Cloud Events
send manually with nats-pub
send a minimal event manually with nats-pub
nats-pub -s '' 'com.plugis.browser' '{"type": "","data": {"url": ""}, "id": "123","source": "manual","specversion": "1.0"}'
nats-pub -s '' 'com.plugis.browser' '{"type": "","data": {"url": ""}, "id": "123","source": "manual","specversion": "1.0"}'
use new nats client
# create local context
nats context add local --server localhost:4222 --description "Localhost" --select
# add user/password
export EDITOR=vim
nats context edit local
# use local context
nats context select local
# test round-trip time
nats rtt
# get jetstream account info
nats account info
# see jetstream events
nats event --js-advisory
# get event json schema
nats schema show io.nats.jetstream.api.v1.stream_create_response
# subscribe on all topics
nats sub '>'
MQTT client with nats
mosquitto_sub -h -t '#' -v -d -u -P
AsyncAPI with CloudEvents
Simulating CloudEvents with AsyncAPI and Microcks