Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func A(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func ABBR(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func ACRONYM(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func ADDRESS(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func AHref(url string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func AREA(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func ARTICLE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func ASIDE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func AUDIO(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func About_(a string) types.Attribute
- func Action_(a string) types.Attribute
- func Alt_(alttext string) types.Attribute
- func Attrs_(pairs ...string) []types.Attribute
- func B(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BASE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BDI(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BDO(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BIG(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BLOCKQUOTE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BODY(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BR(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func BUTTON(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func CANVAS(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func CAPTION(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func CITE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func CODE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func COL(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func COLGROUP(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func COMMAND(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Canonical(url string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func Charset(charset string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func CharsetUtf8(objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func CharsetUtf8_() types.Attribute
- func Charset_(c string) types.Attribute
- func Classf_(format string, i ...interface{}) types.Class
- func Content_(n string) types.Attribute
- func CssHref(url string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func DATA(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DATALIST(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DD(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DEL(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DETAILS(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DFN(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DIALOG(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DIV(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DL(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func DataId_(f string) types.Attribute
- func DataTarget_(f string) types.Attribute
- func DataToggle_(f string) types.Attribute
- func EM(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func EMBED(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Enctype_(f string) types.Attribute
- func FIELDSET(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func FIGCAPTION(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func FIGURE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func FOOTER(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func FORM(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func FRAME(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func FRAMESET(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func For_(f string) types.Attribute
- func FormDelete(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func FormGet(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func FormPatch(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func FormPost(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func FormPostMultipart(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func FormPut(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func H(n int, objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func H1(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func H2(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func H3(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func H4(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func H5(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func H6(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func HEAD(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func HEADER(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func HGROUP(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func HR(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func HTML(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Height_(f string) types.Attribute
- func Href_(url string) types.Attribute
- func HttpEquiv(http_equiv string, content string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func HttpEquivUtf8(objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func I(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func IFRAME(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func IMG(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func INPUT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func INS(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func ImgSrc(src string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputButton(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputCheckbox(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputFile(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputHidden(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputPassword(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputRadio(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputSubmit(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func InputText(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func JsSrc(url string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func KBD(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func KEYGEN(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func LABEL(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func LEGEND(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func LI(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func LINK(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func LabelFor(for_ string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func Lang_(l string) types.Attribute
- func MAIN(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func MAP(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func MATH(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func MENU(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func META(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func METER(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Media_(md string) types.Attribute
- func Method_(m string) types.Attribute
- func NAV(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func NOFRAMES(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func NOSCRIPT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Name_(n string) types.Attribute
- func OBJECT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func OL(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func OPTGROUP(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func OPTION(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func OUTPUT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func OnClick_(js string) types.Attribute
- func OnSubmit_(js string) types.Attribute
- func P(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func PARAM(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func PRE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func PROGRESS(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Placeholder_(f string) types.Attribute
- func Property_(a string) types.Attribute
- func Q(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func RP(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func RT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func RUBY(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Rel_(relation string) types.Attribute
- func Role_(l string) types.Attribute
- func S(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SAMP(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SCRIPT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SECTION(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SELECT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SMALL(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SOURCE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SPAN(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func STRONG(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func STYLE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SUB(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SUMMARY(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SUP(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func SVG(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Src_(src string) types.Attribute
- func Style_(f string) types.Attribute
- func TABLE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TBODY(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TD(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TEXTAREA(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TFOOT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TH(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func THEAD(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TIME(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TITLE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TR(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TRACK(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func TT(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Target_(f string) types.Attribute
- func Title_(text string) types.Attribute
- func TypeOf_(a string) types.Attribute
- func Type_(ty string) types.Attribute
- func U(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func UL(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func VAR(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func VIDEO(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Value_(v string) types.Attribute
- func Viewport(content string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
- func WBR(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
- func Width_(f string) types.Attribute
- type DocType
- func HTML4_01Frameset(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func HTML4_01Strict(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func HTML4_01Transitional(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func HTML5(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func MathML1_01(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func MathML2_0(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func NewDocType(doctype string, objects ...interface{}) *DocType
- func XHTML1_0Frameset(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func XHTML1_0Strict(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func XHTML1_0Transitional(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func XHTML1_1(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
- func XHTML1_1Basic(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( Hidden = "hidden" Checkbox = "checkbox" )
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( E_Acirc = types.HTMLString(`Â`) E_acirc = types.HTMLString(`â`) E_acute = types.HTMLString(`´`) E_AElig = types.HTMLString(`Æ`) E_aelig = types.HTMLString(`æ`) E_Agrave = types.HTMLString(`À`) E_agrave = types.HTMLString(`à`) E_alefsym = types.HTMLString(`ℵ`) E_Alpha = types.HTMLString(`Α`) E_alpha = types.HTMLString(`α`) E_amp = types.HTMLString(`&`) E_and = types.HTMLString(`∧`) E_ang = types.HTMLString(`∠`) E_apos = types.HTMLString(`'`) E_Aring = types.HTMLString(`Å`) E_aring = types.HTMLString(`å`) E_asymp = types.HTMLString(`≈`) E_Atilde = types.HTMLString(`Ã`) E_atilde = types.HTMLString(`ã`) E_Auml = types.HTMLString(`Ä`) E_auml = types.HTMLString(`ä`) E_bdquo = types.HTMLString(`„`) E_Beta = types.HTMLString(`Β`) E_beta = types.HTMLString(`β`) E_brvbar = types.HTMLString(`¦`) E_bull = types.HTMLString(`•`) E_cap = types.HTMLString(`∩`) E_Ccedil = types.HTMLString(`Ç`) E_ccedil = types.HTMLString(`ç`) E_cedil = types.HTMLString(`¸`) E_cent = types.HTMLString(`¢`) E_Chi = types.HTMLString(`Χ`) E_chi = types.HTMLString(`χ`) E_circ = types.HTMLString(`ˆ`) E_clubs = types.HTMLString(`♣`) E_cong = types.HTMLString(`≅`) E_copy = types.HTMLString(`©`) E_crarr = types.HTMLString(`↵`) E_cup = types.HTMLString(`∪`) E_curren = types.HTMLString(`¤`) E_Dagger = types.HTMLString(`‡`) E_dagger = types.HTMLString(`†`) E_dArr = types.HTMLString(`⇓`) E_darr = types.HTMLString(`↓`) E_deg = types.HTMLString(`°`) E_Delta = types.HTMLString(`Δ`) E_delta = types.HTMLString(`δ`) E_diams = types.HTMLString(`♦`) E_divide = types.HTMLString(`÷`) E_Eacute = types.HTMLString(`É`) E_eacute = types.HTMLString(`é`) E_Ecirc = types.HTMLString(`Ê`) E_ecirc = types.HTMLString(`ê`) E_Egrave = types.HTMLString(`È`) E_egrave = types.HTMLString(`è`) E_empty = types.HTMLString(`∅`) E_emsp = types.HTMLString(` `) E_ensp = types.HTMLString(` `) E_Epsilon = types.HTMLString(`Ε`) E_epsilon = types.HTMLString(`ε`) E_equiv = types.HTMLString(`≡`) E_Eta = types.HTMLString(`Η`) E_eta = types.HTMLString(`η`) E_ETH = types.HTMLString(`Ð`) E_eth = types.HTMLString(`ð`) E_Euml = types.HTMLString(`Ë`) E_euml = types.HTMLString(`ë`) E_euro = types.HTMLString(`€`) E_exist = types.HTMLString(`∃`) E_fnof = types.HTMLString(`ƒ`) E_forall = types.HTMLString(`∀`) E_frac12 = types.HTMLString(`½`) E_frac14 = types.HTMLString(`¼`) E_frac34 = types.HTMLString(`¾`) E_frasl = types.HTMLString(`⁄`) E_Gamma = types.HTMLString(`Γ`) E_gamma = types.HTMLString(`γ`) E_ge = types.HTMLString(`≥`) E_gt = types.HTMLString(`>`) E_hArr = types.HTMLString(`⇔`) E_harr = types.HTMLString(`↔`) E_hearts = types.HTMLString(`♥`) E_hellip = types.HTMLString(`…`) E_Iacute = types.HTMLString(`Í`) E_iacute = types.HTMLString(`í`) E_Icirc = types.HTMLString(`Î`) E_icirc = types.HTMLString(`î`) E_iexcl = types.HTMLString(`¡`) E_Igrave = types.HTMLString(`Ì`) E_igrave = types.HTMLString(`ì`) E_image = types.HTMLString(`ℑ`) E_infin = types.HTMLString(`∞`) E_int = types.HTMLString(`∫`) E_Iota = types.HTMLString(`Ι`) E_iota = types.HTMLString(`ι`) E_iquest = types.HTMLString(`¿`) E_isin = types.HTMLString(`∈`) E_Iuml = types.HTMLString(`Ï`) E_iuml = types.HTMLString(`ï`) E_Kappa = types.HTMLString(`Κ`) E_kappa = types.HTMLString(`κ`) E_Lambda = types.HTMLString(`Λ`) E_lambda = types.HTMLString(`λ`) E_lang = types.HTMLString(`⟨`) E_laquo = types.HTMLString(`«`) E_lArr = types.HTMLString(`⇐`) E_larr = types.HTMLString(`←`) E_lceil = types.HTMLString(`⌈`) E_ldquo = types.HTMLString(`“`) E_le = types.HTMLString(`≤`) E_lfloor = types.HTMLString(`⌊`) E_lowast = types.HTMLString(`∗`) E_loz = types.HTMLString(`◊`) E_lrm = types.HTMLString(`‎`) E_lsaquo = types.HTMLString(`‹`) E_lsquo = types.HTMLString(`‘`) E_lt = types.HTMLString(`<`) E_macr = types.HTMLString(`¯`) E_mdash = types.HTMLString(`—`) E_micro = types.HTMLString(`µ`) E_middot = types.HTMLString(`·`) E_minus = types.HTMLString(`−`) E_Mu = types.HTMLString(`Μ`) E_mu = types.HTMLString(`μ`) E_nabla = types.HTMLString(`∇`) E_nbsp = types.HTMLString(` `) E_ndash = types.HTMLString(`–`) E_ne = types.HTMLString(`≠`) E_ni = types.HTMLString(`∋`) E_not = types.HTMLString(`¬`) E_notin = types.HTMLString(`∉`) E_nsub = types.HTMLString(`⊄`) E_Ntilde = types.HTMLString(`Ñ`) E_ntilde = types.HTMLString(`ñ`) E_Nu = types.HTMLString(`Ν`) E_nu = types.HTMLString(`ν`) E_Oacute = types.HTMLString(`Ó`) E_oacute = types.HTMLString(`ó`) E_Ocirc = types.HTMLString(`Ô`) E_ocirc = types.HTMLString(`ô`) E_OElig = types.HTMLString(`Œ`) E_oelig = types.HTMLString(`œ`) E_Ograve = types.HTMLString(`Ò`) E_ograve = types.HTMLString(`ò`) E_oline = types.HTMLString(`‾`) E_Omega = types.HTMLString(`Ω`) E_omega = types.HTMLString(`ω`) E_Omicron = types.HTMLString(`Ο`) E_omicron = types.HTMLString(`ο`) E_oplus = types.HTMLString(`⊕`) E_or = types.HTMLString(`∨`) E_ordf = types.HTMLString(`ª`) E_ordm = types.HTMLString(`º`) E_Oslash = types.HTMLString(`Ø`) E_oslash = types.HTMLString(`ø`) E_Otilde = types.HTMLString(`Õ`) E_otilde = types.HTMLString(`õ`) E_otimes = types.HTMLString(`⊗`) E_Ouml = types.HTMLString(`Ö`) E_ouml = types.HTMLString(`ö`) E_para = types.HTMLString(`¶`) E_part = types.HTMLString(`∂`) E_permil = types.HTMLString(`‰`) E_perp = types.HTMLString(`⊥`) E_Phi = types.HTMLString(`Φ`) E_phi = types.HTMLString(`φ`) E_Pi = types.HTMLString(`Π`) E_pi = types.HTMLString(`π`) E_piv = types.HTMLString(`ϖ`) E_plusmn = types.HTMLString(`±`) E_pound = types.HTMLString(`£`) E_Prime = types.HTMLString(`″`) E_prime = types.HTMLString(`′`) E_prod = types.HTMLString(`∏`) E_prop = types.HTMLString(`∝`) E_Psi = types.HTMLString(`Ψ`) E_psi = types.HTMLString(`ψ`) E_quot = types.HTMLString(`"`) E_radic = types.HTMLString(`√`) E_rang = types.HTMLString(`⟩`) E_raquo = types.HTMLString(`»`) E_rArr = types.HTMLString(`⇒`) E_rarr = types.HTMLString(`→`) E_rceil = types.HTMLString(`⌉`) E_rdquo = types.HTMLString(`”`) E_real = types.HTMLString(`ℜ`) E_reg = types.HTMLString(`®`) E_rfloor = types.HTMLString(`⌋`) E_Rho = types.HTMLString(`Ρ`) E_rho = types.HTMLString(`ρ`) E_rlm = types.HTMLString(`‏`) E_rsaquo = types.HTMLString(`›`) E_rsquo = types.HTMLString(`’`) E_sbquo = types.HTMLString(`‚`) E_Scaron = types.HTMLString(`Š`) E_scaron = types.HTMLString(`š`) E_sdot = types.HTMLString(`⋅`) E_sect = types.HTMLString(`§`) E_shy = types.HTMLString(`­`) E_Sigma = types.HTMLString(`Σ`) E_sigma = types.HTMLString(`σ`) E_sigmaf = types.HTMLString(`ς`) E_sim = types.HTMLString(`∼`) E_spades = types.HTMLString(`♠`) E_sub = types.HTMLString(`⊂`) E_sube = types.HTMLString(`⊆`) E_sum = types.HTMLString(`∑`) E_sup = types.HTMLString(`⊃`) E_sup1 = types.HTMLString(`¹`) E_sup2 = types.HTMLString(`²`) E_sup3 = types.HTMLString(`³`) E_supe = types.HTMLString(`⊇`) E_szlig = types.HTMLString(`ß`) E_Tau = types.HTMLString(`Τ`) E_tau = types.HTMLString(`τ`) E_there4 = types.HTMLString(`∴`) E_Theta = types.HTMLString(`Θ`) E_theta = types.HTMLString(`θ`) E_thetasym = types.HTMLString(`ϑ`) E_thinsp = types.HTMLString(` `) E_THORN = types.HTMLString(`Þ`) E_thorn = types.HTMLString(`þ`) E_tilde = types.HTMLString(`˜`) E_times = types.HTMLString(`×`) E_trade = types.HTMLString(`™`) E_Uacute = types.HTMLString(`Ú`) E_uacute = types.HTMLString(`ú`) E_uArr = types.HTMLString(`⇑`) E_uarr = types.HTMLString(`↑`) E_Ucirc = types.HTMLString(`Û`) E_ucirc = types.HTMLString(`û`) E_Ugrave = types.HTMLString(`Ù`) E_ugrave = types.HTMLString(`ù`) E_uml = types.HTMLString(`¨`) E_upsih = types.HTMLString(`ϒ`) E_Upsilon = types.HTMLString(`Υ`) E_upsilon = types.HTMLString(`υ`) E_Uuml = types.HTMLString(`Ü`) E_uuml = types.HTMLString(`ü`) E_weierp = types.HTMLString(`℘`) E_Xi = types.HTMLString(`Ξ`) E_xi = types.HTMLString(`ξ`) E_Yacute = types.HTMLString(`Ý`) E_yacute = types.HTMLString(`ý`) E_yen = types.HTMLString(`¥`) E_Yuml = types.HTMLString(`Ÿ`) E_yuml = types.HTMLString(`ÿ`) E_Zeta = types.HTMLString(`Ζ`) E_zeta = types.HTMLString(`ζ`) E_zwj = types.HTMLString(`‍`) E_zwnj = types.HTMLString(`‌`) )
View Source
var Checked_ = types.Attribute{"checked", "checked"}
View Source
var Disabled_ = types.Attribute{"disabled", "disabled"}
View Source
var MultiPart_ = Enctype_("multipart/form-data")
View Source
var Required_ = types.Attribute{"required", "required"}
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var Selected_ = types.Attribute{"selected", "selected"}
View Source
var TargetBlank_ = Target_("_blank")
Functions ¶
func BLOCKQUOTE(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
func CharsetUtf8 ¶
func CharsetUtf8(objects ...interface{}) *Element
func CharsetUtf8_ ¶
func DataTarget_ ¶
func DataToggle_ ¶
func FIGCAPTION(objects ...interface{}) (t *Element)
func FormDelete ¶
func FormDelete(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
func FormPostMultipart ¶
func FormPostMultipart(action string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
t.Add(Attr("enctype", "multipart/form-data", "method", "post"))
func HttpEquivUtf8 ¶
func HttpEquivUtf8(objects ...interface{}) *Element
func InputButton ¶
func InputButton(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
func InputCheckbox ¶
func InputCheckbox(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
func InputHidden ¶
func InputHidden(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
func InputPassword ¶
func InputPassword(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
func InputRadio ¶
func InputRadio(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
func InputSubmit ¶
func InputSubmit(name string, objects ...interface{}) *Element
func Placeholder_ ¶
Types ¶
type DocType ¶
type DocType struct { *Element DocType string }
func HTML4_01Frameset ¶
func HTML4_01Frameset(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
func HTML4_01Strict ¶
func HTML4_01Strict(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
func HTML4_01Transitional ¶
func HTML4_01Transitional(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
func MathML1_01 ¶
func MathML1_01(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
func NewDocType ¶
func XHTML1_0Frameset ¶
func XHTML1_0Frameset(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
func XHTML1_0Strict ¶
func XHTML1_0Strict(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
func XHTML1_0Transitional ¶
func XHTML1_0Transitional(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
func XHTML1_1Basic ¶
func XHTML1_1Basic(objects ...interface{}) (t *DocType)
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.