Deploy Security Advisor Pipeline
The IBM Security Advisor pipeline extracts flow data from skydive, filters out
external traffic, transforms flow records by adding status information, and
flow classification (egress, ingress, internal), batches flows records together
into streams (by time or count), then encodes these blocks in JSON form, and
compresses using GZIP and finally stores as objects into any S3 compatible
Deploy Skydive
Follow instructions on to install prerequisites and prepare your machine to build the skydive code.
Build and run skydive:
make static
sudo $(which skydive) allineone -c etc/skydive.yml.default
Setup Minio
For running tests on a local machine, setup a local Minio object store.
First run the minio server:
chmod +x minio
mkdir /tmp/data
export MINIO_VOLUMES="/var/lib/minio"
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=user
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=password
./minio server /tmp/data
Next create the bucket (as destination location for flows):
chmod +x mc
./mc config host add local http://localhost:9000 user password /var/lib/minio --api S3v4
./mc rm --recursive --force local/bucket
./mc rb --force local/bucket
./mc mb --ignore-existing local/bucket
Deploy the Pipeline
Build and run the pipeline in the secadvisor directory:
cd contrib/pipelines/secadvisor
make static
./secadvisor secadvisor.yml.default
Create Capture
Setup capture on every interface:
skydive client capture create \
--gremlin "G.V().Has('Type', 'device', 'Name', 'eth0')" \
--type pcap \
-c etc/skydive.yml.default
Inject Traffic
skydive client inject-packet create --count 1000 --type tcp4 \
--src "G.V().Has('Type', 'device', 'Name', 'eth0')" \
--dst "G.V().Has('Type', 'device', 'Name', 'eth0')" \
-c etc/skydive.yml.default
Verify Operation
Wait for 60 seconds and then check that we have object accumulate in the bucket
as a result of the operation.
./mc ls --recursive local/bucket