Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v0 v0.8.5 Feb 22, 2015 v0.8.5-2 Feb 26, 2015 v0.8.4 Feb 20, 2015 Changes in this version + type Token int + const ADD_ASSIGN + const AND + const AND_ASSIGN + const AND_NOT + const AND_NOT_ASSIGN + const ASSIGN + const BITWISE_NOT + const BOOLEAN + const BREAK + const CASE + const CATCH + const COLON + const COMMA + const COMMENT + const CONTINUE + const DEBUGGER + const DECREMENT + const DEFAULT + const DELETE + const DO + const ELSE + const EOF + const EQUAL + const EXCLUSIVE_OR + const EXCLUSIVE_OR_ASSIGN + const FINALLY + const FOR + const FUNCTION + const GREATER + const GREATER_OR_EQUAL + const IDENTIFIER + const IF + const ILLEGAL + const IN + const INCREMENT + const INSTANCEOF + const KEYWORD + const LEFT_BRACE + const LEFT_BRACKET + const LEFT_PARENTHESIS + const LESS + const LESS_OR_EQUAL + const LOGICAL_AND + const LOGICAL_OR + const MINUS + const MULTIPLY + const MULTIPLY_ASSIGN + const NEW + const NOT + const NOT_EQUAL + const NULL + const NUMBER + const OR + const OR_ASSIGN + const PERIOD + const PLUS + const QUESTION_MARK + const QUOTIENT_ASSIGN + const REMAINDER + const REMAINDER_ASSIGN + const RETURN + const RIGHT_BRACE + const RIGHT_BRACKET + const RIGHT_PARENTHESIS + const SEMICOLON + const SHIFT_LEFT + const SHIFT_LEFT_ASSIGN + const SHIFT_RIGHT + const SHIFT_RIGHT_ASSIGN + const SLASH + const STRICT_EQUAL + const STRICT_NOT_EQUAL + const STRING + const SUBTRACT_ASSIGN + const SWITCH + const THIS + const THROW + const TRY + const TYPEOF + const UNSIGNED_SHIFT_RIGHT + const UNSIGNED_SHIFT_RIGHT_ASSIGN + const VAR + const VOID + const WHILE + const WITH + func IsKeyword(literal string) (Token, bool) + func (tkn Token) String() string v0.8.4-1 Feb 20, 2015