

Versions in this module

Sep 10, 2024
Aug 16, 2024
Aug 16, 2024
Aug 12, 2024
Jul 22, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Changes in this version
type ClusterCryptoConfigInfo
type ClusterEnterMaintenanceModeRequestType
type ComputeResourceConfigSpec
type CryptoManagerHostKeyStatus
type CustomizationLinuxPrep
type DesiredSoftwareSpec
type EventFilterSpec
type FaultToleranceConfigSpec
type HostActiveDirectorySpec
type HostConfigInfo
type HostCpuPackage
type HostGraphicsConfigDeviceType
type HostGraphicsInfo
type HostMemoryTierInfo
type HostPciDevice
type HostProtocolEndpoint
type HostScsiDisk
type HostSystemInfo
type HostVvolVolume
type HostVvolVolumeSpecification
type InstallIoFilterRequestType
type RemoveAllSnapshotsRequestType
type ScsiLun
type SetCryptoModeRequestType
type UpgradeIoFilterRequestType
type VMwareDvsDpuCapability
type VasaProviderContainerSpec
type VirtualMachineConfigInfo
type VslmMigrateSpec
Jun 5, 2024
May 9, 2024
Apr 18, 2024
Apr 12, 2024
Apr 2, 2024
Mar 27, 2024
Mar 12, 2024
Mar 7, 2024
Changes in this version
Feb 12, 2024
Jan 8, 2024
Dec 19, 2023
Dec 12, 2023
Oct 30, 2023
Oct 25, 2023
Sep 28, 2023
Sep 25, 2023
Changes in this version
type ClusterSystemVMsConfigInfo
type ClusterSystemVMsConfigSpec
type CustomizationIdentification
type ExtensionServerInfo
type GenerateCertificateSigningRequestByDnRequestType
type GenerateCertificateSigningRequestRequestType
type GenerateClientCsrRequestType
type GenerateKeyRequestType
type GenerateSelfSignedClientCertRequestType
type GuestInfo
type HostBIOSInfo
type HostCertificateManagerCertificateInfo
type HostRegisterDiskRequestType
type ManagedObjectReference
type VStorageObjectConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineCapability
type VirtualMachineConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigSpec
type VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo
type VirtualMachineVgpuProfileInfo
type VirtualNVMEController
type VirtualNVMEControllerOption
Aug 4, 2023
Jul 17, 2023
Jun 27, 2023
Mar 16, 2023
Mar 16, 2023
Feb 1, 2023
Jan 27, 2023
Dec 12, 2022
Changes in this version
type ClusterClusterInitialPlacementAction
Jul 6, 2022
Changes in this version
type Capability
type ComputeResourceConfigSpec
type DistributedVirtualSwitchHostMemberConfigInfo
type HostHardwareInfo
type HostHardwareStatusInfo
type HostMountInfo
type HostNumaNode
type HostNumericSensorInfo
type HostRetrieveVStorageObjectRequestType
type HostVStorageObjectCreateDiskFromSnapshotRequestType
type HostVirtualNicSpec
type HostVvolVolume
type ReplicationConfigSpec
type RetrieveVStorageObjectRequestType
type SessionManagerGenericServiceTicket
type VMwareDVSConfigInfo
type VMwareDVSConfigSpec
type VMwareDVSFeatureCapability
type VirtualDeviceConfigSpec
type VirtualDeviceOption
type VirtualMachineCloneSpec
type VirtualMachineDeviceRuntimeInfoVirtualEthernetCardRuntimeState
type VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo
type VirtualMachineSgxInfo
type VirtualMachineSgxTargetInfo
type VirtualPCIPassthroughVmiopBackingInfo
type VirtualSriovEthernetCard
type VirtualVmxnet3
type VirtualVmxnet3Option
type VmfsConfigOption
type VsanClusterConfigInfo
type VsanHostConfigInfo
Jan 27, 2023
Apr 27, 2022
Jun 2, 2022
Feb 11, 2022
Feb 2, 2022
Nov 23, 2021
Oct 20, 2021
Oct 14, 2021
Changes in this version
type ClusterComputeResourceVcsSlots
type ClusterConfigInfoEx
type ClusterConfigSpecEx
type HostNvmeDiscoverSpec
type HostSystemInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigSpec
type VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator
Mar 22, 2022
Aug 12, 2021
Jun 3, 2021
Changes in this version
type AboutInfo
type Capability
type ClusterDasAdmissionControlPolicy
type ClusterFailoverResourcesAdmissionControlInfo
type ClusterFailoverResourcesAdmissionControlPolicy
type ComputeResourceConfigInfo
type ComputeResourceConfigSpec
type CreateDirectoryRequestType
type DatacenterConfigInfo
type DatacenterConfigSpec
type HostNetworkConfig
type HostPciPassthruConfig
type HostPciPassthruInfo
type HostRuntimeInfo
type KmipClusterInfo
type SessionManagerGenericServiceTicket
type VMwareDVSFeatureCapability
type VMwareDvsLacpCapability
type VMwareDvsLacpGroupConfig
type VirtualMachineConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigSpec
type VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo
type VirtualNVDIMM
type VirtualPCIPassthroughVmiopBackingInfo
Apr 16, 2021
Oct 14, 2021
Mar 15, 2021
Dec 21, 2020
Changes in this version
type CheckConfigureEvcModeRequestType
type ClusterComputeResourceVCProfile
type ConfigTarget
type ConfigureEvcModeRequestType
type CryptoKeyResult
type HostHardwareInfo
type HostNetCapabilities
type ManagedObjectReference
type RemoveInternetScsiSendTargetsRequestType
type ToolsConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineCapability
type VirtualMachineConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigSpec
Jul 2, 2020
Jun 12, 2020
Changes in this version
type AlarmState
type BaseConfigInfoFileBackingInfo
type ClusterComputeResourceSummary
type ClusterConfigInfoEx
type ClusterConfigSpecEx
type ClusterDrsConfigInfo
type ComputeResourceConfigSpec
type CryptoManagerKmipClusterStatus
type CustomizationFailed
type CustomizationLinuxPrep
type DatastoreCapability
type DistributedVirtualPort
type DistributedVirtualPortgroupInfo
type DistributedVirtualSwitchPortCriteria
type GuestInfo
type GuestOsDescriptor
type HostDateTimeInfo
type HostHardwareInfo
type HostHostBusAdapter
type HostMaintenanceSpec
type HostMemberRuntimeInfo
type HostPciPassthruConfig
type HostStorageDeviceInfo
type HostVirtualNicSpec
type NetworkProfile
type PhysicalNicSpec
type ResourceConfigSpec
type ResourcePoolRuntimeInfo
type VMwareDVSFeatureCapability
type VMwareDVSPortSetting
type VVolVmConfigFileUpdateResultFailedVmConfigFileInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigSummary
type VirtualMachineGuestSummary
type VirtualMachineQuickStats
type VirtualMachineRelocateSpec
type VirtualMachineRelocateSpecDiskLocator
type VirtualMachineTicket
type VslmCreateSpec
type VslmMigrateSpec
Feb 13, 2020
Jan 14, 2020
Jan 10, 2020
Jul 24, 2019
Changes in this version
type Capability
type ClusterConfigSpecEx
type DatastoreInfo
type NvdimmSystemInfo
type ScsiLun
type VMwareDVSPortgroupPolicy
type VslmCloneSpec
type VslmCreateSpec
Oct 8, 2019
Jul 3, 2019
May 20, 2019
Feb 7, 2019
Sep 30, 2018
May 24, 2018
Changes in this version
type ApplyProfile
type Capability
type ClusterResourceUsageSummary
type DVSFeatureCapability
type DVSNetworkResourceManagementCapability
type DatastoreCapability
type HostConfigManager
type HostDnsConfig
type HostListSummaryQuickStats
type HostNumaNode
type HostSubSpecification
type HostSystemInfo
type HostTpmEventDetails
type HostVirtualNicConnection
type HttpNfcLeaseManifestEntry
type NetworkProfile
type PhysicalNicSpec
type ProfilePropertyPath
type ProfileUpdateFailed
type StorageDrsVmConfigInfo
type VMwareDVSPortSetting
type VMwareDVSVspanCapability
type VMwareVspanSession
type VimVasaProvider
type VirtualDeviceConnectInfo
type VirtualDiskRawDiskMappingVer1BackingInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigOption
type VirtualMachineConfigSpec
type VirtualMachineConfigSummary
type VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec
type VirtualMachineDeviceRuntimeInfoVirtualEthernetCardRuntimeState
type VirtualMachineFlagInfo
type VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo
type VirtualPCIControllerOption
type VirtualVmxnet3Vrdma
type VirtualVmxnet3VrdmaOption
type VslmCloneSpec
type VslmCreateSpecBackingSpec
Mar 19, 2018
Feb 28, 2018
Nov 8, 2017
Jun 19, 2017
Apr 8, 2017
Mar 2, 2017
Dec 19, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
Changes in this version
type AccountUpdatedEvent
type AlarmReconfiguredEvent
type ClusterDasAdmissionControlPolicy
type ClusterDasVmSettings
type ClusterFailoverHostAdmissionControlPolicy
type ClusterFailoverResourcesAdmissionControlPolicy
type ClusterIoFilterInfo
type ClusterReconfiguredEvent
type CustomFieldValueChangedEvent
type DVPortgroupConfigInfo
type DVPortgroupReconfiguredEvent
type DatastoreFileEvent
type DistributedVirtualSwitchPortCriteria
type DistributedVirtualSwitchPortStatistics
type DvsPortBlockedEvent
type DvsPortReconfiguredEvent
type DvsPortUnblockedEvent
type DvsReconfiguredEvent
type EventFilterSpec
type FileBackedVirtualDiskSpec
type FileInfo
type GlobalMessageChangedEvent
type GuestInfo
type HostConfigManager
type HostConfigSpec
type HostMonitoringStateChangedEvent
type HostNumericSensorInfo
type HostOpaqueSwitch
type HostProfileCompleteConfigSpec
type HostProfileConfigInfo
type HostScsiDisk
type HostVirtualNicSpec
type HostVnicConnectedToCustomizedDVPortEvent
type InvalidProfileReferenceHost
type IoFilterInfo
type LocalDatastoreCreatedEvent
type NASDatastoreCreatedEvent
type PermissionUpdatedEvent
type ProfileParameterMetadata
type ProfileReferenceHostChangedEvent
type ResourcePoolReconfiguredEvent
type ScheduledTaskReconfiguredEvent
type VMFSDatastoreCreatedEvent
type VMwareDVSVspanCapability
type VirtualDeviceConfigSpec
type VirtualDisk
type VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo
type VirtualDiskSeSparseBackingInfo
type VirtualDiskSparseVer2BackingInfo
type VirtualMachineBootOptions
type VirtualMachineCapability
type VirtualMachineCdromInfo
type VirtualMachineConfigSpec
type VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec
type VirtualMachineFlagInfo
type VirtualMachineForkConfigInfo
type VirtualMachineNetworkInfo
type VirtualMachineSriovInfo
type VirtualPCIControllerOption
type VmConfigFileInfo
type VmConfigFileQueryFilter
type VmConfigFileQueryFlags
type VmDiskFileInfo
type VmDiskFileQueryFilter
type VmDiskFileQueryFlags
type VmHealthMonitoringStateChangedEvent
type VmReconfiguredEvent
type VmResourceReallocatedEvent
Nov 16, 2016
Nov 8, 2016
Nov 2, 2016
Oct 27, 2016
Oct 25, 2016
Oct 20, 2016
Sep 9, 2016
Jun 30, 2016
Jun 3, 2016
Jun 3, 2016
May 12, 2016
Apr 30, 2016
Apr 30, 2016
Mar 31, 2016
Feb 26, 2016
Jan 15, 2016
Sep 16, 2015
Changes in this version

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