Every time a .proto file is changed in /api folder.
# Change to api folder where proto resides
cd api
# Compiles all the protos again.
go generate
# cd back to root.
cd ..
Running the server:
eval `../../../../`
# Needs to be run the first time to set up BigQuery credentials
gcloud auth application-default login
# Emulator command needs to be run in a separate terminal window
make emulator
make backend-dev
This will set up the backend server running on port 8800
and using the
chrome-test-health-staging GCP project for its data.
Running the frontend without the backend:
cd frontend
npm install
npm start-stg
This will set up the frontend client running on port 3000
with a proxy to the
staging environment. For auth to work, you will need to complete the auth flow
and copy over the LUCISID
cookie from the staging environment into localhost.
To do this, you will need to go to http://localhost:3000/auth/openid/state and go to developer tools. Go to Application -> Storage -> Cookes -> http://localhost:3000 and then add the Name:Value pair you obtained completing the auth flow prior.
You can also run the frontend against your local backend using:
npm start
This will proxy the frontend against localhost:8800
, which should not require
an auth flow.
Before submitting code, make sure to run:
npm run fix # Reformat the code.
npm test # Run all tests to make sure that nothing breaks.
eval `../../../../`
cd frontend
# Build static assets (html, js, css, etc) into frontend/build
npm run build
cd ..
See the latest version at
There is no documentation for this package.
Path | Synopsis |
Package datastorage contains clients which are essentially wrappers over various data services such as google cloud datastore.
Package datastorage contains clients which are essentially wrappers over various data services such as google cloud datastore. |