对Kafka client 开源库 Shopify/sarama ,本身兼容kraft mode(kafka version 2.8.0+); 进行单独封装,提供单一功能接口
Authentication Options:
type AuthOptions struct {
// security-protocol: SSL (broker service config default PLAINTEXT, need
enableSSL bool
certFile string // the optional certificate file for client authentication
keyFile string // the optional key file for client authentication
caFile string // the optional certificate authority file for TLS client authentication
verifySSL bool // the optional verify ssl certificates chain
//SASL: PLAINTEXT(Kafka, SCRAM(kafka dynamic add user), OAUTHBEARER(Kafka2.0.0+,JWT)
enableSASL bool
authentication string // PLAINTEXT,SCRAM,OAUTHBEARER,if enableSASL true,default SCRAM
saslUser string // The SASL username
saslPassword string // The SASL password
scramAlgorithm string // The SASL SCRAM SHA algorithm sha256 or sha512 as mechanism
Consumer Options:
type ConsumerGroupOptions struct {
version string // kafka version
brokerList []string // kafka broker ip:port list
topicList []string // subscribe topic list
groupId string // consumer groupId
reBalanceStrategy string // consumer group partition assignment strategy (range, roundrobin, sticky)
initialOffset string // initial offset to consumer (oldest, newest)
Consumer Group:
// user just defined open consumer group option, init consumer conf to new ConsumerGroup
func NewConsumerGroup(name string, msg IConsumerMsg, authOpts []auth.Option, options ...Option) (consumer *ConsumerGroup, err error) {
// start with ctx to cancel
func (consumer *ConsumerGroup) Start()
func (consumer *ConsumerGroup) StartWithTimeOut(timeout time.Duration)
func (consumer *ConsumerGroup) StartWithDeadline(time time.Time)
// cancel to close consumer group client
func (consumer *ConsumerGroup) Close()
// user instance interface to do(ConsumerMessage)
type IConsumerMsg interface {
Consumer(msg *sarama.ConsumerMessage) error
Producer Options:
type ProducerOptions struct {
version string // kafka version
clientID string // The client ID sent with every request to the brokers.
brokerList []string // broker list
partitioning string // key {partition}(manual),hash,random
requiredAcks int // required ack
timeOut time.Duration // The duration the producer will wait to receive -required-acks
retryMaxCn int // retry max cn (default: 3)
compression string // msg compression(gzip,snappy,lz4,zstd)
maxOpenRequests int // The maximum number of unacknowledged requests the client will send on a single connection before blocking (default: 5)
maxMessageBytes int // The max permitted size of a message (default: 1000000)
channelBufferSize int // The number of events to buffer in internal and external channels.
// flush batches
flushFrequencyMs int // The best-effort frequency of flushes
flushBytes int // The best-effort number of bytes needed to trigger a flush.
flushMessages int // The best-effort number of messages needed to trigger a flush.
flushMaxMessages int // The maximum number of messages the producer will send in a single request.
// new sync/async producer to topic with option(requiredAcks,retryMaxCn,partitioning,compressions,TLS ...etc)
func NewProducer(topic string, pType string, authOpts []auth.Option, options ...Option) (p *Producer)
// send string msg no key
func (p *Producer) Send(val string)
// send string msg by string key
func (p *Producer) SendByKey(key, val string)
// close sync/async producer
func (p *Producer) Close()
具体操作见example test
Kafka 拓扑结构
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