Signing and verifying JWT token with custom RSA key
Generating RSA key: `
# Created Private key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f key.pem -m pem or openssl genpkey -out private.txt -outform PEM -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
# Created public key with:
openssl pkey -inform PEM -outform PEM -in private.txt -pubout -out public.txt
Secure rsa.json with scy client (use one of the supported security store)
scy -m=secure -s=public.txt -d=public.scy -t=raw -k=blowfish://default ## on prod, use secure store instead of local fs
scy -m=secure -s=private.txt -d=private.scy -t=raw -k=blowfish://default ## on prod, use secure store instead of local fs
Use scy destination in Key config, with source and key