The installation folder for trclocal. If you want to install a local vault, start here.
You must have all trc cmd line utilities installed as explained in
Build initial cloud infrastructure
Select installation directory. This example will use /usr/local/vault
sudo mkdir /usr/local/vault
sudo mkdir /usr/local/vault/certs
sudo mkdir /usr/local/vault/plugins
sudo mkdir /usr/local/vault/vault_data
Download current version of vault: vault 1.3.6 (downloadable here:
Unzip it and copy the vault executable to /usr/local/vault
curl -L "" > /tmp/
cd /tmp
sudo unzip
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/vault
sudo mv vault /usr/local/vault/vault
sudo chmod 0700 /usr/local/vault/vault
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/vault/vault
sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep /usr/local/vault/vault
Generating empty seed files
mkdir trc_seeds
trcx -env=dev -novault
Edit seed files and provide certificates
At this point you want to edit all seed variables in preparation for publish.
Fill in seed variables in super-secrets section of trc_seeds/dev/dev_seed.yml, placing TODO for variables you don't care about.
Example secrets follow...
adminUser: TODO -- only needed if you want mysql backing store.
dbPassword: TODO -- only needed if you want mysql backing store.
dbcert_name: TODO -- only needed if you want mysql backing store.
dbname: TODO -- only needed if you want mysql backing store.
hostport: "1234"
vault_root_install: "/usr/local/vault"
Create cert placeholder files
trcx -env=dev -certs -novault
After running trcx -certs, a certs folder will appear under trc_seeds with placeholder empty certificate files. You'll want to replace these placeholder files with the real thing under ./trc_seeds/certs.
You can generate certs using the script located in tls/ Be sure to look at san.cnf before running the script to make any desired changes to your self signed certificates.
sudo cp trc_seeds/certs/* /usr/local/vault/certs/
Generate vault properties configuration
trcconfig -env=dev -novault
sudo cp resources/vault_properties.hcl /usr/local/vault/
sudo cp trc_seeds/certs/* /usr/local/vault/certs/
chmod 700 ./scripts/
sudo ./scripts/
Start vault as a service
sudo service vault start
Continue with the trcvault step to initialize vault and set up some tokens for utilization.
Confirm vault running
You can enter https://vaulthost:vaultport/v1/sys/health in your browser to confirm vault is running.
Make some tokens to operate on vault (other than root token)
trcinit -rotateTokens -namespace=base -addr=https://<vaulthost:vaultport> -token=<root token>
Optional: later, after initializing trcvault, you can perform this step: Publish installation setup configuration seed data to vault
trcpub -env=dev -token=$VAULT_PUB_TOKEN -addr=https://<vaulthost:vaultport>
trcinit -env=dev -token=$TRC_ROOT_TOKEN -addr=https://<vaulthost:vaultport>
trcinit -env=dev -token=$TRC_ROOT_TOKEN -addr=https://<vaulthost:vaultport> -certs
Test your configs are in vault
trcconfig -env=dev -token=$VAULT_CONFIG_TOKEN -addr=https://<vaulthost:vaultport> -insecure
Clean up locally stored secrets (Recommended but not required):
rm -r trc_seeds/dev
rm -r trc_seeds/certs
rm -r resources
rm -r scripts
rm *.log
cd trchelloworld