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Published: May 7, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 12 Imported by: 0



Metric SDK 包致力于为bcs体系内的各组件提供灵活、方便、可插拔式的运行时指标导出服务。指标导出服务以http服务的方式对外提供。Metric SDK支持基础的数值型(仅包括int8, int, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64)和字符串两种类型的key-value指标导出服务。对于数值型的指标,为了兼顾不同场景,SDK统一以float64对外展示。

各组件可根据自身需求定制自身需要导出的指标信息,Metric SDK 的主要包含以下特性:

  • 目前仅支持golang语言,其它语言暂不支持。

  • 默认提供该组件的runtime metric。如:使用的CPU数量、goroutine数量和内存等信息。

  • 非侵入式接口设计。核心指标数据通过回调函数进行采集,在满足接口间隔离、解耦的同时,方便后续的功能扩展,尽量避免SDK的更新、升级、迭代会影响到相关的使用组件。

  • 非阻塞式接口设计。由于无法保证各组件在使用接口时的具体行为,metric在处理每一个metric时会默认设置一个超时时间5s,保证所有的metric信息不会因为某一个metric的阻塞而造成拉取metric信息失败。所以使用SDK的组件在实现相关接口时尽量采用非阻塞式设计。

  • 提供metric分组管理机制,各组件可根据自身情况进行metric的分类管理和导出。

  • 对于同一组件,metric SDK 也提供各实例间的个性化标识功能,方便指标数据汇聚后的过滤、清洗等。该功能通过label(key, value)实现。   考虑以下场景,bcs-health在深圳、上海、成都均部署有,那么当指标数据汇聚以后如何区分不同的bcs-health集群和实例呢,我们可以在启动bcs-health时配置不同的label,如("set", "shenzhen"),("set", "shanghai")等。

  • 对于常见的数值型metric,提供基础的数值型metric接入插件, 方便各组件快速构建。

Golang Metric

指标 意义
go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist.
go_threads Number of OS threads created
go_cpu_used The number of logical CPUs usable by the current process
go_memstats_alloc_bytes Number of bytes allocated and still in use.
go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed.
go_memstats_sys_bytes Number of bytes obtained from system.
go_memstats_mallocs_total Total number of mallocs.
go_memstats_frees_total Total number of frees.
go_memstats_lookups_total Total number of pointer lookups.
go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytes Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use.
go_memstats_heap_sys_bytes Number of heap bytes obtained from system.
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes Number of heap bytes waiting to be used.
go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes Number of heap bytes that are in use.
go_memstats_heap_released_bytes Number of heap bytes released to OS.
go_memstats_heap_objects Number of allocated objects.
go_memstats_stack_inuse_bytes Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator.
go_memstats_stack_sys_bytes Number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator.
go_memstats_mspan_inuse_bytes Number of bytes in use by mspan structures.
go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytes Number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from s
go_memstats_mcache_inuse_bytes Number of bytes in use by mcache structures.
go_memstats_mcache_sys_bytes Number of bytes used for mcache structures obtained from
go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytes Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table.
go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes Number of bytes used for garbage collection system metada
go_memstats_other_sys_bytes Number of bytes used for other system allocations.
go_memstats_next_gc_bytes Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place
go_memstats_last_gc_time_seconds Number of seconds since 1970 of last garbage collection.
go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction The fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started.


使用metric SDK的组件在启用metric导出服务时,仅调用函数[metric.NewMetricController()] (./api.go#3)。调用NewMetricController()会完成以下动作:

  • 注册该组件的元数据信息,如下。具体含义如下:

    type Config struct {
    	Module     string            
    	IP         string            
    	MetricPort uint16            
    	ClusterID  string            
    	Labels     map[string]string 
    • Module即为使用SDK模块的名称(如bcs-health),属必填字段;
    • IP为该组件所在主机的物理IP地址,同时也是metric提供http服务时所绑定的IP地址,属必填字段。
    • ClusterID为该组件的获取的bcs Cluster ID值,属选填字段,建议有该属性的组件必填,没有的不填。方便数据的后续过滤、清洗。
    • MetricPort为该组件监听的http端口。
    • Labels为组件的不同实例提供个性化定义的需求。属选填字段。
  • 注册用户自定义的Collector,即为用户的metric组,每个组又包含不同的具体metric信息。如下:

    type CollectorName string
    type Collector struct {
       Name      CollectorName
       Collector CollectInter
    • Name: 即为metric 组的名称,同一组件内不可重复。
    • Collector: 即为获取该metric指标的接口。具体接口为:
    type CollectInter interface {
    • 指标获取是通过调用用户实现的函数Collect()[]MetricInterf来实现。
    • 考虑不同指标的获取方法不同,同时为用户提供灵活的实现方法,具体每个指标数据的获取也通过接口(interface)的方式来获取。每个指标只要实现了MetricInterf接口, Metric SDK即可抓取数据。目前GetExtension()接口为预留接口,返回的数据为空。
    type MetricInterf interface {
    	    GetMeta() MetricMeta
    	    GetValue() (*FloatOrString, error)
    	    GetExtension() (*MetricExtension, error)


  下面给大家展示一下具体的实用方法,源码在[这里] (fake/main.go)。


  • 如何使用FloatOrString接口。
  • 如何实例化Metric SDK。
  • 如何使用Metric SDK提供的插件。
package main

import (

func main() {

	// 生成metric配置数据信息
   conf := metric.Config{
		ModuleName: "DemoModule",
		RunMode: metric.Master_Master_Mode,
		MetricPort: 9980,
		IP: "",
		ClusterID: "bcs-test-cluster-id",
		Labels: map[string]string {
			"demoLabelKey": "demoLabelValue",
	healthFunc := func() metric.HealthMeta {
		return metric.HealthMeta{
			IsHealthy: true,
			CurrentRole: metric.MasterRole,
			Message: "is healthy now.",
	// 注册相关元数据信息、指标组,并拉起metric SDK。
	if err := metric.NewMetricController(
		// 注册DemoCollector指标组,该指标组包含数据类型指标和字符类型指标的
		// 具体使用方法。
		metric.NewCollector("DemoCollector", NewIntStringDemo()),
		// 注册plugin demo指标组。描述计数类metric的插件使用方法。
		NewCounterCollector()); nil != err {
	fmt.Println("start metric controller success.")
	select {}

func NewCounterCollector() *metric.Collector {
	cm := plugin.NewCounterMetric("money_in_bank", "this metric describe the money saved in bank.")
	pw := plugin.NewCounterMetric("password", "this metric describe the current password.")
	cc := &CounterController{
		Money: cm,
		Password: pw,

	go cc.Sync()
	return metric.NewCollector("counter_metric_demo", cc)

type CounterController struct {
	Money plugin.CounterInterface
	Password plugin.CounterInterface

func (cc *CounterController)Sync()  {
	for {
		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(1))
		cc.Money.Increase(rand.Float64() * 100)

		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(1))
		cc.Money.Decrease(rand.Float64() * 100)
		cc.Password.Set(rand.Float64() * 100000000000000000)

func (cc CounterController) Collect()[]metric.MetricInterf {
	m := []metric.MetricInterf{cc.Money, cc.Password}
	return m

func NewIntStringDemo() *IntStringMetricDemo {
	return &IntStringMetricDemo{
		metrics: []DemoMetric{
				Name: "IntMetric",
				Help: "this metric describe a int metric like number of cpu cost.",
				GetFunc: func()(*metric.FloatOrString, error) {return metric.FormFloatOrString(8888)},
				Name: "StringMetric",
				Help: "this metric gives you more ways to describe you process, like it's runing well.",
				GetFunc: func()(*metric.FloatOrString, error){return metric.FormFloatOrString("bcs is running well.")},

type IntStringMetricDemo struct{
	metrics []DemoMetric

func(d IntStringMetricDemo)Collect()[]metric.MetricInterf {
	m := make([]metric.MetricInterf, 0)
	for idx := range d.metrics {
		m = append(m, &d.metrics[idx])
	return m

type DemoMetric struct{
	Name string
	Help string
	GetFunc func() (*metric.FloatOrString, error)

func(d DemoMetric) GetMeta() metric.MetricMeta {
	return metric.MetricMeta{
		Name: d.Name,
		Help: d.Help,

func(d DemoMetric) GetValue() (*metric.FloatOrString, error) {
	return d.GetFunc()

func(d DemoMetric) GetExtension() (*metric.MetricExtension, error){
	return nil, nil


    "metaData": {
        "module": "DemoModule",
        "ipAddr": "",
        "clusterID": "bcs-test-cluster-id",
        "label": {
            "demoLabelKey": "demoLabelValue"
    "metricBundle": {
        "DemoCollector": [
                "name": "IntMetric",
                "help": "this metric describe a int metric like number of cpu cost.",
                "value": 8888,
                "extension": null
                "name": "StringMetric",
                "help": "this metric gives you more ways to describe you process, like it's runing well.",
                "value": "bcs is running well.",
                "extension": null
        "counter_metric_demo": [
                "name": "money_in_bank",
                "help": "this metric describe the money saved in bank.",
                "value": 10010.186538712158,
                "extension": null
                "name": "password",
                "help": "this metric describe the current password.",
                "value": 66456005321849040,
                "extension": null
        "golang_metrics": [
                "name": "go_goroutines",
                "help": "Number of goroutines that currently exist.",
                "value": 6,
                "extension": null
                "name": "go_threads",
                "help": "Number of OS threads created",
                "value": 7,
                "extension": null
                "name": "go_memstats_alloc_bytes",
                "help": "Number of bytes allocated and still in use.",
                "value": 397024,
                "extension": null
                "name": "go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total",
                "help": "Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed.",
                "value": 397024,
                "extension": null
                "name": "go_memstats_sys_bytes",
                "help": "Number of bytes obtained from system.",
                "value": 3084288,
                "extension": null
                "name": "go_memstats_mallocs_total",
                "help": "Total number of mallocs.",
                "value": 5047,
                "extension": null
                "name": "go_memstats_frees_total",
                "help": "Total number of frees.",
                "value": 111,
                "extension": null
    "reportTimeMs": 1509099991




View Source
const (
	MetricPort = 60060

metric const define


This section is empty.


func CheckHealthy

func CheckHealthy(address string) error


type Action

type Action struct {
	Method      string
	Path        string
	HandlerFunc http.HandlerFunc

func NewMetricController

func NewMetricController(conf Config, healthFunc HealthFunc, collectors ...*Collector) []Action

type CollectInter

type CollectInter interface {
	Collect() []MetricInterf

type Collector

type Collector struct {
	Name      CollectorName
	Collector CollectInter

func NewCollector

func NewCollector(name string, collector CollectInter) *Collector

type CollectorName

type CollectorName string

type Config

type Config struct {
	// name of your module
	ModuleName string
	// server address
	ServerAddress string
	// self defined info labeled on your metrics.
	Labels map[string]string
	// metric http server's ssl configuration
	SvrCaFile   string
	SvrCertFile string
	SvrKeyFile  string
	CertPasswd  string

Config define metric's define

type FloatOrString

type FloatOrString struct {
	Type   ValueType
	Float  float64
	String string

func FormFloatOrString

func FormFloatOrString(val interface{}) (*FloatOrString, error)

func (FloatOrString) MarshalJSON

func (fs FloatOrString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*FloatOrString) UnmarshalJSON

func (fs *FloatOrString) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type HealthFunc

type HealthFunc func() HealthMeta

HealthFunc returns HealthMeta

type HealthInfo

type HealthInfo struct {
	Module     string `json:"module"`
	Address    string `json:"address"`
	HealthMeta `json:",inline"`
	AtTime     types.Time `json:"at_time"`

type HealthItem

type HealthItem struct {
	// item name
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// if this module is healthy
	IsHealthy bool `json:"healthy"`
	// messages which describes the health status
	Message string `json:"message"`

HealthItem define

func NewHealthItem

func NewHealthItem(name string, err error) HealthItem

NewHealthItem build the HealthItem depend on checkHealthFuc return

type HealthMeta

type HealthMeta struct {
	// if this module is healthy
	IsHealthy bool `json:"healthy"`
	// messages which describes the health status
	Message string `json:"message"`

	Items []HealthItem `json:"items"`

HealthMeta define the HealthMeta that shows whether this server healthy

type HealthResponse

type HealthResponse struct {
	Code    int        `json:"code"`
	OK      bool       `json:"ok"`
	Message string     `json:"message"`
	Data    HealthInfo `json:"data"`
	Result  bool       `json:"result"`

type MetaData

type MetaData struct {
	Module        string            `json:"module"`
	ServerAddress string            `json:"server_address"`
	ClusterID     string            `json:"clusterID"`
	Labels        map[string]string `json:"label"`

type Metric

type Metric struct {
	MetricMeta `json:",inline"`
	Value      *FloatOrString   `json:"value"`
	Extension  *MetricExtension `json:"extension"`

type MetricController

type MetricController struct {
	MetaData   *MetaData
	Collectors map[CollectorName]CollectInter

func (*MetricController) PackMetrics

func (mc *MetricController) PackMetrics() (*[]byte, error)

type MetricExtension

type MetricExtension struct{}

type MetricFamily

type MetricFamily struct {
	MetaData     *MetaData                   `json:"metaData"`
	MetricBundle map[CollectorName][]*Metric `json:"metricBundle"`
	ReportTimeMs int64                       `json:"reportTimeMs"`

type MetricInterf

type MetricInterf interface {
	GetMeta() MetricMeta
	GetValue() (*FloatOrString, error)
	GetExtension() (*MetricExtension, error)

type MetricMeta

type MetricMeta struct {
	// metric's name
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// metric's help info, which should be short and briefly.
	Help string `json:"help"`

MetricMeta define the MetricMeta that shows the named metric

type RoleType

type RoleType string

used when your module running with Master_Slave_Mode mode

type RunModeType

type RunModeType string

type ValueType

type ValueType string
const (
	Float  ValueType = "Float"
	String ValueType = "String"


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