Solr Example
To run the example follow the steps below:
Solr Setup
Run the docker image of Solr
docker run --name gofr-solr -p 2020:8983 solr:8 -DzkRun
Now run the following command to load the schema
docker exec -i gofr-solr sh < ../../.github/setups/;
Now run the example on path /zopsmart/gofr/examples/using-solr
go run main.go
Docker Build
To Build a docker image, follow the below steps:
On non linux machines :
GOOS=linux go build main.go
This will build a go binary
docker build -t using-solr:$(date +%s) .
On linux machines(Ubuntu/Mac):
go build main.go
This will build a go binary
docker build -t using-solr:$(date +%s) .