
package module

Versions in this module

Mar 25, 2022
Changes in this version
+ const GROUP_SIZE windows/amd64
+ const LTP_PC_SMT windows/amd64
+ const RelationAll windows/amd64
+ const RelationCache windows/amd64
+ const RelationGroup windows/amd64
+ const RelationNumaNode windows/amd64
+ const RelationProcessorCore windows/amd64
+ const RelationProcessorPackage windows/amd64
+ const TokenImpersonation windows/amd64
+ const TokenPrimary windows/amd64
+ type KAFFINITY ULONG_PTR windows/amd64
+ type TOKEN_TYPE uint32 windows/amd64
Dec 6, 2016
Changes in this version
type DWORD windows/amd64
type HRESULT windows/amd64
Dec 4, 2016
Changes in this version
+ func AbortDoc(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func AbortPath(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func AddRefActCtx(hActCtx HANDLE) windows/amd64
+ func AllocConsole() bool windows/amd64
+ func AnyPopup() bool windows/amd64
+ func AreFileApisANSI() bool windows/amd64
+ func AuditFree(buffer uintptr) windows/amd64
+ func BeginPath(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func CancelDC(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func CancelIo(hFile HANDLE) bool windows/amd64
+ func CloseClipboard() bool windows/amd64
+ func CloseFigure(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func CloseWindow(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func CoFreeAllLibraries() windows/amd64
+ func CoTaskMemFree(ptr LPVOID) windows/amd64
+ func ConvertFiberToThread() bool windows/amd64
+ func CredFree(buffer uintptr) windows/amd64
+ func CryptMemFree(pv LPVOID) windows/amd64
+ func DAD_DragLeave() bool windows/amd64
+ func DAD_DragMove(p POINT) bool windows/amd64
+ func DPA_Destroy(hdpa HDPA) bool windows/amd64
+ func DSA_Destroy(hdsa HDSA) bool windows/amd64
+ func DebugBreak() windows/amd64
+ func DeleteDC(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func DeleteFiber(lpFiber LPVOID) windows/amd64
+ func DestroyCaret() bool windows/amd64
+ func DragFinish(h HDROP) windows/amd64
+ func DrawMenuBar(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func DriveType(u int32) int32 windows/amd64
+ func EmptyClipboard() bool windows/amd64
+ func EndDoc(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func EndMenu() bool windows/amd64
+ func EndPage(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func EndPath(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func EngDeleteClip(pco *CLIPOBJ) windows/amd64
+ func EngDeletePath(ppo *PATHOBJ) windows/amd64
+ func EngFreeModule(h HANDLE) windows/amd64
+ func ExitProcess(uExitCode UINT) windows/amd64
+ func ExitThread(dwExitCode DWORD) windows/amd64
+ func FatalExit(exitCode int32) windows/amd64
+ func FillPath(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func FlattenPath(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func FlushProcessWriteBuffers() windows/amd64
+ func FontIsLinked(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func FreeAddrInfoW(ai PADDRINFO) windows/amd64
+ func FreeConsole() bool windows/amd64
+ func FreeIconList(dw DWORD) windows/amd64
+ func FreeMRUList(hMRUList HANDLE) windows/amd64
+ func FreeMibTable(ptr uintptr) windows/amd64
+ func FreeSid(pSid PSID) uintptr windows/amd64
+ func GdiFlush() bool windows/amd64
+ func GdiSwapBuffers(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func GetBkMode(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func GetDialogBaseUnits() int32 windows/amd64
+ func GetInputState() bool windows/amd64
+ func GetMapMode(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func GetROP2(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func GlArrayElement(i GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlBegin(mode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlCallList(list GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlClear(mask GLbitfield) windows/amd64
+ func GlClearDepth(depth GLclampd) windows/amd64
+ func GlClearIndex(c GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlClearStencil(s GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3bv(v *GLbyte) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3ubv(v *GLubyte) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3uiv(v *GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor3usv(v *GLushort) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4bv(v *GLbyte) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4ubv(v *GLubyte) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4uiv(v *GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlColor4usv(v *GLushort) windows/amd64
+ func GlCullFace(mode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlDepthFunc(aFunc GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlDepthMask(flag GLboolean) windows/amd64
+ func GlDisable(cap GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlDrawBuffer(mode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlEdgeFlag(flag GLboolean) windows/amd64
+ func GlEdgeFlagv(flag *GLboolean) windows/amd64
+ func GlEnable(cap GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlEnd() windows/amd64
+ func GlEndList() windows/amd64
+ func GlEvalCoord1d(u GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlEvalCoord1dv(u *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlEvalCoord1f(u GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlEvalCoord1fv(u *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlEvalCoord2dv(u *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlEvalCoord2fv(u *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlEvalPoint1(i GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlFinish() windows/amd64
+ func GlFlush() windows/amd64
+ func GlFrontFace(mode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexMask(mask GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexd(c GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexdv(c *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexf(c GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexfv(c *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexi(c GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexiv(c *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexs(c GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexsv(c *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexub(c GLubyte) windows/amd64
+ func GlIndexubv(c *GLubyte) windows/amd64
+ func GlInitNames() windows/amd64
+ func GlLineWidth(width GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlListBase(base GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlLoadIdentity() windows/amd64
+ func GlLoadMatrixd(m *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlLoadMatrixf(m *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlLoadName(name GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlLogicOp(opcode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlMatrixMode(mode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlMultMatrixd(m *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlMultMatrixf(m *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlNormal3bv(v *GLbyte) windows/amd64
+ func GlNormal3dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlNormal3fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlNormal3iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlNormal3sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlPassThrough(token GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlPointSize(size GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlPopAttrib() windows/amd64
+ func GlPopClientAttrib() windows/amd64
+ func GlPopMatrix() windows/amd64
+ func GlPopName() windows/amd64
+ func GlPushMatrix() windows/amd64
+ func GlPushName(name GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos2dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos2fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos2iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos2sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos3dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos3fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos3iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos3sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos4dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos4fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos4iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlRasterPos4sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlReadBuffer(mode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlShadeModel(mode GLenum) windows/amd64
+ func GlStencilMask(mask GLuint) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1d(s GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1f(s GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1i(s GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1s(s GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord1sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord2dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord2fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord2iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord2sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord3dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord3fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord3iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord3sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord4dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord4fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord4iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlTexCoord4sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex2dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex2fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex2i(x GLint, y GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex2iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex2sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex3dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex3fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex3iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex3sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex4dv(v *GLdouble) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex4fv(v *GLfloat) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex4iv(v *GLint) windows/amd64
+ func GlVertex4sv(v *GLshort) windows/amd64
+ func GlobalFix(hMem HGLOBAL) windows/amd64
+ func GlobalUnfix(hMem HGLOBAL) windows/amd64
+ func HeapLock(hHeap HANDLE) bool windows/amd64
+ func HideCaret(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func ILFree(pidl LPITEMIDLIST) windows/amd64
+ func I_RpcFree(object uintptr) windows/amd64
+ func ImageList_EndDrag() windows/amd64
+ func ImmIsIME(unnamed0 HKL) bool windows/amd64
+ func ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC HIMC) bool windows/amd64
+ func InSendMessage() bool windows/amd64
+ func InitCommonControls() windows/amd64
+ func IsAppThemed() bool windows/amd64
+ func IsCharAlpha(ch WCHAR) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsCharLower(ch WCHAR) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsCharSpace(wc WCHAR) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsCharUpper(ch WCHAR) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsDebuggerPresent() bool windows/amd64
+ func IsIconic(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsInternetESCEnabled() bool windows/amd64
+ func IsMenu(hMenu HMENU) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsOS(feature DWORD) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsRectEmpty(lprc *RECT) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsThemeActive() bool windows/amd64
+ func IsThreadAFiber() bool windows/amd64
+ func IsUserAnAdmin() bool windows/amd64
+ func IsValidAcl(pAcl *ACL) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsValidSid(pSid PSID) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsWindow(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func IsWow64Message() bool windows/amd64
+ func IsZoomed(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func LZClose(unnamed0 INT) windows/amd64
+ func LZDone() windows/amd64
+ func LoadLocalFonts() windows/amd64
+ func LockWorkStation() bool windows/amd64
+ func MakeDragList(hLB HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func MessageBeep(uType UINT) bool windows/amd64
+ func MmTaskBlock(tid DWORD) windows/amd64
+ func MmTaskSignal(tid DWORD) bool windows/amd64
+ func MmTaskYield() windows/amd64
+ func OpenIcon(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func PaintDesktop(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func ReleaseCapture() bool windows/amd64
+ func RevertToSelf() bool windows/amd64
+ func RpcSsDontSerializeContext() windows/amd64
+ func SHFlushSFCache() windows/amd64
+ func SHFree(pv LPVOID) windows/amd64
+ func SaveDC(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func SetEvent(hEvent HANDLE) bool windows/amd64
+ func SetFileApisToANSI() windows/amd64
+ func SetFileApisToOEM() windows/amd64
+ func SetMetaRgn(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func SetOaNoCache() windows/amd64
+ func ShowCaret(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func ShowCursor(bShow bool) int32 windows/amd64
+ func Sleep(dwMilliseconds DWORD) windows/amd64
+ func StartPage(hdc HDC) int32 windows/amd64
+ func StrokePath(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func SwitchToThread() bool windows/amd64
+ func SysFreeString(str BSTR) windows/amd64
+ func TermsrvAppInstallMode() bool windows/amd64
+ func UpdateColors(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ func UpdateWindow(hWnd HWND) bool windows/amd64
+ func WSAIsBlocking() bool windows/amd64
+ func WSASetLastError(iError INT) windows/amd64
+ func WaitMessage() bool windows/amd64
+ func WidenPath(hdc HDC) bool windows/amd64
+ type IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES_LH struct darwin/amd64, linux/amd64, windows/amd64
+ type TASKDIALOGCONFIG struct darwin/amd64, linux/amd64, windows/amd64
+ type VARIANT struct darwin/amd64, linux/amd64, windows/amd64

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL