Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CMalloc(nbytes int) (dataPtr unsafe.Pointer, buf *bytes.Buffer)
- func Copy_(self, src *Tensor)
- func DataAsPtr(data interface{}) (dataPtr unsafe.Pointer, err error)
- func DataCheck(data interface{}) (k reflect.Type, n int, err error)
- func DataDim(data interface{}) (retVal int, err error)
- func DecodeTensor(r *bytes.Reader, shape []int64, typ reflect.Type, ptr reflect.Value) error
- func ElementCount(shape []int64) int64
- func EncodeTensor(w *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value, shape []int64) error
- func FlattenData(data interface{}) (fData interface{}, err error)
- func FlattenDim(shape []int64) int
- func GradSetEnabled(b bool) (bool, error)
- func InvokeFnWithArgs(fn interface{}, args ...string)
- func MustGradSetEnabled(b bool) bool
- func MustSaveMulti(namedTensors []NamedTensor, path string)
- func NoGrad(fn interface{})
- func NoGrad1(fn func() interface{}) interface{}
- func SaveHwc(ts *Tensor, path string) error
- func SaveMulti(namedTensors []NamedTensor, path string) error
- func SaveMultiNew(namedTensors []NamedTensor, path string) error
- func TorchErr() error
- type CIValue
- type CModule
- func (cm *CModule) Drop()
- func (cm *CModule) Forward(tensor *Tensor) (*Tensor, error)
- func (cm *CModule) ForwardIs(ivalues []IValue) (*IValue, error)
- func (cm *CModule) ForwardTs(tensors []Tensor) (*Tensor, error)
- func (cm *CModule) GetProfilingMode() bool
- func (cm *CModule) NamedParameters() ([]NamedTensor, error)
- func (cm *CModule) Save(file string) error
- func (cm *CModule) SetEval()
- func (cm *CModule) SetProfilingMode(b bool)
- func (cm *CModule) SetTrain()
- func (cm *CModule) To(device gotch.Device, kind gotch.DType, nonBlocking bool)
- type COptimizer
- type Func
- type FuncInfo
- type IValue
- type IValueKind
- type IndexOp
- type IndexSelect
- type InsertNewAxis
- type Iter2
- type Iter2Item
- type Iterable
- type Iterator
- type Module
- type ModuleOption
- type ModuleT
- type ModuleTOption
- type NamedTensor
- func LoadMulti(path string) ([]NamedTensor, error)
- func LoadMultiWithDevice(path string, device gotch.Device) ([]NamedTensor, error)
- func MustLoadMulti(path string) []NamedTensor
- func MustLoadMultiWithDevice(path string, device gotch.Device) []NamedTensor
- func ReadNpz(filePath string) ([]NamedTensor, error)
- type Narrow
- type NewAxis
- type NoGradGuard
- type NpyHeader
- type Reduction
- type Scalar
- type Select
- type Tensor
- func AffineGridGenerator(theta *Tensor, size []int64, alignCorners bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func AffineGridGeneratorBackward(grad *Tensor, size []int64, alignCorners bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func AlignTensors(tensors []Tensor) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func AlphaDropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Arange(end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Arange1(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Arange2(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, step *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ArangeOut(out *Tensor, end *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ArangeOut1(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BartlettWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BartlettWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BatchNorm(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, runningMean *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BatchNormBackwardElemt(gradOut *Tensor, input *Tensor, mean *Tensor, invstd *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BatchNormElemt(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, mean *Tensor, invstd *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BatchNormElemtOut(out *Tensor, input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, mean *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Bilinear(input1 *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Binomial(count *Tensor, prob *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BlackmanWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BlackmanWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BlockDiag(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func BroadcastTensors(tensors []Tensor) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func Bucketize1(selfScalar *Scalar, boundaries *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CartesianProd(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Cat(tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CatOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Cdist(x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor, p float64, computeMode []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ChainMatmul(matrices []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Col2imBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Col2imBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Complex(real *Tensor, imag *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ComplexOut(out *Tensor, real *Tensor, imag *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Conv1d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Conv2d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Conv3d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ConvTranspose1d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ConvTranspose2d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ConvTranspose3d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Convolution(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ConvolutionOverrideable(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CosineEmbeddingLoss(input1 *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, target *Tensor, margin float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CosineSimilarity(x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor, dim int64, eps float64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CtcLoss(logProbs *Tensor, targets *Tensor, inputLengths []int64, targetLengths []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CtcLoss1(logProbs *Tensor, targets *Tensor, inputLengths *Tensor, targetLengths *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CudnnAffineGridGenerator(theta *Tensor, n int64, c int64, h int64, w int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CudnnAffineGridGeneratorBackward(grad *Tensor, n int64, c int64, h int64, w int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CudnnConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CudnnConvolutionTransposeBackwardInput(gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CummaxminBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, indices *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func CumprodBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func DiagBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, diagonal int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func DiagonalBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, offset int64, dim1 int64, dim2 int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Dropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Dstack(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func DstackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Einsum(equation string, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, alpha *Scalar, scale *Scalar, inputScale *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EluBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, alpha *Scalar, scale *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Embedding(weight *Tensor, indices *Tensor, paddingIdx int64, scaleGradByFreq bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EmbeddingBackward(grad *Tensor, indices *Tensor, numWeights int64, paddingIdx int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EmbeddingDenseBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, numWeights int64, paddingIdx int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EmbeddingSparseBackward(grad *Tensor, indices *Tensor, numWeights int64, paddingIdx int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Empty(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EmptyMeta(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EmptyOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EmptyQuantized(size []int64, qtensor *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EmptyStrided(size []int64, stride []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Eye(n int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Eye1(n int64, m int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EyeOut(out *Tensor, n int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func EyeOut1(out *Tensor, n int64, m int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FbgemmLinearFp16Weight(input *Tensor, packedWeight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FbgemmLinearFp16WeightFp32Activation(input *Tensor, packedWeight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FbgemmLinearInt8Weight(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, packed *Tensor, colOffsets *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FbgemmLinearInt8WeightFp32Activation(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, packed *Tensor, colOffsets *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FbgemmPackGemmMatrixFp16(input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FbgemmPackQuantizedMatrix(input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FbgemmPackQuantizedMatrix1(input *Tensor, k int64, n int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FeatureAlphaDropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FeatureDropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FromFile(filename string, shared bool, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Full(size []int64, fillValue *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func FullOut(out *Tensor, size []int64, fillValue *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func GridSampler(input *Tensor, grid *Tensor, interpolationMode int64, paddingMode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func GridSampler2d(input *Tensor, grid *Tensor, interpolationMode int64, paddingMode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func GridSampler3d(input *Tensor, grid *Tensor, interpolationMode int64, paddingMode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func GroupNorm(input *Tensor, numGroups int64, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, eps float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func GruCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HammingWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HammingWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HammingWindow2(windowLength int64, periodic bool, alpha float64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HammingWindow3(windowLength int64, periodic bool, alpha float64, beta float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HannWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HannWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Hspmm(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HspmmOut(out *Tensor, mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Hstack(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func HstackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Im2colBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, inputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Im2colBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, inputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func IndexSelectBackward(grad *Tensor, selfSizes []int64, dim int64, index *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func InstanceNorm(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, runningMean *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func KaiserWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func KaiserWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func KaiserWindow2(windowLength int64, periodic bool, beta float64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func LayerNorm(input *Tensor, normalizedShape []int64, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Linear(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Linspace(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func LinspaceOut(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Load(path string) (*Tensor, error)
- func LoadHwc(path string) (*Tensor, error)
- func Logspace(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64, base float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func LogspaceOut(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64, base float64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MarginRankingLoss(input1 *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, target *Tensor, margin float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MaskedSelectBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, mask *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MiopenConvolutionBackwardBias(gradOutput *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MiopenConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MiopenConvolutionTransposeBackwardInput(gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MiopenDepthwiseConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MkldnnConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func MkldnnLinear(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Must(ts Tensor, err error) (retVal Tensor)
- func MustAffineGridGenerator(theta *Tensor, size []int64, alignCorners bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustAffineGridGeneratorBackward(grad *Tensor, size []int64, alignCorners bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustAlignTensors(tensors []Tensor, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func MustAlphaDropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustArange(end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustArange1(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustArange2(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, step *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustArangeOut(out *Tensor, end *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustArangeOut1(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBartlettWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBartlettWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBatchNorm(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, runningMean *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBatchNormBackwardElemt(gradOut *Tensor, input *Tensor, mean *Tensor, invstd *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBatchNormElemt(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, mean *Tensor, invstd *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBatchNormElemtOut(out *Tensor, input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, mean *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBilinear(input1 *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBinomial(count *Tensor, prob *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBlackmanWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBlackmanWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBlockDiag(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustBroadcastTensors(tensors []Tensor, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func MustBucketize1(selfScalar *Scalar, boundaries *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCartesianProd(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCat(tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCatOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCdist(x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor, p float64, computeMode []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustChainMatmul(matrices []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCol2imBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCol2imBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustComplex(real *Tensor, imag *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustComplexOut(out *Tensor, real *Tensor, imag *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConv1d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConv2d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConv3d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConvTranspose1d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConvTranspose2d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConvTranspose3d(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConvolution(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustConvolutionOverrideable(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCosineEmbeddingLoss(input1 *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, target *Tensor, margin float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCosineSimilarity(x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor, dim int64, eps float64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCtcLoss(logProbs *Tensor, targets *Tensor, inputLengths []int64, targetLengths []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCtcLoss1(logProbs *Tensor, targets *Tensor, inputLengths *Tensor, targetLengths *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCudnnAffineGridGenerator(theta *Tensor, n int64, c int64, h int64, w int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCudnnAffineGridGeneratorBackward(grad *Tensor, n int64, c int64, h int64, w int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCudnnConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCudnnConvolutionTransposeBackwardInput(gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCummaxminBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, indices *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustCumprodBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustDiagBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, diagonal int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustDiagonalBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, offset int64, dim1 int64, dim2 int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustDropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustDstack(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustDstackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEinsum(equation string, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, alpha *Scalar, scale *Scalar, inputScale *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEluBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, alpha *Scalar, scale *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmbedding(weight *Tensor, indices *Tensor, paddingIdx int64, scaleGradByFreq bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmbeddingBackward(grad *Tensor, indices *Tensor, numWeights int64, paddingIdx int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmbeddingDenseBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, numWeights int64, paddingIdx int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmbeddingSparseBackward(grad *Tensor, indices *Tensor, numWeights int64, paddingIdx int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmpty(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmptyMeta(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmptyOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmptyQuantized(size []int64, qtensor *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEmptyStrided(size []int64, stride []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEye(n int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEye1(n int64, m int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEyeOut(out *Tensor, n int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustEyeOut1(out *Tensor, n int64, m int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFbgemmLinearFp16Weight(input *Tensor, packedWeight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFbgemmLinearFp16WeightFp32Activation(input *Tensor, packedWeight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFbgemmLinearInt8Weight(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, packed *Tensor, colOffsets *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFbgemmLinearInt8WeightFp32Activation(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, packed *Tensor, colOffsets *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFbgemmPackGemmMatrixFp16(input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFbgemmPackQuantizedMatrix(input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFbgemmPackQuantizedMatrix1(input *Tensor, k int64, n int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFeatureAlphaDropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFeatureDropout(input *Tensor, p float64, train bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFromFile(filename string, shared bool, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFull(size []int64, fillValue *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustFullOut(out *Tensor, size []int64, fillValue *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustGridSampler(input *Tensor, grid *Tensor, interpolationMode int64, paddingMode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustGridSampler2d(input *Tensor, grid *Tensor, interpolationMode int64, paddingMode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustGridSampler3d(input *Tensor, grid *Tensor, interpolationMode int64, paddingMode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustGroupNorm(input *Tensor, numGroups int64, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, eps float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustGruCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHammingWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHammingWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHammingWindow2(windowLength int64, periodic bool, alpha float64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHammingWindow3(windowLength int64, periodic bool, alpha float64, beta float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHannWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHannWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHspmm(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHspmmOut(out *Tensor, mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHstack(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustHstackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustIm2colBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, inputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustIm2colBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, inputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustIndexSelectBackward(grad *Tensor, selfSizes []int64, dim int64, index *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustInstanceNorm(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, runningMean *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustKaiserWindow(windowLength int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustKaiserWindow1(windowLength int64, periodic bool, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustKaiserWindow2(windowLength int64, periodic bool, beta float64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustLayerNorm(input *Tensor, normalizedShape []int64, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustLinear(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustLinspace(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustLinspaceOut(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustLoad(path string) *Tensor
- func MustLogspace(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64, base float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustLogspaceOut(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar, steps []int64, base float64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMarginRankingLoss(input1 *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, target *Tensor, margin float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMaskedSelectBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, mask *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMiopenConvolutionBackwardBias(gradOutput *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMiopenConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMiopenConvolutionTransposeBackwardInput(gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMiopenDepthwiseConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMkldnnConvolutionBackwardInput(selfSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustMkldnnLinear(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustNormExceptDim(v *Tensor, pow int64, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustNormalOut(out *Tensor, mean *Tensor, std float64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustNormalOut1(out *Tensor, mean float64, std *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustNormalOut2(out *Tensor, mean *Tensor, std *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustNormalOut3(out *Tensor, mean float64, std float64, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustOfDataSize(data []byte, size []int64, dtype gotch.DType) *Tensor
- func MustOfSlice(data interface{}) *Tensor
- func MustOnes(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustOnesOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustPairwiseDistance(x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor, p float64, eps float64, keepdim bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustPoissonNllLoss(input *Tensor, target *Tensor, logInput bool, full bool, eps float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustPolar(abs *Tensor, angle *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustPolarOut(out *Tensor, abs *Tensor, angle *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustPow2(selfScalar *Scalar, exponent *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustPowOut2(out *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, exponent *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustQuantizedBatchNorm(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, mean *Tensor, vari *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustQuantizedGruCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustQuantizedRnnReluCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustQuantizedRnnTanhCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRand(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandint(high int64, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandint1(low int64, high int64, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandintOut(out *Tensor, high int64, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandintOut1(out *Tensor, low int64, high int64, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandn(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandnOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandperm(n int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRandpermOut(out *Tensor, n int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRange(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRange1(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRangeOut(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRepeatInterleave(repeats *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRnnReluCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustRnnTanhCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustScalarTensor(s *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSearchsorted1(sortedSequence *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, outInt32 bool, right bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSelectBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, dim int64, index int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSigmoidBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSigmoidBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSliceBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, dim int64, start int64, end int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSparseCooTensor(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSparseCooTensor1(indices *Tensor, values *Tensor, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustSparseCooTensor2(indices *Tensor, values *Tensor, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustStack(tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustStackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTakeBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, index *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTanhBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTanhBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustToDenseBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustToMkldnnBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTraceBackward(grad *Tensor, sizes []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTrapz(y *Tensor, x *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTrapz1(y *Tensor, dx float64, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTrilIndices(row int64, col int64, offset int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTripletMarginLoss(anchor *Tensor, positive *Tensor, negative *Tensor, margin float64, p float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustTriuIndices(row int64, col int64, offset int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUnfoldBackward(gradIn *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, dim int64, size int64, step int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleBicubic2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleBicubic2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleBilinear2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleBilinear2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleLinear1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleLinear1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleNearest1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, scales []float64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleNearest1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleNearest2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleNearest2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleNearest3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, scalesD []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleNearest3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleTrilinear3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustUpsampleTrilinear3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustValueSelectingReductionBackward(grad *Tensor, dim int64, indices *Tensor, sizes []int64, keepdim bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustVander(x *Tensor, n []int64, increasing bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustVstack(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustVstackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustWhere(condition Tensor, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func MustWhere2(condition *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, other *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustWhere4(condition *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, other *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustZeros(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor)
- func MustZerosOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_AmpUpdateScale(growthTracker *Tensor, currentScale *Tensor, foundInf *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_Cat(tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_CatOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_CdistBackward(grad *Tensor, x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor, p float64, cdist *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_ComputeLinearCombination(input *Tensor, coefficients *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_ComputeLinearCombinationOut(out *Tensor, input *Tensor, coefficients *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_Convolution(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_Convolution1(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_ConvolutionNogroup(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_CtcLossBackward(grad *Tensor, logProbs *Tensor, targets *Tensor, inputLengths []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_CudnnInitDropoutState(dropout float64, train bool, dropoutSeed int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_CudnnRnnFlattenWeight(weightArr []Tensor, weightStride0 int64, inputSize int64, mode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_DimArange(like *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_DirichletGrad(x *Tensor, alpha *Tensor, total *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_EmbeddingBagBackward(grad *Tensor, indices *Tensor, offsets *Tensor, offset2bag *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_EmbeddingBagDenseBackward(grad *Tensor, indices *Tensor, offsets *Tensor, offset2bag *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_EmbeddingBagPerSampleWeightsBackward(grad *Tensor, weight *Tensor, indices *Tensor, offsets *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_EmbeddingBagSparseBackward(grad *Tensor, indices *Tensor, offsets *Tensor, offset2bag *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_EmptyAffineQuantized(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_EmptyPerChannelAffineQuantized(size []int64, scales *Tensor, zeroPoints *Tensor, axis int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_EuclideanDist(x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_GridSampler2dCpuFallback(input *Tensor, grid *Tensor, interpolationMode int64, paddingMode int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_MultinomialAliasDraw(j *Tensor, q *Tensor, numSamples int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_NnpackSpatialConvolution(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_NnpackSpatialConvolutionBackwardInput(input *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, weight *Tensor, padding []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_NnpackSpatialConvolutionBackwardWeight(input *Tensor, weightsize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_PackPaddedSequenceBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSize []int64, batchSizes *Tensor, batchFirst bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_SaturateWeightToFp16(weight *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_SparseCooTensorUnsafe(indices *Tensor, values *Tensor, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_SparseCooTensorWithDims(sparseDim int64, denseDim int64, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_SparseCooTensorWithDimsAndTensors(sparseDim int64, denseDim int64, size []int64, indices *Tensor, values *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_SparseMm(sparse *Tensor, dense *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_TestOptionalFilledIntlist(values *Tensor, addends []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_TestOptionalIntlist(values *Tensor, addends []int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_Trilinear(i1 *Tensor, i2 *Tensor, i3 *Tensor, expand1 []int64, expand2 []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func Must_WeightNorm(v *Tensor, g *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor)
- func NewTensor() *Tensor
- func NewTensorFromData(data interface{}, shape []int64) (*Tensor, error)
- func NormExceptDim(v *Tensor, pow int64, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func NormalOut(out *Tensor, mean *Tensor, std float64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func NormalOut1(out *Tensor, mean float64, std *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func NormalOut2(out *Tensor, mean *Tensor, std *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func NormalOut3(out *Tensor, mean float64, std float64, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func OfDataSize(data []byte, shape []int64, dtype gotch.DType) (*Tensor, error)
- func OfSlice(data interface{}) (*Tensor, error)
- func Ones(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func OnesOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func PairwiseDistance(x1 *Tensor, x2 *Tensor, p float64, eps float64, keepdim bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func PoissonNllLoss(input *Tensor, target *Tensor, logInput bool, full bool, eps float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Polar(abs *Tensor, angle *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func PolarOut(out *Tensor, abs *Tensor, angle *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Pow2(selfScalar *Scalar, exponent *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func PowOut2(out *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, exponent *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func QuantizedBatchNorm(input *Tensor, weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, mean *Tensor, vari *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func QuantizedGruCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func QuantizedRnnReluCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func QuantizedRnnTanhCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Rand(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RandOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Randint(high int64, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Randint1(low int64, high int64, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RandintOut(out *Tensor, high int64, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RandintOut1(out *Tensor, low int64, high int64, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Randn(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RandnOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Randperm(n int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RandpermOut(out *Tensor, n int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Range(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Range1(start *Scalar, end *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RangeOut(out *Tensor, start *Scalar, end *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ReadNpy(filepath string) (*Tensor, error)
- func RepeatInterleave(repeats *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ResizeHwc(ts *Tensor, outWidth, outHeight int64) (*Tensor, error)
- func RnnReluCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RnnTanhCell(input *Tensor, hx *Tensor, wIh *Tensor, wHh *Tensor, bIh *Tensor, bHh *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func RunBackward(tensors []Tensor, inputs []Tensor, keepGraphB bool, createGraphB bool) ([]Tensor, error)
- func ScalarTensor(s *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Searchsorted1(sortedSequence *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, outInt32 bool, right bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func SelectBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, dim int64, index int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func SigmoidBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func SigmoidBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func SliceBackward(grad *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, dim int64, start int64, end int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func SparseCooTensor(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func SparseCooTensor1(indices *Tensor, values *Tensor, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func SparseCooTensor2(indices *Tensor, values *Tensor, size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Stack(tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func StackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TakeBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor, index *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TanhBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TanhBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TensorFrom(data interface{}) *Tensor
- func ToDenseBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ToMkldnnBackward(grad *Tensor, input *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TraceBackward(grad *Tensor, sizes []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Trapz(y *Tensor, x *Tensor, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Trapz1(y *Tensor, dx float64, dim int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TrilIndices(row int64, col int64, offset int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TripletMarginLoss(anchor *Tensor, positive *Tensor, negative *Tensor, margin float64, p float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func TriuIndices(row int64, col int64, offset int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UnfoldBackward(gradIn *Tensor, inputSizes []int64, dim int64, size int64, step int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleBicubic2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleBicubic2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleBilinear2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleBilinear2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleLinear1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleLinear1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleNearest1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, scales []float64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleNearest1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleNearest2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleNearest2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleNearest3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, scalesD []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleNearest3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleTrilinear3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func UpsampleTrilinear3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, outputSize []int64, inputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ValueSelectingReductionBackward(grad *Tensor, dim int64, indices *Tensor, sizes []int64, keepdim bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Vander(x *Tensor, n []int64, increasing bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Vstack(tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func VstackOut(out *Tensor, tensors []Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Where(condition Tensor) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func Where2(condition *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, other *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Where4(condition *Tensor, selfScalar *Scalar, other *Scalar) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func Zeros(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func ZerosOut(out *Tensor, size []int64) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Abs(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AbsOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Abs_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Absolute(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AbsoluteOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Absolute_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AccuracyForLogits(targets *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Acos(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AcosOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Acos_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Acosh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AcoshOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Acosh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool1d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool2d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Add(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Add1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Add1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AddOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Add_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addbmm(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AddbmmOut(out *Tensor, batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addbmm_(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addcdiv(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AddcdivOut(out *Tensor, tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addcdiv_(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addcmul(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AddcmulOut(out *Tensor, tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addcmul_(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addmm(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AddmmOut(out *Tensor, mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addmm_(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addmv(mat *Tensor, vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AddmvOut(out *Tensor, mat *Tensor, vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addmv_(mat *Tensor, vec *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addr(vec1 *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AddrOut(out *Tensor, vec1 *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Addr_(vec1 *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Alias(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AlignAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) All(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) All1(dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AllOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AlphaDropout_(p float64, train bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Amax(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AmaxOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Amin(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AminOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Angle(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AngleOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Any(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Any1(dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AnyOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Apply(m Module) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) ApplyCModule(m *CModule) *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) ApplyOpt(opts ...ModuleOption) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) ApplyOptT(train bool, opts ...ModuleTOption) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) ApplyT(m ModuleT, train bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arccos(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ArccosOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arccos_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arccosh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ArccoshOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arccosh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arcsin(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ArcsinOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arcsin_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arcsinh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ArcsinhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arcsinh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arctan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ArctanOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arctan_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arctanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ArctanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Arctanh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Argmax(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Argmin(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Argsort(dim int64, descending bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AsStrided(size []int64, stride []int64, storageOffset []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AsStrided_(size []int64, stride []int64, storageOffset []int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Asin(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AsinOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Asin_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Asinh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AsinhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Asinh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atan2(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atan2Out(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atan2_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AtanOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atan_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AtanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atanh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atleast1d(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atleast2d(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Atleast3d(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool1d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ceilMode bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool2DDefault(ksize int64, del bool) *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ceilMode bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool2dOut(out *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool3d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ceilMode bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) AvgPool3dOut(out *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Backward() error
- func (ts *Tensor) Baddbmm(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BaddbmmOut(out *Tensor, batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Baddbmm_(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Bernoulli(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Bernoulli1(p float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Bernoulli1_(p float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BernoulliOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Bernoulli_(p *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropy(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyWithLogits(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, posWeight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyWithLogitsBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, posWeight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Bincount(weights *Tensor, minlength int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseAnd(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseAnd1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseAnd1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseAndOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseAndOut1(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseAnd_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseNot(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseNotOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseNot_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseOr(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseOr1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseOr1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseOrOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseOrOut1(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseOr_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseXor(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseXor1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseXor1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseXorOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseXorOut1(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BitwiseXor_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Bmm(mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BmmOut(out *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Bucketize(boundaries *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) BucketizeOut(out *Tensor, boundaries *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cauchy_(median float64, sigma float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ceil(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CeilOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ceil_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Celu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Celu_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ChannelShuffle(groups int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cholesky(upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CholeskyInverse(upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CholeskyInverseOut(out *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CholeskyOut(out *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CholeskySolve(input2 *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CholeskySolveOut(out *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Chunk(chunks int64, dim int64) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Clamp(min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClampMax(max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClampMaxOut(out *Tensor, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClampMax_(max *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClampMin(min *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClampMinOut(out *Tensor, min *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClampMin_(min *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClampOut(out *Tensor, min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Clamp_(min *Scalar, max *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Clip(min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ClipOut(out *Tensor, min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Clip_(min *Scalar, max *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Coalesce(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Col2im(outputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Col2imOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Combinations(r int64, withReplacement bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Conj(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ConjOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ConstantPadNd(pad []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Contiguous(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ConvTbc(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, pad int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CopyData(dst interface{}, numel uint) error
- func (ts *Tensor) CopyDataUint8(dst []uint8, numel uint) error
- func (ts *Tensor) CopySparseToSparse_(src *Tensor, nonBlocking bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Copy_(src *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cos(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CosOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cos_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cosh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CoshOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cosh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CountNonzero(dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CountNonzero1(dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cross(other *Tensor, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CrossEntropyForLogits(targets *Tensor) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) CrossOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolution(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolution1(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolution2(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolutionBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTranspose(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTranspose1(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTranspose2(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CudnnGridSampler(grid *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cumprod(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CumprodOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Cumsum(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) CumsumOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DType() gotch.DType
- func (ts *Tensor) Data(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DataPtr() (unsafe.Pointer, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Defined() (bool, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Deg2rad(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Deg2radOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Deg2rad_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Dequantize(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Det(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Detach(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Detach_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Device() (gotch.Device, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Diag(diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DiagEmbed(offset int64, dim1 int64, dim2 int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DiagOut(out *Tensor, diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Diagflat(offset int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Diagonal(offset int64, dim1 int64, dim2 int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Digamma(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DigammaOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Digamma_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Dim() uint64
- func (ts *Tensor) Dist(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Div(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Div1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Div1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DivOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Div_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Divide(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Divide1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Divide1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DivideOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Divide_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Dot(tensor *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) DotOut(out *Tensor, tensor *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Drop() error
- func (ts *Tensor) Dropout_(p float64, train bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Elu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) EluOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Elu_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) EmbeddingRenorm_(indices *Tensor, maxNorm float64, normType float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) EmptyLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Eq(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Eq1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Eq1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) EqOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) EqOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Eq_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Erf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ErfOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Erf_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Erfc(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ErfcOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Erfc_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Erfinv(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ErfinvOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Erfinv_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Exp(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Exp2(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Exp2Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Exp2_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ExpOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Exp_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Expand(size []int64, implicit bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ExpandAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Expm1(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Expm1Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Expm1_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Exponential_(lambd float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FakeQuantizePerChannelAffine(scale *Tensor, zeroPoint *Tensor, axis int64, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FakeQuantizePerChannelAffineBackward(grad *Tensor, scale *Tensor, zeroPoint *Tensor, axis int64, quantMin int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FakeQuantizePerTensorAffine(scale float64, zeroPoint int64, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FakeQuantizePerTensorAffineBackward(grad *Tensor, scale float64, zeroPoint int64, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FeatureAlphaDropout_(p float64, train bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FeatureDropout_(p float64, train bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftFft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftFftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftHfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftIfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftIfftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftIhfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftIrfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftIrfftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftRfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FftRfftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fill1_(value *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FillDiagonal_(fillValue *Scalar, wrap bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fill_(value *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fix(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FixOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fix_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FlatView() *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) Flatten(startDim int64, endDim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Flip(dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fliplr(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Flipud(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Float64Value(idx []int64) (float64, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Float64Values() []float64
- func (ts *Tensor) Floor(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FloorDivide(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FloorDivide1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FloorDivide1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FloorDivideOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FloorDivide_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FloorOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Floor_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fmod(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fmod1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fmod1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FmodOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FmodOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Fmod_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Format(s fmt.State, c rune)
- func (ts *Tensor) Frac(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FracOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Frac_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FractionalMaxPool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, indices *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FractionalMaxPool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FractionalMaxPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, indices *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FractionalMaxPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FrobeniusNorm(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FrobeniusNorm1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FrobeniusNormOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) FullLike(fillValue *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gather(dim int64, index *Tensor, sparseGrad bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GatherBackward(grad *Tensor, dim int64, index *Tensor, sparseGrad bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GatherOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, index *Tensor, sparseGrad bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gcd(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GcdOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gcd_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ge(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ge1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ge1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GeOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GeOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ge_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gelu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GeluBackward(grad *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Geometric_(p float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ger(vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GerOut(out *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Get(index int) (*Tensor, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Glu(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GluBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GluOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Grad(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Greater(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Greater1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Greater1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterEqual(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterEqual1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterEqual1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterEqualOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterEqualOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterEqual_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GreaterOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Greater_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gru(hx *Tensor, paramsData []Tensor, hasBiases bool, numLayers int64, ...) (output, h *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gt(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gt1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gt1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GtOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) GtOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Gt_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hardshrink(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardshrinkBackward(gradOut *Tensor, lambd *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hardsigmoid(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardsigmoidBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardsigmoidOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hardsigmoid_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hardswish(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardswishBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardswishOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hardswish_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hardtanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardtanhBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, minVal *Scalar, maxVal *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardtanhBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, minVal *Scalar, maxVal *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HardtanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hardtanh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Heaviside(values *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HeavisideOut(out *Tensor, values *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Heaviside_(values *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HingeEmbeddingLoss(target *Tensor, margin float64, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Histc(bins int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HistcOut(out *Tensor, bins int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hypot(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) HypotOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Hypot_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) I0(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) I0Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) I0_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Idx(index interface{}) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ifft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Im2col(kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Im2colOut(out *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Imag(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Index(indices []Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexAdd(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexAdd_(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexCopy(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexCopy_(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexFill(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexFill1(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexFill1_(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexFill_(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexPut(indices []Tensor, values *Tensor, accumulate bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexPut_(indices []Tensor, values *Tensor, accumulate bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexSelect(dim int64, index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IndexSelectOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Indices(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) InfinitelyDifferentiableGeluBackward(grad *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Int64Value(idx []int64) (int64, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Int64Values() []int64
- func (ts *Tensor) IntRepr(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Inverse(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) InverseOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Irfft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, onesided bool, signalSizes []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IsSparse() (bool, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Isclose(other *Tensor, rtol float64, atol float64, equalNan bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Isfinite(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Isinf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Isnan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Isneginf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IsneginfOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Isposinf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) IsposinfOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Isreal(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Istft(nFft int64, hopLength []int64, winLength []int64, window *Tensor, center bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Iter(dtype gotch.DType) (*Iterable, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) KlDiv(target *Tensor, reduction int64, logTarget bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) KlDivBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, logTarget bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) L1Loss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) L1LossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) L1LossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) L1LossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lcm(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LcmOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lcm_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Le(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Le1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Le1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LeOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LeOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Le_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LeakyRelu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LeakyReluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, negativeSlope *Scalar, selfIsResult bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LeakyReluOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LeakyRelu_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lerp(end *Tensor, weight *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lerp1(end *Tensor, weight *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lerp1_(end *Tensor, weight *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LerpOut(out *Tensor, end *Tensor, weight *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LerpOut1(out *Tensor, end *Tensor, weight *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lerp_(end *Tensor, weight *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Less(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Less1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Less1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessEqual(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessEqual1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessEqual1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessEqualOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessEqualOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessEqual_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LessOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Less_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lgamma(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LgammaOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lgamma_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LinalgDet(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LinalgNorm(ord *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LinalgNorm1(ord string, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LinalgNormOut(out *Tensor, ord *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LinalgNormOut1(out *Tensor, ord string, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log10(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log10Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log10_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log1p(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log1pOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log1p_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log2(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log2Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log2_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogNormal_(mean float64, std float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogSigmoid(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogSigmoidBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, buffer *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogSigmoidBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, buffer *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogSigmoidOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogSoftmax(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Log_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logaddexp(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logaddexp2(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logaddexp2Out(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogaddexpOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logcumsumexp(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogcumsumexpOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logdet(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalAnd(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalAndOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalAnd_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalNot(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalNotOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalNot_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalOr(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalOrOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalOr_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalXor(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalXorOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogicalXor_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logit(eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogitBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogitBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogitOut(out *Tensor, eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logit_(eps []float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Logsumexp(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LogsumexpOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lstm(hxData []Tensor, paramsData []Tensor, hasBiases bool, numLayers int64, ...) (output, h, c *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lstsq(a *ts.Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lt(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lt1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lt1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LtOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LtOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Lt_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LuSolve(lUData *Tensor, lUPivots *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) LuSolveOut(out *Tensor, lUData *Tensor, lUPivots *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedFill(mask *Tensor, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedFill1(mask *Tensor, value *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedFill1_(mask *Tensor, value *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedFill_(mask *Tensor, value *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedScatter(mask *Tensor, source *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedScatter_(mask *Tensor, source *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedSelect(mask *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaskedSelectOut(out *Tensor, mask *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Matmul(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MatmulOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MatrixExp(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MatrixExpBackward(grad *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MatrixPower(n int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MatrixRank(symmetric bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MatrixRank1(tol float64, symmetric bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Max(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Max1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool1d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool2DDefault(ksize int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool2dWithIndicesBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool2dWithIndicesBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool3d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool3dWithIndicesBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxPool3dWithIndicesBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool2d(indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool2dOut(out *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool3d(indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaxUnpool3dOut(out *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Maximum(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MaximumOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mean(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mean1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MeanOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Median(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Meshgrid(tensors []Tensor) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Min(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Min1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MinOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Minimum(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MinimumOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MiopenConvolution(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MiopenConvolutionBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MiopenConvolutionTranspose(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MiopenConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MiopenDepthwiseConvolution(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MiopenDepthwiseConvolutionBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MkldnnAdaptiveAvgPool2d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MkldnnConvolution(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MkldnnMaxPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MkldnnMaxPool3d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MkldnnReorderConv2dWeight(padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, groups int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MkldnnReorderConv3dWeight(padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, groups int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mm(mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MmOut(out *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Movedim(source []int64, destination []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Movedim1(source int64, destination int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MseLoss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MseLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MseLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MseLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mul(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mul1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mul1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MulOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mul_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultiMarginLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, p *Scalar, margin *Scalar, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultiMarginLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, p *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultilabelMarginLoss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultilabelMarginLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, isTarget *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultilabelMarginLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultilabelMarginLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Multinomial(numSamples int64, replacement bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultinomialOut(out *Tensor, numSamples int64, replacement bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Multiply(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Multiply1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Multiply1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MultiplyOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Multiply_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAbs(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAbsOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAbs_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAbsolute(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAbsoluteOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAbsolute_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAcos(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAcosOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAcos_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAcosh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAcoshOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAcosh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool1d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdd(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdd1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdd1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAdd_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddbmm(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddbmmOut(out *Tensor, batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddbmm_(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddcdiv(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddcdivOut(out *Tensor, tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddcdiv_(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddcmul(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddcmulOut(out *Tensor, tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddcmul_(tensor1 *Tensor, tensor2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddmm(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddmmOut(out *Tensor, mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddmm_(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddmv(mat *Tensor, vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddmvOut(out *Tensor, mat *Tensor, vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddmv_(mat *Tensor, vec *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddr(vec1 *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddrOut(out *Tensor, vec1 *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAddr_(vec1 *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAlias(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAlignAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAll(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAll1(dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAllOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAlphaDropout_(p float64, train bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAmax(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAmaxOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAmin(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAminOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAngle(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAngleOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAny(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAny1(dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAnyOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArccos(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArccosOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArccos_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArccosh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArccoshOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArccosh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsin(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsinOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsin_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsinh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsinhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsinh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArctan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArctanOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArctan_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArctanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArctanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArctanh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArgmax(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArgmin(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustArgsort(dim int64, descending bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsStrided(size []int64, stride []int64, storageOffset []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsStrided_(size []int64, stride []int64, storageOffset []int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsin(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsinOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsin_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsinh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsinhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAsinh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtan2(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtan2Out(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtan2_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtanOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtan_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtanh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtleast1d(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtleast2d(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAtleast3d(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool1d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ceilMode bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ceilMode bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool2dOut(out *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool3d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ceilMode bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustAvgPool3dOut(out *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBackward()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBaddbmm(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBaddbmmOut(out *Tensor, batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBaddbmm_(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBernoulli(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBernoulli1(p float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBernoulli1_(p float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBernoulliOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBernoulli_(p *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropy(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyWithLogits(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, posWeight *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyWithLogitsBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, posWeight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBincount(weights *Tensor, minlength int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseAndOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseAndOut1(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseNot(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseNotOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseNot_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseOr(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseOr1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseOr1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseOrOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseOrOut1(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseOr_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseXor(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseXor1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseXor1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseXorOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseXorOut1(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseXor_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBmm(mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBmmOut(out *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBucketize(boundaries *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustBucketizeOut(out *Tensor, boundaries *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCauchy_(median float64, sigma float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCeil(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCeilOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCeil_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCelu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCelu_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustChannelShuffle(groups int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCholesky(upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCholeskyInverse(upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCholeskyInverseOut(out *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCholeskyOut(out *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCholeskySolve(input2 *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCholeskySolveOut(out *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustChunk(chunks int64, dim int64, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClamp(min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClampMax(max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClampMaxOut(out *Tensor, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClampMax_(max *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClampMin(min *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClampMinOut(out *Tensor, min *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClampMin_(min *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClampOut(out *Tensor, min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClamp_(min *Scalar, max *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClip(min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClipOut(out *Tensor, min *Scalar, max *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustClip_(min *Scalar, max *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCoalesce(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCol2im(outputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCol2imOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCombinations(r int64, withReplacement bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustConj(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustConjOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustConstantPadNd(pad []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustContiguous(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustConvTbc(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, pad int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCopyData(dst interface{}, numel uint)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCopyDataUint8(dst []uint8, numel uint)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCopySparseToSparse_(src *Tensor, nonBlocking bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCos(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCosOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCos_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCosh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCoshOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCosh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCountNonzero(dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCountNonzero1(dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCross(other *Tensor, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCrossOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolution(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolution1(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolution2(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTranspose(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTranspose1(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTranspose2(weight *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCudnnGridSampler(grid *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCumprod(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCumprodOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCumsum(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustCumsumOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustData(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDefined() bool
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDeg2rad(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDeg2radOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDeg2rad_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDequantize(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDet(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDetach(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDetach_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDevice() gotch.Device
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiag(diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiagEmbed(offset int64, dim1 int64, dim2 int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiagOut(out *Tensor, diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiagflat(offset int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiagonal(offset int64, dim1 int64, dim2 int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDigamma(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDigammaOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDigamma_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDist(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiv(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiv1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiv1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDivOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDiv_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDivide(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDivide1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDivide1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDivideOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDivide_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDot(tensor *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDotOut(out *Tensor, tensor *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDrop()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustDropout_(p float64, train bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustElu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEluOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustElu_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEmbeddingRenorm_(indices *Tensor, maxNorm float64, normType float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEmptyLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEq(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEq1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEq1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEqOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEqOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustEq_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErfOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErf_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErfc(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErfcOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErfc_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErfinv(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErfinvOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustErfinv_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExp(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExp2(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExp2Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExp2_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExpOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExp_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExpand(size []int64, implicit bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExpandAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExpm1(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExpm1Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExpm1_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustExponential_(lambd float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerChannelAffine(scale *Tensor, zeroPoint *Tensor, axis int64, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerChannelAffineBackward(grad *Tensor, scale *Tensor, zeroPoint *Tensor, axis int64, quantMin int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerTensorAffine(scale float64, zeroPoint int64, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerTensorAffineBackward(grad *Tensor, scale float64, zeroPoint int64, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFeatureAlphaDropout_(p float64, train bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFeatureDropout_(p float64, train bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftFft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftFftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftHfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftIfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftIfftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftIhfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftIrfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftIrfftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftRfft(n []int64, dim int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFftRfftn(s []int64, dim []int64, norm string, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFill1_(value *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFillDiagonal_(fillValue *Scalar, wrap bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFill_(value *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFix(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFixOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFix_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFlatten(startDim int64, endDim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFlip(dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFliplr(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFlipud(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloat64Value(idx []int64) float64
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloor(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloorDivide(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloorDivide1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloorDivide1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloorDivideOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloorDivide_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloorOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFloor_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFmod(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFmod1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFmod1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFmodOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFmodOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFmod_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFrac(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFracOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFrac_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, indices *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, indices *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFrobeniusNorm(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFrobeniusNorm1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFrobeniusNormOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustFullLike(fillValue *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGather(dim int64, index *Tensor, sparseGrad bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGatherBackward(grad *Tensor, dim int64, index *Tensor, sparseGrad bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGatherOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, index *Tensor, sparseGrad bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGcd(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGcdOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGcd_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGe(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGe1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGe1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGeOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGeOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGe_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGelu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGeluBackward(grad *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGeometric_(p float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGer(vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGerOut(out *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGet(index int) *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGlu(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGluBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGluOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGrad(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreater(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreater1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreater1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterEqual(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterEqual1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterEqual1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterEqualOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterEqualOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterEqual_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreaterOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGreater_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGru(hx *Tensor, paramsData []Tensor, hasBiases bool, numLayers int64, ...) (output, h *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGt(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGt1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGt1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGtOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGtOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustGt_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardshrink(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardshrinkBackward(gradOut *Tensor, lambd *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardsigmoid(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardsigmoidBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardsigmoidOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardsigmoid_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardswish(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardswishBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardswishOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardswish_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardtanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardtanhBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, minVal *Scalar, maxVal *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardtanhBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, minVal *Scalar, maxVal *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardtanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHardtanh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHeaviside(values *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHeavisideOut(out *Tensor, values *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHeaviside_(values *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHingeEmbeddingLoss(target *Tensor, margin float64, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHistc(bins int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHistcOut(out *Tensor, bins int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHypot(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHypotOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustHypot_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustI0(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustI0Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustI0_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIfft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIm2col(kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIm2colOut(out *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, dilation []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustImag(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndex(indices []Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexAdd(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexAdd_(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexCopy(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexCopy_(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexFill(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexFill1(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexFill1_(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexFill_(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexPut(indices []Tensor, values *Tensor, accumulate bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexPut_(indices []Tensor, values *Tensor, accumulate bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexSelect(dim int64, index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndexSelectOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIndices(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustInfinitelyDifferentiableGeluBackward(grad *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustInt64Value(idx []int64) int64
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIntRepr(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustInverse(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustInverseOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIrfft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, onesided bool, signalSizes []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsclose(other *Tensor, rtol float64, atol float64, equalNan bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsfinite(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsinf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsnan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsneginf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsneginfOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsposinf(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsposinfOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIsreal(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustIstft(nFft int64, hopLength []int64, winLength []int64, window *Tensor, center bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustKlDiv(target *Tensor, reduction int64, logTarget bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustKlDivBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, logTarget bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustL1Loss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustL1LossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustL1LossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustL1LossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLcm(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLcmOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLcm_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLe(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLe1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLe1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLeOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLeOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLe_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLeakyRelu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLeakyReluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, negativeSlope *Scalar, selfIsResult bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLeakyReluOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLeakyRelu_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLerp(end *Tensor, weight *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLerp1(end *Tensor, weight *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLerp1_(end *Tensor, weight *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLerpOut(out *Tensor, end *Tensor, weight *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLerpOut1(out *Tensor, end *Tensor, weight *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLerp_(end *Tensor, weight *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLess(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLess1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLess1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessEqual(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessEqual1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessEqual1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessEqualOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessEqualOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessEqual_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLessOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLess_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLgamma(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLgammaOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLgamma_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLinalgDet(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLinalgNorm(ord *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLinalgNorm1(ord string, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLinalgNormOut(out *Tensor, ord *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLinalgNormOut1(out *Tensor, ord string, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog10(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog10Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog10_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog1p(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog1pOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog1p_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog2(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog2Out(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog2_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogNormal_(mean float64, std float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogSigmoid(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogSigmoidBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, buffer *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogSigmoidBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, buffer *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogSigmoidOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogSoftmax(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLog_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogaddexp(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogaddexp2(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogaddexp2Out(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogaddexpOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogcumsumexp(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogcumsumexpOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogdet(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalAnd(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalAndOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalAnd_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalNot(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalNotOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalNot_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalOr(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalOrOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalOr_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalXor(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalXorOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalXor_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogit(eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogitBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogitBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogitOut(out *Tensor, eps []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogit_(eps []float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogsumexp(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLogsumexpOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLstm(hxData []Tensor, paramsData []Tensor, hasBiases bool, numLayers int64, ...) (output, h, c *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLstsq(a *ts.Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLt(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLt1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLt1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLtOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLtOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLt_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLuSolve(lUData *Tensor, lUPivots *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustLuSolveOut(out *Tensor, lUData *Tensor, lUPivots *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedFill(mask *Tensor, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedFill1(mask *Tensor, value *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedFill1_(mask *Tensor, value *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedFill_(mask *Tensor, value *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedScatter(mask *Tensor, source *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedScatter_(mask *Tensor, source *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedSelect(mask *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaskedSelectOut(out *Tensor, mask *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMatmul(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMatmulOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMatrixExp(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMatrixExpBackward(grad *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMatrixPower(n int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMatrixRank(symmetric bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMatrixRank1(tol float64, symmetric bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMax(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMax1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxPool1d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxPool2dWithIndicesBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxPool2dWithIndicesBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxPool3d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxPool3dWithIndicesBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxPool3dWithIndicesBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2d(indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2dOut(out *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3d(indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3dOut(out *Tensor, indices *Tensor, outputSize []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaximum(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMaximumOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMean(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMean1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMeanOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMedian(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMeshgrid(tensors []Tensor, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMin(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMin1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMinOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMinimum(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMinimumOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMiopenConvolution(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMiopenConvolutionBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMiopenConvolutionTranspose(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, outputPadding []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMiopenConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMiopenDepthwiseConvolution(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMiopenDepthwiseConvolutionBackwardWeight(weightSize []int64, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMkldnnAdaptiveAvgPool2d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMkldnnConvolution(weight *Tensor, bias *Tensor, padding []int64, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMkldnnMaxPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMkldnnMaxPool3d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMkldnnReorderConv2dWeight(padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, groups int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMkldnnReorderConv3dWeight(padding []int64, stride []int64, dilation []int64, groups int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMm(mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMmOut(out *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMovedim(source []int64, destination []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMovedim1(source int64, destination int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMseLoss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMseLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMseLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMseLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMul(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMul1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMul1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMulOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMul_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultiMarginLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, p *Scalar, margin *Scalar, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultiMarginLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, p *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLoss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, isTarget *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultinomial(numSamples int64, replacement bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultinomialOut(out *Tensor, numSamples int64, replacement bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultiply(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultiply1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultiply1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultiplyOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMultiply_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMv(vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMvOut(out *Tensor, vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMvlgamma(p int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustMvlgamma_(p int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNLLLoss(target *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNanquantile(q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNanquantile1(q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNanquantileOut(out *Tensor, q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNanquantileOut1(out *Tensor, q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNansum(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNansum1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNansumOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNarrow(dim int64, start int64, length int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNarrow1(dim int64, start *Tensor, length int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNarrowCopy(dim int64, start int64, length int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNativeNorm(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNativeNorm1(p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNe(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNe1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNe1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNeOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNeOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNe_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNeg(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNegOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNeg_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNegative(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNegativeOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNegative_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNewEmpty(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNewFull(size []int64, fillValue *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNewZeros(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNextafter(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNextafterOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNextafter_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLoss(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ignoreIndex int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLoss2d(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ignoreIndex int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLoss2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLoss2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLoss2dOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNllLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNonzero(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNonzeroNumpy(del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNonzeroOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNorm(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNorm1(p *Scalar, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNorm2(p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNorm3(p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNormOut(out *Tensor, p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNormOut1(out *Tensor, p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNormal_(mean float64, std float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNotEqual(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNotEqual1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNotEqual1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNotEqualOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNotEqualOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNotEqual_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNuclearNorm(keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNuclearNorm1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNuclearNormOut(out *Tensor, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNuclearNormOut1(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustNumpyT(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOneHot(numClasses int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOnesLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOrgqr(input2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOrgqrOut(out *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOrmqr(input2 *Tensor, input3 *Tensor, left bool, transpose bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOrmqrOut(out *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, input3 *Tensor, left bool, transpose bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOuter(vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustOuterOut(out *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPdist(p float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPermute(dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPinMemory(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPinverse(rcond float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPixelShuffle(upscaleFactor int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPoisson(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPolygamma(n int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPolygammaOut(out *Tensor, n int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPolygamma_(n int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPow(exponent *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPow1(exponent *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPow1_(exponent *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPowOut(out *Tensor, exponent *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPowOut1(out *Tensor, exponent *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPow_(exponent *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPrelu(weight *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustProd(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustProd1(dim int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustProdOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustPut_(index *Tensor, source *Tensor, accumulate bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQPerChannelScales(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQPerChannelZeroPoints(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantile(q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantile1(q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantileOut(out *Tensor, q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantileOut1(out *Tensor, q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantizePerChannel(scales *Tensor, zeroPoints *Tensor, axis int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantizePerTensor(scale float64, zeroPoint int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantizedMaxPool1d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustQuantizedMaxPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRad2deg(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRad2degOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRad2deg_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRandLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRandintLike(high int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRandintLike1(low int64, high int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRandnLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRandom1_(to int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRandom2(from int64, to []int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRandom_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReal(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReciprocal(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReciprocalOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReciprocal_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad1d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad1dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad2d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReflectionPad2dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRelu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRelu_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRemainder(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRemainder1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRemainder1_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRemainderOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRemainderOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRemainder_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRenorm(p *Scalar, dim int64, maxnorm *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRenormOut(out *Tensor, p *Scalar, dim int64, maxnorm *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRenorm_(p *Scalar, dim int64, maxnorm *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRepeat(repeats []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRepeatInterleave1(repeats *Tensor, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRepeatInterleave2(repeats int64, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad1d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad1dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad2d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad2dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad3d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReplicationPad3dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRequiresGrad() bool
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRequiresGrad_(requiresGrad bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReshape(shape []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustReshapeAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustResizeAs_(theTemplate *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustResize_(size []int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRfft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, onesided bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRoll(shifts []int64, dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRot90(k int64, dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRound(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRoundOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRound_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRrelu(training bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRreluWithNoise(noise *Tensor, training bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRreluWithNoiseBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, noise *Tensor, lower *Scalar, upper *Scalar, training bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRreluWithNoiseOut(out *Tensor, noise *Tensor, training bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRreluWithNoise_(noise *Tensor, training bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRrelu_(training bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRsqrt(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRsqrtOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRsqrt_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRsub(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustRsub1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSave(path string)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatter(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatter1(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatter1_(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatter2(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor, reduce string)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatter3(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar, reduce string)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatterAdd(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatterAdd_(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustScatter_(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSearchsorted(sortedSequence *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSearchsortedOut(out *Tensor, sortedSequence *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSelect(dim int64, index int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSelu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSelu_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSet1_(source *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSetRequiresGrad(r bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSet_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSgn(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSgnOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSgn_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustShallowClone() *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSigmoid(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSigmoidOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSigmoid_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSign(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSignOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSign_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSignbit(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSignbitOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSilu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSiluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSiluOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSilu_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSin(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSinOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSin_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSinh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSinhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSinh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSize() []int64
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlice(dim int64, start int64, end int64, step int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConv3d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConv3dOut(out *Tensor, weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConvDilated2d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConvDilated3d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose2d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose2dOut(out *Tensor, weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose3d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose3dOut(out *Tensor, weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSmm(mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSmoothL1Loss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, beta float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSmoothL1LossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, beta float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSmoothL1LossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSmoothL1LossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, beta float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftMarginLoss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftMarginLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftMarginLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftMarginLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftmax(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftplus(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftplusBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, beta *Scalar, threshold *Scalar, output *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftplusBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, beta *Scalar, threshold *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftplusOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftshrink(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftshrinkBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, lambd *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftshrinkBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, lambd *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSoftshrinkOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSparseMask(mask *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSparseResizeAndClear_(size []int64, sparseDim int64, denseDim int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSparseResize_(size []int64, sparseDim int64, denseDim int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSplit(splitSize, dim int64, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSplitWithSizes(splitSizes []int64, dim int64, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSqrt(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSqrtOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSqrt_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSquare(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSquare_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSqueeze(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSqueeze1(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSqueeze1_(dim int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSqueeze_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSspaddmm(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSspaddmmOut(out *Tensor, mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustStd(unbiased bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustStd1(dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustStdOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustStft(nFft int64, hopLength []int64, winLength []int64, window *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSub(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSub1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSub1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSubOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSub_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSubtract(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSubtract1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSubtract1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSubtractOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSubtract_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSum(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSum1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSumOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustSumToSize(size []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustT(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustT_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTake(index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTakeOut(out *Tensor, index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTanOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTan_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTanh_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTensordot(other *Tensor, dimsSelf []int64, dimsOther []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustThreshold(threshold *Scalar, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustThresholdBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, threshold *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustThresholdOut(out *Tensor, threshold *Scalar, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustThreshold_(threshold *Scalar, value *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTo(device gotch.Device, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTo1(optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device, nonBlocking bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTo2(dtype gotch.DType, nonBlocking bool, copy bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTo3(other *Tensor, nonBlocking bool, copy bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTo4(device gotch.Device, dtype gotch.DType, nonBlocking bool, copy bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustToDense(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustToMkldnn(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustToSparse(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustToSparse1(sparseDim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustToString(lw int64) string
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTopK(k int64, dim int64, largest bool, sorted bool) (ts1, ts2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTotype(scalarType gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrace(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTranspose(dim0 int64, dim1 int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTranspose_(dim0 int64, dim1 int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTril(diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrilOut(out *Tensor, diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTril_(diagonal int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTriu(diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTriuOut(out *Tensor, diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTriu_(diagonal int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrueDivide(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrueDivide1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrueDivide1_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrueDivideOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrueDivide_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrunc(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTruncOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTrunc_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustTypeAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUnbind(dim int64, del bool) (retVal []Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUnflatten(dim int64, sizes []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUnfold(dimension int64, size int64, step int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUniform_(from float64, to float64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUnsqueeze(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUnsqueeze_(dim int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleBicubic2d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleBicubic2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleBilinear2d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleBilinear2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleLinear1d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleLinear1dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest1d(outputSize []int64, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest1dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest2d(outputSize []int64, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest3d(outputSize []int64, scalesD []float64, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest3dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, scalesD []float64, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleTrilinear3d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesD []float64, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustUpsampleTrilinear3dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesD []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustValues(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustVar(unbiased bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustVar1(dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustVarOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustVdot(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustVdotOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustView(size []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustViewAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustViewAsComplex(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustViewAsReal(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustWhere1(condition *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustWhere3(condition *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) MustZeroPad2d(left, right, top, bottom int64, del bool) *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) MustZero_()
- func (ts *Tensor) MustZerosLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_AdaptiveAvgPool2d(outputSize []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_AdaptiveAvgPool2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_AddBatchDim(batchDim int64, level int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_AddRelu(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_AddReluOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_AddRelu_(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_AddmvImpl_(self2 *Tensor, mat *Tensor, vec *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_BaddbmmMkl_(batch1 *Tensor, batch2 *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Bmm(mat2 *Tensor, deterministic bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_BmmOut(out *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, deterministic bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastByte(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastChar(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastDouble(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastFloat(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastHalf(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastInt(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastLong(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CastShort(nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CholeskyHelper(upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CholeskySolveHelper(a *Tensor, upper bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Coalesced_(coalesced bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Conj(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CopyFrom(dst *Tensor, nonBlocking bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Cumprod(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CumprodOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Cumsum(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_CumsumOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_FakeQuantizeLearnablePerChannelAffine(scale *Tensor, zeroPoint *Tensor, axis int64, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_FakeQuantizeLearnablePerTensorAffine(scale *Tensor, zeroPoint *Tensor, quantMin int64, quantMax int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_FftWithSize(signalNdim int64, complexInput bool, complexOutput bool, inverse bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_FftWithSize1(signalNdim int64, complexInput bool, complexOutput bool, inverse bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_GatherSparseBackward(dim int64, index *Tensor, grad *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_IndexCopy_(dim int64, index *Tensor, source *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_IndexPutImpl_(indices []Tensor, values *Tensor, accumulate bool, unsafety bool)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Indices(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_InverseHelper(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_LogSoftmax(dim int64, halfToFloat bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_LogSoftmaxBackwardData(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Logcumsumexp(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_LogcumsumexpOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_LuSolveHelper(lUData *Tensor, lUPivots *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_MakePerChannelQuantizedTensor(scale *Tensor, zeroPoint *Tensor, axis int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_MakePerTensorQuantizedTensor(scale float64, zeroPoint int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_MaskedScale(mask *Tensor, scale float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_MkldnnReshape(shape []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_MkldnnTranspose(dim0 int64, dim1 int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_MkldnnTranspose_(dim0 int64, dim1 int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_PdistBackward(grad *Tensor, p float64, pdist *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_RemoveBatchDim(level int64, batchSize int64, outDim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_ReshapeFromTensor(shape *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SWhere(condition *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SampleDirichlet(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_ShapeAsTensor(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SobolEngineFf_(n int64, sobolstate *Tensor, dimension int64, numGenerated int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SobolEngineInitializeState_(dimension int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SobolEngineScramble_(ltm *Tensor, dimension int64)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Softmax(dim int64, halfToFloat bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SoftmaxBackwardData(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseAddmm(sparse *Tensor, dense *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseLogSoftmax(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseLogSoftmax1(dim int64, halfToFloat bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseLogSoftmaxBackwardData(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSoftmax(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSoftmax1(dim int64, halfToFloat bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSoftmaxBackwardData(gradOutput *Tensor, output *Tensor, dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSum(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSum1(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSum2(dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSum3(dim []int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_SparseSumBackward(grad *Tensor, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_StandardGamma(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_StandardGammaGrad(output *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Std(unbiased bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_TestSerializationSubcmul(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_UnsafeView(size []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Values(del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must_Var(unbiased bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__And1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__And_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Iand1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Iand_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Ilshift1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Ilshift_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Ior1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Ior_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Irshift1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Irshift_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Ixor1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Ixor_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Lshift1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Lshift_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Or1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Or_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Rshift1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Rshift_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Xor1(other *Tensor)
- func (ts *Tensor) Must__Xor_(other *Scalar)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mv(vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) MvOut(out *Tensor, vec *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mvlgamma(p int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Mvlgamma_(p int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NLLLoss(target *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Nanquantile(q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Nanquantile1(q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NanquantileOut(out *Tensor, q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NanquantileOut1(out *Tensor, q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Nansum(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Nansum1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NansumOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Narrow(dim int64, start int64, length int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Narrow1(dim int64, start *Tensor, length int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NarrowCopy(dim int64, start int64, length int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NativeNorm(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NativeNorm1(p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ne(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ne1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ne1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NeOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NeOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ne_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Neg(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NegOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Neg_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Negative(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NegativeOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Negative_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NewEmpty(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NewFull(size []int64, fillValue *Scalar, optionsKind gotch.DType, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NewZeros(size []int64, optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Nextafter(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NextafterOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Nextafter_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLoss(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ignoreIndex int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLoss2d(target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ignoreIndex int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLoss2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLoss2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLoss2dOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NllLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, weight *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Nonzero(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NonzeroNumpy() (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NonzeroOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Norm(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Norm1(p *Scalar, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Norm2(p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Norm3(p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NormOut(out *Tensor, p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NormOut1(out *Tensor, p *Scalar, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Normal_(mean float64, std float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NotEqual(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NotEqual1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NotEqual1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NotEqualOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NotEqualOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NotEqual_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NuclearNorm(keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NuclearNorm1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NuclearNormOut(out *Tensor, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) NuclearNormOut1(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Numel() uint
- func (ts *Tensor) NumpyT(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) OneHot(numClasses int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Onehot(labels int64) *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) OnesLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Orgqr(input2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) OrgqrOut(out *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Ormqr(input2 *Tensor, input3 *Tensor, left bool, transpose bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) OrmqrOut(out *Tensor, input2 *Tensor, input3 *Tensor, left bool, transpose bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Outer(vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) OuterOut(out *Tensor, vec2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Pdist(p float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Permute(dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) PinMemory(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Pinverse(rcond float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) PixelShuffle(upscaleFactor int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Poisson(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Polygamma(n int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) PolygammaOut(out *Tensor, n int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Polygamma_(n int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Pow(exponent *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Pow1(exponent *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Pow1_(exponent *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) PowOut(out *Tensor, exponent *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) PowOut1(out *Tensor, exponent *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Pow_(exponent *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Prelu(weight *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Print()
- func (ts *Tensor) Prod(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Prod1(dim int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ProdOut(out *Tensor, dim int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Put_(index *Tensor, source *Tensor, accumulate bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QPerChannelScales(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QPerChannelZeroPoints(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Quantile(q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Quantile1(q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QuantileOut(out *Tensor, q float64, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QuantileOut1(out *Tensor, q *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QuantizePerChannel(scales *Tensor, zeroPoints *Tensor, axis int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QuantizePerTensor(scale float64, zeroPoint int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QuantizedMaxPool1d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) QuantizedMaxPool2d(kernelSize []int64, stride []int64, padding []int64, dilation []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rad2deg(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rad2degOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rad2deg_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RandLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RandintLike(high int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RandintLike1(low int64, high int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RandnLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Random1_(to int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Random2(from int64, to []int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Random_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Real(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Reciprocal(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReciprocalOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Reciprocal_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad1d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad1dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad2d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReflectionPad2dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Relu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Relu_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Remainder(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Remainder1(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Remainder1_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RemainderOut(out *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RemainderOut1(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Remainder_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Renorm(p *Scalar, dim int64, maxnorm *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RenormOut(out *Tensor, p *Scalar, dim int64, maxnorm *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Renorm_(p *Scalar, dim int64, maxnorm *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Repeat(repeats []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RepeatInterleave1(repeats *Tensor, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RepeatInterleave2(repeats int64, dim []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad1d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad1dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad1dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad1dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad2d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad2dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad2dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad2dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad3d(padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad3dBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad3dBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReplicationPad3dOut(out *Tensor, padding []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RequiresGrad() (bool, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RequiresGrad_(requiresGrad bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Reshape(shape []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ReshapeAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ResizeAs_(theTemplate *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Resize_(size []int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rfft(signalNdim int64, normalized bool, onesided bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Roll(shifts []int64, dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rot90(k int64, dims []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Round(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RoundOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Round_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rrelu(training bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RreluWithNoise(noise *Tensor, training bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RreluWithNoiseBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, noise *Tensor, lower *Scalar, upper *Scalar, training bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RreluWithNoiseOut(out *Tensor, noise *Tensor, training bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RreluWithNoise_(noise *Tensor, training bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rrelu_(training bool) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rsqrt(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) RsqrtOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rsqrt_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rsub(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Rsub1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Save(path string) error
- func (ts *Tensor) Scatter(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Scatter1(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Scatter1_(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Scatter2(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor, reduce string) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Scatter3(dim int64, index *Tensor, value *Scalar, reduce string) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ScatterAdd(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ScatterAdd_(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Scatter_(dim int64, index *Tensor, src *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Searchsorted(sortedSequence *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SearchsortedOut(out *Tensor, sortedSequence *Tensor, outInt32 bool, right bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Select(dim int64, index int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Selu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Selu_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Set1_(source *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SetRequiresGrad(r bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Set_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sgn(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SgnOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sgn_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ShallowClone() (*Tensor, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sigmoid(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SigmoidOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sigmoid_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sign(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SignOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sign_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Signbit(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SignbitOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Silu(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SiluBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SiluOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Silu_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sin(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SinOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sin_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sinh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SinhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sinh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Size() ([]int64, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Size1() (int64, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Size2() ([]int64, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Size3() ([]int64, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Size4() ([]int64, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Slice(dim int64, start int64, end int64, step int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConv3d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConv3dOut(out *Tensor, weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConvDilated2d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConvDilated3d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConvTranspose2d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConvTranspose2dOut(out *Tensor, weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConvTranspose3d(weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SlowConvTranspose3dOut(out *Tensor, weight *Tensor, kernelSize []int64, bias *Tensor, stride []int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Smm(mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SmoothL1Loss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, beta float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SmoothL1LossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, beta float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SmoothL1LossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SmoothL1LossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, beta float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftMarginLoss(target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftMarginLossBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftMarginLossBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftMarginLossOut(out *Tensor, target *Tensor, reduction int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Softmax(dim int64, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Softplus(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftplusBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, beta *Scalar, threshold *Scalar, output *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftplusBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, beta *Scalar, threshold *Scalar, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftplusOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Softshrink(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftshrinkBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, lambd *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftshrinkBackwardOut(gradInput *Tensor, gradOutput *Tensor, lambd *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SoftshrinkOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SparseMask(mask *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SparseResizeAndClear_(size []int64, sparseDim int64, denseDim int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SparseResize_(size []int64, sparseDim int64, denseDim int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Split(splitSize, dim int64) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SplitWithSizes(splitSizes []int64, dim int64) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sqrt(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SqrtOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sqrt_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Square(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Square_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Squeeze(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Squeeze1(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Squeeze1_(dim int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Squeeze_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sspaddmm(mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SspaddmmOut(out *Tensor, mat1 *Tensor, mat2 *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Std(unbiased bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Std1(dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) StdOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Stft(nFft int64, hopLength []int64, winLength []int64, window *Tensor, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sub(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sub1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sub1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SubOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sub_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Subtract(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Subtract1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Subtract1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SubtractOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Subtract_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sum(dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Sum1(dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SumOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, keepdim bool, dtype gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) SumToSize(size []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Swish() *Tensor
- func (ts *Tensor) T(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) T_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Take(index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TakeOut(out *Tensor, index *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Tan(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TanOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Tan_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Tanh(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TanhOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Tanh_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Tensordot(other *Tensor, dimsSelf []int64, dimsOther []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Threshold(threshold *Scalar, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ThresholdBackward(gradOutput *Tensor, threshold *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ThresholdOut(out *Tensor, threshold *Scalar, value *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Threshold_(threshold *Scalar, value *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) To(device gotch.Device, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) To1(optionsKind gotch.DType, optionsDevice gotch.Device, nonBlocking bool, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) To2(dtype gotch.DType, nonBlocking bool, copy bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) To3(other *Tensor, nonBlocking bool, copy bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) To4(device gotch.Device, dtype gotch.DType, nonBlocking bool, copy bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ToDense(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ToMkldnn(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ToSlice() reflect.Value
- func (ts *Tensor) ToSparse(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ToSparse1(sparseDim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ToString(lw int64) (string, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TopK(k int64, dim int64, largest bool, sorted bool) (ts1, ts2 *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Totype(scalarType gotch.DType, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Trace(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Transpose(dim0 int64, dim1 int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Transpose_(dim0 int64, dim1 int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Tril(diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TrilOut(out *Tensor, diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Tril_(diagonal int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Triu(diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TriuOut(out *Tensor, diagonal int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Triu_(diagonal int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TrueDivide(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TrueDivide1(other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TrueDivide1_(other *Scalar) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TrueDivideOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TrueDivide_(other *Tensor) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Trunc(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TruncOut(out *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Trunc_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) TypeAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Unbind(dim int64) (retVal []Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Unflatten(dim int64, sizes []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Unfold(dimension int64, size int64, step int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Uniform_(from float64, to float64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Unsqueeze(dim int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Unsqueeze_(dim int64) (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleBicubic2d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleBicubic2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleBilinear2d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleBilinear2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleLinear1d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleLinear1dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleNearest1d(outputSize []int64, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleNearest1dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, scales []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleNearest2d(outputSize []int64, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleNearest2dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleNearest3d(outputSize []int64, scalesD []float64, scalesH []float64, scalesW []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleNearest3dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, scalesD []float64, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleTrilinear3d(outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesD []float64, scalesH []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) UpsampleTrilinear3dOut(out *Tensor, outputSize []int64, alignCorners bool, scalesD []float64, ...) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Vals() interface{}
- func (ts *Tensor) ValueGo() interface{}
- func (ts *Tensor) Values(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Var(unbiased bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Var1(dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) VarOut(out *Tensor, dim []int64, unbiased bool, keepdim bool, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Vdot(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) VdotOut(out *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) View(size []int64, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ViewAs(other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ViewAsComplex(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ViewAsReal(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Where1(condition *Tensor, other *Tensor, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Where3(condition *Tensor, other *Scalar, del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ZeroGrad()
- func (ts *Tensor) ZeroPad2d(left, right, top, bottom int64, del bool) (*Tensor, error)
- func (ts *Tensor) Zero_() (err error)
- func (ts *Tensor) ZerosLike(del bool) (retVal *Tensor, err error)
- type TensorIndexer
- type TextData
- type TextDataIter
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( NpyMagicString string = "\x93NUMPY" NpySuffix string = ".npy" )
Variables ¶
var None = NewTensor()
None is an undefined tensor. It can be used in optional tensor parameter where 'None' value used. `ts.MustDefined()` function is used for checking 'null'
Functions ¶
func CMalloc ¶
CMalloc allocates a given number of bytes to C side memory. It returns - dataPtr: a C pointer type of `*void` (`unsafe.Pointer` in Go). - buf : a Go pointer points to a given bytes of buffer (empty) in C memory allocated by C waiting for writing data to.
NOTE: 1. Go pointer is a pointer to Go memory. C pointer is a pointer to C memory. 2. General rule is Go code can use C pointers. Go code may pass Go pointer to C provided that the Go memory to which it points does NOT contain any Go pointers. BUT C code must not store any Go pointers in Go memory, even temporarily. 3. Some Go values contain Go pointers IMPLICITLY: strings, slices, maps, channels and function values. Thus, pointers to these values should not be passed to C side. Instead, data should be allocated to C memory and return a C pointer to it using `C.malloc`. Ref:
func Copy_ ¶
func Copy_(self, src *Tensor)
Copy_ copies in-place values from the argument tensor to the input tensor.
func DataAsPtr ¶
DataAsPtr write to C memory and returns a C pointer.
NOTE: Supported data types are scalar, slice/array of scalar type equivalent to DType.
func DataCheck ¶
DataCheck checks the input data for element Go type and number of elements. It will return errors if element type is not supported.
func DataDim ¶
DataDim returns number of elements in data NOTE: only support scalar and (nested) slice/array of scalar type
func DecodeTensor ¶
DecodeTensor decodes tensor value from a C memory buffer given C pointer, data type and shape and returns data value of type interface
func ElementCount ¶
ElementCount counts number of element in the tensor given a shape
func EncodeTensor ¶
EncodeTensor loads tensor data to C memory and returns a C pointer.
func FlattenData ¶
func FlattenData(data interface{}) (fData interface{}, err error)
FlattenData flattens data to 1D array ([]T)
func FlattenDim ¶
FlattenDim counts number of elements with given shape
func GradSetEnabled ¶
GradSetEnabled sets globally whether GradMode gradient accumulation is enable or not. It returns PREVIOUS state of Grad before setting.
func InvokeFnWithArgs ¶
func InvokeFnWithArgs(fn interface{}, args ...string)
InvokeFn reflects and invokes a function of interface type.
func MustGradSetEnabled ¶
MustGradSetEnabled sets globally whether GradMode gradient accumuation is enable or not. It returns PREVIOUS state of Grad before setting. It will be panic if error
func MustSaveMulti ¶
func MustSaveMulti(namedTensors []NamedTensor, path string)
MustSaveMulti saves some named tensors to a file. It will panic if error
NOTE. This method is depreciated and will be replaced with `MustSaveMultiNew`
func SaveHwc ¶
SaveHwc save an image from tensor. It expects a tensor of shape [height, width, channels]
func SaveMulti ¶
func SaveMulti(namedTensors []NamedTensor, path string) error
SaveMulti saves some named tensors to a file
The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API. NOTE. This method is depreciated and will be replaced with `SaveMultiNew`
func SaveMultiNew ¶ added in v0.1.10
func SaveMultiNew(namedTensors []NamedTensor, path string) error
SaveMultiNew saves a slice of named tensors to the given file path.
func TorchErr ¶
func TorchErr() error
TorchErr checks and retrieves last error message from C `thread_local` if existing and frees up C memory the C pointer points to.
NOTE: Go language atm does not have generic function something similar to `macro` in Rust language, does it? So we have to wrap this function to any Libtorch C function call to check error instead of doing the other way around. See Go2 proposal:
Types ¶
type CModule ¶
A JIT PyTorch module.
These modules can be created via the [TorchScript python api](
func ModuleLoad ¶
Loads a PyTorch saved JIT model from a file.
func ModuleLoadData ¶
Loads a PyTorch saved JIT model from a read instance.
func ModuleLoadDataOnDevice ¶
Loads a PyTorch saved JIT model from a read instance.
This function loads the model directly on the specified device, which means it also allows loading a GPU model on the CPU without having a CUDA enabled GPU.
func ModuleLoadOnDevice ¶
Loads a PyTorch saved JIT model from a file onto the given device.
This function loads the model directly on the specified device, which means it also allows loading a GPU model on the CPU without having a CUDA enabled GPU.
func (*CModule) ForwardIs ¶
ForwardIs performs the forward pass for a model on some specified ivalue input.
func (*CModule) ForwardTs ¶
ForwardTs performs the forward pass for a model on some specified tensor inputs.
func (*CModule) GetProfilingMode ¶ added in v0.3.7
GetProfilingMode get CModule profiling mode
func (*CModule) NamedParameters ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (cm *CModule) NamedParameters() ([]NamedTensor, error)
NamedParameters loads some named tensors from a module.
func (*CModule) SetEval ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (cm *CModule) SetEval()
SetEval set CModule to inference mode
func (*CModule) SetProfilingMode ¶ added in v0.3.7
SetProfilingMode set CModule profiling mode
type COptimizer ¶
type COptimizer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func Adam ¶
func Adam(lr, beta1, beta2, weightDecay float64) (*COptimizer, error)
Adam returns Adam optimizer
func RmsProp ¶
func RmsProp(lr, alpha, eps, wd, momentum float64, centered bool) (*COptimizer, error)
RmsProp returns RMSProp optimizer
func Sgd ¶
func Sgd(lr, momentum, dampening, wd float64, nesterov bool) (*COptimizer, error)
Sgd returns SGD optimizer
func (*COptimizer) AddParameters ¶
func (co *COptimizer) AddParameters(tensors []Tensor) error
AddParameters adds parameters as a slice of tensors to optimizer
func (*COptimizer) SetLearningRate ¶
func (co *COptimizer) SetLearningRate(lr float64) error
SetLeanringRate sets learning rate for the optimizer
func (*COptimizer) SetMomentum ¶
func (co *COptimizer) SetMomentum(m float64) error
SetMomentum sets a momentum for the optimizer
func (*COptimizer) ZeroGrad ¶
func (co *COptimizer) ZeroGrad() error
ZeroGrad sets gradients to zero
type Func ¶
type Func struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type FuncInfo ¶
type FuncInfo struct { Signature string InArgs []reflect.Value OutArgs []reflect.Value IsVariadic bool }
Func struct contains information of a function
type IValue ¶
type IValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func IValueFromC ¶
IValueFromC returns an IValue from given CIValue.
It consumes the pointer and frees the associated memory.
func NewIValue ¶
func NewIValue(v interface{}) *IValue
NewIValue creates a new IValue from given value of various types.
func (*IValue) Kind ¶
func (iv *IValue) Kind() IValueKind
type IValueKind ¶
var ( NoneVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf(nil)} TensorVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf(Tensor{})} DoubleVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf(float64(1))} IntVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf(int64(1))} BoolVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf(true)} TupleVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf([]IValue{})} IntListVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf([]int64{})} DoubleListVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf([]float64{})} BoolListVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf([]bool{})} StringVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf("")} TensorListVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf([]Tensor{})} GenericListVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf([]IValue{})} GenericDictVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf(map[IValue]IValue{})} // 2 elements. ? map[IValue]IValue GenericVal IValueKind = IValueKind{reflect.TypeOf(IValue{})} )
type IndexSelect ¶
type IndexSelect struct{ Index *Tensor }
func NewIndexSelect ¶
func NewIndexSelect(ts *Tensor) IndexSelect
func NewSliceIndex ¶
func NewSliceIndex(sl []int64) IndexSelect
type InsertNewAxis ¶
type InsertNewAxis struct{}
func NewInsertNewAxis ¶
func NewInsertNewAxis() InsertNewAxis
type Iter2 ¶
type Iter2 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Iter2 is an iterator over a pair of tensors which have the same first dimension size. The typical use case is to iterate over batches. Each batch is a pair containing a (potentially random) slice of each of the two input tensors.
func MustNewIter2 ¶
MustNewIter2 returns a new iterator.
This takes as input two tensors which first dimension must match. The returned iterator can be used to range over mini-batches of data of specified size. Panics if `xs` and `ys` have different first dimension sizes.
Arguments ¶
* `xs` - the features to be used by the model. * `ys` - the targets that the model attempts to predict. * `batch_size` - the size of batches to be returned.
func NewIter2 ¶
NewIter2 returns a new iterator.
This takes as input two tensors which first dimension must match. The returned iterator can be used to range over mini-batches of data of specified size. An error is returned if `xs` and `ys` have different first dimension sizes.
Arguments ¶
* `xs` - the features to be used by the model. * `ys` - the targets that the model attempts to predict. * `batch_size` - the size of batches to be returned.
func (*Iter2) ReturnSmallLastBatch ¶
ReturnSmallLastBatch when set, returns the last batch even if smaller than the batch size.
type Module ¶
Module interface is a container with only one method `Forward`
The following is `module` concept from Pytorch documenation: Base class for all neural network modules. Your models should also subclass this class. Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes. Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call .cuda(), etc.
type ModuleOption ¶
type ModuleOption func() Module
func WithModule ¶
func WithModule(m Module) ModuleOption
type ModuleT ¶
ModuleT is a `Module` with an additional train parameter The train parameter is commonly used to have different behavior between training and evaluation. E.g. When using dropout or batch-normalization.
type ModuleTOption ¶
type ModuleTOption func() ModuleT
func WithModuleT ¶
func WithModuleT(m ModuleT) ModuleTOption
type NamedTensor ¶
NamedTensor wraps C tensor and its name
func LoadMulti ¶
func LoadMulti(path string) ([]NamedTensor, error)
LoadMulti loads some named tensors from a file
The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API.
func LoadMultiWithDevice ¶
func LoadMultiWithDevice(path string, device gotch.Device) ([]NamedTensor, error)
LoadMultiWithDevice loads some named tensors from a file to a given device
The file format is the same as the one used by the PyTorch C++ API.
func MustLoadMulti ¶
func MustLoadMulti(path string) []NamedTensor
MustLoadMulti loads some named tensors from a file. It will panic if error
func MustLoadMultiWithDevice ¶
func MustLoadMultiWithDevice(path string, device gotch.Device) []NamedTensor
MustLoadMulti loads some named tensors from a file. It will panic if error
func ReadNpz ¶ added in v0.3.3
func ReadNpz(filePath string) ([]NamedTensor, error)
ReadNpz reads a compressed numpy file (.npz) and returns named tensors
type NoGradGuard ¶
type NoGradGuard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NoGradGuard is a RAII guard that prevents gradient tracking until deallocated. It actually sets a global flag that is checked by the backend whenever an op is done on a variable. The guard itself saved the current status and set it to false in the constructor. And restore the saved status in it’s destructor. That way it is similar to a with torch.no_grad(): block in python. Ref.
TODO: should we implement Go `mutex` here???
func NewNoGradGuard ¶
func NewNoGradGuard() *NoGradGuard
Init NoGradGuard and disables gradient tracking
func (*NoGradGuard) Enable ¶
func (ngg *NoGradGuard) Enable()
type NpyHeader ¶ added in v0.3.3
type NpyHeader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNpyHeader ¶ added in v0.3.3
NewHeader creates Header from input data
NOTE. This is mainly for unit test purpose
func ParseNpyHeader ¶ added in v0.3.3
ParseNpyHeader parses the given npy header string.
A typical example would be: {'descr': '<f8', 'fortran_order': False, 'shape': (128,), }
type Scalar ¶
type Scalar struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Scalar) Drop ¶
Drop sets scalar to zero and frees up C memory
TODO: Really? after running s.Drop() and s.ToInt() it returns Zero.
type Tensor ¶
type Tensor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func AffineGridGenerator ¶
func AlignTensors ¶
tensor *atg_align_tensors(tensor *tensors_data, int tensors_len);
func AlphaDropout ¶
func ArangeOut1 ¶
func BartlettWindow ¶
func BartlettWindow1 ¶
func BatchNormBackwardElemt ¶
func BatchNormElemt ¶
func BatchNormElemtOut ¶
func BlackmanWindow ¶
func BlackmanWindow1 ¶
func BroadcastTensors ¶
tensor *atg_broadcast_tensors(tensor *tensors_data, int tensors_len);
func Bucketize1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func CartesianProd ¶
func ChainMatmul ¶
func Col2imBackward ¶
func Col2imBackwardOut ¶
func ComplexOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func ConvTranspose1d ¶
func ConvTranspose2d ¶
func ConvTranspose3d ¶
func Convolution ¶
func ConvolutionOverrideable ¶
func CosineEmbeddingLoss ¶
func CosineSimilarity ¶
func CummaxminBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func CumprodBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func DiagBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func DiagonalBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func EluBackward ¶
func EluBackwardOut ¶
func EmbeddingBackward ¶
func EmbeddingDenseBackward ¶
func EmbeddingSparseBackward ¶
func EmptyQuantized ¶ added in v0.3.0
func EmptyStrided ¶
func FbgemmLinearFp16Weight ¶
func FbgemmLinearInt8Weight ¶
func FeatureAlphaDropout ¶
func FeatureDropout ¶
func GridSampler ¶
func GridSampler2d ¶
func GridSampler3d ¶
func HammingWindow ¶
func HammingWindow1 ¶
func HammingWindow2 ¶
func HammingWindow3 ¶
func HannWindow ¶
func HannWindow1 ¶
func Im2colBackward ¶
func Im2colBackwardOut ¶
func IndexSelectBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func InstanceNorm ¶
func KaiserWindow ¶ added in v0.3.0
func KaiserWindow1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func KaiserWindow2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func LinspaceOut ¶
func LogspaceOut ¶
func MarginRankingLoss ¶
func MaskedSelectBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MkldnnLinear ¶
func MustAffineGridGenerator ¶
func MustAlignTensors ¶
func MustAlphaDropout ¶
func MustArange ¶
func MustArange1 ¶
func MustArange2 ¶
func MustArangeOut ¶
func MustBartlettWindow ¶
func MustBartlettWindow1 ¶
func MustBatchNorm ¶
func MustBatchNormElemt ¶
func MustBatchNormElemtOut ¶
func MustBilinear ¶
func MustBinomial ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustBlackmanWindow ¶
func MustBlackmanWindow1 ¶
func MustBlockDiag ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustBroadcastTensors ¶
func MustBucketize1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustCartesianProd ¶
func MustChainMatmul ¶
func MustCol2imBackward ¶
func MustCol2imBackwardOut ¶
func MustComplex ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustComplexOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustConv1d ¶
func MustConv2d ¶
func MustConv3d ¶
func MustConvTranspose1d ¶
func MustConvTranspose2d ¶
func MustConvTranspose3d ¶
func MustConvolution ¶
func MustCosineEmbeddingLoss ¶
func MustCosineSimilarity ¶
func MustCtcLoss ¶
func MustCtcLoss1 ¶
func MustCummaxminBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustCumprodBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustDiagBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustDiagonalBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustDstack ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustDstackOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustEinsum ¶
func MustEluBackward ¶
func MustEluBackwardOut ¶
func MustEmbedding ¶
func MustEmbeddingBackward ¶
func MustEmptyMeta ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustEmptyOut ¶
func MustEmptyQuantized ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustEmptyStrided ¶
func MustEyeOut ¶
func MustFeatureAlphaDropout ¶
func MustFeatureDropout ¶
func MustFromFile ¶
func MustGridSampler ¶
func MustGridSampler2d ¶
func MustGridSampler3d ¶
func MustGroupNorm ¶
func MustGruCell ¶
func MustHammingWindow ¶
func MustHammingWindow1 ¶
func MustHammingWindow2 ¶
func MustHammingWindow3 ¶
func MustHannWindow ¶
func MustHannWindow1 ¶
func MustHstack ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustHstackOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustIm2colBackward ¶
func MustIm2colBackwardOut ¶
func MustIndexSelectBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustInstanceNorm ¶
func MustKaiserWindow ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustKaiserWindow1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustKaiserWindow2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustLayerNorm ¶
func MustLinspace ¶
func MustLinspaceOut ¶
func MustLogspace ¶
func MustLogspaceOut ¶
func MustMarginRankingLoss ¶
func MustMaskedSelectBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustMkldnnLinear ¶
func MustNormalOut3 ¶
func MustOfDataSize ¶ added in v0.3.3
MustOfDataSize create Tensor from input byte data and specified shape and dtype or panic if error
func MustOfSlice ¶
func MustOfSlice(data interface{}) *Tensor
MustOfSlice create a tensor from slice of data. It will be panic if error.
func MustOnesOut ¶
func MustPairwiseDistance ¶
func MustPoissonNllLoss ¶
func MustPolarOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustPowOut2 ¶
func MustQuantizedBatchNorm ¶
func MustQuantizedGruCell ¶
func MustRandOut ¶
func MustRandint ¶
func MustRandint1 ¶
func MustRandintOut1 ¶
func MustRandnOut ¶
func MustRandperm ¶
func MustRandpermOut ¶
func MustRange1 ¶
func MustRepeatInterleave ¶
func MustRnnReluCell ¶
func MustRnnTanhCell ¶
func MustScalarTensor ¶
func MustSearchsorted1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustSelectBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustSigmoidBackward ¶
func MustSigmoidBackwardOut ¶
func MustSliceBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustSparseCooTensor ¶
func MustSparseCooTensor1 ¶
func MustSparseCooTensor2 ¶
func MustTakeBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustTanhBackward ¶
func MustTanhBackwardOut ¶
func MustToDenseBackward ¶
func MustToMkldnnBackward ¶
func MustTraceBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustTrilIndices ¶
func MustTripletMarginLoss ¶
func MustTriuIndices ¶
func MustUnfoldBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustValueSelectingReductionBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustVander ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustVstack ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustVstackOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustWhere2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustWhere4 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func MustZerosOut ¶
func Must_AmpUpdateScale ¶
func Must_CdistBackward ¶
func Must_ComputeLinearCombination ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_ComputeLinearCombinationOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_Convolution ¶
func Must_Convolution1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_ConvolutionNogroup ¶
func Must_CtcLossBackward ¶
func Must_DimArange ¶
func Must_DirichletGrad ¶
func Must_EuclideanDist ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_GridSampler2dCpuFallback ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_SaturateWeightToFp16 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_SparseMm ¶
func Must_TestOptionalFilledIntlist ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_TestOptionalIntlist ¶ added in v0.3.0
func Must_Trilinear ¶
func NewTensorFromData ¶
NewTensorFromData creates tensor from given data and shape
func NormExceptDim ¶
func NormalOut1 ¶
func NormalOut2 ¶
func NormalOut3 ¶
func OfDataSize ¶ added in v0.3.3
OfDataSize creates Tensor from input byte data, shape and dtype.
func PairwiseDistance ¶
func PoissonNllLoss ¶
func QuantizedBatchNorm ¶
func QuantizedGruCell ¶
func QuantizedRnnReluCell ¶
func QuantizedRnnTanhCell ¶
func RandintOut ¶
func RandintOut1 ¶
func RepeatInterleave ¶
func ResizeHwc ¶
ResizeHwc expects a tensor of shape [height, width, channels]. On success returns a tensor of shape [height, width, channels].
func RnnReluCell ¶
func RnnTanhCell ¶
func RunBackward ¶
func RunBackward(tensors []Tensor, inputs []Tensor, keepGraphB bool, createGraphB bool) ([]Tensor, error)
RunBackward runs the backward ...
func ScalarTensor ¶
func Searchsorted1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func SelectBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func SigmoidBackward ¶
func SigmoidBackwardOut ¶
func SliceBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func SparseCooTensor ¶
func SparseCooTensor1 ¶
func SparseCooTensor2 ¶
func TakeBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func TanhBackward ¶
func TanhBackwardOut ¶
func TensorFrom ¶
func TensorFrom(data interface{}) *Tensor
TensorFrom create a tensor from slice of data. It will be panic if error.
func ToDenseBackward ¶
func ToMkldnnBackward ¶
func TraceBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func TrilIndices ¶
func TripletMarginLoss ¶
func TriuIndices ¶
func UnfoldBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func ValueSelectingReductionBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) AbsoluteOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) AccuracyForLogits ¶
AccuracyForLogits returns the average accuracy for some given logits assuming that targets represent ground-truth.
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool1d ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3d ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveAvgPool3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) AdaptiveMaxPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Add1_ ¶
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "" ts "" ) func main() { // In-place operation ts3 := ts.MustOnes([]int64{2, 3}, gotch.Float, gotch.CPU) fmt.Println("Before:") ts3.Print() ts3.MustAdd1_(ts.FloatScalar(2.0)) fmt.Printf("After (ts3 + 2.0): \n") ts3.Print() ts3.MustDrop() //Before: // 1 1 1 // 1 1 1 //[ CPUFloatType{2,3} ] //After (ts3 + 2.0): // 3 3 3 // 3 3 3 //[ CPUFloatType{2,3} ] }
func (*Tensor) AddcdivOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AddcmulOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ApplyCModule ¶
Apply forwards tensor itself through a module.
func (*Tensor) ApplyOpt ¶
func (ts *Tensor) ApplyOpt(opts ...ModuleOption) (retVal *Tensor)
ApplyOpt forwards a tensor itself through a module if given, shallow-copies the tensor otherwise.
func (*Tensor) ApplyOptT ¶
func (ts *Tensor) ApplyOptT(train bool, opts ...ModuleTOption) (retVal *Tensor)
ApplyOptT forwards a tensor itself through a module T if given, shallow-copies the tensor otherwise.
func (*Tensor) ArccoshOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) ArcsinhOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) ArctanhOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) AsStrided_ ¶
func (*Tensor) AvgPool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) AvgPool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AvgPool2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AvgPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) AvgPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) AvgPool3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Backward ¶
Backward runs the backward pass, populating the gradient tensors for tensors which gradients are tracked.
Gradients tracking can be turned on via `SetRequiresGrad`.
func (*Tensor) BaddbmmOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Bernoulli1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Bernoulli1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BernoulliOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Bernoulli_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropy ¶
func (*Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyOut ¶
func (*Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyWithLogits ¶
func (*Tensor) BinaryCrossEntropyWithLogitsBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseAnd ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseAnd1 ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseAnd1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseAndOut ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseAndOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseAnd_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseNotOut ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseNot_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseOr1 ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseOr1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseOrOut ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseOrOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseOr_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseXor ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseXor1 ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseXor1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseXorOut ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseXorOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) BitwiseXor_ ¶
func (*Tensor) BucketizeOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) ChannelShuffle ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) CholeskyInverse ¶
func (*Tensor) CholeskyInverseOut ¶
func (*Tensor) CholeskyOut ¶
func (*Tensor) CholeskySolve ¶
func (*Tensor) CholeskySolveOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ClampMaxOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ClampMinOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Combinations ¶
func (*Tensor) ConstantPadNd ¶
func (*Tensor) CopyData ¶
CopyData copies `numel` elements from `self` to `dst`. `dst` should be a slice of Go type equivalent to tensor type.
NOTE: `dst` located in Go memory. Should it be? We will render Go pointer of first element of `dst` slice and number of elements to C land. This may break in the future if Go policy changes.
func (*Tensor) CopyDataUint8 ¶
CopyDataUint8 copies `numel` elements from `self` to `dst`.
NOTE: `dst` located in Go memory. Should it be?
func (*Tensor) CopySparseToSparse_ ¶
func (*Tensor) CountNonzero ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) CountNonzero1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) CrossEntropyForLogits ¶
CrossEntropyForLogits computes the cross-entropy loss based on some logits and targets.
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolution1 ¶
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolution2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolutionBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTranspose ¶
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTranspose1 ¶
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTranspose2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) CudnnConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) CudnnGridSampler ¶
func (*Tensor) CumprodOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Deg2radOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) DigammaOut ¶
func (*Tensor) EmbeddingRenorm_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Exponential_ ¶
func (*Tensor) FakeQuantizePerChannelAffine ¶
func (*Tensor) FakeQuantizePerChannelAffineBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) FakeQuantizePerTensorAffine ¶
func (*Tensor) FakeQuantizePerTensorAffineBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) FeatureAlphaDropout_ ¶
func (*Tensor) FeatureDropout_ ¶
func (*Tensor) FillDiagonal_ ¶
func (*Tensor) FlatView ¶
FlatView flattens a tensor.
This returns a flattened version of the given tensor. The first dimension is preserved as it is assumed to be the mini-batch dimension.
func (*Tensor) Float64Value ¶
- func (ts Tensor) Eq1(other Tensor, del bool) (retVal Tensor, err error) { *
- // Get a C null pointer
- //
- ptr := (*lib.Ctensor)(unsafe.Pointer(C.malloc(0)))
- if del {
- defer ts.MustDrop()
- } *
- lib.AtgEq1(ptr, ts.ctensor, other.ctensor)
- if err = TorchErr(); err != nil {
- return retVal, err
- } *
- return Tensor{ctensor: *ptr}, nil *
- } *
- func (ts Tensor) MustEq1(other Tensor, del bool) (retVal Tensor) {
- retVal, err := ts.Eq1(other, del)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- } *
- return retVal
- } *
Float64Value returns a float value on tensors holding a single element. An error is returned otherwise. double at_double_value_at_indexes(tensor, int64_t *indexes, int indexes_len);
func (*Tensor) Float64Values ¶
Float64Values returns values of tensor in a slice of float64.
func (*Tensor) FloorDivide ¶
func (*Tensor) FloorDivide1 ¶
func (*Tensor) FloorDivide1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) FloorDivideOut ¶
func (*Tensor) FloorDivide_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Format ¶ added in v0.3.2
Format implements fmt.Formatter interface so that we can use fmt.Print... and verbs to print out Tensor value in different formats.
func (*Tensor) FractionalMaxPool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) FractionalMaxPool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) FractionalMaxPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) FractionalMaxPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) FrobeniusNorm ¶
func (*Tensor) FrobeniusNorm1 ¶
func (*Tensor) FrobeniusNormOut ¶
func (*Tensor) GatherBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GeluBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) Geometric_ ¶
func (*Tensor) GluBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) GluBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) GreaterEqual ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GreaterEqual1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GreaterEqual1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GreaterEqualOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GreaterEqualOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GreaterEqual_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GreaterOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) GreaterOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) HardshrinkBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) HardsigmoidBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) HardsigmoidOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Hardsigmoid_ ¶
func (*Tensor) HardswishBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) HardswishOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Hardswish_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) HardtanhBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) HardtanhBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) HardtanhOut ¶
func (*Tensor) HeavisideOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Heaviside_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) HingeEmbeddingLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) Idx ¶
Idx implements `IndexOp` interface for Tensor
NOTE: - `index`: expects type `TensorIndexer` or `[]TensorIndexer`
func (*Tensor) IndexCopy_ ¶
func (*Tensor) IndexFill1 ¶
func (*Tensor) IndexFill1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) IndexFill_ ¶
func (*Tensor) IndexSelect ¶
func (*Tensor) IndexSelectOut ¶
func (*Tensor) InfinitelyDifferentiableGeluBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Int64Value ¶
Int64Value returns an int value on tensors holding a single element. An error is returned otherwise.
func (*Tensor) Int64Values ¶
Int64Values returns values of tensor in a slice of int64.
func (*Tensor) InverseOut ¶
func (*Tensor) IsneginfOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) IsposinfOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) KlDivBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) L1LossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) L1LossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LeakyReluBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) LeakyReluOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LeakyRelu_ ¶
func (*Tensor) LessEqual1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LessEqual1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LessEqualOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LessEqualOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LessEqual_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LinalgNorm ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LinalgNorm1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LinalgNormOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LinalgNormOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LogSigmoidBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) LogSigmoidBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LogSigmoidOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LogSoftmax ¶
func (*Tensor) Logaddexp2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Logaddexp2Out ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LogaddexpOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Logcumsumexp ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LogcumsumexpOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LogicalAnd ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalAndOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalAnd_ ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalNotOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalNot_ ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalOrOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalOr_ ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalXor ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalXorOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LogicalXor_ ¶
func (*Tensor) LogitBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LogitBackwardOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) LogsumexpOut ¶
func (*Tensor) LuSolveOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MaskedFill ¶
func (*Tensor) MaskedFill1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MaskedFill1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MaskedScatter ¶
func (*Tensor) MaskedScatter_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MaskedSelect ¶
func (*Tensor) MaskedSelectOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Matmul ¶
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "" ts "" ) func main() { // Basic tensor operations ts1 := ts.MustArange(ts.IntScalar(6), gotch.Int64, gotch.CPU).MustView([]int64{2, 3}, true) defer ts1.MustDrop() ts2 := ts.MustOnes([]int64{3, 4}, gotch.Int64, gotch.CPU) defer ts2.MustDrop() mul := ts1.MustMatmul(ts2, false) defer mul.MustDrop() fmt.Println("ts1: ") ts1.Print() fmt.Println("ts2: ") ts2.Print() fmt.Println("mul tensor (ts1 x ts2): ") mul.Print() //ts1: // 0 1 2 // 3 4 5 //[ CPULongType{2,3} ] //ts2: // 1 1 1 1 // 1 1 1 1 // 1 1 1 1 //[ CPULongType{3,4} ] //mul tensor (ts1 x ts2): // 3 3 3 3 // 12 12 12 12 //[ CPULongType{2,4} ] }
func (*Tensor) MatrixExpBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MatrixPower ¶
func (*Tensor) MatrixRank ¶
func (*Tensor) MatrixRank1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxPool2DDefault ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxPool2dWithIndicesBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxPool2dWithIndicesBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxPool3dWithIndicesBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxPool3dWithIndicesBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MaxUnpool3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MaximumOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MinimumOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MiopenConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) MiopenConvolutionBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MiopenConvolutionTranspose ¶
func (*Tensor) MiopenConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MiopenDepthwiseConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) MiopenDepthwiseConvolutionBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MkldnnAdaptiveAvgPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MkldnnConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) MkldnnMaxPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MkldnnMaxPool3d ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MkldnnReorderConv2dWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MkldnnReorderConv3dWeight ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MseLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MseLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MseLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MultiMarginLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MultiMarginLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MultilabelMarginLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) MultilabelMarginLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MultilabelMarginLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MultilabelMarginLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Multinomial ¶
func (*Tensor) MultinomialOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Multiply1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MultiplyOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAbsolute ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAbsoluteOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAbsolute_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustAbsolute_()
func (*Tensor) MustAcoshOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAcosh_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustAcosh_()
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool1d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveAvgPool3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAdaptiveMaxPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddbmm ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddbmmOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddbmm_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddcdiv ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddcdivOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddcdiv_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddcmul ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddcmulOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddcmul_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddmmOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddmm_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddmvOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddmv_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAddrOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAlignAs ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAllOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAlphaDropout_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAmaxOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAminOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAngleOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAnyOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustArccos ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArccosOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArccos_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustArccos_()
func (*Tensor) MustArccosh ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArccoshOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArccosh_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustArccosh_()
func (*Tensor) MustArcsin ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArcsinOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArcsin_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsin_()
func (*Tensor) MustArcsinh ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArcsinhOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArcsinh_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustArcsinh_()
func (*Tensor) MustArctan ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArctanOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArctan_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustArctan_()
func (*Tensor) MustArctanh ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArctanhOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustArctanh_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustArctanh_()
func (*Tensor) MustArgmax ¶
func (*Tensor) MustArgmin ¶
func (*Tensor) MustArgsort ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAsStrided ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAsStrided_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAsinhOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAsinh_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustAsinh_()
func (*Tensor) MustAtan2Out ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAtan2_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAtanhOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAtanh_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustAtanh_()
func (*Tensor) MustAtleast1d ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAtleast2d ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAtleast3d ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool1d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustAvgPool3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBackward ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustBackward()
func (*Tensor) MustBaddbmm ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBaddbmmOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBaddbmm_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBernoulli ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBernoulli1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBernoulli1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBernoulliOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBernoulli_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropy ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyWithLogits ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBinaryCrossEntropyWithLogitsBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBincount ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseAndOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseAndOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseAnd_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseNot ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseNotOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseNot_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustBitwiseNot_()
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseOr ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseOr1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseOr1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseOrOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseOrOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseOr_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseXor ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseXor1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseXor1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseXorOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseXorOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBitwiseXor_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBmmOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustBucketize ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustBucketizeOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustCauchy_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustChannelShuffle ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustCholeskyInverse ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCholeskyInverseOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCholeskyOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCholeskySolve ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCholeskySolveOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClampMax ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClampMaxOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClampMax_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClampMin ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClampMinOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClampMin_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClampOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClamp_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustClipOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustCoalesce ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCol2im ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCol2imOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCombinations ¶
func (*Tensor) MustConstantPadNd ¶
func (*Tensor) MustContiguous ¶
func (*Tensor) MustConvTbc ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCopyData ¶
MustCopyData copies number of elements from tensor to a slice of data
NOTE: `dst` is a slice with length = numel and Go type equavalent to tensor DType
func (*Tensor) MustCopyDataUint8 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCopySparseToSparse_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCountNonzero ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustCountNonzero1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustCrossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolution1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolution2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTranspose ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTranspose1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTranspose2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCudnnGridSampler ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCumprod ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCumprodOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCumsum ¶
func (*Tensor) MustCumsumOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDefined ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDeg2rad ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustDeg2radOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustDeg2rad_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustDeg2rad_()
func (*Tensor) MustDequantize ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDetach ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDetach_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustDetach_()
func (*Tensor) MustDevice ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDiagEmbed ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDiagOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDiagflat ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDiagonal ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDigamma ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDigammaOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDigamma_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustDigamma_()
func (*Tensor) MustDivOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDivide ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustDivide1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustDivide1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustDivideOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustDivide_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustDotOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustDrop ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustDrop()
MustDrop drops the tensor. It will be panic if error
func (*Tensor) MustDropout_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustEmbeddingRenorm_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustEmptyLike ¶
func (*Tensor) MustEqOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustErfinv ¶
func (*Tensor) MustErfinvOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustErfinv_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustErfinv_()
func (*Tensor) MustExp2Out ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustExpand ¶
func (*Tensor) MustExpandAs ¶
func (*Tensor) MustExpm1Out ¶
func (*Tensor) MustExpm1_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustExpm1_()
func (*Tensor) MustExponential_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerChannelAffine ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerChannelAffineBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerTensorAffine ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFakeQuantizePerTensorAffineBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFeatureAlphaDropout_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFeatureDropout_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFftFft ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftFftn ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftHfft ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftIfft ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftIfftn ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftIhfft ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftIrfft ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftIrfftn ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftRfft ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFftRfftn ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFill1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFillDiagonal_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFixOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFlatten ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFliplr ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFlipud ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustFloat64Value ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFloorDivide ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFloorDivide1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFloorDivide1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFloorDivideOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFloorDivide_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFloorOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFloor_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustFloor_()
func (*Tensor) MustFmod1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFmodOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFmodOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFractionalMaxPool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFrobeniusNorm ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFrobeniusNorm1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFrobeniusNormOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustFullLike ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGather ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGatherBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGatherOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGcdOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGeOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGeluBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGeometric_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGerOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGet ¶
MustGet gets the sub-tensor at the given index. It will panic if error occurred.
func (*Tensor) MustGluBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGluBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGluOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustGreater ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreater1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreater1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterEqual ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterEqual1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterEqual1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterEqualOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterEqualOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterEqual_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreaterOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGreater_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustGtOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardshrink ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardshrinkBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardsigmoid ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardsigmoidBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardsigmoidOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardsigmoid_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustHardsigmoid_()
func (*Tensor) MustHardswish ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustHardswishBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustHardswishOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustHardswish_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustHardswish_()
func (*Tensor) MustHardtanh ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardtanhBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardtanhBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardtanhOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHardtanh_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustHardtanh_()
func (*Tensor) MustHeaviside ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustHeavisideOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustHeaviside_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustHingeEmbeddingLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHistcOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustHypotOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustHypot_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustIm2col ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIm2colOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexAdd ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexAdd_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexCopy ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexCopy_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexFill ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexFill1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexFill1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexFill_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexPut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexPut_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexSelect ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndexSelectOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIndices ¶
func (*Tensor) MustInfinitelyDifferentiableGeluBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustInt64Value ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIntRepr ¶
func (*Tensor) MustInverse ¶
func (*Tensor) MustInverseOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIsclose ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIsfinite ¶
func (*Tensor) MustIsneginf ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustIsneginfOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustIsposinf ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustIsposinfOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustIsreal ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustKlDivBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustL1Loss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustL1LossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustL1LossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustL1LossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLcmOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLeOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLeakyRelu ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLeakyReluBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLeakyReluOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLeakyRelu_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustLeakyRelu_()
func (*Tensor) MustLerp1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLerpOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLerpOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLess1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessEqual ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessEqual1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessEqual1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessEqualOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessEqualOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessEqual_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLessOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLgamma ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLgammaOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLgamma_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustLgamma_()
func (*Tensor) MustLinalgDet ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLinalgNorm ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLinalgNorm1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLinalgNormOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLinalgNormOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLog10Out ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLog10_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustLog10_()
func (*Tensor) MustLog1pOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLog1p_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustLog1p_()
func (*Tensor) MustLogNormal_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogSigmoid ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogSigmoidBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogSigmoidBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogSigmoidOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogSoftmax ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogaddexp ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogaddexp2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogaddexp2Out ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogaddexpOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogcumsumexp ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogcumsumexpOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogdet ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalAnd ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalAndOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalAnd_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalNot ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalNotOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalNot_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustLogicalNot_()
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalOr ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalOrOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalOr_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalXor ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalXorOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogicalXor_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogitBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogitBackwardOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogitOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogit_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustLogsumexp ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLogsumexpOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLtOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLuSolve ¶
func (*Tensor) MustLuSolveOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedFill ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedFill1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedFill1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedFill_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedScatter ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedScatter_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedSelect ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaskedSelectOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMatmulOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMatrixExp ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMatrixExpBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMatrixPower ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMatrixRank ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMatrixRank1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxPool1d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxPool2dWithIndicesBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxPool2dWithIndicesBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxPool3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxPool3dWithIndicesBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxPool3dWithIndicesBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaxUnpool3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMaximum ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMaximumOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMeanOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMedian ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMeshgrid ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMinOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMinimum ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMinimumOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMiopenConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMiopenConvolutionBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMiopenConvolutionTranspose ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMiopenConvolutionTransposeBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMiopenDepthwiseConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMiopenDepthwiseConvolutionBackwardWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMkldnnAdaptiveAvgPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMkldnnConvolution ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMkldnnMaxPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMkldnnMaxPool3d ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMkldnnReorderConv2dWeight ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMkldnnReorderConv3dWeight ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMovedim ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMovedim1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMseLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMseLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMseLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMseLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMulOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultiMarginLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultiMarginLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultilabelMarginLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultinomial ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultinomialOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustMultiply ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMultiply1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMultiply1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMultiplyOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMultiply_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustMvlgamma_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNLLLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNanquantile ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNanquantile1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNanquantileOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNanquantileOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNansum ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNansum1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNansumOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNarrow ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNarrow1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNarrowCopy ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNativeNorm ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNativeNorm1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNeOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNegative ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNegativeOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNegative_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustNegative_()
func (*Tensor) MustNewEmpty ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNewFull ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNewZeros ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNextafter ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNextafterOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNextafter_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNllLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNllLoss2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNllLoss2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNllLoss2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNllLoss2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNllLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNllLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNllLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNonzero ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNonzeroNumpy ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNonzeroOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNormOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNormOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNormal_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNotEqual ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNotEqual1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNotEqual1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNotEqualOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNotEqualOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNotEqual_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustNuclearNorm ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNuclearNorm1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNuclearNormOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNuclearNormOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustNumpyT ¶
func (*Tensor) MustOneHot ¶
func (*Tensor) MustOnesLike ¶
func (*Tensor) MustOrgqrOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustOrmqrOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustOuterOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustPinMemory ¶
func (*Tensor) MustPinverse ¶
func (*Tensor) MustPixelShuffle ¶
func (*Tensor) MustPoisson ¶
func (*Tensor) MustPolygammaOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustPolygamma_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustPowOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustPowOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustProdOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustQPerChannelScales ¶
func (*Tensor) MustQPerChannelZeroPoints ¶
func (*Tensor) MustQuantile ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustQuantile1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustQuantileOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustQuantileOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustQuantizePerChannel ¶
func (*Tensor) MustQuantizePerTensor ¶
func (*Tensor) MustQuantizedMaxPool1d ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustQuantizedMaxPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRad2deg ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustRad2degOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustRad2deg_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (ts *Tensor) MustRad2deg_()
func (*Tensor) MustRandLike ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRandintLike ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRandintLike1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRandnLike ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRandom1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRandom2 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRandom_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustRandom_()
func (*Tensor) MustReciprocal ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReciprocalOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReciprocal_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustReciprocal_()
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad1d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad1dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad1dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReflectionPad2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRemainder ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRemainder1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRemainder1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRemainderOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRemainderOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRemainder_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRenorm ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRenormOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRepeat ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRepeatInterleave1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRepeatInterleave2 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad1d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad1dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad1dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReplicationPad3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRequiresGrad ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRequiresGrad_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReshape ¶
func (*Tensor) MustReshapeAs ¶
func (*Tensor) MustResizeAs_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustResize_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRoundOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRound_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustRound_()
func (*Tensor) MustRreluWithNoise ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRreluWithNoiseBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRreluWithNoiseOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRreluWithNoise_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRrelu_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRsqrtOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustRsqrt_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustRsqrt_()
func (*Tensor) MustScatter ¶
func (*Tensor) MustScatter1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustScatter1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustScatter2 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustScatter3 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustScatterAdd ¶
func (*Tensor) MustScatterAdd_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSearchsorted ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSearchsortedOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSelect ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSetRequiresGrad ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSgnOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustShallowClone ¶
MustShallowClone returns a new tensor that share storage with the input tensor. It will panic if error occurred
func (*Tensor) MustSigmoid ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSigmoidOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSigmoid_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustSigmoid_()
func (*Tensor) MustSignbit ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSignbitOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSiluBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSiluOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConv3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConv3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConvDilated2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConvDilated3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSlowConvTranspose3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSmoothL1Loss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSmoothL1LossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSmoothL1LossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSmoothL1LossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftMarginLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftMarginLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftMarginLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftMarginLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftmax ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftplus ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftplusBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftplusBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftplusOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftshrink ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftshrinkBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftshrinkBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSoftshrinkOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSparseMask ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSparseResizeAndClear_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSparseResize_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSplitWithSizes ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSquare ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSquare_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustSquare_()
func (*Tensor) MustSqueeze ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSqueeze1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSqueeze_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustSqueeze_()
func (*Tensor) MustSspaddmm ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSspaddmmOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustStdOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSubOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSubtract ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSubtract1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSubtract1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSubtractOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSubtract_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustSumOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustSumToSize ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTakeOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTensordot ¶
func (*Tensor) MustThreshold ¶
func (*Tensor) MustThresholdBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) MustThresholdOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustThreshold_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustToDense ¶
func (*Tensor) MustToMkldnn ¶
func (*Tensor) MustToSparse ¶
func (*Tensor) MustToSparse1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustToString ¶
MustToString returns a string representation for the tensor. It will be panic if error. lw : line width (size)
func (*Tensor) MustTotype ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTranspose ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTranspose_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTrilOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTriuOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTrueDivide ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTrueDivide1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTrueDivide1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTrueDivideOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTrueDivide_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTruncOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustTrunc_ ¶
func (ts *Tensor) MustTrunc_()
func (*Tensor) MustUnflatten ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustUnfold ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUniform_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUnsqueeze ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUnsqueeze_ ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleBicubic2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleBicubic2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleBilinear2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleBilinear2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleLinear1d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleLinear1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest1d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleNearest3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleTrilinear3d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustUpsampleTrilinear3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustValues ¶
func (*Tensor) MustVarOut ¶
func (*Tensor) MustVdotOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustViewAsComplex ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustViewAsReal ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustWhere1 ¶
func (*Tensor) MustWhere3 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) MustZeroPad2d ¶
func (*Tensor) MustZerosLike ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_AdaptiveAvgPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_AdaptiveAvgPool2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_AddBatchDim ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_AddRelu ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_AddReluOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_AddRelu_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_AddmvImpl_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_BaddbmmMkl_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_BmmOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_CastByte ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CastChar ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CastDouble ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CastFloat ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CastHalf ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CastInt ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CastLong ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CastShort ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CholeskyHelper ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CholeskySolveHelper ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_Coalesced_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CopyFrom ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CumprodOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_CumsumOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_FakeQuantizeLearnablePerChannelAffine ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_FakeQuantizeLearnablePerTensorAffine ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_FftWithSize ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_FftWithSize1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_GatherSparseBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_IndexCopy_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_IndexPutImpl_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_Indices ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_InverseHelper ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_LogSoftmax ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_LogSoftmaxBackwardData ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_Logcumsumexp ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_LogcumsumexpOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_LuSolveHelper ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_MakePerChannelQuantizedTensor ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_MakePerTensorQuantizedTensor ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_MaskedScale ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_MkldnnReshape ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_MkldnnTranspose ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_MkldnnTranspose_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_PdistBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_RemoveBatchDim ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_ReshapeFromTensor ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SWhere ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SampleDirichlet ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_ShapeAsTensor ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SobolEngineFf_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SobolEngineInitializeState_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SobolEngineScramble_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_Softmax ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SoftmaxBackwardData ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseAddmm ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseLogSoftmax ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseLogSoftmax1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseLogSoftmaxBackwardData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSoftmax ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSoftmax1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSoftmaxBackwardData ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSum ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSum1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSum2 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSum3 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_SparseSumBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_StandardGamma ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_StandardGammaGrad ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_TestSerializationSubcmul ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Must_UnsafeView ¶
func (*Tensor) Must_Values ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__And1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__And_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Iand1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Iand_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Ilshift1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Ilshift_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Ior1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Ior_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Irshift1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Irshift_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Ixor1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Ixor_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Lshift1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Lshift_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Rshift1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Rshift_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Xor1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Must__Xor_ ¶
func (*Tensor) NLLLoss ¶
NOTE. `NLLLoss` is a version of `NllLoss` in tensor-generated with default weight, reduction and ignoreIndex
func (*Tensor) Nanquantile ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Nanquantile1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NanquantileOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NanquantileOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NarrowCopy ¶
func (*Tensor) NativeNorm1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NegativeOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NextafterOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Nextafter_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NllLoss2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) NllLoss2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) NllLoss2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) NllLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) NllLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) NllLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) NonzeroNumpy ¶
tensor *atg_nonzero_numpy(tensor self);
func (*Tensor) NonzeroOut ¶
func (*Tensor) NotEqual1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NotEqualOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NotEqualOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) NuclearNorm ¶
func (*Tensor) NuclearNorm1 ¶
func (*Tensor) NuclearNormOut ¶
func (*Tensor) NuclearNormOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Onehot ¶
Onehot converts a tensor to a one-hot encoded version.
If the input has a size [N1, N2, ..., Nk], the returned tensor has a size [N1, ..., Nk, labels]. The returned tensor uses float values. Elements of the input vector are expected to be between 0 and labels-1.
NOTE: There's other `ts.OneHot` and `ts.MustOneHot` generated from Atg C++ API
func (*Tensor) PixelShuffle ¶
func (*Tensor) PolygammaOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Polygamma_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Print ¶
func (ts *Tensor) Print()
Print prints tensor values to console.
NOTE: it is printed from C and will print ALL elements of tensor with no truncation at all.
func (*Tensor) QPerChannelScales ¶
func (*Tensor) QPerChannelZeroPoints ¶
func (*Tensor) QuantileOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) QuantileOut1 ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) QuantizePerChannel ¶
func (*Tensor) QuantizePerTensor ¶
func (*Tensor) QuantizedMaxPool1d ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) QuantizedMaxPool2d ¶
func (*Tensor) Rad2degOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) RandintLike ¶
func (*Tensor) RandintLike1 ¶
func (*Tensor) ReciprocalOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Reciprocal_ ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad1d ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad1dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad1dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad2d ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReflectionPad2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Remainder1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Remainder1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) RemainderOut ¶
func (*Tensor) RemainderOut1 ¶
func (*Tensor) Remainder_ ¶
func (*Tensor) RepeatInterleave1 ¶
func (*Tensor) RepeatInterleave2 ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad1d ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad1dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad1dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad2d ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad2dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad2dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad3d ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad3dBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad3dBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) ReplicationPad3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) RequiresGrad ¶
RequiresGrad returns true if gradient are currently tracked for this tensor.
func (*Tensor) RequiresGrad_ ¶
func (*Tensor) RreluWithNoise ¶
func (*Tensor) RreluWithNoiseBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) RreluWithNoiseOut ¶
func (*Tensor) RreluWithNoise_ ¶
func (*Tensor) ScatterAdd ¶
func (*Tensor) ScatterAdd_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Searchsorted ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) SearchsortedOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) SetRequiresGrad ¶
func (*Tensor) ShallowClone ¶
ShallowClone returns a new tensor that share storage with the input tensor.
func (*Tensor) SigmoidOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SignbitOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) SiluBackward ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) Size ¶
Size return shape of the tensor
NOTE: C++ libtorch calls at_shape() -> t.sizes() And returns a slice of sizes or shape using given pointer to that slice.
func (*Tensor) SlowConv3d ¶
func (*Tensor) SlowConv3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SlowConvDilated2d ¶
func (*Tensor) SlowConvDilated3d ¶
func (*Tensor) SlowConvTranspose2d ¶
func (*Tensor) SlowConvTranspose2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SlowConvTranspose3d ¶
func (*Tensor) SlowConvTranspose3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SmoothL1Loss ¶
func (*Tensor) SmoothL1LossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) SmoothL1LossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SmoothL1LossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftMarginLoss ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftMarginLossBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftMarginLossBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftMarginLossOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftplusBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftplusBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftplusOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftshrinkBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftshrinkBackwardOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SoftshrinkOut ¶
func (*Tensor) SparseMask ¶
func (*Tensor) SparseResizeAndClear_ ¶
func (*Tensor) SparseResize_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Split ¶
Split splits tensor into chunks
- splitSize – size of a single chunk
- dim – dimension along which to split the tensor.
func (*Tensor) SplitWithSizes ¶
SplitWithSizes splits tensor into chunks
- splitSizes – slice of sizes for each chunk
- dim – dimension along which to split the tensor.
func (*Tensor) SspaddmmOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Subtract1_ ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) SubtractOut ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) ThresholdBackward ¶
func (*Tensor) ThresholdOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Threshold_ ¶
func (*Tensor) ToString ¶
ToString returns a string representation for the tensor.
lw : line width (size) NOTE: The representation will contain all the tensor element hence may be huge for large tensors.
func (*Tensor) TrueDivide ¶
func (*Tensor) TrueDivide1 ¶
func (*Tensor) TrueDivide1_ ¶
func (*Tensor) TrueDivideOut ¶
func (*Tensor) TrueDivide_ ¶
func (*Tensor) Unsqueeze_ ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleBicubic2d ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleBicubic2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleBilinear2d ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleBilinear2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleLinear1d ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleLinear1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleNearest1d ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleNearest1dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleNearest2d ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleNearest2dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleNearest3d ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleNearest3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleTrilinear3d ¶
func (*Tensor) UpsampleTrilinear3dOut ¶
func (*Tensor) Vals ¶
func (ts *Tensor) Vals() interface{}
Vals returns tensor values in a slice NOTE: need a type insersion to get runtime type E.g. res := xs.Vals().([]int64)
func (*Tensor) ViewAsComplex ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) ViewAsReal ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Tensor) ZeroGrad ¶
func (ts *Tensor) ZeroGrad()
ZeroGrad zeroes the gradient tensor attached to this tensor if defined.
type TensorIndexer ¶
type TensorIndexer interface{}
TensorIndexer is an interface which defines method `From` for any type to fulfill to become an tensor indexer
type TextData ¶
type TextData struct { Data *Tensor // frequency (occurence) of byte value from input text CharForLabel []rune // unique rune values from input text }
TextData represent text data in tensor of runes (uint8) and its corresponding string
func NewTextData ¶
NewTextData creates a text dataset from a file
It reads text input from file to `[]byte` buffer - Loops over each byte - first byte will be labelled `0` - next byte if exist will be labelled with existing label (index), otherwise will labelled with new label(index) Data: tensor of labels CharForLabel: []rune (unique runes from text input)
func (*TextData) IterShuffle ¶
func (td *TextData) IterShuffle(seqLen int64, batchSize int64) *TextDataIter
IterShuffle returns a batch iterator over the dataset. Each sample is made of seq_len characters.
func (*TextData) LabelForChar ¶
LabelForChar returns a corresponding `char` (rune) for specified label input