Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckCRDInstalled(discoveryClient discovery.DiscoveryInterface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error
- func GenerateGroupString(groups []string) string
- func GetEventString(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, ...) string
- func GetObjectFromManifest(relativeFilePath string, obj runtime.Object) error
- func GetObjectFromRawExtension(rawByte []byte, obj runtime.Object) error
- func IsDiffedResourcePlacementsEqual(...) bool
- func IsDriftedResourcePlacementsEqual(...) bool
- func IsFailedResourcePlacementsEqual(...) bool
- func IsFleetAnnotationPresent(annotations map[string]string) bool
- func IsReservedNamespace(namespace string) bool
- func NewFakeRecorder(bufferSize int) *record.FakeRecorder
- func NewResourceList() v1.ResourceList
- func NewTestNodes(ns string) []v1.Node
- func RandSecureInt(limit int64) int64
- func RandStr() string
- func ShouldPropagateNamespace(namespace string, skippedNamespaces map[string]bool) bool
- func ShouldPropagateObj(informerManager informer.Manager, uObj *unstructured.Unstructured) (bool, error)
- type AlreadyExistMatcher
- type NotFoundMatcher
- type ResourceConfig
- func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroup(g string)
- func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroupKind(gk schema.GroupKind)
- func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroupVersion(gv schema.GroupVersion)
- func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroupVersionKind(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind)
- func (r *ResourceConfig) IsResourceDisabled(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool
- func (r *ResourceConfig) Parse(c string) error
- type TestMapper
Constants ¶
const ( FleetSystemNamespace = fleetPrefix + "system" NamespaceNameFormat = fleetPrefix + "member-%s" RoleNameFormat = fleetPrefix + "role-%s" RoleBindingNameFormat = fleetPrefix + "rolebinding-%s" ValidationPathFmt = "/validate-%s-%s-%s" )
const ( // NetworkingGroupName is the group name of the fleet networking. NetworkingGroupName = "" DeploymentKind = "Deployment" DaemonSetKind = "DaemonSet" StatefulSetKind = "StatefulSet" ConfigMapKind = "ConfigMap" ServiceKind = "Service" NamespaceKind = "Namespace" JobKind = "Job" )
const ( PlacementFieldManagerName = "cluster-placement-controller" MCControllerFieldManagerName = "member-cluster-controller" OverrideControllerFieldManagerName = "override-controller" UpdateRunControllerFieldManagerName = "cluster-staged-update-run-controller" )
const ( // LabelFleetObj is a label key indicate the resource is created by the fleet. LabelFleetObj = "" LabelFleetObjValue = "fleet" // LabelWorkPlacementName is used to indicate which placement created the work. // This label aims to enable different work objects to be managed by different placement. LabelWorkPlacementName = "" // LastWorkUpdateTimeAnnotationKey is used to mark the last update time on a work object. LastWorkUpdateTimeAnnotationKey = "" // ResourceIdentifierStringFormat is the format of the resource identifier string. ResourceIdentifierStringFormat = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" // ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat is the format of the resource identifier string with envelope identifier. ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat = "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" // FleetAnnotationPrefix is the prefix used to annotate fleet member cluster resources. FleetAnnotationPrefix = "" )
TODO(ryanzhang): move this to the api directory
const ( // TestCaseMsg is used in the table driven test TestCaseMsg string = "\nTest case: %s" )
Variables ¶
var ( FleetRule = rbacv1.PolicyRule{ Verbs: []string{"*"}, APIGroups: []string{fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group}, Resources: []string{"*"}, } FleetClusterRule = rbacv1.PolicyRule{ Verbs: []string{"*"}, APIGroups: []string{clusterv1beta1.GroupVersion.Group}, Resources: []string{"*"}, } FleetPlacementRule = rbacv1.PolicyRule{ Verbs: []string{"*"}, APIGroups: []string{placementv1beta1.GroupVersion.Group}, Resources: []string{"*"}, } EventRule = rbacv1.PolicyRule{ Verbs: []string{"get", "list", "update", "patch", "watch", "create"}, APIGroups: []string{""}, Resources: []string{"events"}, } WorkRule = rbacv1.PolicyRule{ Verbs: []string{"*"}, APIGroups: []string{workv1alpha1.GroupName}, Resources: []string{"*"}, } FleetNetworkRule = rbacv1.PolicyRule{ Verbs: []string{"*"}, APIGroups: []string{NetworkingGroupName}, Resources: []string{"*"}, } )
var ( ClusterResourcePlacementV1Alpha1GVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "ClusterResourcePlacement", } ClusterResourcePlacementV1Alpha1GVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Resource: fleetv1alpha1.ClusterResourcePlacementResource, } ClusterResourcePlacementGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: placementv1beta1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: placementv1beta1.GroupVersion.Version, Resource: placementv1beta1.ClusterResourcePlacementResource, } ClusterResourcePlacementMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: placementv1beta1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: placementv1beta1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: placementv1beta1.ClusterResourcePlacementKind, } ConfigMapGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: ConfigMapKind, } ControllerRevisionGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "controllerrevisions", } CRDMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: apiextensionsv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: apiextensionsv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "CustomResourceDefinition", } CSIDriverGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "csidrivers", } CSINodeGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "csinodes", } CSIStorageCapacityGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "csistoragecapacities", } CustomResourceDefinitionGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: apiextensionsv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: apiextensionsv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "customresourcedefinitions", } EndpointSliceExportMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "EndpointSliceExport", } EndpointSliceImportMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "EndpointSliceImport", } EventMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "Event", } IMCV1Alpha1MetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "InternalMemberCluster", } IngressClassGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: networkingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: networkingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "ingressclasses", } InternalServiceExportMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "InternalServiceExport", } InternalServiceImportMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "InternalServiceImport", } IMCMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: clusterv1beta1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: clusterv1beta1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "InternalMemberCluster", } LimitRangeGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "limitranges", } MCV1Alpha1MetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "MemberCluster", } MCV1Alpha1GVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: fleetv1alpha1.MemberClusterKind, } MCV1Alpha1GVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Resource: fleetv1alpha1.MemberClusterResource, } MCMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: clusterv1beta1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: clusterv1beta1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "MemberCluster", } MutatingWebhookConfigurationGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: admissionregistrationv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: admissionregistrationv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "mutatingwebhookconfigurations", } NamespaceMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: NamespaceKind, } NamespaceGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: NamespaceKind, } NamespaceGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "namespaces", } NetworkPolicyGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: networkingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: networkingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "networkpolicies", } PodMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "Pod", } PodDisruptionBudgetGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: policyv1.GroupName, Version: policyv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "poddisruptionbudgets", } PriorityClassGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: schedulingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: schedulingv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "priorityclasses", } ResourceQuotaGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "resourcequotas", } RoleMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "Role", } RoleBindingMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "RoleBinding", } ServiceGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "services", } ServiceAccountGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "serviceaccounts", } ServiceExportGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: fleetnetworkingv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Resource: "serviceexports", } StorageClassGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: storagev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "storageclasses", } WorkV1Alpha1MetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: workv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: workv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "Work", } WorkV1Alpha1GVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: workv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: workv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: workv1alpha1.WorkKind, } WorkV1Alpha1GVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: workv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: workv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Resource: workv1alpha1.WorkResource, } WorkMetaGVK = metav1.GroupVersionKind{ Group: placementv1beta1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: placementv1beta1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: "Work", } ValidatingWebhookConfigurationGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: admissionregistrationv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, Version: admissionregistrationv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "validatingwebhookconfigurations", } ClusterResourceOverrideSnapshotKind = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: placementv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: placementv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: placementv1alpha1.ClusterResourceOverrideSnapshotKind, } ResourceOverrideSnapshotKind = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: placementv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Group, Version: placementv1alpha1.GroupVersion.Version, Kind: placementv1alpha1.ResourceOverrideSnapshotKind, } DeploymentGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: appv1.GroupName, Version: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "deployments", } DeploymentGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: appv1.GroupName, Version: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: DeploymentKind, } DaemonSetGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: appv1.GroupName, Version: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "daemonsets", } StatefulSetGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: appv1.GroupName, Version: appv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "statefulsets", } JobGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: batchv1.GroupName, Version: batchv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "jobs", } ConfigMapGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: string(corev1.ResourceConfigMaps), } SecretGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: string(corev1.ResourceSecrets), } SecretGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "Secret", } RoleGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: rbacv1.GroupName, Version: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "roles", } ClusterRoleGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: rbacv1.GroupName, Version: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "clusterroles", } ClusterRoleGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: rbacv1.GroupName, Version: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "ClusterRole", } RoleBindingGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: rbacv1.GroupName, Version: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "rolebindings", } ClusterRoleBindingGVR = schema.GroupVersionResource{ Group: rbacv1.GroupName, Version: rbacv1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: "clusterrolebindings", } PersistentVolumeClaimGVK = schema.GroupVersionKind{ Group: corev1.GroupName, Version: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Kind: "PersistentVolumeClaim", } )
Those are the GVR/GVK of the fleet related resources.
var ( // IgnoreConditionLTTAndMessageFields is a cmpopts.IgnoreFields that ignores the LastTransitionTime and Message fields IgnoreConditionLTTAndMessageFields = cmpopts.IgnoreFields(metav1.Condition{}, "LastTransitionTime", "Message") )
var LessFuncConditionByType = func(a, b metav1.Condition) bool {
return a.Type < b.Type
LessFuncCondition is a less function for sorting conditions based on its types.
var LessFuncDiffedResourcePlacements = func(a, b placementv1beta1.DiffedResourcePlacement) bool { var aStr, bStr string if a.Envelope != nil { aStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat, a.Group, a.Version, a.Kind, a.Namespace, a.Name, a.Envelope.Type, a.Envelope.Namespace, a.Envelope.Name) } else { aStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, a.Group, a.Version, a.Kind, a.Namespace, a.Name) } if b.Envelope != nil { bStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat, b.Group, b.Version, b.Kind, b.Namespace, b.Name, b.Envelope.Type, b.Envelope.Namespace, b.Envelope.Name) } else { bStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, b.Group, b.Version, b.Kind, b.Namespace, b.Name) } return aStr < bStr }
LessFuncDiffedResourcePlacements is a less function for sorting drifted resource placements
var LessFuncDriftedResourcePlacements = func(a, b placementv1beta1.DriftedResourcePlacement) bool { var aStr, bStr string if a.Envelope != nil { aStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat, a.Group, a.Version, a.Kind, a.Namespace, a.Name, a.Envelope.Type, a.Envelope.Namespace, a.Envelope.Name) } else { aStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, a.Group, a.Version, a.Kind, a.Namespace, a.Name) } if b.Envelope != nil { bStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat, b.Group, b.Version, b.Kind, b.Namespace, b.Name, b.Envelope.Type, b.Envelope.Namespace, b.Envelope.Name) } else { bStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, b.Group, b.Version, b.Kind, b.Namespace, b.Name) } return aStr < bStr }
LessFuncDriftedResourcePlacements is a less function for sorting drifted resource placements
var LessFuncFailedResourcePlacements = func(a, b placementv1beta1.FailedResourcePlacement) bool { var aStr, bStr string if a.Envelope != nil { aStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat, a.Group, a.Version, a.Kind, a.Namespace, a.Name, a.Envelope.Type, a.Envelope.Namespace, a.Envelope.Name) } else { aStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, a.Group, a.Version, a.Kind, a.Namespace, a.Name) } if b.Envelope != nil { bStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierWithEnvelopeIdentifierStringFormat, b.Group, b.Version, b.Kind, b.Namespace, b.Name, b.Envelope.Type, b.Envelope.Namespace, b.Envelope.Name) } else { bStr = fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, b.Group, b.Version, b.Kind, b.Namespace, b.Name) } return aStr < bStr }
LessFuncFailedResourcePlacements is a less function for sorting failed resource placements
var LessFuncPatchDetail = func(a, b placementv1beta1.PatchDetail) bool {
if a.Path != b.Path {
return a.Path < b.Path
if a.ValueInMember != b.ValueInMember {
return a.ValueInMember < b.ValueInMember
return a.ValueInHub < b.ValueInHub
LessFuncPatchDetail is a less function for sorting patch details
var LessFuncResourceIdentifier = func(a, b placementv1beta1.ResourceIdentifier) bool { aStr := fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, a.Group, a.Version, a.Kind, a.Namespace, a.Name) bStr := fmt.Sprintf(ResourceIdentifierStringFormat, b.Group, b.Version, b.Kind, b.Namespace, b.Name) return aStr < bStr }
LessFuncResourceIdentifier is a less function for sorting resource identifiers
Functions ¶
func CheckCRDInstalled ¶
func CheckCRDInstalled(discoveryClient discovery.DiscoveryInterface, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) error
CheckCRDInstalled checks if the custom resource definition is installed
func GenerateGroupString ¶ added in v0.8.1
GenerateGroupString generates a string which prints groups in which a user belongs, it compresses the string to just display three groups if length of groups is more than 10.
func GetEventString ¶
func GetEventString(object runtime.Object, eventtype, reason, messageFmt string, args ...interface{}) string
GetEventString get the exact string literal of the event created by the fake event library.
func GetObjectFromManifest ¶ added in v0.6.4
GetObjectFromManifest returns a runtime object decoded from the file.
func GetObjectFromRawExtension ¶ added in v0.6.4
GetObjectFromRawExtension returns an object decoded from the raw byte array.
func IsDiffedResourcePlacementsEqual ¶ added in v0.13.0
func IsDiffedResourcePlacementsEqual(oldDiffedResourcePlacements, newDiffedResourcePlacements []placementv1beta1.DiffedResourcePlacement) bool
IsDiffedResourcePlacementsEqual returns true if the two sets of diffed resource placements are equal.
func IsDriftedResourcePlacementsEqual ¶ added in v0.13.0
func IsDriftedResourcePlacementsEqual(oldDriftedResourcePlacements, newDriftedResourcePlacements []placementv1beta1.DriftedResourcePlacement) bool
IsDriftedResourcePlacementsEqual returns true if the two set of drifted resource placements are equal.
func IsFailedResourcePlacementsEqual ¶ added in v0.10.8
func IsFailedResourcePlacementsEqual(oldFailedResourcePlacements, newFailedResourcePlacements []placementv1beta1.FailedResourcePlacement) bool
func IsFleetAnnotationPresent ¶ added in v0.10.10
IsFleetAnnotationPresent returns true if a key with fleet prefix is present in the annotations map.
func IsReservedNamespace ¶ added in v0.6.3
IsReservedNamespace indicates if an argued namespace is reserved.
func NewFakeRecorder ¶
func NewFakeRecorder(bufferSize int) *record.FakeRecorder
NewFakeRecorder makes a new fake event recorder that prints the object.
func NewResourceList ¶
func NewResourceList() v1.ResourceList
NewResourceList returns a resource list for test purpose.
func NewTestNodes ¶
NewTestNodes return a set of nodes for test purpose. Those nodes have random names and capacities/ allocatable.
func RandSecureInt ¶
RandSecureInt returns a uniform random value in [1, max] or panic. Only use this in tests.
func ShouldPropagateNamespace ¶ added in v0.5.5
ShouldPropagateNamespace decides if we should propagate the resources in the namespace.
func ShouldPropagateObj ¶ added in v0.3.0
func ShouldPropagateObj(informerManager informer.Manager, uObj *unstructured.Unstructured) (bool, error)
ShouldPropagateObj decides if one should propagate the object
Types ¶
type AlreadyExistMatcher ¶ added in v0.5.5
type AlreadyExistMatcher struct { }
AlreadyExistMatcher matches the error to be already exist
func (AlreadyExistMatcher) FailureMessage ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (matcher AlreadyExistMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string)
FailureMessage builds an error message.
func (AlreadyExistMatcher) Match ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (matcher AlreadyExistMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error)
Match matches error.
func (AlreadyExistMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage ¶ added in v0.5.5
func (matcher AlreadyExistMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string)
NegatedFailureMessage builds an error message.
type NotFoundMatcher ¶
type NotFoundMatcher struct { }
NotFoundMatcher matches the error to be not found.
func (NotFoundMatcher) FailureMessage ¶
func (matcher NotFoundMatcher) FailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string)
FailureMessage builds an error message.
func (NotFoundMatcher) Match ¶
func (matcher NotFoundMatcher) Match(actual interface{}) (success bool, err error)
Match matches the api error.
func (NotFoundMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage ¶
func (matcher NotFoundMatcher) NegatedFailureMessage(actual interface{}) (message string)
NegatedFailureMessage builds an error message.
type ResourceConfig ¶ added in v0.8.3
type ResourceConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResourceConfig represents the configuration that identifies the API resources that are parsed from the user input to either allow or disable propagating them.
func NewResourceConfig ¶ added in v0.8.3
func NewResourceConfig(isAllowList bool) *ResourceConfig
NewResourceConfig creates an empty ResourceConfig with an allow list flag. If the resourceConfig is not an allowlist, it creates a default skipped propagating APIs list.
func (*ResourceConfig) AddGroup ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroup(g string)
AddGroup stores a group in the resource config.
func (*ResourceConfig) AddGroupKind ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroupKind(gk schema.GroupKind)
AddGroupKind stores a group kind in the resource config.
func (*ResourceConfig) AddGroupVersion ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroupVersion(gv schema.GroupVersion)
AddGroupVersion stores a group version in the resource config.
func (*ResourceConfig) AddGroupVersionKind ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (r *ResourceConfig) AddGroupVersionKind(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind)
AddGroupVersionKind stores a GroupVersionKind in the resource config.
func (*ResourceConfig) IsResourceDisabled ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (r *ResourceConfig) IsResourceDisabled(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind) bool
IsResourceDisabled returns whether a given GroupVersionKind is disabled. A gvk is disabled if its group or group version is disabled.
func (*ResourceConfig) Parse ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (r *ResourceConfig) Parse(c string) error
Parse parses the user inputs that provides apis as GVK, GV or Group.
type TestMapper ¶ added in v0.10.8
type TestMapper struct {
TestMapper interface for abstract class.
func (TestMapper) RESTMapping ¶ added in v0.10.8
func (m TestMapper) RESTMapping(gk schema.GroupKind, _ ...string) (*meta.RESTMapping, error)
Path | Synopsis |
Package annotations provides the utils related to object annotations.
Package annotations provides the utils related to object annotations. |
Package azure provides utilities to load, parse, and validate Azure cloud configuration.
Package azure provides utilities to load, parse, and validate Azure cloud configuration. |
Package condition provides condition related utils.
Package condition provides condition related utils. |
Package defaulter is an interface for setting default values for a resource.
Package defaulter is an interface for setting default values for a resource. |
Package labels provides utils related to object labels.
Package labels provides utils related to object labels. |
Package overrider defines common utils for working with override.
Package overrider defines common utils for working with override. |
Package parallelizer features some utilities to help run tasks in parallel.
Package parallelizer features some utilities to help run tasks in parallel. |
Package resource defines common utils for working with kubernetes resources.
Package resource defines common utils for working with kubernetes resources. |
Package validator provides utils to validate ClusterResourceOverride resources.
Package validator provides utils to validate ClusterResourceOverride resources. |