Painless backup (and restore) tool for MySQL based on xtrabackup from Percona.
Quick start
Install xtrabackup and qpress on MySQL server
See install procedure here for xtrabackup
Once you have installed xtrabackup, install qpress via:
apt-get install qpress
Download gox on our backup server
Get binary from releases page
Rename binary:
mv gox_0.1.0_linux-amd64 gox
Create a config file corresponding to the backup/remote task
See config.yalm.sample
Here is a sample:
# Remote MySQL host
host: mysql.explample.com
# Mysql user
dbuser: root
# Mysql password
# SSH config
# SSH user
user: root
# Private key for ssh user
key: /home/jdoe/.ssh/id_rsa
# Remote path of xtrabsckup binary
xtrabackup: /usr/bin/xtrabackup
# The number of threads to use to copy multiple data files concurrently when creating a backup
parallel: 2
# Compression
# Compress ?
active: true
# This option specifies the number of worker threads used by xtrabackup for parallel data compression
threads: 2
# This option when specified will remove .qp, .xbcrypt and .qp.xbcrypt files after decryption and decompression.
remove-original: true
# This options creates the xtrabackup_galera_info file which contains the local node state at the time of the backup.
galera: false
# Storage path for backup
backup-dir: /tmp/
# Remove backups older than 'keep'
# A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix,
# such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
keep: 168h
gox backup --config /path/to/mysql.host.com.yaml
gox restore --config /path/to/mysql.host.com.yaml --from 2018-01-31--08-32-49
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Address: 1JvMRNRxiTiN9H7LyZTq4yzR7ez86M7ND6
Address: 0xA84684B45969efbD54fd25A1e2eD8C7790A0C497