Go Webdaemons (WIP)
This library allows you to offload intensive and/or redundant Web page processing into a singular Go WebAssembly process, that can be shared between your page's tabs. It also aims to provide similar functionality in Node/Electron.
If that doesn't interest you, you can also just import the following isomorphic wasm packages to be used as you see fit.
for a WebSocket client
for IndexedDB (WebAssembly) and BoltDB (native)
for inter-process communication (Worker MessagePort in WebAssembly, local WebSocket server natively)
Go service: example.go
gowebd gen example.go -o dist
package main
import (
func main() {
svc := service.New()
// Triggers when a JS client connects
svc.OnPort(func(port *service.Port) {
fmt.Println("Port opened")
// Generates a UUIDv4 string
svc.On("uuid-gen", func(q *service.Query) {
JS client
import Webdaemon from "go-web-daemons";
var service = new Webdaemon("example");
service.on("load", onload);
async function onload() {
// Returns UUID string in promise
var uuid = await service.q("uuid-gen");
console.log(`Service returned ${uuid}`);