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Published: Jun 26, 2023 License: Apache-2.0


== kn vsphere Plugin

`kn vsphere` manages VMware vSphere sources and bindings.

=== Description

// A longer description which also describes the use cases that this plugin solves.

With this plugin, you can create Knative compatible Event Sources for vSphere events,
and Bindings to easily access the vSphere API.

See the `kn` plugins
https://github.com/knative/client/tree/8b8b56581c63901b8a73734f002d6f372ed83819/docs/plugins[page] for
details on plugin installation and discovery.

=== Usage

// This is the reference section explaining all options.
// This should start to contain the help message in a preformatted block
// and then all commands individually

// Note that the command should print out the format used when called via `kn`, not directly
// so, it's "kn hello [command]", not "kn-hello [command]"
Knative plugin to create Knative compatible Event Sources for VMware vSphere events,
and Bindings to access the vSphere API

  kn vsphere [command]

Available Commands:
  auth        Manage vSphere credentials
  binding     Manage vSphere API bindings
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  source      Manage vSphere Event Sources
  version     Prints the plugin version

  -h, --help   help for kn-vsphere

Use "kn vsphere [command] --help" for more information about a command.


==== `kn vsphere auth`

Manage vSphere credentials

  kn vsphere auth [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create vSphere credentials
  delete      Delete vSphere credentials

  -h, --help               help for auth
  -n, --namespace string   namespace to use (default namespace if omitted)

Use "kn vsphere auth [command] --help" for more information about a command.


==== `kn vsphere binding`

Manage vSphere API bindings

  kn vsphere binding [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a vSphere binding to call into the vSphere API
  delete      Delete a vSphere binding
  list        List vSphere bindings

  -h, --help               help for binding
  -n, --namespace string   namespace to use (default namespace if omitted)

Use "kn vsphere binding [command] --help" for more information about a command.


==== `kn vsphere source`

Manage vSphere Event Sources

  kn vsphere source [command]

Available Commands:
  create      Create a vSphere source to react to vSphere events
  delete      Delete a vSphere source
  list        List vSphere sources

  -h, --help               help for source
  -n, --namespace string   namespace to use (default namespace if omitted)

Use "kn vsphere source [command] --help" for more information about a command.


==== `kn vsphere version`

This command prints out the version of this plugin and all extra information which might help, for example when creating bug reports.

Prints the plugin version

  kn vsphere version [flags]

  -h, --help   help for version

=== Examples

==== Authenticating with vSphere

In order to connect to the vSphere event stream, the controller uses vSphere credentials which are created as a
`secret` in Kubernetes.

.Example create login credentials in the default namespace
$ kn vsphere auth create --username jane-doe --password s3cr3t --name vsphere-credentials

This will create a Secret `vsphere-credentials` in the `default` namespace that can be referred by a `VSphereSource`
or a `VSphereBinding`.

.Example create login credentials in the default namespace, verify the credentials and skip TLS errors, before creating the secret
$ kn vsphere auth create --username jane-doe --password s3cr3t --name vsphere-credentials --verify-url https://myvc.corp.local --verify-insecure

This will create a Secret `vsphere-credentials` in the `default` namespace that can be referred by a `VSphereSource`
or a `VSphereBinding`.

==== Create a basic VSphereSource

.Example Source creation in the default namespace
$ kn vsphere source create --name vc-01-source --vc-address https://vc-01.local --skip-tls-verify --secret-ref
vsphere-credentials --sink-uri http://where.to.send.stuff
This will create a `VSphereSource` named `vc-01-source` with the specified credentials to connect to vSphere and send vSphere events to
the specified URI.

==== Create a basic VSphereBinding

.Example Binding creation in the default namespace
$ kn vsphere binding create --name vc-01-binding --vc-address https://vc-01.local --skip-tls-verify --secret-ref
vsphere-credentials --subject-api-version app/v1 --subject-kind Deployment --subject-name my-simple-app

==== Print out the version of this plugin

The `kn vsphere version` command helps you to identify the version of this plugin.

.Example version output
$ kn vsphere version

Version:      v0.27-next
Build Date:   2021-12-13T14:19:52Z
Git Revision: b55382f40ad1c7693e3a3a8593960d0624e45e0d


As you can see it prints out the version (or a generated timestamp when this plugin is built from a non-released commit),
the date when the plugin has been built and the actual Git revision.

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