Overview ¶
Package message contains all message codes used in ContainerSSH to identify log messages.
Index ¶
Constants ¶
const EAgentConnectionInvalidState = "AGENTPROTO_INVALID_STATE"
EAgentConnectionInvalidState indicates that the ContainerSSH Agent integration received a packet that is invalid for the state of the connection it refers to
const EAgentDecodingFailed = "AGENTPROTO_DECODE_FAILED"
EAgentDecodingFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Agent integration failed to decode a packet
const EAgentPacketInvalid = "AGENTPROTO_PACKET_INVALID"
EAgentPacketInvalid indicates that the ContainerSSH Agent integration received a packet that it wasn't expecting
const EAgentUnknownConnection = "AGENTPROTO_UNKNOWN_CONNECTION"
EAgentUnknownConnection indicates that the ContainerSSH Agent integration received a packet referring to an unknown connection ID
const EAgentUnknownPacket = "AGENTPROTO_PACKET_UNKNOWN"
EAgentUnknownPacket indicates that the ContainerSSH Agent integration received an unknown packet
const EAgentWriteFailed = "AGENTPROTO_WRITE_FAILED"
EAgentWriteFailed indicates an error in the communication channel
const EAuditLogCannotCloseMetadataFileHandle = "AUDIT_S3_CANNOT_CLOSE_METADATA_FILE_HANDLE"
EAuditLogCannotCloseMetadataFileHandle indicates that ContainerSSH could not close the metadata file in the local folder. This typically happens when the local folder is on an NFS share. (Running an audit log on an NFS share is NOT supported.)
const EAuditLogCloseAuditLogFileFailed = "AUDIT_S3_CLOSE_FAILED"
EAuditLogCloseAuditLogFileFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to close an audit log file in the local directory. This usually happens when the local directory is on an NFS share. (This is NOT supported.)
const EAuditLogFailedCreatingMetadataFile = "AUDIT_S3_FAILED_CREATING_METADATA_FILE"
EAuditLogFailedCreatingMetadataFile indicates that ContainerSSH failed to create the metadata file for the S3 upload in the local temporary directory. Check if the local directory specified is writable and has enough disk space.
const EAuditLogFailedMetadataJSONEncoding = "AUDIT_S3_FAILED_METADATA_JSON_ENCODING"
EAuditLogFailedMetadataJSONEncoding indicates that ContainerSSH failed to encode the metadata file. This is a bug, please report it.
const EAuditLogFailedQueueStat = "AUDIT_S3_FAILED_STAT_QUEUE_ENTRY"
EAuditLogFailedQueueStat indicates that ContainerSSH failed to stat the queue file. This usually happens when the local directory is being manually manipulated.
const EAuditLogFailedReadingMetadataFile = "AUDIT_S3_FAILED_READING_METADATA_FILE"
EAuditLogFailedReadingMetadataFile indicates that ContainerSSH failed to read the metadata file for the S3 upload in the local temporary directory. Check if the local directory specified is readable and the files have not been corrupted.
const EAuditLogFailedWritingMetadataFile = "AUDIT_S3_FAILED_WRITING_METADATA_FILE"
EAuditLogFailedWritingMetadataFile indicates that ContainerSSH failed to write the local metadata file. Please check if your disk has enough disk space.
const EAuditLogMultipartAborting = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_ABORTING"
EAuditLogMultipartAborting indicates that ContainerSSH is aborting a multipart upload. Check the log message for details.
const EAuditLogMultipartFailedAbort = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_FAILED_ABORT"
EAuditLogMultipartFailedAbort indicates that ContainerSSH failed aborting a multipart upload from a previously crashed ContainerSSH run.
const EAuditLogMultipartFailedList = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_FAILED_LIST"
EAuditLogMultipartFailedList indicates that ContainerSSH failed to list multipart uploads on the object storage bucket. This is needed to abort uploads from a previously crashed ContainerSSH run.
const EAuditLogMultipartPartUploadFailed = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_PART_UPLOAD_FAILED"
EAuditLogMultipartPartUploadFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to upload a part to the S3-compatible object storage. Check the message for details.
const EAuditLogMultipartUploadFinalizationFailed = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_FINALIZATION_FAILED"
EAuditLogMultipartUploadFinalizationFailed indicates that ContainerSSH has uploaded all audit log parts, but could not finalize the multipart upload.
const EAuditLogMultipartUploadFinalized = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_FINALIZED"
EAuditLogMultipartUploadFinalized indicates that ContainerSSH has uploaded all audit log parts and has successfully finalized the upload.
const EAuditLogMultipartUploadInitializationFailed = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_INITIALIZATION_FAILED"
EAuditLogMultipartUploadInitializationFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to initialize a new multipart upload to the S3-compatible object storage. Check if the S3 configuration is correct and the provided S3 access key and secrets have permissions to start a multipart upload.
const EAuditLogNoSuchQueueEntry = "AUDIT_S3_NO_SUCH_QUEUE_ENTRY"
EAuditLogNoSuchQueueEntry indicates that ContainerSSH was trying to upload an audit log from the metadata file, but the audit log does not exist.
const EAuditLogRemoveAuditLogFailed = "AUDIT_S3_REMOVE_FAILED"
EAuditLogRemoveAuditLogFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to remove an uploaded audit log from the local directory. This usually happens on Windows when a different process has the audit log open. (This is not a supported setup.)
const EAuditLogStorageCloseFailed = "AUDIT_STORAGE_CLOSE_FAILED"
EAuditLogStorageCloseFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to close the audit log storage handler.
const EAuditLogStorageNotReadable = "AUDIT_STORAGE_NOT_READABLE"
EAuditLogStorageNotReadable indicates that The configured storage cannot be read from.
const EAuthBackendError = "AUTH_BACKEND_ERROR"
EAuthBackendError indicates that the ContainerSSH authentication server responded with a non-200 status code. ContainerSSH will retry the authentication for a few times before giving up. This is most likely a bug in your authentication server, please check your logs.
const EAuthConfigError = "AUTH_CONFIG_ERROR"
EAuthConfigError indicates that the authentication configuration is invalid.
const EAuthDeprecated = "AUTH_DEPRECATED"
EAuthDeprecated indicates that you are using a deprecated feature and should consider switching.
const EAuthDeviceFlowRateLimitExceeded = "OAUTH_DEVICE_FLOW_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
EAuthDeviceFlowRateLimitExceeded indicates that the device flow rate limit on the OAuth2 server has been exceeded, falling back to authorization code flow.
const EAuthDisabled = "AUTH_DISABLED"
EAuthDisabled indicates that the authentication method the client tried is disabled.
const EAuthFailed = "AUTH_FAILED"
EAuthFailed indicates that the user has provided invalid credentials and the authentication is rejected.
const EAuthGenericTimeout = "GENERIC_TIMEOUT"
EAuthGenericTimeout indicates that the generic oAuth authentication process resulted in a timeout.
const EAuthGitHubAccessTokenFetchFailed = "GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_FETCH_FAILED"
EAuthGitHubAccessTokenFetchFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to fetch the access token after the authentication process finishes.
const EAuthGitHubDeleteAccessTokenFailed = "GITHUB_DELETE_ACCESS_TOKEN_FAILED" //nolint:gosec
EAuthGitHubDeleteAccessTokenFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to delete the GitHub access token when the user logged out.
const EAuthGitHubDeviceAuthorizationLimit = "GITHUB_DEVICE_AUTHORIZATION_LIMIT"
EAuthGitHubDeviceAuthorizationLimit indicates that the GitHub device authorization count per hour (currently: 50) has been reached. ContainerSSH is falling back to the authorization code flow for this authentication.
EAuthGitHubHTTPClientCreateFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to create an HTTP client for communicating with GitHub. This is likely a bug, please report it.
EAuthGitHubNo2FA indicates that the user does not have two factor authentication enabled on GitHub, but it is required in the configuration.
const EAuthGitHubRequiredScopeNotGranted = "GITHUB_REQUIRED_SCOPE_NOT_GRANTED"
EAuthGitHubRequiredScopeNotGranted indicates that the user did not grand a required scope permission on GitHub.
const EAuthGitHubStateDoesNotMatch = "GITHUB_STATE_DOES_NOT_MATCH"
EAuthGitHubStateDoesNotMatch indicates that the user provided a return code that contained an invalid state component. This usually means that the user did not copy the code correctly, but may also mean that the code was manipulated.
const EAuthGitHubUserRequestFailed = "GITHUB_USER_REQUEST_FAILED"
EAuthGitHubUserRequestFailed indicates that fetching the user information from GitHub failed.
const EAuthGitHubUsernameDoesNotMatch = "GITHUB_USERNAME_DOES_NOT_MATCH"
EAuthGitHubUsernameDoesNotMatch indicates that the user specified a username other than their GitHub login and enforceUsername was set to on.
const EAuthIncorrectClientCredentials = "OAUTH_INCORRECT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS"
EAuthIncorrectClientCredentials indicates that ContainerSSH has detected that the OAuth client ID or secret are invalid.
const EAuthInvalidStatus = "AUTH_INVALID_STATUS"
EAuthInvalidStatus indicates that the authentication server returned an invalid HTTP status code.
const EAuthKerberosBackendError = "KRB_BACKEND_ERROR"
EAuthKerberosBackendError indicates that there was an error contacting the authorization server
const EAuthKerberosUsernameDoesNotMatch = "KRB_USERNAME_DOES_NOT_MATCH"
EAuthKerberosUsernameDoesNotMatch indicates that the user tried to a user other than their own and enforceUsername was set to on
const EAuthKerberosVerificationFailed = "KRB_VERIFY_ERROR"
EAuthKerberosVerificationFailed indicates that there was an error verifying the kerberos ticket sent by the client
const EAuthOAuth2AccessTokenFetchFailed = "GENERIC_ACCESS_TOKEN_FETCH_FAILED"
EAuthOAuth2AccessTokenFetchFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to fetch the access token from the authorization code. This is usually the result of a user entering the incorrect code.
const EAuthOAuth2AuthorizationPending = "AUTH_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZATION_PENDING"
EAuthOAuth2AuthorizationPending indicates that ContainerSSH is still waiting for the user to enter the device code and authorize ContainerSSH.
const EAuthOAuth2DeviceCodeRequestFailed = "AUTH_OAUTH2_DEVICE_CODE_REQUEST_FAILED"
EAuthOAuth2DeviceCodeRequestFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to fetch a device code for the device authentication flow.
EAuthOAuth2HTTPClientCreateFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to create an HTTP client for the generic oAuth2 authentication. This is most likely due to a misconfiguration.
const EAuthOAuth2StateMismatch = "AUTH_OAUTH_STATE_MISMATCH"
EAuthOAuth2StateMismatch indicates that the submitted state variable does not match the expected value. This is usually the case when the user copied the code incorrectly and they simply need to try again.
const EAuthOAuth2Timeout = "AUTH_OAUTH2_TIMEOUT"
EAuthOAuth2Timeout indicates that authentication via oAuth2 timed out.
const EAuthOAuth2UnsupportedGrantType = "AUTH_OAUTH_UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPE"
EAuthOAuth2UnsupportedGrantType indicates that the configured grant type is not supported by the oAuth2 server. This indicates that the oAuth2 configuration is incorrect.
const EAuthOIDCAccessTokenFetchFailed = "OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN_FETCH_FAILED"
EAuthOIDCAccessTokenFetchFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to fetch the access token from the authorization code or device code. This is usually the result of a user entering the incorrect code.
EAuthOIDCDeauthorizeFailed indicates that the request for revoking an access token failed.
EAuthOIDCDeauthorizeTimeout indicates that the process to revoke the access token has timed out and the access token was not revoked.
const EAuthOIDCDiscoveryFailed = "OIDC_DISCOVERY_FAILED"
EAuthOIDCDiscoveryFailed indicates that the request to fetch the OIDC endpoints failed and will be retried. Check the connection to your OIDC server.
const EAuthOIDCDiscoveryTimeout = "OIDC_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT"
EAuthOIDCDiscoveryTimeout indicates that there was a timeout while trying to obtain the OIDC endpoints. Check the connection to your OIDC server.
EAuthOIDCHTTPClientCreateFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to create an HTTP client for OIDC. This is most likely due to a misconfiguration.
const EAuthOIDCNoUsername = "OIDC_NO_USERNAME"
EAuthOIDCNoUsername indicates that the OIDC server did not return the configured field to be used for username. Check your ContainerSSH configuration against your OIDC server implementation.
const EAuthOIDCTimeout = "OIDC_TIMEOUT"
EAuthOIDCTimeout indicates that the OIDC authentication process resulted in a timeout.
const EAuthOIDCUserInfoFetchFailed = "OIDC_USER_INFO_FETCH_FAILED"
EAuthOIDCUserInfoFetchFailed indicates that a request for fetching the user information with a token failed. Check the connection to your OIDC server and the OIDC server logs for details.
const EAuthRequestDecodeFailed = "AUTH_SERVER_DECODE_FAILED"
EAuthRequestDecodeFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Auth library failed to decode a request from ContainerSSH.
const EAuthUnsupported = "AUTH_UNSUPPORTED"
EAuthUnsupported indicates that the authentication the client requested is not available for the current method.
const EAuthUsernameDoesNotMatch = "GITHUB_USER_DOES_NOT_MATCH"
EAuthUsernameDoesNotMatch indicates that the username entered in the SSH login and the GitHub login name do not match, but enforceUsername is enabled. This is done as a safety mechanism, otherwise all other components would assume the SSH login is the correct one. It can be disabled and let the configuration server send a custom configuration based on the GITHUB_LOGIN metadata entry.
const EAuthzFailed = "AUTHZ_FAILED"
EAuthzFailed indicates that the authorization server rejected the user
const EBackendConfig = "BACKEND_CONFIG_ERROR"
EBackendConfig indicates that there is an error in the backend configuration.
const ECannotWriteConfigFile = "CORE_CONFIG_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE"
ECannotWriteConfigFile indicates that ContainerSSH cannot update the configuration file with the new host keys and will only use the host key for the current run.
const EConfigBackendError = "CONFIG_BACKEND_ERROR"
EConfigBackendError indicates that ContainerSSH has received an invalid response from the configuration server or the network connection broke. ContainerSSH will retry fetching the user-specific configuration until the timeout. If this error persists check the connectivity to the configuration server, or the logs of the configuration server itself to find out of there may be a specific error.
const EConfigInvalidStatus = "CONFIG_INVALID_STATUS_CODE"
EConfigInvalidStatus indicates that ContainerSSH has received a non-200 response code when calling a per-user backend configuration from the configuration server.
const ECoreConfig = "CORE_CONFIG_ERROR"
ECoreConfig indicates that ContainerSSH encountered an error in the configuration.
const ECoreHealthCheckFailed = "CORE_HEALTH_CHECK_FAILED"
ECoreHealthCheckFailed indicates that a ContainerSSH health check failed.
const ECoreHostKeyGenerationFailed = "CORE_HOST_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED"
ECoreHostKeyGenerationFailed indicates that ContainerSSH could not generate host keys and is aborting the run.
const ECoreNoHostKeys = "CORE_NO_HOST_KEYS"
ECoreNoHostKeys indicates that the configuration does not contain host keys. ContainerSSH will attempt to generate host keys and update the configuration file.
const EDockerAgentFailed = "DOCKER_AGENT_FAILED"
EDockerAgentFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH docker backend failed to start the ContainerSSH agent or it exitted unexpectedly
const EDockerCannotSendSignalNoAgent = "DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_AGENT"
EDockerCannotSendSignalNoAgent indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to deliver a signal because ContainerSSH Guest Agent support is disabled.
const EDockerConfigError = "DOCKER_CONFIG_ERROR"
EDockerConfigError indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module detected a configuration error. Please check your configuration.
const EDockerContainerRestarting = "DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_CONTAINER_RESTARTING"
EDockerContainerRestarting indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module could not fetch the exit code from the program because the container is restarting. This is typically a misconfiguration as ContainerSSH containers should not automatically restart.
const EDockerContainerStopFailed = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_STOP_FAILED"
EDockerContainerStopFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to stop the container. This message can be either temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
const EDockerFailedAgentRead = "DOCKER_AGENT_READ_FAILED"
EDockerFailedAgentRead indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to read from the ContainerSSH agent. This is most likely because the ContainerSSH guest agent is not present in the guest image, but agent support is enabled.
const EDockerFailedContainerAttach = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_ATTACH_FAILED"
EDockerFailedContainerAttach indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to attach to a container in session mode.
const EDockerFailedContainerCreate = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_CREATE_FAILED"
EDockerFailedContainerCreate indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to create a container. This may be a temporary and retried or a permanent error message. Check the log message for details.
const EDockerFailedContainerRemove = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_REMOVE_FAILED"
EDockerFailedContainerRemove indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module could not remove the container. This message may be temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
const EDockerFailedContainerSignal = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_SIGNAL_FAILED"
EDockerFailedContainerSignal indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to send a signal to the container.
const EDockerFailedContainerStart = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_START_FAILED"
EDockerFailedContainerStart indicates that the ContainerSSH docker module failed to start the container. This message can either be temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
const EDockerFailedExecAttach = "DOCKER_EXEC_ATTACH_FAILED"
EDockerFailedExecAttach indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module could not attach to the previously-created execution.
const EDockerFailedExecCreate = "DOCKER_EXEC_CREATE_FAILED"
EDockerFailedExecCreate indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to create an execution. This can be temporary and retried or permanent. See the error message for details.
const EDockerFailedExecSignal = "DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED"
EDockerFailedExecSignal indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to deliver a signal.
const EDockerFailedImageList = "DOCKER_IMAGE_LISTING_FAILED"
EDockerFailedImageList indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to list the images present in the local Docker daemon. This is used to determine if the image needs to be pulled. This can be because the Docker daemon is not reachable, the certificate is invalid, or there is something else interfering with listing the images.
const EDockerFailedImagePull = "DOCKER_IMAGE_PULL_FAILED"
EDockerFailedImagePull indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to pull the specified container image. This can be because of connection issues to the Docker daemon, or because the Docker daemon itself can't pull the image. If you don't intend to have the image pulled you should set the `ImagePullPolicy` to `Never`. See the Docker documentation for details.
const EDockerFailedInputCloseWriting = "DOCKER_CLOSE_INPUT_FAILED"
EDockerFailedInputCloseWriting indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module attempted to close the input (stdin) for reading but failed to do so.
const EDockerFailedInputStream = "DOCKER_STREAM_INPUT_FAILED"
EDockerFailedInputStream indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to stream stdin to the Docker engine.
const EDockerFailedOutputCloseWriting = "DOCKER_CLOSE_OUTPUT_FAILED"
EDockerFailedOutputCloseWriting indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module attempted to close the output (stdout and stderr) for writing but failed to do so.
const EDockerFailedOutputStream = "DOCKER_STREAM_OUTPUT_FAILED"
EDockerFailedOutputStream indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to stream stdout and stderr from the Docker engine.
EDockerFailedPIDRead indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to read the process ID from the ContainerSSH Guest Agent. This is most likely because the guest image does not contain the guest agent, but guest agent support has been enabled.
const EDockerFailedResize = "DOCKER_EXEC_RESIZE_FAILED"
EDockerFailedResize indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module failed to resize the console.
const EDockerFailedSignalNoPID = "DOCKER_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_PID"
EDockerFailedSignalNoPID indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module can't deliver a signal because no PID has been recorded. This is most likely because guest agent support is disabled.
const EDockerFetchingExitCodeFailed = "DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_FAILED"
EDockerFetchingExitCodeFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to fetch the exit code of the program.
const EDockerForwardingFailed = "DOCKER_FORWARDING_FAILED"
EDockerForwardingFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH docker backend failed to initialize the forwarding backend
const EDockerGuestAgentDisabled = "DOCKER_GUEST_AGENT_DISABLED"
EDockerGuestAgentDisabled indicates that the ContainerSSH Guest Agent has been disabled, which is strongly discouraged. ContainerSSH requires the guest agent to be installed in the container image to facilitate all SSH features. Disabling the guest agent will result in breaking the expectations a user has towards an SSH server. We provide the ability to disable guest agent support only for cases where the guest agent binary cannot be installed in the image at all.
const EDockerNegativeExitCode = "DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_NEGATIVE"
EDockerNegativeExitCode indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module has received a negative exit code from Docker. This should never happen and is most likely a bug.
const EDockerProgramAlreadyRunning = "DOCKER_PROGRAM_ALREADY_RUNNING"
EDockerProgramAlreadyRunning indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module can't execute the request because the program is already running. This is a client error.
const EDockerProgramNotRunning = "DOCKER_PROGRAM_NOT_RUNNING"
EDockerProgramNotRunning indicates that the user requested an action that can only be performed when a program is running, but there is currently no program running.
const EDockerRunRemoved = "DOCKER_RUN_REMOVED"
EDockerRunRemoved indicates that the configuration contained a dockerrun configuration segment, but this backend was removed since ContainerSSH 0.5. To fix this error please remove the dockerrun segment from your configuration or configuration server response. For details please see .
EDockerShuttingDown indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is shutting down a container.
const EDockerStillRunning = "DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_STILL_RUNNING"
EDockerStillRunning indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module could not fetch the program exit code because the program is still running. This error may be temporary and retried or permanent.
const EDockerSubsystemNotSupported = "DOCKER_SUBSYSTEM_NOT_SUPPORTED"
EDockerSubsystemNotSupported indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is not configured to run the requested subsystem.
const EDockerWriteFileFailed = "DOCKER_FILE_WRITE_FAILED"
EDockerWriteFileFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH docker backend failed to write to a file in the container
EHTTPClientRedirectsDisabled indicates that ContainerSSH is not following an HTTP redirect sent by the server. Use the allowRedirects option to allow following HTTP redirects or enter the config URL directly.
const EHTTPFailureConnectionFailed = "HTTP_CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED"
EHTTPFailureConnectionFailed indicates that a connection failure on the network level.
const EHTTPFailureDecodeFailed = "HTTP_CLIENT_DECODE_FAILED"
EHTTPFailureDecodeFailed indicates that decoding the JSON response has failed. This is usually a bug in the webhook server.
const EHTTPFailureEncodeFailed = "HTTP_CLIENT_ENCODE_FAILED"
EHTTPFailureEncodeFailed indicates that JSON encoding the request failed. This is usually a bug.
const EHTTPListenFailed = "HTTP_LISTEN_FAILED"
EHTTPListenFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to listen on the specified port.
const EHealthRequestFailed = "HEALTH_REQUEST_FAILED"
EHealthRequestFailed indicates that a request to the health check endpoint failed.
EKubeRunRemoved indicates that the configuration contained a kuberun configuration segment, but this backend was removed since ContainerSSH 0.5. To fix this error please remove the kuberun segment from your configuration or configuration server response. For details please see .
const EKubernetesAgentFailed = "KUBERNETES_AGENT_FAILED"
EKubernetesAgentFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes backend failed to start the ContainerSSH agent or the agent exited unexpectedly
const EKubernetesCannotSendSignalNoAgent = "KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_AGENT"
EKubernetesCannotSendSignalNoAgent indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to deliver a signal because guest agent support is disabled.
const EKubernetesConfigError = "KUBERNETES_CONFIG_ERROR"
EKubernetesConfigError indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module detected a configuration error. Please check your configuration.
const EKubernetesFailedExecSignal = "KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED"
EKubernetesFailedExecSignal indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to deliver a signal.
const EKubernetesFailedOutputCloseWriting = "KUBERNETES_CLOSE_OUTPUT_FAILED"
EKubernetesFailedOutputCloseWriting indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module attempted to close the output (stdout and stderr) for writing but failed to do so.
const EKubernetesFailedPodCreate = "KUBERNETES_POD_CREATE_FAILED"
EKubernetesFailedPodCreate indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to create a pod. This may be a temporary and retried or a permanent error message. Check the log message for details.
const EKubernetesFailedPodRemove = "KUBERNETES_POD_REMOVE_FAILED"
EKubernetesFailedPodRemove indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module could not remove the pod. This message may be temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
const EKubernetesFailedResize = "KUBERNETES_EXEC_RESIZE_FAILED"
EKubernetesFailedResize indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to resize the console.
const EKubernetesFailedSignalExited = "KUBERNETES_SIGNAL_FAILED_EXITED"
EKubernetesFailedSignalExited indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module can't deliver a signal because the program already exited.
const EKubernetesFailedSignalNoPID = "KUBERNETES_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_PID"
EKubernetesFailedSignalNoPID indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module can't deliver a signal because no PID has been recorded. This is most likely because guest agent support is disabled.
const EKubernetesFetchingExitCodeFailed = "KUBERNETES_EXIT_CODE_FAILED"
EKubernetesFetchingExitCodeFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module has failed to fetch the exit code of the program.
const EKubernetesFileModificationFailed = "KUBERNETES_FILE_WRITE_FAILED"
EKubernetesFileModificationFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to modify a file on the container
const EKubernetesForwardingFailed = "KUBERNETES_FORWARDING_FAILED"
EKubernetesForwardingFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes backend failed to initialize the forwarding backend
const EKubernetesGuestAgentDisabled = "KUBERNETES_GUEST_AGENT_DISABLED"
EKubernetesGuestAgentDisabled indicates that the ContainerSSH Guest Agent has been disabled, which is strongly discouraged. ContainerSSH requires the guest agent to be installed in the pod image to facilitate all SSH features. Disabling the guest agent will result in breaking the expectations a user has towards an SSH server. We provide the ability to disable guest agent support only for cases where the guest agent binary cannot be installed in the image at all.
const EKubernetesProgramAlreadyRunning = "KUBERNETES_PROGRAM_ALREADY_RUNNING"
EKubernetesProgramAlreadyRunning indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module can't execute the request because the program is already running. This is a client error.
const EKubernetesProgramNotRunning = "KUBERNETES_PROGRAM_NOT_RUNNING"
EKubernetesProgramNotRunning indicates that the user requested an action that can only be performed when a program is running, but there is currently no program running.
const EKubernetesShuttingDown = "KUBERNETES_POD_SHUTTING_DOWN"
EKubernetesShuttingDown indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is shutting down a pod.
const EKubernetesSubsystemNotSupported = "KUBERNETES_SUBSYSTEM_NOT_SUPPORTED"
EKubernetesSubsystemNotSupported indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is not configured to run the requested subsystem.
const ELogFileOpenFailed = "LOG_FILE_OPEN_FAILED"
ELogFileOpenFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to open the specified log file.
const ELogRotateFailed = "LOG_ROTATE_FAILED"
ELogRotateFailed indicates that ContainerSSH cannot rotate the logs as requested because of an underlying error.
const ELogWriteFailed = "LOG_WRITE_FAILED"
ELogWriteFailed indicates that ContainerSSH cannot write to the specified log file. This usually happens because the underlying filesystem is full or the log is located on a non-local storage (e.g. NFS), which is not supported.
const ESSHAlreadyRunning = "SSH_ALREADY_RUNNING"
ESSHAlreadyRunning indicates that the SSH server is already running and has been started again. This is a bug, please report it.
const ESSHAuthFailed = "SSH_AUTH_FAILED"
ESSHAuthFailed indicates that the user has provided invalid credentials.
const ESSHAuthSuccessful = "SSH_AUTH_SUCCESSFUL"
ESSHAuthSuccessful indicates that the user has provided valid credentials and is now authenticated.
ESSHAuthUnavailable indicates that the user has requested an authentication method that is currently unavailable.
ESSHBackendRejected indicates that the backend has rejected the connecting user after successful authentication.
const ESSHDecodeFailed = "SSH_DECODE_FAILED"
ESSHDecodeFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to decode something from the user. This is either a bug in ContainerSSH or in the connecting client.
const ESSHExitCodeFailed = "SSH_EXIT_CODE_FAILED"
ESSHExitCodeFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to obtain and send the exit code of the program to the user.
const ESSHHandshakeFailed = "SSH_HANDSHAKE_FAILED"
ESSHHandshakeFailed indicates that the connecting party failed to establish a secure SSH connection. This is most likely due to invalid credentials or a backend error.
const ESSHKeepAliveFailed = "SSH_KEEPALIVE_NORESP"
ESSHKeepAliveFailed indicates that ContainerSSH couldn't send or didn't receive a response to a keepalive packet
const ESSHListenCloseFailed = "SSH_LISTEN_CLOSE_FAILED"
ESSHListenCloseFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to close the listen socket.
const ESSHNotImplemented = "SSH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED"
ESSHNotImplemented indicates that a feature is not implemented in the backend.
ESSHProxyBackendCloseFailed indicates that ContainerSSH could not close the session towards the backend service.
const ESSHProxyBackendConnectionFailed = "SSHPROXY_BACKEND_FAILED"
ESSHProxyBackendConnectionFailed indicates that the connection to the designated target server failed. If this message is logged on the debug level the connection will be retried. If this message is logged on the error level no more attempts will be made.
ESSHProxyBackendForwardFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to open a forwarding channel on the backend server with the SSH Proxy backend
ESSHProxyBackendHandshakeFailed indicates that the connection could not be established because the backend refused our authentication attempt. This is usually due to misconfigured credentials to the backend.
ESSHProxyBackendRequestFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to send a request to the backing server.
ESSHProxyBackendSessionFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to open a session on the backend server with the SSH Proxy backend.
ESSHProxyChannelCloseFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy module failed to close the client connection.
const ESSHProxyDisconnected = "SSHPROXY_DISCONNECTED"
ESSHProxyDisconnected indicates that the operation couldn't complete because the user already disconnected.
const ESSHProxyInvalidFingerprint = "SSHPROXY_INVALID_FINGERPRINT"
ESSHProxyInvalidFingerprint indicates that ContainerSSH encountered an unexpected host key fingerprint on the backend while trying to proxy the connection. This is either due to a misconfiguration (not all host keys are listed), or a MITM attack between ContainerSSH and the target server.
const ESSHProxyPayloadUnmarshalFailed = "SSHPROXY_UNMARSHAL_FAILED"
ESSHProxyPayloadUnmarshalFailed indicates that the backend server has sent an invalid payload
ESSHProxyProgramAlreadyStarted indicates that the client tried to perform an operation after the program has already been started which can only be performed before the program is started.
ESSHProxyProgramNotStarted indicates that the client tried to request an action that can only be performed once the program has started before the program started.
ESSHProxySessionCloseFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to close the session channel on the backend. This may be because of an underlying network issue or a problem with the backend server.
const ESSHProxyShuttingDown = "SSHPROXY_SHUTTING_DOWN"
ESSHProxyShuttingDown indicates that the action cannot be performed because the connection is shutting down.
ESSHProxySignalFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to deliver a signal on the backend channel. This may be because of an underlying network issue, a policy-based block on the backend server, or a general issue with the backend.
const ESSHProxyStderrError = "SSHPROXY_STDERR_ERROR"
ESSHProxyStderrError indicates that ContainerSSH failed to copy the stderr from the backing connection. This is usually due to an underlying network problem.
const ESSHProxyStdinError = "SSHPROXY_STDIN_ERROR"
ESSHProxyStdinError indicates that ContainerSSH failed to copy the stdin to the backing connection. This is usually due to an underlying network problem.
const ESSHProxyStdoutError = "SSHPROXY_STDOUT_ERROR"
ESSHProxyStdoutError indicates that ContainerSSH failed to copy the stdout from the backing connection. This is usually due to an underlying network problem.
ESSHProxyWindowChangeFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to change the window size on the backend channel. This may be because of an underlying network issue, a policy-based rejection from the backend server, or a bug in the backend server.
const ESSHProxyX11RequestFailed = "SSHPROXY_X11_FAILED"
ESSHReplyFailed indicates that ContainerSSH couldn't send the reply to a request to the user. This is usually the case if the user suddenly disconnects.
ESSHSOReuseFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to set the socket to reuse. This may cause ContainerSSH to fail on a restart.
const ESSHStartFailed = "SSH_START_FAILED"
ESSHStartFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to start the SSH service. This is usually because of invalid configuration.
const ESSHUnsupportedChannelType = "SSH_UNSUPPORTED_CHANNEL_TYPE"
ESSHUnsupportedChannelType indicates that the user requested a channel type that ContainerSSH doesn't support.
const ESSHUnsupportedGlobalRequest = "SSH_UNSUPPORTED_GLOBAL_REQUEST"
ESSHUnsupportedGlobalRequest indicates that the user's client has sent a global request ContainerSSH does not support. This is nothing to worry about.
const ESecurityEnvRejected = "SECURITY_ENV_REJECTED"
ESecurityEnvRejected indicates that ContainerSSH rejected setting the environment variable because it does not pass the security settings.
const ESecurityExecRejected = "SECURITY_EXEC_REJECTED"
ESecurityExecRejected indicates that a program execution request has been rejected because it doesn't conform to the security settings.
const ESecurityFailedSetEnv = "SECURITY_EXEC_FAILED_SETENV"
ESecurityFailedSetEnv indicates that a program execution failed in conjunction with the forceCommand option because ContainerSSH could not set the `SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND` environment variable on the backend.
const ESecurityForwardingRejected = "SECURITY_FORWARDING_REJECTED"
const ESecurityMaxSessions = "SECURITY_MAX_SESSIONS"
ESecurityMaxSessions indicates that the client has reached the maximum number of configured sessions, the new session request is therefore rejected.
const ESecurityReverseForwardingRejected = "SECURITY_REVERSE_FORWARDING_REJECTED"
const ESecurityShellRejected = "SECURITY_SHELL_REJECTED"
ESecurityShellRejected indicates that ContainerSSH rejected launching a shell due to the security settings.
const ESecuritySignalRejected = "SECURITY_SIGNAL_REJECTED"
ESecuritySignalRejected indicates that ContainerSSH rejected delivering a signal because it does not pass the security settings.
const ESecuritySubsystemRejected = "SECURITY_SUBSYSTEM_REJECTED"
ESecuritySubsystemRejected indicates that ContainerSSH rejected the subsystem because it does pass the security settings.
const ESecurityTTYRejected = "SECURITY_TTY_REJECTED"
ESecurityTTYRejected indicates that ContainerSSH rejected the pseudoterminal request because of the security settings.
const ESecurityX11ForwardingRejected = "SECURITY_X11_FORWARDING_REJECTED"
const EServiceCrashed = "SERVICE_CRASHED"
EServiceCrashed indicates that a ContainerSSH has stopped improperly.
const EUnknownError = "UNKNOWN_ERROR"
EUnknownError indicates that the error cannot be identified. If you see this in a log that is a bug and should be reported.
const MAgentRemoteError = "AGENTPROTO_REMOTE_ERROR"
MAgentRemoteError indicates that the ContainerSSH Agent integration received an error message from the remote agent
const MAuditLogMultipartPartUploadComplete = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_PART_UPLOAD_COMPLETE"
MAuditLogMultipartPartUploadComplete indicates that ContainerSSH completed the upload of an audit log part to the S3-compatible object storage.
const MAuditLogMultipartPartUploading = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_PART_UPLOADING"
MAuditLogMultipartPartUploading indicates that ContainerSSH is uploading a part of an audit log to the S3-compatible object storage.
const MAuditLogMultipartUpload = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD"
MAuditLogMultipartUpload indicates that ContainerSSH is starting a new S3 multipart upload.
const MAuditLogMultipartUploadFinalizing = "AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_FINALIZING"
MAuditLogMultipartUploadFinalizing indicates that ContainerSSH has uploaded all audit log parts and is now finalizing the multipart upload.
const MAuditLogRecovering = "AUDIT_S3_RECOVERING"
MAuditLogRecovering indicates that ContainerSSH found a previously aborted multipart upload locally and is now attempting to recover the upload.
const MAuditLogSingleUpload = "AUDIT_S3_SINGLE_UPLOAD"
MAuditLogSingleUpload indicates that ContainerSSH is uploading the full audit log in a single upload to the S3-compatible object storage. This happens when the audit log size is below the minimum size for a multi-part upload.
const MAuditLogSingleUploadComplete = "AUDIT_S3_SINGLE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE"
MAuditLogSingleUploadComplete indicates that ContainerSSH successfully uploaded the audit log as a single upload.
const MAuditLogSingleUploadFailed = "AUDIT_S3_SINGLE_UPLOAD_FAILED"
MAuditLogSingleUploadFailed indicates that ContainerSSH failed to upload the audit log as a single upload.
const MAuth = "AUTH"
MAuth indicates that ContainerSSH is trying to contact the authentication backend to verify the user credentials.
const MAuthOAuth2Available = "AUTH_OAUTH2_AVAILABLE"
MAuthOAuth2Available indicates that the OAuth2 redirect server is now running at the specified address.
const MAuthServerAvailable = "AUTH_AVAILABLE"
MAuthServerAvailable indicates that the ContainerSSH authentication server is now available.
const MAuthSuccessful = "AUTH_SUCCESSFUL"
MAuthSuccessful indicates that the user has provided the correct credentials and the authentication is accepted.
const MConfigRequest = "CONFIG_REQUEST"
MConfigRequest indicates that ContainerSSH is sending a quest to the configuration server to obtain a per-user backend configuration.
const MConfigServerAvailable = "CONFIG_SERVER_AVAILABLE"
MConfigServerAvailable indicates that the ContainerSSH configuration server is now available at the specified address.
const MConfigSuccess = "CONFIG_RESPONSE"
MConfigSuccess indicates that ContainerSSH has received a per-user backend configuration from the configuration server.
const MCoreConfigFile = "CORE_CONFIG_FILE"
MCoreConfigFile indicates that ContainerSSH is reading the configuration file.
const MCoreHealthCheckSuccessful = "CORE_HEALTH_CHECK_SUCCESSFUL"
MCoreHealthCheckSuccessful indicates that The health check was successful.
const MDockerAgentLog = "DOCKER_AGENT_LOG"
MDockerAgentLog indicates a log message from the ContainerSSH agent running within a user container. Note that the agent is normally run with the users credentials and as such all log output is to be considered UNTRUSTED and should only be used for debugging purposes
const MDockerContainerAttach = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_ATTACH"
MDockerContainerAttach indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is attaching to a container in session mode.
const MDockerContainerCreate = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_CREATE"
MDockerContainerCreate indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is creating a container.
const MDockerContainerRemove = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_REMOVE"
MDockerContainerRemove indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module os removing the container.
const MDockerContainerRemoveSuccessful = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_REMOVE_SUCCESSFUL"
MDockerContainerRemoveSuccessful indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module has successfully removed the container.
const MDockerContainerSignal = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_SIGNAL"
MDockerContainerSignal indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is sending a signal to the container.
const MDockerContainerStart = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_START"
MDockerContainerStart indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is starting the previously-created container.
const MDockerContainerStop = "DOCKER_CONTAINER_STOP"
MDockerContainerStop indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is stopping the container.
const MDockerExec = "DOCKER_EXEC"
MDockerExec indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is creating an execution. This may be in connection mode, or it may be the module internally using the exec mechanism to deliver a payload into the container.
const MDockerExecAttach = "DOCKER_EXEC_ATTACH"
MDockerExecAttach indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is attaching to the previously-created execution.
const MDockerExecCreate = "DOCKER_EXEC_CREATE"
MDockerExecCreate indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is creating an execution.
const MDockerExecSignal = "DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL"
MDockerExecSignal indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is delivering a signal in container mode.
const MDockerExecSignalSuccessful = "DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL_SUCCESSFUL"
MDockerExecSignalSuccessful indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module successfully delivered the requested signal.
const MDockerExitCode = "DOCKER_EXIT_CODE"
MDockerExitCode indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is fetching the exit code from the program.
const MDockerFileWrite = "DOCKER_FILE_WRITE"
EDockerFileWrite indicates that the ContainerSSH docker backend wrote a file inside the container
const MDockerImageList = "DOCKER_IMAGE_LISTING"
MDockerImageList indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is listing the locally present container images to determine if the specified container image needs to be pulled.
const MDockerImagePull = "DOCKER_IMAGE_PULL"
MDockerImagePull indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is pulling the container image.
MDockerImagePullNeeded indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is checking if an image pull is needed.
const MDockerResizing = "DOCKER_EXEC_RESIZE"
MDockerResizing indicates that the ContainerSSH Docker module is resizing the console.
const MHTTPClientRedirect = "HTTP_CLIENT_REDIRECT"
MHTTPClientRedirect indicates that the server responded with an HTTP redirect.
const MHTTPClientRequest = "HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST"
MHTTPClientRequest indicates that an HTTP request is being sent from ContainerSSH.
const MHTTPClientResponse = "HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE"
MHTTPClientResponse indicates that ContainerSSH received an HTTP response from a server.
MHTTPServerEncodeFailed indicates that the HTTP server failed to encode the response object. This can happen if the incorrect response object was returned in a webhook.
MHTTPServerResponseWriteFailed indicates that the HTTP server failed to write the response.
const MHealthServiceAvailable = "HEALTH_AVAILABLE"
MHealthServiceAvailable indicates that the health check service is now online and ready for service.
const MKubernetesAgentLog = "KUBERNETES_AGENT_LOG"
MKubernetesAgentLog indicates a log message from the ContainerSSH agent running within a user container. Note that the agent is normally run with the users credentials and as such all log output is to be considered UNTRUSTED and should only be used for debugging purposes
const MKubernetesExec = "KUBERNETES_EXEC"
MKubernetesExec indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is creating an execution. This may be in connection mode, or it may be the module internally using the exec mechanism to deliver a payload into the pod.
const MKubernetesExecSignal = "KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL"
MKubernetesExecSignal indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is delivering a signal.
const MKubernetesExecSignalSuccessful = "KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL_SUCCESSFUL"
MKubernetesExecSignalSuccessful indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module successfully delivered the requested signal.
const MKubernetesFileModification = "KUBERNETES_FILE_WRITE"
MKubernetesFileModification indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is modifying a file on the container based on connection metadata
const MKubernetesPIDReceived = "KUBERNETES_PID_RECEIVED"
MKubernetesPIDReceived indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module has received a PID from the Kubernetes guest agent.
const MKubernetesPodAttach = "KUBERNETES_POD_ATTACH"
MKubernetesPodAttach indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is attaching to a pod in session mode.
const MKubernetesPodCreate = "KUBERNETES_POD_CREATE"
MKubernetesPodCreate indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is creating a pod.
const MKubernetesPodRemove = "KUBERNETES_POD_REMOVE"
MKubernetesPodRemove indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is removing a pod.
const MKubernetesPodRemoveSuccessful = "KUBERNETES_POD_REMOVE_SUCCESSFUL"
MKubernetesPodRemoveSuccessful indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module has successfully removed the pod.
const MKubernetesPodWait = "KUBERNETES_POD_WAIT"
MKubernetesPodWait indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is waiting for the pod to come up.
const MKubernetesPodWaitFailed = "KUBERNETES_POD_WAIT_FAILED"
MKubernetesPodWaitFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to wait for the pod to come up. Check the error message for details.
const MKubernetesResizing = "KUBERNETES_EXEC_RESIZE"
MKubernetesResizing indicates that the ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is resizing the terminal window.
const MKubernetesUsernameTooLong = "KUBERNETES_USERNAME_TOO_LONG"
MKubernetesUsernameTooLong indicates that the users username is too long to be provided as a label in the k8s pod. The containerssh_username label is unavailable on that users pod.
const MMetricsServiceAvailable = "METRICS_AVAILABLE"
MMetricsServiceAvailable indicates that the metrics service is now online and ready for service.
const MSSHChannelRequest = "SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST"
MSSHChannelRequest indicates that the user has sent a new channel-specific request.
const MSSHChannelRequestFailed = "SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_FAILED"
MSSHChannelRequestFailed indicates that ContainerSSH couldn't fulfil the channel-specific request.
const MSSHChannelRequestSuccessful = "SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL"
MSSHChannelRequestSuccessful indicates that ContainerSSH has successfully processed the channel-specific request.
const MSSHConnected = "SSH_CONNECTED"
MSSHConnected indicates that a user has connected over SSH.
const MSSHDisconnected = "SSH_DISCONNECTED"
MSSHDisconnected indicates that an SSH connection has been severed.
const MSSHExit = "SSH_EXIT"
MSSHExit indicates that ContainerSSH is sending the exit code of the program to the user.
const MSSHExitSignal = "SSH_EXIT_SIGNAL"
MSSHExitSignal indicates that ContainerSSH is sending the exit signal from an abnormally exited program to the user.
const MSSHGlobalRequest = "SSH_GLOBAL_REQUEST"
const MSSHGlobalRequestFailed = "SSH_GLOBAL_REQUEST_FAILED"
const MSSHGlobalRequestSuccessful = "SSH_GLOBAL_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL"
const MSSHHandshakeSuccessful = "SSH_HANDSHAKE_SUCCESSFUL"
MSSHHandshakeSuccessful indicates that the user has provided valid credentials and has now established an SSH connection.
const MSSHNewChannel = "SSH_NEW_CHANNEL"
MSSHNewChannel indicates that a user has established a new SSH channel. (Not connection!)
const MSSHNewChannelRejected = "SSH_NEW_CHANNEL_REJECTED"
MSSHNewChannelRejected indicates that the user has requested a new channel to be opened, but was rejected.
MSSHProxyBackendDisconnectFailed indicates that the SSH proxy backend failed to disconnect from the backing server.
const MSSHProxyBackendDisconnected = "SSHPROXY_BACKEND_DISCONNECTED"
MSSHProxyBackendDisconnected indicates that the SSH proxy backend disconnected from the backing server.
const MSSHProxyBackendDisconnecting = "SSHPROXY_BACKEND_DISCONNECTING"
MSSHProxyBackendDisconnecting indicates that ContainerSSH is disconnecting from the backing server.
MSSHProxyBackendSessionClosed indicates that the backend closed the SSH session towards ContainerSSH.
MSSHProxyBackendSessionClosing indicates that ContainerSSH is closing the session towards the backend service.
const MSSHProxyConnecting = "SSHPROXY_CONNECTING"
MSSHProxyConnecting indicates that ContainerSSH is connecting the backing server.
const MSSHProxyDisconnected = "SSHPROXY_DISCONNECTED"
MSSHProxyDisconnected indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy received a disconnect from the client.
const MSSHProxyExitSignal = "SSHPROXY_EXIT_SIGNAL"
MSSHProxyExitSignal indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend has received an exit-signal message.
MSSHProxyExitSignalDecodeFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend has received an exit-signal message, but failed to decode the message. This is most likely due to a bug in the backend SSH server.
const MSSHProxyExitStatus = "SSHPROXY_EXIT_STATUS"
MSSHProxyExitStatus indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend has received an exit-status message.
MSSHProxyExitStatusDecodeFailed indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend has received an exit-status message, but failed to decode the message. This is most likely due to a bug in the backend SSH server.
MSSHProxyForward indicates that the ContainerSSH proxy backend is opening a new proxy connection
const MSSHProxySession = "SSHPROXY_SESSION"
MSSHProxySession indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend is opening a new session.
const MSSHProxySessionClose = "SSHPROXY_SESSION_CLOSE"
MSSHProxySessionClose indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend is closing a session.
const MSSHProxySessionClosed = "SSHPROXY_SESSION_CLOSED"
MSSHProxySessionClosed indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend has closed a session.
const MSSHProxySessionOpen = "SSHPROXY_SESSION_OPEN"
MSSHProxySessionOpen indicates that the ContainerSSH SSH proxy backend has opened a new session.
const MSSHProxyShutdown = "SSHPROXY_SHUTDOWN"
MSSHProxyShutdown indicates that ContainerSSH is shutting down and is sending TERM and KILL signals on the backend connection.
const MSSHProxyStderrComplete = "SSHPROXY_STDERR_COMPLETE"
MSSHProxyStderrComplete indicates that the SSH proxy backend finished streaming the standard error to the client.
const MSSHProxyStdoutComplete = "SSHPROXY_STDOUT_COMPLETE"
MSSHProxyStdoutComplete indicates that the SSH proxy backend finished streaming the standard output to the client.
const MSSHServiceAvailable = "SSH_AVAILABLE"
MSSHServiceAvailable indicates that the SSH service is now online and ready for service.
const MSecurityForcingCommand = "SECURITY_EXEC_FORCING_COMMAND"
MSecurityForcingCommand indicates that ContainerSSH is replacing the command passed from the client (if any) to the specified command and is setting the `SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND` environment variable.
const MServiceRunning = "SERVICE_RUNNING"
MServiceRunning indicates that a ContainerSSH service is now running.
const MServiceStarting = "SERVICE_STARTING"
MServiceStarting indicates that ContainerSSH is starting a component service.
const MServiceStopped = "SERVICE_STOPPED"
MServiceStopped indicates that a ContainerSSH service has stopped.
const MServiceStopping = "SERVICE_STOPPING"
MServiceStopping indicates that a ContainerSSH service is now stopping.
const MServicesRunning = "SERVICE_POOL_RUNNING"
MServicesRunning indicates that all ContainerSSH services are now running.
const MServicesStarting = "SERVICE_POOL_STARTING"
MServicesStarting indicates that all ContainerSSH services are starting.
const MServicesStopped = "SERVICE_POOL_STOPPED"
MServicesStopped indicates that ContainerSSH has stopped all services.
const MServicesStopping = "SERVICE_POOL_STOPPING"
MServicesStopping indicates that ContainerSSH is stopping all services.
const MTest = "TEST"
MTest indicates that this message should only be seen in unit and component tests, never in production.
const WConfigAuthURLDeprecated = "CONFIG_AUTH_URL_DEPRECATED"
WConfigAuthURLDeprecated indicates that the auth.url option in the authentication webhook configuration. This option is deprecated since ContainerSSH 0.5. See for details.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type LabelName ¶
type LabelName string
LabelName is a name for a Message label. Can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _.
type Labels ¶
type Labels map[LabelName]LabelValue
Labels is a map linking together a label name with a label value.
type Message ¶
type Message interface { // Error is the Go-compatible error message. Error() string // String returns the string representation of this message. String() string // Code is a unique code identifying log messages. Code() string // UserMessage is a message that is safe to print/send to the end user. UserMessage() string // Explanation is the text explanation for the system administrator. Explanation() string // Labels are a set of extra labels for the message containing information. Labels() Labels // Label adds a label to the message. Label(name LabelName, value LabelValue) Message }
Message is a message structure for error reporting in ContainerSSH. The actual implementations may differ, but we provide the UserMessage method to construct a message that conforms to this interface.
func NewMessage ¶
NewMessage creates an internal error with only the explanation for the administrator inserted.
- Code is an error code allowing an administrator to identify the error that happened.
- Explanation is the explanation string to the system administrator. This is an fmt.Sprintf-compatible string
- Args are the arguments to Explanation to create a formatted message. It is recommended that these arguments also be added as labels to allow system administrators to index the error properly.
func UserMessage ¶
UserMessage constructs a Message.
- Code is an error code allowing an administrator to identify the error that happened.
- UserMessage is the message that can be printed to the user if needed.
- Explanation is the explanation string to the system administrator. This is an fmt.Sprintf-compatible string
- Args are the arguments to Explanation to create a formatted message. It is recommended that these arguments also be added as labels to allow system administrators to index the error properly.
type WrappingMessage ¶
type WrappingMessage interface { Message // Unwrap returns the original error wrapped in this message. Unwrap() error }
WrappingMessage is a message that wraps a different error.
func Wrap ¶
func Wrap(Cause error, Code string, Explanation string, Args ...interface{}) WrappingMessage
Wrap creates a wrapped error with a specific Code and Explanation string. The wrapping method will automatically
append the error message in brackets. - Cause is the original error that can be accessed with the Unwrap method. - Code is an error code allowing an administrator to identify the error that happened. - Explanation is the explanation string to the system administrator. This is an fmt.Sprintf-compatible string - Args are the arguments to Explanation to create a formatted message. It is recommended that these arguments also be added as labels to allow system administrators to index the error properly.
func WrapUser ¶
func WrapUser(Cause error, Code string, User string, Explanation string, Args ...interface{}) WrappingMessage
WrapUser creates a Message wrapping an error with a user-facing message.
- Cause is the original error that can be accessed with the Unwrap method.
- Code is an error code allowing an administrator to identify the error that happened.
- UserMessage is the message that can be printed to the user if needed.
- Explanation is the explanation string to the system administrator. This is an fmt.Sprintf-compatible string
- Args are the arguments to Explanation to create a formatted message. It is recommended that these arguments also be added as labels to allow system administrators to index the error properly.