Overview ¶
Package ups implements the Upschain protocol.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateConsensusEngine(ctx *node.ServiceContext, config *ethash.Config, db upsdb.Database) consensus.Engine
- func CreateDB(ctx *node.ServiceContext, config *Config, name string) (upsdb.Database, error)
- func NewBloomIndexer(db upsdb.Database, size, confirms uint64) *core.ChainIndexer
- type AgentNetworkProxy
- type AgentWork
- type Backend
- type BadBlockArgs
- type BlockHeadersData
- type BloomIndexer
- type Config
- type LesServer
- type NodeInfo
- type PbftAgent
- func (agent *PbftAgent) AcquireCommitteeAuth(fastHeight *big.Int) bool
- func (agent *PbftAgent) AddRemoteNodeInfo(cryNodeInfo *types.EncryptNodeMessage) error
- func (agent *PbftAgent) BroadcastConsensus(fb *types.Block) error
- func (agent *PbftAgent) ChangeCommitteeLeader(height *big.Int) bool
- func (agent *PbftAgent) CommitteeNumber() uint64
- func (agent *PbftAgent) FetchFastBlock(committeeID *big.Int, infos []*types.CommitteeMember) (*types.Block, error)
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GenerateSign(fb *types.Block) (*types.PbftSign, error)
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GenerateSignWithVote(fb *types.Block, vote uint32, result bool) (*types.PbftSign, error)
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetAlternativeCommittee() []string
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetCommitteeNumber(blockHeight *big.Int) int32
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetCommitteeStatus() map[string]interface{}
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetCurrentCommittee() []string
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetCurrentHeight() *big.Int
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetFastLastProposer() common.Address
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetNodeInfoByHash(nodeInfoHash common.Hash) (*types.EncryptNodeMessage, bool)
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetPrivateKey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey
- func (agent *PbftAgent) GetSeedMember() []*types.CommitteeMember
- func (agent *PbftAgent) IsCommitteeMember() bool
- func (agent *PbftAgent) IsLeader() bool
- func (agent *PbftAgent) IsUsedOrUnusedMember(committeeInfo *types.CommitteeInfo, publickey []byte) bool
- func (agent *PbftAgent) MarkBroadcastNodeTag(cryptoNodeInfo *types.EncryptNodeMessage)
- func (agent *PbftAgent) MarkNodeInfo(encryptNode *types.EncryptNodeMessage, nodeTagHash common.Hash)
- func (agent *PbftAgent) MarkNodeTag(nodeTag common.Hash, timestamp *big.Int)
- func (agent *PbftAgent) Start()
- func (agent *PbftAgent) SubscribeNewPbftSignEvent(ch chan<- types.PbftSignEvent) event.Subscription
- func (agent *PbftAgent) SubscribeNodeInfoEvent(ch chan<- types.NodeInfoEvent) event.Subscription
- func (agent *PbftAgent) VerifyCommitteeSign(sign *types.PbftSign) bool
- func (agent *PbftAgent) VerifyFastBlock(fb *types.Block, result bool) (*types.PbftSign, error)
- type PeerInfo
- type PrivateAdminAPI
- type PrivateDebugAPI
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) GetBadBlocks(ctx context.Context) ([]*BadBlockArgs, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) GetModifiedAccountsByHash(startHash common.Hash, endHash *common.Hash) ([]common.Address, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) GetModifiedAccountsByNumber(startNum uint64, endNum *uint64) ([]common.Address, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) Preimage(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (hexutil.Bytes, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) StorageRangeAt(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, txIndex int, ...) (StorageRangeResult, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlock(ctx context.Context, blob []byte, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockFromFile(ctx context.Context, file string, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceChain(ctx context.Context, start, end rpc.BlockNumber, config *TraceConfig) (*rpc.Subscription, error)
- func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceTransaction(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, config *TraceConfig) (interface{}, error)
- type ProtocolManager
- func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool)
- func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastFastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool)
- func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastPbNodeInfo(nodeInfo *types.EncryptNodeMessage)
- func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastTransactions(txs types.Transactions, propagate bool)
- func (pm *ProtocolManager) NodeInfo() *NodeInfo
- func (pm *ProtocolManager) Start(maxPeers int)
- func (pm *ProtocolManager) Stop()
- type PublicDebugAPI
- type PublicTruechainAPI
- func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) ChainId() hexutil.Uint64
- func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) CommitteeBase() common.Address
- func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) CommitteeNumber() uint64
- func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) GetCurrentState() map[string]interface{}
- func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) IsCommitteeMember() bool
- func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) Pubkey() string
- type StorageRangeResult
- type TraceConfig
- type TrueAPIBackend
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) AccountManager() *accounts.Manager
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Block, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) BloomStatus() (uint64, uint64)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ChainDb() upsdb.Database
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) CurrentBlock() *types.Block
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) EventMux() *event.TypeMux
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetBlock(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Block, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetChainRewardContent(blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) *types.ChainReward
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetCommittee(number rpc.BlockNumber) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetCurrentCommitteeNumber() *big.Int
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetEVM(ctx context.Context, msg core.Message, state *state.StateDB, ...) (*vm.EVM, func() error, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) ([][]*types.Log, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolNonce(ctx context.Context, addr common.Address) (uint64, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolTransaction(hash common.Hash) *types.Transaction
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolTransactions() (types.Transactions, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (types.Receipts, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetStateChangeByFastNumber(fastNumber rpc.BlockNumber) *types.BlockBalance
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Header, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ProtocolVersion() int
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SendTx(ctx context.Context, signedTx *types.Transaction) error
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ServiceFilter(ctx context.Context, session *bloombits.MatcherSession)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SetHead(number uint64)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) Stats() (pending int, queued int)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- types.FastChainEvent) event.Subscription
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- types.FastChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- types.FastChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeNewTxsEvent(ch chan<- types.NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- types.RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SuggestPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
- func (b *TrueAPIBackend) TxPoolContent() (map[common.Address]types.Transactions, map[common.Address]types.Transactions)
- type ULCConfig
- type Upschain
- func (s *Upschain) APIs() []rpc.API
- func (s *Upschain) AccountManager() *accounts.Manager
- func (s *Upschain) AddLesServer(ls LesServer)
- func (s *Upschain) ArchiveMode() bool
- func (s *Upschain) BlockChain() *core.BlockChain
- func (s *Upschain) ChainDb() upsdb.Database
- func (s *Upschain) Config() *Config
- func (s *Upschain) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
- func (s *Upschain) Engine() consensus.Engine
- func (s *Upschain) EthVersion() int
- func (s *Upschain) EventMux() *event.TypeMux
- func (s *Upschain) IsListening() bool
- func (s *Upschain) NetVersion() uint64
- func (s *Upschain) PbftAgent() *PbftAgent
- func (s *Upschain) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol
- func (s *Upschain) ResetWithFastGenesisBlock(gb *types.Block)
- func (s *Upschain) ResetWithGenesisBlock(gb *types.Block)
- func (s *Upschain) Start(srvr *p2p.Server) error
- func (s *Upschain) Stop() error
- func (s *Upschain) Synced() bool
- func (s *Upschain) TxPool() *core.TxPool
Constants ¶
const ( StatusMsg = 0x00 NewBlockHashesMsg = 0x01 TransactionMsg = 0x02 GetBlockHeadersMsg = 0x03 BlockHeadersMsg = 0x04 GetBlockBodiesMsg = 0x05 BlockBodiesMsg = 0x06 NewBlockMsg = 0x07 GetNodeDataMsg = 0x0d NodeDataMsg = 0x0e GetReceiptsMsg = 0x0f ReceiptsMsg = 0x10 // New protocol message codes introduced in eth65 // // Previously these message ids were used by some legacy and unsupported // eth protocols, reown them here. NewPooledTransactionHashesMsg = 0x08 GetPooledTransactionsMsg = 0x09 PooledTransactionsMsg = 0x0a // Protocol messages belonging to yue/63 TbftNodeInfoMsg = 0x14 TbftNodeInfoHashMsg = 0x15 GetTbftNodeInfoMsg = 0x16 )
ups protocol message codes
const ( ErrMsgTooLarge = iota ErrDecode ErrInvalidMsgCode ErrProtocolVersionMismatch ErrNetworkIDMismatch ErrGenesisMismatch ErrForkIDRejected ErrNoStatusMsg ErrExtraStatusMsg ErrCamsg )
const DefaultULCMinTrustedFraction = 75
const ProtocolMaxMsgSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // Maximum cap on the size of a protocol message
Variables ¶
var DefaultConfig = Config{ SyncMode: downloader.FullSync, NodeType: false, NetworkId: 19330, DatabaseCache: 768, TrieCache: 256, TrieTimeout: 60 * time.Minute, MinervaMode: 0, GasPrice: big.NewInt(1 * params.Babbage), MinerGasFloor: 12000000, MinerGasCeil: 16000000, TxPool: core.DefaultTxPoolConfig, GPO: gasprice.Config{ Blocks: 20, Percentile: 60, }, Port: 30310, StandbyPort: 30311, }
DefaultConfig contains default settings for use on the Upschain main net.
var ProtocolLengths = map[uint]uint64{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
protocolLengths are the number of implemented message corresponding to different protocol versions.
var ProtocolName = "ups"
ProtocolName is the official short name of the protocol used during capability negotiation.
var ProtocolVersions = []uint{eth65, eth64, eth63}
ProtocolVersions are the supported versions of the eth protocol (first is primary).
Functions ¶
func CreateConsensusEngine ¶
func CreateConsensusEngine(ctx *node.ServiceContext, config *ethash.Config, db upsdb.Database) consensus.Engine
CreateConsensusEngine creates the required type of consensus engine instance for an Upschain service
func NewBloomIndexer ¶
func NewBloomIndexer(db upsdb.Database, size, confirms uint64) *core.ChainIndexer
NewBloomIndexer returns a chain indexer that generates bloom bits data for the canonical chain for fast logs filtering.
Types ¶
type AgentNetworkProxy ¶
type AgentNetworkProxy interface { // SubscribeNewPbftSignEvent should return an event subscription of // PbftSignEvent and send events to the given channel. SubscribeNewPbftSignEvent(chan<- types.PbftSignEvent) event.Subscription // SubscribeNodeInfoEvent should return an event subscription of // NodeInfoEvent and send events to the given channel. SubscribeNodeInfoEvent(chan<- types.NodeInfoEvent) event.Subscription // AddRemoteNodeInfo should add the given NodeInfo to the pbft agent. AddRemoteNodeInfo(*types.EncryptNodeMessage) error //GetNodeInfoByHash get crypto nodeInfo by hash GetNodeInfoByHash(nodeInfoHash common.Hash) (*types.EncryptNodeMessage, bool) }
type AgentWork ¶
type AgentWork struct { Block *types.Block // the new block // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AgentWork is the leader current environment and holds all of the current state information
type Backend ¶
type Backend interface { BlockChain() *core.BlockChain TxPool() *core.TxPool Config() *Config }
Backend wraps all methods required for pbft_agent
type BadBlockArgs ¶
type BadBlockArgs struct { Hash common.Hash `json:"hash"` Block map[string]interface{} `json:"block"` RLP string `json:"rlp"` }
BadBlockArgs represents the entries in the list returned when bad blocks are queried.
type BlockHeadersData ¶
type BlockHeadersData struct { Headers []*types.Header Call uint32 // Distinguish fetcher and downloader }
BlockHeadersData represents a block header send.
type BloomIndexer ¶
type BloomIndexer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BloomIndexer implements a core.ChainIndexer, building up a rotated bloom bits index for the Upschain header bloom filters, permitting blazing fast filtering.
func (*BloomIndexer) Commit ¶
func (b *BloomIndexer) Commit() error
Commit implements core.ChainIndexerBackend, finalizing the bloom section and writing it out into the database.
func (*BloomIndexer) Process ¶
func (b *BloomIndexer) Process(header *types.Header)
Process implements core.ChainIndexerBackend, adding a new header's bloom into the index.
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // The genesis block, which is inserted if the database is empty. // If nil, the Upschain main net block is used. Genesis *core.Genesis // Protocol options NetworkId uint64 // Network ID to use for selecting peers to connect to SyncMode downloader.SyncMode NoPruning bool DeletedState bool // Whitelist of required block number -> hash values to accept Whitelist map[uint64]common.Hash `toml:"-"` // GasPrice used for estimate gas GasPrice *big.Int `toml:",omitempty"` // CommitteeKey is the ECDSA private key for committee member. // If this filed is empty, can't be a committee member. CommitteeKey []byte `toml:",omitempty"` CommitteeBase common.Address PrivateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey `toml:"-"` // Host is the host interface on which to start the pbft server. If this // field is empty, can't be a committee member. Host string `toml:",omitempty"` // Port is the TCP port number on which to start the pbft server. Port int `toml:",omitempty"` // StandByPort is the TCP port number on which to start the pbft server. StandbyPort int `toml:",omitempty"` // Database options SkipBcVersionCheck bool `toml:"-"` DatabaseHandles int `toml:"-"` DatabaseCache int TrieCache int TrieTimeout time.Duration // ModeNormal(0) for Minerva MinervaMode int MinerGasCeil uint64 MinerGasFloor uint64 // Transaction pool options TxPool core.TxPoolConfig // Gas Price Oracle options GPO gasprice.Config // Enables tracking of SHA3 preimages in the VM EnablePreimageRecording bool // Miscellaneous options DocRoot string `toml:"-"` // true indicate singlenode start NodeType bool `toml:",omitempty"` // Checkpoint is a hardcoded checkpoint which can be nil. Checkpoint *params.TrustedCheckpoint `toml:",omitempty"` }
func (*Config) GetNodeType ¶
func (Config) MarshalTOML ¶
MarshalTOML marshals as TOML.
func (*Config) UnmarshalTOML ¶
UnmarshalTOML unmarshals from TOML.
type NodeInfo ¶
type NodeInfo struct { Network uint64 `json:"network"` // Upschain network ID (1=Frontier, 2=Morden, Ropsten=3, Rinkeby=4) Difficulty *big.Int `json:"difficulty"` // Total difficulty of the host's blockchain Genesis common.Hash `json:"genesis"` // SHA3 hash of the host's genesis block Config *params.ChainConfig `json:"config"` // Chain configuration for the fork rules Head common.Hash `json:"head"` // SHA3 hash of the host's best owned block }
NodeInfo represents a short summary of the Ethereum sub-protocol metadata known about the host peer.
type PbftAgent ¶
type PbftAgent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PbftAgent receive events from election and communicate with pbftServer
func NewPbftAgent ¶
func NewPbftAgent(ups Backend, config *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus.Engine, election *elect.Election, gasFloor, gasCeil uint64) *PbftAgent
NewPbftAgent creates a new pbftAgent ,receive events from election and communicate with pbftServer
func (*PbftAgent) AcquireCommitteeAuth ¶
AcquireCommitteeAuth determine whether the node pubKey is in the specified committee
func (*PbftAgent) AddRemoteNodeInfo ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) AddRemoteNodeInfo(cryNodeInfo *types.EncryptNodeMessage) error
AddRemoteNodeInfo send cryNodeInfo of committeeNode to network,and recieved by other committeenode
func (*PbftAgent) BroadcastConsensus ¶
BroadcastConsensus when More than 2/3 signs with agree,
committee Member Reach a consensus and insert the fastBlock into fastBlockChain
func (*PbftAgent) ChangeCommitteeLeader ¶
ChangeCommitteeLeader trigger view change.
func (*PbftAgent) CommitteeNumber ¶
CommitteeNumber return current committee number
func (*PbftAgent) FetchFastBlock ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) FetchFastBlock(committeeID *big.Int, infos []*types.CommitteeMember) (*types.Block, error)
FetchFastBlock generate fastBlock as leader
func (*PbftAgent) GenerateSign ¶
GenerateSign generate sign with default agree from committeeMember in fastBlock
func (*PbftAgent) GenerateSignWithVote ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) GenerateSignWithVote(fb *types.Block, vote uint32, result bool) (*types.PbftSign, error)
GenerateSignWithVote generate sign from committeeMember in fastBlock
func (*PbftAgent) GetAlternativeCommittee ¶
GetAlternativeCommittee return received back committee member's pubkey information
func (*PbftAgent) GetCommitteeNumber ¶
GetCommitteeNumber get Committees number from blockHeight
func (*PbftAgent) GetCommitteeStatus ¶
GetCommitteeStatus return current committee infomation
func (*PbftAgent) GetCurrentCommittee ¶
GetCurrentCommittee return committee member's pubkey information
func (*PbftAgent) GetCurrentHeight ¶
GetCurrentHeight return current fastBlock number
func (*PbftAgent) GetFastLastProposer ¶
GetFastLastProposer get last proposer
func (*PbftAgent) GetNodeInfoByHash ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) GetNodeInfoByHash(nodeInfoHash common.Hash) (*types.EncryptNodeMessage, bool)
GetNodeInfoByHash get cryptoNodeInfo by hash
func (*PbftAgent) GetPrivateKey ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) GetPrivateKey() *ecdsa.PrivateKey
GetAlternativeCommittee return received back committee member's pubkey information
func (*PbftAgent) GetSeedMember ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) GetSeedMember() []*types.CommitteeMember
GetSeedMember get seed member
func (*PbftAgent) IsCommitteeMember ¶
IsCurrentCommitteeMember get whether self is committee member or not
func (*PbftAgent) IsUsedOrUnusedMember ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) IsUsedOrUnusedMember(committeeInfo *types.CommitteeInfo, publickey []byte) bool
IsUsedOrUnusedMember whether publickey in committee member
func (*PbftAgent) MarkBroadcastNodeTag ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) MarkBroadcastNodeTag(cryptoNodeInfo *types.EncryptNodeMessage)
MarkNodeTag Mark received nodeTag,avoid old node information
func (*PbftAgent) MarkNodeInfo ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) MarkNodeInfo(encryptNode *types.EncryptNodeMessage, nodeTagHash common.Hash)
MarkNodeInfo Mark received NodeInfo
func (*PbftAgent) MarkNodeTag ¶
MarkNodeTag Mark received nodeTag,avoid old node information
func (*PbftAgent) Start ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) Start()
Start means receive events from election and send pbftNode infomation
func (*PbftAgent) SubscribeNewPbftSignEvent ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) SubscribeNewPbftSignEvent(ch chan<- types.PbftSignEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeNewPbftSignEvent registers a subscription of PbftSignEvent and starts sending event to the given channel.
func (*PbftAgent) SubscribeNodeInfoEvent ¶
func (agent *PbftAgent) SubscribeNodeInfoEvent(ch chan<- types.NodeInfoEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeNodeInfoEvent registers a subscription of NodeInfoEvent.
func (*PbftAgent) VerifyCommitteeSign ¶
VerifyCommitteeSign verify sign of node is in committee
type PeerInfo ¶
type PeerInfo struct { Version int `json:"version"` // Upschain protocol version negotiated Difficulty *big.Int `json:"difficulty"` // Total difficulty of the peer's blockchain Head string `json:"head"` // SHA3 hash of the peer's best owned block }
PeerInfo represents a short summary of the Upschain sub-protocol metadata known about a connected peer.
type PrivateAdminAPI ¶
type PrivateAdminAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateAdminAPI is the collection of Upschain full node-related APIs exposed over the private admin endpoint.
func NewPrivateAdminAPI ¶
func NewPrivateAdminAPI(ups *Upschain) *PrivateAdminAPI
NewPrivateAdminAPI creates a new API definition for the full node private admin methods of the Upschain service.
func (*PrivateAdminAPI) ExportChain ¶
func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) ExportChain(file string) (bool, error)
ExportChain exports the current blockchain into a local file.
func (*PrivateAdminAPI) ImportChain ¶
func (api *PrivateAdminAPI) ImportChain(file string) (bool, error)
ImportChain imports a blockchain from a local file.
type PrivateDebugAPI ¶
type PrivateDebugAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateDebugAPI is the collection of Upschain full node APIs exposed over the private debugging endpoint.
func NewPrivateDebugAPI ¶
func NewPrivateDebugAPI(config *params.ChainConfig, ups *Upschain) *PrivateDebugAPI
NewPrivateDebugAPI creates a new API definition for the full node-related private debug methods of the Upschain service.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) GetBadBlocks ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) GetBadBlocks(ctx context.Context) ([]*BadBlockArgs, error)
GetBadBlocks returns a list of the last 'bad blocks' that the client has seen on the network and returns them as a JSON list of block-hashes
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) GetModifiedAccountsByHash ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) GetModifiedAccountsByHash(startHash common.Hash, endHash *common.Hash) ([]common.Address, error)
GetModifiedAccountsByHash returns all accounts that have changed between the two blocks specified. A change is defined as a difference in nonce, balance, code hash, or storage hash.
With one parameter, returns the list of accounts modified in the specified block.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) GetModifiedAccountsByNumber ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) GetModifiedAccountsByNumber(startNum uint64, endNum *uint64) ([]common.Address, error)
GetModifiedAccountsByNumber returns all accounts that have changed between the two blocks specified. A change is defined as a difference in nonce, balance, code hash, or storage hash.
With one parameter, returns the list of accounts modified in the specified block.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) Preimage ¶
Preimage is a debug API function that returns the preimage for a sha3 hash, if known.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) StorageRangeAt ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) StorageRangeAt(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, txIndex int, contractAddress common.Address, keyStart hexutil.Bytes, maxResult int) (StorageRangeResult, error)
StorageRangeAt returns the storage at the given block height and transaction index.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlock ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlock(ctx context.Context, blob []byte, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
TraceBlock returns the structured logs created during the execution of EVM and returns them as a JSON object.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockByHash ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
TraceBlockByHash returns the structured logs created during the execution of EVM and returns them as a JSON object.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockByNumber ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
TraceBlockByNumber returns the structured logs created during the execution of EVM and returns them as a JSON object.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockFromFile ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceBlockFromFile(ctx context.Context, file string, config *TraceConfig) ([]*txTraceResult, error)
TraceBlockFromFile returns the structured logs created during the execution of EVM and returns them as a JSON object.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) TraceChain ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceChain(ctx context.Context, start, end rpc.BlockNumber, config *TraceConfig) (*rpc.Subscription, error)
TraceChain returns the structured logs created during the execution of EVM between two blocks (excluding start) and returns them as a JSON object.
func (*PrivateDebugAPI) TraceTransaction ¶
func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) TraceTransaction(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, config *TraceConfig) (interface{}, error)
TraceTransaction returns the structured logs created during the execution of EVM and returns them as a JSON object.
type ProtocolManager ¶
type ProtocolManager struct { SubProtocols []p2p.Protocol // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewProtocolManager ¶
func NewProtocolManager(config *params.ChainConfig, checkpoint *params.TrustedCheckpoint, mode downloader.SyncMode, networkID uint64, mux *event.TypeMux, txpool txPool, engine consensus.Engine, blockchain *core.BlockChain, chaindb upsdb.Database, agent *PbftAgent, cacheLimit int, whitelist map[uint64]common.Hash) (*ProtocolManager, error)
NewProtocolManager returns a new Upschain sub protocol manager. The Upschain sub protocol manages peers capable with the Upschain network.
func (*ProtocolManager) BroadcastBlock ¶
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool)
BroadcastBlock will either propagate a block to a subset of its peers, or will only announce its availability (depending what's requested).
func (*ProtocolManager) BroadcastFastBlock ¶
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastFastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool)
BroadcastFastBlock will either propagate a block to a subset of it's peers, or will only announce it's availability (depending what's requested).
func (*ProtocolManager) BroadcastPbNodeInfo ¶
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastPbNodeInfo(nodeInfo *types.EncryptNodeMessage)
BroadcastPbNodeInfo will propagate a batch of EncryptNodeMessage to all peers which are not known to already have the given CryNodeInfo.
func (*ProtocolManager) BroadcastTransactions ¶
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastTransactions(txs types.Transactions, propagate bool)
BroadcastTransactions will propagate a batch of transactions to all peers which are not known to already have the given transaction.
func (*ProtocolManager) NodeInfo ¶
func (pm *ProtocolManager) NodeInfo() *NodeInfo
NodeInfo retrieves some protocol metadata about the running host node.
func (*ProtocolManager) Start ¶
func (pm *ProtocolManager) Start(maxPeers int)
func (*ProtocolManager) Stop ¶
func (pm *ProtocolManager) Stop()
type PublicDebugAPI ¶
type PublicDebugAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PublicDebugAPI is the collection of Upschain full node APIs exposed over the public debugging endpoint.
func NewPublicDebugAPI ¶
func NewPublicDebugAPI(ups *Upschain) *PublicDebugAPI
NewPublicDebugAPI creates a new API definition for the full node- related public debug methods of the Upschain service.
func (*PublicDebugAPI) DumpBlock ¶
func (api *PublicDebugAPI) DumpBlock(blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (state.Dump, error)
DumpBlock retrieves the entire state of the database at a given block.
type PublicTruechainAPI ¶
type PublicTruechainAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PublicTruechainAPI provides an API to access Upschain full node-related information.
func NewPublicTruechainAPI ¶
func NewPublicTruechainAPI(e *Upschain) *PublicTruechainAPI
NewPublicTruechainAPI creates a new Upschain protocol API for full nodes.
func (*PublicTruechainAPI) ChainId ¶
func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) ChainId() hexutil.Uint64
ChainId retuurn current truechain's chain config.
func (*PublicTruechainAPI) CommitteeBase ¶
func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) CommitteeBase() common.Address
CommitteeBase is the address that generate by pubkey
func (*PublicTruechainAPI) CommitteeNumber ¶
func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) CommitteeNumber() uint64
CommitteeNumber return number of current committee
func (*PublicTruechainAPI) GetCurrentState ¶
func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) GetCurrentState() map[string]interface{}
GetCurrentState get current committee state
func (*PublicTruechainAPI) IsCommitteeMember ¶
func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) IsCommitteeMember() bool
IsCommitteeMember return node whether current committee member
func (*PublicTruechainAPI) Pubkey ¶
func (api *PublicTruechainAPI) Pubkey() string
Pubkey is the address that mining rewards will be send to (alias for Etherbase)
type StorageRangeResult ¶
type StorageRangeResult struct { Storage storageMap `json:"storage"` NextKey *common.Hash `json:"nextKey"` // nil if Storage includes the last key in the trie. }
StorageRangeResult is the result of a debug_storageRangeAt API call.
type TraceConfig ¶
TraceConfig holds extra parameters to trace functions.
type TrueAPIBackend ¶
type TrueAPIBackend struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TRUEAPIBackend implements ethapi.Backend for full nodes
func (*TrueAPIBackend) AccountManager ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) AccountManager() *accounts.Manager
AccountManager returns Account Manager
func (*TrueAPIBackend) BlockByNumber ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Block, error)
BlockByNumber returns block of fast chain by the number
func (*TrueAPIBackend) BloomStatus ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) BloomStatus() (uint64, uint64)
BloomStatus returns Bloom Status
func (*TrueAPIBackend) ChainConfig ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig
ChainConfig returns the active chain configuration.
func (*TrueAPIBackend) ChainDb ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ChainDb() upsdb.Database
ChainDb returns tht database of fastchain
func (*TrueAPIBackend) CurrentBlock ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) CurrentBlock() *types.Block
CurrentBlock return the fast chain current Block
func (*TrueAPIBackend) Downloader ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
Downloader returns the fast downloader
func (*TrueAPIBackend) EventMux ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) EventMux() *event.TypeMux
EventMux returns Event locker
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetChainRewardContent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetChainRewardContent(blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) *types.ChainReward
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetCommittee ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetCommittee(number rpc.BlockNumber) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetCurrentCommitteeNumber ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetCurrentCommitteeNumber() *big.Int
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetEVM ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetEVM(ctx context.Context, msg core.Message, state *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, vmCfg vm.Config) (*vm.EVM, func() error, error)
GetEVM returns the EVM
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolNonce ¶
GetPoolNonce returns user nonce by user address in txpool
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolTransaction ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolTransaction(hash common.Hash) *types.Transaction
GetPoolTransaction returns Transaction by txHash in txpool
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolTransactions ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetPoolTransactions() (types.Transactions, error)
GetPoolTransactions returns Transactions by pending state in txpool
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetReceipts ¶
GetReceipts returns the Receipt details by txhash
func (*TrueAPIBackend) GetStateChangeByFastNumber ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) GetStateChangeByFastNumber(fastNumber rpc.BlockNumber) *types.BlockBalance
GetStateChangeByFastNumber returns the Committee info by committee number
func (*TrueAPIBackend) HeaderByHash ¶
HeaderByHash returns header of fast chain by the hash
func (*TrueAPIBackend) HeaderByNumber ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error)
HeaderByNumber returns Header of fast chain by the number rpc.PendingBlockNumber == "pending"; rpc.LatestBlockNumber == "latest" ; rpc.LatestBlockNumber == "earliest"
func (*TrueAPIBackend) ProtocolVersion ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ProtocolVersion() int
ProtocolVersion returns the version of protocol
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SendTx ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SendTx(ctx context.Context, signedTx *types.Transaction) error
SendTx returns nil by success to add local txpool
func (*TrueAPIBackend) ServiceFilter ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) ServiceFilter(ctx context.Context, session *bloombits.MatcherSession)
ServiceFilter make the Filter for the truechian
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SetHead ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SetHead(number uint64)
SetHead Set the newest position of Fast Chain, that will reset the fast blockchain comment
func (*TrueAPIBackend) StateAndHeaderByNumber ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error)
StateAndHeaderByNumber returns the state of block by the number
func (*TrueAPIBackend) Stats ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) Stats() (pending int, queued int)
Stats returns the count tx in txpool
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- types.FastChainEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainEvent registers a subscription of chainEvnet in fast blockchain
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- types.FastChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of chainHeadEvnet in fast blockchain
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainSideEvent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- types.FastChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainSideEvent registers a subscription of chainSideEvnet in fast blockchain,deprecated
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeLogsEvent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
SubscribeLogsEvent registers a subscription of log in fast blockchain
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeNewTxsEvent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeNewTxsEvent(ch chan<- types.NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeNewTxsEvent returns the subscript event of new tx
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- types.RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent registers a subscription of RemovedLogsEvent in fast blockchain
func (*TrueAPIBackend) SuggestPrice ¶
SuggestPrice returns tht suggest gas price
func (*TrueAPIBackend) TxPoolContent ¶
func (b *TrueAPIBackend) TxPoolContent() (map[common.Address]types.Transactions, map[common.Address]types.Transactions)
type ULCConfig ¶
type ULCConfig struct { TrustedServers []string `toml:",omitempty"` // A list of trusted servers MinTrustedFraction int `toml:",omitempty"` // Minimum percentage of connected trusted servers to validate trusted (1-100) }
ULCConfig is a Ultra Light client options.
type Upschain ¶
type Upschain struct { APIBackend *TrueAPIBackend // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Upschain implements the Upschain full node service.
func New ¶
func New(ctx *node.ServiceContext, config *Config) (*Upschain, error)
New creates a new Upschain object (including the initialisation of the common Upschain object)
func (*Upschain) APIs ¶
APIs return the collection of RPC services the ups package offers. NOTE, some of these services probably need to be moved to somewhere else.
func (*Upschain) AccountManager ¶
func (*Upschain) AddLesServer ¶
func (*Upschain) ArchiveMode ¶
func (*Upschain) BlockChain ¶
func (s *Upschain) BlockChain() *core.BlockChain
func (*Upschain) Downloader ¶
func (s *Upschain) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
func (*Upschain) EthVersion ¶
func (*Upschain) IsListening ¶
func (*Upschain) NetVersion ¶
func (*Upschain) Protocols ¶
Protocols implements node.Service, returning all the currently configured network protocols to start.
func (*Upschain) ResetWithFastGenesisBlock ¶
func (*Upschain) ResetWithGenesisBlock ¶
func (*Upschain) Start ¶
Start implements node.Service, starting all internal goroutines needed by the Upschain protocol implementation.
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package downloader contains the manual full chain synchronisation.
Package downloader contains the manual full chain synchronisation. |
Package fetcher contains the announcement based blocks or transaction synchronisation.
Package fetcher contains the announcement based blocks or transaction synchronisation. |
Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block, transactions and log events.
Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block, transactions and log events. |
Package tracers is a collection of JavaScript transaction tracers.
Package tracers is a collection of JavaScript transaction tracers. |
Package tracers contains the actual JavaScript tracer assets.
Package tracers contains the actual JavaScript tracer assets. |