
v1.60.10 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Nov 22, 2021 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 85 Imported by: 8



Use this data source to query detailed information of address template groups.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_address_template_groups" "name" {
  name       = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of address templates.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_address_templates" "name" {
  name       = "test"


Use this data source to query API gateway access keys.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key" "test" {
  secret_name = "my_api_key"
  status      = "on"
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_keys" "name" {
  secret_name = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key.test.secret_name
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_keys" "id" {
  api_key_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key.test.id


Use this data source to query API gateway APIs.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  service_name = "ck"
  protocol     = "http&https"
  service_desc = "your nice service"
  net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api" "api" {
  service_id               = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
  api_name                 = "hello"
  api_desc                 = "my hello api"
  auth_type                = "NONE"
  protocol                 = "HTTP"
  enable_cors              = true
  request_config_path      = "/user/info"
  request_config_method    = "GET"
  service_config_type      = "HTTP"
  service_config_timeout   = 15
  service_config_url       = "http://www.qq.com"
  service_config_path      = "/user"
  service_config_method    = "GET"
  response_type            = "HTML"
  response_success_example = "success"
  response_fail_example    = "fail"
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_apis" "id" {
  service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
  api_id     = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api.api.id
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_apis" "name" {
  service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
  api_name   = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api.api.api_name


Use this data source to query API gateway domain list.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_custom_domain" "foo" {
	service_id         = "service-ohxqslqe"
	sub_domain         = "tic-test.dnsv1.com"
	protocol           = "http"
	net_type           = "OUTER"
	is_default_mapping = "false"
	default_domain     = "service-ohxqslqe-1259649581.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com"
	path_mappings      = ["/good#test","/root#release"]
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_customer_domains" "id" {
	service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_custom_domain.foo.service_id


Use this data source to query API gateway IP strategy.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  service_name = "ck"
  protocol     = "http&https"
  service_desc = "your nice service"
  net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy" "test"{
	service_id      = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
	strategy_name	= "tf_test"
	strategy_type	= "BLACK"
	strategy_data	= ""
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategies" "id" {
	service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy.test.service_id
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategies" "name" {
    service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy.test.service_id
	strategy_name = tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy.test.strategy_name


Use this data source to query API gateway services.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  service_name = "niceservice"
  protocol     = "http&https"
  service_desc = "your nice service"
  net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  ip_version   = "IPv4"
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_services" "name" {
    service_name = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.service_name
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_services" "id" {
    service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id


Use this data source to query API gateway throttling APIs.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  	service_name = "niceservice"
  	protocol     = "http&https"
  	service_desc = "your nice service"
  	net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  	ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api" "api" {
    service_id            = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
    api_name              = "hello_update"
    api_desc              = "my hello api update"
    auth_type             = "SECRET"
    protocol              = "HTTP"
    enable_cors           = true
    request_config_path   = "/user/info"
    request_config_method = "POST"
    request_parameters {
    	name          = "email"
        position      = "QUERY"
        type          = "string"
        desc          = "your email please?"
        default_value = "tom@qq.com"
        required      = true
    service_config_type      = "HTTP"
    service_config_timeout   = 10
    service_config_url       = "http://www.tencent.com"
    service_config_path      = "/user"
    service_config_method    = "POST"
    response_type            = "XML"
    response_success_example = "<note>success</note>"
    response_fail_example    = "<note>fail</note>"
    response_error_codes {
    	code           = 10
        msg            = "system error"
       	desc           = "system error code"
       	converted_code = -10
        need_convert   = true

	release_limit    = 100
	pre_limit        = 100
	test_limit       = 100
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_throttling_apis" "id" {
    service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api.service_id
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_throttling_apis" "foo" {
	service_id        = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api.service.service_id
	environment_names = ["release", "test"]


Use this data source to query API gateway throttling services.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  	service_name     = "niceservice"
  	protocol         = "http&https"
  	service_desc     = "your nice service"
  	net_type         = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
	ip_version       = "IPv4"
	release_limit    = 100
	pre_limit        = 100
	test_limit       = 100
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_throttling_services" "id" {
    service_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id


Used to query the environment list bound by the plan.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan" "plan" {
	usage_plan_name         = "my_plan"
	usage_plan_desc         = "nice plan"
	max_request_num         = 100
	max_request_num_pre_sec = 10
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
	service_name = "niceservice"
	protocol     = "http&https"
	service_desc = "your nice service"
	net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
	ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan_attachment" "attach_service" {
	usage_plan_id  = tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan.plan.id
	service_id     = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
	environment    = "test"
	bind_type      = "SERVICE"
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan_environments" "environment_test" {
	usage_plan_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan_attachment.attach_service.usage_plan_id
	bind_type     = "SERVICE"


Use this data source to query API gateway usage plans.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan" "plan" {
  usage_plan_name         = "my_plan"
  usage_plan_desc         = "nice plan"
  max_request_num         = 100
  max_request_num_pre_sec = 10
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plans" "name" {
  usage_plan_name = tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan.plan.usage_plan_name
data "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plans" "id" {
  usage_plan_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan.plan.id


Use this data source to query scaling configuration information.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_as_scaling_configs" "as_configs" {
  configuration_id   = "asc-oqio4yyj"
  result_output_file = "my_test_path"


Use this data source to query the detail information of an existing autoscaling group.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_as_scaling_groups" "as_scaling_groups" {
  scaling_group_name = "myasgroup"
  configuration_id   = "asc-oqio4yyj"
  result_output_file = "my_test_path"


Use this data source to query detailed information of scaling policy.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_as_scaling_policies" "as_scaling_policies" {
  scaling_policy_id  = "asg-mvyghxu7"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query the cos region list supported by the audit.

Example Usage ```hcl data "tencentcloud_audit_cos_regions" "foo" { } ```

Use this data source to query the key alias list specified with region supported by the audit.

Example Usage ```hcl

data "tencentcloud_audit_key_alias" "all" {
	region = "ap-hongkong"


Use this data source to query detailed information of audits.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_audits" "audits" {
  name       = "test"


Use this data source to get the available regions. By default only `AVAILABLE` regions will be returned, but `UNAVAILABLE` regions can also be fetched when `include_unavailable` is specified.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_availability_regions" "my_favourite_region" {
  name = "ap-guangzhou"


Use this data source to get the available zones in current region. By default only `AVAILABLE` zones will be returned, but `UNAVAILABLE` zones can also be fetched when `include_unavailable` is specified.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_availability_zones" "my_favourite_zone" {
  name = "ap-guangzhou-3"


Use this data source to get the available zones in current region. Must set product param to fetch the product infomations(e.g. => cvm, vpc) By default only `AVAILABLE` zones will be returned, but `UNAVAILABLE` zones can also be fetched when `include_unavailable` is specified.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_availability_zones_by_product" "all" {


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM group memberships

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cam_group_memberships" "foo" {
  group_id = tencentcloud_cam_group.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM group policy attachments

Example Usage

```hcl # query by group_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_group_policy_attachments" "foo" {
  group_id = tencentcloud_cam_group.foo.id

query by group_id and policy_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_group_policy_attachments" "bar" {
  group_id  = tencentcloud_cam_group.foo.id
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM groups

Example Usage

```hcl # query by group_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_groups" "foo" {
  group_id = tencentcloud_cam_group.foo.id

query by name

data "tencentcloud_cam_groups" "bar" {
  name = "cam-group-test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM policies

Example Usage

```hcl # query by policy_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_policies" "foo" {
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id

query by policy_id and name

data "tencentcloud_cam_policies" "bar" {
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id
  name      = "tf-auto-test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM role policy attachments

Example Usage

```hcl # query by role_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_role_policy_attachments" "foo" {
  role_id = tencentcloud_cam_role.foo.id

query by role_id and policy_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_role_policy_attachments" "bar" {
  role_id   = tencentcloud_cam_role.foo.id
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM roles

Example Usage

```hcl # query by role_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_roles" "foo" {
  role_id = tencentcloud_cam_role.foo.id

query by name

data "tencentcloud_cam_roles" "bar" {
  name = "cam-role-test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM SAML providers

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cam_saml_providers" "foo" {
  name = "cam-test-provider"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM user policy attachments

Example Usage

```hcl # query by user_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_user_policy_attachments" "foo" {
  user_id = tencentcloud_cam_user.foo.id

query by user_id and policy_id

data "tencentcloud_cam_user_policy_attachments" "bar" {
  user_id   = tencentcloud_cam_user.foo.id
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of CAM users

Example Usage

```hcl # query by name

data "tencentcloud_cam_users" "foo" {
  name = "cam-user-test"

query by email

data "tencentcloud_cam_users" "bar" {
  email = "hello@test.com"

query by phone

data "tencentcloud_cam_users" "far" {
  phone_num = "12345678910"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CBS snapshot policies.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cbs_snapshot_policies" "policies" {
  snapshot_policy_id   = "snap-f3io7adt"
  snapshot_policy_name = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CBS snapshots.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cbs_snapshots" "snapshots" {
  snapshot_id        = "snap-f3io7adt"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CBS storages.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cbs_storages" "storages" {
  storage_id         = "disk-kdt0sq6m"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CCN bandwidth limits.

Example Usage


variable "other_region1" {
  default = "ap-shanghai"
resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name        = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos         = "AG"
data "tencentcloud_ccn_bandwidth_limits" "limit" {
  ccn_id = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
resource "tencentcloud_ccn_bandwidth_limit" "limit1" {
  ccn_id          = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
  region          = var.other_region1
  bandwidth_limit = 500


Use this data source to query detailed information of CCN instances.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name        = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos         = "AG"
data "tencentcloud_ccn_instances" "id_instances" {
  ccn_id = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
data "tencentcloud_ccn_instances" "name_instances" {
  name = tencentcloud_ccn.main.name


Use this data source to query CDH instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cdh_instances" "list" {
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  host_id = "host-d6s7i5q4"
  host_name = "test"
  host_state = "RUNNING"
  project_id = 1154137


Use this data source to query the detail information of CDN domain.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cdn_domains" "foo" {
  domain         	   = "xxxx.com"
  service_type   	   = "web"
  full_url_cache 	   = false
  origin_pull_protocol = "follow"
  https_switch		   = "on"


Use this data source to query the detail information of CFS access group.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cfs_access_groups" "access_groups" {
  access_group_id = "pgroup-7nx89k7l"
  name            = "test"


Use this data source to query the detail information of CFS access rule.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cfs_access_rules" "access_rules" {
  access_group_id = "pgroup-7nx89k7l"
  access_rule_id  = "rule-qcndbqzj"


Use this data source to query the detail information of cloud file systems(CFS).

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cfs_file_systems" "file_systems" {
  file_system_id    = "cfs-6hgquxmj"
  name              = "test"
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"


Use this data source to query detailed acl information of Ckafka

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_ckafka_acls" "foo" {
  instance_id   = "ckafka-f9ife4zz"
  resource_type = "TOPIC"
  resource_name = "topic-tf-test"
  host          = "2"


Use this data source to query detailed information of ckafka topic.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ckafka_topic" "foo" {
	instance_id                     = "ckafka-f9ife4zz"
	topic_name                      = "example"
	note                            = "topic note"
	replica_num                     = 2
	partition_num                   = 1
	enable_white_list               = true
	ip_white_list                   = ["ip1","ip2"]
	clean_up_policy                 = "delete"
	sync_replica_min_num            = 1
	unclean_leader_election_enable  = false
	segment                         = 3600000
	retention                       = 60000
	max_message_bytes               = 0


Use this data source to query detailed user information of Ckafka

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_ckafka_users" "foo" {
  instance_id  = "ckafka-f9ife4zz"
  account_name = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CLB attachments

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_clb_attachments" "clblab" {
  listener_id = "lbl-hh141sn9"
  clb_id      = "lb-k2zjp9lv"
  rule_id     = "loc-4xxr2cy7"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CLB

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_clb_instances" "foo" {
  clb_id             = "lb-k2zjp9lv"
  network_type       = "OPEN"
  clb_name           = "myclb"
  project_id         = 0
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CLB listener rule

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_clb_listener_rules" "foo" {
  clb_id      = "lb-k2zjp9lv"
  listener_id = "lbl-mwr6vbtv"
  rule_id     = "loc-inem40hz"
  domain      = "abc.com"
  url         = "/"
  scheduler   = "WRR"


Use this data source to query detailed information of CLB listener

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_clb_listeners" "foo" {
  clb_id      = "lb-k2zjp9lv"
  listener_id = "lbl-mwr6vbtv"
  protocol    = "TCP"
  port        = 80


Use this data source to query detailed information of CLB redirections

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_clb_redirections" "foo" {
  clb_id             = "lb-p7olt9e5"
  source_listener_id = "lbl-jc1dx6ju"
  target_listener_id = "lbl-asj1hzuo"
  source_rule_id     = "loc-ft8fmngv"
  target_rule_id     = "loc-4xxr2cy7"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query target group information.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_clb_instance" "clb_basic" {
  network_type = "OPEN"
  clb_name     = "tf-clb-rule-basic"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "listener_basic" {
  clb_id        = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
  port          = 1
  protocol      = "HTTP"
  listener_name = "listener_basic"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener_rule" "rule_basic" {
  clb_id              = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
  listener_id         = tencentcloud_clb_listener.listener_basic.listener_id
  domain              = "abc.com"
  url                 = "/"
  session_expire_time = 30
  scheduler           = "WRR"
  target_type         = "TARGETGROUP"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group" "test"{
    target_group_name = "test-target-keep-1"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group_attachment" "group" {
    clb_id          = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
    listener_id     = tencentcloud_clb_listener.listener_basic.listener_id
    rule_id         = tencentcloud_clb_listener_rule.rule_basic.rule_id
    targrt_group_id = tencentcloud_clb_target_group.test.id
data "tencentcloud_clb_target_groups" "target_group_info_id" {
  target_group_id = tencentcloud_clb_target_group.test.id


Get all instances of the specific cluster.

Use this data source to get all instances in a specific cluster.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_kubernetes_clusters.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_container_cluster_instances" "foo_instance" {
  cluster_id = "cls-abcdefg"


Get container clusters in the current region.

Use this data source to get container clusters in the current region. By default every clusters in current region will be returned.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_kubernetes_clusters.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_container_clusters" "foo" { } ```

Use this data source to query the metadata of an object stored inside a bucket.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cos_bucket_object" "mycos" {
  bucket             = "mycos-test-1258798060"
  key                = "hello-world.py"
  result_output_file = "TFresults"


Use this data source to query the COS buckets of the current Tencent Cloud user.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cos_buckets" "cos_buckets" {
  bucket_prefix      = "tf-bucket-"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query detailed information of Cynosdb clusters.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cynosdb_clusters" "foo" {
  cluster_id   = "cynosdbmysql-dzj5l8gz"
  project_id   = 0
  db_type      = "MYSQL"
  cluster_name = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of Cynosdb instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cynosdb_instances" "foo" {
  instance_id   = "cynosdbmysql-ins-0wln9u6w"
  project_id    = 0
  db_type       = "MYSQL"
  instance_name = "test"


Use this data source to query dayu CC http policies

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policies" "id_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy.test_policy.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy.test_policy.resource_id
  policy_id     = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy.test_policy.policy_id
data "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policies" "name_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy.test_policy.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy.test_policy.resource_id
  name          = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy.test_policy.name


Use this data source to query dayu CC https policies

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policies" "name_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policy.test_policy.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policy.test_policy.resource_id
  name          = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policy.test_policy.name
data "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policies" "id_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policy.test_policy.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policy.test_policy.resource_id
  policy_id     = tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policy.test_policy.policy_id


Use this data source to query dayu DDoS policies

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policies" "id_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy.test_policy.resource_type
  policy_id     = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy.test_policy.policy_id


Use this data source to query detailed information of dayu DDoS policy attachments

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachments" "foo_type" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.resource_type
data "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachments" "foo_resource" {
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.resource_id
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.resource_type
data "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachments" "foo_policy" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.resource_type
  policy_id     = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.dayu_ddos_policy_attachment.policy_id


Use this data source to query dayu DDoS policy cases

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_cases" "id_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_case.test_policy_case.resource_type
  scene_id      = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_case.test_policy_case.scene_id


Use this data source to query dayu layer 4 rules

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rules" "name_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rule.test_rule.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rule.test_rule.resource_id
  name          = tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rule.test_rule.name
data "tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rules" "id_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rule.test_rule.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rule.test_rule.resource_id
  rule_id       = tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rule.test_rule.rule_id


Use this data source to query dayu layer 7 rules

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rules" "domain_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.resource_id
  domain        = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.domain
data "tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rules" "id_test" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.resource_id
  rule_id       = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.rule_id


Use this data source to query detailed information of direct connect gateway route entries.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name        = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos         = "AG"
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway" "ccn_main" {
  name                = "ci-cdg-ccn-test"
  network_instance_id = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
  network_type        = "CCN"
  gateway_type        = "NORMAL"
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway_ccn_route" "route1" {
  dcg_id     = tencentcloud_dc_gateway.ccn_main.id
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway_ccn_route" "route2" {
  dcg_id     = tencentcloud_dc_gateway.ccn_main.id
  cidr_block = ""

#You need to sleep for a few seconds because there is a cache on the server

data "tencentcloud_dc_gateway_ccn_routes" "test" {
  dcg_id = tencentcloud_dc_gateway.ccn_main.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of direct connect gateway instances.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name        = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos         = "AG"
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway" "ccn_main" {
  name                = "ci-cdg-ccn-test"
  network_instance_id = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
  network_type        = "CCN"
  gateway_type        = "NORMAL"

#You need to sleep for a few seconds because there is a cache on the server

data "tencentcloud_dc_gateway_instances" "name_select" {
  name = tencentcloud_dc_gateway.ccn_main.name
data "tencentcloud_dc_gateway_instances" "id_select" {
  dcg_id = tencentcloud_dc_gateway.ccn_main.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of DC instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dc_instances" "name_select" {
  name = "t"
data "tencentcloud_dc_instances" "id" {
  dcx_id = "dc-kax48sg7"


Use this data source to query detailed information of dedicated tunnels instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_dcx_instances" "name_select" {
  name = "main"
data "tencentcloud_dcx_instances" "id" {
  dcx_id = "dcx-3ikuw30k"


Use this data source to query detailed information of DNATs.

Example Usage

```hcl # query by nat gateway id

data "tencentcloud_dnats" "foo" {
  nat_id = "nat-xfaq1"

query by vpc id

data "tencentcloud_dnats" "foo" {
  vpc_id = "vpc-xfqag"

query by elastic ip

data "tencentcloud_dnats" "foo" {
  elastic_ip = ""


Provides an available EIP for the user.

The EIP data source fetch proper EIP from user's EIP pool.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_eips.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_eip" "my_eip" {
  filter {
    name   = "address-status"
    values = ["UNBIND"]


Use this data source to query eip instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_eips" "foo" {
  eip_id = "eip-ry9h95hg"


Use this data source to query elastic kubernetes cluster resource.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_eks_clusters" "foo" {
  cluster_id = "cls-xxxxxxxx"


Use this data source to query elasticsearch instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_elasticsearch_instances" "foo" {
  instance_id = "es-17634f05"


Use this data source to query query ENIs.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_enis" "name" {
  name = "test eni"


Use this data source to query GAAP certificate.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_certificate" "foo" {
  type    = "BASIC"
  content = "test:tx2KGdo3zJg/."
  name    = "test_certificate"
data "tencentcloud_gaap_certificates" "foo" {
  id = tencentcloud_gaap_certificate.foo.id


Use this data source to query custom GAAP HTTP domain error page info list.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = "%s"
resource tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = "www.qq.com"
resource tencentcloud_gaap_domain_error_page "foo" {
  listener_id    = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain         = tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain.foo.domain
  error_codes    = [406, 504]
  new_error_code = 502
  body           = "bad request"
  clear_headers  = ["Content-Length", "X-TEST"]

  set_headers = {
    "X-TEST" = "test"
data tencentcloud_gaap_domain_error_pages "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_domain_error_page.foo.listener_id
  domain      = tencentcloud_gaap_domain_error_page.foo.domain


Use this data source to query forward domain of layer7 listeners.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener" "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain" "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = "www.qq.com"
data "tencentcloud_gaap_http_domains" "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain.foo.domain


Use this data source to query forward rule of layer7 listeners.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener" "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "foo" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_http_rule" "foo" {
  listener_id     = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain          = "www.qq.com"
  path            = "/"
  realserver_type = "IP"
  health_check    = true

  realservers {
    id   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.id
    ip   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.ip
    port = 80
data "tencentcloud_gaap_http_rules" "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = tencentcloud_gaap_http_rule.foo.domain


Use this data source to query gaap layer4 listeners.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "foo" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer4_listener" "foo" {
  protocol        = "TCP"
  name            = "ci-test-gaap-4-listener"
  port            = 80
  realserver_type = "IP"
  proxy_id        = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  health_check    = true
  interval        = 5
  connect_timeout = 2

  realserver_bind_set {
    id   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.id
    ip   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.ip
    port = 80
data "tencentcloud_gaap_layer4_listeners" "foo" {
  protocol    = "TCP"
  proxy_id    = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer4_listener.foo.id


Use this data source to query gaap layer7 listeners.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener" "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
data "tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listeners" "listenerId" {
  protocol    = "HTTP"
  proxy_id    = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id


Use this data source to query gaap proxies.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
data "tencentcloud_gaap_proxies" "foo" {
  ids = [tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id]


Use this data source to query gaap realservers.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "foo" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver"
data "tencentcloud_gaap_realservers" "foo" {
  ip = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.ip


Use this data source to query security policies of GAAP proxy.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy" "foo" {
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  action   = "ACCEPT"
data "tencentcloud_gaap_security_policies" "foo" {
  id = tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy.foo.id


Use this data source to query security policy rule.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy" "foo" {
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  action   = "ACCEPT"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_security_rule" "foo" {
  policy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy.foo.id
  name      = "ci-test-gaap-s-rule"
  cidr_ip   = ""
  action    = "ACCEPT"
  protocol  = "TCP"
  port      = "80"
data "tencentcloud_gaap_security_rules" "protocol" {
  policy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy.foo.id
  protocol  = tencentcloud_gaap_security_rule.foo.protocol


Use this data source to query detailed information of HA VIP EIP attachments

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_ha_vip_eip_attachments" "foo" {
  havip_id   = "havip-kjqwe4ba"
  address_ip = ""


Use this data source to query detailed information of HA VIPs.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_ha_vips" "havips" {
  id         = "havip-kjqwe4ba"
  name       = "test"
  vpc_id     = "vpc-gzea3dd7"
  subnet_id  = "subnet-4d4m4cd4"
  address_ip = ""


Provides an available image for the user.

The Images data source fetch proper image, which could be one of the private images of the user and images of system resources provided by TencentCloud, as well as other public images and those available on the image market.

~> **NOTE:** This data source will be deprecated, please use `tencentcloud_images` instead.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_image" "my_favorate_image" {
  os_name = "centos"

  filter {
    name   = "image-type"
    values = ["PUBLIC_IMAGE"]


Use this data source to query images.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_images" "foo" {
  image_type = ["PUBLIC_IMAGE"]
  os_name    = "centos 7.5"


Use this data source to query instances type.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_instance_types" "foo" {
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-2"
  cpu_core_count    = 2
  memory_size       = 4


Use this data source to query cvm instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_instances" "foo" {
  instance_id = "ins-da412f5a"


Use this data source to query key pairs.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_key_pairs" "foo" {
  key_id = "skey-ie97i3ml"
data "tencentcloud_key_pairs" "name" {
  key_name = "^test$"


Use this data source to query detailed information of KMS key

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_kms_keys" "foo" {
	search_key_alias = "test"
	key_state = 0
	origin = "TENCENT_KMS"
	key_usage = "ALL"


Use this data source to query detailed information of kubernetes clusters.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_kubernetes_clusters" "name" {
  cluster_name = "terraform"
data "tencentcloud_kubernetes_clusters" "id" {
  cluster_id = "cls-godovr32"


Use this data source to query detailed information of Mongodb instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_mongodb_instances" "mongodb" {
  instance_id  = "cmgo-l6lwdsel"
  cluster_type = "REPLSET"


Use this data source to query the available mongodb specifications for different zone.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_mongodb_zone_config" "mongodb" {
  available_zone = "ap-guangzhou-2"


Use this data source to query policy group binding objects.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_groups" "name" {
  name = "test"
data "tencentcloud_monitor_binding_objects" "objects" {
  group_id = data.tencentcloud_monitor_policy_groups.name.list[0].group_id


Use this data source to query monitor data. for complex queries, use (https://github.com/tencentyun/tencentcloud-exporter)

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_instances" "instances" { }


data "tencentcloud_monitor_data" "cvm_monitor_data" {
  namespace   = "QCE/CVM"
  metric_name = "CPUUsage"
  dimensions {
    name  = "InstanceId"
    value = data.tencentcloud_instances.instances.instance_list[0].instance_id
  period     = 300
  start_time = "2020-04-28T18:45:00+08:00"
  end_time   = "2020-04-28T19:00:00+08:00"


data "tencentcloud_monitor_data" "cos_monitor_data" {
  namespace   = "QCE/COS"
  metric_name = "InternetTraffic"
  dimensions {
    name  = "appid"
    value = "1258798060"
  dimensions {
    name  = "bucket"
    value = "test-1258798060"

  period     = 300
  start_time = "2020-04-28T18:30:00+08:00"
  end_time   = "2020-04-28T19:00:00+08:00"


Use this data source to query monitor policy conditions(There is a lot of data and it is recommended to output to a file)

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_conditions" "monitor_policy_conditions" {
  name               = "Cloud Virtual Machine"
  result_output_file = "./tencentcloud_monitor_policy_conditions.txt"


Use this data source to query monitor policy groups (There is a lot of data and it is recommended to output to a file)

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_groups" "groups" {
  policy_view_names = ["REDIS-CLUSTER", "cvm_device"]
data "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_groups" "name" {
  name = "test"


Use this data source to query monitor events(There is a lot of data and it is recommended to output to a file)

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_monitor_product_event" "cvm_event_data" {
  start_time      = 1588700283
  is_alarm_config = 0
  product_name    = ["cvm"]


Use this data source to query product namespace in monitor)

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_monitor_product_namespace" "instances" {
  name = "Redis"


Use this data source to query the list of backup databases.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_mysql_backup_list" "default" {
  mysql_id           = "my-test-database"
  max_number         = 10
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to get information about a MySQL instance.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_mysql_instance" "database" {
  mysql_id           = "my-test-database"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to get information about a parameter group of a database instance.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_mysql_parameter_list" "mysql" {
  mysql_id           = "my-test-database"
  engine_version     = "5.5"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query the available database specifications for different regions. And a maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this query.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_mysql_zone_config" "mysql" {
  region             = "ap-guangzhou"
  result_output_file = "mytestpath"


Use this data source to query detailed information of VPN gateways.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_nat_gateway_snats" "snat" {
  nat_gateway_id     = tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat.id
  subnet_id          = tencentcloud_nat_gateway_snat.my_subnet.id
  public_ip_addr     = [""]
  description        = "snat demo"
  result_output_file = "./snat.txt"


Use this data source to query detailed information of NAT gateways.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_nat_gateways" "foo" {
  name   = "main"
  vpc_id = "vpc-xfqag"
  id     = "nat-xfaq1"


The NATs data source lists a number of NATs resource information owned by an TencentCloud account.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_nat_gateways.

Example Usage

```hcl # Query the NAT gateway by ID

data "tencentcloud_nats" "anat" {
  id = "nat-k6ualnp2"

Query the list of normal NAT gateways

data "tencentcloud_nats" "nat_state" {
  state = 0

Multi conditional query NAT gateway list

data "tencentcloud_nats" "multi_nat" {
  name           = "terraform test"
  vpc_id         = "vpc-ezij4ltv"
  max_concurrent = 3000000
  bandwidth      = 500


Use this data source to query placement groups.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_placement_groups" "foo" {
  placement_group_id = "ps-21q9ibvr"
  name               = "test"


Use this data source to query postgresql instances

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_postgresql_instances" "name" {
  name = "test"
data "tencentcloud_postgresql_instances" "project" {
  project_id = 0
data "tencentcloud_postgresql_instances" "id" {
  id = "postgres-h9t4fde1"


Use this data source to get the available product configs of the postgresql instance.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_postgresql_specinfos" "foo" {
  availability_zone = "ap-shanghai-2"


Use this data source to query detailed information of protocol template groups.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_protocol_template_groups" "name" {
  name       = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of protocol templates.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_protocol_templates" "name" {
  name       = "test"


Use this data source to query the detail information of redis instance.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_redis_instances" "redislab" {
  zone               = "ap-hongkong-1"
  search_key         = "myredis"
  project_id         = 0
  limit              = 20
  result_output_file = "/tmp/redis_instances"


Use this data source to query which instance types of Redis are available in a specific region.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_redis_zone_config" "redislab" {
  region             = "ap-hongkong"
  result_output_file = "/temp/mytestpath"


Use this data source to query reserved instances configuration.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_reserved_instance_configs" "config" {
  availability_zone = "na-siliconvalley-1"


Use this data source to query reserved instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_reserved_instances" "instances" {
  availability_zone = "na-siliconvalley-1"
  instance_type     = "S2.MEDIUM8"


Provides details about a specific Route Table.

This resource can prove useful when a module accepts a Subnet id as an input variable and needs to, for example, add a route in the Route Table.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_vpc_route_tables.

Example Usage

```hcl variable "route_table_id" {}

data "tencentcloud_route_table" "selected" {
  route_table_id = var.route_table_id
resource "tencentcloud_route_entry" "rtb_entry_instance" {
  vpc_id         = "{data.tencentcloud_route_table.selected.vpc_id}"
  route_table_id = var.route_table_id
  cidr_block     = ""
  next_type      = "instance"
  next_hub       = ""


Use this data source to query SCF functions.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_scf_function" "foo" {
  name    = "ci-test-function"
  handler = "main.do_it"
  runtime = "Python3.6"

  cos_bucket_name   = "scf-code-1234567890"
  cos_object_name   = "code.zip"
  cos_bucket_region = "ap-guangzhou"
data "tencentcloud_scf_functions" "foo" {
  name = tencentcloud_scf_function.foo.name


Use this data source to query SCF function logs.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_scf_function" "foo" {
  name    = "ci-test-function"
  handler = "main.do_it"
  runtime = "Python3.6"

  cos_bucket_name   = "scf-code-1234567890"
  cos_object_name   = "code.zip"
  cos_bucket_region = "ap-guangzhou"
data "tencentcloud_scf_logs" "foo" {
  function_name = tencentcloud_scf_function.foo.name


Use this data source to query SCF namespaces.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_scf_namespace" "foo" {
  namespace = "ci-test-scf"
data "tencentcloud_scf_namespaces" "foo" {
  namespace = tencentcloud_scf_namespace.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of security group.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_security_groups.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_security_group" "sglab" {
  security_group_id = tencentcloud_security_group.sglab.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of security groups.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_security_groups" "sglab" {
  security_group_id = tencentcloud_security_group.sglab.id


Use this data source to query the list of SQL Server account DB privileges.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_account_db_attachments" "test"{
  instance_id = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.test.id
  account_name = tencentcloud_sqlserver_account_db_attachment.test.account_name


Use this data source to query the list of SQL Server accounts.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_accounts" "name" {
  instance_id           = "mssql-3cdq7kx5"
  name = "myaccount"
data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_accounts" "foo" {
  instance_id           = "mssql-3cdq7kx5"


Use this data source to query the list of SQL Server backups.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_backups" "foo" {
  instance_id           = "mssql-3cdq7kx5"
  start_time         = "2020-06-17 00:00:00"
  end_time			= "2020-06-22 00:00:00"


Use this data source to query SQL Server basic instances

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_basic_instance" "test" {
	name                = "tf_sqlserver_basic_instance"
	availability_zone   = var.availability_zone
	charge_type         = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
	vpc_id              = "vpc-26w7r56z"
	subnet_id           = "subnet-lvlr6eeu"
	machine_type        = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
	project_id          = 0
	memory              = 2
	storage             = 10
	cpu                 = 1
	security_groups     = ["sg-nltpbqg1"]

	tags = {
		"test" = "test"


Use this data source to query DB resources for the specific SQL Server instance.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_dbs" "example" {
  instance_id = "mssql-3cdq7kx5"


Use this data source to query SQL Server instances

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_instances" "vpc"{
  vpc_id = "vpc-409mvdvv"
  subnet_id = "subnet-nf9n81ps"
data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_instances" "project"{
  project_id = 0
data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_instances" "id"{
  id = "postgres-h9t4fde1"


Use this data source to query Publish Subscribe resources for the specific SQL Server instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_publish_subscribe" "example" {
	publish_instance_id             = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.publish_instance.id
	subscribe_instance_id           = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.subscribe_instance.id
	publish_subscribe_name          = "example"
	delete_subscribe_db             = false
	database_tuples {
		publish_database            = tencentcloud_sqlserver_db.test_publish_subscribe.name


Use this data source to query the list of SQL Server readonly groups.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_readonly_groups" "master" {
  master_instance_id           = "mssql-3cdq7kx5"


Use this data source to query purchasable specification configuration for each availability zone in this specific region.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_sqlserver_zone_config" "mysqlserver" { } ```

Use this data source to query SSL certificate.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_ssl_certificates" "foo" {
  name = "certificate"


Use this data source to query detailed information of SSM secret version Example Usage ```hcl

data "tencentcloud_ssm_secret_versions" "foo" {
  secret_name = "test"
  version_id = "v1"


Use this data source to query detailed information of SSM secret Example Usage ```hcl

data "tencentcloud_ssm_secrets" "foo" {
  secret_name = "test"
  order_type = 1
  state = 1


Provides details about a specific VPC subnet.

This resource can prove useful when a module accepts a subnet id as an input variable and needs to, for example, determine the id of the VPC that the subnet belongs to.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.

Example Usage

```hcl variable "subnet_id" {} variable "vpc_id" {}

data "tencentcloud_subnet" "selected" {
  vpc_id    = var.vpc_id
  subnet_id = var.subnet_id
resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "default" {
  name        = "test subnet data"
  description = "test subnet data description"
resource "tencentcloud_security_group_rule" "subnet" {
  security_group_id = tencentcloud_security_group.default.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_ip           = data.tencentcloud_subnet.selected.cidr_block
  ip_protocol       = "tcp"
  port_range        = "80,8080"
  policy            = "accept"


Use this data source to query TcaplusDB clusters.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_clusters" "name" {
  cluster_name = "cluster"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_clusters" "id" {
  cluster_id = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_clusters" "idname" {
  cluster_id   = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
  cluster_name = "cluster"


Use this data source to query IDL information of the TcaplusDB table.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_idls" "id_test" {
  cluster_id = "19162256624"


Use this data source to query table groups of the TcaplusDB cluster.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroups" "null" {
  cluster_id = "19162256624"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroups" "id" {
  cluster_id    = "19162256624"
  tablegroup_id = "19162256624:1"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroups" "name" {
  cluster_id      = "19162256624"
  tablegroup_name = "test"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroups" "all" {
  cluster_id      = "19162256624"
  tablegroup_id   = "19162256624:1"
  tablegroup_name = "test"


Use this data source to query TcaplusDB tables.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tables" "null" {
  cluster_id = "19162256624"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tables" "tablegroup" {
  cluster_id    = "19162256624"
  tablegroup_id = "19162256624:3"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tables" "name" {
  cluster_id    = "19162256624"
  tablegroup_id = "19162256624:3"
  table_name    = "guagua"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tables" "id" {
  cluster_id = "19162256624"
  table_id   = "tcaplus-faa65eb7"
data "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tables" "all" {
  cluster_id    = "19162256624"
  tablegroup_id = "19162256624:3"
  table_id      = "tcaplus-faa65eb7"
  table_name    = "guagua"


Use this data source to query detailed information of TCR instances.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcr_instances" "name" {
  name       = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of TCR namespaces.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcr_namespaces" "name" {
  instance_id 			= "cls-satg5125"
  namespace_name       = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of TCR repositories.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcr_repositories" "name" {
  name       = "test"


Use this data source to query detailed information of TCR tokens.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcr_tokens" "name" {
  instance_id 			= "cls-satg5125"


Use this data source to query detailed information of TCR VPC attachment.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcr_vpc_attachments" "id" {
  instance_id 			= "cls-satg5125"


Use this data source to query detailed information of VOD adaptive dynamic streaming templates.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template" "foo" {
  format                          = "HLS"
  name                            = "tf-adaptive"
  drm_type                        = "SimpleAES"
  disable_higher_video_bitrate    = false
  disable_higher_video_resolution = false
  comment                         = "test"

  stream_info {
    video {
      codec               = "libx265"
      fps                 = 4
      bitrate             = 129
      resolution_adaptive = false
      width               = 128
      height              = 128
      fill_type           = "stretch"
    audio {
      codec         = "libmp3lame"
      bitrate       = 129
      sample_rate   = 44100
      audio_channel = "dual"
    remove_audio = false
  stream_info {
    video {
      codec   = "libx264"
      fps     = 4
      bitrate = 256
    audio {
      codec       = "libfdk_aac"
      bitrate     = 256
      sample_rate = 44100
    remove_audio = true
data "tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_templates" "foo" {
  type       = "Custom"
  definition = tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of VOD image sprite templates.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template" "foo" {
  sample_type         = "Percent"
  sample_interval     = 10
  row_count           = 3
  column_count        = 3
  name                = "tf-sprite"
  comment             = "test"
  fill_type           = "stretch"
  width               = 128
  height              = 128
  resolution_adaptive = false
data "tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_templates" "foo" {
  type       = "Custom"
  definition = tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of VOD procedure templates.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_procedure_template" "foo" {
  name    = "tf-procedure"
  comment = "test"
  media_process_task {
    adaptive_dynamic_streaming_task_list {
      definition = tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template.foo.id
    snapshot_by_time_offset_task_list {
      definition           = tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_template.foo.id
      ext_time_offset_list = [
    image_sprite_task_list {
      definition = tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template.foo.id
data "tencentcloud_vod_procedure_templates" "foo" {
  type = "Custom"
  name = tencentcloud_vod_procedure_template.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of VOD snapshot by time offset templates.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_template" "foo" {
  name                = "tf-snapshot"
  width               = 130
  height              = 128
  resolution_adaptive = false
  format              = "png"
  comment             = "test"
  fill_type           = "white"
data "tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_templates" "foo" {
  type       = "Custom"
  definition = tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_template.foo.id


Use this data source to query detailed information of VOD super player configs.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_super_player_config" "foo" {
  name                    = "tf-super-player"
  drm_switch              = true
  drm_streaming_info {
    simple_aes_definition = tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template.foo.id
  image_sprite_definition = tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template.foo.id
  resolution_names {
    min_edge_length = 889
    name            = "test1"
  resolution_names {
    min_edge_length = 890
    name            = "test2"
  domain                  = "Default"
  scheme                  = "Default"
  comment                 = "test"
data "tencentcloud_vod_super_player_configs" "foo" {
  type = "Custom"
  name = "tf-super-player"


Provides details about a specific VPC.

This resource can prove useful when a module accepts a vpc id as an input variable and needs to, for example, determine the CIDR block of that VPC.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_vpc_instances.

Example Usage

```hcl variable "vpc_id" {}

data "tencentcloud_vpc" "selected" {
  id = var.vpc_id
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "main" {
  name              = "my test subnet"
  cidr_block        = cidrsubnet(data.tencentcloud_vpc.selected.cidr_block, 4, 1)
  availability_zone = "eu-frankfurt-1"
  vpc_id            = data.tencentcloud_vpc.selected.id


Use this data source to query VPC Network ACL information.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_vpc_instances" "foo" { }

data "tencentcloud_vpc_acls" "foo" {
  vpc_id            = data.tencentcloud_vpc_instances.foo.instance_list.0.vpc_id
data "tencentcloud_vpc_acls" "foo" {
  name            	= "test_acl"


Use this data source to query vpc instances' information.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "guagua_vpc_instance_test"
  cidr_block = ""
data "tencentcloud_vpc_instances" "id_instances" {
  vpc_id = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
data "tencentcloud_vpc_instances" "name_instances" {
  name = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.name


Use this data source to query vpc route tables information.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "guagua-ci-temp-test"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_route_table" "route_table" {
  vpc_id = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  name   = "ci-temp-test-rt"

  tags = {
    "test" = "test"
data "tencentcloud_vpc_route_tables" "id_instances" {
  route_table_id = tencentcloud_route_table.route_table.id
data "tencentcloud_vpc_route_tables" "name_instances" {
  name = tencentcloud_route_table.route_table.name
data "tencentcloud_vpc_route_tables" "vpc_default_instance" {
  vpc_id           = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  association_main = true
data "tencentcloud_vpc_route_tables" "tags_instances" {
  tags = tencentcloud_route_table.route_table.tags


Use this data source to query vpc subnets information.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "guagua_vpc_instance_test"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "subnet" {
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  name              = "guagua_vpc_subnet_test"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  cidr_block        = ""
  is_multicast      = false

  tags = {
    "test" = "test"
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "id_instances" {
  subnet_id = tencentcloud_subnet.subnet.id
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "name_instances" {
  name = tencentcloud_subnet.subnet.name
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "tags_instances" {
  tags = tencentcloud_subnet.subnet.tags


Use this data source to query detailed information of VPN connections.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_vpn_connections" "foo" {
  name                = "main"
  id                  = "vpnx-xfqag"
  vpn_gateway_id      = "vpngw-8ccsnclt"
  vpc_id              = "cgw-xfqag"
  customer_gateway_id = ""
  tags = {
    test = "tf"


Use this data source to query detailed information of VPN customer gateways.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_customer_gateways" "foo" {
  name              = "main"
  id                = "cgw-xfqag"
  public_ip_address = ""
  tags = {
    test = "tf"


Use this data source to query detailed information of VPN gateways.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_vpn_gateways" "foo" {
  vpn_gateway_id              = "main"
  destination_cidr_block                = "vpngw-8ccsnclt"
  instance_type = ""
  instance_id              = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  tags = {
    test = "tf"


Use this data source to query detailed information of VPN gateways.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_vpn_gateways" "foo" {
  name              = "main"
  id                = "vpngw-8ccsnclt"
  public_ip_address = ""
  zone              = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  vpc_id            = "vpc-dk8zmwuf"
  tags = {
    test = "tf"


The TencentCloud provider is used to interact with many resources supported by [TencentCloud](https://intl.cloud.tencent.com). The provider needs to be configured with the proper credentials before it can be used.

Use the navigation on the left to read about the available resources.

-> **Note:** From version 1.9.0 (June 18, 2019), the provider start to support Terraform 0.12.x.

Example Usage

```hcl # Configure the TencentCloud Provider

provider "tencentcloud" {
  secret_id  = var.secret_id
  secret_key = var.secret_key
  region     = var.region

#Configure the TencentCloud Provider with STS

provider "tencentcloud" {
  secret_id  = var.secret_id
  secret_key = var.secret_key
  region     = var.region
  assume_role {
    role_arn         = var.assume_role_arn
    session_name     = var.session_name
    session_duration = var.session_duration
    policy           = var.policy


Resources List

Provider Data Sources



Data Source


API GateWay

  Data Source



  Data Source


Auto Scaling(AS)

Data Source


Content Delivery Network(CDN)

  Data Source



Data Source


Cloud Access Management(CAM)

Data Source


Cloud Block Storage(CBS)

Data Source


Cloud Connect Network(CCN)

Data Source


CVM Dedicated Host(CDH)

Data Source


Cloud File Storage(CFS)

Data Source


Container Cluster

Data Source


Cloud Load Balancer(CLB)

  Data Source


Cloud Object Storage(COS)

Data Source


Cloud Virtual Machine(CVM)

Data Source



  Data Source


Direct Connect(DC)

Data Source


Direct Connect Gateway(DCG)

Data Source



Data Source


Global Application Acceleration(GAAP)

Data Source



Data Source


Tencent Kubernetes Engine(TKE)

  Data Source





Data Source



Data Source



  Data Source



  Data Source



Data Source


Serverless Cloud Function(SCF)

  Data Source



  Data Source


SSL Certificates

Data Source



Data Source



Data Source


Tencent Container Registry(TCR)

  Data Source


Video on Demand(VOD)

  Data Source


Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)

  Data Source



Data Source




Provides a resource to manage address template.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_address_template" "foo" {
  name                = "cam-user-test"
  addresses = ["","",""]



Address template can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_address_template.foo ipm-makf7k9e" ```

Provides a resource to manage address template group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_address_template_group" "foo" {
  name                = "group-test"
  template_ids = ["ipl-axaf24151","ipl-axaf24152"]



Address template group can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_address_template_group.foo ipmg-0np3u974 ```

Provides an tencentcloud application load balancer servers attachment as a resource, to attach and detach instances from load balancer.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by `tencentcloud_clb_attachment`.

~> **NOTE:** Currently only support existing `loadbalancer_id` `listener_id` `location_id` and Application layer 7 load balancer

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_alb_server_attachment" "service1" {
  loadbalancer_id = "lb-qk1dqox5"
  listener_id     = "lbl-ghoke4tl"
  location_id     = "loc-i858qv1l"

  backends = [
      instance_id = "ins-4j30i5pe"
      port        = 80
      weight      = 50
      instance_id = "ins-4j30i5pe"
      port        = 8080
      weight      = 50


Use this resource to create API of API gateway.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  service_name = "ck"
  protocol     = "http&https"
  service_desc = "your nice service"
  net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api" "api" {
  service_id            = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
  api_name              = "hello"
  api_desc              = "my hello api"
  auth_type             = "NONE"
  protocol              = "HTTP"
  enable_cors           = true
  request_config_path   = "/user/info"
  request_config_method = "GET"

  request_parameters {
    name          = "name"
    position      = "QUERY"
    type          = "string"
    desc          = "who are you?"
    default_value = "tom"
    required      = true
  service_config_type      = "HTTP"
  service_config_timeout   = 15
  service_config_url       = "http://www.qq.com"
  service_config_path      = "/user"
  service_config_method    = "GET"
  response_type            = "HTML"
  response_success_example = "success"
  response_fail_example    = "fail"
  response_error_codes {
    code           = 100
    msg            = "system error"
    desc           = "system error code"
    converted_code = -100
    need_convert   = true


Use this resource to create API gateway access key.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key" "test" {
  secret_name = "my_api_key"
  status      = "on"



API gateway access key can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key.test AKIDMZwceezso9ps5p8jkro8a9fwe1e7nzF2k50B ```

Use this resource to API gateway attach access key to usage plan.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key" "key" {
  secret_name = "my_api_key"
  status      = "on"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan" "plan" {
  usage_plan_name         = "my_plan"
  usage_plan_desc         = "nice plan"
  max_request_num         = 100
  max_request_num_pre_sec = 10
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key_attachment" "attach" {
  api_key_id    = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key.key.id
  usage_plan_id = tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan.plan.id



API gateway attach access key can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_api_key_attachment.attach AKID110b8Rmuw7t0fP1N8bi809n327023Is7xN8f#usagePlan-gyeafpab ```

Use this resource to create custom domain of API gateway.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_custom_domain" "foo" {
	service_id         = "service-ohxqslqe"
	sub_domain         = "tic-test.dnsv1.com"
	protocol           = "http"
	net_type           = "OUTER"
	is_default_mapping = "false"
	default_domain     = "service-ohxqslqe-1259649581.gz.apigw.tencentcs.com"
	path_mappings      = ["/good#test","/root#release"]


Use this resource to create IP strategy of API gateway.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  	service_name = "niceservice"
  	protocol     = "http&https"
  	service_desc = "your nice service"
  	net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  	ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy" "test"{
    service_id    = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
    strategy_name = "tf_test"
    strategy_type = "BLACK"
    strategy_data = ""



IP strategy of API gateway can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy.test service-ohxqslqe#IPStrategy-q1lk8ud2 ```

Use this resource to create API gateway service.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  service_name   = "niceservice"
  protocol       = "http&https"
  service_desc   = "your nice service"
  net_type       = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  ip_version     = "IPv4"
  release_limit  = 500
  pre_limit      = 500
  test_limit     = 500



API gateway service can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service service-pg6ud8pa ```

Use this resource to create API gateway service release.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  service_name = "myservice"
  protocol     = "http"
  service_desc = "my nice service"
  net_type     = ["INNER"]
  ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api" "api" {
    service_id            = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
    api_name              = "hello_update"
    api_desc              = "my hello api update"
    auth_type             = "SECRET"
    protocol              = "HTTP"
    enable_cors           = true
    request_config_path   = "/user/info"
    request_config_method = "POST"
    request_parameters {
    	name          = "email"
        position      = "QUERY"
        type          = "string"
        desc          = "your email please?"
        default_value = "tom@qq.com"
        required      = true
    service_config_type      = "HTTP"
    service_config_timeout   = 10
    service_config_url       = "http://www.tencent.com"
    service_config_path      = "/user"
    service_config_method    = "POST"
    response_type            = "XML"
    response_success_example = "<note>success</note>"
    response_fail_example    = "<note>fail</note>"
    response_error_codes {
    	code           = 10
        msg            = "system error"
       	desc           = "system error code"
       	converted_code = -10
        need_convert   = true
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service_release" "service" {
  service_id       = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api.api.service.id
  environment_name = "release"
  release_desc     = "test service release"



API gateway service release can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_service_release.service service-jjt3fs3s#release#20201015121916d85fb161-eaec-4dda-a7e0-659aa5f401be ```

Use this resource to create IP strategy attachment of API gateway.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  	service_name = "niceservice"
  	protocol     = "http&https"
  	service_desc = "your nice service"
  	net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  	ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy" "test"{
    service_id    = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
    strategy_name = "tf_test"
    strategy_type = "BLACK"
    strategy_data = ""
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api" "api" {
    service_id            = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
    api_name              = "hello_update"
    api_desc              = "my hello api update"
    auth_type             = "SECRET"
    protocol              = "HTTP"
    enable_cors           = true
    request_config_path   = "/user/info"
    request_config_method = "POST"
    request_parameters {
    	name          = "email"
        position      = "QUERY"
        type          = "string"
        desc          = "your email please?"
        default_value = "tom@qq.com"
        required      = true
    service_config_type      = "HTTP"
    service_config_timeout   = 10
    service_config_url       = "http://www.tencent.com"
    service_config_path      = "/user"
    service_config_method    = "POST"
    response_type            = "XML"
    response_success_example = "<note>success</note>"
    response_fail_example    = "<note>fail</note>"
    response_error_codes {
    	code           = 10
        msg            = "system error"
       	desc           = "system error code"
       	converted_code = -10
        need_convert   = true
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service_release" "service" {
  service_id       = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
  environment_name = "release"
  release_desc     = "test service release"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_strategy_attachment" "test"{
   service_id       = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service_release.service.service_id
   strategy_id      = tencentcloud_api_gateway_ip_strategy.test.strategy_id
   environment_name = "release"
   bind_api_id      = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api.api.id



IP strategy attachment of API gateway can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_strategy_attachment.test service-pk2r6bcc#IPStrategy-4kz2ljfi#api-h3wc5r0s#release ```

Use this resource to create API gateway usage plan.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan" "plan" {
  usage_plan_name         = "my_plan"
  usage_plan_desc         = "nice plan"
  max_request_num         = 100
  max_request_num_pre_sec = 10



API gateway usage plan can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan.plan usagePlan-gyeafpab ```

Use this resource to attach API gateway usage plan to service.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan" "plan" {
	usage_plan_name         = "my_plan"
	usage_plan_desc         = "nice plan"
	max_request_num         = 100
	max_request_num_pre_sec = 10
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_service" "service" {
  	service_name = "niceservice"
  	protocol     = "http&https"
  	service_desc = "your nice service"
  	net_type     = ["INNER", "OUTER"]
  	ip_version   = "IPv4"
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_api" "api" {
    service_id            = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
    api_name              = "hello_update"
    api_desc              = "my hello api update"
    auth_type             = "SECRET"
    protocol              = "HTTP"
    enable_cors           = true
    request_config_path   = "/user/info"
    request_config_method = "POST"
    request_parameters {
    	name          = "email"
        position      = "QUERY"
        type          = "string"
        desc          = "your email please?"
        default_value = "tom@qq.com"
        required      = true
    service_config_type      = "HTTP"
    service_config_timeout   = 10
    service_config_url       = "http://www.tencent.com"
    service_config_path      = "/user"
    service_config_method    = "POST"
    response_type            = "XML"
    response_success_example = "<note>success</note>"
    response_fail_example    = "<note>fail</note>"
    response_error_codes {
    	code           = 10
        msg            = "system error"
       	desc           = "system error code"
       	converted_code = -10
        need_convert   = true
resource "tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan_attachment" "attach_service" {
	usage_plan_id  = tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan.plan.id
  	service_id     = tencentcloud_api_gateway_service.service.id
	environment    = "release"
	bind_type      = "API"
   	api_id         = tencentcloud_api_gateway_api.api.id



API gateway usage plan attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_api_gateway_usage_plan_attachment.attach_service usagePlan-pe7fbdgn#service-kuqd6xqk#release#API#api-p8gtanvy ```

Provides a resource to attach or detach CVM instances to a specified scaling group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_as_attachment" "attachment" {
  scaling_group_id = "sg-afasfa"
  instance_ids     = ["ins-01", "ins-02"]


Provides a resource for an AS (Auto scaling) lifecycle hook.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_as_lifecycle_hook" "lifecycle_hook" {
  scaling_group_id         = "sg-12af45"
  lifecycle_hook_name      = "tf-as-lifecycle-hook"
  lifecycle_transition     = "INSTANCE_LAUNCHING"
  default_result           = "CONTINUE"
  heartbeat_timeout        = 500
  notification_metadata    = "tf test"
  notification_target_type = "CMQ_QUEUE"
  notification_queue_name  = "lifcyclehook"


Provides a resource for an AS (Auto scaling) notification.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_as_notification" "as_notification" {
  scaling_group_id            = "sg-12af45"
  notification_user_group_ids = ["76955"]


Provides a resource to create a configuration for an AS (Auto scaling) instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_as_scaling_config" "launch_configuration" {
  configuration_name = "launch-configuration"
  image_id           = "img-9qabwvbn"
  instance_types     = ["SA1.SMALL1"]
  project_id         = 0
  system_disk_type   = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
  system_disk_size   = "50"

  data_disk {
    disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    disk_size = 50

  internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
  internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
  public_ip_assigned         = true
  password                   = "test123#"
  enhanced_security_service  = false
  enhanced_monitor_service   = false
  user_data                  = "dGVzdA=="

  instance_tags = {
    tag = "as"



AutoScaling Configuration can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_as_scaling_config.scaling_config asc-n32ymck2 ```

Provides a resource to create a group of AS (Auto scaling) instances.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_as_scaling_group" "scaling_group" {
  scaling_group_name   = "tf-as-scaling-group"
  configuration_id     = "asc-oqio4yyj"
  max_size             = 1
  min_size             = 0
  vpc_id               = "vpc-3efmz0z"
  subnet_ids           = ["subnet-mc3egos"]
  project_id           = 0
  default_cooldown     = 400
  desired_capacity     = 1
  termination_policies = ["NEWEST_INSTANCE"]
  retry_policy         = "INCREMENTAL_INTERVALS"

  forward_balancer_ids {
    load_balancer_id = "lb-hk693b1l"
    listener_id      = "lbl-81wr497k"
    rule_id          = "loc-kiodx943"

    target_attribute {
      port   = 80
      weight = 90



AutoScaling Groups can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_as_scaling_group.scaling_group asg-n32ymck2 ```

Provides a resource for an AS (Auto scaling) policy.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_as_scaling_policy" "scaling_policy" {
  scaling_group_id    = "asg-n32ymck2"
  policy_name         = "tf-as-scaling-policy"
  adjustment_type     = "EXACT_CAPACITY"
  adjustment_value    = 0
  comparison_operator = "GREATER_THAN"
  metric_name         = "CPU_UTILIZATION"
  threshold           = 80
  period              = 300
  continuous_time     = 10
  statistic           = "AVERAGE"
  cooldown            = 360


Provides a resource for an AS (Auto scaling) schedule.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_as_schedule" "schedule" {
  scaling_group_id     = "sg-12af45"
  schedule_action_name = "tf-as-schedule"
  max_size             = 10
  min_size             = 0
  desired_capacity     = 0
  start_time           = "2019-01-01T00:00:00+08:00"
  end_time             = "2019-12-01T00:00:00+08:00"
  recurrence           = "0 0 * * *"


Provides a resource to create an audit.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_audit" "foo" {
  name                 = "audittest"
  cos_bucket           = "test"
  cos_region           = "ap-hongkong"
  log_file_prefix      = "test"
  audit_switch         = true
  read_write_attribute = 3



Audit can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_audit.foo audit-test ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_group" "foo" {
  name   = "cam-group-test"
  remark = "test"



CAM group can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_group.foo 90496 ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM group membership.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_group_membership" "foo" {
  group_id = tencentcloud_cam_group.foo.id
  user_names = [tencentcloud_cam_user.foo.name, tencentcloud_cam_user.bar.name]



CAM group membership can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_group_membership.foo 12515263 ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM group policy attachment.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_group_policy_attachment" "foo" {
  group_id  = tencentcloud_cam_group.foo.id
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id



CAM group policy attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_group_policy_attachment.foo 12515263#26800353 ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM policy.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_policy" "foo" {
  name        = "cam-policy-test"
  document    = <<EOF
  "version": "2.0",
  "statement": [
      "action": [
      "effect": "allow",
      "resource": [


  description = "test"



CAM policy can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo 26655801 ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM role.

Example Usage

Create normally


resource "tencentcloud_cam_role" "foo" {
  name          = "cam-role-test"
  document      = <<EOF
  "version": "2.0",
  "statement": [
      "action": ["name/sts:AssumeRole"],
      "effect": "allow",
      "principal": {
        "qcs": ["qcs::cam::uin/<your-account-id>:uin/<your-account-id>"]


  description   = "test"
  console_login = true


Create with SAML provider


resource "tencentcloud_cam_role" "boo" {
  name          = "cam-role-test"
  document      = <<EOF
  "version": "2.0",
  "statement": [
      "action": ["name/sts:AssumeRole", "name/sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"],
      "effect": "allow",
      "principal": {
        "federated": ["qcs::cam::uin/<your-account-id>:saml-provider/<your-name>"]


  description   = "test"
  console_login = true



CAM role can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_role.foo 4611686018427733635 ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM role policy attachment.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_role_policy_attachment" "foo" {
  role_id   = tencentcloud_cam_role.foo.id
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id



CAM role policy attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_role_policy_attachment.foo 4611686018427922725#26800353 ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM SAML provider.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_saml_provider" "saml_provider_basic" {
  name        = "cam-saml-provider-test"
  description = "test"



CAM SAML provider can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_saml_provider.foo cam-SAML-provider-test ```

Provides a resource to manage CAM user.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_user" "foo" {
  name                = "cam-user-test"
  remark              = "test"
  console_login       = true
  use_api             = true
  need_reset_password = true
  password            = "Gail@1234"
  phone_num           = "12345678910"
  email               = "hello@test.com"
  country_code        = "86"
  force_delete        = true



CAM user can be imported using the user name, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_user.foo cam-user-test ```

Provides a resource to create a CAM user policy attachment.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cam_user_policy_attachment" "foo" {
  user_id   = tencentcloud_cam_user.foo.id
  policy_id = tencentcloud_cam_policy.foo.id



CAM user policy attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cam_user_policy_attachment.foo cam-test#26800353 ```

Provides a resource to create a CBS snapshot.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cbs_snapshot" "snapshot" {
  snapshot_name = "unnamed"
  storage_id    = "disk-kdt0sq6m"



CBS snapshot can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cbs_snapshot.snapshot snap-3sa3f39b ```

Provides a snapshot policy resource.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cbs_snapshot_policy" "snapshot_policy" {
  snapshot_policy_name = "mysnapshotpolicyname"
  repeat_weekdays      = [1, 4]
  repeat_hours         = [1]
  retention_days       = 7



CBS snapshot policy can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cbs_snapshot_policy.snapshot_policy asp-jliex1tn ```

Provides a CBS snapshot policy attachment resource.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cbs_snapshot_policy_attachment" "foo" {
  storage_id         = tencentcloud_cbs_storage.foo.id
  snapshot_policy_id = tencentcloud_cbs_snapshot_policy.policy.id


Provides a resource to create a CBS.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage" "storage" {
  storage_name      = "mystorage"
  storage_type      = "CLOUD_SSD"
  storage_size      = 100
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  project_id        = 0
  encrypt           = false

  tags = {
    test = "tf"



CBS storage can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cbs_storage.storage disk-41s6jwy4 ```

Provides a CBS storage attachment resource.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
  storage_id  = "disk-kdt0sq6m"
  instance_id = "ins-jqlegd42"



CBS storage attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment.attachment disk-41s6jwy4 ```

Provides a resource to create a CCN instance.

Example Usage

Create a prepaid CCN


resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name                 = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description          = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos                  = "AG"
  charge_type          = "PREPAID"
  bandwidth_limit_type = "INTER_REGION_LIMIT"


Create a post-paid regional export speed limit type CCN


resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name                 = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description          = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos                  = "AG"
  charge_type          = "POSTPAID"
  bandwidth_limit_type = "OUTER_REGION_LIMIT"


Create a post-paid inter-regional rate limit type CNN


resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name                 = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description          = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos                  = "AG"
  charge_type          = "POSTPAID"
  bandwidth_limit_type = "INTER_REGION_LIMIT"



Ccn instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ccn.test ccn-id ```

Provides a CCN attaching resource.

Example Usage


variable "region" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou"
variable "otheruin" {
  default = "123353"
variable "otherccn" {
  default = "ccn-151ssaga"
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "vpc" {
  name         = "ci-temp-test-vpc"
  cidr_block   = ""
  dns_servers  = ["", ""]
  is_multicast = false
resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name        = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos         = "AG"
resource "tencentcloud_ccn_attachment" "attachment" {
  ccn_id          = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
  instance_type   = "VPC"
  instance_id     = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  instance_region = var.region
resource "tencentcloud_ccn_attachment" "other_account" {
  ccn_id          = var.otherccn
  instance_type   = "VPC"
  instance_id     = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  instance_region = var.region
  ccn_uin         = var.otheruin


Provides a resource to limit CCN bandwidth.

Example Usage

Set the upper limit of regional outbound bandwidth


variable "other_region1" {
  default = "ap-shanghai"
resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name        = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos         = "AG"
resource "tencentcloud_ccn_bandwidth_limit" "limit1" {
  ccn_id          = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
  region          = var.other_region1
  bandwidth_limit = 500


Set the upper limit between regions


variable "other_region1" {
  default = "ap-shanghai"
variable "other_region2" {
  default = "ap-nanjing"
resource tencentcloud_ccn main {
  name                 = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description          = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos                  = "AG"
  bandwidth_limit_type = "INTER_REGION_LIMIT"
resource tencentcloud_ccn_bandwidth_limit limit1 {
  ccn_id          = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
  region          = var.other_region1
  dst_region      = var.other_region2
  bandwidth_limit = 100


Provides a resource to manage CDH instance.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
resource "tencentcloud_cdh_instance" "foo" {
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  host_type = "HC20"
  charge_type = "PREPAID"
  prepaid_period = 1
  host_name = "test"
  prepaid_renew_flag = "NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW"



CDH instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cdh_instance.foo host-d6s7i5q4 ```

Provides a resource to create a CDN domain.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cdn_domain" "foo" {
  domain         = "xxxx.com"
  service_type   = "web"
  area           = "mainland"
  full_url_cache = false

  origin {
    origin_type          = "ip"
    origin_list          = [""]
    origin_pull_protocol = "follow"

  https_config {
    https_switch         = "off"
    http2_switch         = "off"
    ocsp_stapling_switch = "off"
    spdy_switch          = "off"
    verify_client        = "off"

    force_redirect {
      switch               = "on"
      redirect_type        = "http"
      redirect_status_code = 302

  tags = {
    hello = "world"


Example Usage of cdn uses cache and request headers


resource "tencentcloud_cdn_domain" "foo" {
  domain         = "xxxx.com"
  service_type   = "web"
  area           = "mainland"
  full_url_cache = false
  range_origin_switch = "off"

  	cache_time = 10000

  	switch = "on"

  	header_rules {
  		header_mode = "add"
  		header_name = "tf-header-name"
  		header_value = "tf-header-value"
  		rule_type = "all"
  		rule_paths = ["*"]

  origin {
    origin_type          = "ip"
    origin_list          = [""]
    origin_pull_protocol = "follow"

  https_config {
    https_switch         = "off"
    http2_switch         = "off"
    ocsp_stapling_switch = "off"
    spdy_switch          = "off"
    verify_client        = "off"

    force_redirect {
      switch               = "on"
      redirect_type        = "http"
      redirect_status_code = 302

  tags = {
    hello = "world"


Example Usage of COS bucket url as origin


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "bucket" {
  # Bucket format should be [custom name]-[appid].
  bucket = "demo-bucket-1251234567"
  acl    = "private"

Create cdn domain

resource "tencentcloud_cdn_domain" "cdn" {
  domain         = "abc.com"
  service_type   = "web"
  area           = "mainland"
  full_url_cache = false

  origin {
    origin_type          = "cos"
    origin_list          = [tencentcloud_cos_bucket.bucket.cos_bucket_url]
    server_name          = tencentcloud_cos_bucket.bucket.cos_bucket_url
    origin_pull_protocol = "follow"
    cos_private_access   = "on"

  https_config {
    https_switch         = "off"
    http2_switch         = "off"
    ocsp_stapling_switch = "off"
    spdy_switch          = "off"
    verify_client        = "off"



CDN domain can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cdn_domain.foo xxxx.com ```

Provides a resource to create a CFS access group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cfs_access_group" "foo" {
  name        = "test_access_group"
  description = "test"



CFS access group can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cfs_access_group.foo pgroup-7nx89k7l ```

Provides a resource to create a CFS access rule.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cfs_access_rule" "foo" {
  access_group_id = "pgroup-7nx89k7l"
  auth_client_ip  = ""
  priority        = 1
  rw_permission   = "RO"
  user_permission = "root_squash"


Provides a resource to create a cloud file system(CFS).

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cfs_file_system" "foo" {
  name              = "test_file_system"
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  access_group_id   = "pgroup-7nx89k7l"
  protocol          = "NFS"
  vpc_id            = "vpc-ah9fbkap"
  subnet_id         = "subnet-9mu2t9iw"



Cloud file system can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cfs_file_system.foo cfs-6hgquxmj ```

Provides a resource to create a Ckafka Acl.

Example Usage

Ckafka Acl


resource "tencentcloud_ckafka_acl" "foo" {
  instance_id     = "ckafka-f9ife4zz"
  resource_type   = "TOPIC"
  resource_name   = "topic-tf-test"
  operation_type  = "WRITE"
  permission_type = "ALLOW"
  host            = "*"
  principal       = tencentcloud_ckafka_user.foo.account_name



Ckafka acl can be imported using the instance_id#permission_type#principal#host#operation_type#resource_type#resource_name, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ckafka_acl.foo ckafka-f9ife4zz#ALLOW#test#*#WRITE#TOPIC#topic-tf-test ```

Use this resource to create ckafka topic.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ckafka_topic" "foo" {
	instance_id                     = "ckafka-f9ife4zz"
	topic_name                      = "example"
	note                            = "topic note"
	replica_num                     = 2
	partition_num                   = 1
	enable_white_list               = true
	ip_white_list                   = ["ip1","ip2"]
	clean_up_policy                 = "delete"
	sync_replica_min_num            = 1
	unclean_leader_election_enable  = false
	segment                         = 3600000
	retention                       = 60000
	max_message_bytes               = 0



ckafka topic can be imported using the instance_id#topic_name, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ckafka_topic.foo ckafka-f9ife4zz#example ```

Provides a resource to create a Ckafka user.

Example Usage

Ckafka User


resource "tencentcloud_ckafka_user" "foo" {
  instance_id  = "ckafka-f9ife4zz"
  account_name = "tf-test"
  password     = "test1234"



Ckafka user can be imported using the instance_id#account_name, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ckafka_user.foo ckafka-f9ife4zz#tf-test ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB attachment.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_clb_attachment" "foo" {
  clb_id      = "lb-k2zjp9lv"
  listener_id = "lbl-hh141sn9"
  rule_id     = "loc-4xxr2cy7"

  targets {
    instance_id = "ins-1flbqyp8"
    port        = 80
    weight      = 10



CLB attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_attachment.foo loc-4xxr2cy7#lbl-hh141sn9#lb-7a0t6zqb ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB instance.

Example Usage



resource "tencentcloud_clb_instance" "internal_clb" {
  network_type = "INTERNAL"
  clb_name     = "myclb"
  project_id   = 0
  vpc_id       = "vpc-7007ll7q"
  subnet_id    = "subnet-12rastkr"

  tags = {
    test = "tf"




resource "tencentcloud_clb_instance" "open_clb" {
  network_type              = "OPEN"
  clb_name                  = "myclb"
  project_id                = 0
  vpc_id                    = "vpc-da7ffa61"
  security_groups           = ["sg-o0ek7r93"]
  target_region_info_region = "ap-guangzhou"
  target_region_info_vpc_id = "vpc-da7ffa61"

  tags = {
    test = "tf"


Default enable


resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "subnet" {
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-1"
  name              = "sdk-feature-test"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  cidr_block        = ""
  is_multicast      = false
resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "sglab" {
  name        = "sg_o0ek7r93"
  description = "favourite sg"
  project_id  = 0
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name         = "for-my-open-clb"
  cidr_block   = ""

  tags = {
    "test" = "mytest"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_instance" "open_clb" {
  network_type                 = "OPEN"
  clb_name                     = "my-open-clb"
  project_id                   = 0
  vpc_id                       = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  load_balancer_pass_to_target = true

  security_groups              = [tencentcloud_security_group.sglab.id]
  target_region_info_region    = "ap-guangzhou"
  target_region_info_vpc_id    = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id

  tags = {
    test = "open"


CREATE multiple instance


resource "tencentcloud_clb_instance" "open_clb1" {
  network_type              = "OPEN"
  clb_name = "hello"
  master_zone_id = "ap-guangzhou-3"

~ ```

CREATE instance with log ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "vpc_test" {
  name = "clb-test"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_route_table" "rtb_test" {
  name = "clb-test"
  vpc_id = "${tencentcloud_vpc.vpc_test.id}"
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "subnet_test" {
  name = "clb-test"
  cidr_block = ""
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  vpc_id = "${tencentcloud_vpc.vpc_test.id}"
  route_table_id = "${tencentcloud_route_table.rtb_test.id}"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_log_set" "set" {
  period = 7
resource "tencentcloud_clb_log_topic" "topic" {
  log_set_id = "${tencentcloud_clb_log_set.set.id}"
  topic_name = "clb-topic"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_instance" "internal_clb" {
  network_type = "INTERNAL"
  clb_name = "myclb"
  project_id = 0
  vpc_id = "${tencentcloud_vpc.vpc_test.id}"
  subnet_id = "${tencentcloud_subnet.subnet_test.id}"
  load_balancer_pass_to_target = true
  log_set_id = "${tencentcloud_clb_log_set.set.id}"
  log_topic_id = "${tencentcloud_clb_log_topic.topic.id}"

  tags = {
    test = "tf"



CLB instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_instance.foo lb-7a0t6zqb ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB listener.

Example Usage

HTTP Listener


resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "HTTP_listener" {
  clb_id        = "lb-0lh5au7v"
  listener_name = "test_listener"
  port          = 80
  protocol      = "HTTP"


TCP/UDP Listener


resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "TCP_listener" {
  clb_id                     = "lb-0lh5au7v"
  listener_name              = "test_listener"
  port                       = 80
  protocol                   = "TCP"
  health_check_switch        = true
  health_check_time_out      = 2
  health_check_interval_time = 5
  health_check_health_num    = 3
  health_check_unhealth_num  = 3
  session_expire_time        = 30
  scheduler                  = "WRR"
  health_check_port          = 200
  health_check_type          = "HTTP"
  health_check_http_code     = 2
  health_check_http_version  = "HTTP/1.0"
  health_check_http_method   = "GET"


TCP/UDP Listener with tcp health check ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "listener_tcp" {
  clb_id                     = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
  listener_name              = "listener_tcp"
  port                       = 44
  protocol                   = "TCP"
  health_check_switch        = true
  health_check_time_out      = 30
  health_check_interval_time = 100
  health_check_health_num    = 2
  health_check_unhealth_num  = 2
  session_expire_time        = 30
  scheduler                  = "WRR"
  health_check_type          = "TCP"
  health_check_port          = 200


TCP/UDP Listener with http health check ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "listener_tcp" {
  clb_id                     = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
  listener_name              = "listener_tcp"
  port                       = 44
  protocol                   = "TCP"
  health_check_switch        = true
  health_check_time_out      = 30
  health_check_interval_time = 100
  health_check_health_num    = 2
  health_check_unhealth_num  = 2
  session_expire_time        = 30
  scheduler                  = "WRR"
  health_check_type          = "HTTP"
  health_check_http_domain   = "www.tencent.com"
  health_check_http_code     = 16
  health_check_http_version  = "HTTP/1.1"
  health_check_http_method   = "HEAD"
  health_check_http_path     = "/"


TCP/UDP Listener with customer health check ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "listener_tcp"{
  clb_id                     = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
  listener_name              = "listener_tcp"
  port                       = 44
  protocol                   = "TCP"
  health_check_switch        = true
  health_check_time_out      = 30
  health_check_interval_time = 100
  health_check_health_num    = 2
  health_check_unhealth_num  = 2
  session_expire_time        = 30
  scheduler                  = "WRR"
  health_check_type          = "CUSTOM"
  health_check_context_type  = "HEX"
  health_check_send_context  = "0123456789ABCDEF"
  health_check_recv_context  = "ABCD"
  target_type                = "TARGETGROUP"


HTTPS Listener


resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "HTTPS_listener" {
  clb_id               = "lb-0lh5au7v"
  listener_name        = "test_listener"
  port                 = "80"
  protocol             = "HTTPS"
  certificate_ssl_mode = "MUTUAL"
  certificate_id       = "VjANRdz8"
  certificate_ca_id    = "VfqO4zkB"
  sni_switch           = true


TCP SSL Listener


resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "TCPSSL_listener" {
  clb_id                     = "lb-0lh5au7v"
  listener_name              = "test_listener"
  port                       = "80"
  protocol                   = "TCP_SSL"
  certificate_ssl_mode       = "MUTUAL"
  certificate_id             = "VjANRdz8"
  certificate_ca_id          = "VfqO4zkB"
  health_check_switch        = true
  health_check_time_out      = 2
  health_check_interval_time = 5
  health_check_health_num    = 3
  health_check_unhealth_num  = 3
  scheduler                  = "WRR"
  target_type                = "TARGETGROUP"

``` Import

CLB listener can be imported using the id (version >= 1.47.0), e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_listener.foo lb-7a0t6zqb#lbl-hh141sn9 ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB listener rule.

-> **NOTE:** This resource only be applied to the HTTP or HTTPS listeners.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener_rule" "foo" {
  listener_id                = "lbl-hh141sn9"
  clb_id                     = "lb-k2zjp9lv"
  domain                     = "foo.net"
  url                        = "/bar"
  health_check_switch        = true
  health_check_interval_time = 5
  health_check_health_num    = 3
  health_check_unhealth_num  = 3
  health_check_http_code     = 2
  health_check_http_path     = "Default Path"
  health_check_http_domain   = "Default Domain"
  health_check_http_method   = "GET"
  certificate_ssl_mode       = "MUTUAL"
  certificate_id             = "VjANRdz8"
  certificate_ca_id          = "VfqO4zkB"
  session_expire_time        = 30
  scheduler                  = "WRR"

``` Import

CLB listener rule can be imported using the id (version >= 1.47.0), e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_listener_rule.foo lb-7a0t6zqb#lbl-hh141sn9#loc-agg236ys ```

Provides a resource to create an exclusive CLB Logset.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_clb_log_set" "foo" {
  perioid = 7



CLB log set can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_logset.foo 4eb9e3a8-9c42-4b32-9ddf-e215e9c92764 ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB instance topic.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_clb_log_topic" "topic" {
  log_set_id = "${tencentcloud_clb_log_set.set.id}"
  topic_name = "clb-topic"



CLB log topic can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_log_topic.topic lb-7a0t6zqb

Provides a resource to create a CLB redirection.

Example Usage

Manual Rewrite


resource "tencentcloud_clb_redirection" "foo" {
  clb_id             = "lb-p7olt9e5"
  source_listener_id = "lbl-jc1dx6ju"
  target_listener_id = "lbl-asj1hzuo"
  source_rule_id     = "loc-ft8fmngv"
  target_rule_id     = "loc-4xxr2cy7"


Auto Rewrite


resource "tencentcloud_clb_redirection" "foo" {
  clb_id             = "lb-p7olt9e5"
  target_listener_id = "lbl-asj1hzuo"
  target_rule_id     = "loc-4xxr2cy7"
  is_auto_rewrite    = true



CLB redirection can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_redirection.foo loc-ft8fmngv#loc-4xxr2cy7#lbl-jc1dx6ju#lbl-asj1hzuo#lb-p7olt9e5 ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB target group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group" "test"{
    target_group_name = "test"
    port              = 33


Create target group


resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group" "test"{
  target_group_name = "hello1"
  port = 18082
  target_group_instances {
    bind_ip = ""
    port = 18080



CLB target group can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_target_group.test lbtg-3k3io0i0 ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB target group attachment is bound to the load balancing listener or forwarding rule.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_clb_instance" "clb_basic" {
  network_type = "OPEN"
  clb_name     = "tf-clb-rule-basic"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener" "listener_basic" {
  clb_id        = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
  port          = 1
  protocol      = "HTTP"
  listener_name = "listener_basic"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_listener_rule" "rule_basic" {
  clb_id              = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
  listener_id         = tencentcloud_clb_listener.listener_basic.listener_id
  domain              = "abc.com"
  url                 = "/"
  session_expire_time = 30
  scheduler           = "WRR"
  target_type         = "TARGETGROUP"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group" "test"{
    target_group_name = "test-target-keep-1"
resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group_attachment" "group" {
    clb_id          = tencentcloud_clb_instance.clb_basic.id
    listener_id     = tencentcloud_clb_listener.listener_basic.listener_id
    rule_id         = tencentcloud_clb_listener_rule.rule_basic.rule_id
    targrt_group_id = tencentcloud_clb_target_group.test.id



CLB target group attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_target_group_attachment.group lbtg-odareyb2#lbl-bicjmx3i#lb-cv0iz74c#loc-ac6uk7b6 ```

Provides a resource to create a CLB target group instance attachment.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_images" "my_favorite_image" {
  image_type = ["PUBLIC_IMAGE"]
  os_name    = "centos"
data "tencentcloud_instance_types" "my_favorite_instance_types" {
  filter {
    name   = "instance-family"
    values = ["S3"]

  cpu_core_count = 1
  memory_size    = 1

data "tencentcloud_availability_zones" "default" { }

resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "app" {
  cidr_block = ""
  name       = "awesome_app_vpc"
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "app" {
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.app.id
  availability_zone = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.default.zones.0.name
  name              = "awesome_app_subnet"
  cidr_block        = ""
resource "tencentcloud_instance" "my_awesome_app" {
  instance_name              = "awesome_app"
  availability_zone          = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.default.zones.0.name
  image_id                   = data.tencentcloud_images.my_favorite_image.images.0.image_id
  instance_type              = data.tencentcloud_instance_types.my_favorite_instance_types.instance_types.0.instance_type
  system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
  system_disk_size           = 50
  hostname                   = "user"
  project_id                 = 0
  vpc_id                     = tencentcloud_vpc.app.id
  subnet_id                  = tencentcloud_subnet.app.id
  internet_max_bandwidth_out = 20

  data_disks {
    data_disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    data_disk_size = 50
    encrypt        = false

  tags = {
    tagKey = "tagValue"
data "tencentcloud_instances" "foo" {
  instance_id = tencentcloud_instance.my_awesome_app.id
resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group" "test"{
  target_group_name = "test"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.app.id
resource "tencentcloud_clb_target_group_instance_attachment" "test"{
  target_group_id = tencentcloud_clb_target_group.test.id
  bind_ip         = data.tencentcloud_instances.foo.instance_list[0].private_ip
  port            = 222
  weight          = 3



CLB target group instance attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_clb_target_group_instance_attachment.test lbtg-3k3io0i0# ```

Provides a TencentCloud Container Cluster resource.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_container_cluster" "foo" {
  cluster_name                 = "terraform-acc-test"
  cpu                          = 1
  mem                          = 1
  os_name                      = "ubuntu16.04.1 LTSx86_64"
  bandwidth                    = 1
  bandwidth_type               = "PayByHour"
  require_wan_ip               = 1
  subnet_id                    = "subnet-abcdabc"
  is_vpc_gateway               = 0
  storage_size                 = 0
  root_size                    = 50
  goods_num                    = 1
  password                     = "Admin12345678"
  vpc_id                       = "vpc-abcdabc"
  cluster_cidr                 = ""
  ignore_cluster_cidr_conflict = 0
  cvm_type                     = "PayByHour"
  cluster_desc                 = "foofoofoo"
  period                       = 1
  zone_id                      = 100004
  instance_type                = "S2.SMALL1"
  mount_target                 = ""
  docker_graph_path            = ""
  instance_name                = "bar-vm"
  cluster_version              = "1.7.8"


Provides a TencentCloud Container Cluster Instance resource.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_kubernetes_scale_worker.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_container_cluster_instance" "bar_instance" {
  cpu               = 1
  mem               = 1
  bandwidth         = 1
  bandwidth_type    = "PayByHour"
  require_wan_ip    = 1
  is_vpc_gateway    = 0
  storage_size      = 10
  root_size         = 50
  password          = "Admin12345678"
  cvm_type          = "PayByMonth"
  period            = 1
  zone_id           = 100004
  instance_type     = "CVM.S2"
  mount_target      = "/data"
  docker_graph_path = ""
  subnet_id         = "subnet-abcdedf"
  cluster_id        = "cls-abcdef"


Provides a COS resource to create a COS bucket and set its attributes.

Example Usage

Private Bucket


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "mycos" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl    = "private"


Using verbose acl ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "with_acl_body" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl_body = <<EOF


        <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="Group">
        <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">
        <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">

</AccessControlPolicy> EOF } ```

Static Website


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "mycos" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"

  website {
    index_document = "index.html"
    error_document = "error.html"


Using CORS


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "mycos" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl    = "public-read-write"

  cors_rules {
    allowed_origins = ["http://*.abc.com"]
    allowed_methods = ["PUT", "POST"]
    allowed_headers = ["*"]
    max_age_seconds = 300
    expose_headers  = ["Etag"]


Using object lifecycle


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "mycos" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl    = "public-read-write"

  lifecycle_rules {
    filter_prefix = "path1/"

    transition {
      date          = "2019-06-01"
      storage_class = "STANDARD_IA"

    expiration {
      days = 90


Using custom origin domain settings


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "with_origin" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl    = "private"
  origin_domain_rules {
    domain = "abc.example.com"
    type = "REST"
    status = "ENABLE"


Using origin-pull settings ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "with_origin" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl    = "private"
  origin_pull_rules {
    priority = 1
    sync_back_to_source = false
    host = "abc.example.com"
    prefix = "/"
    protocol = "FOLLOW" // "HTTP" "HTTPS"
    follow_query_string = true
    follow_redirection = true
    follow_http_headers = ["origin", "host"]
    custom_http_headers = {
	  "x-custom-header" = "custom_value"


Setting log status


resource "tencentcloud_cam_role" "cosLogGrant" {
  name          = "CLS_QcsRole"
  document      = <<EOF
  "version": "2.0",
  "statement": [
      "action": [
      "effect": "allow",
      "principal": {
        "service": [


  description   = "cos log enable grant"
data "tencentcloud_cam_policies" "cosAccess" {
  name      = "QcloudCOSAccessForCLSRole"
resource "tencentcloud_cam_role_policy_attachment" "cosLogGrant" {
  role_id   = tencentcloud_cam_role.cosLogGrant.id
  policy_id = data.tencentcloud_cam_policies.cosAccess.policy_list.0.policy_id
resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "mylog" {
  bucket = "mylog-1258798060"
  acl    = "private"
resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "mycos" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl    = "private"
  log_enable = true
  log_target_bucket = "mylog-1258798060"
  log_prefix = "MyLogPrefix"



COS bucket can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cos_bucket.bucket bucket-name ```

Provides a COS object resource to put an object(content or file) to the bucket.

Example Usage

Uploading a file to a bucket


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket_object" "myobject" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  key    = "new_object_key"
  source = "path/to/file"


Uploading a content to a bucket


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket" "mycos" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"
  acl    = "public-read"
resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket_object" "myobject" {
  bucket  = tencentcloud_cos_bucket.mycos.bucket
  key     = "new_object_key"
  content = "the content that you want to upload."


Provides a COS resource to create a COS bucket policy and set its attributes.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cos_bucket_policy" "cos_policy" {
  bucket = "mycos-1258798060"

  policy = <<EOF
  "version": "2.0",
  "Statement": [
      "Principal": {
        "qcs": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "allow",
      "Resource": [
        "qcs::cos:<bucket region>:uid/<your-account-id>:<bucket name>/*"

EOF } ```


COS bucket policy can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cos_bucket_policy.bucket bucket-name ```

Provide a resource to create a CynosDB cluster.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cynosdb_cluster" "foo" {
  available_zone               = "ap-guangzhou-4"
  vpc_id                       = "vpc-h70b6b49"
  subnet_id                    = "subnet-q6fhy1mi"
  db_type                      = "MYSQL"
  db_version                   = "5.7"
  storage_limit                = 1000
  cluster_name                 = "tf-cynosdb"
  password                     = "cynos@123"
  instance_maintain_duration   = 7200
  instance_maintain_start_time = 10800
  instance_maintain_weekdays   = [

  instance_cpu_core    = 1
  instance_memory_size = 2

  tags = {
    test = "test"

  force_delete = false

  rw_group_sg = [
  ro_group_sg = [



CynosDB cluster can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cynosdb_cluster.foo cynosdbmysql-dzj5l8gz ```

Provide a resource to create a CynosDB readonly instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_cynosdb_readonly_instance" "foo" {
  cluster_id           = cynosdbmysql-dzj5l8gz
  instance_name        = "tf-cynosdb-readonly-instance"
  force_delete         = true
  instance_cpu_core    = 2
  instance_memory_size = 4

  instance_maintain_duration   = 7200
  instance_maintain_start_time = 21600
  instance_maintain_weekdays   = [



CynosDB readonly instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_cynosdb_readonly_instance.foo cynosdbmysql-ins-dhwynib6 ```

Use this resource to create a dayu CC self-define http policy

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy" "test_bgpip" {
  resource_type = "bgpip"
  resource_id   = "bgpip-00000294"
  name          = "policy_match"
  smode         = "matching"
  action        = "drop"
  switch        = true
  rule_list {
    skey     = "host"
    operator = "include"
    value    = "123"
resource "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy" "test_net" {
  resource_type = "net"
  resource_id   = "net-0000007e"
  name          = "policy_match"
  smode         = "matching"
  action        = "drop"
  switch        = true
  rule_list {
    skey     = "cgi"
    operator = "equal"
    value    = "123"
resource "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy" "test_bgpmultip" {
  resource_type = "bgp-multip"
  resource_id   = "bgp-0000008o"
  name          = "policy_match"
  smode         = "matching"
  action        = "alg"
  switch        = true
  ip            = ""

  rule_list {
    skey     = "referer"
    operator = "not_include"
    value    = "123"
resource "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_http_policy" "test_bgp" {
  resource_type = "bgp"
  resource_id   = "bgp-000006mq"
  name          = "policy_match"
  smode         = "matching"
  action        = "alg"
  switch        = true

  rule_list {
    skey     = "ua"
    operator = "not_include"
    value    = "123"


Use this resource to create a dayu CC self-define https policy

~> **NOTE:** creating CC self-define https policy need a valid resource `tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule`; The resource only support Anti-DDoS of resource type `bgpip`.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dayu_cc_https_policy" "test_policy" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.resource_type
  resource_id   = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.resource_id
  rule_id       = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.rule_id
  domain        = tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule.test_rule.domain
  name          = "policy_test"
  action        = "drop"
  switch        = true

  rule_list {
    skey     = "cgi"
    operator = "include"
    value    = "123"


Use this resource to create dayu DDoS policy

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy" "test_policy" {
  resource_type = "bgpip"
  name          = "tf_test_policy"
  black_ips     = [""]
  white_ips     = [""]

  drop_options {
    drop_tcp           = true
    drop_udp           = true
    drop_icmp          = true
    drop_other         = true
    drop_abroad        = true
    check_sync_conn    = true
    s_new_limit        = 100
    d_new_limit        = 100
    s_conn_limit       = 100
    d_conn_limit       = 100
    tcp_mbps_limit     = 100
    udp_mbps_limit     = 100
    icmp_mbps_limit    = 100
    other_mbps_limit   = 100
    bad_conn_threshold = 100
    null_conn_enable   = true
    conn_timeout       = 500
    syn_rate           = 50
    syn_limit          = 100

  port_limits {
    start_port = "2000"
    end_port   = "2500"
    protocol   = "all"
    action     = "drop"
    kind       = 1

  packet_filters {
    protocol       = "tcp"
    action         = "drop"
    d_start_port   = 1000
    d_end_port     = 1500
    s_start_port   = 2000
    s_end_port     = 2500
    pkt_length_max = 1400
    pkt_length_min = 1000
    is_include     = true
    match_begin    = "begin_l5"
    match_type     = "pcre"
    depth          = 1000
    offset         = 500

  watermark_filters {
    tcp_port_list = ["2000-3000", "3500-4000"]
    udp_port_list = ["5000-6000"]
    offset        = 50
    auto_remove   = true
    open_switch   = true


Provides a resource to create a dayu DDoS policy attachment.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_attachment" "dayu_ddos_policy_attachment_basic" {
  resource_type = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy.test_policy.resource_type
  resource_id   = "bgpip-00000294"
  policy_id     = tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy.test_policy.policy_id


Use this resource to create dayu DDoS policy case

~> **NOTE:** when a dayu DDoS policy case is created, there will be a dayu DDoS policy created with the same prefix name in the same time. This resource only supports Anti-DDoS of type `bgp`, `bgp-multip` and `bgpip`. One Anti-DDoS resource can only has one DDoS policy case resource. When there is only one Anti-DDoS resource and one policy case, those two resource will be bind automatically.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dayu_ddos_policy_case" "foo" {
  resource_type       = "bgpip"
  name                = "tf_test_policy_case"
  platform_types      = ["PC", "MOBILE"]
  app_type            = "WEB"
  app_protocols       = ["tcp", "udp"]
  tcp_start_port      = "1000"
  tcp_end_port        = "2000"
  udp_start_port      = "3000"
  udp_end_port        = "4000"
  has_abroad          = "yes"
  has_initiate_tcp    = "yes"
  has_initiate_udp    = "yes"
  peer_tcp_port       = "1111"
  peer_udp_port       = "3333"
  tcp_footprint       = "511"
  udp_footprint       = "500"
  web_api_urls        = ["abc.com", "test.cn/aaa.png"]
  min_tcp_package_len = "1000"
  max_tcp_package_len = "1200"
  min_udp_package_len = "1000"
  max_udp_package_len = "1200"
  has_vpn             = "yes"


Use this resource to create dayu layer 4 rule

~> **NOTE:** This resource only support resource Anti-DDoS of type `bgpip` and `net`

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dayu_l4_rule" "test_rule" {
  resource_type             = "bgpip"
  resource_id               = "bgpip-00000294"
  name                      = "rule_test"
  protocol                  = "TCP"
  s_port                    = 80
  d_port                    = 60
  source_type               = 2
  health_check_switch       = true
  health_check_timeout      = 30
  health_check_interval     = 35
  health_check_health_num   = 5
  health_check_unhealth_num = 10
  session_switch            = false
  session_time              = 300

  source_list {
    source = ""
    weight = 100
  source_list {
    source = ""
    weight = 50


Use this resource to create dayu layer 7 rule

~> **NOTE:** This resource only support resource Anti-DDoS of type `bgpip`

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dayu_l7_rule" "test_rule" {
  resource_type             = "bgpip"
  resource_id               = "bgpip-00000294"
  name                      = "rule_test"
  domain                    = "zhaoshaona.com"
  protocol                  = "https"
  switch                    = true
  source_type               = 2
  source_list               = ["", ""]
  ssl_id                    = "%s"
  health_check_switch       = true
  health_check_code         = 31
  health_check_interval     = 30
  health_check_method       = "GET"
  health_check_path         = "/"
  health_check_health_num   = 5
  health_check_unhealth_num = 10


Provides a resource to creating direct connect gateway instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "main" {
  name       = "ci-vpc-instance-test"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway" "vpc_main" {
  name                = "ci-cdg-vpc-test"
  network_instance_id = tencentcloud_vpc.main.id
  network_type        = "VPC"
  gateway_type        = "NAT"



Direct connect gateway instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_dc_gateway.instance dcg-id ```

Provides a resource to creating direct connect gateway route entry.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ccn" "main" {
  name        = "ci-temp-test-ccn"
  description = "ci-temp-test-ccn-des"
  qos         = "AG"
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway" "ccn_main" {
  name                = "ci-cdg-ccn-test"
  network_instance_id = tencentcloud_ccn.main.id
  network_type        = "CCN"
  gateway_type        = "NORMAL"
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway_ccn_route" "route1" {
  dcg_id     = tencentcloud_dc_gateway.ccn_main.id
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_dc_gateway_ccn_route" "route2" {
  dcg_id     = tencentcloud_dc_gateway.ccn_main.id
  cidr_block = ""


Provides a resource to creating dedicated tunnels instances.

~> **NOTE:** 1. ID of the DC is queried, can only apply for this resource offline.

Example Usage


variable "dc_id" {
  default = "dc-kax48sg7"
variable "dcg_id" {
  default = "dcg-dmbhf7jf"
variable "vpc_id" {
  default = "vpc-4h9v4mo3"
resource "tencentcloud_dcx" "bgp_main" {
  bandwidth    = 900
  dc_id        = var.dc_id
  dcg_id       = var.dcg_id
  name         = "bgp_main"
  network_type = "VPC"
  route_type   = "BGP"
  vlan         = 306
  vpc_id       = var.vpc_id
resource "tencentcloud_dcx" "static_main" {
  bandwidth             = 900
  dc_id                 = var.dc_id
  dcg_id                = var.dcg_id
  name                  = "static_main"
  network_type          = "VPC"
  route_type            = "STATIC"
  vlan                  = 301
  vpc_id                = var.vpc_id
  route_filter_prefixes = [""]
  tencent_address       = ""
  customer_address      = ""


Provides a resource to create a NAT forwarding.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dnat" "foo" {
  vpc_id       = "vpc-asg3sfa3"
  nat_id       = "nat-2515tdg"
  protocol     = "tcp"
  elastic_ip   = ""
  elastic_port = 80
  private_ip   = ""
  private_port = 22
  description  = "test"



NAT forwarding can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_dnat.foo tcp://vpc-asg3sfa3:nat-1asg3t63@ ```

Provide a resource to create a DnsPod Domain instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_dnspod_domain_instance" "foo" {
  domain = "hello.com"
  remark = "this is demo"



DnsPod Domain instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_dnspod_domain_instance.foo domain ```

Provides an EIP resource.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_eip" "foo" {
  name = "awesome_gateway_ip"



EIP can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_eip.foo eip-nyvf60va ```

Provides an eip resource associated with other resource like CVM, ENI and CLB.

~> **NOTE:** Please DO NOT define `allocate_public_ip` in `tencentcloud_instance` resource when using `tencentcloud_eip_association`.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_eip_association" "foo" {
  eip_id      = "eip-xxxxxx"
  instance_id = "ins-xxxxxx"




resource "tencentcloud_eip_association" "bar" {
  eip_id               = "eip-xxxxxx"
  network_interface_id = "eni-xxxxxx"
  private_ip           = ""



Eip association can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_eip_association.bar eip-41s6jwy4::ins-34jwj3 ```

Provides an elastic kubernetes cluster resource.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "vpc" {
  name       = "tf-eks-vpc"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "sub" {
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  name              = "tf-as-subnet"
  cidr_block        = ""
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "sub2" {
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  name              = "tf-as-subnet"
  cidr_block        = ""
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
resource "tencentcloud_eks_cluster" "foo" {
  cluster_name = "tf-test-eks"
  k8s_version = "1.18.4"
  vpc_id = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  subnet_ids = [
  cluster_desc = "test eks cluster created by terraform"
  service_subnet_id =     tencentcloud_subnet.sub.id
  dns_servers {
    domain = "www.example1.com"
    servers = ["", "", ""]
  enable_vpc_core_dns = true
  need_delete_cbs = true
  tags = {
    hello = "world"



``` terraform import tencentcloud_eks_cluster.foo cluster-id ```

Provides an elastic kubernetes service container instance.

Example Usage

``` data "tencentcloud_security_groups" "group" { }

data "tencentcloud_availability_zones_by_product" "zone" {
  product = "cvm"
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "vpc" {
  cidr_block = ""
  name       = "tf-test-eksci"
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "sub" {
  availability_zone = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones_by_product.zone.zones[0].name
  cidr_block        = ""
  name              = "sub"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage" "cbs" {
  availability_zone = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones_by_product.zone.zones[0].name
  storage_name      = "cbs1"
  storage_size      = 10
  storage_type      = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
resource "tencentcloud_eks_container_instance" "eci1" {
  name = "foo"
  vpc_id = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  subnet_id = tencentcloud_subnet.sub.id
  cpu = 2
  cpu_type = "intel"
  restart_policy = "Always"
  memory = 4
  security_groups = [data.tencentcloud_security_groups.group.security_groups[0].security_group_id]
  cbs_volume {
    name = "vol1"
    disk_id = tencentcloud_cbs_storage.cbs.id
  container {
    name = "redis1"
    image = "redis"
    liveness_probe {
      init_delay_seconds = 1
      timeout_seconds = 3
      period_seconds = 11
      success_threshold = 1
      failure_threshold = 3
      http_get_path = "/"
      http_get_port = 443
      http_get_scheme = "https"
    readiness_probe {
      init_delay_seconds = 1
      timeout_seconds = 3
      period_seconds = 10
      success_threshold = 1
      failure_threshold = 3
      tcp_socket_port = 81
  container {
    name = "nginx"
    image = "nginx"
  init_container {
    name = "alpine"
    image = "alpine:latest"



``` terraform import tencentcloud_eks_container_instance.foo container-instance-id ```

Provides an elasticsearch instance resource.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_elasticsearch_instance" "foo" {
  instance_name     = "tf-test"
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  version           = "7.5.1"
  vpc_id            = var.vpc_id
  subnet_id         = var.subnet_id
  password          = "Test12345"
  license_type      = "oss"

  web_node_type_info {
    node_num = 1
    node_type = "ES.S1.MEDIUM4"

  node_info_list {
    node_num  = 2
    node_type = "ES.S1.SMALL2"
	encrypt = false

  tags = {
    test = "test"



Elasticsearch instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_elasticsearch_instance.foo es-17634f05 ```

Provides a resource to create an ENI.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "ci-test-eni-vpc"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "foo" {
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  name              = "ci-test-eni-subnet"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  cidr_block        = ""
  is_multicast      = false
resource "tencentcloud_eni" "foo" {
  name        = "ci-test-eni"
  vpc_id      = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  subnet_id   = tencentcloud_subnet.foo.id
  description = "eni desc"
  ipv4_count  = 1



ENI can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_eni.foo eni-qka182br


Provides a resource to detailed information of attached backend server to an ENI.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "ci-test-eni-vpc"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "foo" {
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  name              = "ci-test-eni-subnet"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  cidr_block        = ""
  is_multicast      = false
resource "tencentcloud_eni" "foo" {
  name        = "ci-test-eni"
  vpc_id      = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  subnet_id   = tencentcloud_subnet.foo.id
  description = "eni desc"
  ipv4_count  = 1
data "tencentcloud_images" "my_favorite_image" {
  image_type = ["PUBLIC_IMAGE"]
  os_name    = "centos"
data "tencentcloud_instance_types" "my_favorite_instance_types" {
  filter {
    name   = "instance-family"
    values = ["S3"]

  cpu_core_count = 1
  memory_size    = 1

data "tencentcloud_availability_zones" "my_favorite_zones" { }

resource "tencentcloud_instance" "foo" {
  instance_name            = "ci-test-eni-attach"
  availability_zone        = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.my_favorite_zones.zones.0.name
  image_id                 = data.tencentcloud_images.my_favorite_image.images.0.image_id
  instance_type            = data.tencentcloud_instance_types.my_favorite_instance_types.instance_types.0.instance_type
  system_disk_type         = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
  disable_security_service = true
  disable_monitor_service  = true
  vpc_id                   = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  subnet_id                = tencentcloud_subnet.foo.id
resource "tencentcloud_eni_attachment" "foo" {
  eni_id      = tencentcloud_eni.foo.id
  instance_id = tencentcloud_instance.foo.id



ENI attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_eni_attachment.foo eni-gtlvkjvz+ins-0h3a5new


Provides a resource to create a certificate of GAAP.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_certificate" "foo" {
  type    = "BASIC"
  content = "test:tx2KGdo3zJg/."
  name    = "test_certificate"



GAAP certificate can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_certificate.foo cert-d5y6ei3b


Provide a resource to custom error page info for a GAAP HTTP domain.

Example Usage


resource tencentcloud_gaap_proxy "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
resource tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = "www.qq.com"
resource tencentcloud_gaap_domain_error_page "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain.foo.domain
  error_codes = [404, 503]
  body        = "bad request"


Provides a resource to create a forward domain of layer7 listener.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener" "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain" "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = "www.qq.com"



GAAP http domain can be imported using the id, e.g.

-> **NOTE:** The format of tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain id is `[listener-id]+[protocol]+[domain]`.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain.foo listener-11112222+HTTP+www.qq.com


Provides a resource to create a forward rule of layer7 listener.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener" "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "foo" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "bar" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain" "foo" {
  listener_id = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain      = "www.qq.com"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_http_rule" "foo" {
  listener_id               = tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo.id
  domain                    = tencentcloud_gaap_http_domain.foo.domain
  path                      = "/"
  realserver_type           = "IP"
  health_check              = true
  health_check_path         = "/"
  health_check_method       = "GET"
  health_check_status_codes = [200]

  realservers {
    id   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.id
    ip   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.ip
    port = 80

  realservers {
    id   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.bar.id
    ip   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.bar.ip
    port = 80



GAAP http rule can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_http_rule.foo rule-3bsuu01r


Provides a resource to create a layer4 listener of GAAP.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "foo" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "bar" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver2"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer4_listener" "foo" {
  protocol        = "TCP"
  name            = "ci-test-gaap-4-listener"
  port            = 80
  realserver_type = "IP"
  proxy_id        = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  health_check    = true

  realserver_bind_set {
    id   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.id
    ip   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo.ip
    port = 80

  realserver_bind_set {
    id   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.bar.id
    ip   = tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.bar.ip
    port = 80



GAAP layer4 listener can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_layer4_listener.foo listener-11112222


Provides a resource to create a layer7 listener of GAAP.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener" "foo" {
  protocol = "HTTP"
  name     = "ci-test-gaap-l7-listener"
  port     = 80
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id



GAAP layer7 listener can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_layer7_listener.foo listener-11112222


Provides a resource to create a GAAP proxy.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"

  tags = {
    test = "test"



GAAP proxy can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo link-11112222


Provides a resource to create a GAAP realserver.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_realserver" "foo" {
  ip   = ""
  name = "ci-test-gaap-realserver"

  tags = {
    test = "test"



GAAP realserver can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_realserver.foo rs-4ftghy6


Provides a resource to create a security policy of GAAP proxy.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy" "foo" {
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  action   = "DROP"



GAAP security policy can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy.foo pl-xxxx


Provides a resource to create a security policy rule.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_gaap_proxy" "foo" {
  name              = "ci-test-gaap-proxy"
  bandwidth         = 10
  concurrent        = 2
  access_region     = "SouthChina"
  realserver_region = "NorthChina"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy" "foo" {
  proxy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_proxy.foo.id
  action   = "ACCEPT"
resource "tencentcloud_gaap_security_rule" "foo" {
  policy_id = tencentcloud_gaap_security_policy.foo.id
  cidr_ip   = ""
  action    = "ACCEPT"
  protocol  = "TCP"



GAAP security rule can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_gaap_security_rule.foo sr-xxxxxxxx


Provides a resource to create a HA VIP.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ha_vip" "foo" {
  name      = "terraform_test"
  vpc_id    = "vpc-gzea3dd7"
  subnet_id = "subnet-4d4m4cd4s"
  vip       = ""



HA VIP can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ha_vip.foo havip-kjqwe4ba ```

Provides a resource to create a HA VIP EIP attachment.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ha_vip_eip_attachment" "foo" {
  havip_id   = "havip-kjqwe4ba"
  address_ip = ""



HA VIP EIP attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ha_vip_eip_attachment.foo havip-kjqwe4ba# ```

Provide a resource to manage image.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_image" "image_snap" {
	image_name   		= "image-snapshot-keep"
	snapshot_ids 		= ["snap-nbp3xy1d", "snap-nvzu3dmh"]
	force_poweroff 		= true
	image_description 	= "create image with snapshot"



image instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_image.image_snap img-gf7jspk6 ```

Provides a CVM instance resource.

~> **NOTE:** You can launch an CVM instance for a VPC network via specifying parameter `vpc_id`. One instance can only belong to one VPC.

~> **NOTE:** At present, 'PREPAID' instance cannot be deleted and must wait it to be outdated and released automatically.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_images" "my_favorite_image" {
  image_type = ["PUBLIC_IMAGE"]
  os_name    = "centos"
data "tencentcloud_instance_types" "my_favorite_instance_types" {
  filter {
    name   = "instance-family"
    values = ["S3"]

  cpu_core_count = 1
  memory_size    = 1

data "tencentcloud_availability_zones" "my_favorite_zones" { }

// Create VPC resource

resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "app" {
  cidr_block = ""
  name       = "awesome_app_vpc"
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "app" {
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.app.id
  availability_zone = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.my_favorite_zones.zones.0.name
  name              = "awesome_app_subnet"
  cidr_block        = ""

// Create 2 CVM instances to host awesome_app

resource "tencentcloud_instance" "my_awesome_app" {
  instance_name              = "awesome_app"
  availability_zone          = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.my_favorite_zones.zones.0.name
  image_id                   = data.tencentcloud_images.my_favorite_image.images.0.image_id
  instance_type              = data.tencentcloud_instance_types.my_favorite_instance_types.instance_types.0.instance_type
  system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
  system_disk_size           = 50
  hostname                   = "user"
  project_id                 = 0
  vpc_id                     = tencentcloud_vpc.app.id
  subnet_id                  = tencentcloud_subnet.app.id
  internet_max_bandwidth_out = 20
  count                      = 2
  cam_role_name              = "CVM_QcsRole"

  data_disks {
    data_disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    data_disk_size = 50
	encrypt = false

  tags = {
    tagKey = "tagValue"


Create CVM instance based on CDH ```hcl

variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-shanghai-4"
resource "tencentcloud_cdh_instance" "foo" {
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  host_type = "HM50"
  charge_type = "PREPAID"
  instance_charge_type_prepaid_period = 1
  hostname = "test"
  prepaid_renew_flag = "DISABLE_NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW"
data "tencentcloud_cdh_instances" "list" {
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  host_id = tencentcloud_cdh_instance.foo.id
  hostname = "test"
  host_state = "RUNNING"
resource "tencentcloud_key_pair" "random_key" {
  key_name   = "tf_example_key6"
  public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDjd8fTnp7Dcuj4mLaQxf9Zs/ORgUL9fQxRCNKkPgP1paTy1I513maMX126i36Lxxl3+FUB52oVbo/FgwlIfX8hyCnv8MCxqnuSDozf1CD0/wRYHcTWAtgHQHBPCC2nJtod6cVC3kB18KeV4U7zsxmwFeBIxojMOOmcOBuh7+trRw=="
resource "tencentcloud_placement_group" "foo" {
  name = "test"
  type = "HOST"
resource "tencentcloud_instance" "foo" {
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  instance_name     = "terraform-testing"
  image_id          = "img-ix05e4px"
  key_name          = tencentcloud_key_pair.random_key.id
  placement_group_id = tencentcloud_placement_group.foo.id
  security_groups               = ["sg-9c3f33xk"]
  system_disk_type  = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"

  instance_charge_type = "CDHPAID"
  cdh_instance_type     = "CDH_10C10G"
  cdh_host_id = tencentcloud_cdh_instance.foo.id

  vpc_id                     = "vpc-31zmeluu"
  subnet_id                  = "subnet-aujc02np"
  allocate_public_ip    = true
  internet_max_bandwidth_out = 2
  count                      = 3

  data_disks {
    data_disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    data_disk_size = 50
    encrypt = false



CVM instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` terraform import tencentcloud_instance.foo ins-2qol3a80 ```

Provides a key pair resource.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_key_pair" "foo" {
  key_name   = "terraform_test"
  public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDjd8fTnp7Dcuj4mLaQxf9Zs/ORgUL9fQxRCNKkPgP1paTy1I513maMX126i36Lxxl3+FUB52oVbo/FgwlIfX8hyCnv8MCxqnuSDozf1CD0/wRYHcTWAtgHQHBPCC2nJtod6cVC3kB18KeV4U7zsxmwFeBIxojMOOmcOBuh7+trRw=="



Key pair can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_key_pair.foo skey-17634f05 ```

Provide a resource to create a KMS external key.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_kms_external_key" "foo" {
	alias = "test"
	description = "describe key test message."
	wrapping_algorithm = "RSAES_PKCS1_V1_5"
	key_material_base64 = "MTIzMTIzMTIzMTIzMTIzQQ=="
	valid_to = 2147443200
	is_enabled = true



KMS external keys can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_kms_external_key.foo 287e8f40-7cbb-11eb-9a3a-5254004f7f94 ```

Provide a resource to create a KMS key.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_kms_key" "foo" {
	alias = "test"
	description = "describe key test message."
	key_rotation_enabled = true
	is_enabled = true

	tags = {



KMS keys can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_kms_key.foo 287e8f40-7cbb-11eb-9a3a-5254004f7f94 ```

Provide a resource to create an auto scaling group for kubernetes cluster.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by `tencentcloud_cluster_node_pool`. ~> **NOTE:** To use the custom Kubernetes component startup parameter function (parameter `extra_args`), you need to submit a ticket for application.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_as_scaling_group" "test" {

  cluster_id = "cls-kb32pbv4"

  auto_scaling_group {
    scaling_group_name   = "tf-guagua-as-group"
    max_size             = "5"
    min_size             = "0"
    vpc_id               = "vpc-dk8zmwuf"
    subnet_ids           = ["subnet-pqfek0t8"]
    project_id           = 0
    default_cooldown     = 400
    desired_capacity     = "0"
    termination_policies = ["NEWEST_INSTANCE"]
    retry_policy         = "INCREMENTAL_INTERVALS"

    tags = {
      "test" = "test"


  auto_scaling_config {
    configuration_name = "tf-guagua-as-config"
    instance_type      = "S1.SMALL1"
    project_id         = 0
    system_disk_type   = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    system_disk_size   = "50"

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    password                   = "test123#"
    enhanced_security_service  = false
    enhanced_monitor_service   = false

    instance_tags = {
      tag = "as"


  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test1" = "test2",


Use Kubelet


resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_as_scaling_group" "test" {

  cluster_id = "cls-kb32pbv4"

  auto_scaling_group {
    scaling_group_name   = "tf-guagua-as-group"
    max_size             = "5"
    min_size             = "0"
    vpc_id               = "vpc-dk8zmwuf"
    subnet_ids           = ["subnet-pqfek0t8"]
    project_id           = 0
    default_cooldown     = 400
    desired_capacity     = "0"
    termination_policies = ["NEWEST_INSTANCE"]
    retry_policy         = "INCREMENTAL_INTERVALS"

    tags = {
      "test" = "test"


  auto_scaling_config {
    configuration_name = "tf-guagua-as-config"
    instance_type      = "S1.SMALL1"
    project_id         = 0
    system_disk_type   = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    system_disk_size   = "50"

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    password                   = "test123#"
    enhanced_security_service  = false
    enhanced_monitor_service   = false

    instance_tags = {
      tag = "as"


  extra_args = [

  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test1" = "test2",


Provide a resource to configure kubernetes cluster authentication info.

~> **NOTE:** Only avaliable for cluster version >= 1.20

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "cluster_cidr" {
  default = ""
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "S1.SMALL1"
data "tencentcloud_images" "default" {
  image_type = ["PUBLIC_IMAGE"]
  os_name    = "centos"
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc" {
  is_default        = true
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
  vpc_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc.instance_list.0.vpc_id
  cluster_cidr            = ""
  cluster_max_pod_num     = 32
  cluster_name            = "keep"
  cluster_desc            = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_version         = "1.20.6"
  cluster_max_service_num = 32

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc.instance_list.0.subnet_id

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"

  cluster_deploy_type = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_auth_attachment" "test_auth_attach" {
  cluster_id                           = tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.managed_cluster.id
  jwks_uri                             = "https://${tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.managed_cluster.id}.ccs.tencent-cloud.com/openid/v1/jwks"
  issuer                               = "https://${tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.managed_cluster.id}.ccs.tencent-cloud.com"
  auto_create_discovery_anonymous_auth = true


Provide a resource to create a kubernetes cluster.

~> **NOTE:** To use the custom Kubernetes component startup parameter function (parameter `extra_args`), you need to submit a ticket for application. ~> **NOTE:** We recommend the usage of one cluster without worker config + node pool to manage cluster and nodes. It's a more flexible way than manage worker config with tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster, tencentcloud_kubernetes_scale_worker or exist node management of `tencentcloud_kubernetes_attachment`. Cause some unchangeable parameters of `worker_config` may cause the whole cluster resource `force new`.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone_first" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "availability_zone_second" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-4"
variable "cluster_cidr" {
  default = ""
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "SA2.2XLARGE16"
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc_first" {
  is_default        = true
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone_first
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc_second" {
  is_default        = true
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone_second
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
  vpc_id                                     = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_first.instance_list.0.vpc_id
  cluster_cidr                               = var.cluster_cidr
  cluster_max_pod_num                        = 32
  cluster_name                               = "test"
  cluster_desc                               = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_max_service_num                    = 32
  cluster_internet                           = true
  managed_cluster_internet_security_policies = ["", ""]
  cluster_deploy_type                        = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone_first
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_first.instance_list.0.subnet_id
	img_id                     = "img-rkiynh11"

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone_second
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_second.instance_list.0.subnet_id

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"
	cam_role_name			  = "CVM_QcsRole"

  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",


Use Kubelet


variable "availability_zone_first" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "availability_zone_second" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-4"
variable "cluster_cidr" {
  default = ""
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "SA2.2XLARGE16"
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc_first" {
  is_default        = true
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone_first
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc_second" {
  is_default        = true
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone_second
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
  vpc_id                                     = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_first.instance_list.0.vpc_id
  cluster_cidr                               = var.cluster_cidr
  cluster_max_pod_num                        = 32
  cluster_name                               = "test"
  cluster_desc                               = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_max_service_num                    = 32
  cluster_internet                           = true
  managed_cluster_internet_security_policies = ["", ""]
  cluster_deploy_type                        = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone_first
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_first.instance_list.0.subnet_id

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone_second
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_second.instance_list.0.subnet_id

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"
	cam_role_name			  = "CVM_QcsRole"

  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",

  extra_args = [


Use extension addons


variable "availability_zone_first" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "cluster_cidr" {
  default = ""
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "S5.SMALL1"
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc_first" {
  is_default        = true
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone_first
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "cluster_with_addon" {
  vpc_id                                     = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_first.instance_list.0.vpc_id
  cluster_cidr                               = var.cluster_cidr
  cluster_max_pod_num                        = 32
  cluster_name                               = "test"
  cluster_desc                               = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_max_service_num                    = 32
  cluster_internet                           = true
  managed_cluster_internet_security_policies = ["", ""]
  cluster_deploy_type                        = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone_first
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc_first.instance_list.0.subnet_id
    img_id                     = "img-rkiynh11"
    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"

  extension_addon {
    name  = "NodeProblemDetectorPlus"
    param = "{\"kind\":\"NodeProblemDetector\",\"apiVersion\":\"platform.tke/v1\",\"metadata\":{\"generateName\":\"npd\"},\"spec\":{\"version\":\"v2.0.0\",\"selfCure\":true,\"uin\":\"12345\",\"subUin\":\"12345\",\"policys\":[{\"actions\":{\"CVM\":{\"reBootCVM\":true,\"retryCounts\":1},\"runtime\":{\"reStartDokcer\":true,\"reStartKubelet\":true,\"retryCounts\":1},\"nodePod\":{\"evict\":true,\"retryCounts\":1}},\"conditionType\":\"Ready\"},{\"actions\":{\"runtime\":{\"reStartDokcer\":true,\"reStartKubelet\":true,\"retryCounts\":1}},\"conditionType\":\"KubeletProblem\"},{\"actions\":{\"runtime\":{\"reStartDokcer\":true,\"reStartKubelet\":false,\"retryCounts\":1}},\"conditionType\":\"DockerdProblem\"}]}}"
  extension_addon {
    name  = "OOMGuard"
    param = "{\"kind\":\"OOMGuard\",\"apiVersion\":\"platform.tke/v1\",\"metadata\":{\"generateName\":\"oom\"},\"spec\":{}}"
  extension_addon {
    name  = "DNSAutoscaler"
    param = "{\"kind\":\"DNSAutoscaler\",\"apiVersion\":\"platform.tke/v1\",\"metadata\":{\"generateName\":\"da\"},\"spec\":{}}"
  extension_addon {
    name  = "COS"
    param = "{\"kind\":\"COS\",\"apiVersion\":\"platform.tke/v1\",\"metadata\":{\"generateName\":\"cos\"},\"spec\":{\"version\":\"1.0.0\"}}"
  extension_addon {
    name  = "CFS"
    param = "{\"kind\":\"CFS\",\"apiVersion\":\"platform.tke/v1\",\"metadata\":{\"generateName\":\"cfs\"},\"spec\":{\"version\":\"1.0.0\"}}"
  extension_addon {
    name  = "CBS"
    param = "{\"kind\":\"CBS\",\"apiVersion\":\"platform.tke/v1\",\"metadata\":{\"generateName\":\"cbs\"},\"spec\":{}}"


Use node pool global config


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "vpc" {
  default = "vpc-dk8zmwuf"
variable "subnet" {
  default = "subnet-pqfek0t8"
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "SA1.LARGE8"
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "test_node_pool_global_config" {
  vpc_id                                     = var.vpc
  cluster_cidr                               = ""
  cluster_max_pod_num                        = 32
  cluster_name                               = "test"
  cluster_desc                               = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_max_service_num                    = 32
  cluster_internet                           = true
  managed_cluster_internet_security_policies = ["", ""]
  cluster_deploy_type                        = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = var.subnet

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"

  node_pool_global_config {
    is_scale_in_enabled = true
    expander = "random"
    ignore_daemon_sets_utilization = true
    max_concurrent_scale_in = 5
    scale_in_delay = 15
    scale_in_unneeded_time = 15
    scale_in_utilization_threshold = 30
    skip_nodes_with_local_storage = false
    skip_nodes_with_system_pods = true

  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",


Using VPC-CNI network type ```hcl

variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-1"
variable "vpc" {
  default = "vpc-r1m1fyx5"
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "SA2.SMALL2"
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
  vpc_id                                     = var.vpc
  cluster_max_pod_num                        = 32
  cluster_name                               = "test"
  cluster_desc                               = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_max_service_num                    = 256
  cluster_internet                           = true
  managed_cluster_internet_security_policies = ["", ""]
  cluster_deploy_type                        = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"
  network_type								 = "VPC-CNI"
  eni_subnet_ids							 = ["subnet-bk1etlyu"]
  service_cidr								 = ""

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = "subnet-t5dv27rs"

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"

  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",


Provide a resource to attach an existing cvm to kubernetes cluster.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "cluster_cidr" {
  default = ""
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "S1.SMALL1"
data "tencentcloud_images" "default" {
  image_type = ["PUBLIC_IMAGE"]
  os_name    = "centos"
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc" {
  is_default        = true
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
data "tencentcloud_instance_types" "default" {
  filter {
    name   = "instance-family"
    values = ["SA2"]

  cpu_core_count = 8
  memory_size    = 16
resource "tencentcloud_instance" "foo" {
  instance_name     = "tf-auto-test-1-1"
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  image_id          = data.tencentcloud_images.default.images.0.image_id
  instance_type     = var.default_instance_type
  system_disk_type  = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
  system_disk_size  = 50
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
  vpc_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc.instance_list.0.vpc_id
  cluster_cidr            = ""
  cluster_max_pod_num     = 32
  cluster_name            = "keep"
  cluster_desc            = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_max_service_num = 32

  worker_config {
    count                      = 1
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone
    instance_type              = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 60
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    subnet_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc.instance_list.0.subnet_id

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "ZZXXccvv1212"

  cluster_deploy_type = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"
resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster_attachment" "test_attach" {
  cluster_id  = tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.managed_cluster.id
  instance_id = tencentcloud_instance.foo.id
  password    = "Lo4wbdit"

  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",

  worker_config_overrides {
    desired_pod_num = 8


Provide a resource to create an auto scaling group for kubernetes cluster.

~> **NOTE:** We recommend the usage of one cluster with essential worker config + node pool to manage cluster and nodes. Its a more flexible way than manage worker config with tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster, tencentcloud_kubernetes_scale_worker or exist node management of `tencentcloud_kubernetes_attachment`. Cause some unchangeable parameters of `worker_config` may cause the whole cluster resource `force new`.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "cluster_cidr" {
  default = ""
data "tencentcloud_vpc_subnets" "vpc" {
    is_default        = true
    availability_zone = var.availability_zone
variable "default_instance_type" {
  default = "S1.SMALL1"

//this is the cluster with empty worker config

resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster" "managed_cluster" {
  vpc_id                  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc.instance_list.0.vpc_id
  cluster_cidr            = var.cluster_cidr
  cluster_max_pod_num     = 32
  cluster_name            = "tf-tke-unit-test"
  cluster_desc            = "test cluster desc"
  cluster_max_service_num = 32
  cluster_version         = "1.18.4"
  cluster_deploy_type = "MANAGED_CLUSTER"

//this is one example of managing node using node pool

resource "tencentcloud_kubernetes_node_pool" "mynodepool" {
  name = "mynodepool"
  cluster_id = tencentcloud_kubernetes_cluster.managed_cluster.id
  max_size = 6
  min_size = 1
  vpc_id               = data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc.instance_list.0.vpc_id
  subnet_ids           = [data.tencentcloud_vpc_subnets.vpc.instance_list.0.subnet_id]
  retry_policy         = "INCREMENTAL_INTERVALS"
  desired_capacity     = 4
  enable_auto_scale    = true

  auto_scaling_config {
    instance_type      = var.default_instance_type
    system_disk_type   = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
    system_disk_size   = "50"
    security_group_ids = ["sg-24vswocp"]

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
    public_ip_assigned         = true
    password                   = "test123#"
    enhanced_security_service  = false
    enhanced_monitor_service   = false


  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",

  taints {
	key = "test_taint"
    value = "taint_value"
    effect = "PreferNoSchedule"

  taints {
	key = "test_taint2"
    value = "taint_value2"
    effect = "PreferNoSchedule"

  node_config {
      extra_args = [


Provide a resource to increase instance to cluster

~> **NOTE:** To use the custom Kubernetes component startup parameter function (parameter `extra_args`), you need to submit a ticket for application.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "subnet" {
  default = "subnet-pqfek0t8"
variable "scale_instance_type" {
  default = "S2.LARGE16"
resource tencentcloud_kubernetes_scale_worker test_scale {
  cluster_id = "cls-godovr32"
  desired_pod_num = 16
  labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",
  worker_config {
    count                      = 3
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone
    instance_type              = var.scale_instance_type
    subnet_id                  = var.subnet
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 50
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "AABBccdd1122"


Use Kubelet


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
variable "subnet" {
  default = "subnet-pqfek0t8"
variable "scale_instance_type" {
  default = "S2.LARGE16"
resource tencentcloud_kubernetes_scale_worker test_scale {
  cluster_id = "cls-godovr32"

  extra_args = [

   labels = {
    "test1" = "test1",
    "test2" = "test2",

  worker_config {
    count                      = 3
    availability_zone          = var.availability_zone
    instance_type              = var.scale_instance_type
    subnet_id                  = var.subnet
    system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_SSD"
    system_disk_size           = 50
    internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 100
    public_ip_assigned         = true

    data_disk {
      disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
      disk_size = 50

    enhanced_security_service = false
    enhanced_monitor_service  = false
    user_data                 = "dGVzdA=="
    password                  = "AABBccdd1122"


Provides a Load Balancer resource.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by `tencentcloud_clb_instance`.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_lb" "classic" {
  type       = "OPEN"
  forward    = "APPLICATION"
  name       = "tf-test-classic"
  project_id = 0


Provide a resource to create a Mongodb instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mongodb_instance" "mongodb" {
  instance_name  = "mongodb"
  memory         = 4
  volume         = 100
  engine_version = "MONGO_3_WT"
  machine_type   = "GIO"
  available_zone = "ap-guangzhou-2"
  vpc_id         = "vpc-mz3efvbw"
  subnet_id      = "subnet-lk0svi3p"
  project_id     = 0
  password       = "password1234"



Mongodb instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_mongodb_instance.mongodb cmgo-41s6jwy4 ```

Provide a resource to create a Mongodb sharding instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mongodb_sharding_instance" "mongodb" {
  instance_name   = "mongodb"
  shard_quantity  = 2
  nodes_per_shard = 3
  memory          = 4
  volume          = 100
  engine_version  = "MONGO_3_WT"
  machine_type    = "GIO"
  available_zone  = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  vpc_id          = "vpc-mz3efvbw"
  subnet_id       = "subnet-lk0svi3p"
  project_id      = 0
  password        = "password1234"



Mongodb sharding instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_mongodb_sharding_instance.mongodb cmgo-41s6jwy4 ```

Provide a resource to create a Mongodb standby instance.

Example Usage


provider "tencentcloud" {
  region = "ap-guangzhou"
provider "tencentcloud" {
  alias  = "shanghai"
  region = "ap-shanghai"
resource "tencentcloud_mongodb_instance" "mongodb" {
  instance_name  = "tf-mongodb-test"
  memory         = 4
  volume         = 100
  engine_version = "MONGO_40_WT"
  machine_type   = "HIO10G"
  available_zone = var.availability_zone
  project_id     = 0
  password       = "test1234"

  tags = {
    test = "test"
resource "tencentcloud_mongodb_standby_instance" "mongodb" {
  provider               = tencentcloud.shanghai
  instance_name          = "tf-mongodb-standby-test"
  memory                 = 4
  volume                 = 100
  available_zone         = "ap-shanghai-2"
  project_id             = 0
  father_instance_id     = tencentcloud_mongodb_instance.mongodb.id
  father_instance_region = "ap-guangzhou"

  tags = {
    test = "test"



Mongodb instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_mongodb_standby_instance.mongodb cmgo-41s6jwy4 ```

Provides a alarm policy resource for monitor.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_monitor_alarm_policy" "group" {
  policy_name = "hello"
  monitor_type = "MT_QCE"
  enable = 1
  project_id = 1244035
  namespace = "cvm_device"
  conditions {
    is_union_rule = 1
    rules {
      metric_name = "CpuUsage"
      period = 60
      operator = "ge"
      value = "89.9"
      continue_period = 1
      notice_frequency = 3600
      is_power_notice = 0
  event_conditions {
    metric_name = "ping_unreachable"
  event_conditions {
    metric_name = "guest_reboot"
  notice_ids = ["notice-l9ziyxw6"]

  trigger_tasks {
    type = "AS"
    task_config = "{\"Region\":\"ap-guangzhou\",\"Group\":\"asg-0z312312x\",\"Policy\":\"asp-ganig28\"}"

``` Import

Alarm policy instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_monitor_alarm_policy.policy policy-id ```

Provides a resource for bind objects to a policy group resource.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_monitor_policy_binding_object.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_instances" "instances" { }

resource "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_group" "group" {
  group_name       = "terraform_test"
  policy_view_name = "cvm_device"
  remark           = "this is a test policy group"
  is_union_rule    = 1
  conditions {
    metric_id           = 33
    alarm_notify_type   = 1
    alarm_notify_period = 600
    calc_type           = 1
    calc_value          = 3
    calc_period         = 300
    continue_period     = 2

#for cvm

resource "tencentcloud_monitor_binding_object" "binding" {
  group_id = tencentcloud_monitor_policy_group.group.id
  dimensions {
    dimensions_json = "{\"unInstanceId\":\"${data.tencentcloud_instances.instances.instance_list[0].instance_id}\"}"


Provides a resource for bind receivers to a policy group resource.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_cam_groups" "groups" {
  //You should first create a user group with CAM
resource "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_group" "group" {
  group_name       = "nice_group"
  policy_view_name = "cvm_device"
  remark           = "this is a test policy group"
  conditions {
    metric_id           = 33
    alarm_notify_type   = 1
    alarm_notify_period = 600
    calc_type           = 1
    calc_value          = 3
    calc_period         = 300
    continue_period     = 2
resource "tencentcloud_monitor_binding_receiver" "receiver" {
  group_id = tencentcloud_monitor_policy_group.group.id
  receivers {
    start_time          = 0
    end_time            = 86399
    notify_way          = ["SMS"]
    receiver_type       = "group"
    receiver_group_list = [data.tencentcloud_cam_groups.groups.group_list[0].group_id]
    receive_language    = "en-US"


Provides a resource for bind objects to a alarm policy resource.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_instances" "instances" { }

resource "tencentcloud_monitor_alarm_policy" "policy" {
  policy_name = "hello"
  monitor_type = "MT_QCE"
  enable = 1
  project_id = 1244035
  namespace = "cvm_device"

  conditions {
    is_union_rule = 1
    rules {
      metric_name = "CpuUsage"
      period = 60
      operator = "ge"
      value = "89.9"
      continue_period = 1
      notice_frequency = 3600
      is_power_notice = 0

  event_conditions {
    metric_name = "ping_unreachable"

  event_conditions {
    metric_name = "guest_reboot"

  notice_ids = ["notice-l9ziyxw6"]

  trigger_tasks {
    type = "AS"
    task_config = "{\"Region\":\"ap-guangzhou\",\"Group\":\"asg-0z312312x\",\"Policy\":\"asp-ganig28\"}"


#for cvm

resource "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_binding_object" "binding" {
  policy_id = tencentcloud_monitor_alarm_policy.policy.id

  dimensions {
    dimensions_json = "{\"unInstanceId\":\"${data.tencentcloud_instances.instances.instance_list[0].instance_id}\"}"


Provides a policy group resource for monitor.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_monitor_alarm_policy.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_monitor_policy_group" "group" {
  group_name       = "nice_group"
  policy_view_name = "cvm_device"
  remark           = "this is a test policy group"
  is_union_rule    = 1
  conditions {
    metric_id           = 33
    alarm_notify_type   = 1
    alarm_notify_period = 600
    calc_type           = 1
    calc_value          = 3
    calc_period         = 300
    continue_period     = 2
  conditions {
    metric_id           = 30
    alarm_notify_type   = 1
    alarm_notify_period = 600
    calc_type           = 2
    calc_value          = 30
    calc_period         = 300
    continue_period     = 2
  event_conditions {
    event_id            = 39
    alarm_notify_type   = 0
    alarm_notify_period = 300
  event_conditions {
    event_id            = 40
    alarm_notify_type   = 0
    alarm_notify_period = 300

``` Import

Policy group instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_monitor_policy_group.group group-id ```

Provides a MySQL account resource for database management. A MySQL instance supports multiple database account.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_account" "default" {
  mysql_id    = "my-test-database"
  name        = "tf_account"
  password    = "********"
  description = "My test account"


Provides a mysql account privilege resource to grant different access privilege to different database. A database can be granted by multiple account.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_mysql_privilege.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_account_privilege" "default" {
  mysql_id       = "my-test-database"
  account_name   = "tf_account"
  privileges     = ["SELECT"]
  database_names = ["instance.name"]


Provides a mysql policy resource to create a backup policy.

~> **NOTE:** This attribute `backup_model` only support 'physical' in Terraform TencentCloud provider version 1.16.2

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_backup_policy" "default" {
  mysql_id         = "cdb-dnqksd9f"
  retention_period = 7
  backup_model     = "physical"
  backup_time      = "02:00-06:00"


Provides a mysql instance resource to create master database instances.

~> **NOTE:** If this mysql has readonly instance, the terminate operation of the mysql does NOT take effect immediately, maybe takes for several hours. so during that time, VPCs associated with that mysql instance can't be terminated also.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_instance" "default" {
  internet_service = 1
  engine_version   = "5.7"
  charge_type = "POSTPAID"
  root_password     = "********"
  slave_deploy_mode = 0
  first_slave_zone  = "ap-guangzhou-4"
  second_slave_zone = "ap-guangzhou-4"
  slave_sync_mode   = 1
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-4"
  project_id        = 201901010001
  instance_name     = "myTestMysql"
  mem_size          = 128000
  volume_size       = 250
  vpc_id            = "vpc-12mt3l31"
  subnet_id         = "subnet-9uivyb1g"
  intranet_port     = 3306
  security_groups   = ["sg-ot8eclwz"]

  tags = {
    name = "test"

  parameters = {
    max_connections = "1000"


Provides a mysql account privilege resource to grant different access privilege to different database. A database can be granted by multiple account.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_instance" "default" {
  mem_size          = 1000
  volume_size       = 25
  instance_name     = "guagua"
  engine_version    = "5.7"
  root_password     = "0153Y474"
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  internet_service  = 1


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_account" "mysql_account2" {
  mysql_id    = tencentcloud_mysql_instance.default.id
  name        = "test11"
  password    = "test1234"
  description = "test from terraform"
resource "tencentcloud_mysql_privilege" "tttt" {
  mysql_id     = tencentcloud_mysql_instance.default.id
  account_name = tencentcloud_mysql_account.mysql_account2.name
  global       = ["TRIGGER"]
  database {
    privileges    = ["SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "CREATE"]
    database_name = "sys"
  database {
    privileges    = ["SELECT"]
    database_name = "performance_schema"

  table {
    privileges    = ["SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "CREATE"]
    database_name = "mysql"
    table_name    = "slow_log"

  table {
    privileges    = ["SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE"]
    database_name = "mysql"
    table_name    = "user"

  column {
    privileges    = ["SELECT", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "REFERENCES"]
    database_name = "mysql"
    table_name    = "user"
    column_name   = "host"


Provides a mysql instance resource to create read-only database instances.

~> **NOTE:** The terminate operation of read only mysql does NOT take effect immediately, maybe takes for several hours. so during that time, VPCs associated with that mysql instance can't be terminated also.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_readonly_instance" "default" {
  master_instance_id = "cdb-dnqksd9f"
  instance_name      = "myTestMysql"
  mem_size           = 128000
  volume_size        = 255
  vpc_id             = "vpc-12mt3l31"
  subnet_id          = "subnet-9uivyb1g"
  intranet_port      = 3306
  security_groups    = ["sg-ot8eclwz"]

  tags = {
    name = "test"


Provides a resource to create a NAT gateway.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_nat_gateway" "foo" {
  name             = "test_nat_gateway"
  vpc_id           = "vpc-4xxr2cy7"
  bandwidth        = 100
  max_concurrent   = 1000000
  assigned_eip_set = [""]

  tags = {
    test = "tf"



NAT gateway can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_nat_gateway.foo nat-1asg3t63 ```

Provides a resource to create a NAT Gateway SNat rule.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_availability_zones" "my_zones" {}

data "tencentcloud_vpc" "my_vpc" {
  name = "Default-VPC"
data "tencentcloud_images" "my_image" {
  os_name = "centos"
data "tencentcloud_instance_types" "my_instance_types" {
  cpu_core_count = 1
  memory_size    = 1

Create EIP

resource "tencentcloud_eip" "eip_dev_dnat" {
  name = "terraform_test"
resource "tencentcloud_eip" "eip_test_dnat" {
  name = "terraform_test"

Create NAT Gateway

resource "tencentcloud_nat_gateway" "my_nat" {
  vpc_id         = data.tencentcloud_vpc.my_vpc.id
  name           = "terraform test"
  max_concurrent = 3000000
  bandwidth      = 500

  assigned_eip_set = [

Create route_table and entry

resource "tencentcloud_route_table" "my_route_table" {
  vpc_id = data.tencentcloud_vpc.my_vpc.id
  name   = "terraform test"
resource "tencentcloud_route_table_entry" "my_route_entry" {
  route_table_id         = tencentcloud_route_table.my_route_table.id
  destination_cidr_block = ""
  next_type              = "NAT"
  next_hub               = tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat.id

Create Subnet

resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "my_subnet" {
  vpc_id            = data.tencentcloud_vpc.my_vpc.id
  name              = "terraform test"
  cidr_block        = ""
  availability_zone = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.my_zones.zones.0.name
  route_table_id    = tencentcloud_route_table.my_route_table.id

Subnet Nat gateway snat

resource "tencentcloud_nat_gateway_snat" "my_subnet_snat" {
  nat_gateway_id    = tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat.id
  resource_type     = "SUBNET"
  subnet_id         = tencentcloud_subnet.my_subnet.id
  subnet_cidr_block = tencentcloud_subnet.my_subnet.cidr_block
  description       = "terraform test"
  public_ip_addr = [

Create instance

resource "tencentcloud_instance" "my_instance" {
  instance_name              = "terraform test"
  availability_zone          = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.my_zones.zones.0.name
  image_id                   = data.tencentcloud_images.my_image.images.0.image_id
  instance_type              = data.tencentcloud_instance_types.my_instance_types.instance_types.0.instance_type
  system_disk_type           = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
  system_disk_size           = 50
  hostname                   = "user"
  project_id                 = 0
  vpc_id                     = data.tencentcloud_vpc.my_vpc.id
  subnet_id                  = tencentcloud_subnet.my_subnet.id
  internet_max_bandwidth_out = 20

NetWorkInterface Nat gateway snat

resource "tencentcloud_nat_gateway_snat" "my_instance_snat" {
  nat_gateway_id           = tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat.id
  resource_type            = "NETWORKINTERFACE"
  instance_id              = tencentcloud_instance.my_instance.id
  instance_private_ip_addr = tencentcloud_instance.my_instance.private_ip
  description              = "terraform test"
  public_ip_addr = [



VPN gateway route can be imported using the id, the id format must be '{nat_gateway_id}#{resource_id}', resource_id range `subnet_id`, `instance_id`, e.g.

SUBNET SNat ```hcl $ terraform import tencentcloud_nat_gateway_snat.my_snat nat-r4ip1cwt#subnet-2ap74y35 ```

NETWORKINTERFACT SNat ```hcl $ terraform import tencentcloud_nat_gateway_snat.my_snat nat-r4ip1cwt#ins-da412f5a ```

Provide a resource to create a placement group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_placement_group" "foo" {
  name = "test"
  type = "HOST"



Placement group can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_placement_group.foo ps-ilan8vjf ```

Use this resource to create postgresql instance.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-1"

create vpc

resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "vpc" {
  name       = "guagua_vpc_instance_test"
  cidr_block = ""

create vpc subnet

resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "subnet" {
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  name              = "guagua_vpc_subnet_test"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  cidr_block        = ""
  is_multicast      = false

create postgresql

resource "tencentcloud_postgresql_instance" "foo" {
  name              = "example"
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  charge_type       = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.vpc.id
  subnet_id         = tencentcloud_subnet.subnet.id
  engine_version    = "9.3.5"
  root_user         = "root123"
  root_password     = "Root123$"
  charset           = "UTF8"
  project_id        = 0
  memory            = 2
  storage           = 10

  tags = {
    test = "tf"



postgresql instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_postgresql_instance.foo postgres-cda1iex1 ```

Provides a resource to manage protocol template.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_protocol_template" "foo" {
  name                = "protocol-template-test"
  protocols = ["tcp:80","udp:all","icmp:10-30"]



Protocol template can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_protocol_template.foo ppm-nwrggd14 ```

Provides a resource to manage protocol template group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_protocol_template_group" "foo" {
  name                = "group-test"
  protocols = ["ipl-axaf24151","ipl-axaf24152"]



Protocol template group can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_protocol_template_group.foo ppmg-0np3u974 ```

Use this resource to create a backup config of redis.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_redis_backup_config" "redislab" {
  redis_id      = "crs-7yl0q0dd"
  backup_time   = "04:00-05:00"
  backup_period = ["Monday"]



Redis backup config can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_redis_backup_config.redisconfig redis-id ```

Provides a resource to create a Redis instance and set its attributes.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_redis_zone_config" "zone" { }

resource "tencentcloud_redis_instance" "redis_instance_test_2" {
  availability_zone  = data.tencentcloud_redis_zone_config.zone.list[0].zone
  type_id            = data.tencentcloud_redis_zone_config.zone.list[0].type_id
  password           = "test12345789"
  mem_size           = 8192
  redis_shard_num    = data.tencentcloud_redis_zone_config.zone.list[0].redis_shard_nums[0]
  redis_replicas_num = data.tencentcloud_redis_zone_config.zone.list[0].redis_replicas_nums[0]
  name               = "terrform_test"
  port               = 6379


Using multi replica zone set ``` data "tencentcloud_availability_zones" "az" {


variable "redis_replicas_num" {
  default = 3
resource "tencentcloud_redis_instance" "red1" {
  availability_zone  = data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.az.zones[0].name
  charge_type        = "POSTPAID"
  mem_size           = 1024
  name               = "test-redis"
  port               = 6379
  project_id         = 0
  redis_replicas_num = var.redis_replicas_num
  redis_shard_num    = 1
  security_groups    = [
  subnet_id          = "subnet-ie01x91v"
  type_id            = 6
  vpc_id             = "vpc-k4lrsafc"
  password = "a12121312334"

  replica_zone_ids = [
    for i in range(var.redis_replicas_num)
    : data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.az.zones[i % length(data.tencentcloud_availability_zones.az.zones)].id ]



Redis instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_redis_instance.redislab redis-id ```

Provides a reserved instance resource.

~> **NOTE:** Reserved instance cannot be deleted and updated. The reserved instance still exist which can be extracted by reserved_instances data source when reserved instance is destroied.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_reserved_instance" "ri" {
  config_id      = "469043dd-28b9-4d89-b557-74f6a8326259"
  instance_count = 2



Reserved instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_reserved_instance.foo 6cc16e7c-47d7-4fae-9b44-ce5c0f59a920 ```

Provides a resource to create a routing entry in a VPC routing table.

~> **NOTE:** It has been deprecated and replaced by tencentcloud_route_table_entry.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "main" {
  name       = "Used to test the routing entry"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_route_table" "r" {
  name   = "Used to test the routing entry"
  vpc_id = tencentcloud_vpc.main.id
resource "tencentcloud_route_entry" "rtb_entry_instance" {
  vpc_id         = tencentcloud_route_table.main.vpc_id
  route_table_id = tencentcloud_route_table.r.id
  cidr_block     = ""
  next_type      = "instance"
  next_hub       = ""
resource "tencentcloud_route_entry" "rtb_entry_instance" {
  vpc_id         = tencentcloud_route_table.main.vpc_id
  route_table_id = tencentcloud_route_table.r.id
  cidr_block     = ""
  next_type      = "vpn_gateway"
  next_hub       = "vpngw-db52irtl"


Provides a resource to create a VPC routing table.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "ci-temp-test"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_route_table" "foo" {
  vpc_id = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  name   = "ci-temp-test-rt"



Vpc routetable instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_route_table.test route_table_id ```

Provides a resource to create an entry of a routing table.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "na-siliconvalley-1"
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "ci-temp-test"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "foo" {
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  name              = "terraform test subnet"
  cidr_block        = ""
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  route_table_id    = tencentcloud_route_table.foo.id
resource "tencentcloud_route_table" "foo" {
  vpc_id = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  name   = "ci-temp-test-rt"
resource "tencentcloud_route_table_entry" "instance" {
  route_table_id         = tencentcloud_route_table.foo.id
  destination_cidr_block = ""
  next_type              = "EIP"
  next_hub               = "0"
  description            = "ci-test-route-table-entry"



Route table entry can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_route_table_entry.foo 83517.rtb-mlhpg09u ```

Provide a resource to create a SCF function.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_scf_function" "foo" {
  name    = "ci-test-function"
  handler = "main.do_it"
  runtime = "Python3.6"

  cos_bucket_name   = "scf-code-1234567890"
  cos_object_name   = "code.zip"
  cos_bucket_region = "ap-guangzhou"



SCF function can be imported, e.g.

-> **NOTE:** function id is `<function namespace>+<function name>`

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_scf_function.test default+test ```

Provide a resource to create a SCF layer.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_scf_layer" "foo" {
  layer_name = "foo"
  compatible_runtimes = ["Python3.6"]
  content {
    cos_bucket_name = "test-bucket"
    cos_object_name = "/foo.zip"
    cos_bucket_region = "ap-guangzhou"
  description = "foo"
  license_info = "foo"

``` Import

Scf layer can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_scf_layer.layer layerId#layerVersion ```

Provide a resource to create a SCF namespace.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_scf_namespace" "foo" {
  namespace = "ci-test-scf"



SCF namespace can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_scf_function.test default ```

Provides a resource to create security group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "sglab" {
  name        = "mysg"
  description = "favourite sg"
  project_id  = 0



Security group can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_security_group.sglab sg-ey3wmiz1


Provide a resource to create security group some lite rules quickly.

-> **NOTE:** It can't be used with tencentcloud_security_group_rule, and don't create multiple tencentcloud_security_group_rule resources, otherwise it may cause problems.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "foo" {
  name = "ci-temp-test-sg"
resource "tencentcloud_security_group_lite_rule" "foo" {
  security_group_id = tencentcloud_security_group.foo.id

  ingress = [

  egress = [



Security group lite rule can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_security_group_lite_rule.foo sg-ey3wmiz1


Provides a resource to create security group rule.

Example Usage

Source is CIDR ip


resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "sglab_1" {
  name        = "mysg_1"
  description = "favourite sg_1"
  project_id  = 0
resource "tencentcloud_security_group_rule" "sglab_1" {
  security_group_id = tencentcloud_security_group.sglab_1.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_ip           = ""
  ip_protocol       = "TCP"
  port_range        = "80"
  policy            = "ACCEPT"
  description       = "favourite sg rule_1"


Source is a security group id


resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "sglab_2" {
  name        = "mysg_2"
  description = "favourite sg_2"
  project_id  = 0
resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "sglab_3" {
  name        = "mysg_3"
  description = "favourite sg_3"
  project_id  = 0
resource "tencentcloud_security_group_rule" "sglab_2" {
  security_group_id = tencentcloud_security_group.sglab_2.id
  type              = "ingress"
  ip_protocol       = "TCP"
  port_range        = "80"
  policy            = "ACCEPT"
  source_sgid       = tencentcloud_security_group.sglab_3.id
  description       = "favourite sg rule_2"


Use this resource to create SQL Server account

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_account" "foo" {
  instance_id = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.example.id
  name = "tf_sqlserver_account"
  password = "test1233"
  remark = "testt"



SQL Server account can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_sqlserver_account.foo mssql-3cdq7kx5#tf_sqlserver_account ```

Use this resource to create SQL Server account DB attachment

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_account_db_attachment" "foo" {
  instance_id = "mssql-3cdq7kx5"
  account_name = tencentcloud_sqlserver_account.example.name
  db_name = tencentcloud_sqlserver_db.example.name
  privilege = "ReadWrite"



SQL Server account DB attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_sqlserver_account_db_attachment.foo mssql-3cdq7kx5#tf_sqlserver_account#test111 ```

Provides a SQL Server instance resource to create basic database instances.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_basic_instance" "foo" {
	name                    = "example"
	availability_zone       = var.availability_zone
	charge_type             = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
	vpc_id                  = "vpc-26w7r56z"
	subnet_id               = "subnet-lvlr6eeu"
	project_id              = 0
	memory                  = 2
	storage                 = 20
	cpu                     = 1
	machine_type            = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
	maintenance_week_set    = [1,2,3]
	maintenance_start_time  = "09:00"
	maintenance_time_span   = 3
	security_groups         = ["sg-nltpbqg1"]

	tags = {
		"test"  = "test"

``` Import

SQL Server basic instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_sqlserver_basic_instance.foo mssql-3cdq7kx5 ```

Provides a SQL Server DB resource belongs to SQL Server instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_db" "example" {
  instance_id = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.example.id
  name = "example"
  charset = "Chinese_PRC_BIN"
  remark = "test-remark"



SQL Server DB can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_sqlserver_db.foo mssql-3cdq7kx5#db_name ```

Use this resource to create SQL Server instance

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance" "foo" {
  name = "example"
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  charge_type = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-409mvdvv"
  subnet_id = "subnet-nf9n81ps"
  project_id = 123
  memory = 2
  storage = 100



SQL Server instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.foo mssql-3cdq7kx5 ```

Provides a SQL Server PublishSubscribe resource belongs to SQL Server instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_sqlserver_publish_subscribe" "example" {
	publish_instance_id             = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.publish_instance.id
	subscribe_instance_id           = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.subscribe_instance.id
	publish_subscribe_name          = "example"
	delete_subscribe_db             = false
	database_tuples {
		publish_database            = tencentcloud_sqlserver_db.test_publish_subscribe.name



SQL Server PublishSubscribe can be imported using the publish_sqlserver_id#subscribe_sqlserver_id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_sqlserver_publish_subscribe.foo publish_sqlserver_id#subscribe_sqlserver_id ```

Provides a SQL Server instance resource to create read-only database instances.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_mysql_readonly_instance" "foo" {
  name = "tf_sqlserver_instance_ro"
  availability_zone = "ap-guangzhou-4"
  charge_type = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
  vpc_id                   = "` + defaultVpcId + `"
  subnet_id = "` + defaultSubnetId + `"
  memory = 2
  storage = 10
  master_instance_id = tencentcloud_sqlserver_instance.test.id
  readonly_group_type = 1
  force_upgrade = true



SQL Server readonly instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_sqlserver_readonly_instance.foo mssqlro-3cdq7kx5 ```

Provides a resource to create a SSL certificate.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ssl_certificate" "foo" {
  name       = "test-ssl-certificate"
  type       = "CA"
  project_id = 0
  cert       = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nL+doVeZtS/gJc4G4Adr5HYuaS9ZxJ0W2uy0eQlOHzjyxR6Mf/rpnilJlcQ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"



ssl certificate can be imported using the id, e.g.


$ terraform import tencentcloud_ssl_certificate.cert GjTNRoK7


Provide a resource to create a payment SSL.

~> **NOTE:** Provides the creation of a paid certificate, including the submission of certificate information and order functions; currently, it does not support re-issuing certificates, revoking certificates, and deleting certificates; the certificate remarks and belonging items can be updated. The Destroy operation will only cancel the certificate order, and will not delete the certificate and refund the fee. If you need a refund, you need to check the current certificate status in the console as `Review Cancel`, and then you can click `Request a refund` to refund the fee.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_ssl_pay_certificate" "ssl" {
    product_id = 33
    domain_num = 1
    alias      = "test-ssl"
    project_id = 0
    information {
        csr_type              = "online"
        certificate_domain    = "www.domain.com"
        organization_name     = "test"
        organization_division = "test"
        organization_address  = "test"
        organization_country  = "CN"
        organization_city     = "test"
        organization_region   = "test"
        postal_code           = "0755"
        phone_area_code       = "0755"
        phone_number          = "12345678901"
        verify_type           = "DNS"
        admin_first_name      = "test"
        admin_last_name       = "test"
        admin_phone_num       = "12345678901"
        admin_email           = "test@tencent.com"
        admin_position        = "dev"
        contact_first_name    = "test"
        contact_last_name     = "test"
        contact_email         = "test@tencent.com"
        contact_number        = "12345678901"
        contact_position      = "dev"



payment SSL instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ssl_pay_certificate.ssl iPQNn61x#33#1#1 ```

Provide a resource to create a SSM secret. Example Usage ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_ssm_secret" "foo" {
  secret_name = "test"
  description = "test secret"
  recovery_window_in_days = 0
  is_enabled = true

  tags = {
    test-tag = "test"

``` Import SSM secret can be imported using the secretName, e.g. ``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ssm_secret.foo test ```

Provide a resource to create a SSM secret version. Example Usage ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_ssm_secret" "foo" {
  secret_name = "test"
  description = "test secret"
  recovery_window_in_days = 0
  is_enabled = true

  tags = {
    test-tag = "test"
resource "tencentcloud_ssm_secret_version" "v1" {
  secret_name = tencentcloud_ssm_secret.foo.secret_name
  version_id = "v1"
  secret_binary = "MTIzMTIzMTIzMTIzMTIzQQ=="

``` Import SSM secret version can be imported using the secretName#versionId, e.g. ``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_ssm_secret_version.v1 test#v1 ```

Provide a resource to create a VPC subnet.

Example Usage


variable "availability_zone" {
  default = "ap-guangzhou-3"
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name       = "guagua-ci-temp-test"
  cidr_block = ""
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "subnet" {
  availability_zone = var.availability_zone
  name              = "guagua-ci-temp-test"
  vpc_id            = tencentcloud_vpc.foo.id
  cidr_block        = ""
  is_multicast      = false



Vpc subnet instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_subnet.test subnet_id ```

Use this resource to create TcaplusDB cluster.

~> **NOTE:** TcaplusDB now only supports the following regions: `ap-shanghai,ap-hongkong,na-siliconvalley,ap-singapore,ap-seoul,ap-tokyo,eu-frankfurt, and na-ashburn`.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster" "test" {
  idl_type                 = "PROTO"
  cluster_name             = "tf_tcaplus_cluster_test"
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-7k6gzox6"
  subnet_id                = "subnet-akwgvfa3"
  password                 = "1qaA2k1wgvfa3ZZZ"
  old_password_expire_last = 3600



tcaplus cluster can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test 26655801 ```

Use this resource to create TcaplusDB IDL file.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster" "test" {
  idl_type                 = "PROTO"
  cluster_name             = "tf_tcaplus_cluster_test"
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-7k6gzox6"
  subnet_id                = "subnet-akwgvfa3"
  password                 = "1qaA2k1wgvfa3ZZZ"
  old_password_expire_last = 3600
resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroup" "tablegroup" {
  cluster_id      = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
  tablegroup_name = "tf_test_group_name"
resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_idl" "main" {
  cluster_id    = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
  tablegroup_id = tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroup.tablegroup.id
  file_name     = "tf_idl_test"
  file_type     = "PROTO"
  file_ext_type = "proto"
  file_content  = <<EOF
    syntax = "proto2";
    package myTcaplusTable;
    import "tcaplusservice.optionv1.proto";
    message tb_online {
        option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key) = "uin,name,region";
        required int64 uin = 1;
        required string name = 2;
        required int32 region = 3;
        required int32 gamesvrid = 4;
        optional int32 logintime = 5 [default = 1];
        repeated int64 lockid = 6 [packed = true];
        optional bool is_available = 7 [default = false];
        optional pay_info pay = 8;

    message pay_info {
        required int64 pay_id = 1;
        optional uint64 total_money = 2;
        optional uint64 pay_times = 3;
        optional pay_auth_info auth = 4;
        message pay_auth_info {
            required string pay_keys = 1;
            optional int64 update_time = 2;


Use this resource to create TcaplusDB table.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster" "test" {
  idl_type                 = "PROTO"
  cluster_name             = "tf_tcaplus_cluster_test"
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-7k6gzox6"
  subnet_id                = "subnet-akwgvfa3"
  password                 = "1qaA2k1wgvfa3ZZZ"
  old_password_expire_last = 3600
resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroup" "tablegroup" {
  cluster_id      = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
  tablegroup_name = "tf_test_group_name"
resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_idl" "main" {
  cluster_id    = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
  tablegroup_id = tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroup.tablegroup.id
  file_name     = "tf_idl_test_2"
  file_type     = "PROTO"
  file_ext_type = "proto"
  file_content  = <<EOF
    syntax = "proto2";
    package myTcaplusTable;
    import "tcaplusservice.optionv1.proto";
    message tb_online {
       option(tcaplusservice.tcaplus_primary_key) = "uin,name,region";
        required int64 uin = 1;
        required string name = 2;
        required int32 region = 3;
        required int32 gamesvrid = 4;
        optional int32 logintime = 5 [default = 1];
        repeated int64 lockid = 6 [packed = true];
        optional bool is_available = 7 [default = false];
        optional pay_info pay = 8;

    message pay_info {
        required int64 pay_id = 1;
        optional uint64 total_money = 2;
        optional uint64 pay_times = 3;
        optional pay_auth_info auth = 4;
        message pay_auth_info {
            required string pay_keys = 1;
            optional int64 update_time = 2;
resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_table" "table" {
  cluster_id        = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
  tablegroup_id     = tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroup.tablegroup.id
  table_name        = "tb_online"
  table_type        = "GENERIC"
  description       = "test"
  idl_id            = tencentcloud_tcaplus_idl.main.id
  table_idl_type    = "PROTO"
  reserved_read_cu  = 1000
  reserved_write_cu = 20
  reserved_volume   = 1


Use this resource to create TcaplusDB table group.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster" "test" {
  idl_type                 = "PROTO"
  cluster_name             = "tf_tcaplus_cluster_test"
  vpc_id                   = "vpc-7k6gzox6"
  subnet_id                = "subnet-akwgvfa3"
  password                 = "1qaA2k1wgvfa3ZZZ"
  old_password_expire_last = 3600
resource "tencentcloud_tcaplus_tablegroup" "tablegroup" {
  cluster_id      = tencentcloud_tcaplus_cluster.test.id
  tablegroup_name = "tf_test_group_name"


Use this resource to create tcr instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcr_instance" "foo" {
  name              = "example"
  instance_type		= "basic"

  tags = {
    test = "tf"


Using public network access whitelist ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_tcr_instance" "foo" {
  name                  = "example"
  instance_type		    = "basic"
  open_public_operation = true
  security_policy {
    cidr_block = ""
  security_policy {
    cidr_block = ""



tcr instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tcr_instance.foo cls-cda1iex1 ```

Use this resource to create tcr namespace.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcr_namespace" "foo" {
  instance_id		= ""
  name              = "example"
  is_public		 	= true



tcr namespace can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tcr_namespace.foo cls-cda1iex1#namespace ```

Use this resource to create tcr repository.

Example Usage


data "tencentcloud_tcr_instances" "test" {
  name = "test"
resource "tencentcloud_tcr_repository" "foo" {
  instance_id		= data.tencentcloud_tcr_instances.test.instance_list[0].id
  namespace_name 	= "exampleNamespace"
  name              = "example"



tcr repository can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tcr_repository.foo cls-cda1iex1#namespace#repository ```

Use this resource to create tcr long term token.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcr_token" "foo" {
  instance_id		= "cls-cda1iex1"
  description		= "test"



tcr token can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tcr_token.foo cls-cda1iex1#namespace#buv3h3j96j2d1rk1cllg ```

Use this resource to create tcr vpc attachment to manage access of internal endpoint.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tcr_vpc_attachment" "foo" {
  instance_id		= "cls-satg5125"
  vpc_id			= "vpc-asg3sfa3"
  subnet_id		 	= "subnet-1uwh63so"



tcr vpc attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tcr_vpc_attachment.foo cls-cda1iex1#vpcAccess ```

Provide a resource to create a TDMQ instance.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_instance" "foo" {
  cluster_name = "example"
  remark = "this is description."



Tdmq instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.test tdmq_id ```

Provide a resource to create a tdmq namespace.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_instance" "foo" {
  cluster_name = "example"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace" "bar" {
  environ_name = "example"
  msg_ttl = 300
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description."



Tdmq namespace can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.test namespace_id ```

Provide a resource to create a TDMQ role.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_instance" "foo" {
  cluster_name = "example"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace" "bar" {
  environ_name = "example"
  msg_ttl = 300
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_topic" "bar" {
  environ_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace.bar.id}"
  topic_name = "example"
  partitions = 6
  topic_type = 0
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_role" "bar" {
  role_name = "example"
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description world"
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace_role_attachment" "bar" {
  environ_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace.bar.id}"
  role_name = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_role.bar.role_name}"
  permissions = ["produce", "consume"]
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"


Provide a resource to create a TDMQ role.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_instance" "foo" {
  cluster_name = "example"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace" "bar" {
  environ_name = "example"
  msg_ttl = 300
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_topic" "bar" {
  environ_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace.bar.id}"
  topic_name = "example"
  partitions = 6
  topic_type = 0
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_role" "bar" {
  role_name = "example"
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description world"



Tdmq instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.test tdmq_id ```

Provide a resource to create a TDMQ topic.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_instance" "foo" {
  cluster_name = "example"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace" "bar" {
  environ_name = "example"
  msg_ttl = 300
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description."
resource "tencentcloud_tdmq_topic" "bar" {
  environ_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_namespace.bar.id}"
  topic_name = "example"
  partitions = 6
  topic_type = 0
  cluster_id = "${tencentcloud_tdmq_instance.foo.id}"
  remark = "this is description."



Tdmq Topic can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_tdmq_topic.test topic_id ```

Provide a resource to create a VOD adaptive dynamic streaming template.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template" "foo" {
  format                          = "HLS"
  name                            = "tf-adaptive"
  drm_type                        = "SimpleAES"
  disable_higher_video_bitrate    = false
  disable_higher_video_resolution = false
  comment                         = "test"

  stream_info {
    video {
      codec               = "libx265"
      fps                 = 4
      bitrate             = 129
      resolution_adaptive = false
      width               = 128
      height              = 128
      fill_type           = "stretch"
    audio {
      codec         = "libmp3lame"
      bitrate       = 129
      sample_rate   = 44100
      audio_channel = "dual"
    remove_audio = false
  stream_info {
    video {
      codec   = "libx264"
      fps     = 4
      bitrate = 256
    audio {
      codec       = "libfdk_aac"
      bitrate     = 256
      sample_rate = 44100
    remove_audio = true



VOD adaptive dynamic streaming template can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template.foo 169141 ```

Provide a resource to create a VOD image sprite template.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template" "foo" {
  sample_type         = "Percent"
  sample_interval     = 10
  row_count           = 3
  column_count        = 3
  name                = "tf-sprite"
  comment             = "test"
  fill_type           = "stretch"
  width               = 128
  height              = 128
  resolution_adaptive = false



VOD image sprite template can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template.foo 51156 ```

Provide a resource to create a VOD procedure template.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template" "foo" {
  format                          = "HLS"
  name                            = "tf-adaptive"
  drm_type                        = "SimpleAES"
  disable_higher_video_bitrate    = false
  disable_higher_video_resolution = false
  comment                         = "test"

  stream_info {
    video {
      codec               = "libx265"
      fps                 = 4
      bitrate             = 129
      resolution_adaptive = false
      width               = 128
      height              = 128
      fill_type           = "stretch"
    audio {
      codec         = "libmp3lame"
      bitrate       = 129
      sample_rate   = 44100
      audio_channel = "dual"
    remove_audio = false
  stream_info {
    video {
      codec   = "libx264"
      fps     = 4
      bitrate = 256
    audio {
      codec       = "libfdk_aac"
      bitrate     = 256
      sample_rate = 44100
    remove_audio = true
resource "tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_template" "foo" {
  name                = "tf-snapshot"
  width               = 130
  height              = 128
  resolution_adaptive = false
  format              = "png"
  comment             = "test"
  fill_type           = "white"
resource "tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template" "foo" {
  sample_type         = "Percent"
  sample_interval     = 10
  row_count           = 3
  column_count        = 3
  name                = "tf-sprite"
  comment             = "test"
  fill_type           = "stretch"
  width               = 128
  height              = 128
  resolution_adaptive = false
resource "tencentcloud_vod_procedure_template" "foo" {
  name    = "tf-procedure"
  comment = "test"
  media_process_task {
    adaptive_dynamic_streaming_task_list {
      definition = tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template.foo.id
    snapshot_by_time_offset_task_list {
      definition           = tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_template.foo.id
      ext_time_offset_list = [
    image_sprite_task_list {
      definition = tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template.foo.id



VOD procedure template can be imported using the name, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vod_procedure_template.foo tf-procedure ```

Provide a resource to create a VOD snapshot by time offset template.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_template" "foo" {
  name                = "tf-snapshot"
  width               = 130
  height              = 128
  resolution_adaptive = false
  format              = "png"
  comment             = "test"
  fill_type           = "white"



VOD snapshot by time offset template can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vod_snapshot_by_time_offset_template.foo 46906 ```

Provide a resource to create a VOD sub application.

Example Usage


resource  "tencentcloud_vod_sub_application" "foo" {
  name = "foo"
  status = "On"
  description = "this is sub application"



VOD super player config can be imported using the name+, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vod_sub_application.foo name+"#"+id ```

Provide a resource to create a VOD super player config.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template" "foo" {
  format                          = "HLS"
  name                            = "tf-adaptive"
  drm_type                        = "SimpleAES"
  disable_higher_video_bitrate    = false
  disable_higher_video_resolution = false
  comment                         = "test"

  stream_info {
    video {
      codec               = "libx265"
      fps                 = 4
      bitrate             = 129
      resolution_adaptive = false
      width               = 128
      height              = 128
      fill_type           = "stretch"
    audio {
      codec         = "libmp3lame"
      bitrate       = 129
      sample_rate   = 44100
      audio_channel = "dual"
    remove_audio = false
  stream_info {
    video {
      codec   = "libx264"
      fps     = 4
      bitrate = 256
    audio {
      codec       = "libfdk_aac"
      bitrate     = 256
      sample_rate = 44100
    remove_audio = true
resource "tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template" "foo" {
  sample_type         = "Percent"
  sample_interval     = 10
  row_count           = 3
  column_count        = 3
  name                = "tf-sprite"
  comment             = "test"
  fill_type           = "stretch"
  width               = 128
  height              = 128
  resolution_adaptive = false
resource "tencentcloud_vod_super_player_config" "foo" {
  name                    = "tf-super-player"
  drm_switch              = true
  drm_streaming_info {
    simple_aes_definition = tencentcloud_vod_adaptive_dynamic_streaming_template.foo.id
  image_sprite_definition = tencentcloud_vod_image_sprite_template.foo.id
  resolution_names {
    min_edge_length = 889
    name            = "test1"
  resolution_names {
    min_edge_length = 890
    name            = "test2"
  domain                  = "Default"
  scheme                  = "Default"
  comment                 = "test"



VOD super player config can be imported using the name, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vod_super_player_config.foo tf-super-player ```

Provide a resource to create a VPC.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name         = "ci-temp-test-updated"
  cidr_block   = ""
  dns_servers  = ["", ""]
  is_multicast = false

  tags = {
    "test" = "test"



Vpc instance can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vpc.test vpc-id ```

Provide a resource to create a VPC ACL instance.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_vpc_instances" "default" { }

resource "tencentcloud_vpc_acl" "foo" {
    vpc_id  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_instances.default.instance_list.0.vpc_id
    name  	= "test_acl_update"
	ingress = [
	egress = [



Vpc ACL can be imported, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vpc_acl.default acl-id ```

Provide a resource to attach an existing subnet to Network ACL.

Example Usage

```hcl data "tencentcloud_vpc_instances" "id_instances" { }

resource "tencentcloud_vpc_acl" "foo" {
    vpc_id  = data.tencentcloud_vpc_instances.id_instances.instance_list.0.vpc_id
    name  	= "test_acl"
	ingress = [
	egress = [
resource "tencentcloud_vpc_acl_attachment" "attachment"{
		acl_id = tencentcloud_vpc_acl.foo.id
		subnet_id = data.tencentcloud_vpc_instances.id_instances.instance_list[0].subnet_ids[0]



Acl attachment can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vpc_acl_attachment.attachment acl-eotx5qsg#subnet-91x0geu6 ```

Provides a resource to create a VPN connection.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpn_connection" "foo" {
  name                       = "vpn_connection_test"
  vpc_id                     = "vpc-dk8zmwuf"
  vpn_gateway_id             = "vpngw-8ccsnclt"
  customer_gateway_id        = "cgw-xfqag"
  pre_share_key              = "testt"
  ike_proto_encry_algorithm  = "3DES-CBC"
  ike_proto_authen_algorithm = "SHA"
  ike_local_identity         = "ADDRESS"
  ike_exchange_mode          = "AGGRESSIVE"
  ike_local_address          = ""
  ike_remote_identity        = "ADDRESS"
  ike_remote_address         = ""
  ike_dh_group_name          = "GROUP2"
  ike_sa_lifetime_seconds    = 86401
  ipsec_encrypt_algorithm    = "3DES-CBC"
  ipsec_integrity_algorithm  = "SHA1"
  ipsec_sa_lifetime_seconds  = 7200
  ipsec_pfs_dh_group         = "NULL"
  ipsec_sa_lifetime_traffic  = 2570

  security_group_policy {
    local_cidr_block  = ""
    remote_cidr_block = ["", ]
  tags = {
    test = "testt"



VPN connection can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vpn_connection.foo vpnx-nadifg3s ```

Provides a resource to create a VPN customer gateway.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpn_customer_gateway" "foo" {
  name              = "test_vpn_customer_gateway"
  public_ip_address = ""

  tags = {
    tag = "test"



VPN customer gateway can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vpn_customer_gateway.foo cgw-xfqag ```

Provides a resource to create a VPN gateway.

-> **NOTE:** The prepaid VPN gateway do not support renew operation or delete operation with terraform.

Example Usage

POSTPAID_BY_HOUR VPN gateway ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_vpn_gateway" "my_cgw" {
  name      = "test"
  vpc_id    = "vpc-dk8zmwuf"
  bandwidth = 5
  zone      = "ap-guangzhou-3"

  tags = {
    test = "test"


PREPAID VPN gateway ```hcl

resource "tencentcloud_vpn_gateway" "my_cgw" {
  name           = "test"
  vpc_id         = "vpc-dk8zmwuf"
  bandwidth      = 5
  zone           = "ap-guangzhou-3"
  charge_type    = "PREPAID"
  prepaid_period = 1

  tags = {
    test = "test"



VPN gateway can be imported using the id, e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vpn_gateway.foo vpngw-8ccsnclt ```

Provides a resource to create a VPN gateway route.

Example Usage


resource "tencentcloud_vpn_gateway_route" "route" {
  vpn_gateway_id         = "vpngw-ak9sjem2"
  destination_cidr_block = ""
  instance_id            = "vpnx-5b5dmao3"
  instance_type          = "VPNCONN"
  priority               = 100
  status                 = "DISABLE"



VPN gateway route can be imported using the id, the id format must be '{vpn_gateway_id}#{route_id}', e.g.

``` $ terraform import tencentcloud_vpn_gateway_route.route1 vpngw-ak9sjem2#vpngw-8ccsnclt ```



View Source
const (
	SERVICE_ERR_CODE = "ResourceNotFound.InvalidService"
	API_ERR_CODE     = "ResourceNotFound.InvalidApi"
	OSS_EXCEPTION    = "InternalError.OssException"
View Source
const (
	QUOTA     = -1
	QUOTA_MAX = 5000
View Source
const (
	STRATEGY     = -1
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	CERTIFI_CATE_ID_EXPIRED       = "FailedOperation.CertificateIdExpired"
	CERTIFICATE_ID_UNDER_VERIFY   = "FailedOperation.CertificateIdUnderVerify"
	DOMAIN_NEED_BEIAN             = "FailedOperation.DomainNeedBeian"
	EXCEEDED_DEFINE_MAPPING_LIMIT = "LimitExceeded.ExceededDefineMappingLimit"
	DOMAIN_RESOLVE_ERROR          = "FailedOperation.DomainResolveError"
	DOMAIN_BIND_SERVICE           = "FailedOperation.DomainAlreadyBindService"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	AsScheduleNotFound                   = "ResourceNotFound.ScheduledActionNotFound"
	AsScalingGroupInProgress             = "ResourceInUse.ActivityInProgress"
	AsScalingGroupInstanceInGroup        = "ResourceInUse.InstanceInGroup"
	AsScalingGroupNotFound               = "ResourceNotFound.AutoScalingGroupNotFound"
View Source
const (
	MultiZoneSubnetPolicyPriority = "PRIORITY"
	MultiZoneSubnetPolicyEquality = "EQUALITY"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (



View Source
const (
	CBS_CHARGE_TYPE_PREPAID                                = "PREPAID"
	CBS_CHARGE_TYPE_POSTPAID                               = "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
View Source
const (


	CDH_HOST_RUNNING              = "RUNNING"
	CDH_HOST_EXPIRED              = "EXPIRED"

	CDH_ZONE_SOLD_OUT_FOR_SPECIFIED_INSTANCE_ERROR = "ResourceInsufficient.ZoneSoldOutForSpecifiedInstance"
View Source
const (
	CDN_SERVICE_TYPE_WEB      = "web"

	CDN_ORIGIN_TYPE_COS     = "cos"
	CDN_ORIGIN_TYPE_IP      = "ip"
	CDN_ORIGIN_TYPE_IPV6    = "ipv6"
	CDN_ORIGIN_TYPE_IP_IPV6 = "ip_ipv6"


	CDN_AREA_MAINLAND = "mainland"
	CDN_AREA_OVERSEAS = "overseas"
	CDN_AREA_GLOBAL   = "global"

	CDN_SWITCH_ON  = "on"


	CDN_SERVICE_NAME         = "cdn"

	CDN_HOST_NOT_FOUND      = "ResourceNotFound.CdnHostNotExists"
	CDN_HOST_EXISTS         = "ResourceInUse.CdnHostExists"
	CDN_DOMAIN_CONFIG_ERROE = "FailedOperation.CdnConfigError"

	CDN_RULE_TYPE_ALL       = "all"
	CDN_RULE_TYPE_FILE      = "file"
	CDN_RULE_TYPE_PATH      = "path"
	CDN_RULE_TYPE_INDEX     = "index"
	CDN_RULE_TYPE_DEFAULT   = "default"

	CDN_RULE_PATH = "no max-age"
View Source
const (


	CFS_FILE_SYSTEM_STATUS_FAILED   = "create_failed"


View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	CLB_TASK_FAIL      = 1
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (








	CVM_NOT_FOUND_ERROR        = "InvalidInstanceId.NotFound"
	KEY_PAIR_NOT_SUPPORT_ERROR = "InvalidParameterValue.KeyPairNotSupported"
	KYE_PAIR_INVALID_ERROR     = "InvalidKeyPair"




	CVM_ZONE_NOT_SUPPORT_ERROR    = "InvalidParameterValue.ZoneNotSupported"
	CVM_CLOUD_DISK_SOLD_OUT_ERROR = "ResourceInsufficient.CloudDiskSoldOut"

View Source
const (





View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	DAYU_MATCH_SWITCH_ON_L5 = "begin_l5"
	DAYU_MATCH_SWITCH_OFF   = "no_match"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	DAYU_PACKET_ACTION_DROP             = "drop"
	DAYU_PACKET_ACTION_TRANSMIT         = "transmit"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	DAYU_CC_POLICY_SMODE_MATCH       = "matching"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (


View Source
const (
View Source
const (


View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (


	ES_LICENSE_TYPE_OSS      = "oss"


	ES_NODE_TYPE_HOT_DATA        = "hotData"
	ES_NODE_TYPE_WARM_DATA       = "warmData"


View Source
const (
	// all gaap proxy status https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/608/37023#ProxyInfo

	GAAP_LISTENER_RUNNING              = 0


	GAAP_HTTP_RULE_RUNNING              = 0
	GAAP_HTTP_RULE_CREATING             = 1

	GAAPInternalError    = "InternalError"
	GAAPResourceNotFound = "ResourceNotFound"
View Source
const (
	TRUE  = "true"
	FALSE = "false"
View Source
const (
	KMS_ORIGIN_ALL         = "ALL"
View Source
const (
	KMS_KEY_USAGE_ALL                             = "ALL"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	KMS_KEY_STATE_ALL           = "All"
	KMS_KEY_STATE_ENABLED       = "Enabled"
	KMS_KEY_STATE_DISABLED      = "Disabled"
	KMS_KEY_STATE_ARCHIVED      = "Archived"
View Source
const (




View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	//Internal business state , not public

mysql Status https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/236/15872

View Source
const (

Async task status, from https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/236/20410

View Source
const (

automatic renewal status code

View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	MysqlInstanceIdNotFound  = "InvalidParameter.InstanceNotFound"
	MysqlInstanceIdNotFound2 = "InvalidParameter"
	MysqlInstanceIdNotFound3 = "InternalError.DatabaseAccessError"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	POSTGRESQL_DB_VERSION_9_3_5 = "9.3.5"
	POSTGRESQL_DB_VERSION_9_5_4 = "9.5.4"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (

redis version https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/239/20022#ProductConf

View Source
const (

redis status https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/239/20018

View Source
const (
	REDIS_ORDER_PAYMENT          = 12

https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/239/20022#TradeDealDetail Order status 1: unpaid 2: paid, not shipped 3: in shipment 4: successfully 5: shipped failed 6: refunded 7: closed order 8: expired 9: order no longer valid 10: product no longer valid 11: payment refused 12: in payment

View Source
const (
	REDIS_TASK_RUNNING   = "running"
	REDIS_TASK_SUCCEED   = "succeed"
	REDIS_TASK_FAILED    = "failed"
	REDIS_TASK_ERROR     = "error"


View Source
const (
View Source
const (


	SCF_SERVICE           = "scf"

	SCF_TRIGGER_TYPE_COS         = "cos"
	SCF_TRIGGER_TYPE_CMQ         = "cmq"
	SCF_TRIGGER_TYPE_TIMER       = "timer"
	SCF_TRIGGER_TYPE_CKAFKA      = "ckafka"

	SCF_LOGS_ORDER_BY_DERATION      = "duration"
	SCF_LOGS_ORDER_BY_MEM_USAGE     = "mem_usage"
	SCF_LOGS_ORDER_BY_START_TIME    = "start_time"

	SCF_LOGS_RET_CODE_NOT0                     = "not0"
	SCF_LOGS_RET_CODE_IS0                      = "is0"

	SCF_LOGS_DESCRIBE_TIME_FORMAT = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"


View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	VPC_NEWORK    = 1
View Source
const (
	INTERNALERROR_DBERROR   = "InternalError.DBError"
	INSTANCE_STATUS_INVALID = "ResourceUnavailable.InstanceStatusInvalid"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	SSL_WITH_CERT   = "1"

View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	CsrTypeOnline = "online"
	CsrTypeParse  = "parse"
View Source
const (
	DNS     = "DNS"
	File    = "FILE"
View Source
const (
	InvalidParam          = "FailedOperation.InvalidParam"
	CertificateNotFound   = "FailedOperation.CertificateNotFound"
	InvalidParameter      = "InvalidParameter"
	InvalidParameterValue = "InvalidParameterValue"
	CertificateInvalid    = "FailedOperation.CertificateInvalid"
View Source
const (
	SSM_STATUS_ENABLED       = "Enabled"
	SSM_STATUS_DISABLED      = "Disabled"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	TKE_CLUSTER_OS_CENTOS72 = "centos7.2x86_64"
	TKE_CLUSTER_OS_CENTOS76 = "centos7.6.0_x64"
	TKE_CLUSTER_OS_UBUNTU18 = "ubuntu18.04.1x86_64"
	TKE_CLUSTER_OS_LINUX24  = "tlinux2.4x86_64"
	TKE_CLUSTER_OS_LINUX22  = "tlinux2.2(tkernel3)x86_64"
	TKE_CLUSTER_OS_LINUXF22 = "Tencent tlinux release 2.2 (Final)"
View Source
const (
	TkeClusterOsCentOS76 = "centos7.6x86_64"
	//TkeClusterOsUbuntu16 = "ubuntu16.04.1 LTSx86_64"
	TkeClusterOsUbuntu18 = "ubuntu18.04.1 LTSx86_64"

兼容旧的 cluster_os 定义

View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	TKE_RUNTIME_DOCKER     = "docker"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	TkeInternetStatusCreating      = "Creating"
	TkeInternetStatusCreateFailed  = "CreateFailed"
	TkeInternetStatusCreated       = "Created"
	TkeInternetStatusDeleting      = "Deleting"
	TkeInternetStatusDeleted       = "Deleted"
	TkeInternetStatusDeletedFailed = "DeletedFailed"
	TkeInternetStatusNotfound      = "NotFound"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (


	VOD_MAX_LIMIT      = 100
View Source
const (







View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	VPCNotFound             = "ResourceNotFound"
	VPCUnsupportedOperation = "UnsupportedOperation"


View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source
const CNN_QOS_AG = "AG"
View Source
const CNN_QOS_AU = "AU"
View Source
const CNN_QOS_PT = "PT"
View Source
const CfsInvalidPgroup = "InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPgroup"
View Source
const CkafkaInstanceNotFound = "InvalidParameterValue.InstanceNotExist"

sdk ckafka not found error

View Source
View Source
View Source
const (
	DefaultAuthenticationOptionsIssuer = "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"
View Source
const (
	DefaultDesiredPodNum = 0
View Source
const (


View Source
const FILED_SP = "#"
View Source
const (
View Source
View Source

all gate way types https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/215/15824#Route

View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source
const (
View Source
const InterRegionLimit = "INTER_REGION_LIMIT"
View Source
const InternalError = "InternalError"

InternalError common internalError, do not add in retryableErrorCode, because when some product return this error, retry won't fix anything.

View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const OuterRegionLimit = "OUTER_REGION_LIMIT"
View Source
const PAGE_ITEM = 200
View Source
const (
View Source
View Source
View Source
const RedisInstanceNotFound = "ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotExists"

sdk redis not found error

View Source
const (
View Source
const (
View Source
const VPC_SERVICE_TYPE = "vpc"
View Source
const (
View Source
const (


View Source
var (
	CYNOSDB_PREPAID_PERIOD = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36}
	CYNOSDB_CHARGE_TYPE    = map[int64]string{
View Source
var (
	MysqlPayByMonth = 0
	MysqlPayByUse   = 1

type of pay

View Source
var (

	SCF_TRIGGER_TYPES = []string{

	SCF_LOGS_ORDERS = []string{

	SCF_LOGS_ORDER_BY = []string{

	SCF_LOGS_RET_CODES = []string{
View Source
var (
	VOD_AUDIO_CHANNEL_TYPE_TO_INT = map[string]int64{
											// contains filtered or unexported fields
												// contains filtered or unexported fields
									// contains filtered or unexported fields
	REMOVE_AUDIO_TO_UNINT = map[bool]uint64{
							// contains filtered or unexported fields
	DRM_SWITCH_TO_STRING = map[bool]string{
							// contains filtered or unexported fields
View Source
View Source
var API_GATEWAY_KEY_INT2STRS = map[int64]string{
View Source
var API_GATEWAY_KEY_STR2INTS = map[string]int64{
View Source
var CBS_PREPAID_PERIOD = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36}
View Source
var CDH_PREPAID_PERIOD = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36}
View Source
var CDN_BACKUP_ORIGIN_TYPE = []string{
View Source
var CKAFKA_ACL_OPERATION = map[string]int64{
	"UNKNOWN":          0,
	"ANY":              1,
	"ALL":              2,
	"READ":             3,
	"WRITE":            4,
	"CREATE":           5,
	"DELETE":           6,
	"ALTER":            7,
	"DESCRIBE":         8,
	"ALTER_CONFIGS":    11,
View Source
var CKAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_TO_STRING = map[int64]string{
	0:  "UNKNOWN",
	1:  "ANY",
	2:  "ALL",
	3:  "READ",
	4:  "WRITE",
	5:  "CREATE",
	6:  "DELETE",
	7:  "ALTER",
	8:  "DESCRIBE",
View Source
var CKAFKA_ACL_RESOURCE_TYPE = map[string]int64{
	"UNKNOWN":          0,
	"ANY":              1,
	"TOPIC":            2,
	"GROUP":            3,
	"CLUSTER":          4,
View Source
var CKAFKA_ACL_RESOURCE_TYPE_TO_STRING = map[int64]string{
	0: "UNKNOWN",
	1: "ANY",
	2: "TOPIC",
	3: "GROUP",
	4: "CLUSTER",
View Source
var CKAFKA_PERMISSION_TYPE = map[string]int64{
	"UNKNOWN": 0,
	"ANY":     1,
	"DENY":    2,
	"ALLOW":   3,
View Source
var CKAFKA_PERMISSION_TYPE_TO_STRING = map[int64]string{
	0: "UNKNOWN",
	1: "ANY",
	2: "DENY",
	3: "ALLOW",
View Source
var CVM_PREPAID_PERIOD = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36}
View Source
var CVM_SPOT_INSTANCE_TYPE = []string{
View Source
var CsrTypeArr = []string{
View Source
View Source
View Source
var FORWARD_TYPE = []string{
View Source
var KMS_ORIGIN_TYPE = map[string]uint64{
View Source
var MONGODB_AUTO_RENEW_FLAG = map[int]string{
View Source
var MONGODB_PREPAID_PERIOD = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36}
View Source
var MYSQL_ALLOW_BACKUP_MODEL = []string{"logical", "physical"}
View Source
var MYSQL_ALLOW_BACKUP_TIME = []string{"02:00-06:00", "06:00-10:00", "10:00-14:00", "14:00-18:00", "18:00-22:00", "22:00-02:00"}
View Source
var MYSQL_AVAILABLE_PERIOD = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36}

mysql available period value

View Source
View Source
View Source
View Source

default to all host

View Source
var MYSQL_GlOBAL_PRIVILEGE = []string{
View Source
var MYSQL_ROLE_MAP = map[int64]string{
	1: "master",
	2: "ro",
	3: "dr",
View Source
var MYSQL_SUPPORTS_ENGINE = []string{"5.5", "5.6", "5.7", "8.0"}
View Source
View Source
var MonitorRegionMap = map[string]string{
	"ap-guangzhou":       "gz",
	"ap-shenzhen-fsi":    "szjr",
	"ap-guangzhou-open":  "gzopen",
	"ap-shenzhen":        "szx",
	"ap-shanghai":        "sh",
	"ap-shanghai-fsi":    "shjr",
	"ap-nanjing":         "nj",
	"ap-jinan-ec":        "jnec",
	"ap-hangzhou-ec":     "hzec",
	"ap-fuzhou-ec":       "fzec",
	"ap-beijing":         "bj",
	"ap-tianjin":         "tsn",
	"ap-shijiazhuang-ec": "sjwec",
	"ap-beijing-fsi":     "bjjr",
	"ap-wuhan-ec":        "whec",
	"ap-changsha-ec":     "csec",
	"ap-chengdu":         "cd",
	"ap-chongqing":       "cq",
	"ap-taipei":          "tpe",
	"ap-hongkong":        "hk",
	"ap-singapore":       "sg",
	"ap-bangkok":         "th",
	"ap-mumbai":          "in",
	"ap-seoul":           "kr",
	"ap-tokyo":           "jp",
	"na-siliconvalley":   "usw",
	"na-ashburn":         "use",
	"na-toronto":         "ca",
	"eu-frankfurt":       "de",
	"eu-moscow":          "ru",

regions in monitor

View Source
View Source
var REDIS_CHARGE_TYPE_NAME = map[int64]string{
View Source
var REDIS_NAMES = map[int64]string{
	REDIS_VERSION_MASTER_SLAVE_REDIS:  "master_slave_redis",
	REDIS_VERSION_MASTER_SLAVE_CKV:    "master_slave_ckv",
	REDIS_VERSION_CLUSTER_REDIS:       "cluster_redis",
	REDIS_VERSION_CLUSTER_CKV:         "cluster_ckv",
	REDIS_VERSION_STANDALONE_REDIS:    "standalone_redis",
	REDIS_VERSION_MASTER_SLAVE_REDIS4: "master_slave_redis4.0",
	REDIS_VERSION_MASTER_SLAVE_REDIS5: "master_slave_redis5.0",
	REDIS_VERSION_CLUSTER_REDIS5:      "cluster_redis5.0",
View Source
var REDIS_PREPAID_PERIOD = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36}
View Source
var REDIS_STATUS = map[int64]string{
	REDIS_STATUS_INIT:       "init",
	REDIS_STATUS_ONLINE:     "online",
	REDIS_STATUS_ISOLATE:    "isolate",
View Source
View Source
var SQLSERVER_CHARGE_TYPE_NAME = map[string]string{
	"ALL":  "ALL",
View Source
View Source
var SQLSERVER_DB_STATUS = map[int64]string{
View Source
var SQLSERVER_HA_TYPE_FLAGS = map[string]string{
View Source
View Source
View Source
var VPN_PURCHASE_PLAN = []string{
View Source
var VerifyType = []string{


func AlarmPolicyRule added in v1.59.19

func AlarmPolicyRule() map[string]*schema.Schema

func BuildTagResourceName added in v1.41.3

func BuildTagResourceName(serviceType, resourceType, region, id string) string

BuildTagResourceName builds the Tencent Cloud specific name of a resource description. The format is `qcs:project_id:service_type:region:account:resource`. For more information, go to https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/598/10606.

func CheckNil added in v1.41.3

func CheckNil(object interface{}, fields map[string]string) (nilFields []string)

func ConverterVpnGatewayRouteToMap added in v1.58.0

func ConverterVpnGatewayRouteToMap(vpnGatewayId string, route *vpc.VpnGatewayRoute) map[string]interface{}

func DisableTcrVpcDns added in v1.54.1

func DisableTcrVpcDns(ctx context.Context, tcrService TCRService, instanceId string, vpcId string, subnetId string, usePublicDomain bool) error

func EnableTcrVpcDns added in v1.54.1

func EnableTcrVpcDns(ctx context.Context, tcrService TCRService, instanceId string, vpcId string, subnetId string, usePublicDomain bool) error

func GetCertificateList added in v1.55.0

func GetCertificateList(ctx context.Context, sslService SSLService, id, name, certType *string) (certificateList []*ssl.Certificates, errRet error)

func GetCommonCertificates added in v1.55.0

func GetCommonCertificates(certificatesById, certificatesByName []*ssl.Certificates) (result []*ssl.Certificates)

func GetDnsStatus added in v1.54.1

func GetDnsStatus(ctx context.Context, tcrService TCRService, instanceId string, vpcId string, accessIp string, usePublicDomain bool) (status *tcr.VpcPrivateDomainStatus, err error)

func GetTkeLabels added in v1.41.3

func GetTkeLabels(d *schema.ResourceData, k string) []*tke.Label

func GetTkeTaints added in v1.52.0

func GetTkeTaints(d *schema.ResourceData, k string) []*tke.Taint

func IsContains added in v1.41.3

func IsContains(array interface{}, value interface{}) bool

IsContains returns whether value is within array

func LayerContent added in v1.60.0

func LayerContent() map[string]*schema.Schema

func ListenerIdCheck added in v1.47.0

func ListenerIdCheck(listenerId string) error

func NatGatewaySnatPara added in v1.58.0

func NatGatewaySnatPara() map[string]*schema.Schema

func Provider

func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider

func ResourceTencentCloudKubernetesAsScalingGroup added in v1.41.3

func ResourceTencentCloudKubernetesAsScalingGroup() *schema.Resource

func ResourceTencentCloudKubernetesNodePool added in v1.52.0

func ResourceTencentCloudKubernetesNodePool() *schema.Resource

func RetentionPolicy added in v1.59.12

func RetentionPolicy() map[string]*schema.Schema

func RuleIdCheck added in v1.47.0

func RuleIdCheck(ruleId string) error

func TencentCloudMysqlParameterDetail added in v1.41.3

func TencentCloudMysqlParameterDetail() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentCynosdbClusterBaseInfo added in v1.44.0

func TencentCynosdbClusterBaseInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentCynosdbInstanceBaseInfo added in v1.44.0

func TencentCynosdbInstanceBaseInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentKmsBasicInfo added in v1.54.0

func TencentKmsBasicInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentMongodbBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

func TencentMongodbBasicInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentMsyqlBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

func TencentMsyqlBasicInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentMysqlSellType added in v1.41.3

func TencentMysqlSellType() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentMysqlZoneConfig added in v1.41.3

func TencentMysqlZoneConfig() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TencentSqlServerBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

func TencentSqlServerBasicInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TkeCvmCreateInfo added in v1.41.3

func TkeCvmCreateInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TkeExistCvmCreateInfo added in v1.56.8

func TkeExistCvmCreateInfo() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TkeInstanceAdvancedSetting added in v1.41.3

func TkeInstanceAdvancedSetting() map[string]*schema.Schema

func TkeNodePoolGlobalConfig added in v1.55.2

func TkeNodePoolGlobalConfig() map[string]*schema.Schema

func VodWatermarkResource added in v1.45.0

func VodWatermarkResource() *schema.Resource

func VpnGatewayRoutePara added in v1.58.0

func VpnGatewayRoutePara() map[string]*schema.Schema

func WaitForAccessIpExists added in v1.54.1

func WaitForAccessIpExists(ctx context.Context, tcrService TCRService, instanceId string, vpcId string, subnetId string) (accessIp string, errRet error)


type APIGatewayService added in v1.46.0

type APIGatewayService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIGatewayService) BindEnvironment added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) BindEnvironment(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, environment, bindType, usagePlanId, apiId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) BindSecretId added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) BindSecretId(ctx context.Context,
	usagePlanId string, apiKeyId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) BindSubDomainService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) BindSubDomainService(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, subDomain, protocol, netType, defaultDomain string, isDefaultMapping bool, certificateId string, pathMappings []string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) CreateApiKey added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) CreateApiKey(ctx context.Context, secretName string) (accessKeyId string, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) CreateIPStrategy added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) CreateIPStrategy(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, strategyName, strategyType, strategyData string) (strategyId string, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) CreateService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) CreateService(ctx context.Context,
	appidType string,
	netTypes []string) (serviceId string, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) CreateStrategyAttachment added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) CreateStrategyAttachment(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, strategyId, envName, bindApiId string) (has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) CreateUsagePlan added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) CreateUsagePlan(ctx context.Context, usagePlanName string, usagePlanDesc *string,
	maxRequestNum, maxRequestNumPreSec int64) (usagePlanId string, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DeleteApi added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DeleteApi(ctx context.Context, serviceId,
	apiId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DeleteApiKey added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DeleteApiKey(ctx context.Context, accessKeyId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DeleteIPStrategy added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DeleteIPStrategy(ctx context.Context, serviceId, strategyId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DeleteService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DeleteService(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DeleteStrategyAttachment added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DeleteStrategyAttachment(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, strategyId, envName, bindApiId string) (has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DeleteUsagePlan added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DeleteUsagePlan(ctx context.Context, usagePlanId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeApi added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeApi(ctx context.Context,
	apiId string) (info apigateway.ApiInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeApiEnvironmentStrategyList added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeApiEnvironmentStrategyList(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId string, environmentNames []string, apiId string) (environmentApiList []*apigateway.ApiEnvironmentStrategy, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeApiKey added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeApiKey(ctx context.Context,
	accessKeyId string) (apiKey *apigateway.ApiKey, has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeApiKeysStatus added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeApiKeysStatus(ctx context.Context, secretName, accessKeyId string) (apiKeySet []*apigateway.ApiKey, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeApiUsagePlan added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeApiUsagePlan(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId string) (list []*apigateway.ApiUsagePlan, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeApisStatus added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeApisStatus(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, apiName, apiId string) (infos []*apigateway.DesApisStatus, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategies added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategies(ctx context.Context, serviceId, strategyId, environmentName string) (ipStrategies *apigateway.IPStrategy, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategyHas added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategyHas(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, strategyId string) (has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategyStatus added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategyStatus(ctx context.Context, serviceId,
	strategyId string) (ipStrategies *apigateway.IPStrategy, has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategysStatus added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeIPStrategysStatus(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, strategyName string) (infos []*apigateway.IPStrategy, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeService(ctx context.Context, serviceId string) (info apigateway.DescribeServiceResponse, has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceEnvironmentReleaseHistory added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceEnvironmentReleaseHistory(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, envName string) (versionList []*apigateway.ServiceReleaseHistoryInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceEnvironmentStrategyList added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceEnvironmentStrategyList(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId string) (environmentList []*apigateway.ServiceEnvironmentStrategy, errRet error)

limit & domain

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceSubDomainMappings added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceSubDomainMappings(ctx context.Context, serviceId, subDomain string) (info *apigateway.ServiceSubDomainMappings, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceSubDomains added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceSubDomains(ctx context.Context, serviceId string) (domainList []*apigateway.DomainSetList, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceSubDomainsService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceSubDomainsService(ctx context.Context, serviceId, subDomain string) (resultList []*apigateway.DomainSetList, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceUsagePlan added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeServiceUsagePlan(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId string) (list []*apigateway.ApiUsagePlan, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeServicesStatus added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeServicesStatus(ctx context.Context,
	serviceName string) (infos []*apigateway.Service, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeStrategyAttachment added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeStrategyAttachment(ctx context.Context, serviceId, strategyId, bindApiId string) (has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeUsagePlan added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeUsagePlan(ctx context.Context, usagePlanId string) (info apigateway.UsagePlanInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeUsagePlanEnvironments added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeUsagePlanEnvironments(ctx context.Context,
	usagePlanId string, bindType string) (list []*apigateway.UsagePlanEnvironment, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DescribeUsagePlansStatus added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DescribeUsagePlansStatus(ctx context.Context,
	usagePlanId string, usagePlanName string) (infos []*apigateway.UsagePlanStatusInfo, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) DisableApiKey added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) DisableApiKey(ctx context.Context, accessKeyId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) EnableApiKey added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) EnableApiKey(ctx context.Context, accessKeyId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) ModifyApiEnvironmentStrategy added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) ModifyApiEnvironmentStrategy(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId string, strategy int64, environmentName string, apiIDs []string) (result bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) ModifyService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) ModifyService(ctx context.Context,
	serviceDesc string,
	netTypes []string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) ModifyServiceEnvironmentStrategy added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) ModifyServiceEnvironmentStrategy(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId string, strategy int64, environmentName []string) (result bool, errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) ModifySubDomainService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) ModifySubDomainService(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, subDomain string, isDefaultMapping bool, certificateId, protocol, netType string, pathMappings []string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) ModifyUsagePlan added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) ModifyUsagePlan(ctx context.Context,
	usagePlanId string,
	usagePlanName string,
	usagePlanDesc *string,
	maxRequestNumPreSec int64) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) ReleaseService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) ReleaseService(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, environmentName, releaseDesc string) (response *apigateway.ReleaseServiceResponse, err error)

func (*APIGatewayService) UnBindEnvironment added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) UnBindEnvironment(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, environment, bindType, usagePlanId, apiId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) UnBindSecretId added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) UnBindSecretId(ctx context.Context,
	usagePlanId string,
	apiKeyId string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) UnBindSubDomainService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) UnBindSubDomainService(ctx context.Context,
	serviceId, subDomain string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) UnReleaseService added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) UnReleaseService(ctx context.Context, serviceId, environment string) (errRet error)

func (*APIGatewayService) UpdateIPStrategy added in v1.46.0

func (me *APIGatewayService) UpdateIPStrategy(ctx context.Context, serviceId, strategyId, strategyData string) (errRet error)

type APIService added in v1.60.4

type APIService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*APIService) DescribeZonesWithProduct added in v1.60.4

func (me *APIService) DescribeZonesWithProduct(ctx context.Context, product string) (zones []*api.ZoneInfo, errRet error)

type AsService added in v1.41.3

type AsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AsService) AttachInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) AttachInstances(ctx context.Context, scalingGroupId string, instanceIds []string) error

func (*AsService) ClearScalingGroupInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) ClearScalingGroupInstance(ctx context.Context, scalingGroupId string) error

set the scaling group desired capacity to 0

func (*AsService) DeleteLaunchConfiguration added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DeleteLaunchConfiguration(ctx context.Context, configurationId string) error

func (*AsService) DeleteLifecycleHook added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DeleteLifecycleHook(ctx context.Context, lifecycleHookId string) error

func (*AsService) DeleteNotification added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DeleteNotification(ctx context.Context, notificationId string) error

func (*AsService) DeleteScalingGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DeleteScalingGroup(ctx context.Context, scalingGroupId string) error

func (*AsService) DeleteScalingPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DeleteScalingPolicy(ctx context.Context, scalingPolicyId string) error

func (*AsService) DeleteScheduledAction added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DeleteScheduledAction(ctx context.Context, scheduledActonId string) error

func (*AsService) DescribeActivityById added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeActivityById(ctx context.Context, activityId string) (status string, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeAutoScalingAttachment added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeAutoScalingAttachment(ctx context.Context, scalingGroupId string) (instanceIds []string, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeAutoScalingGroupByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeAutoScalingGroupByFilter(
	ctx context.Context,
	scalingGroupId, configurationId, scalingGroupName string,
	tags map[string]string,
) (scalingGroups []*as.AutoScalingGroup, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeAutoScalingGroupById added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeAutoScalingGroupById(ctx context.Context, scalingGroupId string) (scalingGroup *as.AutoScalingGroup, has int, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeLaunchConfigurationByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeLaunchConfigurationByFilter(ctx context.Context, configurationId, configurationName string) (configs []*as.LaunchConfiguration, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeLaunchConfigurationById added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeLaunchConfigurationById(ctx context.Context, configurationId string) (config *as.LaunchConfiguration, has int, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeLifecycleHookById added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeLifecycleHookById(ctx context.Context, lifecycleHookId string) (lifecycleHook *as.LifecycleHook, has int, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeNotificationById added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeNotificationById(ctx context.Context, notificationId string) (notification *as.AutoScalingNotification, has int, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeScalingPolicyByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeScalingPolicyByFilter(ctx context.Context, policyId, policyName, scalingGroupId string) (scalingPolicies []*as.ScalingPolicy, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeScalingPolicyById added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeScalingPolicyById(ctx context.Context, scalingPolicyId string) (scalingPolicy *as.ScalingPolicy, has int, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DescribeScheduledActionById added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DescribeScheduledActionById(ctx context.Context, scheduledActionId string) (scheduledAction *as.ScheduledAction, has int, errRet error)

func (*AsService) DetachInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *AsService) DetachInstances(ctx context.Context, scalingGroupId string, instanceIds []string) error

func (*AsService) ModifyScalingGroup added in v1.59.5

func (me *AsService) ModifyScalingGroup(ctx context.Context, id string, name string, projectId int, cooldown int, zones []*string, terminationPolicies []*string) error

type AuditService added in v1.43.0

type AuditService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AuditService) DescribeAuditById added in v1.43.0

func (me *AuditService) DescribeAuditById(ctx context.Context, name string) (auditInfo *audit.DescribeAuditResponse, has bool, errRet error)

func (*AuditService) DescribeAuditCmqRegions added in v1.43.0

func (me *AuditService) DescribeAuditCmqRegions(ctx context.Context) (regions []*audit.CmqRegionInfo, errRet error)

func (*AuditService) DescribeAuditCosRegions added in v1.43.0

func (me *AuditService) DescribeAuditCosRegions(ctx context.Context) (regions []*audit.CosRegionInfo, errRet error)

func (*AuditService) DescribeKeyAlias added in v1.43.0

func (me *AuditService) DescribeKeyAlias(ctx context.Context, region string) (keyMetadatas []*audit.KeyMetadata, errRet error)

type CamService added in v1.41.3

type CamService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CamService) AddGroupPolicyAttachment added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) AddGroupPolicyAttachment(ctx context.Context, groupId string, policyId string) error

func (*CamService) AddUserPolicyAttachment added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) AddUserPolicyAttachment(ctx context.Context, userId string, policyId string) error

func (*CamService) DeleteGroupPolicyAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DeleteGroupPolicyAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, groupPolicyAttachmentId string) error

func (*CamService) DeleteRoleById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DeleteRoleById(ctx context.Context, roleId string) error

func (*CamService) DeleteRolePolicyAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DeleteRolePolicyAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, rolePolicyAttachmentId string) error

func (*CamService) DeleteUserPolicyAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DeleteUserPolicyAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, userPolicyAttachmentId string) error

func (*CamService) DescribeGroupById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeGroupById(ctx context.Context, groupId string) (camInstance *cam.GetGroupResponse, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeGroupMembershipById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeGroupMembershipById(ctx context.Context, groupId string) (members []*string, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeGroupPolicyAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeGroupPolicyAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, groupPolicyAttachmentId string) (policyResults *cam.AttachPolicyInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeGroupPolicyAttachmentsByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeGroupPolicyAttachmentsByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (policyResults []*cam.AttachPolicyInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeGroupsByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeGroupsByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (groups []*cam.GroupInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribePoliciesByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribePoliciesByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (policies []*cam.StrategyInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribePolicyById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribePolicyById(ctx context.Context, policyId string) (result *cam.GetPolicyResponse, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeRoleById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeRoleById(ctx context.Context, roleId string) (camInstance *cam.RoleInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeRolePolicyAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeRolePolicyAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, rolePolicyAttachmentId string) (policyOfRole *cam.AttachedPolicyOfRole, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeRolePolicyAttachmentsByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeRolePolicyAttachmentsByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (policyOfRoles []*cam.AttachedPolicyOfRole, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeRolesByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeRolesByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (roles []*cam.RoleInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeSAMLProviderById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeSAMLProviderById(ctx context.Context, providerName string) (result *cam.GetSAMLProviderResponse, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeSAMLProvidersByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeSAMLProvidersByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (providers []*cam.SAMLProviderInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeUserById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeUserById(ctx context.Context, userId string) (response *cam.GetUserResponse, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeUserPolicyAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeUserPolicyAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, userPolicyAttachmentId string) (policyResults *cam.AttachPolicyInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeUserPolicyAttachmentsByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeUserPolicyAttachmentsByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (policyResults []*cam.AttachPolicyInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) DescribeUsersByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) DescribeUsersByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (result []*cam.SubAccountInfo, errRet error)

func (*CamService) PolicyDocumentForceCheck added in v1.41.3

func (me *CamService) PolicyDocumentForceCheck(document string) error

type CbsService added in v1.41.3

type CbsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CbsService) ApplySnapshot added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) ApplySnapshot(ctx context.Context, diskId, snapshotId string) error

func (*CbsService) AttachDisk added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) AttachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId, instanceId string) error

func (*CbsService) AttachSnapshotPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) AttachSnapshotPolicy(ctx context.Context, diskId, policyId string) error

func (*CbsService) CreateSnapshot added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, diskId, snapshotName string) (snapshotId string, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DeleteDiskById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DeleteDiskById(ctx context.Context, diskId string) error

func (*CbsService) DeleteSnapshot added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DeleteSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshotId string) error

func (*CbsService) DeleteSnapshotPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DeleteSnapshotPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyId string) error

func (*CbsService) DescribeAttachedSnapshotPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeAttachedSnapshotPolicy(ctx context.Context, diskId, policyId string) (policy *cbs.AutoSnapshotPolicy, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DescribeDiskById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeDiskById(ctx context.Context, diskId string) (disk *cbs.Disk, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DescribeDisksByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeDisksByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) (disks []*cbs.Disk, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DescribeSnapshotById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeSnapshotById(ctx context.Context, snapshotId string) (snapshot *cbs.Snapshot, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DescribeSnapshotByIds added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeSnapshotByIds(ctx context.Context, snapshotIdsParam []*string) (snapshots []*cbs.Snapshot, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyId, policyName string) (policies []*cbs.AutoSnapshotPolicy, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicyById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeSnapshotPolicyById(ctx context.Context, policyId string) (policy *cbs.AutoSnapshotPolicy, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DescribeSnapshotsByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DescribeSnapshotsByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) (snapshots []*cbs.Snapshot, errRet error)

func (*CbsService) DetachDisk added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) DetachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId, instanceId string) error

func (*CbsService) ModifyDiskAttributes added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) ModifyDiskAttributes(ctx context.Context, diskId, diskName string, projectId int) error

func (*CbsService) ModifyDiskChargeType added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) ModifyDiskChargeType(ctx context.Context, storageId string, chargeType string, renewFlag string, period int) error

func (*CbsService) ModifyDisksRenewFlag added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) ModifyDisksRenewFlag(ctx context.Context, storageId string, renewFlag string) error

func (*CbsService) ModifySnapshotName added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) ModifySnapshotName(ctx context.Context, snapshotId, snapshotName string) error

func (*CbsService) ModifyThroughputPerformance added in v1.53.2

func (me *CbsService) ModifyThroughputPerformance(ctx context.Context, diskId string, throughputPerformance int) error

func (*CbsService) ResizeDisk added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) ResizeDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId string, diskSize int) error

func (*CbsService) UnattachSnapshotPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *CbsService) UnattachSnapshotPolicy(ctx context.Context, diskId, policyId string) error

type CcnAttachedInstanceInfo added in v1.41.3

type CcnAttachedInstanceInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type CcnBandwidthLimit added in v1.41.3

type CcnBandwidthLimit struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type CcnBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

type CcnBasicInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Ccn basic information

type CdhService added in v1.55.3

type CdhService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CdhService) CreateCdhInstance added in v1.55.3

func (me *CdhService) CreateCdhInstance(ctx context.Context, placement *cvm.Placement, hostChargePrepaid *cvm.ChargePrepaid, hostChargeType, hostType string) (hostId string, errRet error)

func (*CdhService) DescribeCdhInstanceByFilter added in v1.55.3

func (me *CdhService) DescribeCdhInstanceByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]string) (instances []*cvm.HostItem, errRet error)

func (*CdhService) DescribeCdhInstanceById added in v1.55.3

func (me *CdhService) DescribeCdhInstanceById(ctx context.Context, hostId string) (instance *cvm.HostItem, errRet error)

func (*CdhService) ModifyHostName added in v1.55.3

func (me *CdhService) ModifyHostName(ctx context.Context, hostId, hostName string) (errRet error)

func (*CdhService) ModifyPrepaidRenewFlag added in v1.55.3

func (me *CdhService) ModifyPrepaidRenewFlag(ctx context.Context, hostId, renewFlag string) (errRet error)

func (*CdhService) ModifyProject added in v1.55.3

func (me *CdhService) ModifyProject(ctx context.Context, hostId string, projectId int) (errRet error)

type CdnService added in v1.41.3

type CdnService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CdnService) DeleteDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *CdnService) DeleteDomain(ctx context.Context, domain string) error

func (*CdnService) DescribeDomainsConfigByDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *CdnService) DescribeDomainsConfigByDomain(ctx context.Context, domain string) (domainConfig *cdn.DetailDomain, errRet error)

func (*CdnService) DescribeDomainsConfigByFilters added in v1.41.3

func (me *CdnService) DescribeDomainsConfigByFilters(ctx context.Context,
	filterMap map[string]interface{}) (domainConfig []*cdn.DetailDomain, errRet error)

func (*CdnService) StartDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *CdnService) StartDomain(ctx context.Context, domain string) error

func (*CdnService) StopDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *CdnService) StopDomain(ctx context.Context, domain string) error

type CfsService added in v1.41.3

type CfsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CfsService) CreateAccessGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) CreateAccessGroup(ctx context.Context, name, description string) (id string, errRet error)

func (*CfsService) DeleteAccessGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) DeleteAccessGroup(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*CfsService) DeleteAccessRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) DeleteAccessRule(ctx context.Context, accessGroupId, accessRuleId string) error

func (*CfsService) DeleteFileSystem added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) DeleteFileSystem(ctx context.Context, fsId string) error

func (*CfsService) DescribeAccessGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) DescribeAccessGroup(ctx context.Context, id, name string) (accessGroups []*cfs.PGroupInfo, errRet error)

func (*CfsService) DescribeAccessRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) DescribeAccessRule(ctx context.Context, accessGroupId, accessRuleId string) (accessRules []*cfs.PGroupRuleInfo, errRet error)

func (*CfsService) DescribeFileSystem added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) DescribeFileSystem(ctx context.Context, fsId, vpcId, subnetId string) (fs []*cfs.FileSystemInfo, errRet error)

func (*CfsService) DescribeMountTargets added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) DescribeMountTargets(ctx context.Context, fsId string) (targets []*cfs.MountInfo, errRet error)

func (*CfsService) ModifyFileSystemAccessGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) ModifyFileSystemAccessGroup(ctx context.Context, fsId, accessGroupId string) error

func (*CfsService) ModifyFileSystemName added in v1.41.3

func (me *CfsService) ModifyFileSystemName(ctx context.Context, fsId, fsName string) error

type CkafkaService added in v1.41.3

type CkafkaService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CkafkaService) AddCkafkaTopicIpWhiteList added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) AddCkafkaTopicIpWhiteList(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, topicName string, whiteIpList []*string) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) AddCkafkaTopicPartition added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) AddCkafkaTopicPartition(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, topicName string, partitionNum int64) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) CreateAcl added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) CreateAcl(ctx context.Context, instanceId, resourceType, resourceName, operation, permissionType, host, principal string) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) CreateCkafkaTopic added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) CreateCkafkaTopic(ctx context.Context, request *ckafka.CreateTopicRequest) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) CreateUser added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, instanceId, user, password string) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DeleteAcl added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DeleteAcl(ctx context.Context, aclId string) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DeleteCkafkaTopic added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) DeleteCkafkaTopic(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DeleteUser added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, userId string) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeAclByAclId added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeAclByAclId(ctx context.Context, aclId string) (aclInfo *ckafka.Acl, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeAclByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeAclByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (aclInfos []*ckafka.Acl, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaById added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instance *ckafka.InstanceDetail, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaTopicAttributes added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaTopicAttributes(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, topicName string) (topicInfo *ckafka.TopicAttributesResponse, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaTopicByName added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaTopicByName(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, topicName string) (topic *ckafka.TopicDetail, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaTopics added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeCkafkaTopics(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, topicName string) (topicList []*ckafka.TopicDetail, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instanceInfo *ckafka.InstanceAttributesResponse, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeTopicById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeTopicById(ctx context.Context, topicId string) (topicInfo *ckafka.TopicAttributesResponse, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeUserByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeUserByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (userInfos []*ckafka.User, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) DescribeUserByUserId added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) DescribeUserByUserId(ctx context.Context, userId string) (userInfo *ckafka.User, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) ModifyCkafkaTopicAttribute added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) ModifyCkafkaTopicAttribute(ctx context.Context, request *ckafka.ModifyTopicAttributesRequest) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) ModifyPassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) ModifyPassword(ctx context.Context, instanceId, user, oldPasswd, newPasswd string) (errRet error)

func (*CkafkaService) OperateStatusCheck added in v1.41.3

func (me *CkafkaService) OperateStatusCheck(ctx context.Context, result *ckafka.JgwOperateResponse) (isSucceed bool)

func (*CkafkaService) RemoveCkafkaTopicIpWhiteList added in v1.42.0

func (me *CkafkaService) RemoveCkafkaTopicIpWhiteList(ctx context.Context, instaneId string, topicName string, whiteIpList []*string) (errRet error)

type ClbService added in v1.41.3

type ClbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ClbService) AssociateTargetGroups added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) AssociateTargetGroups(ctx context.Context, listenerId, clbId, targetGroupId, locationId string) (errRet error)

func (*ClbService) CreateClbLogSet added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClbService) CreateClbLogSet(ctx context.Context, name string, logsetType string, period int) (id string, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) CreateTargetGroup added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) CreateTargetGroup(ctx context.Context, targetGroupName string, vpcId string, port uint64,
	targetGroupInstances []*clb.TargetGroupInstance) (targetGroupId string, err error)

func (*ClbService) CreateTopic added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClbService) CreateTopic(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (response *clb.CreateTopicResponse, err error)

func (*ClbService) DeleteAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DeleteAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, clbId string, listenerId string, locationId string, targets []interface{}) error

func (*ClbService) DeleteListenerById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DeleteListenerById(ctx context.Context, clbId string, listenerId string) error

func (*ClbService) DeleteLoadBalancerById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DeleteLoadBalancerById(ctx context.Context, clbId string) error

func (*ClbService) DeleteRedirectionById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DeleteRedirectionById(ctx context.Context, rewriteId string) error

func (*ClbService) DeleteRuleById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DeleteRuleById(ctx context.Context, clbId string, listenerId string, locationId string) error

func (*ClbService) DeleteTarget added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) DeleteTarget(ctx context.Context, targetGroupId string) error

func (*ClbService) DeregisterTargetInstances added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) DeregisterTargetInstances(ctx context.Context, targetGroupId, bindIp string, port uint64) (err error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeAllAutoRedirections added in v1.46.2

func (me *ClbService) DescribeAllAutoRedirections(ctx context.Context, rewriteId string) (rewriteInfos []*map[string]string, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeAssociateTargetGroups added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) DescribeAssociateTargetGroups(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (has bool, err error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeAttachmentByPara added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeAttachmentByPara(ctx context.Context, clbId string, listenerId string, locationId string) (clbAttachment *clb.ListenerBackend, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeAttachmentsByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeAttachmentsByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) (clbAttachments []*clb.ListenerBackend, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeClbLogSet added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClbService) DescribeClbLogSet(ctx context.Context) (logSetId string, healthId string, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeListenerById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeListenerById(ctx context.Context, listenerId string, clbId string) (clbListener *clb.Listener, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeListenersByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeListenersByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (listeners []*clb.Listener, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeLoadBalancerByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeLoadBalancerByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]interface{}) (clbs []*clb.LoadBalancer, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeLoadBalancerById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeLoadBalancerById(ctx context.Context, clbId string) (clbInstance *clb.LoadBalancer, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeRedirectionById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeRedirectionById(ctx context.Context, rewriteId string) (rewriteInfo *map[string]string, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeRedirectionsByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeRedirectionsByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) (rewriteInfos []*map[string]string, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeRuleByPara added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeRuleByPara(ctx context.Context, clbId string, listenerId string, domain string, url string) (clbRule *clb.RuleOutput, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeRulesByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *ClbService) DescribeRulesByFilter(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) (rules []*clb.RuleOutput, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeTargetGroupInstances added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) DescribeTargetGroupInstances(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]string) (targetGroupInstances []*clb.TargetGroupBackend, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DescribeTargetGroups added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) DescribeTargetGroups(ctx context.Context, targetGroupId string, filters map[string]string) (targetGroupInfos []*clb.TargetGroupInfo, errRet error)

func (*ClbService) DisassociateTargetGroups added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) DisassociateTargetGroups(ctx context.Context, targetGroupId, listenerId, clbId, locationId string) (errRet error)

func (*ClbService) ModifyTargetGroup added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) ModifyTargetGroup(ctx context.Context, targetGroupId, targetGroupName string, port uint64) (err error)

func (*ClbService) ModifyTargetGroupInstancesWeight added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) ModifyTargetGroupInstancesWeight(ctx context.Context, targetGroupId, bindIp string, port, weight uint64) (errRet error)

func (*ClbService) RegisterTargetInstances added in v1.45.0

func (me *ClbService) RegisterTargetInstances(ctx context.Context, targetGroupId, bindIp string, port, weight uint64) (err error)

type ClsService added in v1.60.7

type ClsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ClsService) DeleteClsLogSet added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClsService) DeleteClsLogSet(ctx context.Context, id string) (errRet error)

func (*ClsService) DeleteTopicsById added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClsService) DeleteTopicsById(ctx context.Context, topicId string) (errRet error)

func (*ClsService) DescribeClsLogSetById added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClsService) DescribeClsLogSetById(ctx context.Context, logSetId string) (logset *cls.LogsetInfo, errRet error)

func (*ClsService) DescribeTopicsById added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClsService) DescribeTopicsById(ctx context.Context, topicId string) (topicInfo *cls.TopicInfo, errRet error)

func (*ClsService) UpdateClsLogSet added in v1.60.7

func (me *ClsService) UpdateClsLogSet(ctx context.Context, request *cls.ModifyLogsetRequest) (errRet error)

type ClusterAdvancedSettings added in v1.41.3

type ClusterAdvancedSettings struct {
	Ipvs                    bool
	AsEnabled               bool
	EnableCustomizedPodCIDR bool
	BasePodNumber           int64
	ContainerRuntime        string
	RuntimeVersion          string
	NodeNameType            string
	ExtraArgs               ClusterExtraArgs
	NetworkType             string
	IsNonStaticIpMode       bool
	DeletionProtection      bool
	KubeProxyMode           string

type ClusterBasicSetting added in v1.41.3

type ClusterBasicSetting struct {
	ClusterId          string
	ClusterOs          string
	ClusterOsType      string
	ClusterVersion     string
	ClusterName        string
	ClusterDescription string
	VpcId              string
	ProjectId          int64
	ClusterNodeNum     int64
	ClusterStatus      string
	Tags               map[string]string

type ClusterCidrSettings added in v1.41.3

type ClusterCidrSettings struct {
	ClusterCidr               string
	IgnoreClusterCidrConflict bool
	MaxNodePodNum             int64
	MaxClusterServiceNum      int64
	ServiceCIDR               string
	EniSubnetIds              []string
	ClaimExpiredSeconds       int64

type ClusterExtraArgs added in v1.41.3

type ClusterExtraArgs struct {
	KubeAPIServer         []string
	KubeControllerManager []string
	KubeScheduler         []string

type ClusterInfo added in v1.41.3

type CosService added in v1.41.3

type CosService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CosService) DeleteBucket added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) DeleteBucketOriginDomain added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) DeleteBucketOriginDomain(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) DeleteBucketPolicy added in v1.49.0

func (me *CosService) DeleteBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) DeleteBucketPullOrigin added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) DeleteBucketPullOrigin(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) DeleteObject added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) DescribePolicyByBucket added in v1.49.0

func (me *CosService) DescribePolicyByBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (bucketPolicy string, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketACLXML added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) GetBucketACLXML(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (result *string, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketCors added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) GetBucketCors(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (corsRules []map[string]interface{}, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketEncryption added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) GetBucketEncryption(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (encryption string, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketLifecycle added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) GetBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (lifecycleRules []map[string]interface{}, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketLogStatus added in v1.51.1

func (me *CosService) GetBucketLogStatus(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (logEnable bool, logTargetBucket string, logPrefix string, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketOriginDomain added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) GetBucketOriginDomain(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (result []map[string]interface{}, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketPullOrigin added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) GetBucketPullOrigin(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (result []map[string]interface{}, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketTags added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) GetBucketTags(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (map[string]string, error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketVersioning added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) GetBucketVersioning(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (versioningEnable bool, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetBucketWebsite added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) GetBucketWebsite(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (websites []map[string]interface{}, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetDataSourceBucketLifecycle added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) GetDataSourceBucketLifecycle(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (lifecycleRules []map[string]interface{}, errRet error)

func (*CosService) GetObjectTags added in v1.59.10

func (me *CosService) GetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket string, key string) (map[string]string, error)

func (*CosService) HeadBucket added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) HeadBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) HeadObject added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) HeadObject(ctx context.Context, bucket, key string) (info *s3.HeadObjectOutput, errRet error)

func (*CosService) ListBuckets added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) ListBuckets(ctx context.Context) (buckets []*s3.Bucket, errRet error)

func (*CosService) ListObjects added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) ListObjects(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (objects []*s3.Object, errRet error)

func (*CosService) PutBucket added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) PutBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket, acl string) (errRet error)

PutBucket - base on aws s3

func (*CosService) PutBucketOriginDomain added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) PutBucketOriginDomain(ctx context.Context, bucket string, rules []cos.BucketDomainRule) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) PutBucketPolicy added in v1.49.0

func (me *CosService) PutBucketPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucket, policy string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) PutBucketPullOrigin added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) PutBucketPullOrigin(ctx context.Context, bucket string, rules []cos.BucketOriginRule) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) PutObjectAcl added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) PutObjectAcl(ctx context.Context, bucket, key, acl string) (errRet error)

func (*CosService) SetBucketTags added in v1.41.3

func (me *CosService) SetBucketTags(ctx context.Context, bucket string, tags map[string]string) error

SetBucketTags if len(tags) == 0, only delete tags

func (*CosService) SetObjectTags added in v1.59.10

func (me *CosService) SetObjectTags(ctx context.Context, bucket string, key string, tags map[string]string) error

SetObjectTags same as delete Bucket Tags

func (*CosService) TencentCosPutBucket added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) TencentCosPutBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket string, opt *cos.BucketPutOptions) (errRet error)

TencentCosPutBucket - To support MAZ config, We use tencentcloud cos sdk instead of aws s3

func (*CosService) TencentCosPutBucketACL added in v1.58.5

func (me *CosService) TencentCosPutBucketACL(
	ctx context.Context,
	bucket string,
	reqBody string,
	header string,
) (errRet error)

type CvmService added in v1.41.3

type CvmService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CvmService) BindKeyPair added in v1.42.2

func (me *CvmService) BindKeyPair(ctx context.Context, keyId, instanceId string) error

func (*CvmService) CreateKeyPair added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) CreateKeyPair(ctx context.Context, keyName, publicKey string, projectId int64) (keyId string, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) CreatePlacementGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) CreatePlacementGroup(ctx context.Context, placementName, placementType string) (placementId string, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) CreateReservedInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) CreateReservedInstance(ctx context.Context, configId string, count int64) (instanceId string, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DeleteImage added in v1.43.0

func (me *CvmService) DeleteImage(ctx context.Context, imageId string) error

func (*CvmService) DeleteInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DeleteInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) error

func (*CvmService) DeleteKeyPair added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DeleteKeyPair(ctx context.Context, keyId string) error

func (*CvmService) DeletePlacementGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DeletePlacementGroup(ctx context.Context, placementId string) error

func (*CvmService) DescribeImageById added in v1.43.0

func (me *CvmService) DescribeImageById(ctx context.Context, keyId string, isDelete bool) (image *cvm.Image, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeImagesByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeImagesByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string][]string) (images []*cvm.Image, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeInstanceByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeInstanceByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]string) (instances []*cvm.Instance, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instance *cvm.Instance, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeInstanceTypes added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeInstanceTypes(ctx context.Context, zone string) (instanceTypes []*cvm.InstanceTypeConfig, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeInstanceTypesByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeInstanceTypesByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string][]string) (instanceTypes []*cvm.InstanceTypeConfig, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeInstancesSellTypeByFilter added in v1.47.0

func (me *CvmService) DescribeInstancesSellTypeByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string][]string) (instanceTypes []*cvm.InstanceTypeQuotaItem, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeKeyPairByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeKeyPairByFilter(ctx context.Context, id, name string, projectId *int) (keyPairs []*cvm.KeyPair, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeKeyPairById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeKeyPairById(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (keyPair *cvm.KeyPair, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribePlacementGroupByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribePlacementGroupByFilter(ctx context.Context, id, name string) (placementGroups []*cvm.DisasterRecoverGroup, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribePlacementGroupById added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribePlacementGroupById(ctx context.Context, placementId string) (placementGroup *cvm.DisasterRecoverGroup, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeRegions added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeRegions(ctx context.Context) (zones []*cvm.RegionInfo, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeReservedInstanceByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeReservedInstanceByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]string) (instances []*cvm.ReservedInstances, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeReservedInstanceConfigs added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeReservedInstanceConfigs(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]string) (configs []*cvm.ReservedInstancesOffering, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) DescribeZones added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) DescribeZones(ctx context.Context) (zones []*cvm.ZoneInfo, errRet error)

func (*CvmService) ModifyImage added in v1.43.0

func (me *CvmService) ModifyImage(ctx context.Context, instanceId, imageName, imageDesc string) (errRet error)

func (*CvmService) ModifyInstanceName added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyInstanceName(ctx context.Context, instanceId, instanceName string) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyInstanceType added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyInstanceType(ctx context.Context, instanceId, instanceType string) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyInternetMaxBandwidthOut added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyInternetMaxBandwidthOut(ctx context.Context, instanceId, internetChargeType string, internetMaxBandWidthOut int64) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyKeyPairName added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyKeyPairName(ctx context.Context, keyId, keyName string) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyPassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyPassword(ctx context.Context, instanceId, password string) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyPlacementGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyPlacementGroup(ctx context.Context, placementId, name string) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyProjectId added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyProjectId(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, projectId int64) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyRenewParam added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyRenewParam(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, renewFlag string) error

func (*CvmService) ModifySecurityGroups added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifySecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, securityGroups []*string) error

func (*CvmService) ModifyVpc added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) ModifyVpc(ctx context.Context, instanceId, vpcId, subnetId, privateIp string) error

func (*CvmService) ResetInstance added in v1.59.18

func (me *CvmService) ResetInstance(ctx context.Context, request *cvm.ResetInstanceRequest) (errRet error)

func (*CvmService) StartInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) StartInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) error

func (*CvmService) StopInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) StopInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, stoppedMode string) error

func (*CvmService) UnbindKeyPair added in v1.41.3

func (me *CvmService) UnbindKeyPair(ctx context.Context, keyId string, instanceIds []*string) error

type CynosdbService added in v1.44.0

type CynosdbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CynosdbService) DescribeClusterById added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) DescribeClusterById(ctx context.Context, clusterId string) (renewFlag int64, clusterInfo *cynosdb.CynosdbClusterDetail, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) DescribeClusterInstanceGrps added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) DescribeClusterInstanceGrps(ctx context.Context, clusterId string) (response *cynosdb.DescribeClusterInstanceGrpsResponse, errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) DescribeClusters added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) DescribeClusters(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]string) (clusters []*cynosdb.CynosdbCluster, errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) DescribeInsGrpSecurityGroups added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) DescribeInsGrpSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, instanceGrpId string) (response *cynosdb.DescribeDBSecurityGroupsResponse, errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) DescribeInstanceById added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) DescribeInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (clusterId string, instanceInfo *cynosdb.CynosdbInstanceDetail, has bool, errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) DescribeInstances added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) DescribeInstances(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]string) (instances []*cynosdb.CynosdbInstance, errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) DescribeMaintainPeriod added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) DescribeMaintainPeriod(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (response *cynosdb.DescribeMaintainPeriodResponse, errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) IsolateCluster added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) IsolateCluster(ctx context.Context, clusterId string) (errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) IsolateInstance added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) IsolateInstance(ctx context.Context, clusterId, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) ModifyInsGrpSecurityGroups added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) ModifyInsGrpSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, insGrp, az string, sg []*string) (errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) ModifyMaintainPeriodConfig added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) ModifyMaintainPeriodConfig(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, startTime, duration int64, weekdays []*string) (errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) OfflineCluster added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) OfflineCluster(ctx context.Context, clusterId string) (errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) OfflineInstance added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) OfflineInstance(ctx context.Context, clusterId, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*CynosdbService) UpgradeInstance added in v1.44.0

func (me *CynosdbService) UpgradeInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, cpu, mem int64) (errRet error)

type DayuService added in v1.41.3

type DayuService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DayuService) BindDdosPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) BindDdosPolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceId string, resourceType string, policyId string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) CreateCCSelfdefinePolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) CreateCCSelfdefinePolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ccPolicy dayu.CCPolicy) (policyId string, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) CreateDdosPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) CreateDdosPolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, name string, ddosPolicyDropOption []*dayu.DDoSPolicyDropOption, ddosPolicyPortLimit []*dayu.DDoSPolicyPortLimit, ipBlackWhite []*dayu.IpBlackWhite, ddosPacketFilter []*dayu.DDoSPolicyPacketFilter, waterPrintPolicy []*dayu.WaterPrintPolicy) (policyId string, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) CreateDdosPolicyCase added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) CreateDdosPolicyCase(ctx context.Context, request *dayu.CreateDDoSPolicyCaseRequest) (sceneId string, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) CreateL4Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) CreateL4Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, rule dayu.L4RuleEntry) (ruleId string, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) CreateL7Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) CreateL7Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, rule dayu.L7RuleEntry) (ruleId string, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DeleteCCSelfdefinePolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DeleteCCSelfdefinePolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, policyId string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DeleteDdosPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DeleteDdosPolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, policyId string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DeleteDdosPolicyCase added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DeleteDdosPolicyCase(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, sceneId string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DeleteL4Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DeleteL4Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DeleteL7Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DeleteL7Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeCCSelfdefinePolicies added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeCCSelfdefinePolicies(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, policyName string, policyId string) (infos []*dayu.CCPolicy, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeCCSelfdefinePolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeCCSelfdefinePolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, policyId string) (infos *dayu.CCPolicy, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicies added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicies(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, policyId string) (ddosPolicies []*dayu.DDosPolicy, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, policyId string) (ddosPolicy dayu.DDosPolicy, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicyAttachments added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicyAttachments(ctx context.Context, resourceId string, resourceType string, policyId string) (attachments []map[string]interface{}, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicyCase added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeDdosPolicyCase(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, sceneId string) (ddosPolicyCase dayu.KeyValueRecord, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeL4Health added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeL4Health(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string) (healthCheck *dayu.L4HealthConfig, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeL4Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeL4Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string) (infos *dayu.L4RuleEntry, health *dayu.L4RuleHealth, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeL4Rules added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeL4Rules(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleName string, ruleId string) (infos []*dayu.L4RuleEntry, healths []*dayu.L4RuleHealth, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeL7Health added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeL7Health(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string) (healthCheck *dayu.L7HealthConfig, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeL7Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeL7Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string) (infos *dayu.L7RuleEntry, health *dayu.L7RuleHealth, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) DescribeL7Rules added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) DescribeL7Rules(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleDomain string, ruleId string, protocol string) (infos []*dayu.L7RuleEntry, healths []*dayu.L7RuleHealth, has bool, errRet error)

func (*DayuService) ModifyCCSelfdefinePolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) ModifyCCSelfdefinePolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, policyId string, ccPolicy dayu.CCPolicy) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) ModifyDdosPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) ModifyDdosPolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, policyId string, ddosPolicyDropOption []*dayu.DDoSPolicyDropOption, ddosPolicyPortLimit []*dayu.DDoSPolicyPortLimit, ipBlackWhite []*dayu.IpBlackWhite, ddosPacketFilter []*dayu.DDoSPolicyPacketFilter, waterPrintPolicy []*dayu.WaterPrintPolicy) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) ModifyDdosPolicyCase added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) ModifyDdosPolicyCase(ctx context.Context, request *dayu.ModifyDDoSPolicyCaseRequest) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) ModifyDdosPolicyName added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) ModifyDdosPolicyName(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, policyId string, name string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) ModifyL4Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) ModifyL4Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, rule dayu.L4RuleEntry) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) ModifyL7Rule added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) ModifyL7Rule(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, rule dayu.L7RuleEntry) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) SetL4Health added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) SetL4Health(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, healthCheck dayu.L4HealthConfig) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) SetL7Health added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) SetL7Health(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, healthCheck dayu.L7HealthConfig) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) SetRuleSwitch added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) SetRuleSwitch(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string, switchFlag bool, protocol string) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) SetSession added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) SetSession(ctx context.Context, resourceType string, resourceId string, ruleId string, switchFlag bool, sessionTime int) (errRet error)

func (*DayuService) UnbindDdosPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *DayuService) UnbindDdosPolicy(ctx context.Context, resourceId string, resourceType string, policyId string) (errRet error)

type DcService added in v1.41.3

type DcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DcService) CreateDirectConnectTunnel added in v1.41.3

func (me *DcService) CreateDirectConnectTunnel(ctx context.Context, dcId, dcxName, networkType,
	networkRegion, vpcId, routeType, bgpAuthKey,
	tencentAddress, customerAddress, dcgId string,
	bgpAsn, vlan, bandwidth int64,
	routeFilterPrefixes []string) (dcxId string, errRet error)

func (*DcService) DeleteDirectConnectTunnel added in v1.41.3

func (me *DcService) DeleteDirectConnectTunnel(ctx context.Context, dcxId string) (errRet error)

func (*DcService) DescribeDirectConnectTunnel added in v1.41.3

func (me *DcService) DescribeDirectConnectTunnel(ctx context.Context, dcxId string) (info dc.DirectConnectTunnel, has int64, errRet error)

func (*DcService) DescribeDirectConnectTunnels added in v1.41.3

func (me *DcService) DescribeDirectConnectTunnels(ctx context.Context, dcxId,
	name string) (infos []dc.DirectConnectTunnel, errRet error)

func (*DcService) DescribeDirectConnects added in v1.41.3

func (me *DcService) DescribeDirectConnects(ctx context.Context, dcId,
	name string) (infos []dc.DirectConnect, errRet error)

func (*DcService) ModifyDirectConnectTunnelAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *DcService) ModifyDirectConnectTunnelAttribute(ctx context.Context, dcxId string,
	name, bgpAuthKey, tencentAddress, customerAddress string,
	bandwidth, bgpAsn int64,
	routeFilterPrefixes []string) (errRet error)

type DcgInstanceInfo added in v1.41.3

type DcgInstanceInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

info for one direct connect gateway.

type DcgRouteInfo added in v1.41.3

type DcgRouteInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

info for direct connect gateway[ ccn type] route.

type DnspodService added in v1.60.10

type DnspodService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DnspodService) ModifyDnsPodDomainRemark added in v1.60.10

func (me *DnspodService) ModifyDnsPodDomainRemark(ctx context.Context, domain string, remark string) (errRet error)

func (*DnspodService) ModifyDnsPodDomainStatus added in v1.60.10

func (me *DnspodService) ModifyDnsPodDomainStatus(ctx context.Context, domain string, status string) (errRet error)


type EipAssociationId added in v1.41.3

type EipAssociationId struct {
	EipId              string
	InstanceId         string
	NetworkInterfaceId string
	PrivateIp          string

type EksClusterInfo added in v1.59.11

type EksClusterInfo struct {
	ClusterId        string
	ClusterName      string
	ClusterDesc      string
	K8SVersion       string
	VpcId            string
	SubnetIds        []string
	Status           string
	CreatedTime      string
	ServiceSubnetId  string
	ExtraParam       string
	DnsServers       []map[string]interface{}
	NeedDeleteCbs    bool
	EnableVpcCoreDNS bool
	Tags             map[string]string

type EksService added in v1.59.11

type EksService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EksService) CreateEksCluster added in v1.59.11

func (me *EksService) CreateEksCluster(ctx context.Context, request *tke.CreateEKSClusterRequest) (id string, errRet error)

func (*EksService) CreateEksContainerInstances added in v1.60.10

func (me *EksService) CreateEksContainerInstances(ctx context.Context, request *tke.CreateEKSContainerInstancesRequest) (id string, errRet error)

func (*EksService) DeleteEksCluster added in v1.59.11

func (me *EksService) DeleteEksCluster(ctx context.Context, request *tke.DeleteEKSClusterRequest) (errRet error)

func (*EksService) DeleteEksContainerInstance added in v1.60.10

func (me *EksService) DeleteEksContainerInstance(ctx context.Context, request *tke.DeleteEKSContainerInstancesRequest) (errRet error)

func (*EksService) DescribeEKSClusters added in v1.59.11

func (me *EksService) DescribeEKSClusters(ctx context.Context, id string, name string) (eksClusters []EksClusterInfo, errRet error)

func (*EksService) DescribeEksCluster added in v1.59.11

func (me *EksService) DescribeEksCluster(ctx context.Context, id string) (clusterInfo EksClusterInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*EksService) DescribeEksContainerInstanceById added in v1.60.10

func (me *EksService) DescribeEksContainerInstanceById(ctx context.Context, id string) (instance *tke.EksCi, has bool, errRet error)

func (*EksService) DescribeEksContainerInstancesByFilter added in v1.60.10

func (me *EksService) DescribeEksContainerInstancesByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters []*tke.Filter, limit uint64, offset uint64) (instances []*tke.EksCi, errRet error)

func (*EksService) UpdateEksCluster added in v1.59.11

func (me *EksService) UpdateEksCluster(ctx context.Context, request *tke.UpdateEKSClusterRequest) (errRet error)

func (*EksService) UpdateEksContainerInstances added in v1.60.10

func (me *EksService) UpdateEksContainerInstances(ctx context.Context, request *tke.UpdateEKSContainerInstanceRequest) (errRet error)

type ElasticsearchService added in v1.41.3

type ElasticsearchService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElasticsearchService) DeleteInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *ElasticsearchService) DeleteInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) error

func (*ElasticsearchService) DescribeInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *ElasticsearchService) DescribeInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instance *es.InstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*ElasticsearchService) DescribeInstancesByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *ElasticsearchService) DescribeInstancesByFilter(ctx context.Context, instanceId, instanceName string,
	tags map[string]string) (instances []*es.InstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*ElasticsearchService) UpdateInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *ElasticsearchService) UpdateInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId, instanceName, password string, basicSecurityType int64, nodeList []*es.NodeInfo) error

func (*ElasticsearchService) UpdateInstanceLicense added in v1.41.3

func (me *ElasticsearchService) UpdateInstanceLicense(ctx context.Context, instanceId, licenseType string) error

func (*ElasticsearchService) UpdateInstanceVersion added in v1.41.3

func (me *ElasticsearchService) UpdateInstanceVersion(ctx context.Context, instanceId, version string) error

type GaapService added in v1.41.3

type GaapService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GaapService) BindHttpRuleRealservers added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) BindHttpRuleRealservers(ctx context.Context, listenerId, ruleId string, realservers []gaapRealserverBind) error

func (*GaapService) BindLayer4ListenerRealservers added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) BindLayer4ListenerRealservers(ctx context.Context, id, protocol, proxyId string, realserverBinds []gaapRealserverBind) error

func (*GaapService) CreateDomainErrorPageInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateDomainErrorPageInfo(ctx context.Context,
	listenerId, domain, body string,
	newErrorCode *int64,
	errorCodes []int,
	clearHeaders []string,
	setHeaders map[string]string,
) (id string, errRet error)

func (*GaapService) CreateHTTPDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateHTTPDomain(ctx context.Context, listenerId, domain string) error

func (*GaapService) CreateHTTPListener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateHTTPListener(ctx context.Context, name, proxyId string, port int) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateHTTPSDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateHTTPSDomain(
	ctx context.Context,
	listenerId, domain, certificateId string,
	polyClientCertificateIds []string,
) error

func (*GaapService) CreateHTTPSListener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateHTTPSListener(
	ctx context.Context,
	name, certificateId, forwardProtocol, proxyId string,
	polyClientCertificateIds []string,
	port, authType int,
) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateHttpRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateHttpRule(ctx context.Context, httpRule gaapHttpRule) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateProxy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateProxy(
	ctx context.Context,
	name, accessRegion, realserverRegion string,
	bandwidth, concurrent, projectId int,
	tags map[string]string,
) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateRealserver added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateRealserver(ctx context.Context, address, name string, projectId int, tags map[string]string) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateSecurityPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateSecurityPolicy(ctx context.Context, proxyId, action string) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateSecurityRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateSecurityRule(
	ctx context.Context,
	policyId, name, cidrIp, port, action, protocol string,
) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateTCPListener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateTCPListener(
	ctx context.Context,
	name, scheduler, realserverType, proxyId string,
	port, interval, connectTimeout int,
	healthCheck bool,
) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) CreateUDPListener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) CreateUDPListener(
	ctx context.Context,
	name, scheduler, realserverType, proxyId string,
	port int,
) (id string, err error)

func (*GaapService) DeleteCertificate added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteCertificate(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteDomain(ctx context.Context, listenerId, domain string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteDomainErrorPageInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteDomainErrorPageInfo(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteHttpRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteHttpRule(ctx context.Context, listenerId, ruleId string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteLayer4Listener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteLayer4Listener(ctx context.Context, id, proxyId, protocol string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteLayer7Listener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteLayer7Listener(ctx context.Context, id, proxyId, protocol string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteProxy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteProxy(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteRealserver added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteRealserver(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteSecurityPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteSecurityPolicy(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*GaapService) DeleteSecurityRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DeleteSecurityRule(ctx context.Context, policyId, ruleId string) error

func (*GaapService) DescribeCertificateById added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeCertificateById(ctx context.Context, id string) (certificate *gaap.CertificateDetail, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeCertificates added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeCertificates(ctx context.Context, id, name *string, certificateType *int) (certificates []*gaap.Certificate, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeDomain added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeDomain(ctx context.Context, listenerId, domain string) (domainRet *gaap.DomainRuleSet, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeDomainErrorPageInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeDomainErrorPageInfo(ctx context.Context, listenerId, domain, id string) (info *gaap.DomainErrorPageInfo, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeDomainErrorPageInfoList added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeDomainErrorPageInfoList(ctx context.Context, listenerId, domain string) (list []*gaap.DomainErrorPageInfo, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeDomains added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeDomains(ctx context.Context, listenerId, domain string) (domains []*gaap.DomainRuleSet, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeHTTPListeners added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeHTTPListeners(
	ctx context.Context,
	proxyId, id, name *string,
	port *int,
) (listeners []*gaap.HTTPListener, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeHTTPSListeners added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeHTTPSListeners(
	ctx context.Context,
	proxyId, listenerId, name *string,
	port *int,
) (listeners []*gaap.HTTPSListener, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeHttpRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeHttpRule(ctx context.Context, id string) (rule *gaap.RuleInfo, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeProxies added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeProxies(
	ctx context.Context,
	ids []string,
	projectId *int,
	accessRegion, realserverRegion *string,
	tags map[string]string,
) (proxies []*gaap.ProxyInfo, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeRealservers added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeRealservers(ctx context.Context, address, name *string, tags map[string]string, projectId int) (realservers []*gaap.BindRealServerInfo, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeSecurityPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeSecurityPolicy(ctx context.Context, id string) (proxyId, status, action string, exist bool, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeSecurityRule added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeSecurityRule(ctx context.Context, id string) (securityRule *gaap.SecurityPolicyRuleOut, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeSecurityRules added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeSecurityRules(ctx context.Context, policyId string) (securityRules []*gaap.SecurityPolicyRuleOut, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeTCPListeners added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeTCPListeners(ctx context.Context, proxyId, listenerId, name *string, port *int) (listeners []*gaap.TCPListener, err error)

func (*GaapService) DescribeUDPListeners added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DescribeUDPListeners(ctx context.Context, proxyId, id, name *string, port *int) (listeners []*gaap.UDPListener, err error)

func (*GaapService) DisableProxy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DisableProxy(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*GaapService) DisableSecurityPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) DisableSecurityPolicy(ctx context.Context, proxyId, policyId string) error

func (*GaapService) EnableProxy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) EnableProxy(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*GaapService) EnableSecurityPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) EnableSecurityPolicy(ctx context.Context, proxyId, policyId string) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyCertificateName added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyCertificateName(ctx context.Context, id, name string) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyDomainCertificate added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyDomainCertificate(
	ctx context.Context,
	listenerId, domain, certificateId string,
	polyClientCertificateIds []string,
) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyHTTPListener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyHTTPListener(ctx context.Context, id, proxyId, name string) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyHTTPRuleAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyHTTPRuleAttribute(
	ctx context.Context,
	listenerId, ruleId, healthCheckPath, healthCheckMethod string,
	path, scheduler *string,
	healthCheck bool,
	interval, connectTimeout int,
	healthCheckStatusCodes []int,
) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyHTTPRuleForwardHost added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyHTTPRuleForwardHost(ctx context.Context, listenerId, ruleId, forwardHost string) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyHTTPSListener added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyHTTPSListener(
	ctx context.Context,
	proxyId, id string,
	name, forwardProtocol, certificateId *string,
	polyClientCertificateIds []string,
) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyProxyConfiguration added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyProxyConfiguration(ctx context.Context, id string, bandwidth, concurrent *int) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyProxyName added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyProxyName(ctx context.Context, id, name string) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyProxyProjectId added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyProxyProjectId(ctx context.Context, id string, projectId int) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyRealserverName added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyRealserverName(ctx context.Context, id, name string) error

func (*GaapService) ModifySecurityRuleName added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifySecurityRuleName(ctx context.Context, policyId, ruleId, name string) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyTCPListenerAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyTCPListenerAttribute(
	ctx context.Context,
	proxyId, id string,
	name, scheduler *string,
	healthCheck *bool,
	interval, connectTimeout int,
) error

func (*GaapService) ModifyUDPListenerAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) ModifyUDPListenerAttribute(
	ctx context.Context,
	proxyId, id string,
	name, scheduler *string,
) error

func (*GaapService) SetAdvancedAuth added in v1.41.3

func (me *GaapService) SetAdvancedAuth(
	ctx context.Context,
	listenerId, domain string,
	realserverAuth, basicAuth, gaapAuth bool,
	realserverCertificateIds []string,
	realserverCertificateDomain, basicAuthId, gaapAuthId *string,
) error

type InstanceAdvancedSettings added in v1.41.3

type InstanceAdvancedSettings struct {
	MountTarget     string
	DockerGraphPath string
	UserScript      string
	Unschedulable   int64
	DesiredPodNum   int64
	Labels          []*tke.Label
	DataDisks       []*tke.DataDisk
	ExtraArgs       tke.InstanceExtraArgs

type InstanceInfo added in v1.41.3

type InstanceInfo struct {
	InstanceId                   string
	InstanceRole                 string
	InstanceState                string
	FailedReason                 string
	InstanceAdvancedSettings     *tke.InstanceAdvancedSettings
	InstanceDataDiskMountSetting *tke.InstanceDataDiskMountSetting
	LanIp                        string

type KmsService added in v1.54.0

type KmsService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*KmsService) ArchiveKey added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) ArchiveKey(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) CancelKeyArchive added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) CancelKeyArchive(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) CancelKeyDeletion added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) CancelKeyDeletion(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) CreateKey added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) CreateKey(ctx context.Context, keyType uint64, alias, description, keyUsage string) (keyId string, errRet error)

func (*KmsService) DeleteImportKeyMaterial added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) DeleteImportKeyMaterial(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) DeleteKey added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) DeleteKey(ctx context.Context, keyId string, pendingDeleteWindowInDays uint64) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKeyById added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) DescribeKeyById(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (key *kms.KeyMetadata, errRet error)

func (*KmsService) DescribeKeysByFilter added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) DescribeKeysByFilter(ctx context.Context, param map[string]interface{}) (keys []*kms.KeyMetadata, errRet error)

func (*KmsService) DisableKey added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) DisableKey(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) DisableKeyRotation added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) DisableKeyRotation(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) EnableKey added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) EnableKey(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) EnableKeyRotation added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) EnableKeyRotation(ctx context.Context, keyId string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) ImportKeyMaterial added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) ImportKeyMaterial(ctx context.Context, param map[string]interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) UpdateKeyAlias added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) UpdateKeyAlias(ctx context.Context, keyId, alias string) (errRet error)

func (*KmsService) UpdateKeyDescription added in v1.54.0

func (me *KmsService) UpdateKeyDescription(ctx context.Context, keyId, description string) (errRet error)

type MongodbService added in v1.41.3

type MongodbService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MongodbService) DescribeAsyncRequestInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) DescribeAsyncRequestInfo(ctx context.Context, asyncId string) (errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) DescribeInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) DescribeInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instance *mongodb.InstanceDetail, has bool, errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) DescribeInstancesByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) DescribeInstancesByFilter(ctx context.Context, instanceId string,
	clusterType int) (mongodbs []*mongodb.InstanceDetail, errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) DescribeSpecInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) DescribeSpecInfo(ctx context.Context, zone string) (infos []*mongodb.SpecificationInfo, errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) IsolateInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) IsolateInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) ModifyAutoRenewFlag added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) ModifyAutoRenewFlag(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, period int, renewFlag int) (errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) ModifyInstanceName added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) ModifyInstanceName(ctx context.Context, instanceId, instanceName string) (errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) ModifyProjectId added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) ModifyProjectId(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, projectId int) (errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) OfflineIsolatedDBInstance added in v1.42.1

func (me *MongodbService) OfflineIsolatedDBInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) ResetInstancePassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) ResetInstancePassword(ctx context.Context, instanceId, accountName, password string) (errRet error)

func (*MongodbService) UpgradeInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *MongodbService) UpgradeInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, memory int, volume int) (errRet error)

type MonitorService added in v1.41.3

type MonitorService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MonitorService) CheckCanCreateMysqlROInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *MonitorService) CheckCanCreateMysqlROInstance(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (can bool, errRet error)

func (*MonitorService) DescribeAlarmPolicyById added in v1.60.6

func (me *MonitorService) DescribeAlarmPolicyById(ctx context.Context, policyId string) (info *monitor.AlarmPolicy, errRet error)

func (*MonitorService) DescribeBindingAlarmPolicyObjectList added in v1.60.6

func (me *MonitorService) DescribeBindingAlarmPolicyObjectList(ctx context.Context, policyId string) (
	objects []*monitor.DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstance, errRet error)

func (*MonitorService) DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList added in v1.41.3

func (me *MonitorService) DescribeBindingPolicyObjectList(ctx context.Context, groupId int64) (objects []*monitor.DescribeBindingPolicyObjectListInstance, errRet error)

func (*MonitorService) DescribePolicyGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *MonitorService) DescribePolicyGroup(ctx context.Context, groupId int64) (info *monitor.DescribePolicyGroupListGroup, errRet error)

func (*MonitorService) DescribePolicyGroupDetailInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *MonitorService) DescribePolicyGroupDetailInfo(ctx context.Context, groupId int64) (response *monitor.DescribePolicyGroupInfoResponse, errRet error)

func (*MonitorService) FullRegions added in v1.41.3

func (me *MonitorService) FullRegions() (regions []string, errRet error)

type MysqlService added in v1.41.3

type MysqlService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MysqlService) CheckDBGTIDOpen added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) CheckDBGTIDOpen(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (open int64, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) CloseWanService added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) CloseWanService(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) CreateAccount added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	accountName, accountHost, accountPassword, accountDescription string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) CreateBackup added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) CreateBackup(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (backupId int64, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DeleteAccount added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	accountName string, accountHost string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeAccountPrivileges added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeAccountPrivileges(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	accountName string, accountHost string, databaseNames []string) (privileges []string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeAccounts added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeAccounts(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (accountInfos []*cdb.AccountInfo, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeAsyncRequestInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeAsyncRequestInfo(ctx context.Context, asyncRequestId string) (status, message string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeBackupConfigByMysqlId added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeBackupConfigByMysqlId(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (desResponse *cdb.DescribeBackupConfigResponse, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeBackupsByMysqlId added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeBackupsByMysqlId(ctx context.Context,
	mysqlId string,
	leftNumber int64) (backupInfos []*cdb.BackupInfo, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeCaresParameters added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeCaresParameters(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, cares []string) (caresKv map[string]interface{}, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeDBInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeDBInstanceById(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (mysqlInfo *cdb.InstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeDBInstanceConfig added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeDBInstanceConfig(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (backupConfig *cdb.DescribeDBInstanceConfigResponse,
	errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeDBSecurityGroups added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeDBSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (securityGroups []string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeDBZoneConfig added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeDBZoneConfig(ctx context.Context) (sellConfigures []*cdb.RegionSellConf, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeDefaultParameters added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeDefaultParameters(ctx context.Context, engineVersion string) (parameterList []*cdb.ParameterDetail, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeInstanceParameters added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeInstanceParameters(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (parameterList []*cdb.ParameterDetail, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeIsolatedDBInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeIsolatedDBInstanceById(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (mysqlInfo *cdb.InstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeRunningDBInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeRunningDBInstanceById(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (mysqlInfo *cdb.InstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DescribeTagsOfInstanceId added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DescribeTagsOfInstanceId(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (tags map[string]string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) DisassociateSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) DisassociateSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string, securityGroup string) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) InitDBInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) InitDBInstances(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string, password string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) IsolateDBInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) IsolateDBInstance(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyAccountDescription added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyAccountDescription(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	accountName, accountHost, accountDescription string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyAccountPassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyAccountPassword(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	accountName, accountHost, accountPassword string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyAccountPrivileges added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyAccountPrivileges(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	accountName, accountHost string, databaseNames []string, privileges []string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyAutoRenewFlag added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyAutoRenewFlag(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string, newRenewFlag int64) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyBackupConfigByMysqlId added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyBackupConfigByMysqlId(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	retentionPeriod int64, backupModel, backupTime string) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceName added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceName(ctx context.Context, mysqlId,
	newInstanceName string) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceProject added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceProject(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string, newProjectId int64) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string, securityGroups []string) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceVipVport added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyDBInstanceVipVport(ctx context.Context, mysqlId, vpcId, subnetId string, port int64) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyInstanceParam added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyInstanceParam(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, params map[string]string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) ModifyInstanceTag added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) ModifyInstanceTag(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string, deleteTags, modifyTags map[string]string) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) NotFoundMysqlInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) NotFoundMysqlInstance(err error) bool

check if the err means the mysql_id is not found

func (*MysqlService) OfflineIsolatedInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) OfflineIsolatedInstances(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) OpenDBInstanceGTID added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) OpenDBInstanceGTID(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) OpenWanService added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) OpenWanService(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

func (*MysqlService) UpgradeDBInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *MysqlService) UpgradeDBInstance(ctx context.Context, mysqlId string,
	memSize, cpu, volumeSize int64) (asyncRequestId string, errRet error)

type OverrideSettings added in v1.56.11

type OverrideSettings struct {
	Master []tke.InstanceAdvancedSettings
	Work   []tke.InstanceAdvancedSettings

type PostgresqlService added in v1.41.3

type PostgresqlService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PostgresqlService) CheckDBInstanceStatus added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) CheckDBInstanceStatus(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) error

func (*PostgresqlService) CreatePostgresqlInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) CreatePostgresqlInstance(ctx context.Context, name, dbVersion, chargeType, specCode string, autoRenewFlag, projectId, period int, subnetId, vpcId, zone string, securityGroups []string, storage int, username, password, charset string) (instanceId string, errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) DeletePostgresqlInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) DeletePostgresqlInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) DescribePostgresqlInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) DescribePostgresqlInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instance *postgresql.DBInstance, has bool, errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) DescribePostgresqlInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) DescribePostgresqlInstances(ctx context.Context, filter []*postgresql.Filter) (instanceList []*postgresql.DBInstance, errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) DescribeRootUser added in v1.58.0

func (me *PostgresqlService) DescribeRootUser(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (accounts []*postgresql.AccountInfo, errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) DescribeSpecinfos added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) DescribeSpecinfos(ctx context.Context, zone string) (specCodeList []*postgresql.SpecItemInfo, errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) InitPostgresqlInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) InitPostgresqlInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, username string, password string, charset string) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) IsolatePostgresqlInstance added in v1.58.0

func (me *PostgresqlService) IsolatePostgresqlInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) ModifyPostgresqlInstanceName added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) ModifyPostgresqlInstanceName(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) ModifyPostgresqlInstanceProjectId added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) ModifyPostgresqlInstanceProjectId(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, projectId int) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) ModifyPublicService added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) ModifyPublicService(ctx context.Context, openInternet bool, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) SetPostgresqlInstanceAutoRenewFlag added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) SetPostgresqlInstanceAutoRenewFlag(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, autoRenewFlag int) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) SetPostgresqlInstanceRootPassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) SetPostgresqlInstanceRootPassword(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, password string) (errRet error)

func (*PostgresqlService) UpgradePostgresqlInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *PostgresqlService) UpgradePostgresqlInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, memory int, storage int) (errRet error)

type RedisService added in v1.41.3

type RedisService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RedisService) CheckRedisDestroyOk added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) CheckRedisDestroyOk(ctx context.Context, redisId string) (has bool,
	isolated bool,
	errRet error)

func (*RedisService) CheckRedisOnlineOk added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) CheckRedisOnlineOk(ctx context.Context, redisId string) (has bool,
	online bool,
	info *redis.InstanceSet,
	errRet error)

func (*RedisService) CleanUpInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) CleanUpInstance(ctx context.Context, redisId string) (taskId int64, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) CreateInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) CreateInstances(ctx context.Context,
	zoneName string, typeId int64, password, vpcId, subnetId, redisName string,
	memSize, projectId, port int64,
	securityGroups []string,
	redisReplicasNum int, chargeTypeID int64, chargePeriod uint64, nodeInfo []*redis.RedisNodeInfo) (instanceIds []*string, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DescribeAutoBackupConfig added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DescribeAutoBackupConfig(ctx context.Context, redisId string) (weekDays []string, timePeriod string, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DescribeDBSecurityGroups added in v1.60.3

func (me *RedisService) DescribeDBSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, product string, instanceId string) (sg []string, errRet error)

DescribeDBSecurityGroups support query different type of DB by passing product name

func (*RedisService) DescribeInstanceDealDetail added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DescribeInstanceDealDetail(ctx context.Context, dealId string) (done bool, redisId string, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DescribeInstanceSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DescribeInstanceSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, redisId string) (sg []string, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DescribeInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DescribeInstances(ctx context.Context, zoneName, searchKey string,
	projectId, needLimit int64) (instances []TencentCloudRedisDetail, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DescribeRedisZoneConfig added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DescribeRedisZoneConfig(ctx context.Context) (sellConfigures []*redis.RegionConf, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DescribeTaskInfo added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DescribeTaskInfo(ctx context.Context, redisId string, taskId int64) (ok bool, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DestroyPostpaidInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DestroyPostpaidInstance(ctx context.Context, redisId string) (taskId int64, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) DestroyPrepaidInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) DestroyPrepaidInstance(ctx context.Context, redisId string) (dealId string, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) ModifyAutoBackupConfig added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) ModifyAutoBackupConfig(ctx context.Context, redisId string, weekDays []string, timePeriod string) (errRet error)

func (*RedisService) ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups added in v1.60.3

func (me *RedisService) ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, product string, instanceId string, securityGroupIds []*string) (errRet error)

func (*RedisService) ModifyInstanceName added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) ModifyInstanceName(ctx context.Context, redisId string, name string) (errRet error)

func (*RedisService) ModifyInstanceProjectId added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) ModifyInstanceProjectId(ctx context.Context, redisId string, projectId int64) (errRet error)

func (*RedisService) ResetPassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) ResetPassword(ctx context.Context, redisId string, newPassword string) (taskId int64, errRet error)

func (*RedisService) UpgradeInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *RedisService) UpgradeInstance(ctx context.Context, redisId string, newMemSize int64, redisShardNum int64, redisReplicasNum int64) (dealId string, errRet error)

type RunInstancesForNode added in v1.41.3

type RunInstancesForNode struct {
	Master []string
	Work   []string

type SSLService added in v1.53.0

type SSLService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SSLService) CancelCertificateOrder added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) CancelCertificateOrder(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.CancelCertificateOrderRequest) (err error)

func (*SSLService) CommitCertificateInformation added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) CommitCertificateInformation(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.CommitCertificateInformationRequest) (errRet error)

func (*SSLService) CreateCertificate added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.CreateCertificateRequest) (certificateId, dealId string, errRet error)

func (*SSLService) DeleteCertificate added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) DeleteCertificate(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.DeleteCertificateRequest) (deleteResult bool, err error)

func (*SSLService) DescribeCertificateDetail added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) DescribeCertificateDetail(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.DescribeCertificateDetailRequest) (response *ssl.DescribeCertificateDetailResponse, err error)

func (*SSLService) DescribeCertificates added in v1.55.0

func (me *SSLService) DescribeCertificates(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.DescribeCertificatesRequest) (certificateList []*ssl.Certificates, err error)

func (*SSLService) ModifyCertificateAlias added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) ModifyCertificateAlias(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.ModifyCertificateAliasRequest) (err error)

func (*SSLService) ModifyCertificateProject added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) ModifyCertificateProject(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.ModifyCertificateProjectRequest) (err error)

func (*SSLService) SubmitCertificateInformation added in v1.53.0

func (me *SSLService) SubmitCertificateInformation(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.SubmitCertificateInformationRequest) (err error)

func (*SSLService) UploadCertificate added in v1.55.0

func (me *SSLService) UploadCertificate(ctx context.Context, request *ssl.UploadCertificateRequest) (id string, err error)

type ScfService added in v1.41.3

type ScfService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ScfService) CreateFunction added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) CreateFunction(ctx context.Context, info scfFunctionInfo) error

func (*ScfService) CreateNamespace added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) CreateNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace, desc string) error

func (*ScfService) CreateTriggers added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) CreateTriggers(ctx context.Context, functionName, namespace string, triggers []scfTrigger) error

func (*ScfService) DeleteFunction added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DeleteFunction(ctx context.Context, name, namespace string) error

func (*ScfService) DeleteNamespace added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DeleteNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace string) error

func (*ScfService) DeleteTriggers added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DeleteTriggers(ctx context.Context, functionName, namespace string, triggers []scfTrigger) error

func (*ScfService) DescribeFunction added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DescribeFunction(ctx context.Context, name, namespace string) (resp *scf.GetFunctionResponse, err error)

func (*ScfService) DescribeFunctions added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DescribeFunctions(ctx context.Context, name, namespace, desc *string, tags map[string]string) (functions []*scf.Function, err error)

func (*ScfService) DescribeLogs added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DescribeLogs(
	ctx context.Context,
	fnName, namespace, order, orderBy string,
	offset, limit int,
	retCode, invokeRequestId, startTime, endTime *string,
) (logs []*scf.FunctionLog, err error)

func (*ScfService) DescribeNamespace added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DescribeNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace string) (ns *scf.Namespace, err error)

func (*ScfService) DescribeNamespaces added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) DescribeNamespaces(ctx context.Context) (nss []*scf.Namespace, err error)

func (*ScfService) ModifyFunctionCode added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) ModifyFunctionCode(ctx context.Context, info scfFunctionInfo) error

func (*ScfService) ModifyFunctionConfig added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) ModifyFunctionConfig(ctx context.Context, info scfFunctionInfo) error

func (*ScfService) ModifyNamespace added in v1.41.3

func (me *ScfService) ModifyNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace, desc string) error

type SecretInfo added in v1.55.0

type SecretInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type SecretVersionInfo added in v1.55.0

type SecretVersionInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type SqlserverService added in v1.41.3

type SqlserverService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SqlserverService) AddSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) AddSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, securityGroupId string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverAccount added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverAccount(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, userName string, password string, remark string, isAdmin bool) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverBasicInstance added in v1.48.0

func (me *SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverBasicInstance(ctx context.Context, paramMap map[string]interface{}, weekSet []int, voucherIds, securityGroups []string) (instanceId string, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverDB added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverDB(ctx context.Context, instanceID string, dbname string, charset string, remark string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverInstance(ctx context.Context, dbVersion string, chargeType string, memory int, autoRenewFlag int, projectId int, subnetId string, vpcId string, zone string, storage int, weekSet []int, startTime string, timeSpan int, multiZones bool, haType string, securityGroups []string) (instanceId string, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverPublishSubscribe added in v1.45.0

func (me *SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverPublishSubscribe(ctx context.Context, publishInstanceId, subscribeInstanceId, publishSubscribeName string, databaseTuples []interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverReadonlyInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) CreateSqlserverReadonlyInstance(ctx context.Context, masterInstanceId string, subnetId string, vpcId string, chargeType string, memory int, zone string, storage int, readonlyGroupType int, readonlyGroupId string, forceUpgrade bool, securityGroups []string) (instanceId string, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DeletePublishSubscribe added in v1.45.0

func (me *SqlserverService) DeletePublishSubscribe(ctx context.Context, publishSubscribe *sqlserver.PublishSubscribe, deleteDatabaseTuples []*sqlserver.DatabaseTuple) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DeleteSqlserverAccount added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DeleteSqlserverAccount(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, userName string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DeleteSqlserverDB added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DeleteSqlserverDB(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, names []*string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DeleteSqlserverInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DeleteSqlserverInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeAccountDBAttachmentById added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeAccountDBAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, instanceId, accountName, dbName string) (attachment map[string]string, has bool, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeAccountDBAttachments added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeAccountDBAttachments(ctx context.Context, instanceId, accountName, dbName string) (attachments []map[string]string, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeDBDetailsById added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeDBDetailsById(ctx context.Context, dbId string) (dbInfo *sqlserver.DBDetail, has bool, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeDBsOfInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeDBsOfInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instanceDBList []*sqlserver.DBDetail, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeInstanceSecurityGroups added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeInstanceSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (securityGroups []string, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeMaintenanceSpan added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeMaintenanceSpan(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (weekSet []int, startTime string, timeSpan int, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeProductConfig added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeProductConfig(ctx context.Context, zone string) (specInfoList []*sqlserver.SpecInfo, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeReadonlyGroupList added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeReadonlyGroupList(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (groupList []*sqlserver.ReadOnlyGroup, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeReadonlyGroupListByReadonlyInstanceId added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeReadonlyGroupListByReadonlyInstanceId(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (readonlyGroupId string, masterInstanceId string, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverAccountById added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverAccountById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, userName string) (account *sqlserver.AccountDetail, has bool, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverAccounts added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverAccounts(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (accounts []*sqlserver.AccountDetail, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverBackups added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverBackups(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, startTime string, endTime string) (backupList []*sqlserver.Backup, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverInstanceById added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instance *sqlserver.DBInstance, has bool, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverInstances(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, projectId int, vpcId string, subnetId string, netType int) (instanceList []*sqlserver.DBInstance, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverPublishSubscribeById added in v1.45.0

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverPublishSubscribeById(ctx context.Context, instanceId, pubOrSubInstanceId string) (instance *sqlserver.PublishSubscribe, has bool, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverPublishSubscribes added in v1.45.0

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeSqlserverPublishSubscribes(ctx context.Context, paramMap map[string]interface{}) (publishSubscribeList []*sqlserver.PublishSubscribe, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) DescribeZones added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) DescribeZones(ctx context.Context) (zoneInfoList []*sqlserver.ZoneInfo, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) GetInfoFromDeal added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) GetInfoFromDeal(ctx context.Context, dealId string) (instanceId string, errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ModifyAccountDBAttachment added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) ModifyAccountDBAttachment(ctx context.Context, instanceId, accountName, dbName, privilege string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ModifyPublishSubscribeName added in v1.45.0

func (me *SqlserverService) ModifyPublishSubscribeName(ctx context.Context, id uint64, name string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverAccountRemark added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverAccountRemark(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, userName string, remark string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverDBRemark added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverDBRemark(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, dbName string, remark string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverInstanceMaintenanceSpan added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverInstanceMaintenanceSpan(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, weekSet []int, startTime string, timeSpan int) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverInstanceName added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverInstanceName(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverInstanceProjectId added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) ModifySqlserverInstanceProjectId(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, projectId int) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) NewModifyDBInstanceRenewFlag added in v1.48.0

func (me *SqlserverService) NewModifyDBInstanceRenewFlag(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, renewFlag int) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) RecycleDBInstance added in v1.46.0

func (me *SqlserverService) RecycleDBInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) RemoveSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) RemoveSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, securityGroupId string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) ResetSqlserverAccountPassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) ResetSqlserverAccountPassword(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, userName string, password string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) TerminateSqlserverInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) TerminateSqlserverInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) UpgradeSqlserverBasicInstance added in v1.48.0

func (me *SqlserverService) UpgradeSqlserverBasicInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, memory int, storage, cpu, autoVoucher int, voucherIds []string) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) UpgradeSqlserverInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) UpgradeSqlserverInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, memory int, storage int) (errRet error)

func (*SqlserverService) WaitForTaskFinish added in v1.41.3

func (me *SqlserverService) WaitForTaskFinish(ctx context.Context, flowId int64) (errRet error)

type SslService added in v1.41.3

type SslService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SslService) CheckCertificateType added in v1.55.0

func (me *SslService) CheckCertificateType(ctx context.Context, certId string, checkType string) (bool, error)

func (*SslService) CreateCertificate added in v1.41.3

func (me *SslService) CreateCertificate(ctx context.Context, certType, cert, name string, projectId int, key *string) (id string, err error)

func (*SslService) DeleteCertificate added in v1.41.3

func (me *SslService) DeleteCertificate(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*SslService) DescribeCertificates added in v1.41.3

func (me *SslService) DescribeCertificates(ctx context.Context, id, name, certType *string) (certificates []*ssl.SSLCertificate, err error)

type SsmService added in v1.55.0

type SsmService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SsmService) CreateSecret added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, param map[string]interface{}) (secretName string, errRet error)

func (*SsmService) DeleteSecret added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) DeleteSecret(ctx context.Context, secretName string, recoveryWindowInDays uint64) (errRet error)

func (*SsmService) DeleteSecretVersion added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) DeleteSecretVersion(ctx context.Context, secretName, versionId string) (errRet error)

func (*SsmService) DescribeSecretByName added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) DescribeSecretByName(ctx context.Context, secretName string) (secret *SecretInfo, errRet error)

func (*SsmService) DescribeSecretVersion added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) DescribeSecretVersion(ctx context.Context, secretName, versionId string) (secretVersion *SecretVersionInfo, errRet error)

func (*SsmService) DescribeSecretVersionIdsByName added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) DescribeSecretVersionIdsByName(ctx context.Context, secretName string) (versionIds []string, errRet error)

func (*SsmService) DescribeSecretsByFilter added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) DescribeSecretsByFilter(ctx context.Context, param map[string]interface{}) (secrets []*ssm.SecretMetadata, errRet error)

func (*SsmService) DisableSecret added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) DisableSecret(ctx context.Context, secretName string) (errRet error)

func (*SsmService) EnableSecret added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) EnableSecret(ctx context.Context, secretName string) (errRet error)

func (*SsmService) PutSecretValue added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) PutSecretValue(ctx context.Context, param map[string]interface{}) (secretName, versionId string, errRet error)

func (*SsmService) UpdateSecret added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) UpdateSecret(ctx context.Context, param map[string]interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*SsmService) UpdateSecretDescription added in v1.55.0

func (me *SsmService) UpdateSecretDescription(ctx context.Context, secretName, description string) (errRet error)

type TCRService added in v1.49.0

type TCRService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TCRService) CreateTCRInstance added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) CreateTCRInstance(ctx context.Context, name string, instanceType string, tags map[string]string) (instanceId string, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) CreateTCRLongTermToken added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) CreateTCRLongTermToken(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, description string) (tokenId string, token string, userName string, errRet error)

longterm token

func (*TCRService) CreateTCRNameSpace added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) CreateTCRNameSpace(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string, isPublic bool) (errRet error)

name space

func (*TCRService) CreateTCRRepository added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) CreateTCRRepository(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, namespace string, repositoryName string, briefDesc string, description string) (errRet error)


func (*TCRService) CreateTCRVPCAttachment added in v1.51.0

func (me *TCRService) CreateTCRVPCAttachment(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, vpcId string,
	subnetId string, regionId int64, regionName string) (errRet error)

VPC attachment

func (*TCRService) CreateTcrVpcDns added in v1.54.1

func (me *TCRService) CreateTcrVpcDns(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, vpcId string, accessIp string, usePublicDomain bool) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DeleteTCRInstance added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DeleteTCRInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, deleteBucket bool) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DeleteTCRLongTermToken added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DeleteTCRLongTermToken(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, tokenId string) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DeleteTCRNameSpace added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DeleteTCRNameSpace(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DeleteTCRRepository added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DeleteTCRRepository(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, namespace string, repositoryName string) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DeleteTCRVPCAttachment added in v1.51.0

func (me *TCRService) DeleteTCRVPCAttachment(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, vpcId string,
	subnetId string, regionId int, regionName string) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DeleteTcrVpcDns added in v1.54.1

func (me *TCRService) DeleteTcrVpcDns(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, vpcId string, accessIp string, usePublicDomain bool) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeExternalEndpointStatus added in v1.53.9

func (me *TCRService) DescribeExternalEndpointStatus(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (status string, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRInstanceById added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRInstanceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string) (instance *tcr.Registry, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRInstances added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRInstances(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, filter []*tcr.Filter) (instanceList []*tcr.Registry, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRLongTermTokenById added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRLongTermTokenById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, tokenId string) (token *tcr.TcrInstanceToken, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRNameSpaceById added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRNameSpaceById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string) (namespace *tcr.TcrNamespaceInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRNameSpaces added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRNameSpaces(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string) (namespaceList []*tcr.TcrNamespaceInfo, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRRepositories added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRRepositories(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, namespace string, repositoryName string) (repositoryList []*tcr.TcrRepositoryInfo, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRRepositoryById added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRRepositoryById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, namespace string, repositoryName string) (repository *tcr.TcrRepositoryInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRTokens added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRTokens(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, tokenId string) (tokenList []*tcr.TcrInstanceToken, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRVPCAttachmentById added in v1.51.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRVPCAttachmentById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, vpcId string, subnetId string) (vpcAccess *tcr.AccessVpc, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTCRVPCAttachments added in v1.51.0

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTCRVPCAttachments(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, vpcId string, subnetId string) (vpcList []*tcr.AccessVpc, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) DescribeTcrVpcDnsById added in v1.54.1

func (me *TCRService) DescribeTcrVpcDnsById(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, vpcId string, accessIp string, usePublicDomain bool) (vpcPrivateDomainStatus *tcr.VpcPrivateDomainStatus, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TCRService) ManageTCRExternalEndpoint added in v1.53.9

func (me *TCRService) ManageTCRExternalEndpoint(ctx context.Context, instanceId, operation string) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) ModifyTCRLongTermToken added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) ModifyTCRLongTermToken(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, tokenId string, enable bool) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) ModifyTCRNameSpace added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) ModifyTCRNameSpace(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, name string, isPublic bool) (errRet error)

func (*TCRService) ModifyTCRRepository added in v1.49.0

func (me *TCRService) ModifyTCRRepository(ctx context.Context, instanceId string, namespace string, repositoryName string, briefDesc string, description string) (errRet error)

type TagService added in v1.41.3

type TagService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TagService) DescribeResourceTags added in v1.41.3

func (me *TagService) DescribeResourceTags(ctx context.Context, serviceType, resourceType, region, resourceId string) (tags map[string]string, err error)

func (*TagService) ModifyTags added in v1.41.3

func (me *TagService) ModifyTags(ctx context.Context, resourceName string, replaceTags map[string]string, deleteKeys []string) error

type TcaplusIdlId added in v1.41.3

type TcaplusIdlId struct {
	ClusterId   string
	FileExtType string
	FileId      int64
	FileName    string
	FileSize    int64
	FileType    string

type TcaplusService added in v1.41.3

type TcaplusService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TcaplusService) CreateCluster added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) CreateCluster(ctx context.Context, idlType, clusterName, vpcId, subnetId, password string) (id string, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) CreateGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, id string, groupName string) (groupId string, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) CreateTables added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) CreateTables(ctx context.Context, tid TcaplusIdlId,
	tableIdlType string,
	reservedVolume int64) (taskId string, tableInstanceId string, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DeleteCluster added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DeleteCluster(ctx context.Context, id string) (taskId string, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DeleteGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, clusterId string, groupId string) (errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DeleteIdlFiles added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DeleteIdlFiles(ctx context.Context, tid TcaplusIdlId) (errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DeleteTable added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DeleteTable(ctx context.Context, clusterId, groupId, tableInstanceId, tableName string) (taskId string, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DesOldIdlFiles added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DesOldIdlFiles(ctx context.Context, tid TcaplusIdlId) (tableInfos []*tcaplusdb.ParsedTableInfoNew, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeCluster added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeCluster(ctx context.Context, id string) (clusterInfo tcaplusdb.ClusterInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeClusters added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeClusters(ctx context.Context, clusterId string, clusterName string) (clusterInfos []*tcaplusdb.ClusterInfo, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeGroup(ctx context.Context, id string, groupId string) (info tcaplusdb.TableGroupInfo, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeGroups added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeGroups(ctx context.Context, clusterId string, groupId, groupName string) (infos []*tcaplusdb.TableGroupInfo, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeIdlFileInfos added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeIdlFileInfos(ctx context.Context, clusterId string) (infos []*tcaplusdb.IdlFileInfo, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeTable added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeTable(ctx context.Context, clusterId, tableInstanceId string) (tableInfo tcaplusdb.TableInfoNew, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeTables added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeTables(ctx context.Context, clusterId string, groupId, tableId, tableName string) (infos []*tcaplusdb.TableInfoNew, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) DescribeTask added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) DescribeTask(ctx context.Context, clusterId string, taskId string) (taskInfo tcaplusdb.TaskInfoNew, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) ModifyClusterName added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) ModifyClusterName(ctx context.Context, id string, clusterName string) (errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) ModifyClusterPassword added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) ModifyClusterPassword(ctx context.Context, id string, oldPassword, newPassword string, oldPasswordExpireLast int64) (errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) ModifyGroupName added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) ModifyGroupName(ctx context.Context, id string, groupId, groupName string) (errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) ModifyTableMemo added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) ModifyTableMemo(ctx context.Context, clusterId, groupId, tableInstanceId, tableName, newDesc string) (errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) ModifyTables added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) ModifyTables(ctx context.Context, tid TcaplusIdlId,
	tableIdType string) (taskId string, errRet error)

func (*TcaplusService) VerifyIdlFiles added in v1.41.3

func (me *TcaplusService) VerifyIdlFiles(ctx context.Context, tid TcaplusIdlId, groupId string, fileContent string) (idlId int64, tableInfos []*tcaplusdb.ParsedTableInfoNew, errRet error)

type TdmqNamespaceInfo added in v1.59.12

type TdmqNamespaceInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type TdmqService added in v1.59.12

type TdmqService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TdmqService) CreateTdmqInstance added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) CreateTdmqInstance(ctx context.Context, clusterName string, bindClusterId uint64,
	remark string) (clusterId string, errRet error)

////////api tdmq instance

func (*TdmqService) CreateTdmqNamespace added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) CreateTdmqNamespace(ctx context.Context, environName string, msgTtl uint64, clusterId string,
	remark string, retentionPolicy tdmq.RetentionPolicy) (environId string, errRet error)

tdmq namespace

func (*TdmqService) CreateTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) CreateTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment(ctx context.Context, environId string,
	roleName string, permissions []*string, clusterId string) (errRet error)

tdmq role

func (*TdmqService) CreateTdmqRole added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) CreateTdmqRole(ctx context.Context, roleName string, clusterId string,
	remark string) (roleId string, errRet error)

tdmq role

func (*TdmqService) CreateTdmqTopic added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) CreateTdmqTopic(ctx context.Context, environId string, topicName string, partitions uint64,
	topicType uint64, remark string, clusterId string) (errRet error)

tdmq topic

func (*TdmqService) DeleteTdmqInstance added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DeleteTdmqInstance(ctx context.Context, clusterId string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DeleteTdmqNamespace added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DeleteTdmqNamespace(ctx context.Context, environId string, clusterId string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DeleteTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DeleteTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment(ctx context.Context, environId string,
	roleName string, cluserId string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DeleteTdmqRole added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DeleteTdmqRole(ctx context.Context, roleName string, cluserId string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DeleteTdmqTopic added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DeleteTdmqTopic(ctx context.Context, environId string, topicName string, clusterId string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DescribeTdmqInstanceById added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DescribeTdmqInstanceById(ctx context.Context,
	clusterId string) (info *tdmq.Cluster, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DescribeTdmqNamespaceById added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DescribeTdmqNamespaceById(ctx context.Context,
	environId string, clusterId string) (info *tdmq.Environment, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DescribeTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DescribeTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment(ctx context.Context,
	environId string, roleName string, clusterId string) (info *tdmq.EnvironmentRole, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DescribeTdmqRoleById added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DescribeTdmqRoleById(ctx context.Context,
	roleName string, clusterId string) (info *tdmq.Role, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) DescribeTdmqTopicById added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) DescribeTdmqTopicById(ctx context.Context,
	environId string, topicName string, clusterId string) (info *tdmq.Topic, has bool, errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) ModifyTdmqInstanceAttribute added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) ModifyTdmqInstanceAttribute(ctx context.Context, clusterId, clusterName string,
	remark string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) ModifyTdmqNamespaceAttribute added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) ModifyTdmqNamespaceAttribute(ctx context.Context, environId string, msgTtl uint64,
	remark string, clusterId string, retentionPolicy *tdmq.RetentionPolicy) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) ModifyTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) ModifyTdmqNamespaceRoleAttachment(ctx context.Context,
	environId string, roleName string, permissions []*string, clusterId string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) ModifyTdmqRoleAttribute added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) ModifyTdmqRoleAttribute(ctx context.Context, roleName string, clusterId string,
	remark string) (errRet error)

func (*TdmqService) ModifyTdmqTopicAttribute added in v1.59.12

func (me *TdmqService) ModifyTdmqTopicAttribute(ctx context.Context, environId string, topicName string,
	partitions uint64, remark string, clusterId string) (errRet error)

type TencentCloudClient

type TencentCloudClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type TencentCloudRedisDetail added in v1.41.3

type TencentCloudRedisDetail struct {
	RedisId          string
	Name             string
	Zone             string
	ProjectId        int64
	TypeId           int64
	Type             string
	MemSize          int64
	Status           string
	VpcId            string
	SubnetId         string
	Ip               string
	Port             int64
	RedisShardNum    int64
	RedisReplicasNum int64
	CreateTime       string
	Tags             map[string]string
	BillingMode      string
	NodeInfo         []map[string]interface{}

type TkeService added in v1.41.3

type TkeService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TkeService) CheckClusterVersion added in v1.53.1

func (me *TkeService) CheckClusterVersion(ctx context.Context, id string, clusterVersion string) (isOk bool, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) CheckInstancesUpgradeAble added in v1.56.3

func (me *TkeService) CheckInstancesUpgradeAble(ctx context.Context, id string, upgradeType string) (instanceIds []string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) CreateCluster added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) CreateCluster(ctx context.Context,
	basic ClusterBasicSetting,
	advanced ClusterAdvancedSettings,
	cvms RunInstancesForNode,
	iAdvanced InstanceAdvancedSettings,
	cidrSetting ClusterCidrSettings,
	tags map[string]string,
	existedInstance []*tke.ExistedInstancesForNode,
	overrideSettings *OverrideSettings,
	iDiskMountSettings []*tke.InstanceDataDiskMountSetting,
	extensionAddons []*tke.ExtensionAddon,
) (id string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) CreateClusterAsGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) CreateClusterAsGroup(ctx context.Context, id, groupPara, configPara string, labels []*tke.Label, iAdvanced InstanceAdvancedSettings) (asGroupId string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) CreateClusterEndpoint added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) CreateClusterEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id string, subnetId string, internet bool) (errRet error)

for INDEPENDENT_CLUSTER open internet access

func (*TkeService) CreateClusterEndpointVip added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) CreateClusterEndpointVip(ctx context.Context, id string, securityPolicies []string) (errRet error)

for MANAGED_CLUSTER open internet access

func (*TkeService) CreateClusterInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) CreateClusterInstances(ctx context.Context,
	id string, runInstancePara string,
	iAdvanced tke.InstanceAdvancedSettings) (instanceIds []string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) CreateClusterNodePool added in v1.52.0

func (me *TkeService) CreateClusterNodePool(ctx context.Context, clusterId, name, groupPara, configPara string, enableAutoScale bool, nodeOs string, nodeOsType string, labels []*tke.Label, taints []*tke.Taint, iAdvanced tke.InstanceAdvancedSettings) (asGroupId string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DeleteCluster added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DeleteCluster(ctx context.Context, id string) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DeleteClusterAsGroups added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DeleteClusterAsGroups(ctx context.Context, id, asGroupId string) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DeleteClusterEndpoint added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DeleteClusterEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id string, isInternet bool) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DeleteClusterEndpointVip added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DeleteClusterEndpointVip(ctx context.Context, id string) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DeleteClusterInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DeleteClusterInstances(ctx context.Context, id string, instanceIds []string) (errRet error)

if cluster is creating, return error:TencentCloudSDKError] Code=InternalError.ClusterState

func (*TkeService) DeleteClusterNodePool added in v1.52.0

func (me *TkeService) DeleteClusterNodePool(ctx context.Context, id, nodePoolId string, deleteKeepInstance bool) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeCluster added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeCluster(ctx context.Context, id string) (
	clusterInfo ClusterInfo,
	has bool,
	errRet error,

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterAsGroupsByGroupId added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterAsGroupsByGroupId(ctx context.Context, id string, groupId string) (clusterAsGroupSet *tke.ClusterAsGroup, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterAuthenticationOptions added in v1.59.9

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterAuthenticationOptions(ctx context.Context, id string) (options *tke.ServiceAccountAuthenticationOptions, state string, errRet error)

DescribeClusterAuthenticationOptions Field `ServiceAccounts.AutoCreateDiscoveryAnonymousAuth` will always return null by design

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterConfig added in v1.46.2

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterConfig(ctx context.Context, id string) (config string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterEndpointStatus added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterEndpointStatus(ctx context.Context, id string) (status string, message string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterEndpointVipStatus added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterEndpointVipStatus(ctx context.Context, id string) (status string, message string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterInstances(ctx context.Context, id string) (masters []InstanceInfo, workers []InstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterNodePoolGlobalConfig added in v1.53.1

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterNodePoolGlobalConfig(ctx context.Context, clusterId string) (
	npGlobalConfig *tke.ClusterAsGroupOption,
	errRet error,

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusterSecurity added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusterSecurity(ctx context.Context, id string) (ret *tke.DescribeClusterSecurityResponse, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeClusters added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeClusters(ctx context.Context, id string, name string) (clusterInfos []ClusterInfo, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeImages added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) DescribeImages(ctx context.Context) (imageIds []string, errRet error)

func (*TkeService) DescribeNodePool added in v1.52.0

func (me *TkeService) DescribeNodePool(ctx context.Context, clusterId string, nodePoolId string) (
	nodePool *tke.NodePool,
	has bool,
	errRet error,

func (*TkeService) GetUpgradeInstanceResult added in v1.56.3

func (me *TkeService) GetUpgradeInstanceResult(ctx context.Context, id string) (
	done bool,
	errRet error,

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterAsGroupAttribute added in v1.49.0

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterAsGroupAttribute(ctx context.Context, id, asGroupId string, maxSize, minSize int64) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterAttribute added in v1.50.0

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterAttribute(ctx context.Context, id string, projectId int64, clusterName string, clusterDesc string) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterAuthenticationOptions added in v1.59.9

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterAuthenticationOptions(ctx context.Context, request *tke.ModifyClusterAuthenticationOptionsRequest) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterEndpointSP added in v1.41.3

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterEndpointSP(ctx context.Context, id string, securityPolicies []string) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePool added in v1.52.0

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePool(ctx context.Context, clusterId, nodePoolId string, name string, enableAutoScale bool, minSize int64, maxSize int64, nodeOs string, nodeOsType string, labels []*tke.Label, taints []*tke.Taint) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePoolDesiredCapacity added in v1.52.0

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePoolDesiredCapacity(ctx context.Context, clusterId, nodePoolId string, desiredCapacity int64) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePoolGlobalConfig added in v1.53.1

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePoolGlobalConfig(ctx context.Context, request *tke.ModifyClusterAsGroupOptionAttributeRequest) (errRet error)

node pool global config

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePoolInstanceTypes added in v1.58.4

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterNodePoolInstanceTypes(ctx context.Context, clusterId, nodePoolId string, instanceTypes []*string) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) ModifyClusterVersion added in v1.53.1

func (me *TkeService) ModifyClusterVersion(ctx context.Context, id string, clusterVersion string, extraArgs interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) UpgradeClusterInstances added in v1.56.3

func (me *TkeService) UpgradeClusterInstances(ctx context.Context, id string, upgradeType string, instanceIds []string) (errRet error)

func (*TkeService) WaitForAuthenticationOptionsUpdateSuccess added in v1.59.12

func (me *TkeService) WaitForAuthenticationOptionsUpdateSuccess(ctx context.Context, id string) (info *tke.ServiceAccountAuthenticationOptions, errRet error)

type VodService added in v1.45.0

type VodService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VodService) DeleteAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DeleteAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppid uint64) (errRet error)

func (*VodService) DeleteImageSpriteTemplate added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DeleteImageSpriteTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppid uint64) (errRet error)

func (*VodService) DeleteProcedureTemplate added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DeleteProcedureTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppid uint64) (errRet error)

func (*VodService) DeleteSnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplate added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DeleteSnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppid uint64) (errRet error)

func (*VodService) DeleteSuperPlayerConfig added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DeleteSuperPlayerConfig(ctx context.Context, configId string, subAppid uint64) (errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplatesByFilter added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplatesByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]interface{}) (templates []*vod.AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplatesById added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeAdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplatesById(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppId int) (templateInfo *vod.AdaptiveDynamicStreamingTemplate, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeImageSpriteTemplatesByFilter added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeImageSpriteTemplatesByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]interface{}) (templates []*vod.ImageSpriteTemplate, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeImageSpriteTemplatesById added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeImageSpriteTemplatesById(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppId int) (templateInfo *vod.ImageSpriteTemplate, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeProcedureTemplatesByFilter added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeProcedureTemplatesByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]interface{}) (templates []*vod.ProcedureTemplate, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeProcedureTemplatesById added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeProcedureTemplatesById(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppId int) (templateInfo *vod.ProcedureTemplate, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeSnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplatesByFilter added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeSnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplatesByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]interface{}) (templates []*vod.SnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplate, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeSnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplatesById added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeSnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplatesById(ctx context.Context, templateId string, subAppId int) (templateInfo *vod.SnapshotByTimeOffsetTemplate, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeSuperPlayerConfigsByFilter added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeSuperPlayerConfigsByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string]interface{}) (configs []*vod.PlayerConfig, errRet error)

func (*VodService) DescribeSuperPlayerConfigsById added in v1.45.0

func (me *VodService) DescribeSuperPlayerConfigsById(ctx context.Context, configId string) (configInfo *vod.PlayerConfig, has bool, errRet error)

type VpcACLRule added in v1.41.3

type VpcACLRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

acl rule

type VpcBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

type VpcBasicInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VPC basic information

type VpcEniIP added in v1.41.3

type VpcEniIP struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type VpcRouteEntryBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

type VpcRouteEntryBasicInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

route entry basic information

type VpcRouteTableBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

type VpcRouteTableBasicInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

route table basic information

type VpcSecurityGroupLiteRule added in v1.41.3

type VpcSecurityGroupLiteRule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (VpcSecurityGroupLiteRule) String added in v1.41.3

func (rule VpcSecurityGroupLiteRule) String() string

type VpcService added in v1.41.3

type VpcService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*VpcService) AssignIpv4ToEni added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) AssignIpv4ToEni(ctx context.Context, id string, ipv4s []VpcEniIP, ipv4Count *int) error

func (*VpcService) AssociateAclSubnets added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) AssociateAclSubnets(ctx context.Context, aclId string, subnetIds []string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) AttachCcnInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) AttachCcnInstances(ctx context.Context, ccnId, instanceRegion, instanceType, instanceId string, ccnUin string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) AttachEip added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) AttachEip(ctx context.Context, eipId, instanceId string) error

func (*VpcService) AttachEniToCvm added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) AttachEniToCvm(ctx context.Context, eniId, cvmId string) error

func (*VpcService) AttachLiteRulesToSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) AttachLiteRulesToSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, sgId string, ingress, egress []VpcSecurityGroupLiteRule) error

func (*VpcService) AttachRulesToACL added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) AttachRulesToACL(ctx context.Context, aclID string, ingressParm, egressParm []VpcACLRule) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateAddressTemplate added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) CreateAddressTemplate(ctx context.Context, name string, addresses []interface{}) (templateId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateAddressTemplateGroup added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) CreateAddressTemplateGroup(ctx context.Context, name string, addressTemplate []interface{}) (templateId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateCcn added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateCcn(ctx context.Context, name, description,
	qos, chargeType, bandWithLimitType string) (basicInfo CcnBasicInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateDirectConnectGateway added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateDirectConnectGateway(ctx context.Context, name, networkType, networkInstanceId, gatewayType string) (
	dcgId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute(ctx context.Context, dcgId, cidr string, asPaths []string) (routeId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateEni added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateEni(
	ctx context.Context,
	name, vpcId, subnetId, desc string,
	securityGroups []string,
	ipv4Count *int,
	ipv4s []VpcEniIP,
) (id string, err error)

func (*VpcService) CreateNatGatewaySnat added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) CreateNatGatewaySnat(ctx context.Context, natGatewayId string, snat *vpc.SourceIpTranslationNatRule) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateRouteTable added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateRouteTable(ctx context.Context, name, vpcId string) (routeTableId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateRoutes added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateRoutes(ctx context.Context,
	routeTableId, destinationCidrBlock, nextType, nextHub, description string) (entryId int64, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, name, desc string, projectId *int) (id string, err error)

func (*VpcService) CreateSecurityGroupPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateSecurityGroupPolicy(ctx context.Context, info securityGroupRuleBasicInfo) (ruleId string, err error)

func (*VpcService) CreateServiceTemplate added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) CreateServiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, name string, services []interface{}) (templateId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateServiceTemplateGroup added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) CreateServiceTemplateGroup(ctx context.Context, name string, serviceTemplate []interface{}) (templateId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateSubnet added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateSubnet(ctx context.Context, vpcId, name, cidr, zone string) (subnetId string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateVpc added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateVpc(ctx context.Context, name, cidr string,
	isMulticast bool, dnsServers []string) (vpcId string, isDefault bool, errRet error)


func (*VpcService) CreateVpcNetworkAcl added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) CreateVpcNetworkAcl(ctx context.Context, vpcID string, name string) (aclID string, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) CreateVpnGatewayRoute added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) CreateVpnGatewayRoute(ctx context.Context, vpnGatewayId string, vpnGwRoutes []*vpc.VpnGatewayRoute) (errRet error, routes []*vpc.VpnGatewayRoute)

func (*VpcService) DeleteAcl added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteAcl(ctx context.Context, aclID string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteAclAttachment added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteAclAttachment(ctx context.Context, attachmentAcl string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteAddressTemplate added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DeleteAddressTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteAddressTemplateGroup added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DeleteAddressTemplateGroup(ctx context.Context, templateGroupId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteCcn added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteCcn(ctx context.Context, ccnId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteDirectConnectGateway added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteDirectConnectGateway(ctx context.Context, dcgId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute(ctx context.Context, dcgId, routeId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteEip added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteEip(ctx context.Context, eipId string) error

func (*VpcService) DeleteEni added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteEni(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*VpcService) DeleteLiteRules added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteLiteRules(ctx context.Context, sgId string, rules []VpcSecurityGroupLiteRule, isIngress bool) error

func (*VpcService) DeleteNatGatewaySnat added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) DeleteNatGatewaySnat(ctx context.Context, natGatewayId string, snatId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteRouteTable added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteRouteTable(ctx context.Context, routeTableId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteRoutes added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteRoutes(ctx context.Context, routeTableId string, entryId uint64) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, id string) error

func (*VpcService) DeleteSecurityGroupPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteSecurityGroupPolicy(ctx context.Context, ruleId string) error

func (*VpcService) DeleteServiceTemplate added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DeleteServiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteServiceTemplateGroup added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DeleteServiceTemplateGroup(ctx context.Context, templateGroupId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteSubnet added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteSubnet(ctx context.Context, subnetId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteVpc added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DeleteVpc(ctx context.Context, vpcId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes(ctx context.Context, vpnGatewayId string, routeIds []*string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplateById added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplateById(ctx context.Context, templateId string) (template *vpc.AddressTemplate, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplateGroupById added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplateGroupById(ctx context.Context, templateGroupId string) (templateGroup *vpc.AddressTemplateGroup, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplateGroups added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplateGroups(ctx context.Context, filter []*vpc.Filter) (templateList []*vpc.AddressTemplateGroup, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplates added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeAddressTemplates(ctx context.Context, filter []*vpc.Filter) (templateList []*vpc.AddressTemplate, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeByAclId added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeByAclId(ctx context.Context, attachmentAcl string) (has bool, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCcn added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeCcn(ctx context.Context, ccnId string) (info CcnBasicInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCcnAttachedInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeCcnAttachedInstance(ctx context.Context, ccnId,
	instanceRegion, instanceType, instanceId string) (info CcnAttachedInstanceInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCcnAttachedInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeCcnAttachedInstances(ctx context.Context, ccnId string) (infos []CcnAttachedInstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCcnAttachmentsByInstance added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeCcnAttachmentsByInstance(ctx context.Context, instanceType string, instanceId string, instanceRegion string) (infos []vpc.CcnAttachedInstance, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimit added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimit(ctx context.Context, ccnId,
	region string) (bandwidth int64, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(ctx context.Context, ccnId string) (infos []CcnBandwidthLimit, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeCcns added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeCcns(ctx context.Context, ccnId, name string) (infos []CcnBasicInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGateway added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGateway(ctx context.Context, dcgId string) (info DcgInstanceInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoute(ctx context.Context, dcgId, routeId string) (infoRet DcgRouteInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes(ctx context.Context, dcgId string) (infos []DcgRouteInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGateways added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeDirectConnectGateways(ctx context.Context, dcgId, name string) (
	infos []DcgInstanceInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEipByFilter added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeEipByFilter(ctx context.Context, filters map[string][]string) (eips []*vpc.Address, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEipById added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeEipById(ctx context.Context, eipId string) (eip *vpc.Address, errRet error)


func (*VpcService) DescribeEniByFilters added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeEniByFilters(
	ctx context.Context,
	vpcId, subnetId, cvmId, sgId, name, desc, ipv4 *string,
	tags map[string]string,
) (enis []*vpc.NetworkInterface, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeEniById added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeEniById(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (enis []*vpc.NetworkInterface, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeHaVipEipById added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeHaVipEipById(ctx context.Context, haVipEipAttachmentId string) (eip string, haVip string, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNatGatewaySnats added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeNatGatewaySnats(ctx context.Context, natGatewayId string, filters []*vpc.Filter) (errRet error, result []*vpc.SourceIpTranslationNatRule)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNetWorkAcls added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeNetWorkAcls(ctx context.Context, aclID, vpcID, name string) (info []*vpc.NetworkAcl, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeNetWorkByACLID added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeNetWorkByACLID(ctx context.Context, aclID string) (info *vpc.NetworkAcl, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTable added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeRouteTable(ctx context.Context, routeTableId string) (info VpcRouteTableBasicInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeRouteTables added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeRouteTables(ctx context.Context,
	vpcId string,
	tags map[string]string,
	associationMain *bool,
	tagKey string) (infos []VpcRouteTableBasicInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, id string) (sg *vpc.SecurityGroup, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroupPolices added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroupPolices(ctx context.Context, sgId string) (ingress, egress []VpcSecurityGroupLiteRule, exist bool, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroupPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroupPolicy(ctx context.Context, ruleId string) (sgId string, policyType string, policy *vpc.SecurityGroupPolicy, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroups added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, sgId, sgName *string, projectId *int, tags map[string]string) (sgs []*vpc.SecurityGroup, err error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroupsAssociate added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeSecurityGroupsAssociate(ctx context.Context, ids []string) ([]*vpc.SecurityGroupAssociationStatistics, error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplateById added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplateById(ctx context.Context, templateId string) (template *vpc.ServiceTemplate, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplateGroupById added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplateGroupById(ctx context.Context, templateGroupId string) (template *vpc.ServiceTemplateGroup, has bool, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplateGroups added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplateGroups(ctx context.Context, filter []*vpc.Filter) (templateList []*vpc.ServiceTemplateGroup, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplates added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeServiceTemplates(ctx context.Context, filter []*vpc.Filter) (templateList []*vpc.ServiceTemplate, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSubnet added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeSubnet(ctx context.Context,
	subnetId string,
	isRemoteVpcSNAT *bool,
	cidrBlock string) (info VpcSubnetBasicInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeSubnets added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeSubnets(ctx context.Context,
	zone string,
	tags map[string]string,
	isDefaultPtr *bool,
	isRemoteVpcSNAT *bool,
	cidrBlock string) (infos []VpcSubnetBasicInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpc added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeVpc(ctx context.Context,
	vpcId string,
	tagKey string,
	cidrBlock string) (info VpcBasicInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpcs added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeVpcs(ctx context.Context,
	vpcId, name string,
	tags map[string]string,
	isDefaultPtr *bool,
	tagKey string,
	cidrBlock string) (infos []VpcBasicInfo, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes(ctx context.Context, vpnGatewayId string, filters []*vpc.Filter) (errRet error, result []*vpc.VpnGatewayRoute)

func (*VpcService) DescribeVpngwById added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DescribeVpngwById(ctx context.Context, vpngwId string) (has bool, gateway *vpc.VpnGateway, err error)

func (*VpcService) DetachAllLiteRulesFromSecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DetachAllLiteRulesFromSecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, sgId string) error

func (*VpcService) DetachCcnInstances added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DetachCcnInstances(ctx context.Context, ccnId, instanceRegion, instanceType, instanceId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) DetachEniFromCvm added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) DetachEniFromCvm(ctx context.Context, eniId, cvmId string) error

func (*VpcService) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimit added in v1.53.0

func (me *VpcService) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimit(ctx context.Context, ccnId,
	region, dstRegion, limitType string) (int64, error)

func (*VpcService) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits added in v1.53.0

func (me *VpcService) GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(ctx context.Context,
	ccnID string) (infos []vpc.CcnRegionBandwidthLimit, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) GetCcnRouteId added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) GetCcnRouteId(ctx context.Context, dcgId, cidr string, asPaths []string) (routeId string, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) GetRouteId added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) GetRouteId(ctx context.Context,
	routeTableId, destinationCidrBlock, nextType, nextHub, description string) (entryId int64, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) IsRouteTableInVpc added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) IsRouteTableInVpc(ctx context.Context, routeTableId, vpcId string) (info VpcRouteTableBasicInfo, has int, errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyAddressTemplate added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) ModifyAddressTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, name string, addresses []interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyAddressTemplateGroup added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) ModifyAddressTemplateGroup(ctx context.Context, templateGroupId string, name string, templateIds []interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyCcnAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyCcnAttribute(ctx context.Context, ccnId, name, description string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType added in v1.53.0

func (me *VpcService) ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType(ctx context.Context, ccnID, limitType string) error

func (*VpcService) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute(ctx context.Context, dcgId, name string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyEipBandwidthOut added in v1.53.6

func (me *VpcService) ModifyEipBandwidthOut(ctx context.Context, eipId string, bandwidthOut int) error

func (*VpcService) ModifyEipName added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyEipName(ctx context.Context, eipId, eipName string) error

func (*VpcService) ModifyEniAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyEniAttribute(ctx context.Context, id string, name, desc *string, sgs []string) error

func (*VpcService) ModifyEniPrimaryIpv4Desc added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyEniPrimaryIpv4Desc(ctx context.Context, id, ip string, desc *string) error

func (*VpcService) ModifyNatGatewaySnat added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) ModifyNatGatewaySnat(ctx context.Context, natGatewayId string, snat *vpc.SourceIpTranslationNatRule) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyNetWorkAclRules added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyNetWorkAclRules(ctx context.Context, aclID string, ingressParm, egressParm []VpcACLRule) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyRouteTableAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyRouteTableAttribute(ctx context.Context, routeTableId string, name string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifySecurityGroup added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifySecurityGroup(ctx context.Context, id string, newName, newDesc *string) error

func (*VpcService) ModifySecurityGroupPolicy added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifySecurityGroupPolicy(ctx context.Context, ruleId string, desc *string) error

func (*VpcService) ModifyServiceTemplate added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) ModifyServiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, name string, services []interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyServiceTemplateGroup added in v1.50.0

func (me *VpcService) ModifyServiceTemplateGroup(ctx context.Context, serviceGroupId string, name string, templateIds []interface{}) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifySubnetAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifySubnetAttribute(ctx context.Context, subnetId, name string, isMulticast bool) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyVpcAttribute added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyVpcAttribute(ctx context.Context, vpcId, name string, isMulticast bool, dnsServers []string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyVpcNetworkAcl added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ModifyVpcNetworkAcl(ctx context.Context, id *string, name *string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) ModifyVpnGatewayRoute added in v1.58.0

func (me *VpcService) ModifyVpnGatewayRoute(ctx context.Context, vpnGatewayId, routeId, status string) (errRet error, routes *vpc.VpnGatewayRoute)

func (*VpcService) ReplaceRouteTableAssociation added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) ReplaceRouteTableAssociation(ctx context.Context, subnetId string, routeTableId string) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits(ctx context.Context, ccnId, region, dstRegion string,
	bandwidth int64) (errRet error)

func (*VpcService) UnAssignIpv4FromEni added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) UnAssignIpv4FromEni(ctx context.Context, id string, ipv4s []string) error

func (*VpcService) UnattachEip added in v1.41.3

func (me *VpcService) UnattachEip(ctx context.Context, eipId string) error

type VpcSubnetBasicInfo added in v1.41.3

type VpcSubnetBasicInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

subnet basic information

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