
v0.0.0-...-5c7ffcf Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 2, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	EElectLine      = "line"
	EElectRefIndex  = "refIndex"
	EElectRefName   = "refName"
	EElectLeftRight = "leftRight"
	EElectRegexp    = "regexp"
	EElectRefMeta   = "refMeta"
	EElectPathVar   = "pathvar"
	EElectContext   = "context"
	EElectRefVar    = "refVar"
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const (
	ElectRefMetaTypePodLabels      = "labels"
	ElectRefMetaTypePodAnnotations = "annotations"


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var (
	// 瞬时值
	MetricTypeGauge = "GAUGE"
	// 增量
	MetricTypeCounter = "COUNTER"
	// 增量除以采集周期 得到的是速度 increment/s
	MetricTypeCounterByTime = "COUNTER_BY_TIME"

	CElectLine = &Elect{
		Type: EElectLine,
	// CElectContext is a const for EElectContext
	CElectContext = &Elect{
		Type: EElectContext,


This section is empty.


type Details

type Details struct {
	// If Enabled is true, the elect results will be reported as details
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

type Elect

type Elect struct {
	// refIndex/refName: 引用一个已有的字段
	// leftRight: 使用左起右至切出一个字段
	// regexp
	// context: fetch string value from context
	Type      string        `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Line      *ElectLine    `json:"line,omitempty"`
	RefIndex  *RefIndex     `json:"refIndex,omitempty"`
	RefName   *RefName      `json:"refName,omitempty"`
	RefVar    *RefVar       `json:"refVar,omitempty"`
	LeftRight *LeftRight    `json:"leftRight,omitempty"`
	Regexp    *ElectRegexp  `json:"regexp,omitempty"`
	RefMeta   *ElectRegMeta `json:"refMeta,omitempty"`
	PathVar   *ElectPathVar `json:"pathVar,omitempty"`

	// Every elect can have its own transform, named adhoc transform.
	// It will be executed everytime elect is called.
	Transform *TransformConf `json:"transform,omitempty"`

Elect 表示如何从当前的数据(可能是个日志行或结构化数据)里提取出想要的字段 Elect出的结果默认是string 有少数情况结果是float64或其他, 这个需要每个type明确说明

type ElectLine

type ElectLine struct {
	Index int `json:"index"`

type ElectPathVar

type ElectPathVar struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type ElectRegMeta

type ElectRegMeta struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type ElectRegexp

type ElectRegexp struct {
	// 正则表达式
	Expression string `json:"expression"`
	// 捕获组索引
	Index int `json:"index"`
	// 捕获组名, 非空情况下优先级比 index 高
	Name string `json:"name"`

考虑到性能, 除非正则表达式逻辑比较简单, 否则一般不太推荐用这个方式

type ExecuteRule

type ExecuteRule struct {
	Type string `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	// 5s 5000单位毫秒
	FixedRate interface{} `json:"fixedRate,omitempty" yaml:"fixedRate"`
	Offset    int         `json:"offset,omitempty" yaml:"offset"`

type From

type From struct {
	Type        string           `json:"type"`
	Log         *FromLog         `json:"log"`
	ProcessPerf *FromProcessPerf `json:"processPerf"`

type FromLog

type FromLog struct {
	Path []*FromLogPath `json:"path"`
	// defaults to UTF8
	Charset string        `json:"charset"`
	Parse   *FromLogParse `json:"parse"`
	// 定义时间戳如何解析
	Time      *TimeConf         `json:"time"`
	Multiline *FromLogMultiline `json:"multiline"`
	// Vars define vars for log processing
	Vars *Vars  `json:"vars,omitempty"`
	Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`

type FromLogMultiline

type FromLogMultiline struct {
	// 多行日志是否启动
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// 行首的判断条件, 满足这个条件的就是行首
	// 比如一种方式是断言行首配 ^yyyy-MM-dd 的格式
	Where *Where `json:"where"`
	// limit max logs in a log group
	MaxLines int    `json:"maxLines"`
	What     string `json:"what"`

TODO 遵循 logstash 风格

type FromLogParse

type FromLogParse struct {
	// 有的parse代价太大, 可以在parse前做一次过滤减少parse的量
	// 此时where里仅能使用 leftRight 类型的切分
	Where *Where `json:"where,omitempty"`
	// free/separator/regexp/json/leftRight
	Type      string             `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Separator *LogParseSeparator `json:"separator,omitempty"`
	Regexp    *LogParseRegexp    `json:"regexp,omitempty"`
	Grok      *LogParseGrok      `json:"grok,omitempty"`

type FromLogPath

type FromLogPath struct {
	// path/glob/regexp/'glob&regexp'
	// 当type==regexp 时, 需要制定一个dir, 该dir的所有子孙文件满足regexp的都会纳入采集范围
	// 这个方式比较容易出问题:
	// 1. 递归遍历代价大/符号死循环/符号导致重复采集
	// 当type=='glob&regexp' 时表示先执行glob, 再执行regexp, 这样可以使用glob的简单方式圈定一些文件
	// 然后再使用regexp更精细的匹配文件
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// used when type==path
	// used when type==format
	// /home/admin/logs/foo/{time:yyyy}/{time:MM}/{time:dd}/{time:HH}/foo.log
	// /home/admin/logs/foo/{time:yy}/{time:MM}/{time:dd}/{time:HH}/foo.log
	// used when type==glob
	// used when type==regexp
	Pattern string `json:"pattern"`
	// used when type==regexp
	Dir string `json:"dir"`
	// Limit how many files can be matched using this FromLogPath object.
	// 0 means agent defaults (maybe 10)
	MaxMatched int `json:"maxMatched"`

type FromLogPaths

type FromLogPaths struct {
	// 99% 的情况 paths里应该有且只有一项 type==simple 的绝对路径
	// 另外所有被匹配的文件都是按照相同的规则执行的, 因此这些文件应该具有某种共性, 比如相同格式
	Paths []*FromLogPath `json:"paths"`
	// 多久监听一下文件tree变化, 对于 glob/regexp 有效
	WatchInterval string `json:"watchInterval"`

TODO 用于支持多文件

type FromProcessPerf

type FromProcessPerf struct {
	IncludeUsernames []string
	ExcludeUsernames []string
	IncludeProcesses []string
	ExcludeProcesses []string
	IncludeKeywords  []string
	ExcludeKeywords  []string

type Gateway

type Gateway struct {
	// 用户可以覆盖, 否则默认使用 tableName
	MetricName string `json:"metricName"`

type Group

type Group struct {
	// 组名
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// 如何选取组的值
	// 默认情况下 如果发生错误
	Elect *Elect `json:"elect"`

type GroupBy

type GroupBy struct {
	Groups      []*Group         `json:"groups"`
	MaxKeySize  int              `json:"maxKeySize"`
	LogAnalysis *LogAnalysisConf `json:"logAnalysis"`
	Details     *Details         `json:"details"`

type LeftRight

type LeftRight struct {
	LeftIndex             int    `json:"leftIndex,omitempty"`
	Left                  string `json:"left,omitempty"`
	Right                 string `json:"right,omitempty"`
	MatchToEndIfMissRight bool   `json:"matchToEndIfMissRight,omitempty"`
	// 如果左起右至切不到结果那么用这个default
	// 如果找不到左起 则返回这个
	DefaultValue *string `json:"defaultValue,omitempty"`

type LogAnalysisConf

type LogAnalysisConf struct {
	// patterns to match, will be visited in order, break when first match
	Patterns []*LogAnalysisPatternConf `json:"patterns"`
	// max Count of generated unknown patterns, defaults to 64
	MaxUnknownPatterns int `json:"maxUnknownPatterns"`
	// truncate log if length(bytes) exceed MaxLogLength, defaults to 300
	MaxLogLength int `json:"maxLogLength"`

type LogAnalysisPatternConf

type LogAnalysisPatternConf struct {
	// pattern name
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// 'where' predicate of pattern
	Where *Where `json:"where"`

type LogParseGrok

type LogParseGrok struct {
	// grok表达式
	Expression string `json:"expression"`

type LogParseRegexp

type LogParseRegexp struct {
	// 正则表达式
	Expression string `json:"expression"`

type LogParseSeparator

type LogParseSeparator struct {
	// 简单分隔符
	Separator string `json:"separator"`

type LogSamples

type LogSamples struct {
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`

	// Where is the condition log samples must match
	Where *Where `json:"where"`
	// MaxCount max log sample count
	MaxCount int `json:"maxCount"`
	// MaxCount max string length of every log sample
	MaxLength int `json:"maxLength"`

type LogStructure

type LogStructure struct {
	Type      string
	Separator string

1. pre-where: 可选, 只能支持左起右至的elect 2. structure: 可选, 使得数据结构化 3. 常规处理: select [...] from {} where {} group by [...] having {} window {} output {} 日志结构化

type MContains

type MContains struct {
	Elect      *Elect `json:"elect" yaml:"elect"`
	Value      string `json:"value" yaml:"value"`
	Multiline  bool   `json:"multiline" yaml:"multiline"`
	IgnoreCase bool   `json:"ignoreCase" yaml:"ignoreCase"`

type MContainsAny

type MContainsAny struct {
	Elect      *Elect   `json:"elect" yaml:"elect"`
	Values     []string `json:"values" yaml:"values"`
	Multiline  bool     `json:"multiline" yaml:"multiline"`
	IgnoreCase bool     `json:"ignoreCase" yaml:"ignoreCase"`

type MIn

type MIn struct {
	Elect      *Elect   `json:"elect" yaml:"elect"`
	Values     []string `json:"values" yaml:"values"`
	IgnoreCase bool     `json:"ignoreCase" yaml:"ignoreCase"`

type MNumberBetween

type MNumberBetween struct {
	Elect       *Elect  `json:"elect" yaml:"elect"`
	Min         float64 `json:"min" yaml:"min"`
	Max         float64 `json:"max" yaml:"max"`
	MinIncluded bool    `json:"minIncluded" yaml:"minIncluded"`
	MaxIncluded bool    `json:"maxIncluded" yaml:"maxIncluded"`
	// 数值是否是整数
	ParseNumberToInt bool `json:"parseNumberToInt"`

type MNumberOp

type MNumberOp struct {
	Elect *Elect   `json:"elect" yaml:"elect"`
	Gt    *float64 `json:"gt" yaml:"gt"`
	Gte   *float64 `json:"gte" yaml:"gte"`
	Lt    *float64 `json:"lt" yaml:"lt"`
	Lte   *float64 `json:"lte" yaml:"lte"`

type MRegexp

type MRegexp struct {
	Elect      *Elect `json:"elect" yaml:"elect"`
	Expression string `json:"expression" yaml:"expression"`
	Multiline  bool   `json:"multiline" yaml:"multiline"`
	// CatchGroups indicates whether to store the capture group in the processing context
	CatchGroups bool `json:"catchGroups" yaml:"catchGroups"`

type MetricConfig

type MetricConfig struct {
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	MetricType string `json:"metricType"`

type Output

type Output struct {
	Type    string     `json:"type"`
	Gateway *Gateway   `json:"gateway"`
	Sls     *SlsConfig `json:"sls"`

type RefIndex

type RefIndex struct {
	Index int `json:"index"`

type RefName

type RefName struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type RefVar

type RefVar struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type SQLTask

type SQLTask struct {
	Select      *Select     `json:"select"`
	From        *From       `json:"from"`
	Where       *Where      `json:"where"`
	GroupBy     *GroupBy    `json:"groupBy"`
	Window      *Window     `json:"window"`
	Output      *Output     `json:"output"`
	ExecuteRule ExecuteRule `json:"executeRule"`

SQL style task

type Select

type Select struct {
	Values     []*SelectOne `json:"values"`
	LogSamples *LogSamples  `json:"logSamples"`

type SelectOne

type SelectOne struct {
	// TODO
	DataType string `json:"dataType"`

	As string `json:"as"`
	// count
	// elect
	Type  string `json:"type"`
	Elect *Elect `json:"elect"`
	// agg
	Agg   string `json:"agg"`
	Where *Where `json:"where"`

type SlsConfig

type SlsConfig struct {
	Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
	AK       string `json:"ak"`
	SK       string `json:"sk"`
	Project  string `json:"project"`
	Logstore string `json:"logstore"`

type TimeConf

type TimeConf struct {
	// auto/processTime/elect
	Type  string `json:"type"`
	Elect *Elect `json:"elect"`
	// unix/unixMilli/golangLayout
	Format string `json:"format"`
	Layout string `json:"layout"`
	// timezone
	Timezone string `json:"timezone"`

type TransformConf

type TransformConf struct {
	Filters []*TransformFilterConf `json:"filters" yaml:"filters"`

TransformConf represents transform conf

type TransformFilterAppendV1

type TransformFilterAppendV1 struct {
	Value           string `json:"value" yaml:"value"`
	AppendIfMissing bool   `json:"appendIfMissing" yaml:"appendIfMissing"`

TransformFilterAppendV1 represents appending suffix to the current value

type TransformFilterCleanUrlV1

type TransformFilterCleanUrlV1 struct {

type TransformFilterCompositeV1

type TransformFilterCompositeV1 struct {
	// Filters sub filters
	Filters []*TransformFilterConf `json:"filters" yaml:"filters"`
	// BreaksWhenError indicates whether to break the execution process when an error is encountered.
	// If it is false, it will print a log after encountering an error and ignore errors, and then continue to execute.
	BreaksWhenError bool `json:"breaksWhenError" yaml:"breaksWhenError"`

TransformFilterCompositeV1 is a container of filters. It executes filters in order.

type TransformFilterConf

type TransformFilterConf struct {
	SwitchCaseV1 *TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1 `json:"switchCaseV1" yaml:"switchCaseV1"`
	SubstringV1  *TransformFilterSubstringV1  `json:"substringV1" yaml:"substringV1"`
	AppendV1     *TransformFilterAppendV1     `json:"appendV1" yaml:"appendV1"`
	CompositeV1  *TransformFilterCompositeV1  `json:"compositeV1" yaml:"compositeV1"`
	MappingV1    *TransformFilterMappingV1    `json:"mappingV1" yaml:"mappingV1"`
	// avoid using 'const' as field name or json field name, because 'const' is a keyword in some languages
	ConstV1         *TransformFilterConstV1         `json:"constV1" yaml:"constV1"`
	RegexpReplaceV1 *TransformFilterRegexpReplaceV1 `json:"regexpReplaceV1" yaml:"regexpReplaceV1"`
	DiscardV1       *struct{}                       `json:"discardV1" yaml:"discardV1"`
	CleanUrlV1      *TransformFilterCleanUrlV1      `json:"cleanUrlV1" yaml:"cleanUrlV1"`

TransformFilterConf transform filter

type TransformFilterConstV1

type TransformFilterConstV1 struct {
	Value string `json:"value" yaml:"value"`

type TransformFilterMappingV1

type TransformFilterMappingV1 struct {
	Mappings map[string]string `json:"mappings" yaml:"mappings"`
	// DefaultValue is used when mappings doesn't match source.
	// If DefaultValue is empty "", then the source value is returned.
	DefaultValue string `json:"defaultValue" yaml:"defaultValue"`

TransformFilterMappingV1 represents mapping value from one to another

type TransformFilterRegexpReplaceV1

type TransformFilterRegexpReplaceV1 struct {
	Expression  string `json:"expression,omitempty" yaml:"expression"`
	Replacement string `json:"replacement,omitempty" yaml:"replacement"`

type TransformFilterSubstringV1

type TransformFilterSubstringV1 struct {
	// Begin represents beginning offset of substring
	Begin int `json:"begin" yaml:"begin"`
	// End represents end offset of substring, -1 means match to string length
	End int `json:"end" yaml:"end"`
	// EmptyIfError represents returning "" if meet any error (e.g. begin >= len(str))
	EmptyIfError bool `json:"emptyIfError" yaml:"emptyIfError"`

TransformFilterSubstringV1 represents extracting substring from the current value

type TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1

type TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1 struct {
	// Cases will be tested in order, when find first matched case, its action will be executed, and then current filter process terminates.
	Cases []*TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1Case `json:"cases" yaml:"cases"`
	// DefaultAction will be executed if no case matches.
	DefaultAction *TransformFilterConf `json:"defaultAction" yaml:"defaultAction"`

TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1 represents `switch/case/default` control flow.

type TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1Case

type TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1Case struct {
	Case   *Where               `json:"caseWhere" yaml:"caseWhere"`
	Action *TransformFilterConf `json:"action" yaml:"action"`

TransformFilterSwitchCaseV1Case represents one case and its action

type Var

type Var struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Elect *Elect `yaml:"elect"`

type Vars

type Vars struct {
	Vars []*Var `json:"vars"`


type Where

type Where struct {
	And           []*Where        `json:"and,omitempty" yaml:"and"`
	Or            []*Where        `json:"or,omitempty" yaml:"or"`
	Not           *Where          `json:"not,omitempty" yaml:"not"`
	Contains      *MContains      `json:"contains,omitempty" yaml:"contains"`
	ContainsAny   *MContainsAny   `json:"containsAny,omitempty" yaml:"containsAny"`
	In            *MIn            `json:"in,omitempty" yaml:"in"`
	NumberBetween *MNumberBetween `json:"numberBetween,omitempty" yaml:"numberBetween"`
	Regexp        *MRegexp        `json:"regexp,omitempty" yaml:"regexp"`
	NumberOp      *MNumberOp      `json:"numberOp,omitempty" yaml:"numberOp"`

type Window

type Window struct {
	// 5s 5000
	Interval interface{} `json:"interval"`

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