An example Greeter application
Contents 目录
- srv - an RPC greeter service - RPC服务的位置
- cli - an RPC client that calls the service once - 调用的客户端服务,这个客户端只会调用一次
- api - examples of RPC API and RESTful API - 调用接口
- web - how to use go-web to write web services - go-web服务相关
Run Service 启动micro服务
Start go.micro.srv.greeter
go run srv/main.go
Client 启动客户端
Call go.micro.srv.greeter via client
go run cli/main.go
Examples of client usage via other languages can be found in the client directory.
HTTP based requests can be made via the micro API. Micro logically separates API services from backend services. By default the micro API
accepts HTTP requests and converts to *api.Request and *api.Response types. Find them here micro/api/proto.
可以通过micro 的接口 生成基于HTTP的请求。
Run the go.micro.api.greeter API Service 启动micro的greeter api
go run api/api.go
Run the micro API
micro api --handler=api
Call go.micro.api.greeter via API
curl http://localhost:8080/greeter/say/hello?name=John
Examples of other API handlers can be found in the API directory.
micro web是一个记录web状态的仪表盘, 或者作为代理运行micro的服务
The micro web is a web dashboard and reverse proxy to run web apps as microservices.
Run go.micro.web.greeter
go run web/web.go
Run the micro web
micro web
Browse to http://localhost:8082/greeter