Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.0.0 Jun 23, 2023 Changes in this version + const AcceptedLogRecordsKey + const AcceptedMetricPointsKey + const AcceptedSpansKey + const DroppedLogRecordsKey + const DroppedMetricPointsKey + const DroppedSpansKey + const ErroredMetricPointsKey + const ExporterKey + const FailedToSendLogRecordsKey + const FailedToSendMetricPointsKey + const FailedToSendSpansKey + const FormatKey + const NameSep + const ProcessorKey + const ReceiverKey + const RefusedLogRecordsKey + const RefusedMetricPointsKey + const RefusedSpansKey + const ScrapedMetricPointsKey + const ScraperKey + const ScraperMetricsOperationSuffix + const ScraperPrefix + const SentLogRecordsKey + const SentMetricPointsKey + const SentSpansKey + const TransportKey + var ExportLogsOperationSuffix = NameSep + "logs" + var ExportMetricsOperationSuffix = NameSep + "metrics" + var ExportTraceDataOperationSuffix = NameSep + "traces" + var ExporterFailedToSendLogRecords = stats.Int64(ExporterPrefix + FailedToSendLogRecordsKey, ...) + var ExporterFailedToSendMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ExporterPrefix + FailedToSendMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ExporterFailedToSendSpans = stats.Int64(ExporterPrefix + FailedToSendSpansKey, ...) + var ExporterPrefix = ExporterKey + NameSep + var ExporterSentLogRecords = stats.Int64(ExporterPrefix + SentLogRecordsKey, ...) + var ExporterSentMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ExporterPrefix + SentMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ExporterSentSpans = stats.Int64(ExporterPrefix + SentSpansKey, ...) + var ProcessorAcceptedLogRecords = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + AcceptedLogRecordsKey, ...) + var ProcessorAcceptedMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + AcceptedMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ProcessorAcceptedSpans = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + AcceptedSpansKey, ...) + var ProcessorDroppedLogRecords = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + DroppedLogRecordsKey, ...) + var ProcessorDroppedMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + DroppedMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ProcessorDroppedSpans = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + DroppedSpansKey, "Number of spans that were dropped.", ...) + var ProcessorPrefix = ProcessorKey + NameSep + var ProcessorRefusedLogRecords = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + RefusedLogRecordsKey, ...) + var ProcessorRefusedMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + RefusedMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ProcessorRefusedSpans = stats.Int64(ProcessorPrefix + RefusedSpansKey, ...) + var ReceiveTraceDataOperationSuffix = NameSep + "TraceDataReceived" + var ReceiverAcceptedLogRecords = stats.Int64(ReceiverPrefix + AcceptedLogRecordsKey, ...) + var ReceiverAcceptedMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ReceiverPrefix + AcceptedMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ReceiverAcceptedSpans = stats.Int64(ReceiverPrefix + AcceptedSpansKey, ...) + var ReceiverLogsOperationSuffix = NameSep + "LogsReceived" + var ReceiverMetricsOperationSuffix = NameSep + "MetricsReceived" + var ReceiverPrefix = ReceiverKey + NameSep + var ReceiverRefusedLogRecords = stats.Int64(ReceiverPrefix + RefusedLogRecordsKey, ...) + var ReceiverRefusedMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ReceiverPrefix + RefusedMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ReceiverRefusedSpans = stats.Int64(ReceiverPrefix + RefusedSpansKey, ...) + var ScraperErroredMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ScraperPrefix + ErroredMetricPointsKey, ...) + var ScraperScrapedMetricPoints = stats.Int64(ScraperPrefix + ScrapedMetricPointsKey, ...) + var TagKeyExporter = tag.NewKey(ExporterKey) + var TagKeyProcessor = tag.NewKey(ProcessorKey) + var TagKeyReceiver = tag.NewKey(ReceiverKey) + var TagKeyScraper = tag.NewKey(ScraperKey) + var TagKeyTransport = tag.NewKey(TransportKey)