Index ¶
- Constants
- func DetectEmptyRanges(diskStream *diskstream.DiskStream, uploadableRanges []*common.IndexRange) ([]*common.IndexRange, error)
- func GetDataWithRanges(stream *diskstream.DiskStream, ranges []*common.IndexRange) (<-chan *DataWithRange, <-chan error)
- func LocateNonEmptyRangeIndices(stream *diskstream.DiskStream, ranges []*common.IndexRange) (<-chan int32, <-chan error)
- func LocateUploadableRanges(stream *diskstream.DiskStream, rangesToSkip []*common.IndexRange, ...) ([]*common.IndexRange, error)
- func LogRequest() autorest.PrepareDecorator
- func LogResponse() autorest.RespondDecorator
- func Upload(cxt *DiskUploadContext) error
- type AccessProperties
- type AccessURI
- type AccessURIOutput
- type AccountProperties
- type AddressSpace
- type BlobProperties
- type CachingTypes
- type CreationData
- type DataDisk
- type DataWithRange
- type DiskProperties
- type DiskSku
- type DiskUploadContext
- type GroupProperties
- type HardwareProfile
- type IPConfiguration
- type IPConfigurationPropertiesFormat
- type Identity
- type ImageDataDisk
- type ImageDiskReference
- type ImageOSDisk
- type ImageProperties
- type ImageReference
- type ImageStatusType
- type ImageStorageProfile
- type InstanceViewStatus
- type Interface
- type InterfaceIPConfiguration
- type InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat
- type InterfacePropertiesFormat
- type LinuxConfiguration
- type ManagedDiskParameters
- type NetworkInterfaceReference
- type NetworkProfile
- type OSDisk
- type OperatingSystemStateTypes
- type OperatingSystemTypes
- type OsProfile
- type PublicIPAddress
- type PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat
- type PublicIPAddressSku
- type SAccountBalance
- type SAzureClient
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetIRegions() []cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetRegion(regionId string) *SRegion
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetRegions() []SRegion
- func (self *SAzureClient) GetSubAccounts() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
- func (self *SAzureClient) QueryAccountBalance() (*SAccountBalance, error)
- func (self *SAzureClient) UpdateAccount(tenantId, secret, envName string) error
- type SBlob
- type SContainer
- type SDisk
- func (self *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(name, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) Delete() error
- func (self *SDisk) GetBillingType() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetCacheMode() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskFormat() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB() int
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskType() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDriver() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (self *SDisk) GetFsFormat() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshot(snapshotId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetIStorge() cloudprovider.ICloudStorage
- func (self *SDisk) GetId() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete() bool
- func (self *SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent() bool
- func (self *SDisk) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SDisk) GetMountpoint() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetName() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetSnapshotDetail(snapshotId string) (*SSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetTemplateId() string
- func (self *SDisk) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SDisk) Refresh() error
- func (self *SDisk) Reset(snapshotId string) error
- func (self *SDisk) Resize(size int64) error
- type SEipAddress
- func (self *SEipAddress) Associate(instanceId string) error
- func (self *SEipAddress) ChangeBandwidth(bw int) error
- func (self *SEipAddress) Delete() error
- func (self *SEipAddress) Dissociate() error
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetAssociationExternalId() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetAssociationType() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetBandwidth() int
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetId() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetInternetChargeType() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetIpAddr() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetManagerId() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetMode() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetName() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SEipAddress) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SEipAddress) Refresh() error
- type SHost
- func (self *SHost) CreateVM(name string, imgId string, sysDiskSize int, cpu int, memMB int, ...) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetAccessIp() string
- func (self *SHost) GetAccessMac() string
- func (self *SHost) GetCpuCount() int8
- func (self *SHost) GetCpuDesc() string
- func (self *SHost) GetCpuMhz() int
- func (self *SHost) GetEnabled() bool
- func (self *SHost) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SHost) GetHostStatus() string
- func (self *SHost) GetHostType() string
- func (self *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIVMById(instanceId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIVMs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetId() string
- func (self *SHost) GetManagerId() string
- func (self *SHost) GetMemSizeMB() int
- func (self *SHost) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SHost) GetName() string
- func (self *SHost) GetNodeCount() int8
- func (self *SHost) GetSN() string
- func (self *SHost) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SHost) GetStorageSizeMB() int
- func (self *SHost) GetStorageType() string
- func (self *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (self *SHost) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SHost) Refresh() error
- type SImage
- func (self *SImage) Delete() error
- func (self *SImage) GetBlobUri() string
- func (self *SImage) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SImage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
- func (self *SImage) GetId() string
- func (self *SImage) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SImage) GetName() string
- func (self *SImage) GetOsType() string
- func (self *SImage) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SImage) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SImage) Refresh() error
- type SInstance
- func (self *SInstance) AttachDisk(diskId string) error
- func (self *SInstance) ChangeConfig(instanceId string, ncpu int, vmem int) error
- func (self *SInstance) DeleteVM() error
- func (self *SInstance) DeployVM(name string, password string, publicKey string, deleteKeypair bool, ...) error
- func (self *SInstance) DetachDisk(diskId string) error
- func (self *SInstance) GetBillingType() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetBios() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetBootOrder() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetCreateTime() time.Time
- func (self *SInstance) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (self *SInstance) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetHypervisor() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetIEIP() (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
- func (self *SInstance) GetINics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNic, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetId() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetMachine() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SInstance) GetName() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetOSName() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetOSType() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVNCInfo() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetVcpuCount() int8
- func (self *SInstance) GetVdi() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVga() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB() int
- func (self *SInstance) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SInstance) RebuildRoot(imageId string, passwd string, publicKey string, sysSizeGB int) (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) Refresh() error
- func (self *SInstance) StartVM() error
- func (self *SInstance) StopVM(isForce bool) error
- func (self *SInstance) SyncSecurityGroup(secgroupId string, name string, rules []secrules.SecurityRule) error
- func (self *SInstance) UpdateVM(name string) error
- type SInstanceNic
- type SNetwork
- func (self *SNetwork) Delete() error
- func (self *SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds() int
- func (self *SNetwork) GetGateway() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
- func (self *SNetwork) GetId() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpEnd() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpMask() int8
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpStart() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIsPublic() bool
- func (self *SNetwork) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SNetwork) GetName() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetServerType() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SNetwork) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SNetwork) Refresh() error
- type SRegion
- func (region *SRegion) AllocateEIP(eipName string) (*SEipAddress, error)
- func (region *SRegion) AssiginSecurityGroup(instanceId, secgroupId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) AssociateEip(eipId string, instanceId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) AttachDisk(instanceId, diskId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) AttachSecurityToInterfaces(secgroupId string, nicIds []string) error
- func (region *SRegion) ChangeVMConfig(instanceId string, ncpu int, vmem int) error
- func (self *SRegion) CreateBlobFromSnapshot(accountId, containerName, snapshotId string) (*SBlob, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateContainer(accountId string, containerName string) (*SContainer, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateDisk(storageType string, name string, sizeGb int32, desc string, imageId string) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateEIP(eipName string, bwMbps int, chargeType string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateIVpc(name string, desc string, cidr string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateImage(snapshotId, imageName, osType, imageDesc string) (*SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateImageByBlob(imageName, osType, blobURI string, diskSizeGB int32) (*SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateInstanceSimple(name string, imgId string, cpu int, memGB int, storageType string, ...) (*SInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateNetworkInterface(nicName string, ipAddr string, subnetId string, secgrpId string) (*SInstanceNic, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreatePageBlob(accountId, containerName, localPath string) (*SBlob, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateResourceGroup(groupName string) (*SResourceGroup, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateSecurityGroup(secName string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateSnapshot(diskId, snapName, desc string) (*SSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateStorageAccount(storageAccount string) (*SStorageAccount, error)
- func (region *SRegion) DeallocateEIP(eipId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) DeallocateVM(instanceId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) DeleteContainerBlob(accountId, containerName, blobName string) error
- func (self *SRegion) DeleteDisk(diskId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) DeleteImage(imageId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteNetworkInterface(interfaceId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) DeleteSnapshot(snapshotId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) DeleteStorageAccount(accountId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) DeleteVM(instanceId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeployVM(instanceId, name, password, publicKey string, deleteKeypair bool, ...) error
- func (region *SRegion) DetachDisk(instanceId, diskId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DissociateEip(eipId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) GetClient() *SAzureClient
- func (self *SRegion) GetContainerBlobDetail(accountId, containerName, blobName string) (*SBlob, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetContainerBlobs(accountId, containerName string) ([]SBlob, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetContainerDetail(accountId string, containerName string) (*SContainer, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetContainers(accountId string) ([]SContainer, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetDisk(diskId string) (*SDisk, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetDisks() ([]SDisk, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetEip(eipId string) (*SEipAddress, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetEips() ([]SEipAddress, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetGlobalId() string
- func (region *SRegion) GetIEipById(eipId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIEips() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshotById(snapshotId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetId() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetImage(imageId string) (*SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetImageByName(imageId string) (*SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetImageStatus(imageId string) (ImageStatusType, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetImages() ([]SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetInstance(instanceId string) (*SInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetInstanceStatus(instanceId string) (string, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetInstances() ([]SInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetLatitude() float32
- func (self *SRegion) GetLongitude() float32
- func (self *SRegion) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SRegion) GetName() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetNetworkDetail(networkId string) (*Subnet, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaceDetail(interfaceId string) (*SInstanceNic, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaces() ([]SInstanceNic, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetProvider() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetResourceGroupDetail(groupName string) (*SResourceGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetResourceGroups() ([]SResourceGroup, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroupDetails(secgroupId string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroups() ([]SSecurityGroup, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSnapShots(diskId string) ([]SSnapshot, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSnapshotDetail(snapshotId string) (*SSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetStorageAccountDetail(accountId string) (*SStorageAccount, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetStorageAccountKey(accountId string) (string, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetStorageAccounts() ([]SStorageAccount, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetUniqStorageAccountName() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetVMSize() (map[string]SVMSize, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GrantAccessSnapshot(snapshotId string) (string, error)
- func (self *SRegion) IsEmulated() bool
- func (region *SRegion) RebuildRoot(instanceId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) Refresh() error
- func (region *SRegion) ReplaceSystemDisk(instanceId, imageId, passwd, publicKey string, sysSizeGB int32) (string, error)
- func (self *SRegion) ResizeDisk(diskId string, sizeGb int32) error
- func (self *SRegion) StartVM(instanceId string) error
- func (self *SRegion) StopVM(instanceId string, isForce bool) error
- func (region *SRegion) UpdateInstance(instanceId string, params compute.VirtualMachineUpdate) error
- func (self *SRegion) UploadVHD(accountId, containerName, localVHDPath string) (string, error)
- type SResourceGroup
- type SSHConfiguration
- type SSHPublicKey
- type SSecurityGroup
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetId() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetName() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]secrules.SecurityRule, error)
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) Refresh() error
- type SSnapshot
- func (self *SSnapshot) Delete() error
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetDiskId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetManagerId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetName() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetRegionId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetSize() int32
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SSnapshot) Refresh() error
- type SStorage
- func (self *SStorage) CreateIDisk(name string, sizeGb int, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetCapacityMB() int
- func (self *SStorage) GetEnabled() bool
- func (self *SStorage) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetIDisk(diskId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
- func (self *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- func (self *SStorage) GetId() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetManagerId() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetMediumType() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SStorage) GetName() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (self *SStorage) GetStorageType() string
- func (self *SStorage) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SStorage) Refresh() error
- type SStorageAccount
- type SStoragecache
- func (self *SStoragecache) CreateIImage(snapshotId, imageName, osType, imageDesc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) DownloadImage(userCred mcclient.TokenCredential, imageId string, extId string, path string) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetIImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetId() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetManagerId() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetName() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SStoragecache) Refresh() error
- func (self *SStoragecache) UploadImage(userCred mcclient.TokenCredential, imageId string, ...) (string, error)
- type SVMSize
- type SVirtualMachineExtension
- type SVpc
- func (self *SVpc) Delete() error
- func (self *SVpc) GetCidrBlock() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIWireById(wireId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetId() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetIsDefault() bool
- func (self *SVpc) GetManagerId() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SVpc) GetName() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetNetworks() []Subnet
- func (self *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SVpc) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SVpc) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SVpc) Refresh() error
- func (self *SVpc) SyncSecurityGroup(secgroupId string, name string, rules []secrules.SecurityRule) (string, error)
- type SWire
- func (self *SWire) CreateINetwork(name string, cidr string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetBandwidth() int
- func (self *SWire) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SWire) GetINetworkById(netid string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
- func (self *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- func (self *SWire) GetId() string
- func (self *SWire) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SWire) GetName() string
- func (self *SWire) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SWire) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SWire) Refresh() error
- type SZone
- func (self *SZone) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetId() string
- func (self *SZone) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
- func (self *SZone) GetName() string
- func (self *SZone) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SZone) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SZone) Refresh() error
- type SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat
- type SecurityRuleAccess
- type SecurityRuleDirection
- type SecurityRulePropertiesFormat
- type SecurityRules
- type SecurityRulesSet
- type Sku
- type SnapshotSku
- type StorageAccountTypes
- type StorageProfile
- type SubResource
- type Subnet
- type SubnetPropertiesFormat
- type TInternetChargeType
- type VaultCertificate
- type VaultSecretGroup
- type VirtualHardDisk
- type VirtualMachineExtensionProperties
- type VirtualMachineInstanceView
- type VirtualMachineProperties
- type VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat
Constants ¶
const ( DISK_RESOURCE = "disk" INSTANCE_RESOURCE = "instance" VPC_RESOURCE = "vpc" NIC_RESOURCE = "nic" IMAGE_RESOURCE = "image" STORAGE_RESOURCE = "storage" SECGRP_RESOURCE = "secgroup" EIP_RESOURCE = "eip" SNAPSHOT_RESOURCE = "snapshot" )
const ( DefaultStorageAccount string = "image" DefaultContainer string = "image-cache" DefaultReadBlockSize int64 = 4 * 1024 * 1024 )
const (
DEFAULT_EXTENSION_NAME = "enablevmaccess"
const (
DEFAULT_USER = "yunion"
const (
InternetChargeByTraffic = TInternetChargeType("PayByTraffic")
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func DetectEmptyRanges ¶
func DetectEmptyRanges(diskStream *diskstream.DiskStream, uploadableRanges []*common.IndexRange) ([]*common.IndexRange, error)
func GetDataWithRanges ¶
func GetDataWithRanges(stream *diskstream.DiskStream, ranges []*common.IndexRange) (<-chan *DataWithRange, <-chan error)
GetDataWithRanges with start reading and streaming the ranges from the disk identified by the parameter ranges. It returns two channels, a data channel to stream the disk ranges and a channel to send any error while reading the disk. On successful completion the data channel will be closed. the caller must not expect any more value in the data channel if the error channel is signaled.
func LocateNonEmptyRangeIndices ¶
func LocateNonEmptyRangeIndices(stream *diskstream.DiskStream, ranges []*common.IndexRange) (<-chan int32, <-chan error)
func LocateUploadableRanges ¶
func LocateUploadableRanges(stream *diskstream.DiskStream, rangesToSkip []*common.IndexRange, pageSizeInBytes int64) ([]*common.IndexRange, error)
func LogRequest ¶
func LogRequest() autorest.PrepareDecorator
func LogResponse ¶
func LogResponse() autorest.RespondDecorator
func Upload ¶
func Upload(cxt *DiskUploadContext) error
Upload uploads the disk ranges described by the parameter cxt, this parameter describes the disk stream to read from, the ranges of the stream to read, the destination blob and it's container, the client to communicate with Azure storage and the number of parallel go-routines to use for upload.
Types ¶
type AccessProperties ¶
type AccessProperties struct {
Output AccessURIOutput
type AccessURI ¶
type AccessURI struct { Name string Properties AccessProperties }
type AccessURIOutput ¶
type AccessURIOutput struct {
AccessSas string
type AccountProperties ¶
type AddressSpace ¶
type AddressSpace struct {
AddressPrefixes []string
type BlobProperties ¶
type BlobProperties struct { LastModified time.Time ContentMD5 string ContentLength int64 ContentType string ContentEncoding string CacheControl string ContentLanguage string ContentDisposition string BlobType string SequenceNumber int64 CopyID string CopyStatus string CopySource string CopyProgress string CopyCompletionTime time.Time CopyStatusDescription string LeaseStatus string LeaseState string LeaseDuration string ServerEncrypted bool IncrementalCopy bool }
type CachingTypes ¶
type CachingTypes string
const ( // CachingTypesNone ... CachingTypesNone CachingTypes = "None" // CachingTypesReadOnly ... CachingTypesReadOnly CachingTypes = "ReadOnly" // CachingTypesReadWrite ... CachingTypesReadWrite CachingTypes = "ReadWrite" )
type CreationData ¶
type CreationData struct { CreateOption string StorageAccountID string ImageReference ImageDiskReference SourceURI string SourceResourceID string }
type DataDisk ¶
type DataDisk struct { Lun int32 Name string Vhd VirtualHardDisk Caching CachingTypes DiskSizeGB int32 ManagedDisk ManagedDiskParameters }
type DataWithRange ¶
type DataWithRange struct { Range *common.IndexRange Data []byte }
type DiskProperties ¶
type DiskProperties struct { TimeCreated time.Time OsType OperatingSystemTypes CreationData CreationData DiskSizeGB int32 ProvisioningState string }
type DiskSku ¶
type DiskSku struct { Name StorageAccountTypes Tier string }
type DiskUploadContext ¶
type DiskUploadContext struct { VhdStream *diskstream.DiskStream // The stream whose ranges needs to be uploaded AlreadyProcessedBytes int64 // The size in bytes already uploaded UploadableRanges []*common.IndexRange // The subset of stream ranges to be uploaded BlobServiceClient storage.BlobStorageClient // The client to make Azure blob service API calls ContainerName string // The container in which page blob resides BlobName string // The destination page blob name Parallelism int // The number of concurrent goroutines to be used for upload Resume bool // Indicate whether this is a new or resuming upload MD5Hash []byte // MD5Hash to be set in the page blob properties once upload finishes }
type GroupProperties ¶
type GroupProperties struct {
ProvisioningState string
type HardwareProfile ¶
type HardwareProfile struct {
VMSize string
type IPConfiguration ¶
type IPConfigurationPropertiesFormat ¶
type IPConfigurationPropertiesFormat struct {
PrivateIPAddress string
type ImageDataDisk ¶
type ImageDataDisk struct { Lun int32 Snapshot SubResource ManagedDisk SubResource BlobURI string Caching string DiskSizeGB int32 StorageAccountType StorageAccountTypes }
type ImageDiskReference ¶
type ImageOSDisk ¶
type ImageOSDisk struct { OsType OperatingSystemTypes OsState OperatingSystemStateTypes Snapshot SubResource ManagedDisk SubResource BlobURI string Caching string DiskSizeGB int32 StorageAccountType StorageAccountTypes }
type ImageProperties ¶
type ImageProperties struct { SourceVirtualMachine SubResource StorageProfile ImageStorageProfile ProvisioningState ImageStatusType }
type ImageReference ¶
type ImageStatusType ¶
type ImageStatusType string
const ( ImageStatusCreating ImageStatusType = "Creating" ImageStatusAvailable ImageStatusType = "Succeeded" ImageStatusUnAvailable ImageStatusType = "UnAvailable" ImageStatusCreateFailed ImageStatusType = "CreateFailed" )
type ImageStorageProfile ¶
type ImageStorageProfile struct { OsDisk ImageOSDisk DataDisks []ImageDataDisk ZoneResilient bool }
type InstanceViewStatus ¶
type InterfaceIPConfiguration ¶
type InterfaceIPConfiguration struct { Properties InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat Name string ID string }
type InterfacePropertiesFormat ¶
type InterfacePropertiesFormat struct { NetworkSecurityGroup SSecurityGroup IPConfigurations []InterfaceIPConfiguration MacAddress string Primary bool VirtualMachine SubResource }
type LinuxConfiguration ¶
type LinuxConfiguration struct { DisablePasswordAuthentication bool SSH SSHConfiguration }
type ManagedDiskParameters ¶
type NetworkInterfaceReference ¶
type NetworkInterfaceReference struct {
ID string
type NetworkProfile ¶
type NetworkProfile struct {
NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfaceReference
type OSDisk ¶
type OSDisk struct { OsType OperatingSystemTypes Name string DiskSizeGB int32 ManagedDisk ManagedDiskParameters }
type OperatingSystemStateTypes ¶
type OperatingSystemStateTypes string
type OperatingSystemTypes ¶
type OperatingSystemTypes string
const ( // Linux ... Linux OperatingSystemTypes = "Linux" // Windows ... Windows OperatingSystemTypes = "Windows" )
type OsProfile ¶
type OsProfile struct { ComputerName string AdminUsername string AdminPassword string CustomData string LinuxConfiguration LinuxConfiguration Secrets []VaultSecretGroup }
type PublicIPAddress ¶
type PublicIPAddress struct { ID string Name string Location string Properties PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat }
type PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat ¶
type PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat struct { PublicIPAddressVersion string IPAddress string PublicIPAllocationMethod string ProvisioningState string IPConfiguration IPConfiguration }
type PublicIPAddressSku ¶
type PublicIPAddressSku struct {
Name string
type SAccountBalance ¶
type SAzureClient ¶
type SAzureClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAzureClient ¶
func (*SAzureClient) GetIHostById ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SAzureClient) GetIRegionById ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
func (*SAzureClient) GetIRegions ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetIRegions() []cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SAzureClient) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SAzureClient) GetIStoragecacheById ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
func (*SAzureClient) GetIVpcById ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SAzureClient) GetRegion ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetRegion(regionId string) *SRegion
func (*SAzureClient) GetRegions ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetRegions() []SRegion
func (*SAzureClient) GetSubAccounts ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) GetSubAccounts() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
func (*SAzureClient) QueryAccountBalance ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) QueryAccountBalance() (*SAccountBalance, error)
func (*SAzureClient) UpdateAccount ¶
func (self *SAzureClient) UpdateAccount(tenantId, secret, envName string) error
type SContainer ¶
type SContainer struct {
Name string
type SDisk ¶
type SDisk struct { ManagedBy string Sku DiskSku Zones []string ID string Name string Type string Location string Properties DiskProperties Tags map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SDisk) CreateISnapshot ¶
func (self *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(name, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetBillingType ¶
func (*SDisk) GetCacheMode ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskType ¶
func (*SDisk) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (*SDisk) GetFsFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SDisk) GetISnapshot ¶
func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshot(snapshotId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetISnapshots ¶
func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetIStorge ¶
func (self *SDisk) GetIStorge() cloudprovider.ICloudStorage
func (*SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete ¶
func (*SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent ¶
func (*SDisk) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SDisk) GetMountpoint ¶
func (*SDisk) GetSnapshotDetail ¶
func (*SDisk) GetTemplateId ¶
func (*SDisk) IsEmulated ¶
type SEipAddress ¶
type SEipAddress struct { ID string Name string Location string Properties PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat Sku PublicIPAddressSku // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SEipAddress) Associate ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) Associate(instanceId string) error
func (*SEipAddress) ChangeBandwidth ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) ChangeBandwidth(bw int) error
func (*SEipAddress) Delete ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) Delete() error
func (*SEipAddress) Dissociate ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) Dissociate() error
func (*SEipAddress) GetAssociationExternalId ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetAssociationExternalId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetAssociationType ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetAssociationType() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetBandwidth ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetBandwidth() int
func (*SEipAddress) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetId ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetInternetChargeType ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetInternetChargeType() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetIpAddr ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetIpAddr() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetManagerId ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetManagerId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetMetadata ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
func (*SEipAddress) GetMode ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetMode() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetName ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetName() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetStatus ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) GetStatus() string
func (*SEipAddress) IsEmulated ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) IsEmulated() bool
func (*SEipAddress) Refresh ¶
func (self *SEipAddress) Refresh() error
type SHost ¶
type SHost struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SHost) GetAccessIp ¶
func (*SHost) GetAccessMac ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuDesc ¶
func (*SHost) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SHost) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostStatus ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostType ¶
func (*SHost) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIStorages ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIVMById ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIVMById(instanceId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) GetIWires ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SHost) GetManagerId ¶
func (*SHost) GetMemSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SHost) GetNodeCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SHost) GetSysInfo ¶
func (self *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SHost) IsEmulated ¶
type SImage ¶
type SImage struct { Properties ImageProperties ID string Name string Location string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SImage) GetBlobUri ¶
func (*SImage) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SImage) GetIStoragecache ¶
func (self *SImage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
func (*SImage) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SImage) IsEmulated ¶
type SInstance ¶
type SInstance struct { CreationTime time.Time Properties VirtualMachineProperties ID string Name string Type string Location string Tags map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SInstance) AttachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) ChangeConfig ¶
func (*SInstance) DetachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) GetBillingType ¶
func (*SInstance) GetBootOrder ¶
func (*SInstance) GetCreateTime ¶
func (*SInstance) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (*SInstance) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetHypervisor ¶
func (*SInstance) GetIDisks ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SInstance) GetIHost ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
func (*SInstance) GetMachine ¶
func (*SInstance) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVNCInfo ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetVNCInfo() (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
func (*SInstance) GetVcpuCount ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB ¶
func (*SInstance) IsEmulated ¶
func (*SInstance) RebuildRoot ¶
func (*SInstance) SyncSecurityGroup ¶
type SInstanceNic ¶
type SInstanceNic struct { ID string Name string Type string Location string Properties InterfacePropertiesFormat // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SInstanceNic) Delete ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) Delete() error
func (*SInstanceNic) GetDriver ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetDriver() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetINetwork ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetINetwork() cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork
func (*SInstanceNic) GetIP ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetIP() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetMAC ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetMAC() string
type SNetwork ¶
type SNetwork struct { AvailableIpAddressCount int ID string Name string Properties SubnetPropertiesFormat // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGateway ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIWire ¶
func (self *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
func (*SNetwork) GetIpStart ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIsPublic ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetServerType ¶
func (*SNetwork) IsEmulated ¶
type SRegion ¶
type SRegion struct { ID string SubscriptionID string Name string DisplayName string Latitude float32 Longitude float32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SRegion) AllocateEIP ¶
func (region *SRegion) AllocateEIP(eipName string) (*SEipAddress, error)
func (*SRegion) AssiginSecurityGroup ¶
func (*SRegion) AssociateEip ¶
func (*SRegion) AttachDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) AttachSecurityToInterfaces ¶
func (*SRegion) ChangeVMConfig ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateBlobFromSnapshot ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateContainer ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateContainer(accountId string, containerName string) (*SContainer, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateIVpc ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateImage ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateImageByBlob ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateInstanceSimple ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateNetworkInterface ¶
func (*SRegion) CreatePageBlob ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateResourceGroup ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateResourceGroup(groupName string) (*SResourceGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateSecurityGroup ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateSecurityGroup(secName string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateSnapshot ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateStorageAccount ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateStorageAccount(storageAccount string) (*SStorageAccount, error)
func (*SRegion) DeallocateEIP ¶
func (*SRegion) DeallocateVM ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteContainerBlob ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteImage ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteNetworkInterface ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteSnapshot ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteStorageAccount ¶
func (*SRegion) DetachDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) DissociateEip ¶
func (*SRegion) GetClient ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetClient() *SAzureClient
func (*SRegion) GetContainerBlobDetail ¶
func (*SRegion) GetContainerBlobs ¶
func (*SRegion) GetContainerDetail ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetContainerDetail(accountId string, containerName string) (*SContainer, error)
func (*SRegion) GetContainers ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetContainers(accountId string) ([]SContainer, error)
func (*SRegion) GetEips ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetEips() ([]SEipAddress, error)
func (*SRegion) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SRegion) GetIEipById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIEipById(eipId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIHostById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISnapshotById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshotById(snapshotId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISnapshots ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIVpcById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZoneById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZones ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetImageByName ¶
func (*SRegion) GetImageStatus ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetImageStatus(imageId string) (ImageStatusType, error)
func (*SRegion) GetInstance ¶
func (*SRegion) GetInstanceStatus ¶
func (*SRegion) GetInstances ¶
func (*SRegion) GetLatitude ¶
func (*SRegion) GetLongitude ¶
func (*SRegion) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SRegion) GetNetworkDetail ¶
func (*SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaceDetail ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaceDetail(interfaceId string) (*SInstanceNic, error)
func (*SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaces ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaces() ([]SInstanceNic, error)
func (*SRegion) GetProvider ¶
func (*SRegion) GetResourceGroupDetail ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetResourceGroupDetail(groupName string) (*SResourceGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetResourceGroups ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetResourceGroups() ([]SResourceGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetSecurityGroupDetails ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroupDetails(secgroupId string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetSecurityGroups ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroups() ([]SSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetSnapShots ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSnapshotDetail ¶
func (*SRegion) GetStorageAccountDetail ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetStorageAccountDetail(accountId string) (*SStorageAccount, error)
func (*SRegion) GetStorageAccountKey ¶
func (*SRegion) GetStorageAccounts ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetStorageAccounts() ([]SStorageAccount, error)
func (*SRegion) GetUniqStorageAccountName ¶
func (*SRegion) GrantAccessSnapshot ¶
func (*SRegion) IsEmulated ¶
func (*SRegion) RebuildRoot ¶
func (*SRegion) Refresh ¶
func (*SRegion) ReplaceSystemDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) UpdateInstance ¶
func (region *SRegion) UpdateInstance(instanceId string, params compute.VirtualMachineUpdate) error
type SResourceGroup ¶
type SResourceGroup struct { ID string Name string Location string Properties GroupProperties ManagedBy string }
type SSHConfiguration ¶
type SSHConfiguration struct {
PublicKeys []SSHPublicKey
type SSHPublicKey ¶
type SSecurityGroup ¶
type SSecurityGroup struct { Properties SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat ID string Name string Location string Tags map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetDescription ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetMetadata ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetName ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetName() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetRules ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]secrules.SecurityRule, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetStatus ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetStatus() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) IsEmulated ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) IsEmulated() bool
func (*SSecurityGroup) Refresh ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) Refresh() error
type SSnapshot ¶
type SSnapshot struct { ID string Name string Location string ManagedBy string Sku SnapshotSku Properties DiskProperties // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SSnapshot) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SSnapshot) GetManagerId ¶
func (*SSnapshot) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SSnapshot) GetRegionId ¶
func (*SSnapshot) IsEmulated ¶
type SStorage ¶
type SStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SStorage) CreateIDisk ¶
func (self *SStorage) CreateIDisk(name string, sizeGb int, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetCapacityMB ¶
func (*SStorage) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SStorage) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SStorage) GetIDisk ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIDisk(diskId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIDisks ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIStoragecache ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
func (*SStorage) GetIZone ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
func (*SStorage) GetManagerId ¶
func (*SStorage) GetMediumType ¶
func (*SStorage) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SStorage) GetStorageConf ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SStorage) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SStorage) IsEmulated ¶
type SStorageAccount ¶
type SStoragecache ¶
type SStoragecache struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SStoragecache) CreateIImage ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) CreateIImage(snapshotId, imageName, osType, imageDesc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) DownloadImage ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) DownloadImage(userCred mcclient.TokenCredential, imageId string, extId string, path string) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetIImages ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetIImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetId ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetId() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetManagerId ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetManagerId() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetMetadata ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetMetadata() *jsonutils.JSONDict
func (*SStoragecache) GetName ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetName() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetStatus ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetStatus() string
func (*SStoragecache) IsEmulated ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) IsEmulated() bool
func (*SStoragecache) Refresh ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) Refresh() error
func (*SStoragecache) UploadImage ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) UploadImage(userCred mcclient.TokenCredential, imageId string, osArch, osType, osDist string, extId string, isForce bool) (string, error)
type SVirtualMachineExtension ¶
type SVirtualMachineExtension struct { Location string Properties VirtualMachineExtensionProperties }
type SVpc ¶
type SVpc struct { IsDefault bool ID string Name string Type string Location string Tags map[string]string Properties VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SVpc) GetCidrBlock ¶
func (*SVpc) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SVpc) GetISecurityGroups ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWireById ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIWireById(wireId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWires ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIsDefault ¶
func (*SVpc) GetManagerId ¶
func (*SVpc) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SVpc) GetNetworks ¶
func (*SVpc) GetRegion ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SVpc) IsEmulated ¶
func (*SVpc) SyncSecurityGroup ¶
type SWire ¶
type SWire struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SWire) CreateINetwork ¶
func (self *SWire) CreateINetwork(name string, cidr string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetBandwidth ¶
func (*SWire) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SWire) GetINetworkById ¶
func (self *SWire) GetINetworkById(netid string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetINetworks ¶
func (self *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetIVpc ¶
func (self *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
func (*SWire) GetIZone ¶
func (self *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
func (*SWire) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SWire) IsEmulated ¶
type SZone ¶
type SZone struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SZone) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SZone) GetIHostById ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIHosts ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIRegion ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SZone) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SZone) GetIStorages ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SZone) GetIWires ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SZone) GetMetadata ¶
func (*SZone) IsEmulated ¶
type SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat ¶
type SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat struct { SecurityRules []SecurityRules DefaultSecurityRules []SecurityRules NetworkInterfaces []Interface Subnets []Subnet ProvisioningState string //Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed' }
type SecurityRuleAccess ¶
type SecurityRuleAccess string
const ( // SecurityRuleAccessAllow ... SecurityRuleAccessAllow SecurityRuleAccess = "Allow" // SecurityRuleAccessDeny ... SecurityRuleAccessDeny SecurityRuleAccess = "Deny" )
type SecurityRuleDirection ¶
type SecurityRuleDirection string
const ( // SecurityRuleDirectionInbound ... SecurityRuleDirectionInbound SecurityRuleDirection = "Inbound" // SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound ... SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound SecurityRuleDirection = "Outbound" )
type SecurityRulePropertiesFormat ¶
type SecurityRulePropertiesFormat struct { Description string Protocol string SourcePortRange string DestinationPortRange string SourceAddressPrefix string SourceAddressPrefixes []string DestinationAddressPrefix string DestinationAddressPrefixes []string SourcePortRanges []string DestinationPortRanges []string Access SecurityRuleAccess Priority int32 Direction SecurityRuleDirection //Possible values include: 'SecurityRuleDirectionInbound', 'SecurityRuleDirectionOutbound' ProvisioningState string }
func (*SecurityRulePropertiesFormat) String ¶
func (self *SecurityRulePropertiesFormat) String() string
type SecurityRules ¶
type SecurityRules struct { Properties SecurityRulePropertiesFormat Name string ID string }
type SecurityRulesSet ¶
type SecurityRulesSet []SecurityRules
func (SecurityRulesSet) Len ¶
func (v SecurityRulesSet) Len() int
func (SecurityRulesSet) Less ¶
func (v SecurityRulesSet) Less(i, j int) bool
func (SecurityRulesSet) Swap ¶
func (v SecurityRulesSet) Swap(i, j int)
type SnapshotSku ¶
type StorageAccountTypes ¶
type StorageAccountTypes string
const ( // StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS ... StorageAccountTypesPremiumLRS StorageAccountTypes = "Premium_LRS" // StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS ... StorageAccountTypesStandardLRS StorageAccountTypes = "Standard_LRS" // StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS ... StorageAccountTypesStandardSSDLRS StorageAccountTypes = "StandardSSD_LRS" )
type StorageProfile ¶
type StorageProfile struct { ImageReference ImageReference OsDisk OSDisk DataDisks []DataDisk }
type SubResource ¶
type SubResource struct {
ID string
type Subnet ¶
type Subnet struct { Properties SubnetPropertiesFormat Name string ID string }
type SubnetPropertiesFormat ¶
type TInternetChargeType ¶
type TInternetChargeType string
type VaultCertificate ¶
type VaultSecretGroup ¶
type VaultSecretGroup struct { SourceVault SubResource VaultCertificates []VaultCertificate }
type VirtualHardDisk ¶
type VirtualHardDisk struct {
URI string
type VirtualMachineInstanceView ¶
type VirtualMachineInstanceView struct { ComputerName string OsName string OsVersion string Statuses []InstanceViewStatus }
type VirtualMachineProperties ¶
type VirtualMachineProperties struct { HardwareProfile HardwareProfile StorageProfile StorageProfile OsProfile OsProfile NetworkProfile NetworkProfile InstanceView VirtualMachineInstanceView VmId string }
type VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat ¶
type VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat struct { AddressSpace AddressSpace Subnets []Subnet ProvisioningState string }