicec(ctx Lifetime, delimiter Int, slice Int) String
- func (self StringName) Hash() Int
- func (self StringName) HexDecode(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) HexToInt() Int
- func (self StringName) Indent(ctx Lifetime, prefix String) String
- func (self StringName) Insert(ctx Lifetime, position Int, what String) String
- func (self StringName) IsAbsolutePath() bool
- func (self StringName) IsEmpty() bool
- func (self StringName) IsRelativePath() bool
- func (self StringName) IsSubsequenceOf(text String) bool
- func (self StringName) IsSubsequenceOfn(text String) bool
- func (self StringName) IsValidFilename() bool
- func (self StringName) IsValidFloat() bool
- func (self StringName) IsValidHexNumber(with_prefix bool) bool
- func (self StringName) IsValidHtmlColor() bool
- func (self StringName) IsValidIdentifier() bool
- func (self StringName) IsValidInt() bool
- func (self StringName) IsValidIpAddress() bool
- func (self StringName) Join(ctx Lifetime, parts PackedStringArray) String
- func (self StringName) JsonEscape(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) Left(ctx Lifetime, length Int) String
- func (self StringName) Length() Int
- func (self StringName) Lpad(ctx Lifetime, min_length Int, character String) String
- func (self StringName) Lstrip(ctx Lifetime, chars String) String
- func (self StringName) Match(expr String) bool
- func (self StringName) Matchn(expr String) bool
- func (self StringName) Md5Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) Md5Text(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) NaturalcasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self StringName) NaturalnocasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self StringName) NocasecmpTo(to String) Int
- func (self StringName) PadDecimals(ctx Lifetime, digits Int) String
- func (self StringName) PadZeros(ctx Lifetime, digits Int) String
- func (self StringName) PathJoin(ctx Lifetime, file String) String
- func (self StringName) Repeat(ctx Lifetime, count Int) String
- func (self StringName) Replace(ctx Lifetime, what String, forwhat String) String
- func (self StringName) Replacen(ctx Lifetime, what String, forwhat String) String
- func (self StringName) Reverse(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) Rfind(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self StringName) Rfindn(what String, from Int) Int
- func (self StringName) Right(ctx Lifetime, length Int) String
- func (self StringName) Rpad(ctx Lifetime, min_length Int, character String) String
- func (self StringName) Rsplit(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
- func (self StringName) Rstrip(ctx Lifetime, chars String) String
- func (self StringName) Sha1Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) Sha1Text(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) Sha256Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) Sha256Text(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) Similarity(text String) Float
- func (self StringName) SimplifyPath(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) Split(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
- func (self StringName) SplitFloats(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool) PackedFloat64Array
- func (s StringName) String() string
- func (self StringName) StripEdges(ctx Lifetime, left bool, right bool) String
- func (self StringName) StripEscapes(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) Substr(ctx Lifetime, from Int, len Int) String
- func (self StringName) ToAsciiBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) ToCamelCase(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) ToFloat() Float
- func (self StringName) ToInt() Int
- func (self StringName) ToLower(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) ToPascalCase(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) ToSnakeCase(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) ToUpper(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) ToUtf16Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) ToUtf32Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) ToUtf8Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) ToWcharBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
- func (self StringName) TrimPrefix(ctx Lifetime, prefix String) String
- func (self StringName) TrimSuffix(ctx Lifetime, suffix String) String
- func (self StringName) UnicodeAt(at Int) Int
- func (self StringName) UriDecode(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) UriEncode(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) ValidateFilename(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) ValidateNodeName(ctx Lifetime) String
- func (self StringName) XmlEscape(ctx Lifetime, escape_quotes bool) String
- func (self StringName) XmlUnescape(ctx Lifetime) String
- type StringNamePtr
- type StringPtr
- type Transform2D
- type Transform3D
- type TypedArray
- func (a TypedArray[T]) All(method Callable) bool
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Any(method Callable) bool
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Append(value T)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) AppendArray(array ArrayOf[T])
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Array() Array
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Assign(array ArrayOf[T])
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Back(tmp Lifetime) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Bsearch(value T, before bool) int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) BsearchCustom(value T, fn Callable, before bool) int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Clear()
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Count(value T) int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime, deep bool) ArrayOf[T]
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Erase(value T)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Fill(value T)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Filter(ctx Lifetime, method Callable) ArrayOf[T]
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Find(what T, from int64) int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Free()
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Front(ctx Lifetime) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) GetTypedBuiltin() int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) GetTypedClassName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
- func (a TypedArray[T]) GetTypedScript(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Has(value T) bool
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Hash() int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Index(ctx Lifetime, index int64) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Insert(position int64, value T) int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) IsEmpty() bool
- func (a TypedArray[T]) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (a TypedArray[T]) IsSameTyped(array Array) bool
- func (a TypedArray[T]) IsTyped() bool
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Iter() iter.Seq2[Int, T]
- func (a TypedArray[T]) MakeReadOnly()
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Map(ctx Lifetime, method Callable) ArrayOf[T]
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Max(ctx Lifetime) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Min(ctx Lifetime) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) PickRandom(ctx Lifetime) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) PopAt(ctx Lifetime, position int64) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) PopBack(ctx Lifetime) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) PopFront(ctx Lifetime) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) PushBack(value T)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) PushFront(value T)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Reduce(ctx Lifetime, method Callable, accum T) T
- func (a TypedArray[T]) RemoveAt(position int64)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Resize(size int64) int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Reverse()
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Rfind(what T, from int64) int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) SetIndex(index int64, value T)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Shuffle()
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Size() int64
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin int64, end int64, step int64, deep bool) ArrayOf[T]
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Sort()
- func (a TypedArray[T]) SortCustom(fn Callable)
- func (a TypedArray[T]) Typed(TypedArray[T])
- func (a TypedArray[T]) UnmarshalInto(val any) error
- type UnsafeArgs
- type UnsafeBack
- type Variant
- func (variant Variant) AABB() AABB
- func (variant Variant) Add(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) AtLeast(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) bool
- func (variant Variant) AtMost(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) bool
- func (variant Variant) Basis() Basis
- func (variant Variant) BitAnd(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) BitNegate(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (variant Variant) BitOr(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) BitXor(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Bool() Bool
- func (variant Variant) Call(ctx Lifetime, method StringName, args ...Variant) (Variant, error)
- func (variant Variant) Color() Color
- func (variant Variant) Copy(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Divide(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) EqualTo(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) bool
- func (variant Variant) Float() Float
- func (s Variant) Free()
- func (variant Variant) Get(ctx Lifetime, key Variant) (val Variant, ok bool)
- func (variant Variant) Hash() Int
- func (variant Variant) In(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Int() Int
- func (variant Variant) Interface(ctx Lifetime) any
- func (variant Variant) Iterator(ctx Lifetime) Iterator
- func (variant Variant) LessThan(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) bool
- func (variant Variant) LogicalAnd(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) LogicalNegate(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (variant Variant) LogicalOr(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) LogicalXor(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Modulo(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) MoreThan(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) bool
- func (variant Variant) Multiply(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Negate(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (variant Variant) NotEqualTo(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) bool
- func (variant Variant) Plane() Plane
- func (variant Variant) Positive(ctx Lifetime) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Power(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Projection() Projection
- func (variant Variant) Quaternion() Quaternion
- func (variant Variant) Rect2() Rect2
- func (variant Variant) Rect2i() Rect2i
- func (variant Variant) RecursiveHash(count Int) Int
- func (variant Variant) Set(key, val Variant) bool
- func (variant Variant) ShiftLeft(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) ShiftRight(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Subtract(ctx Lifetime, other Variant) Variant
- func (variant Variant) Transform2D() Transform2D
- func (variant Variant) Transform3D() Transform3D
- func (variant Variant) Type() VariantType
- func (variant Variant) Vector2() Vector2
- func (variant Variant) Vector2i() Vector2i
- func (variant Variant) Vector3() Vector3
- func (variant Variant) Vector3i() Vector3i
- func (variant Variant) Vector4() Vector4
- func (variant Variant) Vector4i() Vector4i
- type VariantOperator
- type VariantPtr
- type VariantType
- type Vector2
- type Vector2Axis
- type Vector2i
- type Vector2iAxis
- type Vector3
- type Vector3Axis
- type Vector3i
- type Vector3iAxis
- type Vector4
- type Vector4Axis
- type Vector4i
- type Vector4iAxis
- type Version
- type VerticalAlignment
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ObjectAs = func(name string, ptr Pointer) any { var obj Object obj.SetPointer(ptr) return obj }
Functions ¶
func LetVariantAsPointerType ¶
func LetVariantAsPointerType[T mmm.PointerWithFree[API, T, Size], Size mmm.PointerSize](ctx Lifetime, variant Variant, vtype VariantType) T
func UnsafeGet ¶
func UnsafeGet[T any](frame UnsafeArgs, index int) T
func UnsafeSet ¶
func UnsafeSet[T any](frame UnsafeBack, value T)
Types ¶
type API ¶
type API struct { api.Specification GetGodotVersion func() Version GetNativeStructSize func(StringName) uintptr Memory struct { Allocate func(uintptr) unsafe.Pointer Reallocate func(unsafe.Pointer, uintptr) unsafe.Pointer Free func(unsafe.Pointer) } PrintError func(code, function, file string, line int32, notifyEditor bool) PrintErrorMessage func(code, message, function, file string, line int32, notifyEditor bool) PrintWarning func(code, function, file string, line int32, notifyEditor bool) PrintWarningMessage func(code, message, function, file string, line int32, notifyEditor bool) PrintScriptError func(code, function, file string, line int32, notifyEditor bool) PrintScriptErrorMessage func(code, message, function, file string, line int32, notifyEditor bool) Variants struct { NewCopy func(ctx Lifetime, src Variant) Variant NewNil func(ctx Lifetime) Variant Destroy func(self Variant) Call func(ctx Lifetime, self Variant, method StringName, args ...Variant) (Variant, error) CallStatic func(ctx Lifetime, vtype VariantType, method StringName, args ...Variant) (Variant, error) Evaluate func(ctx Lifetime, operator Operator, a, b Variant) (ret Variant, ok bool) Set func(self, key, val Variant) bool SetNamed func(self Variant, key StringName, val Variant) bool SetKeyed func(self, key, val Variant) bool SetIndexed func(self Variant, index Int, val Variant) (ok, oob bool) Get func(ctx Lifetime, self, key Variant) (Variant, bool) GetNamed func(ctx Lifetime, self Variant, key StringName) (Variant, bool) GetKeyed func(ctx Lifetime, self, key Variant) (Variant, bool) GetIndexed func(ctx Lifetime, self Variant, index Int) (val Variant, ok, oob bool) IteratorInitialize func(ctx Lifetime, self Variant) (Variant, bool) IteratorNext func(self Variant, iterator Variant) bool IteratorGet func(ctx Lifetime, self Variant, iterator Variant) (Variant, bool) Hash func(self Variant) Int RecursiveHash func(self Variant, count Int) Int HashCompare func(self, variant Variant) bool Booleanize func(self Variant) bool Duplicate func(ctx Lifetime, self Variant, deep bool) Variant Stringify func(ctx Lifetime, self Variant) String GetType func(self Variant) VariantType HasMethod func(self Variant, method StringName) bool HasMember func(self Variant, member StringName) bool HasKey func(self Variant, key Variant) (hasKey, valid bool) GetTypeName func(ctx Lifetime, self VariantType) String CanConvert func(self Variant, to VariantType) bool CanConvertStrict func(self Variant, to VariantType) bool FromTypeConstructor func(VariantType) func(ret callframe.Ptr[[3]uintptr], arg uintptr) ToTypeConstructor func(VariantType) func(ret uintptr, arg callframe.Ptr[[3]uintptr]) PointerOperatorEvaluator func(op Operator, a, b VariantType) func(a, b, ret uintptr) GetPointerBuiltinMethod func(VariantType, StringName, Int) func(base uintptr, args callframe.Args, ret uintptr, c int32) GetPointerConstructor func(vtype VariantType, index int32) func(base uintptr, args callframe.Args) GetPointerDestructor func(VariantType) func(base uintptr) Construct func(ctx Lifetime, t VariantType, args ...Variant) (Variant, error) GetPointerSetter func(VariantType, StringName) func(base, arg uintptr) GetPointerGetter func(VariantType, StringName) func(base, ret uintptr) GetPointerIndexedSetter func(VariantType) func(base uintptr, index Int, arg uintptr) GetPointerIndexedGetter func(VariantType) func(base uintptr, index Int, ret uintptr) GetPointerKeyedSetter func(VariantType) func(base uintptr, key uintptr, arg uintptr) GetPointerKeyedGetter func(VariantType) func(base uintptr, key uintptr, ret uintptr) GetPointerKeyedChecker func(VariantType) func(base uintptr, key uintptr) uint32 GetConstantValue func(ctx Lifetime, t VariantType, name StringName) Variant GetPointerUtilityFunction func(name StringName, hash Int) func(ret uintptr, args callframe.Args, c int32) } Strings struct { New func(Lifetime, string) String Get func(String) string SetIndex func(String, Int, rune) Index func(String, Int) rune Append func(Lifetime, String, String) String AppendRune func(String, rune) Resize func(String, Int) UnsafePointer func(String) unsafe.Pointer } StringNames struct { New func(Lifetime, string) StringName } XMLParser struct { OpenBuffer func(Object, []byte) error } FileAccess struct { StoreBuffer func(Object, []byte) GetBuffer func(Object, []byte) int } PackedByteArray PackedFunctionsFor[PackedByteArray, byte] PackedColorArray PackedFunctionsFor[PackedColorArray, Color] PackedFloat32Array PackedFunctionsFor[PackedFloat32Array, float32] PackedFloat64Array PackedFunctionsFor[PackedFloat64Array, float64] PackedInt32Array PackedFunctionsFor[PackedInt32Array, int32] PackedInt64Array PackedFunctionsFor[PackedInt64Array, int64] PackedStringArray struct { Index func(Lifetime, PackedStringArray, Int) String SetIndex func(PackedStringArray, Int, String) CopyAsSlice func(Lifetime, PackedStringArray) []String } PackedVector2Array PackedFunctionsFor[PackedVector2Array, Vector2] PackedVector3Array PackedFunctionsFor[PackedVector3Array, Vector3] PackedVector4Array PackedFunctionsFor[PackedVector4Array, Vector4] Array struct { Index func(Lifetime, Array, Int) Variant Set func(self, from Array) SetIndex func(Array, Int, Variant) SetTyped func(self Array, t VariantType, className StringName, script Object) } Dictionary struct { Index func(ctx Lifetime, dict Dictionary, key Variant) Variant SetIndex func(dict Dictionary, key, val Variant) } Object struct { MethodBindCall func(ctx Lifetime, method MethodBind, obj Object, arg ...Variant) (Variant, error) MethodBindPointerCall func(method MethodBind, obj Object, arg callframe.Args, ret uintptr) Destroy func(Object) GetSingleton func(ctx Lifetime, name StringName) Object GetInstanceBinding func(Object, ExtensionToken, InstanceBindingType) any SetInstanceBinding func(Object, ExtensionToken, any, InstanceBindingType) FreeInstanceBinding func(Object, ExtensionToken) SetInstance func(Object, StringName, ObjectInterface) GetClassName func(Lifetime, Object, ExtensionToken) String CastTo func(Object, ClassTag) Object GetInstanceID func(Object) ObjectID GetInstanceFromID func(Lifetime, ObjectID) Object } RefCounted struct { GetObject func(Lifetime, Object) Object SetObject func(Object, Object) } Callables struct { Create func(ctx Lifetime, fn func(...Variant) (Variant, error)) Callable Get func(Callable) (func(...Variant) (Variant, error), bool) } ClassDB struct { ConstructObject func(Lifetime, StringName) Object GetClassTag func(StringName) ClassTag GetMethodBind func(class, method StringName, hash Int) MethodBind RegisterClass func(library ExtensionToken, name, extends StringName, info ClassInterface) RegisterClassMethod func(ctx Lifetime, library ExtensionToken, class StringName, info Method) RegisterClassIntegerConstant func(library ExtensionToken, class, enum, name StringName, value int64, bitfield bool) RegisterClassProperty func(library ExtensionToken, class StringName, info PropertyInfo, getter, setter StringName) RegisterClassPropertyIndexed func(library ExtensionToken, class StringName, info PropertyInfo, getter, setter StringName, index int64) RegisterClassPropertyGroup func(library ExtensionToken, class StringName, group, prefix String) RegisterClassPropertySubGroup func(library ExtensionToken, class StringName, subGroup, prefix String) RegisterClassSignal func(library ExtensionToken, class, signal StringName, args []PropertyInfo) UnregisterClass func(library ExtensionToken, class StringName) } EditorPlugins struct { Add func(plugin StringName) Remove func(plugin StringName) } GetLibraryPath func(Lifetime, ExtensionToken) String ExtensionToken // extensions instances are mapped here. Instances map[uintptr]ExtensionClass Singletons singletons // contains filtered or unexported fields }
API specification for Godot's GDExtension.
func (*API) Init ¶
func (Godot *API) Init(static Lifetime, level GDExtensionInitializationLevel)
Link needs to be called once for the API to load in all of the dynamic function pointers. Typically, the link layer will take care of this (and you won't need to call it yourself).
func (*API) StringFromStringName ¶
func (Godot *API) StringFromStringName(ctx Lifetime, s StringName) String
func (*API) StringNameFromString ¶
func (Godot *API) StringNameFromString(ctx Lifetime, s String) StringName
type Array ¶
func (Array) All ¶
Calls the given Callable on each element in the array and returns [code]true[/code] if the Callable returns [code]true[/code] for [i]all[/i] elements in the array. If the Callable returns [code]false[/code] for one array element or more, this method returns [code]false[/code]. The [param method] should take one Variant parameter (the current array element) and return a [bool]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] func greater_than_5(number):
return number > 5
func _ready():
print([6, 10, 6].all(greater_than_5)) # Prints true (3/3 elements evaluate to true). print([4, 10, 4].all(greater_than_5)) # Prints false (1/3 elements evaluate to true). print([4, 4, 4].all(greater_than_5)) # Prints false (0/3 elements evaluate to true). print([].all(greater_than_5)) # Prints true (0/0 elements evaluate to true). # Same as the first line above, but using a lambda function. print([6, 10, 6].all(func(element): return element > 5)) # Prints true
[/gdscript] [csharp] private static bool GreaterThan5(int number)
{ return number > 5; }
public override void _Ready()
{ // Prints true (3/3 elements evaluate to true). GD.Print(new Godot.Collections.Array>int< { 6, 10, 6 }.All(GreaterThan5)); // Prints false (1/3 elements evaluate to true). GD.Print(new Godot.Collections.Array>int< { 4, 10, 4 }.All(GreaterThan5)); // Prints false (0/3 elements evaluate to true). GD.Print(new Godot.Collections.Array>int< { 4, 4, 4 }.All(GreaterThan5)); // Prints true (0/0 elements evaluate to true). GD.Print(new Godot.Collections.Array>int< { }.All(GreaterThan5)); // Same as the first line above, but using a lambda function. GD.Print(new Godot.Collections.Array>int< { 6, 10, 6 }.All(element => element > 5)); // Prints true }
[/csharp] [/codeblocks] See also [method any], [method filter], [method map] and [method reduce]. [b]Note:[/b] Unlike relying on the size of an array returned by [method filter], this method will return as early as possible to improve performance (especially with large arrays). [b]Note:[/b] For an empty array, this method [url=]always[/url] returns [code]true[/code].
func (Array) Any ¶
Calls the given Callable on each element in the array and returns [code]true[/code] if the Callable returns [code]true[/code] for [i]one or more[/i] elements in the array. If the Callable returns [code]false[/code] for all elements in the array, this method returns [code]false[/code]. The [param method] should take one Variant parameter (the current array element) and return a [bool]. [codeblock] func greater_than_5(number):
return number > 5
func _ready():
print([6, 10, 6].any(greater_than_5)) # Prints true (3 elements evaluate to true). print([4, 10, 4].any(greater_than_5)) # Prints true (1 elements evaluate to true). print([4, 4, 4].any(greater_than_5)) # Prints false (0 elements evaluate to true). print([].any(greater_than_5)) # Prints false (0 elements evaluate to true). # Same as the first line above, but using a lambda function. print([6, 10, 6].any(func(number): return number > 5)) # Prints true
[/codeblock] See also [method all], [method filter], [method map] and [method reduce]. [b]Note:[/b] Unlike relying on the size of an array returned by [method filter], this method will return as early as possible to improve performance (especially with large arrays). [b]Note:[/b] For an empty array, this method always returns [code]false[/code].
func (Array) AppendArray ¶
Appends another [param array] at the end of this array. [codeblock] var numbers = [1, 2, 3] var extra = [4, 5, 6] numbers.append_array(extra) print(nums) # Prints [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] [/codeblock]
func (Array) Assign ¶
Assigns elements of another [param array] into the array. Resizes the array to match [param array]. Performs type conversions if the array is typed.
func (Array) Back ¶
Returns the last element of the array. If the array is empty, fails and returns [code]null[/code]. See also [method front]. [b]Note:[/b] Unlike with the [code][][/code] operator ([code]array[-1][/code]), an error is generated without stopping project execution.
func (Array) Bsearch ¶
Returns the index of [param value] in the sorted array. If it cannot be found, returns where [param value] should be inserted to keep the array sorted. The algorithm used is [url=]binary search[/url]. If [param before] is [code]true[/code] (as by default), the returned index comes before all existing elements equal to [param value] in the array. [codeblock] var numbers = [2, 4, 8, 10] var idx = numbers.bsearch(7)
numbers.insert(idx, 7) print(numbers) # Prints [2, 4, 7, 8, 10]
var fruits = ["Apple", "Lemon", "Lemon", "Orange"] print(fruits.bsearch("Lemon", true)) # Prints 1, points at the first "Lemon". print(fruits.bsearch("Lemon", false)) # Prints 3, points at "Orange". [/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an [i]unsorted[/i] array will result in unexpected behavior. Use [method sort] before calling this method.
func (Array) BsearchCustom ¶
Returns the index of [param value] in the sorted array. If it cannot be found, returns where [param value] should be inserted to keep the array sorted (using [param func] for the comparisons). The algorithm used is [url=]binary search[/url]. Similar to [method sort_custom], [param func] is called as many times as necessary, receiving one array element and [param value] as arguments. The function should return [code]true[/code] if the array element should be [i]behind[/i] [param value], otherwise it should return [code]false[/code]. If [param before] is [code]true[/code] (as by default), the returned index comes before all existing elements equal to [param value] in the array. [codeblock] func sort_by_amount(a, b):
if a[1] < b[1]: return true return false
func _ready():
var my_items = [["Tomato", 2], ["Kiwi", 5], ["Rice", 9]] var apple = ["Apple", 5] # "Apple" is inserted before "Kiwi". my_items.insert(my_items.bsearch_custom(apple, sort_by_amount, true), apple) var banana = ["Banana", 5] # "Banana" is inserted after "Kiwi". my_items.insert(my_items.bsearch_custom(banana, sort_by_amount, false), banana) # Prints [["Tomato", 2], ["Apple", 5], ["Kiwi", 5], ["Banana", 5], ["Rice", 9]] print(my_items)
[/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch_custom] on an [i]unsorted[/i] array will result in unexpected behavior. Use [method sort_custom] with [param func] before calling this method.
func (Array) Clear ¶
func (self Array) Clear()
Removes all elements from the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (Array) Duplicate ¶
Returns a new copy of the array. By default, a [b]shallow[/b] copy is returned: all nested Array and Dictionary elements are shared with the original array. Modifying them in one array will also affect them in the other.[br]If [param deep] is [code]true[/code], a [b]deep[/b] copy is returned: all nested arrays and dictionaries are also duplicated (recursively).
func (Array) Erase ¶
Finds and removes the first occurrence of [param value] from the array. If [param value] does not exist in the array, nothing happens. To remove an element by index, use [method remove_at] instead. [b]Note:[/b] This method shifts every element's index after the removed [param value] back, which may have a noticeable performance cost, especially on larger arrays. [b]Note:[/b] Erasing elements while iterating over arrays is [b]not[/b] supported and will result in unpredictable behavior.
func (Array) Fill ¶
Assigns the given [param value] to all elements in the array. This method can often be combined with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements: [codeblocks] [gdscript] var array = [] array.resize(5) array.fill(2) print(array) # Prints [2, 2, 2, 2, 2] [/gdscript] [csharp] var array = new Godot.Collections.Array(); array.Resize(5); array.Fill(2); GD.Print(array); // Prints [2, 2, 2, 2, 2] [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] If [param value] is a Variant passed by reference (Object-derived, Array, Dictionary, etc.), the array will be filled with references to the same [param value], which are not duplicates.
func (Array) Filter ¶
Calls the given Callable on each element in the array and returns a new, filtered Array. The [param method] receives one of the array elements as an argument, and should return [code]true[/code] to add the element to the filtered array, or [code]false[/code] to exclude it. [codeblock] func is_even(number):
return number % 2 == 0
func _ready():
print([1, 4, 5, 8].filter(is_even)) # Prints [4, 8] # Same as above, but using a lambda function. print([1, 4, 5, 8].filter(func(number): return number % 2 == 0))
[/codeblock] See also [method any], [method all], [method map] and [method reduce].
func (Array) Find ¶
Returns the index of the [b]first[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this array, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The search's start can be specified with [param from], continuing to the end of the array. [b]Note:[/b] If you just want to know whether the array contains [param what], use [method has] ([code]Contains[/code] in C#). In GDScript, you may also use the [code]in[/code] operator. [b]Note:[/b] For performance reasons, the search is affected by [param what]'s [enum Variant.Type]. For example, [code]7[/code] ([int]) and [code]7.0[/code] ([float]) are not considered equal for this method.
func (Array) Front ¶
Returns the first element of the array. If the array is empty, fails and returns [code]null[/code]. See also [method back]. [b]Note:[/b] Unlike with the [code][][/code] operator ([code]array[0][/code]), an error is generated without stopping project execution.
func (Array) GetTypedBuiltin ¶
Returns the built-in Variant type of the typed array as a [enum Variant.Type] constant. If the array is not typed, returns [constant TYPE_NIL]. See also [method is_typed].
func (Array) GetTypedClassName ¶
func (self Array) GetTypedClassName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
Returns the [b]built-in[/b] class name of the typed array, if the built-in Variant type [constant TYPE_OBJECT]. Otherwise, returns an empty StringName. See also [method is_typed] and [method Object.get_class].
func (Array) GetTypedScript ¶
Returns the [Script] instance associated with this typed array, or [code]null[/code] if it does not exist. See also [method is_typed].
func (Array) Has ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains the given [param value]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print(["inside", 7].has("inside")) # Prints true print(["inside", 7].has("outside")) # Prints false print(["inside", 7].has(7)) # Prints true print(["inside", 7].has("7")) # Prints false [/gdscript] [csharp] var arr = new Godot.Collections.Array { "inside", 7 }; // By C# convention, this method is renamed to `Contains`. GD.Print(arr.Contains("inside")); // Prints true GD.Print(arr.Contains("outside")); // Prints false GD.Print(arr.Contains(7)); // Prints true GD.Print(arr.Contains("7")); // Prints false [/csharp] [/codeblocks] In GDScript, this is equivalent to the [code]in[/code] operator: [codeblock] if 4 in [2, 4, 6, 8]:
print("4 is here!") # Will be printed.
[/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] For performance reasons, the search is affected by the [param value]'s [enum Variant.Type]. For example, [code]7[/code] ([int]) and [code]7.0[/code] ([float]) are not considered equal for this method.
func (Array) Hash ¶
Returns a hashed 32-bit integer value representing the array and its contents. [b]Note:[/b] Arrays with equal hash values are [i]not[/i] guaranteed to be the same, as a result of hash collisions. On the countrary, arrays with different hash values are guaranteed to be different.
func (Array) Insert ¶
Inserts a new element ([param value]) at a given index ([param position]) in the array. [param position] should be between [code]0[/code] and the array's [method size]. Returns [constant OK] on success, or one of the other [enum Error] constants if this method fails. [b]Note:[/b] Every element's index after [param position] needs to be shifted forward, which may have a noticeable performance cost, especially on larger arrays.
func (Array) IsEmpty ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty ([code][][/code]). See also [method size].
func (Array) IsReadOnly ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is read-only. See [method make_read_only]. In GDScript, arrays are automatically read-only if declared with the [code]const[/code] keyword.
func (Array) IsSameTyped ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this array is typed the same as the given [param array]. See also [method is_typed].
func (Array) IsTyped ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is typed. Typed arrays can only contain elements of a specific type, as defined by the typed array constructor. The methods of a typed array are still expected to return a generic Variant. In GDScript, it is possible to define a typed array with static typing: [codeblock] var numbers: Array[float] = [0.2, 4.2, -2.0] print(numbers.is_typed()) # Prints true [/codeblock]
func (Array) MakeReadOnly ¶
func (self Array) MakeReadOnly()
Makes the array read-only. The array's elements cannot be overridden with different values, and their order cannot change. Does not apply to nested elements, such as dictionaries. In GDScript, arrays are automatically read-only if declared with the [code]const[/code] keyword.
func (Array) Map ¶
Calls the given Callable for each element in the array and returns a new array filled with values returned by the [param method]. The [param method] should take one Variant parameter (the current array element) and can return any Variant. [codeblock] func double(number):
return number * 2
func _ready():
print([1, 2, 3].map(double)) # Prints [2, 4, 6] # Same as above, but using a lambda function. print([1, 2, 3].map(func(element): return element * 2))
[/codeblock] See also [method filter], [method reduce], [method any] and [method all].
func (Array) Max ¶
Returns the maximum value contained in the array, if all elements can be compared. Otherwise, returns [code]null[/code]. See also [method min]. To find the maximum value using a custom comparator, you can use [method reduce].
func (Array) Min ¶
Returns the minimum value contained in the array, if all elements can be compared. Otherwise, returns [code]null[/code]. See also [method max].
func (Array) PickRandom ¶
Returns a random element from the array. Generates an error and returns [code]null[/code] if the array is empty. [codeblocks] [gdscript] # May print 1, 2, 3.25, or "Hi". print([1, 2, 3.25, "Hi"].pick_random()) [/gdscript] [csharp] var array = new Godot.Collections.Array { 1, 2, 3.25f, "Hi" }; GD.Print(array.PickRandom()); // May print 1, 2, 3.25, or "Hi". [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] Like many similar functions in the engine (such as [method @GlobalScope.randi] or [method shuffle]), this method uses a common, global random seed. To get a predictable outcome from this method, see [method @GlobalScope.seed].
func (Array) PopAt ¶
Removes and returns the element of the array at index [param position]. If negative, [param position] is considered relative to the end of the array. Returns [code]null[/code] if the array is empty. If [param position] is out of bounds, an error message is also generated. [b]Note:[/b] This method shifts every element's index after [param position] back, which may have a noticeable performance cost, especially on larger arrays.
func (Array) PopBack ¶
Removes and returns the last element of the array. Returns [code]null[/code] if the array is empty, without generating an error. See also [method pop_front].
func (Array) PopFront ¶
Removes and returns the first element of the array. Returns [code]null[/code] if the array is empty, without generating an error. See also [method pop_back]. [b]Note:[/b] This method shifts every other element's index back, which may have a noticeable performance cost, especially on larger arrays.
func (Array) PushFront ¶
Adds an element at the beginning of the array. See also [method push_back]. [b]Note:[/b] This method shifts every other element's index forward, which may have a noticeable performance cost, especially on larger arrays.
func (Array) Reduce ¶
Calls the given Callable for each element in array, accumulates the result in [param accum], then returns it. The [param method] takes two arguments: the current value of [param accum] and the current array element. If [param accum] is [code]null[/code] (as by default), the iteration will start from the second element, with the first one used as initial value of [param accum]. [codeblock] func sum(accum, number):
return accum + number
func _ready():
print([1, 2, 3].reduce(sum, 0)) # Prints 6 print([1, 2, 3].reduce(sum, 10)) # Prints 16 # Same as above, but using a lambda function. print([1, 2, 3].reduce(func(accum, number): return accum + number, 10))
[/codeblock] If [method max] is not desirable, this method may also be used to implement a custom comparator: [codeblock] func _ready():
var arr = [Vector2(5, 0), Vector2(3, 4), Vector2(1, 2)] var longest_vec = arr.reduce(func(max, vec): return vec if is_length_greater(vec, max) else max) print(longest_vec) # Prints Vector2(3, 4).
func is_length_greater(a, b):
return a.length() > b.length()
[/codeblock] See also [method map], [method filter], [method any] and [method all].
func (Array) RemoveAt ¶
Removes the element from the array at the given index ([param position]). If the index is out of bounds, this method fails. If you need to return the removed element, use [method pop_at]. To remove an element by value, use [method erase] instead. [b]Note:[/b] This method shifts every element's index after [param position] back, which may have a noticeable performance cost, especially on larger arrays. [b]Note:[/b] The [param position] cannot be negative. To remove an element relative to the end of the array, use [code]arr.remove_at(arr.size() - (i + 1))[/code]. To remove the last element from the array, use [code]arr.resize(arr.size() - 1)[/code].
func (Array) Resize ¶
Sets the array's number of elements to [param size]. If [param size] is smaller than the array's current size, the elements at the end are removed. If [param size] is greater, new default elements (usually [code]null[/code]) are added, depending on the array's type. Returns [constant OK] on success, or one of the other [enum Error] constants if this method fails. [b]Note:[/b] Calling this method once and assigning the new values is faster than calling [method append] for every new element.
func (Array) Rfind ¶
Returns the index of the [b]last[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this array, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The search's start can be specified with [param from], continuing to the beginning of the array. This method is the reverse of [method find].
func (Array) Shuffle ¶
func (self Array) Shuffle()
Shuffles all elements of the array in a random order. [b]Note:[/b] Like many similar functions in the engine (such as [method @GlobalScope.randi] or [method pick_random]), this method uses a common, global random seed. To get a predictable outcome from this method, see [method @GlobalScope.seed].
func (Array) Size ¶
Returns the number of elements in the array. Empty arrays ([code][][/code]) always return [code]0[/code]. See also [method is_empty].
func (Array) Slice ¶
Returns a new Array containing this array's elements, from index [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), every [param step] elements. If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, their value is relative to the end of the array. If [param step] is negative, this method iterates through the array in reverse, returning a slice ordered backwards. For this to work, [param begin] must be greater than [param end]. If [param deep] is [code]true[/code], all nested Array and Dictionary elements in the slice are duplicated from the original, recursively. See also [method duplicate]). [codeblock] var letters = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
print(letters.slice(0, 2)) # Prints ["A", "B"] print(letters.slice(2, -2)) # Prints ["C", "D"] print(letters.slice(-2, 6)) # Prints ["E", "F"]
print(letters.slice(0, 6, 2)) # Prints ["A", "C", "E"] print(letters.slice(4, 1, -1)) # Prints ["E", "D", "C"] [/codeblock]
func (Array) Sort ¶
func (self Array) Sort()
Sorts the array in ascending order. The final order is dependent on the "less than" ([code]<[/code]) comparison between elements. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var numbers = [10, 5, 2.5, 8] numbers.sort() print(numbers) # Prints [2.5, 5, 8, 10] [/gdscript] [csharp] var numbers = new Godot.Collections.Array { 10, 5, 2.5, 8 }; numbers.Sort(); GD.Print(numbers); // Prints [2.5, 5, 8, 10] [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] The sorting algorithm used is not [url=]stable[/url]. This means that equivalent elements (such as [code]2[/code] and [code]2.0[/code]) may have their order changed when calling [method sort].
func (Array) SortCustom ¶
Sorts the array using a custom Callable. [param func] is called as many times as necessary, receiving two array elements as arguments. The function should return [code]true[/code] if the first element should be moved [i]behind[/i] the second one, otherwise it should return [code]false[/code]. [codeblock] func sort_ascending(a, b):
if a[1] < b[1]: return true return false
func _ready():
var my_items = [["Tomato", 5], ["Apple", 9], ["Rice", 4]] my_items.sort_custom(sort_ascending) print(my_items) # Prints [["Rice", 4], ["Tomato", 5], ["Apple", 9]] # Sort descending, using a lambda function. my_items.sort_custom(func(a, b): return a[0] > b[0]) print(my_items) # Prints [["Apple", 9], ["Tomato", 5], ["Rice", 4]]
[/codeblock] It may also be necessary to use this method to sort strings by natural order, with [method String.naturalnocasecmp_to], as in the following example: [codeblock] var files = ["newfile1", "newfile2", "newfile10", "newfile11"] files.sort_custom(func(a, b): return a.naturalnocasecmp_to(b) < 0) print(files) # Prints ["newfile1", "newfile2", "newfile10", "newfile11"] [/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, this method is not supported. [b]Note:[/b] The sorting algorithm used is not [url=]stable[/url]. This means that values considered equal may have their order changed when calling this method. [b]Note:[/b] You should not randomize the return value of [param func], as the heapsort algorithm expects a consistent result. Randomizing the return value will result in unexpected behavior.
type ArrayOf ¶
type ArrayOf[T any] interface { IsArray IsArrayType[T] All(method Callable) bool Any(method Callable) bool Append(value T) AppendArray(array ArrayOf[T]) Assign(array ArrayOf[T]) Back(ctx Lifetime) T Bsearch(value T, before bool) int64 BsearchCustom(value T, fn Callable, before bool) int64 Clear() Count(value T) int64 Duplicate(ctx Lifetime, deep bool) ArrayOf[T] Erase(value T) Fill(value T) Filter(ctx Lifetime, method Callable) ArrayOf[T] Find(what T, from int64) int64 Free() Front(ctx Lifetime) T GetTypedBuiltin() int64 GetTypedClassName(ctx Lifetime) StringName GetTypedScript(ctx Lifetime) Variant Has(value T) bool Hash() int64 Index(ctx Lifetime, index int64) T Insert(position int64, value T) int64 IsEmpty() bool IsReadOnly() bool IsSameTyped(array Array) bool IsTyped() bool MakeReadOnly() Map(ctx Lifetime, method Callable) ArrayOf[T] Max(ctx Lifetime) T Min(ctx Lifetime) T PickRandom(ctx Lifetime) T PopAt(ctx Lifetime, position int64) T PopBack(ctx Lifetime) T PopFront(ctx Lifetime) T PushBack(value T) PushFront(value T) Reduce(ctx Lifetime, method Callable, accum T) T RemoveAt(position int64) Resize(size int64) int64 Reverse() Rfind(what T, from int64) int64 SetIndex(index int64, value T) Shuffle() Size() int64 Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin int64, end int64, step int64, deep bool) ArrayOf[T] Sort() SortCustom(fn Callable) UnmarshalInto(any) error Iter() iter.Seq2[Int, T] }
type AudioFrame ¶
type AudioFrame struct {
Left, Right float32
type CallError ¶
type CallError struct { ErrorType CallErrorType Argument int32 Expected int32 }
type CallErrorType ¶
type CallErrorType int32
const ( OK CallErrorType = iota ErrInvalidMethod ErrInvalidArgument ErrTooManyArguments ErrTooFewArguments ErrInstanceIsNil ErrMethodNotConst )
type CallFrameArgs ¶
type CallFrameArgs uintptr
type CallFrameBack ¶
type CallFrameBack uintptr
type Callable ¶
func (Callable) Bind ¶
Returns a copy of this Callable with one or more arguments bound. When called, the bound arguments are passed [i]after[/i] the arguments supplied by [method call]. See also [method unbind]. [b]Note:[/b] When this method is chained with other similar methods, the order in which the argument list is modified is read from right to left.
func (Callable) Bindv ¶
Returns a copy of this Callable with one or more arguments bound, reading them from an array. When called, the bound arguments are passed [i]after[/i] the arguments supplied by [method call]. See also [method unbind]. [b]Note:[/b] When this method is chained with other similar methods, the order in which the argument list is modified is read from right to left.
func (Callable) Call ¶
Calls the method represented by this Callable. Arguments can be passed and should match the method's signature.
func (Callable) CallDeferred ¶
Calls the method represented by this Callable in deferred mode, i.e. at the end of the current frame. Arguments can be passed and should match the method's signature. [codeblocks] [gdscript] func _ready():
[/gdscript] [csharp] public override void _Ready()
{ Callable.From(GrabFocus).CallDeferred(); }
[/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] Deferred calls are processed at idle time. Idle time happens mainly at the end of process and physics frames. In it, deferred calls will be run until there are none left, which means you can defer calls from other deferred calls and they'll still be run in the current idle time cycle. This means you should not call a method deferred from itself (or from a method called by it), as this causes infinite recursion the same way as if you had called the method directly. See also [method Object.call_deferred].
func (Callable) Callv ¶
Calls the method represented by this Callable. Unlike [method call], this method expects all arguments to be contained inside the [param arguments] Array.
func (Callable) Create ¶
func (self Callable) Create(ctx Lifetime, variant Variant, method StringName) Callable
Creates a new Callable for the method named [param method] in the specified [param variant]. To represent a method of a built-in Variant type, a custom callable is used (see [method is_custom]). If [param variant] is Object, then a standard callable will be created instead. [b]Note:[/b] This method is always necessary for the Dictionary type, as property syntax is used to access its entries. You may also use this method when [param variant]'s type is not known in advance (for polymorphism).
func (Callable) GetArgumentCount ¶
Returns the total number of arguments this Callable should take, including optional arguments. This means that any arguments bound with [method bind] are [i]subtracted[/i] from the result, and any arguments unbound with [method unbind] are [i]added[/i] to the result.
func (Callable) GetBoundArguments ¶
Return the bound arguments (as long as [method get_bound_arguments_count] is greater than zero), or empty (if [method get_bound_arguments_count] is less than or equal to zero).
func (Callable) GetBoundArgumentsCount ¶
Returns the total amount of arguments bound (or unbound) via successive [method bind] or [method unbind] calls. If the amount of arguments unbound is greater than the ones bound, this function returns a value less than zero.
func (Callable) GetMethod ¶
func (self Callable) GetMethod(ctx Lifetime) StringName
Returns the name of the method represented by this Callable. If the callable is a GDScript lambda function, returns the function's name or [code]"<anonymous lambda>"[/code].
func (Callable) GetObjectId ¶
Returns the ID of this Callable's object (see [method Object.get_instance_id]).
func (Callable) Hash ¶
Returns the 32-bit hash value of this Callable's object. [b]Note:[/b] [Callable]s with equal content will always produce identical hash values. However, the reverse is not true. Returning identical hash values does [i]not[/i] imply the callables are equal, because different callables can have identical hash values due to hash collisions. The engine uses a 32-bit hash algorithm for [method hash].
func (Callable) IsCustom ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this Callable is a custom callable. Custom callables are used: - for binding/unbinding arguments (see [method bind] and [method unbind]); - for representing methods of built-in Variant types (see [method create]); - for representing global, lambda, and RPC functions in GDScript; - for other purposes in the core, GDExtension, and C#.
func (Callable) IsNull ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this Callable has no target to call the method on.
func (Callable) IsStandard ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this Callable is a standard callable. This method is the opposite of [method is_custom]. Returns [code]false[/code] if this callable is a lambda function.
func (Callable) IsValid ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the callable's object exists and has a valid method name assigned, or is a custom callable.
func (Callable) Rpc ¶
Perform an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) on all connected peers. This is used for multiplayer and is normally not available, unless the function being called has been marked as [i]RPC[/i] (using [annotation @GDScript.@rpc] or [method Node.rpc_config]). Calling this method on unsupported functions will result in an error. See [method Node.rpc].
func (Callable) RpcId ¶
Perform an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) on a specific peer ID (see multiplayer documentation for reference). This is used for multiplayer and is normally not available unless the function being called has been marked as [i]RPC[/i] (using [annotation @GDScript.@rpc] or [method Node.rpc_config]). Calling this method on unsupported functions will result in an error. See [method Node.rpc_id].
func (Callable) Unbind ¶
Returns a copy of this Callable with a number of arguments unbound. In other words, when the new callable is called the last few arguments supplied by the user are ignored, according to [param argcount]. The remaining arguments are passed to the callable. This allows to use the original callable in a context that attempts to pass more arguments than this callable can handle, e.g. a signal with a fixed number of arguments. See also [method bind]. [b]Note:[/b] When this method is chained with other similar methods, the order in which the argument list is modified is read from right to left. [codeblock] func _ready():
foo.unbind(1).call(1, 2) # Calls foo(1). foo.bind(3, 4).unbind(1).call(1, 2) # Calls foo(1, 3, 4), note that it does not change the arguments from bind.
type Class ¶
type Class[T, S IsClass] struct { KeepAlive Lifetime Temporary Lifetime // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Class[T, S]) GetKeepAlive ¶
func (*Class[T, S]) SetKeepAlive ¶
func (*Class[T, S]) SetPointer ¶
func (*Class[T, S]) SetTemporary ¶
type ClassInterface ¶
type ClassInterface interface { IsVirtual() bool IsAbstract() bool IsExposed() bool CreateInstance() Object // ReloadInstance is used to reload an existing object instance // when the Go shared library is reloaded from the editor. ReloadInstance(Object) ObjectInterface GetVirtual(StringName) any }
type ClassMethodArgumentMetadata ¶
type ClassMethodArgumentMetadata uint32
const ( ArgumentMetadataNone ClassMethodArgumentMetadata = iota ArgumentMetadataIntIsInt8 ArgumentMetadataIntIsInt16 ArgumentMetadataIntIsInt32 ArgumentMetadataIntIsInt64 ArgumentMetadataIntIsUint8 ArgumentMetadataIntIsUint16 ArgumentMetadataIntIsUint32 ArgumentMetadataIntIsUint64 ArgumentMetadataRealIsFloat32 ArgumentMetadataRealIsFloat64 )
type ClockDirection ¶
type ClockDirection int64
type Dictionary ¶
type Dictionary mmm.Pointer[API, Dictionary, uintptr]
func (Dictionary) Clear ¶
func (self Dictionary) Clear()
Clears the dictionary, removing all entries from it.
func (Dictionary) Duplicate ¶
func (self Dictionary) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime, deep bool) Dictionary
Creates and returns a new copy of the dictionary. If [param deep] is [code]true[/code], inner Dictionary and Array keys and values are also copied, recursively.
func (Dictionary) Erase ¶
func (self Dictionary) Erase(key Variant) bool
Removes the dictionary entry by key, if it exists. Returns [code]true[/code] if the given [param key] existed in the dictionary, otherwise [code]false[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] Do not erase entries while iterating over the dictionary. You can iterate over the [method keys] array instead.
func (Dictionary) FindKey ¶
func (self Dictionary) FindKey(ctx Lifetime, value Variant) Variant
Finds and returns the first key whose associated value is equal to [param value], or [code]null[/code] if it is not found. [b]Note:[/b] [code]null[/code] is also a valid key. If inside the dictionary, [method find_key] may give misleading results.
func (Dictionary) Free ¶
func (d Dictionary) Free()
func (Dictionary) Get ¶
func (self Dictionary) Get(ctx Lifetime, key Variant, def Variant) Variant
Returns the corresponding value for the given [param key] in the dictionary. If the [param key] does not exist, returns [param default], or [code]null[/code] if the parameter is omitted.
func (Dictionary) GetOrAdd ¶
func (self Dictionary) GetOrAdd(ctx Lifetime, key Variant, def Variant) Variant
Gets a value and ensures the key is set. If the [param key] exists in the dictionary, this behaves like [method get]. Otherwise, the [param default] value is inserted into the dictionary and returned.
func (Dictionary) Has ¶
func (self Dictionary) Has(key Variant) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the dictionary contains an entry with the given [param key]. [codeblocks] [gdscript]
var my_dict = { "Godot" : 4, 210 : null, }
print(my_dict.has("Godot")) # Prints true print(my_dict.has(210)) # Prints true print(my_dict.has(4)) # Prints false [/gdscript] [csharp] var myDict = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
{ { "Godot", 4 }, { 210, default }, };
GD.Print(myDict.ContainsKey("Godot")); // Prints true GD.Print(myDict.ContainsKey(210)); // Prints true GD.Print(myDict.ContainsKey(4)); // Prints false [/csharp] [/codeblocks] In GDScript, this is equivalent to the [code]in[/code] operator: [codeblock] if "Godot" in {"Godot": 4}:
print("The key is here!") # Will be printed.
[/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] This method returns [code]true[/code] as long as the [param key] exists, even if its corresponding value is [code]null[/code].
func (Dictionary) HasAll ¶
func (self Dictionary) HasAll(keys Array) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the dictionary contains all keys in the given [param keys] array. [codeblock] var data = {"width" : 10, "height" : 20} data.has_all(["height", "width"]) # Returns true [/codeblock]
func (Dictionary) Hash ¶
func (self Dictionary) Hash() Int
Returns a hashed 32-bit integer value representing the dictionary contents. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var dict1 = {"A": 10, "B": 2} var dict2 = {"A": 10, "B": 2}
print(dict1.hash() == dict2.hash()) # Prints true [/gdscript] [csharp] var dict1 = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary{{"A", 10}, {"B", 2}}; var dict2 = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary{{"A", 10}, {"B", 2}};
// Godot.Collections.Dictionary has no Hash() method. Use GD.Hash() instead. GD.Print(GD.Hash(dict1) == GD.Hash(dict2)); // Prints true [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] Dictionaries with the same entries but in a different order will not have the same hash. [b]Note:[/b] Dictionaries with equal hash values are [i]not[/i] guaranteed to be the same, because of hash collisions. On the contrary, dictionaries with different hash values are guaranteed to be different.
func (Dictionary) IsEmpty ¶
func (self Dictionary) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the dictionary is empty (its size is [code]0[/code]). See also [method size].
func (Dictionary) IsReadOnly ¶
func (self Dictionary) IsReadOnly() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the dictionary is read-only. See [method make_read_only]. Dictionaries are automatically read-only if declared with [code]const[/code] keyword.
func (Dictionary) Keys ¶
func (self Dictionary) Keys(ctx Lifetime) Array
Returns the list of keys in the dictionary.
func (Dictionary) MakeReadOnly ¶
func (self Dictionary) MakeReadOnly()
Makes the dictionary read-only, i.e. disables modification of the dictionary's contents. Does not apply to nested content, e.g. content of nested dictionaries.
func (Dictionary) Merge ¶
func (self Dictionary) Merge(dictionary Dictionary, overwrite bool)
Adds entries from [param dictionary] to this dictionary. By default, duplicate keys are not copied over, unless [param overwrite] is [code]true[/code]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var dict = { "item": "sword", "quantity": 2 } var other_dict = { "quantity": 15, "color": "silver" }
# Overwriting of existing keys is disabled by default. dict.merge(other_dict) print(dict) # { "item": "sword", "quantity": 2, "color": "silver" }
# With overwriting of existing keys enabled. dict.merge(other_dict, true) print(dict) # { "item": "sword", "quantity": 15, "color": "silver" } [/gdscript] [csharp] var dict = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
{ ["item"] = "sword", ["quantity"] = 2, };
var otherDict = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
{ ["quantity"] = 15, ["color"] = "silver", };
// Overwriting of existing keys is disabled by default. dict.Merge(otherDict); GD.Print(dict); // { "item": "sword", "quantity": 2, "color": "silver" }
// With overwriting of existing keys enabled. dict.Merge(otherDict, true); GD.Print(dict); // { "item": "sword", "quantity": 15, "color": "silver" } [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] [method merge] is [i]not[/i] recursive. Nested dictionaries are considered as keys that can be overwritten or not depending on the value of [param overwrite], but they will never be merged together.
func (Dictionary) Merged ¶
func (self Dictionary) Merged(ctx Lifetime, dictionary Dictionary, overwrite bool) Dictionary
Returns a copy of this dictionary merged with the other [param dictionary]. By default, duplicate keys are not copied over, unless [param overwrite] is [code]true[/code]. See also [method merge]. This method is useful for quickly making dictionaries with default values: [codeblock] var base = { "fruit": "apple", "vegetable": "potato" } var extra = { "fruit": "orange", "dressing": "vinegar" } # Prints { "fruit": "orange", "vegetable": "potato", "dressing": "vinegar" } print(extra.merged(base)) # Prints { "fruit": "apple", "vegetable": "potato", "dressing": "vinegar" } print(extra.merged(base, true)) [/codeblock]
func (Dictionary) RecursiveEqual ¶
func (self Dictionary) RecursiveEqual(dictionary Dictionary, recursion_count Int) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the two dictionaries contain the same keys and values, inner Dictionary and Array keys and values are compared recursively.
func (Dictionary) SetIndex ¶
func (d Dictionary) SetIndex(key Variant, value Variant)
func (Dictionary) Size ¶
func (self Dictionary) Size() Int
Returns the number of entries in the dictionary. Empty dictionaries ([code]{ }[/code]) always return [code]0[/code]. See also [method is_empty].
func (Dictionary) Values ¶
func (self Dictionary) Values(ctx Lifetime) Array
Returns the list of values in this dictionary.
type Error ¶
type Error int64
const ( /*Methods that return [enum Error] return [constant OK] when no error occurred. Since [constant OK] has value 0, and all other error constants are positive integers, it can also be used in boolean checks. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] var error = method_that_returns_error() if error != OK: printerr("Failure!") # Or, alternatively: if error: printerr("Still failing!") [/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] Many functions do not return an error code, but will print error messages to standard output.*/ Ok Error = 0 /*Generic error.*/ Failed Error = 1 ErrUnavailable Error = 2 /*Unconfigured error.*/ ErrUnconfigured Error = 3 ErrUnauthorized Error = 4 /*Parameter range error.*/ ErrParameterRangeError Error = 5 /*Out of memory (OOM) error.*/ ErrOutOfMemory Error = 6 /*File: Not found error.*/ ErrFileNotFound Error = 7 /*File: Bad drive error.*/ ErrFileBadDrive Error = 8 /*File: Bad path error.*/ ErrFileBadPath Error = 9 /*File: No permission error.*/ ErrFileNoPermission Error = 10 /*File: Already in use error.*/ ErrFileAlreadyInUse Error = 11 /*File: Can't open error.*/ ErrFileCantOpen Error = 12 /*File: Can't write error.*/ ErrFileCantWrite Error = 13 /*File: Can't read error.*/ ErrFileCantRead Error = 14 /*File: Unrecognized error.*/ ErrFileUnrecognized Error = 15 /*File: Corrupt error.*/ ErrFileCorrupt Error = 16 /*File: Missing dependencies error.*/ ErrFileMissingDependencies Error = 17 /*File: End of file (EOF) error.*/ ErrFileEof Error = 18 /*Can't open error.*/ ErrCantOpen Error = 19 /*Can't create error.*/ ErrCantCreate Error = 20 /*Query failed error.*/ ErrQueryFailed Error = 21 /*Already in use error.*/ ErrAlreadyInUse Error = 22 /*Locked error.*/ ErrLocked Error = 23 /*Timeout error.*/ ErrTimeout Error = 24 /*Can't connect error.*/ ErrCantConnect Error = 25 /*Can't resolve error.*/ ErrCantResolve Error = 26 /*Connection error.*/ ErrConnectionError Error = 27 /*Can't acquire resource error.*/ ErrCantAcquireResource Error = 28 /*Can't fork process error.*/ ErrCantFork Error = 29 /*Invalid data error.*/ ErrInvalidData Error = 30 /*Invalid parameter error.*/ ErrInvalidParameter Error = 31 /*Already exists error.*/ ErrAlreadyExists Error = 32 /*Does not exist error.*/ ErrDoesNotExist Error = 33 /*Database: Read error.*/ ErrDatabaseCantRead Error = 34 /*Database: Write error.*/ ErrDatabaseCantWrite Error = 35 /*Compilation failed error.*/ ErrCompilationFailed Error = 36 /*Method not found error.*/ ErrMethodNotFound Error = 37 /*Linking failed error.*/ ErrLinkFailed Error = 38 /*Script failed error.*/ ErrScriptFailed Error = 39 /*Cycling link (import cycle) error.*/ ErrCyclicLink Error = 40 /*Invalid declaration error.*/ ErrInvalidDeclaration Error = 41 /*Duplicate symbol error.*/ ErrDuplicateSymbol Error = 42 /*Parse error.*/ ErrParseError Error = 43 /*Busy error.*/ ErrBusy Error = 44 /*Skip error.*/ ErrSkip Error = 45 /*Help error. Used internally when passing [code]--version[/code] or [code]--help[/code] as executable options.*/ ErrHelp Error = 46 /*Bug error, caused by an implementation issue in the method. [b]Note:[/b] If a built-in method returns this code, please open an issue on [url=]the GitHub Issue Tracker[/url].*/ ErrBug Error = 47 /*Printer on fire error (This is an easter egg, no built-in methods return this error code).*/ ErrPrinterOnFire Error = 48 )
type EulerOrder ¶
type EulerOrder = xy.EulerOrder
type ExtensionClass ¶
type ExtensionClass interface { PointerToClass SetKeepAlive(Lifetime) GetKeepAlive() Lifetime SetTemporary(Lifetime) }
type ExtensionClassCallVirtualFunc ¶
type ExtensionClassCallVirtualFunc func(ExtensionClass, UnsafeArgs, UnsafeBack)
type ExtensionToken ¶
type ExtensionToken uintptr
type GDExtensionInitializationLevel ¶
type GDExtensionInitializationLevel int64
const ( GDExtensionInitializationLevelCore GDExtensionInitializationLevel = 0 GDExtensionInitializationLevelServers GDExtensionInitializationLevel = 1 GDExtensionInitializationLevelScene GDExtensionInitializationLevel = 2 GDExtensionInitializationLevelEditor GDExtensionInitializationLevel = 3 )
type HorizontalAlignment ¶
type HorizontalAlignment int64
type InlineAlignment ¶
type InlineAlignment int64
type InstanceBindingType ¶
type InstanceID ¶
type InstanceID uint64
type IsArray ¶
type IsArray interface { mmm.ManagedPointer[uintptr] // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type IsArrayType ¶
type IsArrayType[T any] interface { Typed(TypedArray[T]) Array() Array }
type KeyLocation ¶
type KeyLocation int64
type KeyModifierMask ¶
type KeyModifierMask int64
type Lifetime ¶
Lifetime for ownership and a reference to the Godot API, apart from its use as an ordinary context.Lifetime to signal cancellation, this value is not safe to use concurrently. Each goroutine should create its own Lifetime and use that instead.
newctx := gd.NewLifetime(oldctx.API())
When a Lifetime is freed, it will free all of the objects that were created using it. A Lifetime should not be used after free, as it will be recycled and will cause values to be unexpectedly freed.
When the context has been passed in as a function argument, always assume that the Lifetime will be freed when the function returns. Classes can be moved between contexts using their [KeepAlive] method.
func NewContext ¶
NewContext returns a new Lifetime with the given API, the Lifetime will need to be freed manually by calling Lifetime.Free.
func NewLifetime ¶
NewLifetime returns a new Lifetime with the given API, the Lifetime will need to be freed manually by calling Lifetime.Free.
func (Lifetime) BezierDerivative ¶
func (Lifetime) BezierInterpolate ¶
func (Lifetime) BytesToVar ¶
func (ctx Lifetime) BytesToVar(bytes PackedByteArray) Variant
func (Lifetime) BytesToVarWithObjects ¶
func (ctx Lifetime) BytesToVarWithObjects(bytes PackedByteArray) Variant
func (Lifetime) Callable ¶
Callable creates a new callable out of the given function which must only accept godot-compatible types and return up to one godot-compatible type.
func (Lifetime) CubicInterpolate ¶
func (Lifetime) CubicInterpolateAngle ¶
func (Lifetime) CubicInterpolateAngleInTime ¶
func (Lifetime) CubicInterpolateInTime ¶
func (Lifetime) DbToLinear ¶
func (Lifetime) Dictionary ¶
func (godot Lifetime) Dictionary() Dictionary
func (Lifetime) ErrorString ¶
func (Lifetime) GetLibraryPath ¶
GetLibraryPath returns the path to the library that was loaded.
func (Lifetime) InstanceFromId ¶
func (Lifetime) InverseLerp ¶
func (Lifetime) IsInstanceIdValid ¶
func (Lifetime) IsInstanceValid ¶
func (Lifetime) IsZeroApprox ¶
func (Lifetime) LinearToDb ¶
func (Lifetime) MoveToward ¶
func (Lifetime) NearestPo2 ¶
func (Lifetime) PackedByteArray ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedByteArray() PackedByteArray
func (Lifetime) PackedByteSlice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedByteSlice(data []byte) PackedByteArray
PackedByteSlice returns a PackedByteArray from a byte slice.
func (Lifetime) PackedColorArray ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedColorArray() PackedColorArray
func (Lifetime) PackedColorSlice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedColorSlice(data []uc.Color) PackedColorArray
func (Lifetime) PackedFloat32Array ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat32Array() PackedFloat32Array
func (Lifetime) PackedFloat32Slice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat32Slice(data []float32) PackedFloat32Array
func (Lifetime) PackedFloat64Array ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat64Array() PackedFloat64Array
func (Lifetime) PackedFloat64Slice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedFloat64Slice(data []float64) PackedFloat64Array
func (Lifetime) PackedInt32Array ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt32Array() PackedInt32Array
func (Lifetime) PackedInt32Slice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt32Slice(data []int32) PackedInt32Array
func (Lifetime) PackedInt64Array ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt64Array() PackedInt64Array
func (Lifetime) PackedInt64Slice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedInt64Slice(data []int64) PackedInt64Array
func (Lifetime) PackedStringArray ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedStringArray() PackedStringArray
func (Lifetime) PackedStringSlice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedStringSlice(data []string) PackedStringArray
func (Lifetime) PackedVector2Array ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector2Array() PackedVector2Array
func (Lifetime) PackedVector2Slice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector2Slice(data []Vector2) PackedVector2Array
func (Lifetime) PackedVector3Array ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector3Array() PackedVector3Array
func (Lifetime) PackedVector3Slice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector3Slice(data []Vector3) PackedVector3Array
func (Lifetime) PackedVector4Array ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector4Array() PackedVector4Array
func (Lifetime) PackedVector4Slice ¶
func (godot Lifetime) PackedVector4Slice(data []Vector4) PackedVector4Array
func (Lifetime) PrintVerbose ¶
func (Lifetime) PushWarning ¶
func (Lifetime) RandFromSeed ¶
func (ctx Lifetime) RandFromSeed(seed Int) PackedInt64Array
func (Lifetime) Register ¶
func (godot Lifetime) Register(spec Registrable)
func (Lifetime) RidAllocateId ¶
func (Lifetime) RidFromInt64 ¶
func (Lifetime) RotateToward ¶
func (*Lifetime) SignalOf ¶
func (Godot *Lifetime) SignalOf(ctx Lifetime, object Object, signal StringName) Signal
func (Lifetime) StepDecimals ¶
func (Lifetime) StringName ¶
func (godot Lifetime) StringName(s string) StringName
StringName returns a StringName from a standard UTF8 Go string.
func (Lifetime) TypeToString ¶
func (Lifetime) VarToBytes ¶
func (ctx Lifetime) VarToBytes(variable Variant) PackedByteArray
func (Lifetime) VarToBytesWithObjects ¶
func (ctx Lifetime) VarToBytesWithObjects(variable Variant) PackedByteArray
func (Lifetime) Variant ¶
Variant returns a variant from the given value, which must be one of the basic godot types defined in the gd package.
type MIDIMessage ¶
type MIDIMessage int64
type Method ¶
type Method struct { Name StringName Call func(Lifetime, any, ...Variant) (Variant, error) PointerCall func(any, UnsafeArgs, UnsafeBack) MethodFlags MethodFlags ReturnValueInfo *PropertyInfo ReturnValueMetadata ClassMethodArgumentMetadata Arguments []PropertyInfo ArgumentsMetadata []ClassMethodArgumentMetadata DefaultArguments []Variant }
type MethodBind ¶
type MethodBind uintptr
type MethodFlags ¶
type MethodFlags int64
type MethodInfo ¶
type MethodInfo struct { Name StringName ReturnValue PropertyInfo Flags MethodFlags ID int32 Arguments []PropertyInfo DefaultArguments []Variant }
type MouseButton ¶
type MouseButton int64
type MouseButtonMask ¶
type MouseButtonMask int64
type NodePath ¶
func (NodePath) GetAsPropertyPath ¶
Returns a copy of this node path with a colon character ([code]:[/code]) prefixed, transforming it to a pure property path with no node names (relative to the current node). [codeblocks] [gdscript] # node_path points to the "x" property of the child node named "position". var node_path = ^"position:x"
# property_path points to the "position" in the "x" axis of this node. var property_path = node_path.get_as_property_path() print(property_path) # Prints ":position:x" [/gdscript] [csharp] // nodePath points to the "x" property of the child node named "position". var nodePath = new NodePath("position:x");
// propertyPath points to the "position" in the "x" axis of this node. NodePath propertyPath = nodePath.GetAsPropertyPath(); GD.Print(propertyPath); // Prints ":position:x". [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (NodePath) GetConcatenatedNames ¶
func (self NodePath) GetConcatenatedNames(ctx Lifetime) StringName
Returns all node names concatenated with a slash character ([code]/[/code]) as a single StringName.
func (NodePath) GetConcatenatedSubnames ¶
func (self NodePath) GetConcatenatedSubnames(ctx Lifetime) StringName
Returns all property subnames concatenated with a colon character ([code]:[/code]) as a single StringName. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var node_path = ^"Sprite2D:texture:resource_name" print(node_path.get_concatenated_subnames()) # Prints "texture:resource_name". [/gdscript] [csharp] var nodePath = new NodePath("Sprite2D:texture:resource_name"); GD.Print(nodePath.GetConcatenatedSubnames()); // Prints "texture:resource_name". [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (NodePath) GetName ¶
func (self NodePath) GetName(ctx Lifetime, idx Int) StringName
Returns the node name indicated by [param idx], starting from 0. If [param idx] is out of bounds, an error is generated. See also [method get_subname_count] and [method get_name_count]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var sprite_path = NodePath("../RigidBody2D/Sprite2D") print(sprite_path.get_name(0)) # Prints "..". print(sprite_path.get_name(1)) # Prints "RigidBody2D". print(sprite_path.get_name(2)) # Prints "Sprite". [/gdscript] [csharp] var spritePath = new NodePath("../RigidBody2D/Sprite2D"); GD.Print(spritePath.GetName(0)); // Prints "..". GD.Print(spritePath.GetName(1)); // Prints "PathFollow2D". GD.Print(spritePath.GetName(2)); // Prints "Sprite". [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (NodePath) GetNameCount ¶
Returns the number of node names in the path. Property subnames are not included. For example, [code]"../RigidBody2D/Sprite2D:texture"[/code] contains 3 node names.
func (NodePath) GetSubname ¶
func (self NodePath) GetSubname(ctx Lifetime, idx Int) StringName
Returns the property name indicated by [param idx], starting from 0. If [param idx] is out of bounds, an error is generated. See also [method get_subname_count]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var path_to_name = NodePath("Sprite2D:texture:resource_name") print(path_to_name.get_subname(0)) # Prints "texture". print(path_to_name.get_subname(1)) # Prints "resource_name". [/gdscript] [csharp] var pathToName = new NodePath("Sprite2D:texture:resource_name"); GD.Print(pathToName.GetSubname(0)); // Prints "texture". GD.Print(pathToName.GetSubname(1)); // Prints "resource_name". [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (NodePath) GetSubnameCount ¶
Returns the number of property names ("subnames") in the path. Each subname in the node path is listed after a colon character ([code]:[/code]). For example, [code]"Level/RigidBody2D/Sprite2D:texture:resource_name"[/code] contains 2 subnames.
func (NodePath) Hash ¶
Returns the 32-bit hash value representing the node path's contents. [b]Note:[/b] Node paths with equal hash values are [i]not[/i] guaranteed to be the same, as a result of hash collisions. Node paths with different hash values are guaranteed to be different.
func (NodePath) IsAbsolute ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the node path is absolute. Unlike a relative path, an absolute path is represented by a leading slash character ([code]/[/code]) and always begins from the [SceneTree]. It can be used to reliably access nodes from the root node (e.g. [code]"/root/Global"[/code] if an autoload named "Global" exists).
func (NodePath) IsEmpty ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the node path has been constructed from an empty String ([code]""[/code]).
func (NodePath) Slice ¶
Returns the slice of the NodePath, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new NodePath. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the sum of [method get_name_count] and [method get_subname_count], so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the end of the NodePath by default (i.e. [code]path.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]path.slice(1, path.get_name_count() + path.get_subname_count())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the NodePath (i.e. [code]path.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]path.slice(0, path.get_name_count() + path.get_subname_count() - 2)[/code]).
type NotificationType ¶
type NotificationType int32
type Object ¶
type Object struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Object) AddUserSignal ¶
Adds a user-defined [param signal]. Optional arguments for the signal can be added as an Array of dictionaries, each defining a [code]name[/code] String and a [code]type[/code] [int] (see [enum Variant.Type]). See also [method has_user_signal] and [method remove_user_signal]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] add_user_signal("hurt", [
{ "name": "damage", "type": TYPE_INT }, { "name": "source", "type": TYPE_OBJECT }
]) [/gdscript] [csharp] AddUserSignal("Hurt", new Godot.Collections.Array()
{ new Godot.Collections.Dictionary() { { "name", "damage" }, { "type", (int)Variant.Type.Int } }, new Godot.Collections.Dictionary() { { "name", "source" }, { "type", (int)Variant.Type.Object } } });
[/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (Object) Callv ¶
func (self Object) Callv(ctx Lifetime, method StringName, arg_array Array) Variant
Calls the [param method] on the object and returns the result. Unlike [method call], this method expects all parameters to be contained inside [param arg_array]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var node = node.callv("rotate", [Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.571]) [/gdscript] [csharp] var node = new Node3D(); node.Callv(Node3D.MethodName.Rotate, new Godot.Collections.Array { new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), 1.571f }); [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param method] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot methods. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]MethodName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) CanTranslateMessages ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the object is allowed to translate messages with [method tr] and [method tr_n]. See also [method set_message_translation].
func (Object) CancelFree ¶
func (self Object) CancelFree()
If this method is called during [constant NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE], this object will reject being freed and will remain allocated. This is mostly an internal function used for error handling to avoid the user from freeing objects when they are not intended to.
func (Object) Connect ¶
func (self Object) Connect(signal StringName, callable Callable, flags Int) int64
Connects a [param signal] by name to a [param callable]. Optional [param flags] can be also added to configure the connection's behavior (see [enum ConnectFlags] constants). A signal can only be connected once to the same Callable. If the signal is already connected, this method returns [constant ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER] and pushes an error message, unless the signal is connected with [constant CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED]. To prevent this, use [method is_connected] first to check for existing connections. If the [param callable]'s object is freed, the connection will be lost. [b]Examples with recommended syntax:[/b] Connecting signals is one of the most common operations in Godot and the API gives many options to do so, which are described further down. The code block below shows the recommended approach. [codeblocks] [gdscript] func _ready():
var button = # `button_down` here is a Signal variant type, and we thus call the Signal.connect() method, not Object.connect(). # See discussion below for a more in-depth overview of the API. button.button_down.connect(_on_button_down) # This assumes that a `Player` class exists, which defines a `hit` signal. var player = # We use Signal.connect() again, and we also use the Callable.bind() method, # which returns a new Callable with the parameter binds. player.hit.connect(_on_player_hit.bind("sword", 100))
func _on_button_down():
print("Button down!")
func _on_player_hit(weapon_type, damage):
print("Hit with weapon %s for %d damage." % [weapon_type, damage])
[/gdscript] [csharp] public override void _Ready()
{ var button = new Button(); // C# supports passing signals as events, so we can use this idiomatic construct: button.ButtonDown += OnButtonDown; // This assumes that a `Player` class exists, which defines a `Hit` signal. var player = new Player(); // We can use lambdas when we need to bind additional parameters. player.Hit += () => OnPlayerHit("sword", 100); }
private void OnButtonDown()
{ GD.Print("Button down!"); }
private void OnPlayerHit(string weaponType, int damage)
{ GD.Print($"Hit with weapon {weaponType} for {damage} damage."); }
[/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b][code skip-lint]Object.connect()[/code] or [code skip-lint]Signal.connect()[/code]?[/b] As seen above, the recommended method to connect signals is not [method Object.connect]. The code block below shows the four options for connecting signals, using either this legacy method or the recommended [method Signal.connect], and using either an implicit Callable or a manually defined one. [codeblocks] [gdscript] func _ready():
var button = # Option 1: Object.connect() with an implicit Callable for the defined function. button.connect("button_down", _on_button_down) # Option 2: Object.connect() with a constructed Callable using a target object and method name. button.connect("button_down", Callable(self, "_on_button_down")) # Option 3: Signal.connect() with an implicit Callable for the defined function. button.button_down.connect(_on_button_down) # Option 4: Signal.connect() with a constructed Callable using a target object and method name. button.button_down.connect(Callable(self, "_on_button_down"))
func _on_button_down():
print("Button down!")
[/gdscript] [csharp] public override void _Ready()
{ var button = new Button(); // Option 1: In C#, we can use signals as events and connect with this idiomatic syntax: button.ButtonDown += OnButtonDown; // Option 2: GodotObject.Connect() with a constructed Callable from a method group. button.Connect(Button.SignalName.ButtonDown, Callable.From(OnButtonDown)); // Option 3: GodotObject.Connect() with a constructed Callable using a target object and method name. button.Connect(Button.SignalName.ButtonDown, new Callable(this, MethodName.OnButtonDown)); }
private void OnButtonDown()
{ GD.Print("Button down!"); }
[/csharp] [/codeblocks] While all options have the same outcome ([code]button[/code]'s [signal BaseButton.button_down] signal will be connected to [code]_on_button_down[/code]), [b]option 3[/b] offers the best validation: it will print a compile-time error if either the [code]button_down[/code] Signal or the [code]_on_button_down[/code] Callable are not defined. On the other hand, [b]option 2[/b] only relies on string names and will only be able to validate either names at runtime: it will print a runtime error if [code]"button_down"[/code] doesn't correspond to a signal, or if [code]"_on_button_down"[/code] is not a registered method in the object [code]self[/code]. The main reason for using options 1, 2, or 4 would be if you actually need to use strings (e.g. to connect signals programmatically based on strings read from a configuration file). Otherwise, option 3 is the recommended (and fastest) method. [b]Binding and passing parameters:[/b] The syntax to bind parameters is through [method Callable.bind], which returns a copy of the Callable with its parameters bound. When calling [method emit_signal] or [method Signal.emit], the signal parameters can be also passed. The examples below show the relationship between these signal parameters and bound parameters. [codeblocks] [gdscript] func _ready():
# This assumes that a `Player` class exists, which defines a `hit` signal. var player = # Using Callable.bind(). player.hit.connect(_on_player_hit.bind("sword", 100)) # Parameters added when emitting the signal are passed first. player.hit.emit("Dark lord", 5)
# We pass two arguments when emitting (`hit_by`, `level`), # and bind two more arguments when connecting (`weapon_type`, `damage`). func _on_player_hit(hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage):
print("Hit by %s (level %d) with weapon %s for %d damage." % [hit_by, level, weapon_type, damage])
[/gdscript] [csharp] public override void _Ready()
{ // This assumes that a `Player` class exists, which defines a `Hit` signal. var player = new Player(); // Using lambda expressions that create a closure that captures the additional parameters. // The lambda only receives the parameters defined by the signal's delegate. player.Hit += (hitBy, level) => OnPlayerHit(hitBy, level, "sword", 100); // Parameters added when emitting the signal are passed first. player.EmitSignal(SignalName.Hit, "Dark lord", 5); }
// We pass two arguments when emitting (`hit_by`, `level`), // and bind two more arguments when connecting (`weapon_type`, `damage`). private void OnPlayerHit(string hitBy, int level, string weaponType, int damage)
{ GD.Print($"Hit by {hitBy} (level {level}) with weapon {weaponType} for {damage} damage."); }
[/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (Object) Disconnect ¶
func (self Object) Disconnect(signal StringName, callable Callable)
Disconnects a [param signal] by name from a given [param callable]. If the connection does not exist, generates an error. Use [method is_connected] to make sure that the connection exists.
func (Object) Get ¶
func (self Object) Get(ctx Lifetime, property StringName) Variant
Returns the Variant value of the given [param property]. If the [param property] does not exist, this method returns [code]null[/code]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var node = node.rotation = 1.5 var a = node.get("rotation") # a is 1.5 [/gdscript] [csharp] var node = new Node2D(); node.Rotation = 1.5f; var a = node.Get(Node2D.PropertyName.Rotation); // a is 1.5 [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param property] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot properties. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]PropertyName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) GetClass ¶
Returns the object's built-in class name, as a String. See also [method is_class]. [b]Note:[/b] This method ignores [code]class_name[/code] declarations. If this object's script has defined a [code]class_name[/code], the base, built-in class name is returned instead.
func (Object) GetIncomingConnections ¶
func (self Object) GetIncomingConnections(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
Returns an Array of signal connections received by this object. Each connection is represented as a Dictionary that contains three entries: - [code]signal[/code] is a reference to the Signal; - [code]callable[/code] is a reference to the Callable; - [code]flags[/code] is a combination of [enum ConnectFlags].
func (Object) GetIndexed ¶
Gets the object's property indexed by the given [param property_path]. The path should be a NodePath relative to the current object and can use the colon character ([code]:[/code]) to access nested properties. [b]Examples:[/b] [code]"position:x"[/code] or [code]"material:next_pass:blend_mode"[/code]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var node = node.position = Vector2(5, -10) var a = node.get_indexed("position") # a is Vector2(5, -10) var b = node.get_indexed("position:y") # b is -10 [/gdscript] [csharp] var node = new Node2D(); node.Position = new Vector2(5, -10); var a = node.GetIndexed("position"); // a is Vector2(5, -10) var b = node.GetIndexed("position:y"); // b is -10 [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param property_path] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot properties. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]PropertyName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call. [b]Note:[/b] This method does not support actual paths to nodes in the [SceneTree], only sub-property paths. In the context of nodes, use [method Node.get_node_and_resource] instead.
func (Object) GetInstanceId ¶
Returns the object's unique instance ID. This ID can be saved in [EncodedObjectAsID], and can be used to retrieve this object instance with [method @GlobalScope.instance_from_id]. [b]Note:[/b] This ID is only useful during the current session. It won't correspond to a similar object if the ID is sent over a network, or loaded from a file at a later time.
func (Object) GetMeta ¶
func (self Object) GetMeta(ctx Lifetime, name StringName, def Variant) Variant
Returns the object's metadata value for the given entry [param name]. If the entry does not exist, returns [param default]. If [param default] is [code]null[/code], an error is also generated. [b]Note:[/b] A metadata's name must be a valid identifier as per [method StringName.is_valid_identifier] method. [b]Note:[/b] Metadata that has a name starting with an underscore ([code]_[/code]) is considered editor-only. Editor-only metadata is not displayed in the Inspector and should not be edited, although it can still be found by this method.
func (Object) GetMetaList ¶
func (self Object) GetMetaList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[StringName]
Returns the object's metadata entry names as a PackedStringArray.
func (Object) GetMethodArgumentCount ¶
func (self Object) GetMethodArgumentCount(method StringName) Int
Returns the number of arguments of the given [param method] by name. [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param method] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot methods. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]MethodName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) GetMethodList ¶
func (self Object) GetMethodList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
Returns this object's methods and their signatures as an Array of dictionaries. Each Dictionary contains the following entries: - [code]name[/code] is the name of the method, as a String; - [code]args[/code] is an Array of dictionaries representing the arguments; - [code]default_args[/code] is the default arguments as an Array of variants; - [code]flags[/code] is a combination of [enum MethodFlags]; - [code]id[/code] is the method's internal identifier [int]; - [code]return[/code] is the returned value, as a Dictionary; [b]Note:[/b] The dictionaries of [code]args[/code] and [code]return[/code] are formatted identically to the results of [method get_property_list], although not all entries are used.
func (Object) GetPropertyList ¶
func (self Object) GetPropertyList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
Returns the object's property list as an Array of dictionaries. Each Dictionary contains the following entries: - [code]name[/code] is the property's name, as a String; - [code]class_name[/code] is an empty StringName, unless the property is [constant TYPE_OBJECT] and it inherits from a class; - [code]type[/code] is the property's type, as an [int] (see [enum Variant.Type]); - [code]hint[/code] is [i]how[/i] the property is meant to be edited (see [enum PropertyHint]); - [code]hint_string[/code] depends on the hint (see [enum PropertyHint]); - [code]usage[/code] is a combination of [enum PropertyUsageFlags]. [b]Note:[/b] In GDScript, all class members are treated as properties. In C# and GDExtension, it may be necessary to explicitly mark class members as Godot properties using decorators or attributes.
func (Object) GetScript ¶
Returns the object's [Script] instance, or [code]null[/code] if no script is attached.
func (Object) GetSignalConnectionList ¶
func (self Object) GetSignalConnectionList(ctx Lifetime, signal StringName) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
Returns an Array of connections for the given [param signal] name. Each connection is represented as a Dictionary that contains three entries: - [code skip-lint]signal[/code] is a reference to the Signal; - [code]callable[/code] is a reference to the connected Callable; - [code]flags[/code] is a combination of [enum ConnectFlags].
func (Object) GetSignalList ¶
func (self Object) GetSignalList(ctx Lifetime) ArrayOf[Dictionary]
Returns the list of existing signals as an Array of dictionaries. [b]Note:[/b] Due of the implementation, each Dictionary is formatted very similarly to the returned values of [method get_method_list].
func (Object) HasMeta ¶
func (self Object) HasMeta(name StringName) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if a metadata entry is found with the given [param name]. See also [method get_meta], [method set_meta] and [method remove_meta]. [b]Note:[/b] A metadata's name must be a valid identifier as per [method StringName.is_valid_identifier] method. [b]Note:[/b] Metadata that has a name starting with an underscore ([code]_[/code]) is considered editor-only. Editor-only metadata is not displayed in the Inspector and should not be edited, although it can still be found by this method.
func (Object) HasMethod ¶
func (self Object) HasMethod(method StringName) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the given [param method] name exists in the object. [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param method] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot methods. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]MethodName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) HasSignal ¶
func (self Object) HasSignal(signal StringName) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the given [param signal] name exists in the object. [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param signal] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot methods. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]SignalName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) HasUserSignal ¶
func (self Object) HasUserSignal(signal StringName) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the given user-defined [param signal] name exists. Only signals added with [method add_user_signal] are included. See also [method remove_user_signal].
func (Object) IsBlockingSignals ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the object is blocking its signals from being emitted. See [method set_block_signals].
func (Object) IsClass ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the object inherits from the given [param class]. See also [method get_class]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var sprite2d = sprite2d.is_class("Sprite2D") # Returns true sprite2d.is_class("Node") # Returns true sprite2d.is_class("Node3D") # Returns false [/gdscript] [csharp] var sprite2D = new Sprite2D(); sprite2D.IsClass("Sprite2D"); // Returns true sprite2D.IsClass("Node"); // Returns true sprite2D.IsClass("Node3D"); // Returns false [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] This method ignores [code]class_name[/code] declarations in the object's script.
func (Object) IsConnected ¶
func (self Object) IsConnected(signal StringName, callable Callable) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if a connection exists between the given [param signal] name and [param callable]. [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param signal] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot methods. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]SignalName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) IsQueuedForDeletion ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the [method Node.queue_free] method was called for the object.
func (Object) Notification ¶
Sends the given [param what] notification to all classes inherited by the object, triggering calls to [method _notification], starting from the highest ancestor (the Object class) and going down to the object's script. If [param reversed] is [code]true[/code], the call order is reversed. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var player = player.set_script(load("res://"))
player.notification(NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE) # The call order is Object -> Node -> Node2D ->
player.notification(NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE, true) # The call order is -> Node2D -> Node -> Object. [/gdscript] [csharp] var player = new Node2D(); player.SetScript(GD.Load("res://"));
player.Notification(NotificationEnterTree); // The call order is GodotObject -> Node -> Node2D ->
player.Notification(NotificationEnterTree, true); // The call order is -> Node2D -> Node -> GodotObject. [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (Object) NotifyPropertyListChanged ¶
func (self Object) NotifyPropertyListChanged()
Emits the [signal property_list_changed] signal. This is mainly used to refresh the editor, so that the Inspector and editor plugins are properly updated.
func (Object) PropertyCanRevert ¶
func (self Object) PropertyCanRevert(property StringName) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the given [param property] has a custom default value. Use [method property_get_revert] to get the [param property]'s default value. [b]Note:[/b] This method is used by the Inspector dock to display a revert icon. The object must implement [method _property_can_revert] to customize the default value. If [method _property_can_revert] is not implemented, this method returns [code]false[/code].
func (Object) PropertyGetRevert ¶
func (self Object) PropertyGetRevert(ctx Lifetime, property StringName) Variant
Returns the custom default value of the given [param property]. Use [method property_can_revert] to check if the [param property] has a custom default value. [b]Note:[/b] This method is used by the Inspector dock to display a revert icon. The object must implement [method _property_get_revert] to customize the default value. If [method _property_get_revert] is not implemented, this method returns [code]null[/code].
func (Object) RemoveMeta ¶
func (self Object) RemoveMeta(name StringName)
Removes the given entry [param name] from the object's metadata. See also [method has_meta], [method get_meta] and [method set_meta]. [b]Note:[/b] A metadata's name must be a valid identifier as per [method StringName.is_valid_identifier] method. [b]Note:[/b] Metadata that has a name starting with an underscore ([code]_[/code]) is considered editor-only. Editor-only metadata is not displayed in the Inspector and should not be edited, although it can still be found by this method.
func (Object) RemoveUserSignal ¶
func (self Object) RemoveUserSignal(signal StringName)
Removes the given user signal [param signal] from the object. See also [method add_user_signal] and [method has_user_signal].
func (Object) Set ¶
func (self Object) Set(property StringName, value Variant)
Assigns [param value] to the given [param property]. If the property does not exist or the given [param value]'s type doesn't match, nothing happens. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var node = node.set("global_scale", Vector2(8, 2.5)) print(node.global_scale) # Prints (8, 2.5) [/gdscript] [csharp] var node = new Node2D(); node.Set(Node2D.PropertyName.GlobalScale, new Vector2(8, 2.5)); GD.Print(node.GlobalScale); // Prints Vector2(8, 2.5) [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param property] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot properties. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]PropertyName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) SetBlockSignals ¶
If set to [code]true[/code], the object becomes unable to emit signals. As such, [method emit_signal] and signal connections will not work, until it is set to [code]false[/code].
func (Object) SetDeferred ¶
func (self Object) SetDeferred(property StringName, value Variant)
Assigns [param value] to the given [param property], at the end of the current frame. This is equivalent to calling [method set] through [method call_deferred]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var node = add_child(node)
node.rotation = 1.5 node.set_deferred("rotation", 3.0) print(node.rotation) # Prints 1.5
await get_tree().process_frame print(node.rotation) # Prints 3.0 [/gdscript] [csharp] var node = new Node2D(); node.Rotation = 1.5f; node.SetDeferred(Node2D.PropertyName.Rotation, 3f); GD.Print(node.Rotation); // Prints 1.5
await ToSignal(GetTree(), SceneTree.SignalName.ProcessFrame); GD.Print(node.Rotation); // Prints 3.0 [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param property] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot properties. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]PropertyName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) SetIndexed ¶
Assigns a new [param value] to the property identified by the [param property_path]. The path should be a NodePath relative to this object, and can use the colon character ([code]:[/code]) to access nested properties. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var node = node.set_indexed("position", Vector2(42, 0)) node.set_indexed("position:y", -10) print(node.position) # Prints (42, -10) [/gdscript] [csharp] var node = new Node2D(); node.SetIndexed("position", new Vector2(42, 0)); node.SetIndexed("position:y", -10); GD.Print(node.Position); // Prints (42, -10) [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, [param property_path] must be in snake_case when referring to built-in Godot properties. Prefer using the names exposed in the [code]PropertyName[/code] class to avoid allocating a new StringName on each call.
func (Object) SetMessageTranslation ¶
If set to [code]true[/code], allows the object to translate messages with [method tr] and [method tr_n]. Enabled by default. See also [method can_translate_messages].
func (Object) SetMeta ¶
func (self Object) SetMeta(name StringName, value Variant)
Adds or changes the entry [param name] inside the object's metadata. The metadata [param value] can be any Variant, although some types cannot be serialized correctly. If [param value] is [code]null[/code], the entry is removed. This is the equivalent of using [method remove_meta]. See also [method has_meta] and [method get_meta]. [b]Note:[/b] A metadata's name must be a valid identifier as per [method StringName.is_valid_identifier] method. [b]Note:[/b] Metadata that has a name starting with an underscore ([code]_[/code]) is considered editor-only. Editor-only metadata is not displayed in the Inspector and should not be edited, although it can still be found by this method.
func (*Object) SetPointer ¶
func (Object) SetScript ¶
Attaches [param script] to the object, and instantiates it. As a result, the script's [method _init] is called. A [Script] is used to extend the object's functionality. If a script already exists, its instance is detached, and its property values and state are lost. Built-in property values are still kept.
func (Object) ToString ¶
Returns a String representing the object. Defaults to [code]"<ClassName#RID>"[/code]. Override [method _to_string] to customize the string representation of the object.
func (Object) Tr ¶
func (self Object) Tr(ctx Lifetime, message StringName, context StringName) String
Translates a [param message], using the translation catalogs configured in the Project Settings. Further [param context] can be specified to help with the translation. Note that most [Control] nodes automatically translate their strings, so this method is mostly useful for formatted strings or custom drawn text. If [method can_translate_messages] is [code]false[/code], or no translation is available, this method returns the [param message] without changes. See [method set_message_translation]. For detailed examples, see [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/i18n/internationalizing_games.html]Internationalizing games[/url]. [b]Note:[/b] This method can't be used without an Object instance, as it requires the [method can_translate_messages] method. To translate strings in a static context, use [method TranslationServer.translate].
func (Object) TrN ¶
func (self Object) TrN(ctx Lifetime, message StringName, plural_message StringName, n Int, context StringName) String
Translates a [param message] or [param plural_message], using the translation catalogs configured in the Project Settings. Further [param context] can be specified to help with the translation. If [method can_translate_messages] is [code]false[/code], or no translation is available, this method returns [param message] or [param plural_message], without changes. See [method set_message_translation]. The [param n] is the number, or amount, of the message's subject. It is used by the translation system to fetch the correct plural form for the current language. For detailed examples, see [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/i18n/localization_using_gettext.html]Localization using gettext[/url]. [b]Note:[/b] Negative and [float] numbers may not properly apply to some countable subjects. It's recommended to handle these cases with [method tr]. [b]Note:[/b] This method can't be used without an Object instance, as it requires the [method can_translate_messages] method. To translate strings in a static context, use [method TranslationServer.translate_plural].
type ObjectConnectFlags ¶
type ObjectConnectFlags int64
type ObjectInterface ¶
type ObjectInterface interface { OnCreate() Set(StringName, Variant) bool Get(StringName) (Variant, bool) GetPropertyList(Lifetime) []PropertyInfo PropertyCanRevert(StringName) bool PropertyGetRevert(Lifetime, StringName) (Variant, bool) ValidateProperty(StringName, *PropertyInfo) bool Notification(int32, bool) ToString() (String, bool) Reference() Unreference() CallVirtual(StringName, any, UnsafeArgs, UnsafeBack) GetRID() RID Free() }
type Orientation ¶
type Orientation int64
type Packed ¶
type Packed interface { PackedByteArray | PackedInt32Array | PackedInt64Array | PackedFloat32Array | PackedFloat64Array | PackedStringArray | PackedVector2Array | PackedVector3Array | PackedVector4Array | PackedColorArray mmm.ManagedPointer[[2]uintptr] Len() int }
type PackedByteArray ¶
type PackedByteArray mmm.Pointer[API, PackedByteArray, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedByteArray) Append ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Append(value Int) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedByteArray) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) AppendArray(array PackedByteArray)
Appends a PackedByteArray at the end of this array.
func (*PackedByteArray) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Bsearch(value Int, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior.
func (PackedByteArray) Bytes ¶
func (p PackedByteArray) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns a copy of the byte array as a byte slice.
func (PackedByteArray) Cap ¶
func (p PackedByteArray) Cap() int
func (*PackedByteArray) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedByteArray) Compress ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Compress(ctx Lifetime, compression_mode Int) PackedByteArray
Returns a new PackedByteArray with the data compressed. Set the compression mode using one of [enum FileAccess.CompressionMode]'s constants.
func (*PackedByteArray) Count ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Count(value Int) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeDouble ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeDouble(byte_offset Int) Float
Decodes a 64-bit floating-point number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0.0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeFloat ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeFloat(byte_offset Int) Float
Decodes a 32-bit floating-point number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0.0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeHalf ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeHalf(byte_offset Int) Float
Decodes a 16-bit floating-point number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0.0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeS16 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS16(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 16-bit signed integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeS32 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS32(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 32-bit signed integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeS64 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS64(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 64-bit signed integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeS8 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeS8(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 8-bit signed integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeU16 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU16(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 16-bit unsigned integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeU32 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU32(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 32-bit unsigned integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeU64 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU64(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 64-bit unsigned integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeU8 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeU8(byte_offset Int) Int
Decodes a 8-bit unsigned integer number from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Fails if the byte count is insufficient. Returns [code]0[/code] if a valid number can't be decoded.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeVar ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeVar(ctx Lifetime, byte_offset Int, allow_objects bool) Variant
Decodes a Variant from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Returns [code]null[/code] if a valid variant can't be decoded or the value is Object-derived and [param allow_objects] is [code]false[/code].
func (*PackedByteArray) DecodeVarSize ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecodeVarSize(byte_offset Int, allow_objects bool) Int
Decodes a size of a Variant from the bytes starting at [param byte_offset]. Requires at least 4 bytes of data starting at the offset, otherwise fails.
func (*PackedByteArray) Decompress ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Decompress(ctx Lifetime, buffer_size Int, compression_mode Int) PackedByteArray
Returns a new PackedByteArray with the data decompressed. Set [param buffer_size] to the size of the uncompressed data. Set the compression mode using one of [enum FileAccess.CompressionMode]'s constants. [b]Note:[/b] Decompression is not guaranteed to work with data not compressed by Godot, for example if data compressed with the deflate compression mode lacks a checksum or header.
func (*PackedByteArray) DecompressDynamic ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) DecompressDynamic(ctx Lifetime, max_output_size Int, compression_mode Int) PackedByteArray
Returns a new PackedByteArray with the data decompressed. Set the compression mode using one of [enum FileAccess.CompressionMode]'s constants. [b]This method only accepts brotli, gzip, and deflate compression modes.[/b] This method is potentially slower than [method decompress], as it may have to re-allocate its output buffer multiple times while decompressing, whereas [method decompress] knows it's output buffer size from the beginning. GZIP has a maximal compression ratio of 1032:1, meaning it's very possible for a small compressed payload to decompress to a potentially very large output. To guard against this, you may provide a maximum size this function is allowed to allocate in bytes via [param max_output_size]. Passing -1 will allow for unbounded output. If any positive value is passed, and the decompression exceeds that amount in bytes, then an error will be returned. [b]Note:[/b] Decompression is not guaranteed to work with data not compressed by Godot, for example if data compressed with the deflate compression mode lacks a checksum or header.
func (*PackedByteArray) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeDouble ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeDouble(byte_offset Int, value Float)
Encodes a 64-bit floating-point number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 8 bytes of allocated space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeFloat ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeFloat(byte_offset Int, value Float)
Encodes a 32-bit floating-point number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 4 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeHalf ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeHalf(byte_offset Int, value Float)
Encodes a 16-bit floating-point number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 2 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeS16 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS16(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 16-bit signed integer number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 2 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeS32 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS32(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 32-bit signed integer number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 4 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeS64 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS64(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 64-bit signed integer number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 8 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeS8 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeS8(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 8-bit signed integer number (signed byte) at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 1 byte of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeU16 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU16(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 16-bit unsigned integer number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 2 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeU32 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU32(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 32-bit unsigned integer number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 4 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeU64 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU64(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 64-bit unsigned integer number as bytes at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 8 bytes of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeU8 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeU8(byte_offset Int, value Int)
Encodes a 8-bit unsigned integer number (byte) at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. The array must have at least 1 byte of space, starting at the offset.
func (*PackedByteArray) EncodeVar ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) EncodeVar(byte_offset Int, value Variant, allow_objects bool) Int
Encodes a Variant at the index of [param byte_offset] bytes. A sufficient space must be allocated, depending on the encoded variant's size. If [param allow_objects] is [code]false[/code], Object-derived values are not permitted and will instead be serialized as ID-only.
func (*PackedByteArray) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Fill(value Int)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedByteArray) Find ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Find(value Int, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
func (PackedByteArray) Free ¶
func (p PackedByteArray) Free()
func (*PackedByteArray) GetStringFromAscii ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromAscii(ctx Lifetime) String
Converts ASCII/Latin-1 encoded array to String. Fast alternative to [method get_string_from_utf8] if the content is ASCII/Latin-1 only. Unlike the UTF-8 function this function maps every byte to a character in the array. Multibyte sequences will not be interpreted correctly. For parsing user input always use [method get_string_from_utf8]. This is the inverse of [method String.to_ascii_buffer].
func (*PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf16 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf16(ctx Lifetime) String
Converts UTF-16 encoded array to String. If the BOM is missing, system endianness is assumed. Returns empty string if source array is not valid UTF-16 string. This is the inverse of [method String.to_utf16_buffer].
func (*PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf32 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf32(ctx Lifetime) String
Converts UTF-32 encoded array to String. System endianness is assumed. Returns empty string if source array is not valid UTF-32 string. This is the inverse of [method String.to_utf32_buffer].
func (*PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf8 ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromUtf8(ctx Lifetime) String
Converts UTF-8 encoded array to String. Slower than [method get_string_from_ascii] but supports UTF-8 encoded data. Use this function if you are unsure about the source of the data. For user input this function should always be preferred. Returns empty string if source array is not valid UTF-8 string. This is the inverse of [method String.to_utf8_buffer].
func (*PackedByteArray) GetStringFromWchar ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) GetStringFromWchar(ctx Lifetime) String
Converts wide character ([code]wchar_t[/code], UTF-16 on Windows, UTF-32 on other platforms) encoded array to String. Returns empty string if source array is not valid wide string. This is the inverse of [method String.to_wchar_buffer].
func (*PackedByteArray) Has ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Has(value Int) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value].
func (*PackedByteArray) HasEncodedVar ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) HasEncodedVar(byte_offset Int, allow_objects bool) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if a valid Variant value can be decoded at the [param byte_offset]. Returns [code]false[/code] otherwise or when the value is Object-derived and [param allow_objects] is [code]false[/code].
func (*PackedByteArray) HexEncode ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) HexEncode(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a hexadecimal representation of this array as a String. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var array = PackedByteArray([11, 46, 255]) print(array.hex_encode()) # Prints: 0b2eff [/gdscript] [csharp] var array = new byte[] {11, 46, 255}; GD.Print(array.HexEncode()); // Prints: 0b2eff [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (PackedByteArray) Index ¶
func (p PackedByteArray) Index(idx Int) byte
func (*PackedByteArray) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Insert(at_index Int, value Int) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedByteArray) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedByteArray) Len ¶
func (p PackedByteArray) Len() int
func (*PackedByteArray) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) PushBack(value Int) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array.
func (*PackedByteArray) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedByteArray) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedByteArray) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedByteArray) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Rfind(value Int, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array.
func (*PackedByteArray) Set ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Set(index Int, value Int)
Changes the byte at the given index.
func (PackedByteArray) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedByteArray) SetIndex(idx Int, value byte)
func (*PackedByteArray) Size ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedByteArray) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedByteArray
Returns the slice of the PackedByteArray, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedByteArray. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedByteArray) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order.
func (*PackedByteArray) ToFloat32Array ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) ToFloat32Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat32Array
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedFloat32Array, where each block of 4 bytes has been converted to a 32-bit float (C++ [code skip-lint]float[/code]). The size of the input array must be a multiple of 4 (size of 32-bit float). The size of the new array will be [code]byte_array.size() / 4[/code]. If the original data can't be converted to 32-bit floats, the resulting data is undefined.
func (*PackedByteArray) ToFloat64Array ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) ToFloat64Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat64Array
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedFloat64Array, where each block of 8 bytes has been converted to a 64-bit float (C++ [code]double[/code], Godot [float]). The size of the input array must be a multiple of 8 (size of 64-bit double). The size of the new array will be [code]byte_array.size() / 8[/code]. If the original data can't be converted to 64-bit floats, the resulting data is undefined.
func (*PackedByteArray) ToInt32Array ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) ToInt32Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt32Array
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedInt32Array, where each block of 4 bytes has been converted to a signed 32-bit integer (C++ [code]int32_t[/code]). The size of the input array must be a multiple of 4 (size of 32-bit integer). The size of the new array will be [code]byte_array.size() / 4[/code]. If the original data can't be converted to signed 32-bit integers, the resulting data is undefined.
func (*PackedByteArray) ToInt64Array ¶
func (self *PackedByteArray) ToInt64Array(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt64Array
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedInt64Array, where each block of 8 bytes has been converted to a signed 64-bit integer (C++ [code]int64_t[/code], Godot [int]). The size of the input array must be a multiple of 8 (size of 64-bit integer). The size of the new array will be [code]byte_array.size() / 8[/code]. If the original data can't be converted to signed 64-bit integers, the resulting data is undefined.
func (PackedByteArray) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedByteArray) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedColorArray ¶
type PackedColorArray mmm.Pointer[API, PackedColorArray, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedColorArray) Append ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Append(value Color) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedColorArray) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) AppendArray(array PackedColorArray)
Appends a PackedColorArray at the end of this array.
func (*PackedColorArray) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Bsearch(value Color, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior.
func (PackedColorArray) Cap ¶
func (p PackedColorArray) Cap() int
func (*PackedColorArray) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedColorArray) Count ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Count(value Color) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array.
func (*PackedColorArray) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedColorArray
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedColorArray) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Fill(value Color)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedColorArray) Find ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Find(value Color, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
func (PackedColorArray) Free ¶
func (p PackedColorArray) Free()
func (*PackedColorArray) Has ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Has(value Color) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value].
func (PackedColorArray) Index ¶
func (p PackedColorArray) Index(idx Int) Color
func (*PackedColorArray) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Insert(at_index Int, value Color) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedColorArray) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedColorArray) Len ¶
func (p PackedColorArray) Len() int
func (*PackedColorArray) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) PushBack(value Color) bool
Appends a value to the array.
func (*PackedColorArray) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedColorArray) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedColorArray) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedColorArray) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Rfind(value Color, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array.
func (*PackedColorArray) Set ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Set(index Int, value Color)
Changes the Color at the given index.
func (PackedColorArray) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedColorArray) SetIndex(idx Int, value Color)
func (*PackedColorArray) Size ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedColorArray) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedColorArray
Returns the slice of the PackedColorArray, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedColorArray. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedColorArray) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order.
func (*PackedColorArray) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedColorArray) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a PackedByteArray with each color encoded as bytes.
func (PackedColorArray) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedColorArray) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedFloat32Array ¶
type PackedFloat32Array mmm.Pointer[API, PackedFloat32Array, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Append ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Append(value Float) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedFloat32Array) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) AppendArray(array PackedFloat32Array)
Appends a PackedFloat32Array at the end of this array.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Bsearch(value Float, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedFloat32Array) Cap ¶
func (p PackedFloat32Array) Cap() int
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Count ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Count(value Float) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat32Array
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Fill(value Float)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Find ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Find(value Float, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedFloat32Array) Free ¶
func (p PackedFloat32Array) Free()
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Has ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Has(value Float) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value]. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedFloat32Array) Index ¶
func (p PackedFloat32Array) Index(idx Int) float32
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Float) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedFloat32Array) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedFloat32Array) Len ¶
func (p PackedFloat32Array) Len() int
func (*PackedFloat32Array) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) PushBack(value Float) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Rfind(value Float, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Set ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Set(index Int, value Float)
Changes the float at the given index.
func (PackedFloat32Array) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedFloat32Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value float32)
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Size ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedFloat32Array
Returns the slice of the PackedFloat32Array, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedFloat32Array. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedFloat32Array) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedFloat32Array) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedFloat32Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedByteArray, where each element have been encoded as 4 bytes. The size of the new array will be [code]float32_array.size() * 4[/code].
func (PackedFloat32Array) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedFloat32Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedFloat64Array ¶
type PackedFloat64Array mmm.Pointer[API, PackedFloat64Array, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Append ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Append(value Float) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedFloat64Array) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) AppendArray(array PackedFloat64Array)
Appends a PackedFloat64Array at the end of this array.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Bsearch(value Float, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedFloat64Array) Cap ¶
func (p PackedFloat64Array) Cap() int
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Count ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Count(value Float) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedFloat64Array
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Fill(value Float)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Find ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Find(value Float, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedFloat64Array) Free ¶
func (p PackedFloat64Array) Free()
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Has ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Has(value Float) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value]. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedFloat64Array) Index ¶
func (p PackedFloat64Array) Index(idx Int) float64
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Float) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedFloat64Array) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedFloat64Array) Len ¶
func (p PackedFloat64Array) Len() int
func (*PackedFloat64Array) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) PushBack(value Float) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Rfind(value Float, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Set ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Set(index Int, value Float)
Changes the float at the given index.
func (PackedFloat64Array) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedFloat64Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value float64)
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Size ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedFloat64Array
Returns the slice of the PackedFloat64Array, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedFloat64Array. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedFloat64Array) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order. [b]Note:[/b] [constant @GDScript.NAN] doesn't behave the same as other numbers. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedFloat64Array) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedFloat64Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedByteArray, where each element have been encoded as 8 bytes. The size of the new array will be [code]float64_array.size() * 8[/code].
func (PackedFloat64Array) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedFloat64Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedFunctionsFor ¶
type PackedInt32Array ¶
type PackedInt32Array mmm.Pointer[API, PackedInt32Array, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedInt32Array) Append ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Append(value Int) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedInt32Array) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) AppendArray(array PackedInt32Array)
Appends a PackedInt32Array at the end of this array.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Bsearch(value Int, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior.
func (PackedInt32Array) Cap ¶
func (p PackedInt32Array) Cap() int
func (*PackedInt32Array) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedInt32Array) Count ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Count(value Int) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt32Array
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Fill(value Int)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Find ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Find(value Int, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
func (PackedInt32Array) Free ¶
func (p PackedInt32Array) Free()
func (*PackedInt32Array) Has ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Has(value Int) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value].
func (PackedInt32Array) Index ¶
func (p PackedInt32Array) Index(idx Int) int32
func (*PackedInt32Array) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Int) Int
Inserts a new integer at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedInt32Array) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedInt32Array) Len ¶
func (p PackedInt32Array) Len() int
func (*PackedInt32Array) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) PushBack(value Int) bool
Appends a value to the array.
func (*PackedInt32Array) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Rfind(value Int, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Set ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Set(index Int, value Int)
Changes the integer at the given index.
func (PackedInt32Array) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedInt32Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value int32)
func (*PackedInt32Array) Size ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedInt32Array) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedInt32Array
Returns the slice of the PackedInt32Array, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedInt32Array. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedInt32Array) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order.
func (*PackedInt32Array) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedInt32Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedByteArray, where each element have been encoded as 4 bytes. The size of the new array will be [code]int32_array.size() * 4[/code].
func (PackedInt32Array) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedInt32Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedInt64Array ¶
type PackedInt64Array mmm.Pointer[API, PackedInt64Array, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedInt64Array) Append ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Append(value Int) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedInt64Array) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) AppendArray(array PackedInt64Array)
Appends a PackedInt64Array at the end of this array.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Bsearch(value Int, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior.
func (PackedInt64Array) Cap ¶
func (p PackedInt64Array) Cap() int
func (*PackedInt64Array) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedInt64Array) Count ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Count(value Int) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedInt64Array
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Fill(value Int)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Find ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Find(value Int, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
func (PackedInt64Array) Free ¶
func (p PackedInt64Array) Free()
func (*PackedInt64Array) Has ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Has(value Int) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value].
func (PackedInt64Array) Index ¶
func (p PackedInt64Array) Index(idx Int) int64
func (*PackedInt64Array) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Int) Int
Inserts a new integer at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedInt64Array) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedInt64Array) Len ¶
func (p PackedInt64Array) Len() int
func (*PackedInt64Array) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) PushBack(value Int) bool
Appends a value to the array.
func (*PackedInt64Array) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Rfind(value Int, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Set ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Set(index Int, value Int)
Changes the integer at the given index.
func (PackedInt64Array) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedInt64Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value int64)
func (*PackedInt64Array) Size ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedInt64Array) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedInt64Array
Returns the slice of the PackedInt64Array, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedInt64Array. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedInt64Array) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order.
func (*PackedInt64Array) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedInt64Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a copy of the data converted to a PackedByteArray, where each element have been encoded as 8 bytes. The size of the new array will be [code]int64_array.size() * 8[/code].
func (PackedInt64Array) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedInt64Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedStringArray ¶
type PackedStringArray mmm.Pointer[API, PackedStringArray, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedStringArray) Append ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Append(value String) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedStringArray) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) AppendArray(array PackedStringArray)
Appends a PackedStringArray at the end of this array.
func (PackedStringArray) AsSlice ¶
func (p PackedStringArray) AsSlice(ctx Lifetime) []String
func (*PackedStringArray) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Bsearch(value String, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior.
func (*PackedStringArray) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedStringArray) Count ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Count(value String) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array.
func (*PackedStringArray) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedStringArray
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedStringArray) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Fill(value String)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedStringArray) Find ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Find(value String, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
func (PackedStringArray) Free ¶
func (p PackedStringArray) Free()
func (*PackedStringArray) Has ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Has(value String) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value].
func (*PackedStringArray) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Insert(at_index Int, value String) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedStringArray) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (*PackedStringArray) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) PushBack(value String) bool
Appends a string element at end of the array.
func (*PackedStringArray) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedStringArray) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedStringArray) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedStringArray) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Rfind(value String, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array.
func (*PackedStringArray) Set ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Set(index Int, value String)
Changes the String at the given index.
func (PackedStringArray) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedStringArray) SetIndex(idx Int, value String)
func (*PackedStringArray) Size ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedStringArray) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedStringArray
Returns the slice of the PackedStringArray, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedStringArray. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedStringArray) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order.
func (PackedStringArray) String ¶
func (p PackedStringArray) String() string
func (*PackedStringArray) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedStringArray) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a PackedByteArray with each string encoded as bytes.
type PackedVector2Array ¶
type PackedVector2Array mmm.Pointer[API, PackedVector2Array, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedVector2Array) Append ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Append(value Vector2) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedVector2Array) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) AppendArray(array PackedVector2Array)
Appends a PackedVector2Array at the end of this array.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Bsearch(value Vector2, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector2Array) Cap ¶
func (p PackedVector2Array) Cap() int
func (*PackedVector2Array) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedVector2Array) Count ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Count(value Vector2) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedVector2Array
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Fill(value Vector2)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Find ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Find(value Vector2, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector2Array) Free ¶
func (p PackedVector2Array) Free()
func (*PackedVector2Array) Has ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Has(value Vector2) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value]. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector2Array) Index ¶
func (p PackedVector2Array) Index(idx Int) Vector2
func (*PackedVector2Array) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Vector2) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedVector2Array) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedVector2Array) Len ¶
func (p PackedVector2Array) Len() int
func (*PackedVector2Array) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) PushBack(value Vector2) bool
Inserts a Vector2 at the end.
func (*PackedVector2Array) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Rfind(value Vector2, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Set ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Set(index Int, value Vector2)
Changes the Vector2 at the given index.
func (PackedVector2Array) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedVector2Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value Vector2)
func (*PackedVector2Array) Size ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedVector2Array) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedVector2Array
Returns the slice of the PackedVector2Array, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedVector2Array. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedVector2Array) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector2Array) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedVector2Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a PackedByteArray with each vector encoded as bytes.
func (PackedVector2Array) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedVector2Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedVector3Array ¶
type PackedVector3Array mmm.Pointer[API, PackedVector3Array, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedVector3Array) Append ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Append(value Vector3) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedVector3Array) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) AppendArray(array PackedVector3Array)
Appends a PackedVector3Array at the end of this array.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Bsearch(value Vector3, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector3Array) Cap ¶
func (p PackedVector3Array) Cap() int
func (*PackedVector3Array) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedVector3Array) Count ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Count(value Vector3) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedVector3Array
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Fill(value Vector3)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Find ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Find(value Vector3, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector3Array) Free ¶
func (p PackedVector3Array) Free()
func (*PackedVector3Array) Has ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Has(value Vector3) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value]. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector3Array) Index ¶
func (p PackedVector3Array) Index(idx Int) Vector3
func (*PackedVector3Array) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Vector3) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedVector3Array) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedVector3Array) Len ¶
func (p PackedVector3Array) Len() int
func (*PackedVector3Array) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) PushBack(value Vector3) bool
Inserts a Vector3 at the end.
func (*PackedVector3Array) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size. Calling [method resize] once and assigning the new values is faster than adding new elements one by one.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Rfind(value Vector3, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Set ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Set(index Int, value Vector3)
Changes the Vector3 at the given index.
func (PackedVector3Array) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedVector3Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value Vector3)
func (*PackedVector3Array) Size ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedVector3Array) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedVector3Array
Returns the slice of the PackedVector3Array, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedVector3Array. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedVector3Array) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector3Array) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedVector3Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a PackedByteArray with each vector encoded as bytes.
func (PackedVector3Array) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedVector3Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type PackedVector4Array ¶
type PackedVector4Array mmm.Pointer[API, PackedVector4Array, [2]uintptr]
func (*PackedVector4Array) Append ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Append(value Vector4) bool
Appends an element at the end of the array (alias of [method push_back]).
func (*PackedVector4Array) AppendArray ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) AppendArray(array PackedVector4Array)
Appends a PackedVector4Array at the end of this array.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Bsearch ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Bsearch(value Vector4, before bool) Int
Finds the index of an existing value (or the insertion index that maintains sorting order, if the value is not yet present in the array) using binary search. Optionally, a [param before] specifier can be passed. If [code]false[/code], the returned index comes after all existing entries of the value in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Calling [method bsearch] on an unsorted array results in unexpected behavior. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector4Array) Cap ¶
func (p PackedVector4Array) Cap() int
func (*PackedVector4Array) Clear ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Clear()
Clears the array. This is equivalent to using [method resize] with a size of [code]0[/code].
func (*PackedVector4Array) Count ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Count(value Vector4) Int
Returns the number of times an element is in the array. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Duplicate ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime) PackedVector4Array
Creates a copy of the array, and returns it.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Fill ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Fill(value Vector4)
Assigns the given value to all elements in the array. This can typically be used together with [method resize] to create an array with a given size and initialized elements.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Find ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Find(value Vector4, from Int) Int
Searches the array for a value and returns its index or [code]-1[/code] if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector4Array) Free ¶
func (p PackedVector4Array) Free()
func (*PackedVector4Array) Has ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Has(value Vector4) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array contains [param value]. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (PackedVector4Array) Index ¶
func (p PackedVector4Array) Index(idx Int) Vector4
func (*PackedVector4Array) Insert ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Insert(at_index Int, value Vector4) Int
Inserts a new element at a given position in the array. The position must be valid, or at the end of the array ([code]idx == size()[/code]).
func (*PackedVector4Array) IsEmpty ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the array is empty.
func (PackedVector4Array) Len ¶
func (p PackedVector4Array) Len() int
func (*PackedVector4Array) PushBack ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) PushBack(value Vector4) bool
Inserts a Vector4 at the end.
func (*PackedVector4Array) RemoveAt ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) RemoveAt(index Int)
Removes an element from the array by index.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Resize ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Resize(new_size Int) Int
Sets the size of the array. If the array is grown, reserves elements at the end of the array. If the array is shrunk, truncates the array to the new size.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Reverse ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the array.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Rfind ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Rfind(value Vector4, from Int) Int
Searches the array in reverse order. Optionally, a start search index can be passed. If negative, the start index is considered relative to the end of the array. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Set ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Set(index Int, value Vector4)
Changes the Vector4 at the given index.
func (PackedVector4Array) SetIndex ¶
func (p PackedVector4Array) SetIndex(idx Int, value Vector4)
func (*PackedVector4Array) Size ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Size() Int
Returns the number of elements in the array.
func (*PackedVector4Array) Slice ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Slice(ctx Lifetime, begin Int, end Int) PackedVector4Array
Returns the slice of the PackedVector4Array, from [param begin] (inclusive) to [param end] (exclusive), as a new PackedVector4Array. The absolute value of [param begin] and [param end] will be clamped to the array size, so the default value for [param end] makes it slice to the size of the array by default (i.e. [code]arr.slice(1)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(1, arr.size())[/code]). If either [param begin] or [param end] are negative, they will be relative to the end of the array (i.e. [code]arr.slice(0, -2)[/code] is a shorthand for [code]arr.slice(0, arr.size() - 2)[/code]).
func (*PackedVector4Array) Sort ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) Sort()
Sorts the elements of the array in ascending order. [b]Note:[/b] Vectors with [constant @GDScript.NAN] elements don't behave the same as other vectors. Therefore, the results from this method may not be accurate if NaNs are included.
func (*PackedVector4Array) ToByteArray ¶
func (self *PackedVector4Array) ToByteArray(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns a PackedByteArray with each vector encoded as bytes.
func (PackedVector4Array) UnsafePointer ¶
func (p PackedVector4Array) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type Pointer ¶
func PointerLifetimeBoundTo ¶
func (*Pointer) SetPointer ¶
type PointerToClass ¶
type Projection ¶
type Projection = xy.Projection
type ProjectionPlanes ¶
type ProjectionPlanes int64
type PropertyHint ¶
type PropertyHint int64
type PropertyInfo ¶
type PropertyInfo struct { Type VariantType Name StringName ClassName StringName Hint PropertyHint HintString String Usage PropertyUsageFlags }
type PropertyUsageFlags ¶
type PropertyUsageFlags int64
type Quaternion ¶
type Quaternion = xy.Quaternion
type RefCounted ¶
type RefCounted struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (RefCounted) AsObject ¶
func (self RefCounted) AsObject() Object
func (RefCounted) AsPointer ¶
func (self RefCounted) AsPointer() Pointer
func (RefCounted) AsRefCounted ¶
func (self RefCounted) AsRefCounted() RefCounted
func (RefCounted) GetReferenceCount ¶
func (self RefCounted) GetReferenceCount() Int
Returns the current reference count.
func (RefCounted) InitRef ¶
func (self RefCounted) InitRef() bool
Initializes the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing. Returns whether the initialization was successful.
func (RefCounted) Reference ¶
func (self RefCounted) Reference() bool
Increments the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing. Returns [code]true[/code] if the increment was successful, [code]false[/code] otherwise.
func (*RefCounted) SetPointer ¶
func (self *RefCounted) SetPointer(ptr Pointer)
func (RefCounted) Super ¶
func (self RefCounted) Super() Object
func (RefCounted) Unreference ¶
func (self RefCounted) Unreference() bool
Decrements the internal reference counter. Use this only if you really know what you are doing. Returns [code]true[/code] if the object should be freed after the decrement, [code]false[/code] otherwise.
type Registrable ¶
type Registrable interface {
type Signal ¶
func (Signal) Connect ¶
Connects this signal to the specified [param callable]. Optional [param flags] can be also added to configure the connection's behavior (see [enum Object.ConnectFlags] constants). You can provide additional arguments to the connected [param callable] by using [method Callable.bind]. A signal can only be connected once to the same Callable. If the signal is already connected, returns [constant ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER] and pushes an error message, unless the signal is connected with [constant Object.CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED]. To prevent this, use [method is_connected] first to check for existing connections. [codeblock] for button in $Buttons.get_children():
func _on_pressed(button):
print(, " was pressed")
func (Signal) Disconnect ¶
Disconnects this signal from the specified Callable. If the connection does not exist, generates an error. Use [method is_connected] to make sure that the connection exists.
func (Signal) Emit ¶
Emits this signal. All [Callable]s connected to this signal will be triggered. This method supports a variable number of arguments, so parameters can be passed as a comma separated list.
func (Signal) GetConnections ¶
Returns an Array of connections for this signal. Each connection is represented as a Dictionary that contains three entries: - [code]signal[/code] is a reference to this signal; - [code]callable[/code] is a reference to the connected Callable; - [code]flags[/code] is a combination of [enum Object.ConnectFlags].
func (Signal) GetName ¶
func (self Signal) GetName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
Returns the name of this signal.
func (Signal) GetObjectId ¶
Returns the ID of the object emitting this signal (see [method Object.get_instance_id]).
func (Signal) IsConnected ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the specified Callable is connected to this signal.
type String ¶
func (String) BeginsWith ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string begins with the given [param text]. See also [method ends_with].
func (String) Bigrams ¶
func (self String) Bigrams(ctx Lifetime) PackedStringArray
Returns an array containing the bigrams (pairs of consecutive characters) of this string. [codeblock] print("Get up!".bigrams()) # Prints ["Ge", "et", "t ", " u", "up", "p!"] [/codeblock]
func (String) BinToInt ¶
Converts the string representing a binary number into an [int]. The string may optionally be prefixed with [code]"0b"[/code], and an additional [code]-[/code] prefix for negative numbers. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("101".bin_to_int()) # Prints 5 print("0b101".bin_to_int()) # Prints 5 print("-0b10".bin_to_int()) # Prints -2 [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("101".BinToInt()); // Prints 5 GD.Print("0b101".BinToInt()); // Prints 5 GD.Print("-0b10".BinToInt()); // Prints -2 [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) CEscape ¶
Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the C language standard.
func (String) CUnescape ¶
Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings. Supported escape sequences are [code]\'[/code], [code]\"[/code], [code]\\[/code], [code]\a[/code], [code]\b[/code], [code]\f[/code], [code]\n[/code], [code]\r[/code], [code]\t[/code], [code]\v[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] Unlike the GDScript parser, this method doesn't support the [code]\uXXXX[/code] escape sequence.
func (String) Capitalize ¶
Changes the appearance of the string: replaces underscores ([code]_[/code]) with spaces, adds spaces before uppercase letters in the middle of a word, converts all letters to lowercase, then converts the first one and each one following a space to uppercase. [codeblocks] [gdscript] "move_local_x".capitalize() # Returns "Move Local X" "sceneFile_path".capitalize() # Returns "Scene File Path" "2D, FPS, PNG".capitalize() # Returns "2d, Fps, Png" [/gdscript] [csharp] "move_local_x".Capitalize(); // Returns "Move Local X" "sceneFile_path".Capitalize(); // Returns "Scene File Path" "2D, FPS, PNG".Capitalize(); // Returns "2d, Fps, Png" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) CasecmpTo ¶
Performs a case-sensitive comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" and "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method nocasecmp_to], [method filecasecmp_to], and [method naturalcasecmp_to].
func (String) Chr ¶
Returns a single Unicode character from the decimal [param char]. You may use [url=][/url] or [url=][/url] as points of reference. [codeblock] print(String.chr(65)) # Prints "A" print(String.chr(129302)) # Prints "🤖" (robot face emoji) [/codeblock]
func (String) Contains ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string contains [param what]. In GDScript, this corresponds to the [code]in[/code] operator. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("Node".contains("de")) # Prints true print("team".contains("I")) # Prints false print("I" in "team") # Prints false [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("Node".Contains("de")); // Prints true GD.Print("team".Contains("I")); // Prints false [/csharp] [/codeblocks] If you need to know where [param what] is within the string, use [method find]. See also [method containsn].
func (String) Containsn ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string contains [param what], [b]ignoring case[/b]. If you need to know where [param what] is within the string, use [method findn]. See also [method contains].
func (String) Count ¶
Returns the number of occurrences of the substring [param what] between [param from] and [param to] positions. If [param to] is 0, the search continues until the end of the string.
func (String) Countn ¶
Returns the number of occurrences of the substring [param what] between [param from] and [param to] positions, [b]ignoring case[/b]. If [param to] is 0, the search continues until the end of the string.
func (String) Dedent ¶
Returns a copy of the string with indentation (leading tabs and spaces) removed. See also [method indent] to add indentation.
func (String) EndsWith ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string ends with the given [param text]. See also [method begins_with].
func (String) Erase ¶
Returns a string with [param chars] characters erased starting from [param position]. If [param chars] goes beyond the string's length given the specified [param position], fewer characters will be erased from the returned string. Returns an empty string if either [param position] or [param chars] is negative. Returns the original string unmodified if [param chars] is [code]0[/code].
func (String) FilecasecmpTo ¶
Like [method naturalcasecmp_to] but prioritizes strings that begin with periods ([code].[/code]) and underscores ([code]_[/code]) before any other character. Useful when sorting folders or file names. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method filenocasecmp_to], [method naturalcasecmp_to], and [method casecmp_to].
func (String) FilenocasecmpTo ¶
Like [method naturalnocasecmp_to] but prioritizes strings that begin with periods ([code].[/code]) and underscores ([code]_[/code]) before any other character. Useful when sorting folders or file names. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method filecasecmp_to], [method naturalnocasecmp_to], and [method nocasecmp_to].
func (String) Find ¶
Returns the index of the [b]first[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The search's start can be specified with [param from], continuing to the end of the string. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("Team".find("I")) # Prints -1
print("Potato".find("t")) # Prints 2 print("Potato".find("t", 3)) # Prints 4 print("Potato".find("t", 5)) # Prints -1 [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("Team".Find("I")); // Prints -1
GD.Print("Potato".Find("t")); // Prints 2 GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 3)); // Prints 4 GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 5)); // Prints -1 [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] If you just want to know whether the string contains [param what], use [method contains]. In GDScript, you may also use the [code]in[/code] operator.
func (String) Findn ¶
Returns the index of the [b]first[/b] [b]case-insensitive[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The starting search index can be specified with [param from], continuing to the end of the string.
func (String) Format ¶
Formats the string by replacing all occurrences of [param placeholder] with the elements of [param values]. [param values] can be a Dictionary or an Array. Any underscores in [param placeholder] will be replaced with the corresponding keys in advance. Array elements use their index as keys. [codeblock] # Prints "Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, and Godot Engine is named after it." var use_array_values = "Waiting for {0} is a play by {1}, and {0} Engine is named after it." print(use_array_values.format(["Godot", "Samuel Beckett"]))
# Prints "User 42 is Godot." print("User {id} is {name}.".format({"id": 42, "name": "Godot"})) [/codeblock] Some additional handling is performed when [param values] is an Array. If [param placeholder] does not contain an underscore, the elements of the [param values] array will be used to replace one occurrence of the placeholder in order; If an element of [param values] is another 2-element array, it'll be interpreted as a key-value pair. [codeblock] # Prints "User 42 is Godot." print("User {} is {}.".format([42, "Godot"], "{}")) print("User {id} is {name}.".format([["id", 42], ["name", "Godot"]])) [/codeblock] See also the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_format_string.html]GDScript format string[/url] tutorial. [b]Note:[/b] The replacement of placeholders is not done all at once, instead each placeholder is replaced in the order they are passed, this means that if one of the replacement strings contains a key it will also be replaced. This can be very powerful, but can also cause unexpected results if you are not careful. If you do not need to perform replacement in the replacement strings, make sure your replacements do not contain placeholders to ensure reliable results. [codeblock] print("{0} {1}".format(["{1}", "x"])) # Prints "x x". print("{0} {1}".format(["x", "{0}"])) # Prints "x {0}". print("{foo} {bar}".format({"foo": "{bar}", "bar": "baz"})) # Prints "baz baz". print("{foo} {bar}".format({"bar": "baz", "foo": "{bar}"})) # Prints "{bar} baz". [/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, it's recommended to [url=]interpolate strings with "$"[/url], instead.
func (String) GetBaseDir ¶
If the string is a valid file path, returns the base directory name. [codeblock] var dir_path = "/path/to/file.txt".get_base_dir() # dir_path is "/path/to" [/codeblock]
func (String) GetBasename ¶
If the string is a valid file path, returns the full file path, without the extension. [codeblock] var base = "/path/to/file.txt".get_basename() # base is "/path/to/file" [/codeblock]
func (String) GetExtension ¶
If the string is a valid file name or path, returns the file extension without the leading period ([code].[/code]). Otherwise, returns an empty string. [codeblock] var a = "/path/to/file.txt".get_extension() # a is "txt" var b = "cool.txt".get_extension() # b is "txt" var c = "cool.font.tres".get_extension() # c is "tres" var d = ".pack1".get_extension() # d is "pack1"
var e = "file.txt.".get_extension() # e is "" var f = "file.txt..".get_extension() # f is "" var g = "txt".get_extension() # g is "" var h = "".get_extension() # h is "" [/codeblock]
func (String) GetFile ¶
If the string is a valid file path, returns the file name, including the extension. [codeblock] var file = "/path/to/icon.png".get_file() # file is "icon.png" [/codeblock]
func (String) GetSlice ¶
Splits the string using a [param delimiter] and returns the substring at index [param slice]. Returns the original string if [param delimiter] does not occur in the string. Returns an empty string if the [param slice] does not exist. This is faster than [method split], if you only need one substring. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] print("i/am/example/hi".get_slice("/", 2)) # Prints "example" [/codeblock]
func (String) GetSliceCount ¶
Returns the total number of slices when the string is split with the given [param delimiter] (see [method split]).
func (String) GetSlicec ¶
Splits the string using a Unicode character with code [param delimiter] and returns the substring at index [param slice]. Returns an empty string if the [param slice] does not exist. This is faster than [method split], if you only need one substring.
func (String) Hash ¶
Returns the 32-bit hash value representing the string's contents. [b]Note:[/b] Strings with equal hash values are [i]not[/i] guaranteed to be the same, as a result of hash collisions. On the contrary, strings with different hash values are guaranteed to be different.
func (String) HexDecode ¶
func (self String) HexDecode(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Decodes a hexadecimal string as a PackedByteArray. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var text = "hello world" var encoded = text.to_utf8_buffer().hex_encode() # outputs "68656c6c6f20776f726c64" print(buf.hex_decode().get_string_from_utf8()) [/gdscript] [csharp] var text = "hello world"; var encoded = text.ToUtf8Buffer().HexEncode(); // outputs "68656c6c6f20776f726c64" GD.Print(buf.HexDecode().GetStringFromUtf8()); [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) HexToInt ¶
Converts the string representing a hexadecimal number into an [int]. The string may be optionally prefixed with [code]"0x"[/code], and an additional [code]-[/code] prefix for negative numbers. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("0xff".hex_to_int()) # Prints 255 print("ab".hex_to_int()) # Prints 171 [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("0xff".HexToInt()); // Prints 255 GD.Print("ab".HexToInt()); // Prints 171 [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) HumanizeSize ¶
Converts [param size] which represents a number of bytes into a human-readable form. The result is in [url=]IEC prefix format[/url], which may end in either [code]"B"[/code], [code]"KiB"[/code], [code]"MiB"[/code], [code]"GiB"[/code], [code]"TiB"[/code], [code]"PiB"[/code], or [code]"EiB"[/code].
func (String) Indent ¶
Indents every line of the string with the given [param prefix]. Empty lines are not indented. See also [method dedent] to remove indentation. For example, the string can be indented with two tabulations using [code]"\t\t"[/code], or four spaces using [code]" "[/code].
func (String) IsAbsolutePath ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string is a path to a file or directory, and its starting point is explicitly defined. This method is the opposite of [method is_relative_path]. This includes all paths starting with [code]"res://"[/code], [code]"user://"[/code], [code]"C:\"[/code], [code]"/"[/code], etc.
func (String) IsEmpty ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string's length is [code]0[/code] ([code]""[/code]). See also [method length].
func (String) IsRelativePath ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string is a path, and its starting point is dependent on context. The path could begin from the current directory, or the current [Node] (if the string is derived from a NodePath), and may sometimes be prefixed with [code]"./"[/code]. This method is the opposite of [method is_absolute_path].
func (String) IsSubsequenceOf ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if all characters of this string can be found in [param text] in their original order. [codeblock] var text = "Wow, incredible!"
print("inedible".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints true print("Word!".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints true print("Window".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints false print("".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints true [/codeblock]
func (String) IsSubsequenceOfn ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if all characters of this string can be found in [param text] in their original order, [b]ignoring case[/b].
func (String) IsValidFilename ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string does not contain characters that are not allowed in file names ([code]:[/code] [code]/[/code] [code]\[/code] [code]?[/code] [code]*[/code] [code]"[/code] [code]|[/code] [code]%[/code] [code]<[/code] [code]>[/code]).
func (String) IsValidFloat ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string represents a valid floating-point number. A valid float may contain only digits, one decimal point ([code].[/code]), and the exponent letter ([code]e[/code]). It may also be prefixed with a positive ([code]+[/code]) or negative ([code]-[/code]) sign. Any valid integer is also a valid float (see [method is_valid_int]). See also [method to_float]. [codeblock] print("1.7".is_valid_float()) # Prints true print("24".is_valid_float()) # Prints true print("7e3".is_valid_float()) # Prints true print("Hello".is_valid_float()) # Prints false [/codeblock]
func (String) IsValidHexNumber ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a valid hexadecimal number. A valid hexadecimal number only contains digits or letters [code]A[/code] to [code]F[/code] (either uppercase or lowercase), and may be prefixed with a positive ([code]+[/code]) or negative ([code]-[/code]) sign. If [param with_prefix] is [code]true[/code], the hexadecimal number needs to prefixed by [code]"0x"[/code] to be considered valid. [codeblock] print("A08E".is_valid_hex_number()) # Prints true print("-AbCdEf".is_valid_hex_number()) # Prints true print("2.5".is_valid_hex_number()) # Prints false
print("0xDEADC0DE".is_valid_hex_number(true)) # Prints true [/codeblock]
func (String) IsValidHtmlColor ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a valid color in hexadecimal HTML notation. The string must be a hexadecimal value (see [method is_valid_hex_number]) of either 3, 4, 6 or 8 digits, and may be prefixed by a hash sign ([code]#[/code]). Other HTML notations for colors, such as names or [code]hsl()[/code], are not considered valid. See also [method Color.html].
func (String) IsValidIdentifier ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a valid identifier. A valid identifier may contain only letters, digits and underscores ([code]_[/code]), and the first character may not be a digit. [codeblock] print("node_2d".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints true print("TYPE_FLOAT".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints true print("1st_method".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints false print("MyMethod#2".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints false [/codeblock]
func (String) IsValidInt ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string represents a valid integer. A valid integer only contains digits, and may be prefixed with a positive ([code]+[/code]) or negative ([code]-[/code]) sign. See also [method to_int]. [codeblock] print("7".is_valid_int()) # Prints true print("1.65".is_valid_int()) # Prints false print("Hi".is_valid_int()) # Prints false print("+3".is_valid_int()) # Prints true print("-12".is_valid_int()) # Prints true [/codeblock]
func (String) IsValidIpAddress ¶
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string represents a well-formatted IPv4 or IPv6 address. This method considers [url=]reserved IP addresses[/url] such as [code]""[/code] and [code]"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"[/code] as valid.
func (String) Join ¶
func (self String) Join(ctx Lifetime, parts PackedStringArray) String
Returns the concatenation of [param parts]' elements, with each element separated by the string calling this method. This method is the opposite of [method split]. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] var fruits = ["Apple", "Orange", "Pear", "Kiwi"]
print(", ".join(fruits)) # Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi" print("---".join(fruits)) # Prints "Apple---Orange---Pear---Kiwi" [/gdscript] [csharp] var fruits = new string[] {"Apple", "Orange", "Pear", "Kiwi"};
// In C#, this method is static. GD.Print(string.Join(", ", fruits)); // Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi" GD.Print(string.Join("---", fruits)); // Prints "Apple---Orange---Pear---Kiwi" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) JsonEscape ¶
Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the JSON standard. Because it closely matches the C standard, it is possible to use [method c_unescape] to unescape the string, if necessary.
func (String) Left ¶
Returns the first [param length] characters from the beginning of the string. If [param length] is negative, strips the last [param length] characters from the string's end. [codeblock] print("Hello World!".left(3)) # Prints "Hel" print("Hello World!".left(-4)) # Prints "Hello Wo" [/codeblock]
func (String) Length ¶
Returns the number of characters in the string. Empty strings ([code]""[/code]) always return [code]0[/code]. See also [method is_empty].
func (String) Lpad ¶
Formats the string to be at least [param min_length] long by adding [param character]s to the left of the string, if necessary. See also [method rpad].
func (String) Lstrip ¶
Removes a set of characters defined in [param chars] from the string's beginning. See also [method rstrip]. [b]Note:[/b] [param chars] is not a prefix. Use [method trim_prefix] to remove a single prefix, rather than a set of characters.
func (String) Match ¶
Does a simple expression match (also called "glob" or "globbing"), where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code].[/code]). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to [code]false[/code].
func (String) Matchn ¶
Does a simple [b]case-insensitive[/b] expression match, where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code].[/code]). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to [code]false[/code].
func (String) Md5Buffer ¶
func (self String) Md5Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns the [url=]MD5 hash[/url] of the string as a PackedByteArray.
func (String) Md5Text ¶
Returns the [url=]MD5 hash[/url] of the string as another String.
func (String) NaturalcasecmpTo ¶
Performs a [b]case-sensitive[/b], [i]natural order[/i] comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. When used for sorting, natural order comparison orders sequences of numbers by the combined value of each digit as is often expected, instead of the single digit's value. A sorted sequence of numbered strings will be [code]["1", "2", "3", ...][/code], not [code]["1", "10", "2", "3", ...][/code]. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method naturalnocasecmp_to], [method filecasecmp_to], and [method nocasecmp_to].
func (String) NaturalnocasecmpTo ¶
Performs a [b]case-insensitive[/b], [i]natural order[/i] comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Internally, lowercase characters are converted to uppercase for the comparison. When used for sorting, natural order comparison orders sequences of numbers by the combined value of each digit as is often expected, instead of the single digit's value. A sorted sequence of numbered strings will be [code]["1", "2", "3", ...][/code], not [code]["1", "10", "2", "3", ...][/code]. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method naturalcasecmp_to], [method filenocasecmp_to], and [method casecmp_to].
func (String) NocasecmpTo ¶
Performs a [b]case-insensitive[/b] comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Internally, lowercase characters are converted to uppercase for the comparison. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method casecmp_to], [method filenocasecmp_to], and [method naturalnocasecmp_to].
func (String) Num ¶
Converts a [float] to a string representation of a decimal number, with the number of decimal places specified in [param decimals]. If [param decimals] is [code]-1[/code] as by default, the string representation may only have up to 14 significant digits, with digits before the decimal point having priority over digits after. Trailing zeros are not included in the string. The last digit is rounded, not truncated. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] String.num(3.141593) # Returns "3.141593" String.num(3.141593, 3) # Returns "3.142" String.num(3.14159300) # Returns "3.141593"
# Here, the last digit will be rounded up, # which reduces the total digit count, since trailing zeros are removed: String.num(42.129999, 5) # Returns "42.13"
# If `decimals` is not specified, the maximum number of significant digits is 14: String.num(-0.0000012345432123454321) # Returns "-0.00000123454321" String.num(-10000.0000012345432123454321) # Returns "-10000.0000012345" [/codeblock]
func (String) NumInt64 ¶
Converts the given [param number] to a string representation, with the given [param base]. By default, [param base] is set to decimal ([code]10[/code]). Other common bases in programming include binary ([code]2[/code]), [url=]octal[/url] ([code]8[/code]), hexadecimal ([code]16[/code]). If [param capitalize_hex] is [code]true[/code], digits higher than 9 are represented in uppercase.
func (String) NumScientific ¶
Converts the given [param number] to a string representation, in scientific notation. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var n = -5.2e8 print(n) # Prints -520000000 print(String.num_scientific(n)) # Prints -5.2e+08 [/gdscript] [csharp] // This method is not implemented in C#. // Use `string.ToString()` with "e" to achieve similar results. var n = -5.2e8f; GD.Print(n); // Prints -520000000 GD.Print(n.ToString("e1")); // Prints -5.2e+008 [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] In C#, this method is not implemented. To achieve similar results, see C#'s [url=]Standard numeric format strings[/url]
func (String) NumUint64 ¶
Converts the given unsigned [int] to a string representation, with the given [param base]. By default, [param base] is set to decimal ([code]10[/code]). Other common bases in programming include binary ([code]2[/code]), [url=]octal[/url] ([code]8[/code]), hexadecimal ([code]16[/code]). If [param capitalize_hex] is [code]true[/code], digits higher than 9 are represented in uppercase.
func (String) PadDecimals ¶
Formats the string representing a number to have an exact number of [param digits] [i]after[/i] the decimal point.
func (String) PadZeros ¶
Formats the string representing a number to have an exact number of [param digits] [i]before[/i] the decimal point.
func (String) PathJoin ¶
Concatenates [param file] at the end of the string as a subpath, adding [code]/[/code] if necessary. [b]Example:[/b] [code]"this/is".path_join("path") == "this/is/path"[/code].
func (String) Repeat ¶
Repeats this string a number of times. [param count] needs to be greater than [code]0[/code]. Otherwise, returns an empty string.
func (String) Replace ¶
Replaces all occurrences of [param what] inside the string with the given [param forwhat].
func (String) Replacen ¶
Replaces all [b]case-insensitive[/b] occurrences of [param what] inside the string with the given [param forwhat].
func (String) Reverse ¶
Returns the copy of this string in reverse order. This operation works on unicode codepoints, rather than sequences of codepoints, and may break things like compound letters or emojis.
func (String) Rfind ¶
Returns the index of the [b]last[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The search's start can be specified with [param from], continuing to the beginning of the string. This method is the reverse of [method find].
func (String) Rfindn ¶
Returns the index of the [b]last[/b] [b]case-insensitive[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The starting search index can be specified with [param from], continuing to the beginning of the string. This method is the reverse of [method findn].
func (String) Right ¶
Returns the last [param length] characters from the end of the string. If [param length] is negative, strips the first [param length] characters from the string's beginning. [codeblock] print("Hello World!".right(3)) # Prints "ld!" print("Hello World!".right(-4)) # Prints "o World!" [/codeblock]
func (String) Rpad ¶
Formats the string to be at least [param min_length] long, by adding [param character]s to the right of the string, if necessary. See also [method lpad].
func (String) Rsplit ¶
func (self String) Rsplit(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
Splits the string using a [param delimiter] and returns an array of the substrings, starting from the end of the string. The splits in the returned array appear in the same order as the original string. If [param delimiter] is an empty string, each substring will be a single character. If [param allow_empty] is [code]false[/code], empty strings between adjacent delimiters are excluded from the array. If [param maxsplit] is greater than [code]0[/code], the number of splits may not exceed [param maxsplit]. By default, the entire string is split, which is mostly identical to [method split]. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] var some_string = "One,Two,Three,Four" var some_array = some_string.rsplit(",", true, 1)
print(some_array.size()) # Prints 2 print(some_array[0]) # Prints "One,Two,Three" print(some_array[1]) # Prints "Four" [/gdscript] [csharp] // In C#, there is no String.RSplit() method. [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) Rstrip ¶
Removes a set of characters defined in [param chars] from the string's end. See also [method lstrip]. [b]Note:[/b] [param chars] is not a suffix. Use [method trim_suffix] to remove a single suffix, rather than a set of characters.
func (String) Sha1Buffer ¶
func (self String) Sha1Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns the [url=]SHA-1[/url] hash of the string as a PackedByteArray.
func (String) Sha1Text ¶
Returns the [url=]SHA-1[/url] hash of the string as another String.
func (String) Sha256Buffer ¶
func (self String) Sha256Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns the [url=]SHA-256[/url] hash of the string as a PackedByteArray.
func (String) Sha256Text ¶
Returns the [url=]SHA-256[/url] hash of the string as another String.
func (String) Similarity ¶
Returns the similarity index ([url=]Sorensen-Dice coefficient[/url]) of this string compared to another. A result of [code]1.0[/code] means totally similar, while [code]0.0[/code] means totally dissimilar. [codeblock] print("ABC123".similarity("ABC123")) # Prints 1.0 print("ABC123".similarity("XYZ456")) # Prints 0.0 print("ABC123".similarity("123ABC")) # Prints 0.8 print("ABC123".similarity("abc123")) # Prints 0.4 [/codeblock]
func (String) SimplifyPath ¶
If the string is a valid file path, converts the string into a canonical path. This is the shortest possible path, without [code]"./"[/code], and all the unnecessary [code]".."[/code] and [code]"/"[/code]. [codeblock] var simple_path = "./path/to///../file".simplify_path() print(simple_path) # Prints "path/file" [/codeblock]
func (String) Split ¶
func (self String) Split(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
Splits the string using a [param delimiter] and returns an array of the substrings. If [param delimiter] is an empty string, each substring will be a single character. This method is the opposite of [method join]. If [param allow_empty] is [code]false[/code], empty strings between adjacent delimiters are excluded from the array. If [param maxsplit] is greater than [code]0[/code], the number of splits may not exceed [param maxsplit]. By default, the entire string is split. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] var some_array = "One,Two,Three,Four".split(",", true, 2)
print(some_array.size()) # Prints 3 print(some_array[0]) # Prints "One" print(some_array[1]) # Prints "Two" print(some_array[2]) # Prints "Three,Four" [/gdscript] [csharp] // C#'s `Split()` does not support the `maxsplit` parameter. var someArray = "One,Two,Three".Split(",");
GD.Print(someArray[0]); // Prints "One" GD.Print(someArray[1]); // Prints "Two" GD.Print(someArray[2]); // Prints "Three" [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] If you only need one substring from the array, consider using [method get_slice] which is faster. If you need to split strings with more complex rules, use the [RegEx] class instead.
func (String) SplitFloats ¶
func (self String) SplitFloats(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool) PackedFloat64Array
Splits the string into floats by using a [param delimiter] and returns a PackedFloat64Array. If [param allow_empty] is [code]false[/code], empty or invalid [float] conversions between adjacent delimiters are excluded. [codeblock] var a = "1,2,4.5".split_floats(",") # a is [1.0, 2.0, 4.5] var c = "1| ||4.5".split_floats("|") # c is [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5] var b = "1| ||4.5".split_floats("|", false) # b is [1.0, 4.5] [/codeblock]
func (String) StringName ¶
func (s String) StringName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
func (String) StripEdges ¶
Strips all non-printable characters from the beginning and the end of the string. These include spaces, tabulations ([code]\t[/code]), and newlines ([code]\n[/code] [code]\r[/code]). If [param left] is [code]false[/code], ignores the string's beginning. Likewise, if [param right] is [code]false[/code], ignores the string's end.
func (String) StripEscapes ¶
Strips all escape characters from the string. These include all non-printable control characters of the first page of the ASCII table (values from 0 to 31), such as tabulation ([code]\t[/code]) and newline ([code]\n[/code], [code]\r[/code]) characters, but [i]not[/i] spaces.
func (String) Substr ¶
Returns part of the string from the position [param from] with length [param len]. If [param len] is [code]-1[/code] (as by default), returns the rest of the string starting from the given position.
func (String) ToAsciiBuffer ¶
func (self String) ToAsciiBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to an [url=]ASCII[/url]/Latin-1 encoded PackedByteArray. This method is slightly faster than [method to_utf8_buffer], but replaces all unsupported characters with spaces. This is the inverse of [method PackedByteArray.get_string_from_ascii].
func (String) ToCamelCase ¶
Returns the string converted to [code]camelCase[/code].
func (String) ToFloat ¶
Converts the string representing a decimal number into a [float]. This method stops on the first non-number character, except the first decimal point ([code].[/code]) and the exponent letter ([code]e[/code]). See also [method is_valid_float]. [codeblock] var a = "12.35".to_float() # a is 12.35 var b = "1.2.3".to_float() # b is 1.2 var c = "12xy3".to_float() # c is 12.0 var d = "1e3".to_float() # d is 1000.0 var e = "Hello!".to_float() # e is 0.0 [/codeblock]
func (String) ToInt ¶
Converts the string representing an integer number into an [int]. This method removes any non-number character and stops at the first decimal point ([code].[/code]). See also [method is_valid_int]. [codeblock] var a = "123".to_int() # a is 123 var b = "x1y2z3".to_int() # b is 123 var c = "-1.2.3".to_int() # c is -1 var d = "Hello!".to_int() # d is 0 [/codeblock]
func (String) ToPascalCase ¶
Returns the string converted to [code]PascalCase[/code].
func (String) ToSnakeCase ¶
Returns the string converted to [code]snake_case[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] Numbers followed by a [i]single[/i] letter are not separated in the conversion to keep some words (such as "2D") together. [codeblocks] [gdscript] "Node2D".to_snake_case() # Returns "node_2d" "2nd place".to_snake_case() # Returns "2_nd_place" "Texture3DAssetFolder".to_snake_case() # Returns "texture_3d_asset_folder" [/gdscript] [csharp] "Node2D".ToSnakeCase(); // Returns "node_2d" "2nd place".ToSnakeCase(); // Returns "2_nd_place" "Texture3DAssetFolder".ToSnakeCase(); // Returns "texture_3d_asset_folder" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) ToUtf16Buffer ¶
func (self String) ToUtf16Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]UTF-16[/url] encoded PackedByteArray. This is the inverse of [method PackedByteArray.get_string_from_utf16].
func (String) ToUtf32Buffer ¶
func (self String) ToUtf32Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]UTF-32[/url] encoded PackedByteArray. This is the inverse of [method PackedByteArray.get_string_from_utf32].
func (String) ToUtf8Buffer ¶
func (self String) ToUtf8Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]UTF-8[/url] encoded PackedByteArray. This method is slightly slower than [method to_ascii_buffer], but supports all UTF-8 characters. For most cases, prefer using this method. This is the inverse of [method PackedByteArray.get_string_from_utf8].
func (String) ToWcharBuffer ¶
func (self String) ToWcharBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]wide character[/url] ([code]wchar_t[/code], UTF-16 on Windows, UTF-32 on other platforms) encoded PackedByteArray. This is the inverse of [method PackedByteArray.get_string_from_wchar].
func (String) TrimPrefix ¶
Removes the given [param prefix] from the start of the string, or returns the string unchanged.
func (String) TrimSuffix ¶
Removes the given [param suffix] from the end of the string, or returns the string unchanged.
func (String) UnsafePointer ¶
func (String) UriDecode ¶
Decodes the string from its URL-encoded format. This method is meant to properly decode the parameters in a URL when receiving an HTTP request. See also [method uri_encode]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var url = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" print(url.uri_decode()) # Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot Engine:docs" [/gdscript] [csharp] var url = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" GD.Print(url.URIDecode()) // Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot Engine:docs" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) UriEncode ¶
Encodes the string to URL-friendly format. This method is meant to properly encode the parameters in a URL when sending an HTTP request. See also [method uri_decode]. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var prefix = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=" var url = prefix + "Godot Engine:docs".uri_encode()
print(url) # Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" [/gdscript] [csharp] var prefix = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight="; var url = prefix + "Godot Engine:docs".URIEncode();
GD.Print(url); // Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (String) ValidateFilename ¶
Returns a copy of the string with all characters that are not allowed in [method is_valid_filename] replaced with underscores.
func (String) ValidateNodeName ¶
Returns a copy of the string with all characters that are not allowed in [member] ([code].[/code] [code]:[/code] [code]@[/code] [code]/[/code] [code]"[/code] [code]%[/code]) replaced with underscores.
func (String) XmlEscape ¶
Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the XML standard. If [param escape_quotes] is [code]true[/code], the single quote ([code]'[/code]) and double quote ([code]"[/code]) characters are also escaped.
func (String) XmlUnescape ¶
Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings according to the XML standard.
type StringName ¶
type StringName mmm.Pointer[API, StringName, uintptr]
func (StringName) BeginsWith ¶
func (self StringName) BeginsWith(text String) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string begins with the given [param text]. See also [method ends_with].
func (StringName) Bigrams ¶
func (self StringName) Bigrams(ctx Lifetime) PackedStringArray
Returns an array containing the bigrams (pairs of consecutive characters) of this string. [codeblock] print("Get up!".bigrams()) # Prints ["Ge", "et", "t ", " u", "up", "p!"] [/codeblock]
func (StringName) BinToInt ¶
func (self StringName) BinToInt() Int
Converts the string representing a binary number into an [int]. The string may optionally be prefixed with [code]"0b"[/code], and an additional [code]-[/code] prefix for negative numbers. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("101".bin_to_int()) # Prints 5 print("0b101".bin_to_int()) # Prints 5 print("-0b10".bin_to_int()) # Prints -2 [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("101".BinToInt()); // Prints 5 GD.Print("0b101".BinToInt()); // Prints 5 GD.Print("-0b10".BinToInt()); // Prints -2 [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) CEscape ¶
func (self StringName) CEscape(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the C language standard.
func (StringName) CUnescape ¶
func (self StringName) CUnescape(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings. Supported escape sequences are [code]\'[/code], [code]\"[/code], [code]\\[/code], [code]\a[/code], [code]\b[/code], [code]\f[/code], [code]\n[/code], [code]\r[/code], [code]\t[/code], [code]\v[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] Unlike the GDScript parser, this method doesn't support the [code]\uXXXX[/code] escape sequence.
func (StringName) Capitalize ¶
func (self StringName) Capitalize(ctx Lifetime) String
Changes the appearance of the string: replaces underscores ([code]_[/code]) with spaces, adds spaces before uppercase letters in the middle of a word, converts all letters to lowercase, then converts the first one and each one following a space to uppercase. [codeblocks] [gdscript] "move_local_x".capitalize() # Returns "Move Local X" "sceneFile_path".capitalize() # Returns "Scene File Path" "2D, FPS, PNG".capitalize() # Returns "2d, Fps, Png" [/gdscript] [csharp] "move_local_x".Capitalize(); // Returns "Move Local X" "sceneFile_path".Capitalize(); // Returns "Scene File Path" "2D, FPS, PNG".Capitalize(); // Returns "2d, Fps, Png" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) CasecmpTo ¶
func (self StringName) CasecmpTo(to String) Int
Performs a case-sensitive comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" and "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method nocasecmp_to], [method filecasecmp_to], and [method naturalcasecmp_to].
func (StringName) Contains ¶
func (self StringName) Contains(what String) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string contains [param what]. In GDScript, this corresponds to the [code]in[/code] operator. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("Node".contains("de")) # Prints true print("team".contains("I")) # Prints false print("I" in "team") # Prints false [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("Node".Contains("de")); // Prints true GD.Print("team".Contains("I")); // Prints false [/csharp] [/codeblocks] If you need to know where [param what] is within the string, use [method find]. See also [method containsn].
func (StringName) Containsn ¶
func (self StringName) Containsn(what String) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string contains [param what], [b]ignoring case[/b]. If you need to know where [param what] is within the string, use [method findn]. See also [method contains].
func (StringName) Count ¶
func (self StringName) Count(what String, from Int, to Int) Int
Returns the number of occurrences of the substring [param what] between [param from] and [param to] positions. If [param to] is 0, the search continues until the end of the string.
func (StringName) Countn ¶
func (self StringName) Countn(what String, from Int, to Int) Int
Returns the number of occurrences of the substring [param what] between [param from] and [param to] positions, [b]ignoring case[/b]. If [param to] is 0, the search continues until the end of the string.
func (StringName) Dedent ¶
func (self StringName) Dedent(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a copy of the string with indentation (leading tabs and spaces) removed. See also [method indent] to add indentation.
func (StringName) EndsWith ¶
func (self StringName) EndsWith(text String) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string ends with the given [param text]. See also [method begins_with].
func (StringName) Erase ¶
func (self StringName) Erase(ctx Lifetime, position Int, chars Int) String
Returns a string with [param chars] characters erased starting from [param position]. If [param chars] goes beyond the string's length given the specified [param position], fewer characters will be erased from the returned string. Returns an empty string if either [param position] or [param chars] is negative. Returns the original string unmodified if [param chars] is [code]0[/code].
func (StringName) FilecasecmpTo ¶
func (self StringName) FilecasecmpTo(to String) Int
Like [method naturalcasecmp_to] but prioritizes strings that begin with periods ([code].[/code]) and underscores ([code]_[/code]) before any other character. Useful when sorting folders or file names. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method filenocasecmp_to], [method naturalcasecmp_to], and [method casecmp_to].
func (StringName) FilenocasecmpTo ¶
func (self StringName) FilenocasecmpTo(to String) Int
Like [method naturalnocasecmp_to] but prioritizes strings that begin with periods ([code].[/code]) and underscores ([code]_[/code]) before any other character. Useful when sorting folders or file names. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method filecasecmp_to], [method naturalnocasecmp_to], and [method nocasecmp_to].
func (StringName) Find ¶
func (self StringName) Find(what String, from Int) Int
Returns the index of the [b]first[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The search's start can be specified with [param from], continuing to the end of the string. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("Team".find("I")) # Prints -1
print("Potato".find("t")) # Prints 2 print("Potato".find("t", 3)) # Prints 4 print("Potato".find("t", 5)) # Prints -1 [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("Team".Find("I")); // Prints -1
GD.Print("Potato".Find("t")); // Prints 2 GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 3)); // Prints 4 GD.Print("Potato".Find("t", 5)); // Prints -1 [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] If you just want to know whether the string contains [param what], use [method contains]. In GDScript, you may also use the [code]in[/code] operator.
func (StringName) Findn ¶
func (self StringName) Findn(what String, from Int) Int
Returns the index of the [b]first[/b] [b]case-insensitive[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The starting search index can be specified with [param from], continuing to the end of the string.
func (StringName) Format ¶
func (self StringName) Format(ctx Lifetime, values Variant, placeholder String) String
Formats the string by replacing all occurrences of [param placeholder] with the elements of [param values]. [param values] can be a Dictionary or an Array. Any underscores in [param placeholder] will be replaced with the corresponding keys in advance. Array elements use their index as keys. [codeblock] # Prints "Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, and Godot Engine is named after it." var use_array_values = "Waiting for {0} is a play by {1}, and {0} Engine is named after it." print(use_array_values.format(["Godot", "Samuel Beckett"]))
# Prints "User 42 is Godot." print("User {id} is {name}.".format({"id": 42, "name": "Godot"})) [/codeblock] Some additional handling is performed when [param values] is an Array. If [param placeholder] does not contain an underscore, the elements of the [param values] array will be used to replace one occurrence of the placeholder in order; If an element of [param values] is another 2-element array, it'll be interpreted as a key-value pair. [codeblock] # Prints "User 42 is Godot." print("User {} is {}.".format([42, "Godot"], "{}")) print("User {id} is {name}.".format([["id", 42], ["name", "Godot"]])) [/codeblock] See also the [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_format_string.html]GDScript format string[/url] tutorial. [b]Note:[/b] In C#, it's recommended to [url=]interpolate strings with "$"[/url], instead.
func (StringName) Free ¶
func (s StringName) Free()
func (StringName) GetBaseDir ¶
func (self StringName) GetBaseDir(ctx Lifetime) String
If the string is a valid file path, returns the base directory name. [codeblock] var dir_path = "/path/to/file.txt".get_base_dir() # dir_path is "/path/to" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) GetBasename ¶
func (self StringName) GetBasename(ctx Lifetime) String
If the string is a valid file path, returns the full file path, without the extension. [codeblock] var base = "/path/to/file.txt".get_basename() # base is "/path/to/file" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) GetExtension ¶
func (self StringName) GetExtension(ctx Lifetime) String
If the string is a valid file name or path, returns the file extension without the leading period ([code].[/code]). Otherwise, returns an empty string. [codeblock] var a = "/path/to/file.txt".get_extension() # a is "txt" var b = "cool.txt".get_extension() # b is "txt" var c = "cool.font.tres".get_extension() # c is "tres" var d = ".pack1".get_extension() # d is "pack1"
var e = "file.txt.".get_extension() # e is "" var f = "file.txt..".get_extension() # f is "" var g = "txt".get_extension() # g is "" var h = "".get_extension() # h is "" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) GetFile ¶
func (self StringName) GetFile(ctx Lifetime) String
If the string is a valid file path, returns the file name, including the extension. [codeblock] var file = "/path/to/icon.png".get_file() # file is "icon.png" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) GetSlice ¶
func (self StringName) GetSlice(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, slice Int) String
Splits the string using a [param delimiter] and returns the substring at index [param slice]. Returns an empty string if the [param slice] does not exist. This is faster than [method split], if you only need one substring. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblock] print("i/am/example/hi".get_slice("/", 2)) # Prints "example" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) GetSliceCount ¶
func (self StringName) GetSliceCount(delimiter String) Int
Returns the total number of slices when the string is split with the given [param delimiter] (see [method split]).
func (StringName) GetSlicec ¶
func (self StringName) GetSlicec(ctx Lifetime, delimiter Int, slice Int) String
Splits the string using a Unicode character with code [param delimiter] and returns the substring at index [param slice]. Returns an empty string if the [param slice] does not exist. This is faster than [method split], if you only need one substring.
func (StringName) Hash ¶
func (self StringName) Hash() Int
Returns the 32-bit hash value representing the string's contents. [b]Note:[/b] Strings with equal hash values are [i]not[/i] guaranteed to be the same, as a result of hash collisions. On the contrary, strings with different hash values are guaranteed to be different.
func (StringName) HexDecode ¶
func (self StringName) HexDecode(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Decodes a hexadecimal string as a PackedByteArray. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var text = "hello world" var encoded = text.to_utf8_buffer().hex_encode() # outputs "68656c6c6f20776f726c64" print(buf.hex_decode().get_string_from_utf8()) [/gdscript] [csharp] var text = "hello world"; var encoded = text.ToUtf8Buffer().HexEncode(); // outputs "68656c6c6f20776f726c64" GD.Print(buf.HexDecode().GetStringFromUtf8()); [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) HexToInt ¶
func (self StringName) HexToInt() Int
Converts the string representing a hexadecimal number into an [int]. The string may be optionally prefixed with [code]"0x"[/code], and an additional [code]-[/code] prefix for negative numbers. [codeblocks] [gdscript] print("0xff".hex_to_int()) # Prints 255 print("ab".hex_to_int()) # Prints 171 [/gdscript] [csharp] GD.Print("0xff".HexToInt()); // Prints 255 GD.Print("ab".HexToInt()); // Prints 171 [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) Indent ¶
func (self StringName) Indent(ctx Lifetime, prefix String) String
Indents every line of the string with the given [param prefix]. Empty lines are not indented. See also [method dedent] to remove indentation. For example, the string can be indented with two tabulations using [code]"\t\t"[/code], or four spaces using [code]" "[/code].
func (StringName) Insert ¶
func (self StringName) Insert(ctx Lifetime, position Int, what String) String
Inserts [param what] at the given [param position] in the string.
func (StringName) IsAbsolutePath ¶
func (self StringName) IsAbsolutePath() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string is a path to a file or directory, and its starting point is explicitly defined. This method is the opposite of [method is_relative_path]. This includes all paths starting with [code]"res://"[/code], [code]"user://"[/code], [code]"C:\"[/code], [code]"/"[/code], etc.
func (StringName) IsEmpty ¶
func (self StringName) IsEmpty() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string's length is [code]0[/code] ([code]""[/code]). See also [method length].
func (StringName) IsRelativePath ¶
func (self StringName) IsRelativePath() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if the string is a path, and its starting point is dependent on context. The path could begin from the current directory, or the current [Node] (if the string is derived from a NodePath), and may sometimes be prefixed with [code]"./"[/code]. This method is the opposite of [method is_absolute_path].
func (StringName) IsSubsequenceOf ¶
func (self StringName) IsSubsequenceOf(text String) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if all characters of this string can be found in [param text] in their original order. [codeblock] var text = "Wow, incredible!"
print("inedible".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints true print("Word!".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints true print("Window".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints false print("".is_subsequence_of(text)) # Prints true [/codeblock]
func (StringName) IsSubsequenceOfn ¶
func (self StringName) IsSubsequenceOfn(text String) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if all characters of this string can be found in [param text] in their original order, [b]ignoring case[/b].
func (StringName) IsValidFilename ¶
func (self StringName) IsValidFilename() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string does not contain characters that are not allowed in file names ([code]:[/code] [code]/[/code] [code]\[/code] [code]?[/code] [code]*[/code] [code]"[/code] [code]|[/code] [code]%[/code] [code]<[/code] [code]>[/code]).
func (StringName) IsValidFloat ¶
func (self StringName) IsValidFloat() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string represents a valid floating-point number. A valid float may contain only digits, one decimal point ([code].[/code]), and the exponent letter ([code]e[/code]). It may also be prefixed with a positive ([code]+[/code]) or negative ([code]-[/code]) sign. Any valid integer is also a valid float (see [method is_valid_int]). See also [method to_float]. [codeblock] print("1.7".is_valid_float()) # Prints true print("24".is_valid_float()) # Prints true print("7e3".is_valid_float()) # Prints true print("Hello".is_valid_float()) # Prints false [/codeblock]
func (StringName) IsValidHexNumber ¶
func (self StringName) IsValidHexNumber(with_prefix bool) bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a valid hexadecimal number. A valid hexadecimal number only contains digits or letters [code]A[/code] to [code]F[/code] (either uppercase or lowercase), and may be prefixed with a positive ([code]+[/code]) or negative ([code]-[/code]) sign. If [param with_prefix] is [code]true[/code], the hexadecimal number needs to prefixed by [code]"0x"[/code] to be considered valid. [codeblock] print("A08E".is_valid_hex_number()) # Prints true print("-AbCdEf".is_valid_hex_number()) # Prints true print("2.5".is_valid_hex_number()) # Prints false
print("0xDEADC0DE".is_valid_hex_number(true)) # Prints true [/codeblock]
func (StringName) IsValidHtmlColor ¶
func (self StringName) IsValidHtmlColor() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a valid color in hexadecimal HTML notation. The string must be a hexadecimal value (see [method is_valid_hex_number]) of either 3, 4, 6 or 8 digits, and may be prefixed by a hash sign ([code]#[/code]). Other HTML notations for colors, such as names or [code]hsl()[/code], are not considered valid. See also [method Color.html].
func (StringName) IsValidIdentifier ¶
func (self StringName) IsValidIdentifier() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string is a valid identifier. A valid identifier may contain only letters, digits and underscores ([code]_[/code]), and the first character may not be a digit. [codeblock] print("node_2d".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints true print("TYPE_FLOAT".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints true print("1st_method".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints false print("MyMethod#2".is_valid_identifier()) # Prints false [/codeblock]
func (StringName) IsValidInt ¶
func (self StringName) IsValidInt() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string represents a valid integer. A valid integer only contains digits, and may be prefixed with a positive ([code]+[/code]) or negative ([code]-[/code]) sign. See also [method to_int]. [codeblock] print("7".is_valid_int()) # Prints true print("1.65".is_valid_int()) # Prints false print("Hi".is_valid_int()) # Prints false print("+3".is_valid_int()) # Prints true print("-12".is_valid_int()) # Prints true [/codeblock]
func (StringName) IsValidIpAddress ¶
func (self StringName) IsValidIpAddress() bool
Returns [code]true[/code] if this string represents a well-formatted IPv4 or IPv6 address. This method considers [url=]reserved IP addresses[/url] such as [code]""[/code] and [code]"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"[/code] as valid.
func (StringName) Join ¶
func (self StringName) Join(ctx Lifetime, parts PackedStringArray) String
Returns the concatenation of [param parts]' elements, with each element separated by the string calling this method. This method is the opposite of [method split]. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] var fruits = ["Apple", "Orange", "Pear", "Kiwi"]
print(", ".join(fruits)) # Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi" print("---".join(fruits)) # Prints "Apple---Orange---Pear---Kiwi" [/gdscript] [csharp] var fruits = new string[] {"Apple", "Orange", "Pear", "Kiwi"};
// In C#, this method is static. GD.Print(string.Join(", ", fruits)); // Prints "Apple, Orange, Pear, Kiwi" GD.Print(string.Join("---", fruits)); // Prints "Apple---Orange---Pear---Kiwi" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) JsonEscape ¶
func (self StringName) JsonEscape(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the JSON standard. Because it closely matches the C standard, it is possible to use [method c_unescape] to unescape the string, if necessary.
func (StringName) Left ¶
func (self StringName) Left(ctx Lifetime, length Int) String
Returns the first [param length] characters from the beginning of the string. If [param length] is negative, strips the last [param length] characters from the string's end. [codeblock] print("Hello World!".left(3)) # Prints "Hel" print("Hello World!".left(-4)) # Prints "Hello Wo" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) Length ¶
func (self StringName) Length() Int
Returns the number of characters in the string. Empty strings ([code]""[/code]) always return [code]0[/code]. See also [method is_empty].
func (StringName) Lpad ¶
func (self StringName) Lpad(ctx Lifetime, min_length Int, character String) String
Formats the string to be at least [param min_length] long by adding [param character]s to the left of the string, if necessary. See also [method rpad].
func (StringName) Lstrip ¶
func (self StringName) Lstrip(ctx Lifetime, chars String) String
Removes a set of characters defined in [param chars] from the string's beginning. See also [method rstrip]. [b]Note:[/b] [param chars] is not a prefix. Use [method trim_prefix] to remove a single prefix, rather than a set of characters.
func (StringName) Match ¶
func (self StringName) Match(expr String) bool
Does a simple expression match (also called "glob" or "globbing"), where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code].[/code]). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to [code]false[/code].
func (StringName) Matchn ¶
func (self StringName) Matchn(expr String) bool
Does a simple [b]case-insensitive[/b] expression match, where [code]*[/code] matches zero or more arbitrary characters and [code]?[/code] matches any single character except a period ([code].[/code]). An empty string or empty expression always evaluates to [code]false[/code].
func (StringName) Md5Buffer ¶
func (self StringName) Md5Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns the [url=]MD5 hash[/url] of the string as a PackedByteArray.
func (StringName) Md5Text ¶
func (self StringName) Md5Text(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the [url=]MD5 hash[/url] of the string as another String.
func (StringName) NaturalcasecmpTo ¶
func (self StringName) NaturalcasecmpTo(to String) Int
Performs a [b]case-sensitive[/b], [i]natural order[/i] comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. When used for sorting, natural order comparison orders sequences of numbers by the combined value of each digit as is often expected, instead of the single digit's value. A sorted sequence of numbered strings will be [code]["1", "2", "3", ...][/code], not [code]["1", "10", "2", "3", ...][/code]. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method naturalnocasecmp_to], [method filecasecmp_to], and [method nocasecmp_to].
func (StringName) NaturalnocasecmpTo ¶
func (self StringName) NaturalnocasecmpTo(to String) Int
Performs a [b]case-insensitive[/b], [i]natural order[/i] comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Internally, lowercase characters are converted to uppercase for the comparison. When used for sorting, natural order comparison orders sequences of numbers by the combined value of each digit as is often expected, instead of the single digit's value. A sorted sequence of numbered strings will be [code]["1", "2", "3", ...][/code], not [code]["1", "10", "2", "3", ...][/code]. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method naturalcasecmp_to], [method filenocasecmp_to], and [method casecmp_to].
func (StringName) NocasecmpTo ¶
func (self StringName) NocasecmpTo(to String) Int
Performs a [b]case-insensitive[/b] comparison to another string. Returns [code]-1[/code] if less than, [code]1[/code] if greater than, or [code]0[/code] if equal. "Less than" or "greater than" are determined by the [url=]Unicode code points[/url] of each string, which roughly matches the alphabetical order. Internally, lowercase characters are converted to uppercase for the comparison. With different string lengths, returns [code]1[/code] if this string is longer than the [param to] string, or [code]-1[/code] if shorter. Note that the length of empty strings is [i]always[/i] [code]0[/code]. To get a [bool] result from a string comparison, use the [code]==[/code] operator instead. See also [method casecmp_to], [method filenocasecmp_to], and [method naturalnocasecmp_to].
func (StringName) PadDecimals ¶
func (self StringName) PadDecimals(ctx Lifetime, digits Int) String
Formats the string representing a number to have an exact number of [param digits] [i]after[/i] the decimal point.
func (StringName) PadZeros ¶
func (self StringName) PadZeros(ctx Lifetime, digits Int) String
Formats the string representing a number to have an exact number of [param digits] [i]before[/i] the decimal point.
func (StringName) PathJoin ¶
func (self StringName) PathJoin(ctx Lifetime, file String) String
Concatenates [param file] at the end of the string as a subpath, adding [code]/[/code] if necessary. [b]Example:[/b] [code]"this/is".path_join("path") == "this/is/path"[/code].
func (StringName) Repeat ¶
func (self StringName) Repeat(ctx Lifetime, count Int) String
Repeats this string a number of times. [param count] needs to be greater than [code]0[/code]. Otherwise, returns an empty string.
func (StringName) Replace ¶
func (self StringName) Replace(ctx Lifetime, what String, forwhat String) String
Replaces all occurrences of [param what] inside the string with the given [param forwhat].
func (StringName) Replacen ¶
func (self StringName) Replacen(ctx Lifetime, what String, forwhat String) String
Replaces all [b]case-insensitive[/b] occurrences of [param what] inside the string with the given [param forwhat].
func (StringName) Reverse ¶
func (self StringName) Reverse(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the copy of this string in reverse order. This operation works on unicode codepoints, rather than sequences of codepoints, and may break things like compound letters or emojis.
func (StringName) Rfind ¶
func (self StringName) Rfind(what String, from Int) Int
Returns the index of the [b]last[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The search's start can be specified with [param from], continuing to the beginning of the string. This method is the reverse of [method find].
func (StringName) Rfindn ¶
func (self StringName) Rfindn(what String, from Int) Int
Returns the index of the [b]last[/b] [b]case-insensitive[/b] occurrence of [param what] in this string, or [code]-1[/code] if there are none. The starting search index can be specified with [param from], continuing to the beginning of the string. This method is the reverse of [method findn].
func (StringName) Right ¶
func (self StringName) Right(ctx Lifetime, length Int) String
Returns the last [param length] characters from the end of the string. If [param length] is negative, strips the first [param length] characters from the string's beginning. [codeblock] print("Hello World!".right(3)) # Prints "ld!" print("Hello World!".right(-4)) # Prints "o World!" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) Rpad ¶
func (self StringName) Rpad(ctx Lifetime, min_length Int, character String) String
Formats the string to be at least [param min_length] long, by adding [param character]s to the right of the string, if necessary. See also [method lpad].
func (StringName) Rsplit ¶
func (self StringName) Rsplit(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
Splits the string using a [param delimiter] and returns an array of the substrings, starting from the end of the string. The splits in the returned array appear in the same order as the original string. If [param delimiter] is an empty string, each substring will be a single character. If [param allow_empty] is [code]false[/code], empty strings between adjacent delimiters are excluded from the array. If [param maxsplit] is greater than [code]0[/code], the number of splits may not exceed [param maxsplit]. By default, the entire string is split, which is mostly identical to [method split]. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] var some_string = "One,Two,Three,Four" var some_array = some_string.rsplit(",", true, 1)
print(some_array.size()) # Prints 2 print(some_array[0]) # Prints "One,Two,Three" print(some_array[1]) # Prints "Four" [/gdscript] [csharp] // In C#, there is no String.RSplit() method. [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) Rstrip ¶
func (self StringName) Rstrip(ctx Lifetime, chars String) String
Removes a set of characters defined in [param chars] from the string's end. See also [method lstrip]. [b]Note:[/b] [param chars] is not a suffix. Use [method trim_suffix] to remove a single suffix, rather than a set of characters.
func (StringName) Sha1Buffer ¶
func (self StringName) Sha1Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns the [url=]SHA-1[/url] hash of the string as a PackedByteArray.
func (StringName) Sha1Text ¶
func (self StringName) Sha1Text(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the [url=]SHA-1[/url] hash of the string as another String.
func (StringName) Sha256Buffer ¶
func (self StringName) Sha256Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Returns the [url=]SHA-256[/url] hash of the string as a PackedByteArray.
func (StringName) Sha256Text ¶
func (self StringName) Sha256Text(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the [url=]SHA-256[/url] hash of the string as another String.
func (StringName) Similarity ¶
func (self StringName) Similarity(text String) Float
Returns the similarity index ([url=]Sorensen-Dice coefficient[/url]) of this string compared to another. A result of [code]1.0[/code] means totally similar, while [code]0.0[/code] means totally dissimilar. [codeblock] print("ABC123".similarity("ABC123")) # Prints 1.0 print("ABC123".similarity("XYZ456")) # Prints 0.0 print("ABC123".similarity("123ABC")) # Prints 0.8 print("ABC123".similarity("abc123")) # Prints 0.4 [/codeblock]
func (StringName) SimplifyPath ¶
func (self StringName) SimplifyPath(ctx Lifetime) String
If the string is a valid file path, converts the string into a canonical path. This is the shortest possible path, without [code]"./"[/code], and all the unnecessary [code]".."[/code] and [code]"/"[/code]. [codeblock] var simple_path = "./path/to///../file".simplify_path() print(simple_path) # Prints "path/file" [/codeblock]
func (StringName) Split ¶
func (self StringName) Split(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool, maxsplit Int) PackedStringArray
Splits the string using a [param delimiter] and returns an array of the substrings. If [param delimiter] is an empty string, each substring will be a single character. This method is the opposite of [method join]. If [param allow_empty] is [code]false[/code], empty strings between adjacent delimiters are excluded from the array. If [param maxsplit] is greater than [code]0[/code], the number of splits may not exceed [param maxsplit]. By default, the entire string is split. [b]Example:[/b] [codeblocks] [gdscript] var some_array = "One,Two,Three,Four".split(",", true, 2)
print(some_array.size()) # Prints 3 print(some_array[0]) # Prints "One" print(some_array[1]) # Prints "Two" print(some_array[2]) # Prints "Three,Four" [/gdscript] [csharp] // C#'s `Split()` does not support the `maxsplit` parameter. var someArray = "One,Two,Three".Split(",");
GD.Print(someArray[0]); // Prints "One" GD.Print(someArray[1]); // Prints "Two" GD.Print(someArray[2]); // Prints "Three" [/csharp] [/codeblocks] [b]Note:[/b] If you only need one substring from the array, consider using [method get_slice] which is faster. If you need to split strings with more complex rules, use the [RegEx] class instead.
func (StringName) SplitFloats ¶
func (self StringName) SplitFloats(ctx Lifetime, delimiter String, allow_empty bool) PackedFloat64Array
Splits the string into floats by using a [param delimiter] and returns a PackedFloat64Array. If [param allow_empty] is [code]false[/code], empty or invalid [float] conversions between adjacent delimiters are excluded. [codeblock] var a = "1,2,4.5".split_floats(",") # a is [1.0, 2.0, 4.5] var c = "1| ||4.5".split_floats("|") # c is [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5] var b = "1| ||4.5".split_floats("|", false) # b is [1.0, 4.5] [/codeblock]
func (StringName) String ¶
func (s StringName) String() string
func (StringName) StripEdges ¶
func (self StringName) StripEdges(ctx Lifetime, left bool, right bool) String
Strips all non-printable characters from the beginning and the end of the string. These include spaces, tabulations ([code]\t[/code]), and newlines ([code]\n[/code] [code]\r[/code]). If [param left] is [code]false[/code], ignores the string's beginning. Likewise, if [param right] is [code]false[/code], ignores the string's end.
func (StringName) StripEscapes ¶
func (self StringName) StripEscapes(ctx Lifetime) String
Strips all escape characters from the string. These include all non-printable control characters of the first page of the ASCII table (values from 0 to 31), such as tabulation ([code]\t[/code]) and newline ([code]\n[/code], [code]\r[/code]) characters, but [i]not[/i] spaces.
func (StringName) Substr ¶
func (self StringName) Substr(ctx Lifetime, from Int, len Int) String
Returns part of the string from the position [param from] with length [param len]. If [param len] is [code]-1[/code] (as by default), returns the rest of the string starting from the given position.
func (StringName) ToAsciiBuffer ¶
func (self StringName) ToAsciiBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to an [url=]ASCII[/url]/Latin-1 encoded PackedByteArray. This method is slightly faster than [method to_utf8_buffer], but replaces all unsupported characters with spaces.
func (StringName) ToCamelCase ¶
func (self StringName) ToCamelCase(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the string converted to [code]camelCase[/code].
func (StringName) ToFloat ¶
func (self StringName) ToFloat() Float
Converts the string representing a decimal number into a [float]. This method stops on the first non-number character, except the first decimal point ([code].[/code]) and the exponent letter ([code]e[/code]). See also [method is_valid_float]. [codeblock] var a = "12.35".to_float() # a is 12.35 var b = "1.2.3".to_float() # b is 1.2 var c = "12xy3".to_float() # c is 12.0 var d = "1e3".to_float() # d is 1000.0 var e = "Hello!".to_int() # e is 0.0 [/codeblock]
func (StringName) ToInt ¶
func (self StringName) ToInt() Int
Converts the string representing an integer number into an [int]. This method removes any non-number character and stops at the first decimal point ([code].[/code]). See also [method is_valid_int]. [codeblock] var a = "123".to_int() # a is 123 var b = "x1y2z3".to_int() # b is 123 var c = "-1.2.3".to_int() # c is -1 var d = "Hello!".to_int() # d is 0 [/codeblock]
func (StringName) ToLower ¶
func (self StringName) ToLower(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the string converted to [code]lowercase[/code].
func (StringName) ToPascalCase ¶
func (self StringName) ToPascalCase(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the string converted to [code]PascalCase[/code].
func (StringName) ToSnakeCase ¶
func (self StringName) ToSnakeCase(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the string converted to [code]snake_case[/code]. [b]Note:[/b] Numbers followed by a [i]single[/i] letter are not separated in the conversion to keep some words (such as "2D") together. [codeblocks] [gdscript] "Node2D".to_snake_case() # Returns "node_2d" "2nd place".to_snake_case() # Returns "2_nd_place" "Texture3DAssetFolder".to_snake_case() # Returns "texture_3d_asset_folder" [/gdscript] [csharp] "Node2D".ToSnakeCase(); // Returns "node_2d" "2nd place".ToSnakeCase(); // Returns "2_nd_place" "Texture3DAssetFolder".ToSnakeCase(); // Returns "texture_3d_asset_folder" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) ToUpper ¶
func (self StringName) ToUpper(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns the string converted to [code]UPPERCASE[/code].
func (StringName) ToUtf16Buffer ¶
func (self StringName) ToUtf16Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]UTF-16[/url] encoded PackedByteArray.
func (StringName) ToUtf32Buffer ¶
func (self StringName) ToUtf32Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]UTF-32[/url] encoded PackedByteArray.
func (StringName) ToUtf8Buffer ¶
func (self StringName) ToUtf8Buffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]UTF-8[/url] encoded PackedByteArray. This method is slightly slower than [method to_ascii_buffer], but supports all UTF-8 characters. For most cases, prefer using this method.
func (StringName) ToWcharBuffer ¶
func (self StringName) ToWcharBuffer(ctx Lifetime) PackedByteArray
Converts the string to a [url=]wide character[/url] ([code]wchar_t[/code], UTF-16 on Windows, UTF-32 on other platforms) encoded PackedByteArray.
func (StringName) TrimPrefix ¶
func (self StringName) TrimPrefix(ctx Lifetime, prefix String) String
Removes the given [param prefix] from the start of the string, or returns the string unchanged.
func (StringName) TrimSuffix ¶
func (self StringName) TrimSuffix(ctx Lifetime, suffix String) String
Removes the given [param suffix] from the end of the string, or returns the string unchanged.
func (StringName) UnicodeAt ¶
func (self StringName) UnicodeAt(at Int) Int
Returns the character code at position [param at].
func (StringName) UriDecode ¶
func (self StringName) UriDecode(ctx Lifetime) String
Decodes the string from its URL-encoded format. This method is meant to properly decode the parameters in a URL when receiving an HTTP request. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var url = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" print(url.uri_decode()) # Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot Engine:docs" [/gdscript] [csharp] var url = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" GD.Print(url.URIDecode()) // Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot Engine:docs" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) UriEncode ¶
func (self StringName) UriEncode(ctx Lifetime) String
Encodes the string to URL-friendly format. This method is meant to properly encode the parameters in a URL when sending an HTTP request. [codeblocks] [gdscript] var prefix = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=" var url = prefix + "Godot Engine:docs".uri_encode()
print(url) # Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" [/gdscript] [csharp] var prefix = "$DOCS_URL/?highlight="; var url = prefix + "Godot Engine:docs".URIEncode();
GD.Print(url); // Prints "$DOCS_URL/?highlight=Godot%20Engine%3%docs" [/csharp] [/codeblocks]
func (StringName) ValidateFilename ¶
func (self StringName) ValidateFilename(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a copy of the string with all characters that are not allowed in [method is_valid_filename] replaced with underscores.
func (StringName) ValidateNodeName ¶
func (self StringName) ValidateNodeName(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a copy of the string with all characters that are not allowed in [member] ([code].[/code] [code]:[/code] [code]@[/code] [code]/[/code] [code]"[/code] [code]%[/code]) replaced with underscores.
func (StringName) XmlEscape ¶
func (self StringName) XmlEscape(ctx Lifetime, escape_quotes bool) String
Returns a copy of the string with special characters escaped using the XML standard. If [param escape_quotes] is [code]true[/code], the single quote ([code]'[/code]) and double quote ([code]"[/code]) characters are also escaped.
func (StringName) XmlUnescape ¶
func (self StringName) XmlUnescape(ctx Lifetime) String
Returns a copy of the string with escaped characters replaced by their meanings according to the XML standard.
type StringNamePtr ¶
type StringNamePtr *uintptr
type Transform2D ¶
type Transform2D = xy.Transform2D
type Transform3D ¶
type Transform3D = xy.Transform3D
type TypedArray ¶
func (TypedArray[T]) All ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) All(method Callable) bool
func (TypedArray[T]) Any ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Any(method Callable) bool
func (TypedArray[T]) Append ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Append(value T)
func (TypedArray[T]) AppendArray ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) AppendArray(array ArrayOf[T])
func (TypedArray[T]) Array ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Array() Array
func (TypedArray[T]) Assign ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Assign(array ArrayOf[T])
func (TypedArray[T]) Back ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Back(tmp Lifetime) T
func (TypedArray[T]) Bsearch ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Bsearch(value T, before bool) int64
func (TypedArray[T]) BsearchCustom ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) BsearchCustom(value T, fn Callable, before bool) int64
func (TypedArray[T]) Clear ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Clear()
func (TypedArray[T]) Count ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Count(value T) int64
func (TypedArray[T]) Duplicate ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Duplicate(ctx Lifetime, deep bool) ArrayOf[T]
func (TypedArray[T]) Erase ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Erase(value T)
func (TypedArray[T]) Fill ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Fill(value T)
func (TypedArray[T]) Filter ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Filter(ctx Lifetime, method Callable) ArrayOf[T]
func (TypedArray[T]) Find ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Find(what T, from int64) int64
func (TypedArray[T]) Free ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Free()
func (TypedArray[T]) Front ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Front(ctx Lifetime) T
func (TypedArray[T]) GetTypedBuiltin ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) GetTypedBuiltin() int64
func (TypedArray[T]) GetTypedClassName ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) GetTypedClassName(ctx Lifetime) StringName
func (TypedArray[T]) GetTypedScript ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) GetTypedScript(ctx Lifetime) Variant
func (TypedArray[T]) Has ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Has(value T) bool
func (TypedArray[T]) Hash ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Hash() int64
func (TypedArray[T]) Index ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Index(ctx Lifetime, index int64) T
func (TypedArray[T]) Insert ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Insert(position int64, value T) int64
func (TypedArray[T]) IsEmpty ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) IsEmpty() bool
func (TypedArray[T]) IsReadOnly ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) IsReadOnly() bool
func (TypedArray[T]) IsSameTyped ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) IsSameTyped(array Array) bool
func (TypedArray[T]) IsTyped ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) IsTyped() bool
func (TypedArray[T]) MakeReadOnly ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) MakeReadOnly()
func (TypedArray[T]) Max ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Max(ctx Lifetime) T
func (TypedArray[T]) Min ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Min(ctx Lifetime) T
func (TypedArray[T]) PickRandom ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) PickRandom(ctx Lifetime) T
func (TypedArray[T]) PopAt ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) PopAt(ctx Lifetime, position int64) T
func (TypedArray[T]) PopBack ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) PopBack(ctx Lifetime) T
func (TypedArray[T]) PopFront ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) PopFront(ctx Lifetime) T
func (TypedArray[T]) PushBack ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) PushBack(value T)
func (TypedArray[T]) PushFront ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) PushFront(value T)
func (TypedArray[T]) Reduce ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Reduce(ctx Lifetime, method Callable, accum T) T
func (TypedArray[T]) RemoveAt ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) RemoveAt(position int64)
func (TypedArray[T]) Resize ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Resize(size int64) int64
func (TypedArray[T]) Reverse ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Reverse()
func (TypedArray[T]) Rfind ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Rfind(what T, from int64) int64
func (TypedArray[T]) SetIndex ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) SetIndex(index int64, value T)
func (TypedArray[T]) Shuffle ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Shuffle()
func (TypedArray[T]) Size ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Size() int64
func (TypedArray[T]) Sort ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Sort()
func (TypedArray[T]) SortCustom ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) SortCustom(fn Callable)
func (TypedArray[T]) Typed ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) Typed(TypedArray[T])
func (TypedArray[T]) UnmarshalInto ¶
func (a TypedArray[T]) UnmarshalInto(val any) error
type UnsafeArgs ¶
type UnsafeBack ¶
type Variant ¶
func (Variant) Get ¶
Get returns the value specified by the given key variant and a boolean indiciating whether the get operation was valid.
func (Variant) Interface ¶
Interface returns the variant's value as one of the the native Godot values (as defined) in the gd package.
func (Variant) LogicalNegate ¶
func (Variant) Projection ¶
func (variant Variant) Projection() Projection
Projection returns the variant as a Projection. Panics if the variant is not a Projection.
func (Variant) Quaternion ¶
func (variant Variant) Quaternion() Quaternion
Quaternion returns the variant as a Quaternion. Panics if the variant is not a Quaternion.
func (Variant) Rect2i ¶
Rect2i returns the variant as a Rect2i. Panics if the variant is not a Rect2i.
func (Variant) RecursiveHash ¶
RecursiveHash returns the hash value of the variant recursively.
func (Variant) Set ¶
Set sets the value specified by the given key variant to the given value variant. Returns true if the set operation was valid.
func (Variant) Transform2D ¶
func (variant Variant) Transform2D() Transform2D
Transform2D returns the variant as a Transform2D. Panics if the variant is not a Transform2D.
func (Variant) Transform3D ¶
func (variant Variant) Transform3D() Transform3D
Transform3D returns the variant as a Transform3D. Panics if the variant is not a Transform3D.
func (Variant) Type ¶
func (variant Variant) Type() VariantType
Type returns the variant's type, similar to reflect.Kind but for a variant value.
func (Variant) Vector2 ¶
Vector2 returns the variant as a Vector2. Panics if the variant is not a Vector2.
func (Variant) Vector2i ¶
Vector2i returns the variant as a Vector2i. Panics if the variant is not a Vector2i.
func (Variant) Vector3 ¶
Vector3 returns the variant as a Vector3. Panics if the variant is not a Vector3.
func (Variant) Vector3i ¶
Vector3i returns the variant as a Vector3i. Panics if the variant is not a Vector3i.
type VariantOperator ¶
type VariantOperator int64
type VariantPtr ¶
type VariantPtr *[3]uintptr
type VariantType ¶
type VariantType int64
const ( /*Variable is [code]null[/code].*/ TypeNil VariantType = 0 /*Variable is of type [bool].*/ TypeBool VariantType = 1 /*Variable is of type [int].*/ TypeInt VariantType = 2 /*Variable is of type [float].*/ TypeFloat VariantType = 3 /*Variable is of type [String].*/ TypeString VariantType = 4 /*Variable is of type [Vector2].*/ TypeVector2 VariantType = 5 /*Variable is of type [Vector2i].*/ TypeVector2i VariantType = 6 /*Variable is of type [Rect2].*/ TypeRect2 VariantType = 7 /*Variable is of type [Rect2i].*/ TypeRect2i VariantType = 8 /*Variable is of type [Vector3].*/ TypeVector3 VariantType = 9 /*Variable is of type [Vector3i].*/ TypeVector3i VariantType = 10 /*Variable is of type [Transform2D].*/ TypeTransform2d VariantType = 11 /*Variable is of type [Vector4].*/ TypeVector4 VariantType = 12 /*Variable is of type [Vector4i].*/ TypeVector4i VariantType = 13 /*Variable is of type [Plane].*/ TypePlane VariantType = 14 /*Variable is of type [Quaternion].*/ TypeQuaternion VariantType = 15 /*Variable is of type [AABB].*/ TypeAabb VariantType = 16 /*Variable is of type [Basis].*/ TypeBasis VariantType = 17 /*Variable is of type [Transform3D].*/ TypeTransform3d VariantType = 18 /*Variable is of type [Projection].*/ TypeProjection VariantType = 19 /*Variable is of type [Color].*/ TypeColor VariantType = 20 /*Variable is of type [StringName].*/ TypeStringName VariantType = 21 /*Variable is of type [NodePath].*/ TypeNodePath VariantType = 22 /*Variable is of type [RID].*/ TypeRid VariantType = 23 /*Variable is of type [Object].*/ TypeObject VariantType = 24 /*Variable is of type [Callable].*/ TypeCallable VariantType = 25 /*Variable is of type [Signal].*/ TypeSignal VariantType = 26 /*Variable is of type [Dictionary].*/ TypeDictionary VariantType = 27 /*Variable is of type [Array].*/ TypeArray VariantType = 28 /*Variable is of type [PackedByteArray].*/ TypePackedByteArray VariantType = 29 /*Variable is of type [PackedInt32Array].*/ TypePackedInt32Array VariantType = 30 /*Variable is of type [PackedInt64Array].*/ TypePackedInt64Array VariantType = 31 /*Variable is of type [PackedFloat32Array].*/ TypePackedFloat32Array VariantType = 32 /*Variable is of type [PackedFloat64Array].*/ TypePackedFloat64Array VariantType = 33 /*Variable is of type [PackedStringArray].*/ TypePackedStringArray VariantType = 34 /*Variable is of type [PackedVector2Array].*/ TypePackedVector2Array VariantType = 35 /*Variable is of type [PackedVector3Array].*/ TypePackedVector3Array VariantType = 36 /*Variable is of type [PackedColorArray].*/ TypePackedColorArray VariantType = 37 /*Variable is of type [PackedVector4Array].*/ TypePackedVector4Array VariantType = 38 /*Represents the size of the [enum Variant.Type] enum.*/ TypeMax VariantType = 39 )
func (VariantType) Call ¶
func (variant VariantType) Call(ctx Lifetime, method StringName, args ...Variant) (Variant, error)
Call a static method on a variant type.
type Vector2Axis ¶
type Vector2Axis int64
type Vector2iAxis ¶
type Vector2iAxis int64
type Vector3Axis ¶
type Vector3Axis int64
type Vector3iAxis ¶
type Vector3iAxis int64
type Vector4Axis ¶
type Vector4Axis int64
type Vector4iAxis ¶
type Vector4iAxis int64
type VerticalAlignment ¶
type VerticalAlignment int64
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package callframe provides a way to create Godot-compatible callframes.
Package callframe provides a way to create Godot-compatible callframes. |
Code generated by the generate package DO NOT EDIT
Code generated by the generate package DO NOT EDIT |