parsegencode accepts a GENCODE GTF, a genome FASTA and outputs transcriptomic FASTA records to an
output file. It can optionally print gene records, or overlapping exonic regions for every gene
instead. These ranges can also be padded with any number of sequential bases from the input genomic
fasta. Overlapping ranges will be merged into a single range before being printed.
For padded transcripts, an additional possibility of printing junctions separately is provided.
In this case the user must specify the number of bases to retain on the exon side of the junction,
and only overlapping intron padding will be merged.
The output FASTA is in the same format as a GENCODE transcriptome fasta. The output can be filtered
for only coding genes/transcripts.
Build with
go build -o parse_gencode main.go
Run with
./parse_gencode [-outfile /path/to/output.fa]
[-exon_padding INT]
[-separate_junctions | -whole_genes | -collapse_transcripts]
[-retained_exon_bases INT]
/path/to/gencode_annotation.gtf /path/to/hgxx.fa
Required Positional Arguments:
gencode_gtf STRING :: Gencode gtf file.
genome_fasta STRING :: Genomic fasta corresponding to the gencode annotation.
Optional Arguments:
-exon_padding INT :: Residues to pad exons by. (default 0, minimum 0)
-coding_only :: Print only transcripts with coding biotypes.
-outfile STRING :: Path to an output file. (default <genome_fasta>_parsed.fa
Mutually Exclusive Flags:
-separate_junctions :: Print the regular transcript and then add the junctions to the
end of the sequence (separated by |'s. This is recommended if
using the output fasta for fusion calling to account for
-whole_genes :: Print out the gene records from start to end instead of
printing individual transcripts. (-exon_padding will pad
-collapse_transcripts :: Print out all overlapping exonic regions (+<exon_padding>)
identified for every gene (separated by |'s').
-retained_exon_bases INT :: If -separate_junctions is specified, how much of the exon
should be retained? (default 18, minimum 1)
Example Usage
We can obtain 3 basic types of outputs from parsegencode. Each output can be either padded or not.
Output fastas are always stored to `/path/to/genome_fasta_parsed.fa` if the input fasta was
`/path/to/genome_fasta.fa`. An outfile can be specified with `-outfile /path/to/output_fasta.fa`
For each case below. Assume each '-' and '=' correspond to 1 base pair in an intron and exon
respectively. '+' and '#' represent the same on a different transcript.
CASE 1: A standard transcriptome fasta where every record is a concatenation of all exons in a
single transcript.
UNPADDED: This will output a gencode transcriptome fasta
`./parse_gencode -gencode_gtf /path/to/gencode_gtf -genome_fasta /path/to/genome_fasta`
input region : ------======------======---======-------
retained regions : ====== ====== ======
output sequence : ==================
PADDED: This will output a '|'-separated list of exon sequences that are each padded with
the specified number of intron bases. Overlapping ranges are merged. This retains
exon-intron junction information and may have some use to someone.
`./parse_gencode -gencode_gtf /path/to/gencode_gtf -genome_fasta /path/to/genome_fasta \
-exon_padding 2`
input region : ------======------======---======-------
retained regions : --======-- --======--
output sequence : --======--|--======---======--
PADDED WITH SEPARATE JUNCTIONS: A special case of padded exons that outputs the standard
transcriptome followed by a '|'-separated list of junctions
containing a specified number of exons and introns at each
`./parse_gencode -gencode_gtf /path/to/gencode_gtf -genome_fasta /path/to/genome_fasta \
-exon_padding 2 -separate_junctions -retained_exon_bases 1`
input region : ------======------======---======-------
retained regions : --======-- --======--
output sequence : ==================|--=|=--|--=|=---=|=--
CASE 2: A per-gene transcriptome fasta where all overlapping coding regions across all transcripts
for every gene are merged and the resulting regions are printed in a single '|'-separated
`./parse_gencode -gencode_gtf /path/to/gencode_gtf -genome_fasta /path/to/genome_fasta \
input regions : -------======------======---======-------------
retained regions : ====== ====== ======
###### ###### ######
output sequence : #=====|=====|=====|######
`./parse_gencode -gencode_gtf /path/to/gencode_gtf -genome_fasta /path/to/genome_fasta \
-collapse_transcripts -exon_padding 2`
input regions : -------======------======---======-------------
retained regions : ====== ====== ======
###### ###### ######
=> --#======-- --======---======-- --######--
output sequence : --#======--|--======---======--|--######--
CASE 3: Just the Gene sequence from beginning to end.
`./parse_gencode -gencode_gtf /path/to/gencode_gtf -genome_fasta /path/to/genome_fasta \
input regions : -------======------======---======-------------
retained regions : ======------======---======
output sequence : ######++++++++++++++++######+++++######
`./parse_gencode -gencode_gtf /path/to/gencode_gtf -genome_fasta /path/to/genome_fasta \
-whole_genes -exon_padding 2`
input regions : -------======------======---======-------------
retained regions : --======------======---======--
output sequence : ++######++++++++++++++++######+++++######++
Package parsegencode contains the required methods for parsing a gencode GTF
annotation and printing out the transcripts to an output file. It has the
added functionality of allowing the user to pad introns by a specified number
of base pairs.
PrintCollapsedTranscripts will print all exons (with or without padding) for gene records to an
output file given a map of fasta records and a map of gencode genes. Overlapping exons will be
collapsed into single entries.