Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental
- type APLValueTotemRemainingTime
- type EarthElemental
- type FireElemental
- func (fireElemental *FireElemental) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
- func (fireElemental *FireElemental) GetPet() *core.Pet
- func (fireElemental *FireElemental) Initialize()
- func (fireElemental *FireElemental) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
- func (fireElemental *FireElemental) TryCast(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, spell *core.Spell) bool
- type SelfBuffs
- type Shaman
- func (shaman *Shaman) AddRaidBuffs(raidBuffs *proto.RaidBuffs)
- func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyEarthlivingImbueToItem(item *core.Item)
- func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyFlametongueImbue(procMask core.ProcMask)
- func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyFlametongueImbueSwap(procMask core.ProcMask)
- func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyFlametongueImbueToItem(item *core.Item)
- func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyGlyphs()
- func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyTalents()
- func (shaman *Shaman) BloodlustActionID() core.ActionID
- func (shaman *Shaman) FrostbrandDebuffAura(target *core.Unit) *core.Aura
- func (shaman *Shaman) GetCharacter() *core.Character
- func (shaman *Shaman) GetMentalQuicknessBonus() float64
- func (shaman *Shaman) GetOverloadChance() float64
- func (shaman *Shaman) HasMajorGlyph(glyph proto.ShamanMajorGlyph) bool
- func (shaman *Shaman) HasMinorGlyph(glyph proto.ShamanMinorGlyph) bool
- func (shaman *Shaman) HasPrimeGlyph(glyph proto.ShamanPrimeGlyph) bool
- func (shaman *Shaman) Initialize()
- func (shaman *Shaman) NewAPLValue(rot *core.APLRotation, config *proto.APLValue) core.APLValue
- func (shaman *Shaman) NewEarthElemental(bonusSpellPower float64) *EarthElemental
- func (shaman *Shaman) NewFireElemental(bonusSpellPower float64) *FireElemental
- func (shaman *Shaman) NewSpiritWolf(index int) *SpiritWolf
- func (shaman *Shaman) RegisterEarthlivingImbue(procMask core.ProcMask)
- func (shaman *Shaman) RegisterFlametongueImbue(procMask core.ProcMask)
- func (shaman *Shaman) RegisterFrostbrandImbue(procMask core.ProcMask)
- func (shaman *Shaman) RegisterHealingSpells()
- func (shaman *Shaman) RegisterOnItemSwapWithImbue(effectID int32, procMask *core.ProcMask, aura *core.Aura)
- func (shaman *Shaman) RegisterWindfuryImbue(procMask core.ProcMask)
- func (shaman *Shaman) Reset(sim *core.Simulation)
- func (shaman *Shaman) StormstrikeDebuffAura(target *core.Unit) *core.Aura
- type ShamanAgent
- type SpiritWolf
- type SpiritWolves
Constants ¶
const ( DDBC_4pcT12 int = iota DDBC_FrostbrandWeapon DDBC_Total )
Damage Done By Caster setup
const ( SpellFlagShock = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved1 SpellFlagElectric = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved2 SpellFlagTotem = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved3 SpellFlagFocusable = core.SpellFlagAgentReserved4 )
const ( AirTotem int = iota EarthTotem FireTotem WaterTotem )
Indexes into NextTotemDrops for self buffs
const ( SpellMaskNone int64 = 0 SpellMaskFireElementalTotem int64 = 1 << iota SpellMaskEarthElementalTotem SpellMaskFlameShockDirect SpellMaskFlameShockDot SpellMaskLavaBurst SpellMaskLavaBurstOverload SpellMaskLavaLash SpellMaskLightningBolt SpellMaskLightningBoltOverload SpellMaskChainLightning SpellMaskChainLightningOverload SpellMaskEarthShock SpellMaskLightningShield SpellMaskThunderstorm SpellMaskFireNova SpellMaskMagmaTotem SpellMaskSearingTotem SpellMaskPrimalStrike SpellMaskStormstrikeCast SpellMaskStormstrikeDamage SpellMaskEarthShield SpellMaskFulmination SpellMaskFrostShock SpellMaskUnleashFrost SpellMaskUnleashFlame SpellMaskEarthquake SpellMaskFlametongueWeapon SpellMaskStormstrike = SpellMaskStormstrikeCast | SpellMaskStormstrikeDamage SpellMaskFlameShock = SpellMaskFlameShockDirect | SpellMaskFlameShockDot SpellMaskFire = SpellMaskFlameShock | SpellMaskLavaBurst | SpellMaskLavaBurstOverload | SpellMaskLavaLash | SpellMaskFireNova | SpellMaskUnleashFlame SpellMaskNature = SpellMaskLightningBolt | SpellMaskLightningBoltOverload | SpellMaskChainLightning | SpellMaskChainLightningOverload | SpellMaskEarthShock | SpellMaskThunderstorm | SpellMaskFulmination SpellMaskFrost = SpellMaskUnleashFrost | SpellMaskFrostShock SpellMaskOverload = SpellMaskLavaBurstOverload | SpellMaskLightningBoltOverload | SpellMaskChainLightningOverload )
const ( // This could be value or bitflag if we ended up needing multiple flags at the same time. //1 to 5 are used by MaelstromWeapon Stacks CastTagLightningOverload int32 = 6 )
const PetExpertiseScale = 3.25
const TotemRefreshTime5M = time.Second * 295
Start looking to refresh 5 minute totems at 4:55.
Variables ¶
var FireElementalSpellPowerScaling = 0.5883
var ItemSetRagingElementsBattlegear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Battlegear of the Raging Elements", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { character := agent.GetCharacter() character.AddStaticMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_DamageDone_Flat, FloatValue: .10, ClassMask: SpellMaskLavaLash | SpellMaskStormstrike, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { character := agent.GetCharacter() character.AddStaticMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_BonusCrit_Percent, FloatValue: 10, ClassMask: SpellMaskLightningBolt, }) }, }, })
T11 enh (2) Set: Increases damage done by your Lava Lash and Stormstrike abilities by 10%. (4) Set: Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%.
var ItemSetRagingElementsRegalia = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Regalia of the Raging Elements", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { character := agent.GetCharacter() character.AddStaticMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_BonusCrit_Percent, FloatValue: 10, ClassMask: SpellMaskFlameShock, }) }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { character := agent.GetCharacter() character.AddStaticMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_CastTime_Pct, FloatValue: -0.1, ClassMask: SpellMaskLightningBolt, }) }, }, })
T11 elem (2) Set: Increases the critical strike chance of your Flame Shock spell by 10%. (4) Set: Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt spell by 10%.
var ItemSetSpiritwalkersRegalia = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Spiritwalker's Regalia", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { shaman := agent.(ShamanAgent).GetShaman() procAura := shaman.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Time Rupture", ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 105821}, Duration: 4 * time.Second, MaxStacks: 3, OnStacksChange: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, oldStacks, newStacks int32) { changedHasteRating := (newStacks - oldStacks) * 250 shaman.AddStatDynamic(sim, stats.HasteRating, float64(changedHasteRating)) }, }) shaman.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Spiritwalker's Regalia 4P", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnCastComplete: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell) { if spell.ClassSpellMask&SpellMaskOverload > 0 { procAura.Activate(sim) procAura.AddStack(sim) } }, }) }, }, })
T13 elem (2) Set: Elemental Mastery also grants you 2000 mastery rating 15 sec. (4) Set: Each time Elemental Overload triggers, you gain 250 haste rating for 4 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
var ItemSetTidefury = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Tidefury Raiment", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { shaman := agent.(ShamanAgent).GetShaman() if shaman.SelfBuffs.Shield == proto.ShamanShield_WaterShield { shaman.AddStat(stats.MP5, 3) } }, }, })
Dungeon Set 3 Tidefury Raiment (2) Set: Your Chain Lightning Spell now only loses 17% of its damage per jump. (4) Set: Your Water Shield ability grants an additional 56 mana each time it triggers and an additional 3 mana per 5 sec.
var ItemSetVolcanicBattlegear = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Volcanic Battlegear", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { shaman := agent.(ShamanAgent).GetShaman() shaman.SearingFlamesMultiplier += 0.05 }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { shaman := agent.(ShamanAgent).GetShaman() stormFireAuras := shaman.NewEnemyAuraArray(func(target *core.Unit) *core.Aura { return target.GetOrRegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Stormfire-" + shaman.Label, ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 99212}, Duration: time.Second * 15, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, _ *core.Simulation) { core.EnableDamageDoneByCaster(DDBC_4pcT12, DDBC_Total, shaman.AttackTables[aura.Unit.UnitIndex], tier12StormstrikeBonus) }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, _ *core.Simulation) { core.DisableDamageDoneByCaster(DDBC_4pcT12, shaman.AttackTables[aura.Unit.UnitIndex]) }, }) }) core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&shaman.Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "Stormfire Trigger", ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 99213}, Callback: core.CallbackOnSpellHitDealt, ClassSpellMask: SpellMaskStormstrikeCast, Outcome: core.OutcomeLanded, ProcChance: 1, Handler: func(sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { stormFire := stormFireAuras.Get(result.Target) stormFire.Activate(sim) }, }) }, }, })
T12 enh (2) Set: Your Lava Lash gains an additional 5% damage increase per application of Searing Flames on the target. (4) Set: Your Stormstrike ability also causes the target to take 6% increased damage from your Fire Nova, Flame Shock, Flametongue Weapon, Lava Burst, Lava Lash, and Unleash Flame abilities.
var ItemSetVolcanicRegalia = core.NewItemSet(core.ItemSet{ Name: "Volcanic Regalia", Bonuses: map[int32]core.ApplyEffect{ 2: func(agent core.Agent) { shaman := agent.(ShamanAgent).GetShaman() if shaman.useDragonSoul_2PT12 { shaman.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Volcanic Regalia 2P", Duration: core.NeverExpires, OnReset: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { aura.Activate(sim) }, OnSpellHitDealt: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { if spell.ClassSpellMask != SpellMaskLightningBolt || !sim.Proc(0.3, "Volcanic Regalia 2P") || shaman.FireElementalTotem == nil { return } shaman.FireElementalTotem.CD.Reduce(4 * time.Second) }, }) } else { core.MakeProcTriggerAura(&shaman.Unit, core.ProcTrigger{ Name: "Volcanic Regalia 2P", Callback: core.CallbackOnSpellHitDealt, ProcMask: core.ProcMaskSpellDamage, Outcome: core.OutcomeLanded, ProcChance: 0.08, ICD: time.Second * 105, ExtraCondition: func(sim *core.Simulation, spell *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) bool { return !spell.Matches(SpellMaskOverload) }, Handler: func(sim *core.Simulation, _ *core.Spell, result *core.SpellResult) { shaman.FireElementalTotem.CD.Reset() }, }) } }, 4: func(agent core.Agent) { shaman := agent.(ShamanAgent).GetShaman() instantLavaSurgeMod := shaman.AddDynamicMod(core.SpellModConfig{ Kind: core.SpellMod_CastTime_Pct, FloatValue: -1, ClassMask: SpellMaskLavaBurst, }) shaman.VolcanicRegalia4PT12Aura = shaman.RegisterAura(core.Aura{ Label: "Volcano", ActionID: core.ActionID{SpellID: 99207}, Duration: 10 * time.Second, OnGain: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { instantLavaSurgeMod.Activate() }, OnExpire: func(aura *core.Aura, sim *core.Simulation) { instantLavaSurgeMod.Deactivate() }, }) }, }, })
T12 elem (2) Set: Your Lightning Bolt has a 30% chance to reduce the remaining cooldown on your Fire Elemental Totem by 4 sec. (4) Set: Your Lava Surge talent also makes Lava Burst instant when it triggers.
var StormstrikeActionID = core.ActionID{SpellID: 17364}
var TalentTreeSizes = [3]int{19, 19, 20}
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental ¶ added in v0.0.126
type APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental struct { core.DefaultAPLValueImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental) GetBool ¶ added in v0.0.126
func (value *APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental) GetBool(sim *core.Simulation) bool
func (*APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental) String ¶ added in v0.0.126
func (value *APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental) String() string
func (*APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental) Type ¶ added in v0.0.126
func (value *APLValueShamanCanSnapshotStrongerFireElemental) Type() proto.APLValueType
type APLValueTotemRemainingTime ¶ added in v0.0.126
type APLValueTotemRemainingTime struct { core.DefaultAPLValueImpl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*APLValueTotemRemainingTime) GetDuration ¶ added in v0.0.126
func (value *APLValueTotemRemainingTime) GetDuration(sim *core.Simulation) time.Duration
func (*APLValueTotemRemainingTime) String ¶ added in v0.0.126
func (value *APLValueTotemRemainingTime) String() string
func (*APLValueTotemRemainingTime) Type ¶ added in v0.0.126
func (value *APLValueTotemRemainingTime) Type() proto.APLValueType
type EarthElemental ¶
func (*EarthElemental) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (earthElemental *EarthElemental) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*EarthElemental) GetPet ¶
func (earthElemental *EarthElemental) GetPet() *core.Pet
func (*EarthElemental) Initialize ¶
func (earthElemental *EarthElemental) Initialize()
func (*EarthElemental) Reset ¶
func (earthElemental *EarthElemental) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
type FireElemental ¶
type FireElemental struct { core.Pet FireBlast *core.Spell FireNova *core.Spell FireShieldAura *core.Aura // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*FireElemental) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (fireElemental *FireElemental) ExecuteCustomRotation(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*FireElemental) GetPet ¶
func (fireElemental *FireElemental) GetPet() *core.Pet
func (*FireElemental) Initialize ¶
func (fireElemental *FireElemental) Initialize()
func (*FireElemental) Reset ¶
func (fireElemental *FireElemental) Reset(_ *core.Simulation)
func (*FireElemental) TryCast ¶
func (fireElemental *FireElemental) TryCast(sim *core.Simulation, target *core.Unit, spell *core.Spell) bool
type SelfBuffs ¶
type SelfBuffs struct { Shield proto.ShamanShield ImbueMH proto.ShamanImbue ImbueOH proto.ShamanImbue }
Which buffs this shaman is using.
type Shaman ¶
type Shaman struct { core.Character ClassSpellScaling float64 ThunderstormInRange bool // flag if thunderstorm will be in range. Talents *proto.ShamanTalents SelfBuffs SelfBuffs Totems *proto.ShamanTotems TotemElements *proto.TotemSet TotemsAncestors *proto.TotemSet TotemsSpirits *proto.TotemSet // The expiration time of each totem (earth, air, fire, water). TotemExpirations [4]time.Duration LightningBolt *core.Spell LightningBoltOverload *core.Spell ChainLightning *core.Spell ChainLightningHits []*core.Spell ChainLightningOverloads []*core.Spell LavaBurst *core.Spell LavaBurstOverload *core.Spell FireNova *core.Spell LavaLash *core.Spell Stormstrike *core.Spell PrimalStrike *core.Spell LightningShield *core.Spell LightningShieldAura *core.Aura Fulmination *core.Spell Earthquake *core.Spell Thunderstorm *core.Spell EarthShock *core.Spell FlameShock *core.Spell FrostShock *core.Spell FeralSpirit *core.Spell SpiritWolves *SpiritWolves FireElemental *FireElemental FireElementalTotem *core.Spell EarthElemental *EarthElemental EarthElementalTotem *core.Spell MagmaTotem *core.Spell ManaSpringTotem *core.Spell HealingStreamTotem *core.Spell SearingTotem *core.Spell StrengthOfEarthTotem *core.Spell TremorTotem *core.Spell StoneskinTotem *core.Spell WindfuryTotem *core.Spell WrathOfAirTotem *core.Spell FlametongueTotem *core.Spell UnleashElements *core.Spell UnleashLife *core.Spell UnleashFlame *core.Spell UnleashFrost *core.Spell UnleashWind *core.Spell MaelstromWeaponAura *core.Aura SearingFlames *core.Spell SearingFlamesMultiplier float64 AncestralAwakening *core.Spell HealingSurge *core.Spell GreaterHealingWave *core.Spell HealingWave *core.Spell ChainHeal *core.Spell Riptide *core.Spell EarthShield *core.Spell VolcanicRegalia4PT12Aura *core.Aura // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Shaman represents a shaman character.
func (*Shaman) AddRaidBuffs ¶
func (*Shaman) ApplyEarthlivingImbueToItem ¶
func (*Shaman) ApplyFlametongueImbue ¶
func (*Shaman) ApplyFlametongueImbueSwap ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (*Shaman) ApplyFlametongueImbueToItem ¶
func (*Shaman) ApplyGlyphs ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyGlyphs()
func (*Shaman) ApplyTalents ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) ApplyTalents()
func (*Shaman) BloodlustActionID ¶
func (*Shaman) FrostbrandDebuffAura ¶
func (*Shaman) GetCharacter ¶
func (*Shaman) GetMentalQuicknessBonus ¶
func (*Shaman) GetOverloadChance ¶
func (*Shaman) HasMajorGlyph ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) HasMajorGlyph(glyph proto.ShamanMajorGlyph) bool
func (*Shaman) HasMinorGlyph ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) HasMinorGlyph(glyph proto.ShamanMinorGlyph) bool
func (*Shaman) HasPrimeGlyph ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) HasPrimeGlyph(glyph proto.ShamanPrimeGlyph) bool
func (*Shaman) Initialize ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) Initialize()
func (*Shaman) NewAPLValue ¶ added in v0.0.126
func (*Shaman) NewEarthElemental ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) NewEarthElemental(bonusSpellPower float64) *EarthElemental
func (*Shaman) NewFireElemental ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) NewFireElemental(bonusSpellPower float64) *FireElemental
func (*Shaman) NewSpiritWolf ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) NewSpiritWolf(index int) *SpiritWolf
func (*Shaman) RegisterEarthlivingImbue ¶
func (*Shaman) RegisterFlametongueImbue ¶
func (*Shaman) RegisterFrostbrandImbue ¶
func (*Shaman) RegisterHealingSpells ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) RegisterHealingSpells()
func (*Shaman) RegisterOnItemSwapWithImbue ¶
func (*Shaman) RegisterWindfuryImbue ¶
func (*Shaman) Reset ¶
func (shaman *Shaman) Reset(sim *core.Simulation)
type ShamanAgent ¶
type ShamanAgent interface { core.Agent // The Shaman controlled by this Agent. GetShaman() *Shaman }
Implemented by each Shaman spec.
type SpiritWolf ¶
func (*SpiritWolf) ExecuteCustomRotation ¶
func (spiritWolf *SpiritWolf) ExecuteCustomRotation(_ *core.Simulation)
func (*SpiritWolf) GetPet ¶
func (spiritWolf *SpiritWolf) GetPet() *core.Pet
func (*SpiritWolf) Initialize ¶
func (spiritWolf *SpiritWolf) Initialize()
func (*SpiritWolf) Reset ¶
func (spiritWolf *SpiritWolf) Reset(sim *core.Simulation)
type SpiritWolves ¶
type SpiritWolves struct { SpiritWolf1 *SpiritWolf SpiritWolf2 *SpiritWolf }
func (*SpiritWolves) CancelGCDTimer ¶
func (SpiritWolves *SpiritWolves) CancelGCDTimer(sim *core.Simulation)
func (*SpiritWolves) EnableWithTimeout ¶
func (SpiritWolves *SpiritWolves) EnableWithTimeout(sim *core.Simulation)
Source Files
- apl_values.go
- bloodlust.go
- chain_lightning.go
- earth_elemental_pet.go
- earth_elemental_totem.go
- earthquake.go
- electric_spell.go
- feral_spirit.go
- fire_elemental_pet.go
- fire_elemental_spells.go
- fire_elemental_totem.go
- fire_totems.go
- firenova.go
- glyphs.go
- items.go
- lavaburst.go
- lightning_bolt.go
- lightning_shield.go
- shaman.go
- shamanistic_rage.go
- shocks.go
- spirit_wolves.go
- stormstrike.go
- talents.go
- totems.go
- unleash_elements.go
- weapon_imbues.go