Index ¶
- Constants
- type CloudpodsClientConfig
- type CloudpodsTags
- type ModelManager
- type SCloudpodsClient
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetAccountId() string
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetCapabilities() []string
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetCloudRegionExternalIdPrefix() string
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetIProjects() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetIRegions() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
- func (cli *SCloudpodsClient) GetMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetProjects() ([]SProject, error)
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetRegion(regionId string) (*SRegion, error)
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetRegions() ([]SRegion, error)
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetSubAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.SSubAccount, error)
- func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetVersion() string
- type SDisk
- func (self *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SDisk) GetAccessPath() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetCacheMode() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskFormat() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB() int
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskType() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDriver() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (self *SDisk) GetExtSnapshotPolicyIds() ([]string, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetFsFormat() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetIStorage() (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetIStorageId() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetId() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetIops() int
- func (self *SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete() bool
- func (self *SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent() bool
- func (self *SDisk) GetMountpoint() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetName() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetPreallocation() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetTemplateId() string
- func (self *SDisk) Rebuild(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SDisk) Refresh() error
- func (self *SDisk) Reset(ctx context.Context, snapId string) (string, error)
- func (self *SDisk) Resize(ctx context.Context, sizeMb int64) error
- type SEip
- func (self *SEip) Associate(opts *cloudprovider.AssociateConfig) error
- func (self *SEip) ChangeBandwidth(bw int) error
- func (self *SEip) Delete() error
- func (self *SEip) Dissociate() error
- func (self *SEip) GetAssociationExternalId() string
- func (self *SEip) GetAssociationType() string
- func (self *SEip) GetBandwidth() int
- func (self *SEip) GetBillingType() string
- func (self *SEip) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (self *SEip) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (self *SEip) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SEip) GetINetworkId() string
- func (self *SEip) GetId() string
- func (self *SEip) GetInternetChargeType() string
- func (self *SEip) GetIpAddr() string
- func (self *SEip) GetMode() string
- func (self *SEip) GetName() string
- func (self *SEip) GetProjectId() string
- func (self *SEip) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SEip) IsAutoRenew() bool
- func (self *SEip) Refresh() error
- type SHost
- func (host *SHost) CreateBaremetalServer(opts *api.ServerCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (host *SHost) CreateVM(opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetAccessIp() string
- func (host *SHost) GetAccessMac() string
- func (host *SHost) GetCpuCmtbound() float32
- func (host *SHost) GetCpuCount() int
- func (host *SHost) GetCpuDesc() string
- func (host *SHost) GetCpuMhz() int
- func (host *SHost) GetEnabled() bool
- func (host *SHost) GetGlobalId() string
- func (host *SHost) GetHostStatus() string
- func (host *SHost) GetHostType() string
- func (host *SHost) GetIHostNics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHostNetInterface, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIVMs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetId() string
- func (host *SHost) GetIsMaintenance() bool
- func (host *SHost) GetMemCmtbound() float32
- func (host *SHost) GetMemSizeMB() int
- func (host *SHost) GetName() string
- func (host *SHost) GetNodeCount() int8
- func (host *SHost) GetOvnVersion() string
- func (host *SHost) GetReservedMemoryMb() int
- func (host *SHost) GetSN() string
- func (host *SHost) GetSchedtags() ([]string, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetStatus() string
- func (host *SHost) GetStorageDriver() string
- func (host *SHost) GetStorageInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (host *SHost) GetStorageSizeMB() int64
- func (host *SHost) GetStorageType() string
- func (host *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (host *SHost) GetVersion() string
- func (host *SHost) Refresh() error
- func (host *SHost) Start() error
- func (host *SHost) Stop() error
- type SHostNic
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetBridge() string
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetDevice() string
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetDriver() string
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetIndex() int8
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetIpAddr() string
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetMac() string
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetMtu() int32
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetNicType() string
- func (hn *SHostNic) GetVlanId() int
- func (hn *SHostNic) IsLinkUp() tristate.TriState
- type SImage
- func (self *SImage) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SImage) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
- func (self *SImage) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (img *SImage) GetFullOsName() string
- func (self *SImage) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SImage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
- func (self *SImage) GetId() string
- func (self *SImage) GetImageFormat() string
- func (self *SImage) GetImageStatus() string
- func (self *SImage) GetImageType() cloudprovider.TImageType
- func (self *SImage) GetMinOsDiskSizeGb() int
- func (self *SImage) GetMinRamSizeMb() int
- func (self *SImage) GetName() string
- func (self *SImage) GetOsArch() string
- func (self *SImage) GetOsDist() string
- func (self *SImage) GetOsLang() string
- func (self *SImage) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
- func (self *SImage) GetOsVersion() string
- func (self *SImage) GetProjectId() string
- func (self *SImage) GetSizeByte() int64
- func (self *SImage) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SImage) Refresh() error
- type SInstance
- func (self *SInstance) AllocatePublicIpAddress() (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) AttachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId string) error
- func (self *SInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMChangeConfig) error
- func (self *SInstance) CreateDisk(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.GuestDiskCreateOptions) (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) CreateInstanceSnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SInstance) DeleteVM(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SInstance) DeployVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
- func (self *SInstance) DetachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId string) error
- func (self *SInstance) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
- func (self *SInstance) GetBootOrder() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (self *SInstance) GetDetails() (*api.ServerDetails, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetError() error
- func (self *SInstance) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (self *SInstance) GetFullOsName() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetHostname() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetHypervisor() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetIEIP() (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
- func (self *SInstance) GetIHostId() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetINics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNic, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetId() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshot(idStr string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceType() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetMachine() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetName() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsArch() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsDist() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsLang() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsVersion() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetProjectId() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds() ([]string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVNCInfo(input *cloudprovider.ServerVncInput) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetVcpuCount() int
- func (self *SInstance) GetVdi() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVga() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB() int
- func (self *SInstance) LiveMigrateVM(hostId string) error
- func (self *SInstance) MigrateVM(hostId string) error
- func (self *SInstance) RebuildRoot(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMRebuildRootConfig) (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) Refresh() error
- func (self *SInstance) ResetToInstanceSnapshot(ctx context.Context, idStr string) error
- func (self *SInstance) SaveImage(opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SInstance) SetSecurityGroups(ids []string) error
- func (self *SInstance) StartVM(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SInstance) StopVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.ServerStopOptions) error
- func (self *SInstance) UpdateUserData(userData string) error
- func (self *SInstance) UpdateVM(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SInstanceUpdateOptions) error
- func (self *SInstance) VMSetStatus(status string) error
- type SInstanceNic
- func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
- func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignNAddress(count int) ([]string, error)
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetDriver() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetINetworkId() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetIP() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetIP6() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetId() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetMAC() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetSubAddress() ([]string, error)
- func (self *SInstanceNic) InClassicNetwork() bool
- func (self *SInstanceNic) UnassignAddress(IpAddrs []string) error
- type SKeypair
- type SMetricData
- type SNetwork
- func (self *SNetwork) Delete() error
- func (self *SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds() int
- func (self *SNetwork) GetGateway() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetGateway6() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
- func (self *SNetwork) GetId() string
- func (net *SNetwork) GetIp6End() string
- func (net *SNetwork) GetIp6Mask() uint8
- func (net *SNetwork) GetIp6Start() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpEnd() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpMask() int8
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpStart() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetName() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetProjectId() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetPublicScope() rbacscope.TRbacScope
- func (self *SNetwork) GetServerType() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetStatus() string
- type SProject
- type SRegion
- func (self *SRegion) CreateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateIVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateInstance(hostId, hypervisor string, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (*SInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateKeypair(name, publicKey string) (*SKeypair, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateSecRule(secId string, opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleCreateOptions) error
- func (self *SRegion) CreateWire(opts *cloudprovider.SWireCreateOptions, vpcId, domainId, publicScope string, ...) (*SWire, error)
- func (self *SRegion) DeleteSecRule(id string) error
- func (self *SRegion) GetCapabilities() []string
- func (self *SRegion) GetClient() *SCloudpodsClient
- func (self *SRegion) GetCloudEnv() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetDisk(id string) (*SDisk, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetDisks(storageId, serverId string) ([]SDisk, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetEip(id string) (*SEip, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetEips(associateId string) ([]SEip, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetGeographicInfo() cloudprovider.SGeographicInfo
- func (self *SRegion) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetGuestDisks(guestId string, diskId string) ([]api.GuestDiskDetails, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetGuestnetworks(serverId string) ([]SInstanceNic, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetHost(id string) (*SHost, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetHosts(zoneId string) ([]SHost, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
- func (self *SRegion) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIEipById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIEips() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById(secgroupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISkus() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSku, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshotById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIStoragecaches() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetId() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetImage(id string) (*SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetImages() ([]SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetInstance(id string) (*SInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetInstanceVnc(id, name string) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetInstances(hostId string) ([]SInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetKeypairs() ([]SKeypair, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetName() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetNetwork(id string) (*SNetwork, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetNetworks(wireId string) ([]SNetwork, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetProvider() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetSecurityGroup(id string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetSecurityGroups() ([]SSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetServerSkus() ([]SServerSku, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetSnapshot(id string) (*SSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetSnapshots(diskId string) ([]SSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetStorage(id string) (*SStorage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetStoragecache(id string) (*SStoragecache, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetStoragecaches() ([]SStoragecache, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetStorages(zoneId, hostId string) ([]SStorage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetVpc(id string) (*SVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetVpcs() ([]SVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetWire(id string) (*SWire, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetWires(vpcId, hostId string) ([]SWire, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetZone(id string) (*SZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetZones() ([]SZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) SaveImage(id, imageName, notes string) (*SImage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SImageCreateOption, ...) (string, error)
- type SSecurityGroup
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) Delete() error
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetId() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetName() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetProjectId() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetReferences() ([]cloudprovider.SecurityGroupReference, error)
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId() string
- type SServerSku
- func (self *SServerSku) Delete() error
- func (self *SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskCount() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskSizeGB() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskType() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetCpuArch() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetCpuCoreCount() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetDataDiskMaxCount() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetDataDiskTypes() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuAttachable() bool
- func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuCount() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuMaxCount() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuSpec() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetId() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetInstanceTypeCategory() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetInstanceTypeFamily() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetMemorySizeMB() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetName() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetNicMaxCount() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetNicType() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetOsName() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetPostpaidStatus() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetPrepaidStatus() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskMaxSizeGB() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskMinSizeGB() int
- func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskResizable() bool
- func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskType() string
- type SSnapshot
- func (self *SSnapshot) Delete() error
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetDiskId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetDiskType() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetName() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetProjectId() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetSizeMb() int32
- func (self *SSnapshot) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SSnapshot) Refresh() error
- type SStorage
- func (self *SStorage) CreateIDisk(opts *cloudprovider.DiskCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetCapacityMB() int64
- func (self *SStorage) GetCapacityUsedMB() int64
- func (self *SStorage) GetEnabled() bool
- func (self *SStorage) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
- func (self *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- func (self *SStorage) GetId() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetMediumType() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetMountPoint() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetName() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (self *SStorage) GetStorageType() string
- func (self *SStorage) IsSysDiskStore() bool
- type SStoragecache
- func (self *SStoragecache) CreateIImage(snapshotId, name, osType, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) DownloadImage(imageId string, extId string, path string) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetICloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetICustomizedCloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetIImageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetId() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetName() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetPath() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SStoragecache) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SImageCreateOption, ...) (string, error)
- type SVpc
- func (self *SVpc) CreateIWire(opts *cloudprovider.SWireCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) Delete() error
- func (self *SVpc) GetCidrBlock() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetCidrBlock6() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetExternalAccessMode() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTableById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTables() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIWireById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetId() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetIsDefault() bool
- func (self *SVpc) GetName() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SVpc) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SVpc) Refresh() error
- type SWire
- func (self *SWire) CreateINetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SNetworkCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetBandwidth() int
- func (self *SWire) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SWire) GetINetworkById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
- func (self *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- func (self *SWire) GetId() string
- func (self *SWire) GetName() string
- func (self *SWire) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SWire) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SWire) Refresh() error
- type SZone
- func (self *SZone) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SZone) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
- func (zone *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (zone *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetId() string
- func (self *SZone) GetName() string
- func (self *SZone) GetStatus() string
- type SecurityGroupRule
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) Delete() error
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetAction() secrules.TSecurityRuleAction
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetCIDRs() []string
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetDescription() string
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetDirection() secrules.TSecurityRuleDirection
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetPorts() string
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetPriority() int
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetProtocol() string
- func (self *SecurityGroupRule) Update(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleUpdateOptions) error
Constants ¶
View Source
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CloudpodsClientConfig ¶
type CloudpodsClientConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCloudpodsClientConfig ¶
func NewCloudpodsClientConfig(authURL, accessKey, accessSecret string) *CloudpodsClientConfig
func (*CloudpodsClientConfig) CloudproviderConfig ¶
func (cfg *CloudpodsClientConfig) CloudproviderConfig(cpcfg cloudprovider.ProviderConfig) *CloudpodsClientConfig
func (*CloudpodsClientConfig) Debug ¶
func (cfg *CloudpodsClientConfig) Debug(debug bool) *CloudpodsClientConfig
type CloudpodsTags ¶
func (*CloudpodsTags) GetSysTags ¶
func (self *CloudpodsTags) GetSysTags() map[string]string
type ModelManager ¶
type ModelManager interface { List(session *mcclient.ClientSession, params jsonutils.JSONObject) (*printutils.ListResult, error) Create(session *mcclient.ClientSession, params jsonutils.JSONObject) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error) Delete(session *mcclient.ClientSession, id string, param jsonutils.JSONObject) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error) DeleteWithParam(session *mcclient.ClientSession, id string, query jsonutils.JSONObject, body jsonutils.JSONObject) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error) PerformAction(session *mcclient.ClientSession, id string, action string, params jsonutils.JSONObject) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error) Get(session *mcclient.ClientSession, id string, params jsonutils.JSONObject) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error) Update(session *mcclient.ClientSession, id string, params jsonutils.JSONObject) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error) GetKeyword() string }
type SCloudpodsClient ¶
type SCloudpodsClient struct { *CloudpodsClientConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCloudpodsClient ¶
func NewCloudpodsClient(cfg *CloudpodsClientConfig) (*SCloudpodsClient, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetAccountId ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetAccountId() string
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetCapabilities ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetCapabilities() []string
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetCloudRegionExternalIdPrefix ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetCloudRegionExternalIdPrefix() string
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetIProjects ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetIProjects() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetIRegionById ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetIRegions ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetIRegions() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetMetrics ¶
func (cli *SCloudpodsClient) GetMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetProjects ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetProjects() ([]SProject, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetRegion ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetRegion(regionId string) (*SRegion, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetRegions ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetRegions() ([]SRegion, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetSubAccounts ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetSubAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.SSubAccount, error)
func (*SCloudpodsClient) GetVersion ¶
func (self *SCloudpodsClient) GetVersion() string
type SDisk ¶
type SDisk struct { multicloud.SVirtualResourceBase multicloud.SBillingBase CloudpodsTags api.DiskDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SDisk) CreateISnapshot ¶
func (self *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetAccessPath ¶
func (*SDisk) GetCacheMode ¶
func (*SDisk) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskType ¶
func (*SDisk) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (*SDisk) GetExtSnapshotPolicyIds ¶
func (*SDisk) GetFsFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SDisk) GetISnapshots ¶
func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetIStorage ¶
func (self *SDisk) GetIStorage() (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SDisk) GetIStorageId ¶
func (*SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete ¶
func (*SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent ¶
func (*SDisk) GetMountpoint ¶
func (*SDisk) GetPreallocation ¶
func (*SDisk) GetTemplateId ¶
type SEip ¶
type SEip struct { multicloud.SVirtualResourceBase multicloud.SBillingBase CloudpodsTags api.ElasticipDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SEip) Associate ¶
func (self *SEip) Associate(opts *cloudprovider.AssociateConfig) error
func (*SEip) ChangeBandwidth ¶
func (*SEip) Dissociate ¶
func (*SEip) GetAssociationExternalId ¶
func (*SEip) GetAssociationType ¶
func (*SEip) GetBandwidth ¶
func (*SEip) GetBillingType ¶
func (*SEip) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SEip) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (*SEip) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SEip) GetINetworkId ¶
func (*SEip) GetInternetChargeType ¶
func (*SEip) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SEip) IsAutoRenew ¶
type SHost ¶
type SHost struct { multicloud.SHostBase api.HostDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SHost) CreateBaremetalServer ¶
func (host *SHost) CreateBaremetalServer(opts *api.ServerCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) CreateVM ¶
func (host *SHost) CreateVM(opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) GetAccessIp ¶
func (*SHost) GetAccessMac ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuCmtbound ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuDesc ¶
func (*SHost) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SHost) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostStatus ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostType ¶
func (*SHost) GetIHostNics ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIHostNics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHostNetInterface, error)
func (*SHost) GetIStorageById ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIStorages ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIVMById ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) GetIsMaintenance ¶
func (*SHost) GetMemCmtbound ¶
func (*SHost) GetMemSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetNodeCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetOvnVersion ¶
func (*SHost) GetReservedMemoryMb ¶
func (*SHost) GetSchedtags ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageDriver ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageInfo ¶
func (host *SHost) GetStorageInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SHost) GetStorageSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SHost) GetSysInfo ¶
func (host *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SHost) GetVersion ¶
type SHostNic ¶
type SHostNic struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SHostNic) GetIWire ¶
func (hn *SHostNic) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
func (*SHostNic) GetNicType ¶
type SImage ¶
type SImage struct { multicloud.SImageBase CloudpodsTags api.ImageDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SImage) GetBios ¶
func (self *SImage) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
func (*SImage) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SImage) GetFullOsName ¶
func (*SImage) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SImage) GetIStoragecache ¶
func (self *SImage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
func (*SImage) GetImageFormat ¶
func (*SImage) GetImageStatus ¶
func (*SImage) GetImageType ¶
func (self *SImage) GetImageType() cloudprovider.TImageType
func (*SImage) GetMinOsDiskSizeGb ¶
func (*SImage) GetMinRamSizeMb ¶
func (*SImage) GetOsType ¶
func (self *SImage) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
func (*SImage) GetOsVersion ¶
func (*SImage) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SImage) GetSizeByte ¶
type SInstance ¶
type SInstance struct { multicloud.SInstanceBase CloudpodsTags api.ServerDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SInstance) AllocatePublicIpAddress ¶
func (*SInstance) AttachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) ChangeConfig ¶
func (self *SInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMChangeConfig) error
func (*SInstance) CreateDisk ¶
func (self *SInstance) CreateDisk(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.GuestDiskCreateOptions) (string, error)
func (*SInstance) CreateInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (self *SInstance) CreateInstanceSnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
func (*SInstance) DeployVM ¶
func (self *SInstance) DeployVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
func (*SInstance) DetachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) GetBios ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
func (*SInstance) GetBootOrder ¶
func (*SInstance) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SInstance) GetDetails ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetDetails() (*api.ServerDetails, error)
func (*SInstance) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (*SInstance) GetFullOsName ¶
func (*SInstance) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetHostname ¶
func (*SInstance) GetHypervisor ¶
func (*SInstance) GetIDisks ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SInstance) GetIHost ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
func (*SInstance) GetIHostId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshot(idStr string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
func (*SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshots ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
func (*SInstance) GetInstanceType ¶
func (*SInstance) GetMachine ¶
func (*SInstance) GetOsType ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
func (*SInstance) GetOsVersion ¶
func (*SInstance) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVNCInfo ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetVNCInfo(input *cloudprovider.ServerVncInput) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
func (*SInstance) GetVcpuCount ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB ¶
func (*SInstance) LiveMigrateVM ¶
func (*SInstance) RebuildRoot ¶
func (self *SInstance) RebuildRoot(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMRebuildRootConfig) (string, error)
func (*SInstance) ResetToInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (*SInstance) SaveImage ¶
func (self *SInstance) SaveImage(opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SInstance) SetSecurityGroups ¶
func (*SInstance) StopVM ¶
func (self *SInstance) StopVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.ServerStopOptions) error
func (*SInstance) UpdateUserData ¶
func (*SInstance) UpdateVM ¶
func (self *SInstance) UpdateVM(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SInstanceUpdateOptions) error
func (*SInstance) VMSetStatus ¶
type SInstanceNic ¶
type SInstanceNic struct { multicloud.SResourceBase api.GuestnetworkDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SInstanceNic) AssignAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
func (*SInstanceNic) AssignNAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignNAddress(count int) ([]string, error)
func (*SInstanceNic) GetDriver ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetDriver() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetINetworkId ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetINetworkId() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetIP ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetIP() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetIP6 ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetIP6() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetId ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetId() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetMAC ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetMAC() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetSubAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetSubAddress() ([]string, error)
func (*SInstanceNic) InClassicNetwork ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) InClassicNetwork() bool
func (*SInstanceNic) UnassignAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) UnassignAddress(IpAddrs []string) error
type SKeypair ¶
type SKeypair struct {
type SMetricData ¶
type SNetwork ¶
type SNetwork struct { multicloud.SNetworkBase CloudpodsTags api.NetworkDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGateway ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGateway6 ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIWire ¶
func (self *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
func (*SNetwork) GetIp6Mask ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIp6Start ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIpStart ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetPublicScope ¶
func (self *SNetwork) GetPublicScope() rbacscope.TRbacScope
func (*SNetwork) GetServerType ¶
type SProject ¶
type SProject struct { multicloud.SProjectBase CloudpodsTags api.ProjectDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SProject) GetGlobalId ¶
type SRegion ¶
type SRegion struct { multicloud.SRegion multicloud.SRegionOssBase multicloud.SRegionLbBase multicloud.SRegionSecurityGroupBase api.CloudregionDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SRegion) CreateEIP ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateIVpc ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateIVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateInstance ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateInstance(hostId, hypervisor string, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (*SInstance, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateKeypair ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateSecRule ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateSecRule(secId string, opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleCreateOptions) error
func (*SRegion) CreateWire ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateWire(opts *cloudprovider.SWireCreateOptions, vpcId, domainId, publicScope string, isPublic bool) (*SWire, error)
func (*SRegion) DeleteSecRule ¶
func (*SRegion) GetCapabilities ¶
func (*SRegion) GetClient ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetClient() *SCloudpodsClient
func (*SRegion) GetCloudEnv ¶
func (*SRegion) GetGeographicInfo ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetGeographicInfo() cloudprovider.SGeographicInfo
func (*SRegion) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SRegion) GetGuestDisks ¶
func (*SRegion) GetGuestnetworks ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetGuestnetworks(serverId string) ([]SInstanceNic, error)
func (*SRegion) GetI18n ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
func (*SRegion) GetIDiskById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIEipById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIEipById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIHostById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById(secgroupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISecurityGroups ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISnapshotById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshotById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISnapshots ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStoragecaches ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIStoragecaches() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIVMById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIVpcById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZoneById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZones ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetInstanceVnc ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetInstanceVnc(id, name string) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
func (*SRegion) GetInstances ¶
func (*SRegion) GetKeypairs ¶
func (*SRegion) GetProvider ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSecurityGroup ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetSecurityGroup(id string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetSecurityGroups ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetSecurityGroups() ([]SSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetServerSkus ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetServerSkus() ([]SServerSku, error)
func (*SRegion) GetSnapshots ¶
func (*SRegion) GetStoragecache ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetStoragecache(id string) (*SStoragecache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetStoragecaches ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetStoragecaches() ([]SStoragecache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetStorages ¶
func (*SRegion) UploadImage ¶
func (self *SRegion) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SImageCreateOption, callback func(progress float32)) (string, error)
type SSecurityGroup ¶
type SSecurityGroup struct { multicloud.SSecurityGroup CloudpodsTags api.SecgroupDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SSecurityGroup) Delete ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) Delete() error
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetDescription ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetName ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetName() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetProjectId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetProjectId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetReferences ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetReferences() ([]cloudprovider.SecurityGroupReference, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetRules ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetStatus ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetStatus() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId() string
type SServerSku ¶
type SServerSku struct { multicloud.SResourceBase CloudpodsTags api.ServerSkuDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SServerSku) Delete ¶
func (self *SServerSku) Delete() error
func (*SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskCount ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskCount() int
func (*SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskSizeGB ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskSizeGB() int
func (*SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskType ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetAttachedDiskType() string
func (*SServerSku) GetCpuArch ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetCpuArch() string
func (*SServerSku) GetCpuCoreCount ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetCpuCoreCount() int
func (*SServerSku) GetDataDiskMaxCount ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetDataDiskMaxCount() int
func (*SServerSku) GetDataDiskTypes ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetDataDiskTypes() string
func (*SServerSku) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SServerSku) GetGpuAttachable ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuAttachable() bool
func (*SServerSku) GetGpuCount ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuCount() string
func (*SServerSku) GetGpuMaxCount ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuMaxCount() int
func (*SServerSku) GetGpuSpec ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetGpuSpec() string
func (*SServerSku) GetId ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetId() string
func (*SServerSku) GetInstanceTypeCategory ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetInstanceTypeCategory() string
func (*SServerSku) GetInstanceTypeFamily ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetInstanceTypeFamily() string
func (*SServerSku) GetMemorySizeMB ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetMemorySizeMB() int
func (*SServerSku) GetName ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetName() string
func (*SServerSku) GetNicMaxCount ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetNicMaxCount() int
func (*SServerSku) GetNicType ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetNicType() string
func (*SServerSku) GetOsName ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetOsName() string
func (*SServerSku) GetPostpaidStatus ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetPostpaidStatus() string
func (*SServerSku) GetPrepaidStatus ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetPrepaidStatus() string
func (*SServerSku) GetStatus ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetStatus() string
func (*SServerSku) GetSysDiskMaxSizeGB ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskMaxSizeGB() int
func (*SServerSku) GetSysDiskMinSizeGB ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskMinSizeGB() int
func (*SServerSku) GetSysDiskResizable ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskResizable() bool
func (*SServerSku) GetSysDiskType ¶
func (self *SServerSku) GetSysDiskType() string
type SSnapshot ¶
type SSnapshot struct { multicloud.SVirtualResourceBase CloudpodsTags api.SnapshotDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SSnapshot) GetDiskType ¶
func (*SSnapshot) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SSnapshot) GetProjectId ¶
type SStorage ¶
type SStorage struct { multicloud.SStorageBase api.StorageDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SStorage) CreateIDisk ¶
func (self *SStorage) CreateIDisk(opts *cloudprovider.DiskCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetCapacityMB ¶
func (*SStorage) GetCapacityUsedMB ¶
func (*SStorage) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SStorage) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SStorage) GetIDiskById ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIDisks ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIStoragecache ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
func (*SStorage) GetIZone ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
func (*SStorage) GetMediumType ¶
func (*SStorage) GetMountPoint ¶
func (*SStorage) GetStorageConf ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SStorage) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SStorage) IsSysDiskStore ¶
type SStoragecache ¶
type SStoragecache struct { multicloud.SResourceBase CloudpodsTags api.StoragecacheDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SStoragecache) CreateIImage ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) CreateIImage(snapshotId, name, osType, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) DownloadImage ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) DownloadImage(imageId string, extId string, path string) (jsonutils.JSONObject, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetICloudImages ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetICloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetICustomizedCloudImages ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetICustomizedCloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetIImageById ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetIImageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetId ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetId() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetName ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetName() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetPath ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetPath() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetStatus ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) GetStatus() string
func (*SStoragecache) UploadImage ¶
func (self *SStoragecache) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SImageCreateOption, callback func(progress float32)) (string, error)
type SVpc ¶
type SVpc struct { multicloud.SVpc CloudpodsTags api.VpcDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SVpc) CreateIWire ¶
func (self *SVpc) CreateIWire(opts *cloudprovider.SWireCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetCidrBlock ¶
func (*SVpc) GetCidrBlock6 ¶
func (*SVpc) GetExternalAccessMode ¶
func (*SVpc) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SVpc) GetIRouteTableById ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTableById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIRouteTables ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTables() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
func (*SVpc) GetISecurityGroups ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWireById ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIWireById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWires ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIsDefault ¶
func (*SVpc) GetRegion ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
type SWire ¶
type SWire struct { CloudpodsTags multicloud.SResourceBase api.WireDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SWire) CreateINetwork ¶
func (self *SWire) CreateINetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SNetworkCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetBandwidth ¶
func (*SWire) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SWire) GetINetworkById ¶
func (self *SWire) GetINetworkById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetINetworks ¶
func (self *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetIVpc ¶
func (self *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
func (*SWire) GetIZone ¶
func (self *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
func (*SWire) IsEmulated ¶
type SZone ¶
type SZone struct { multicloud.SResourceBase CloudpodsTags api.ZoneDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SZone) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SZone) GetI18n ¶
func (self *SZone) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
func (*SZone) GetIHostById ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIHosts ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIRegion ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SZone) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SZone) GetIStorages ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
type SecurityGroupRule ¶
type SecurityGroupRule struct { multicloud.SResourceBase CloudpodsTags api.SecgroupRuleDetails // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SecurityGroupRule) Delete ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) Delete() error
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetAction ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetAction() secrules.TSecurityRuleAction
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetCIDRs ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetCIDRs() []string
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetDescription ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetDescription() string
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetDirection ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetDirection() secrules.TSecurityRuleDirection
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetPorts ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetPorts() string
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetPriority ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetPriority() int
func (*SecurityGroupRule) GetProtocol ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) GetProtocol() string
func (*SecurityGroupRule) Update ¶
func (self *SecurityGroupRule) Update(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleUpdateOptions) error
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