Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.0.1 Jul 4, 2024 v1.0.0 Jul 4, 2024 Changes in this version + const AnalyticsS3ExportFileFormatCsv + const ArchiveStatusArchiveAccess + const ArchiveStatusDeepArchiveAccess + const BucketAccelerateStatusEnabled + const BucketAccelerateStatusSuspended + const BucketCannedACLAuthenticatedRead + const BucketCannedACLPrivate + const BucketCannedACLPublicRead + const BucketCannedACLPublicReadWrite + const BucketLocationConstraintAfSouth1 + const BucketLocationConstraintApEast1 + const BucketLocationConstraintApNortheast1 + const BucketLocationConstraintApNortheast2 + const BucketLocationConstraintApNortheast3 + const BucketLocationConstraintApSouth1 + const BucketLocationConstraintApSouth2 + const BucketLocationConstraintApSoutheast1 + const BucketLocationConstraintApSoutheast2 + const BucketLocationConstraintApSoutheast3 + const BucketLocationConstraintCaCentral1 + const BucketLocationConstraintCnNorth1 + const BucketLocationConstraintCnNorthwest1 + const BucketLocationConstraintEu + const BucketLocationConstraintEuCentral1 + const BucketLocationConstraintEuNorth1 + const BucketLocationConstraintEuSouth1 + const BucketLocationConstraintEuSouth2 + const BucketLocationConstraintEuWest1 + const BucketLocationConstraintEuWest2 + const BucketLocationConstraintEuWest3 + const BucketLocationConstraintMeSouth1 + const BucketLocationConstraintSaEast1 + const BucketLocationConstraintUsEast2 + const BucketLocationConstraintUsGovEast1 + const BucketLocationConstraintUsGovWest1 + const BucketLocationConstraintUsWest1 + const BucketLocationConstraintUsWest2 + const BucketLogsPermissionFullControl + const BucketLogsPermissionRead + const BucketLogsPermissionWrite + const BucketVersioningStatusEnabled + const BucketVersioningStatusSuspended + const ChecksumAlgorithmCrc32 + const ChecksumAlgorithmCrc32c + const ChecksumAlgorithmSha1 + const ChecksumAlgorithmSha256 + const ChecksumModeEnabled + const CompressionTypeBzip2 + const CompressionTypeGzip + const CompressionTypeNone + const DeleteMarkerReplicationStatusDisabled + const DeleteMarkerReplicationStatusEnabled + const EncodingTypeUrl + const EndpointsID + const ErrCodeBucketAlreadyExists + const ErrCodeBucketAlreadyOwnedByYou + const ErrCodeInvalidObjectState + const ErrCodeNoSuchBucket + const ErrCodeNoSuchKey + const ErrCodeNoSuchUpload + const ErrCodeObjectAlreadyInActiveTierError + const ErrCodeObjectNotInActiveTierError + const EventS3IntelligentTiering + const EventS3LifecycleExpiration + const EventS3LifecycleExpirationDelete + const EventS3LifecycleExpirationDeleteMarkerCreated + const EventS3LifecycleTransition + const EventS3ObjectAclPut + const EventS3ObjectCreated + const EventS3ObjectCreatedCompleteMultipartUpload + const EventS3ObjectCreatedCopy + const EventS3ObjectCreatedPost + const EventS3ObjectCreatedPut + const EventS3ObjectRemoved + const EventS3ObjectRemovedDelete + const EventS3ObjectRemovedDeleteMarkerCreated + const EventS3ObjectRestore + const EventS3ObjectRestoreCompleted + const EventS3ObjectRestoreDelete + const EventS3ObjectRestorePost + const EventS3ObjectTagging + const EventS3ObjectTaggingDelete + const EventS3ObjectTaggingPut + const EventS3ReducedRedundancyLostObject + const EventS3Replication + const EventS3ReplicationOperationFailedReplication + const EventS3ReplicationOperationMissedThreshold + const EventS3ReplicationOperationNotTracked + const EventS3ReplicationOperationReplicatedAfterThreshold + const ExistingObjectReplicationStatusDisabled + const ExistingObjectReplicationStatusEnabled + const ExpirationStatusDisabled + const ExpirationStatusEnabled + const ExpressionTypeSql + const FileHeaderInfoIgnore + const FileHeaderInfoNone + const FileHeaderInfoUse + const FilterRuleNamePrefix + const FilterRuleNameSuffix + const IntelligentTieringAccessTierArchiveAccess + const IntelligentTieringAccessTierDeepArchiveAccess + const IntelligentTieringStatusDisabled + const IntelligentTieringStatusEnabled + const InventoryFormatCsv + const InventoryFormatOrc + const InventoryFormatParquet + const InventoryFrequencyDaily + const InventoryFrequencyWeekly + const InventoryIncludedObjectVersionsAll + const InventoryIncludedObjectVersionsCurrent + const InventoryOptionalFieldBucketKeyStatus + const InventoryOptionalFieldChecksumAlgorithm + const InventoryOptionalFieldEncryptionStatus + const InventoryOptionalFieldEtag + const InventoryOptionalFieldIntelligentTieringAccessTier + const InventoryOptionalFieldIsMultipartUploaded + const InventoryOptionalFieldLastModifiedDate + const InventoryOptionalFieldObjectAccessControlList + const InventoryOptionalFieldObjectLockLegalHoldStatus + const InventoryOptionalFieldObjectLockMode + const InventoryOptionalFieldObjectLockRetainUntilDate + const InventoryOptionalFieldObjectOwner + const InventoryOptionalFieldReplicationStatus + const InventoryOptionalFieldSize + const InventoryOptionalFieldStorageClass + const JSONTypeDocument + const JSONTypeLines + const MFADeleteDisabled + const MFADeleteEnabled + const MFADeleteStatusDisabled + const MFADeleteStatusEnabled + const MetadataDirectiveCopy + const MetadataDirectiveReplace + const MetricsStatusDisabled + const MetricsStatusEnabled + const ObjectAttributesChecksum + const ObjectAttributesEtag + const ObjectAttributesObjectParts + const ObjectAttributesObjectSize + const ObjectAttributesStorageClass + const ObjectCannedACLAuthenticatedRead + const ObjectCannedACLAwsExecRead + const ObjectCannedACLBucketOwnerFullControl + const ObjectCannedACLBucketOwnerRead + const ObjectCannedACLPrivate + const ObjectCannedACLPublicRead + const ObjectCannedACLPublicReadWrite + const ObjectLockEnabledEnabled + const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusOff + const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatusOn + const ObjectLockModeCompliance + const ObjectLockModeGovernance + const ObjectLockRetentionModeCompliance + const ObjectLockRetentionModeGovernance + const ObjectOwnershipBucketOwnerEnforced + const ObjectOwnershipBucketOwnerPreferred + const ObjectOwnershipObjectWriter + const ObjectStorageClassDeepArchive + const ObjectStorageClassGlacier + const ObjectStorageClassGlacierIr + const ObjectStorageClassIntelligentTiering + const ObjectStorageClassOnezoneIa + const ObjectStorageClassOutposts + const ObjectStorageClassReducedRedundancy + const ObjectStorageClassSnow + const ObjectStorageClassStandard + const ObjectStorageClassStandardIa + const ObjectVersionStorageClassStandard + const OptionalObjectAttributesRestoreStatus + const OwnerOverrideDestination + const PayerBucketOwner + const PayerRequester + const PermissionFullControl + const PermissionRead + const PermissionReadAcp + const PermissionWrite + const PermissionWriteAcp + const ProtocolHttp + const ProtocolHttps + const QuoteFieldsAlways + const QuoteFieldsAsneeded + const ReplicaModificationsStatusDisabled + const ReplicaModificationsStatusEnabled + const ReplicationRuleStatusDisabled + const ReplicationRuleStatusEnabled + const ReplicationStatusComplete + const ReplicationStatusFailed + const ReplicationStatusPending + const ReplicationStatusReplica + const ReplicationTimeStatusDisabled + const ReplicationTimeStatusEnabled + const RequestChargedRequester + const RequestPayerRequester + const RestoreRequestTypeSelect + const ServerSideEncryptionAes256 + const ServerSideEncryptionAwsKms + const ServerSideEncryptionAwsKmsDsse + const ServiceID + const ServiceName + const SseKmsEncryptedObjectsStatusDisabled + const SseKmsEncryptedObjectsStatusEnabled + const StorageClassAnalysisSchemaVersionV1 + const StorageClassDeepArchive + const StorageClassGlacier + const StorageClassGlacierIr + const StorageClassIntelligentTiering + const StorageClassOnezoneIa + const StorageClassOutposts + const StorageClassReducedRedundancy + const StorageClassSnow + const StorageClassStandard + const StorageClassStandardIa + const TaggingDirectiveCopy + const TaggingDirectiveReplace + const TierBulk + const TierExpedited + const TierStandard + const TransitionStorageClassDeepArchive + const TransitionStorageClassGlacier + const TransitionStorageClassGlacierIr + const TransitionStorageClassIntelligentTiering + const TransitionStorageClassOnezoneIa + const TransitionStorageClassStandardIa + const TypeAmazonCustomerByEmail + const TypeCanonicalUser + const TypeGroup + var NormalizeBucketLocationHandler = request.NamedHandler + func AnalyticsS3ExportFileFormat_Values() []string + func ArchiveStatus_Values() []string + func BucketAccelerateStatus_Values() []string + func BucketCannedACL_Values() []string + func BucketLocationConstraint_Values() []string + func BucketLogsPermission_Values() []string + func BucketVersioningStatus_Values() []string + func ChecksumAlgorithm_Values() []string + func ChecksumMode_Values() []string + func CompressionType_Values() []string + func DeleteMarkerReplicationStatus_Values() []string + func EncodingType_Values() []string + func Event_Values() []string + func ExistingObjectReplicationStatus_Values() []string + func ExpirationStatus_Values() []string + func ExpressionType_Values() []string + func FileHeaderInfo_Values() []string + func FilterRuleName_Values() []string + func IntelligentTieringAccessTier_Values() []string + func IntelligentTieringStatus_Values() []string + func InventoryFormat_Values() []string + func InventoryFrequency_Values() []string + func InventoryIncludedObjectVersions_Values() []string + func InventoryOptionalField_Values() []string + func JSONType_Values() []string + func MFADeleteStatus_Values() []string + func MFADelete_Values() []string + func MetadataDirective_Values() []string + func MetricsStatus_Values() []string + func NormalizeBucketLocation(loc string) string + func ObjectAttributes_Values() []string + func ObjectCannedACL_Values() []string + func ObjectLockEnabled_Values() []string + func ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus_Values() []string + func ObjectLockMode_Values() []string + func ObjectLockRetentionMode_Values() []string + func ObjectOwnership_Values() []string + func ObjectStorageClass_Values() []string + func ObjectVersionStorageClass_Values() []string + func OptionalObjectAttributes_Values() []string + func OwnerOverride_Values() []string + func Payer_Values() []string + func Permission_Values() []string + func Protocol_Values() []string + func QuoteFields_Values() []string + func ReplicaModificationsStatus_Values() []string + func ReplicationRuleStatus_Values() []string + func ReplicationStatus_Values() []string + func ReplicationTimeStatus_Values() []string + func RequestCharged_Values() []string + func RequestPayer_Values() []string + func RestoreRequestType_Values() []string + func ServerSideEncryption_Values() []string + func SseKmsEncryptedObjectsStatus_Values() []string + func StorageClassAnalysisSchemaVersion_Values() []string + func StorageClass_Values() []string + func TaggingDirective_Values() []string + func Tier_Values() []string + func TransitionStorageClass_Values() []string + func Type_Values() []string + func WithNormalizeBucketLocation(r *request.Request) + type AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload struct + DaysAfterInitiation *int64 + func (s *AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) SetDaysAfterInitiation(v int64) *AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload + func (s AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) GoString() string + func (s AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) String() string + type AbortMultipartUploadInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + UploadId *string + func (s *AbortMultipartUploadInput) SetBucket(v string) *AbortMultipartUploadInput + func (s *AbortMultipartUploadInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *AbortMultipartUploadInput + func (s *AbortMultipartUploadInput) SetKey(v string) *AbortMultipartUploadInput + func (s *AbortMultipartUploadInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *AbortMultipartUploadInput + func (s *AbortMultipartUploadInput) SetUploadId(v string) *AbortMultipartUploadInput + func (s *AbortMultipartUploadInput) Validate() error + func (s AbortMultipartUploadInput) GoString() string + func (s AbortMultipartUploadInput) String() string + type AbortMultipartUploadOutput struct + RequestCharged *string + func (s *AbortMultipartUploadOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *AbortMultipartUploadOutput + func (s AbortMultipartUploadOutput) GoString() string + func (s AbortMultipartUploadOutput) String() string + type AccelerateConfiguration struct + Status *string + func (s *AccelerateConfiguration) SetStatus(v string) *AccelerateConfiguration + func (s AccelerateConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s AccelerateConfiguration) String() string + type AccessControlPolicy struct + Grants []*Grant + Owner *Owner + func (s *AccessControlPolicy) SetGrants(v []*Grant) *AccessControlPolicy + func (s *AccessControlPolicy) SetOwner(v *Owner) *AccessControlPolicy + func (s *AccessControlPolicy) Validate() error + func (s AccessControlPolicy) GoString() string + func (s AccessControlPolicy) String() string + type AccessControlTranslation struct + Owner *string + func (s *AccessControlTranslation) SetOwner(v string) *AccessControlTranslation + func (s *AccessControlTranslation) Validate() error + func (s AccessControlTranslation) GoString() string + func (s AccessControlTranslation) String() string + type AnalyticsAndOperator struct + Prefix *string + Tags []*Tag + func (s *AnalyticsAndOperator) SetPrefix(v string) *AnalyticsAndOperator + func (s *AnalyticsAndOperator) SetTags(v []*Tag) *AnalyticsAndOperator + func (s *AnalyticsAndOperator) Validate() error + func (s AnalyticsAndOperator) GoString() string + func (s AnalyticsAndOperator) String() string + type AnalyticsConfiguration struct + Filter *AnalyticsFilter + Id *string + StorageClassAnalysis *StorageClassAnalysis + func (s *AnalyticsConfiguration) SetFilter(v *AnalyticsFilter) *AnalyticsConfiguration + func (s *AnalyticsConfiguration) SetId(v string) *AnalyticsConfiguration + func (s *AnalyticsConfiguration) SetStorageClassAnalysis(v *StorageClassAnalysis) *AnalyticsConfiguration + func (s *AnalyticsConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s AnalyticsConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s AnalyticsConfiguration) String() string + type AnalyticsExportDestination struct + S3BucketDestination *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination + func (s *AnalyticsExportDestination) SetS3BucketDestination(v *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) *AnalyticsExportDestination + func (s *AnalyticsExportDestination) Validate() error + func (s AnalyticsExportDestination) GoString() string + func (s AnalyticsExportDestination) String() string + type AnalyticsFilter struct + And *AnalyticsAndOperator + Prefix *string + Tag *Tag + func (s *AnalyticsFilter) SetAnd(v *AnalyticsAndOperator) *AnalyticsFilter + func (s *AnalyticsFilter) SetPrefix(v string) *AnalyticsFilter + func (s *AnalyticsFilter) SetTag(v *Tag) *AnalyticsFilter + func (s *AnalyticsFilter) Validate() error + func (s AnalyticsFilter) GoString() string + func (s AnalyticsFilter) String() string + type AnalyticsS3BucketDestination struct + Bucket *string + BucketAccountId *string + Format *string + Prefix *string + func (s *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) SetBucket(v string) *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination + func (s *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) SetBucketAccountId(v string) *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination + func (s *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) SetFormat(v string) *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination + func (s *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) SetPrefix(v string) *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination + func (s *AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) Validate() error + func (s AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) GoString() string + func (s AnalyticsS3BucketDestination) String() string + type Bucket struct + CreationDate *time.Time + Name *string + func (s *Bucket) SetCreationDate(v time.Time) *Bucket + func (s *Bucket) SetName(v string) *Bucket + func (s Bucket) GoString() string + func (s Bucket) String() string + type BucketLifecycleConfiguration struct + Rules []*LifecycleRule + func (s *BucketLifecycleConfiguration) SetRules(v []*LifecycleRule) *BucketLifecycleConfiguration + func (s *BucketLifecycleConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s BucketLifecycleConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s BucketLifecycleConfiguration) String() string + type BucketLoggingStatus struct + LoggingEnabled *LoggingEnabled + func (s *BucketLoggingStatus) SetLoggingEnabled(v *LoggingEnabled) *BucketLoggingStatus + func (s *BucketLoggingStatus) Validate() error + func (s BucketLoggingStatus) GoString() string + func (s BucketLoggingStatus) String() string + type CORSConfiguration struct + CORSRules []*CORSRule + func (s *CORSConfiguration) SetCORSRules(v []*CORSRule) *CORSConfiguration + func (s *CORSConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s CORSConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s CORSConfiguration) String() string + type CORSRule struct + AllowedHeaders []*string + AllowedMethods []*string + AllowedOrigins []*string + ExposeHeaders []*string + ID *string + MaxAgeSeconds *int64 + func (s *CORSRule) SetAllowedHeaders(v []*string) *CORSRule + func (s *CORSRule) SetAllowedMethods(v []*string) *CORSRule + func (s *CORSRule) SetAllowedOrigins(v []*string) *CORSRule + func (s *CORSRule) SetExposeHeaders(v []*string) *CORSRule + func (s *CORSRule) SetID(v string) *CORSRule + func (s *CORSRule) SetMaxAgeSeconds(v int64) *CORSRule + func (s *CORSRule) Validate() error + func (s CORSRule) GoString() string + func (s CORSRule) String() string + type CSVInput struct + AllowQuotedRecordDelimiter *bool + Comments *string + FieldDelimiter *string + FileHeaderInfo *string + QuoteCharacter *string + QuoteEscapeCharacter *string + RecordDelimiter *string + func (s *CSVInput) SetAllowQuotedRecordDelimiter(v bool) *CSVInput + func (s *CSVInput) SetComments(v string) *CSVInput + func (s *CSVInput) SetFieldDelimiter(v string) *CSVInput + func (s *CSVInput) SetFileHeaderInfo(v string) *CSVInput + func (s *CSVInput) SetQuoteCharacter(v string) *CSVInput + func (s *CSVInput) SetQuoteEscapeCharacter(v string) *CSVInput + func (s *CSVInput) SetRecordDelimiter(v string) *CSVInput + func (s CSVInput) GoString() string + func (s CSVInput) String() string + type CSVOutput struct + FieldDelimiter *string + QuoteCharacter *string + QuoteEscapeCharacter *string + QuoteFields *string + RecordDelimiter *string + func (s *CSVOutput) SetFieldDelimiter(v string) *CSVOutput + func (s *CSVOutput) SetQuoteCharacter(v string) *CSVOutput + func (s *CSVOutput) SetQuoteEscapeCharacter(v string) *CSVOutput + func (s *CSVOutput) SetQuoteFields(v string) *CSVOutput + func (s *CSVOutput) SetRecordDelimiter(v string) *CSVOutput + func (s CSVOutput) GoString() string + func (s CSVOutput) String() string + type Checksum struct + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + func (s *Checksum) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *Checksum + func (s *Checksum) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *Checksum + func (s *Checksum) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *Checksum + func (s *Checksum) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *Checksum + func (s Checksum) GoString() string + func (s Checksum) String() string + type CloudFunctionConfiguration struct + CloudFunction *string + Event *string + Events []*string + Id *string + InvocationRole *string + func (s *CloudFunctionConfiguration) SetCloudFunction(v string) *CloudFunctionConfiguration + func (s *CloudFunctionConfiguration) SetEvent(v string) *CloudFunctionConfiguration + func (s *CloudFunctionConfiguration) SetEvents(v []*string) *CloudFunctionConfiguration + func (s *CloudFunctionConfiguration) SetId(v string) *CloudFunctionConfiguration + func (s *CloudFunctionConfiguration) SetInvocationRole(v string) *CloudFunctionConfiguration + func (s CloudFunctionConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s CloudFunctionConfiguration) String() string + type CommonPrefix struct + Prefix *string + func (s *CommonPrefix) SetPrefix(v string) *CommonPrefix + func (s CommonPrefix) GoString() string + func (s CommonPrefix) String() string + type CompleteMultipartUploadInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + MultipartUpload *CompletedMultipartUpload + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + UploadId *string + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetBucket(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetKey(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetMultipartUpload(v *CompletedMultipartUpload) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) SetUploadId(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) Validate() error + func (s CompleteMultipartUploadInput) GoString() string + func (s CompleteMultipartUploadInput) String() string + type CompleteMultipartUploadOutput struct + Bucket *string + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ETag *string + Expiration *string + Key *string + Location *string + RequestCharged *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + VersionId *string + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetBucket(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetETag(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetExpiration(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetKey(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetLocation(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput + func (s CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) GoString() string + func (s CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) String() string + type CompletedMultipartUpload struct + Parts []*CompletedPart + func (s *CompletedMultipartUpload) SetParts(v []*CompletedPart) *CompletedMultipartUpload + func (s CompletedMultipartUpload) GoString() string + func (s CompletedMultipartUpload) String() string + type CompletedPart struct + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ETag *string + PartNumber *int64 + func (s *CompletedPart) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *CompletedPart + func (s *CompletedPart) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *CompletedPart + func (s *CompletedPart) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *CompletedPart + func (s *CompletedPart) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *CompletedPart + func (s *CompletedPart) SetETag(v string) *CompletedPart + func (s *CompletedPart) SetPartNumber(v int64) *CompletedPart + func (s CompletedPart) GoString() string + func (s CompletedPart) String() string + type Condition struct + HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals *string + KeyPrefixEquals *string + func (s *Condition) SetHttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals(v string) *Condition + func (s *Condition) SetKeyPrefixEquals(v string) *Condition + func (s Condition) GoString() string + func (s Condition) String() string + type ContinuationEvent struct + func (s *ContinuationEvent) MarshalEvent(pm protocol.PayloadMarshaler) (msg eventstream.Message, err error) + func (s *ContinuationEvent) UnmarshalEvent(payloadUnmarshaler protocol.PayloadUnmarshaler, msg eventstream.Message) error + func (s ContinuationEvent) GoString() string + func (s ContinuationEvent) String() string + type CopyObjectInput struct + ACL *string + Bucket *string + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CacheControl *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ContentDisposition *string + ContentEncoding *string + ContentLanguage *string + ContentType *string + CopySource *string + CopySourceIfMatch *string + CopySourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time + CopySourceIfNoneMatch *string + CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time + CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm *string + CopySourceSSECustomerKey *string + CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + ExpectedSourceBucketOwner *string + Expires *time.Time + GrantFullControl *string + GrantRead *string + GrantReadACP *string + GrantWriteACP *string + Key *string + Metadata map[string]*string + MetadataDirective *string + ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus *string + ObjectLockMode *string + ObjectLockRetainUntilDate *time.Time + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSEncryptionContext *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + StorageClass *string + Tagging *string + TaggingDirective *string + WebsiteRedirectLocation *string + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetACL(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetBucket(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCacheControl(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetContentDisposition(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetContentEncoding(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetContentLanguage(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetContentType(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySource(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySourceIfMatch(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySourceIfModifiedSince(v time.Time) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySourceIfNoneMatch(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince(v time.Time) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySourceSSECustomerKey(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetCopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetExpectedSourceBucketOwner(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetExpires(v time.Time) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetGrantFullControl(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetGrantRead(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetGrantReadACP(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetGrantWriteACP(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetKey(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetMetadata(v map[string]*string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetMetadataDirective(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetObjectLockMode(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(v time.Time) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetSSEKMSEncryptionContext(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetStorageClass(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetTagging(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetTaggingDirective(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) SetWebsiteRedirectLocation(v string) *CopyObjectInput + func (s *CopyObjectInput) Validate() error + func (s CopyObjectInput) GoString() string + func (s CopyObjectInput) String() string + type CopyObjectOutput struct + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CopyObjectResult *CopyObjectResult + CopySourceVersionId *string + Expiration *string + RequestCharged *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSEncryptionContext *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + VersionId *string + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetCopyObjectResult(v *CopyObjectResult) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetCopySourceVersionId(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetExpiration(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetSSEKMSEncryptionContext(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s *CopyObjectOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *CopyObjectOutput + func (s CopyObjectOutput) GoString() string + func (s CopyObjectOutput) String() string + type CopyObjectResult struct + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ETag *string + LastModified *time.Time + func (s *CopyObjectResult) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *CopyObjectResult + func (s *CopyObjectResult) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *CopyObjectResult + func (s *CopyObjectResult) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *CopyObjectResult + func (s *CopyObjectResult) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *CopyObjectResult + func (s *CopyObjectResult) SetETag(v string) *CopyObjectResult + func (s *CopyObjectResult) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *CopyObjectResult + func (s CopyObjectResult) GoString() string + func (s CopyObjectResult) String() string + type CopyPartResult struct + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ETag *string + LastModified *time.Time + func (s *CopyPartResult) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *CopyPartResult + func (s *CopyPartResult) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *CopyPartResult + func (s *CopyPartResult) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *CopyPartResult + func (s *CopyPartResult) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *CopyPartResult + func (s *CopyPartResult) SetETag(v string) *CopyPartResult + func (s *CopyPartResult) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *CopyPartResult + func (s CopyPartResult) GoString() string + func (s CopyPartResult) String() string + type CreateBucketConfiguration struct + LocationConstraint *string + func (s *CreateBucketConfiguration) SetLocationConstraint(v string) *CreateBucketConfiguration + func (s CreateBucketConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s CreateBucketConfiguration) String() string + type CreateBucketInput struct + ACL *string + Bucket *string + CreateBucketConfiguration *CreateBucketConfiguration + GrantFullControl *string + GrantRead *string + GrantReadACP *string + GrantWrite *string + GrantWriteACP *string + ObjectLockEnabledForBucket *bool + ObjectOwnership *string + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetACL(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetBucket(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetCreateBucketConfiguration(v *CreateBucketConfiguration) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetGrantFullControl(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetGrantRead(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetGrantReadACP(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetGrantWrite(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetGrantWriteACP(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetObjectLockEnabledForBucket(v bool) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) SetObjectOwnership(v string) *CreateBucketInput + func (s *CreateBucketInput) Validate() error + func (s CreateBucketInput) GoString() string + func (s CreateBucketInput) String() string + type CreateBucketOutput struct + Location *string + func (s *CreateBucketOutput) SetLocation(v string) *CreateBucketOutput + func (s CreateBucketOutput) GoString() string + func (s CreateBucketOutput) String() string + type CreateMultipartUploadInput struct + ACL *string + Bucket *string + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CacheControl *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ContentDisposition *string + ContentEncoding *string + ContentLanguage *string + ContentType *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Expires *time.Time + GrantFullControl *string + GrantRead *string + GrantReadACP *string + GrantWriteACP *string + Key *string + Metadata map[string]*string + ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus *string + ObjectLockMode *string + ObjectLockRetainUntilDate *time.Time + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSEncryptionContext *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + StorageClass *string + Tagging *string + WebsiteRedirectLocation *string + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetACL(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetBucket(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetCacheControl(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetContentDisposition(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetContentEncoding(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetContentLanguage(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetContentType(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetExpires(v time.Time) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetGrantFullControl(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetGrantRead(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetGrantReadACP(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetGrantWriteACP(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetKey(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetMetadata(v map[string]*string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetObjectLockMode(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(v time.Time) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetSSEKMSEncryptionContext(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetStorageClass(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetTagging(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) SetWebsiteRedirectLocation(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadInput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadInput) Validate() error + func (s CreateMultipartUploadInput) GoString() string + func (s CreateMultipartUploadInput) String() string + type CreateMultipartUploadOutput struct + AbortDate *time.Time + AbortRuleId *string + Bucket *string + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + Key *string + RequestCharged *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSEncryptionContext *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + UploadId *string + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetAbortDate(v time.Time) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetAbortRuleId(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetBucket(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetKey(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetSSEKMSEncryptionContext(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) SetUploadId(v string) *CreateMultipartUploadOutput + func (s CreateMultipartUploadOutput) GoString() string + func (s CreateMultipartUploadOutput) String() string + type DefaultRetention struct + Days *int64 + Mode *string + Years *int64 + func (s *DefaultRetention) SetDays(v int64) *DefaultRetention + func (s *DefaultRetention) SetMode(v string) *DefaultRetention + func (s *DefaultRetention) SetYears(v int64) *DefaultRetention + func (s DefaultRetention) GoString() string + func (s DefaultRetention) String() string + type Delete struct + Objects []*ObjectIdentifier + Quiet *bool + func (s *Delete) SetObjects(v []*ObjectIdentifier) *Delete + func (s *Delete) SetQuiet(v bool) *Delete + func (s *Delete) Validate() error + func (s Delete) GoString() string + func (s Delete) String() string + type DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + func (s *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketCorsInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketCorsInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketCorsInput + func (s *DeleteBucketCorsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketCorsInput + func (s *DeleteBucketCorsInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketCorsInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketCorsInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketCorsOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketCorsOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketCorsOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketEncryptionInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketEncryptionInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketEncryptionInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketEncryptionOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketEncryptionOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketEncryptionOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketInput + func (s *DeleteBucketInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketInput + func (s *DeleteBucketInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + Id *string + func (s *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + func (s *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketLifecycleInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketLifecycleInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketLifecycleInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + func (s *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput + func (s *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput + func (s *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketPolicyInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketPolicyInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketPolicyInput + func (s *DeleteBucketPolicyInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketPolicyInput + func (s *DeleteBucketPolicyInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketPolicyInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketPolicyInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketPolicyOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketPolicyOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketPolicyOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketReplicationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketReplicationInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketReplicationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketReplicationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketReplicationInput + func (s *DeleteBucketReplicationInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketReplicationInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketReplicationInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketReplicationOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketReplicationOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketReplicationOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketTaggingInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketTaggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketTaggingInput + func (s *DeleteBucketTaggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketTaggingInput + func (s *DeleteBucketTaggingInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketTaggingInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketTaggingInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketTaggingOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketTaggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketTaggingOutput) String() string + type DeleteBucketWebsiteInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteBucketWebsiteInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketWebsiteInput) String() string + type DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput struct + func (s DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput) String() string + type DeleteMarkerEntry struct + IsLatest *bool + Key *string + LastModified *time.Time + Owner *Owner + VersionId *string + func (s *DeleteMarkerEntry) SetIsLatest(v bool) *DeleteMarkerEntry + func (s *DeleteMarkerEntry) SetKey(v string) *DeleteMarkerEntry + func (s *DeleteMarkerEntry) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *DeleteMarkerEntry + func (s *DeleteMarkerEntry) SetOwner(v *Owner) *DeleteMarkerEntry + func (s *DeleteMarkerEntry) SetVersionId(v string) *DeleteMarkerEntry + func (s DeleteMarkerEntry) GoString() string + func (s DeleteMarkerEntry) String() string + type DeleteMarkerReplication struct + Status *string + func (s *DeleteMarkerReplication) SetStatus(v string) *DeleteMarkerReplication + func (s DeleteMarkerReplication) GoString() string + func (s DeleteMarkerReplication) String() string + type DeleteObjectInput struct + Bucket *string + BypassGovernanceRetention *bool + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + MFA *string + RequestPayer *string + VersionId *string + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteObjectInput + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) SetBypassGovernanceRetention(v bool) *DeleteObjectInput + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteObjectInput + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) SetKey(v string) *DeleteObjectInput + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) SetMFA(v string) *DeleteObjectInput + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *DeleteObjectInput + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) SetVersionId(v string) *DeleteObjectInput + func (s *DeleteObjectInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteObjectInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteObjectInput) String() string + type DeleteObjectOutput struct + DeleteMarker *bool + RequestCharged *string + VersionId *string + func (s *DeleteObjectOutput) SetDeleteMarker(v bool) *DeleteObjectOutput + func (s *DeleteObjectOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *DeleteObjectOutput + func (s *DeleteObjectOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *DeleteObjectOutput + func (s DeleteObjectOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteObjectOutput) String() string + type DeleteObjectTaggingInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + VersionId *string + func (s *DeleteObjectTaggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteObjectTaggingInput + func (s *DeleteObjectTaggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteObjectTaggingInput + func (s *DeleteObjectTaggingInput) SetKey(v string) *DeleteObjectTaggingInput + func (s *DeleteObjectTaggingInput) SetVersionId(v string) *DeleteObjectTaggingInput + func (s *DeleteObjectTaggingInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteObjectTaggingInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteObjectTaggingInput) String() string + type DeleteObjectTaggingOutput struct + VersionId *string + func (s *DeleteObjectTaggingOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *DeleteObjectTaggingOutput + func (s DeleteObjectTaggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteObjectTaggingOutput) String() string + type DeleteObjectsInput struct + Bucket *string + BypassGovernanceRetention *bool + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + Delete *Delete + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + MFA *string + RequestPayer *string + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeleteObjectsInput + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) SetBypassGovernanceRetention(v bool) *DeleteObjectsInput + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *DeleteObjectsInput + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) SetDelete(v *Delete) *DeleteObjectsInput + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeleteObjectsInput + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) SetMFA(v string) *DeleteObjectsInput + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *DeleteObjectsInput + func (s *DeleteObjectsInput) Validate() error + func (s DeleteObjectsInput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteObjectsInput) String() string + type DeleteObjectsOutput struct + Deleted []*DeletedObject + Errors []*Error + RequestCharged *string + func (s *DeleteObjectsOutput) SetDeleted(v []*DeletedObject) *DeleteObjectsOutput + func (s *DeleteObjectsOutput) SetErrors(v []*Error) *DeleteObjectsOutput + func (s *DeleteObjectsOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *DeleteObjectsOutput + func (s DeleteObjectsOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeleteObjectsOutput) String() string + type DeletePublicAccessBlockInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput) SetBucket(v string) *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput) Validate() error + func (s DeletePublicAccessBlockInput) GoString() string + func (s DeletePublicAccessBlockInput) String() string + type DeletePublicAccessBlockOutput struct + func (s DeletePublicAccessBlockOutput) GoString() string + func (s DeletePublicAccessBlockOutput) String() string + type DeletedObject struct + DeleteMarker *bool + DeleteMarkerVersionId *string + Key *string + VersionId *string + func (s *DeletedObject) SetDeleteMarker(v bool) *DeletedObject + func (s *DeletedObject) SetDeleteMarkerVersionId(v string) *DeletedObject + func (s *DeletedObject) SetKey(v string) *DeletedObject + func (s *DeletedObject) SetVersionId(v string) *DeletedObject + func (s DeletedObject) GoString() string + func (s DeletedObject) String() string + type Destination struct + AccessControlTranslation *AccessControlTranslation + Account *string + Bucket *string + EncryptionConfiguration *EncryptionConfiguration + Metrics *Metrics + ReplicationTime *ReplicationTime + StorageClass *string + func (s *Destination) SetAccessControlTranslation(v *AccessControlTranslation) *Destination + func (s *Destination) SetAccount(v string) *Destination + func (s *Destination) SetBucket(v string) *Destination + func (s *Destination) SetEncryptionConfiguration(v *EncryptionConfiguration) *Destination + func (s *Destination) SetMetrics(v *Metrics) *Destination + func (s *Destination) SetReplicationTime(v *ReplicationTime) *Destination + func (s *Destination) SetStorageClass(v string) *Destination + func (s *Destination) Validate() error + func (s Destination) GoString() string + func (s Destination) String() string + type Encryption struct + EncryptionType *string + KMSContext *string + KMSKeyId *string + func (s *Encryption) SetEncryptionType(v string) *Encryption + func (s *Encryption) SetKMSContext(v string) *Encryption + func (s *Encryption) SetKMSKeyId(v string) *Encryption + func (s *Encryption) Validate() error + func (s Encryption) GoString() string + func (s Encryption) String() string + type EncryptionConfiguration struct + ReplicaKmsKeyID *string + func (s *EncryptionConfiguration) SetReplicaKmsKeyID(v string) *EncryptionConfiguration + func (s EncryptionConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s EncryptionConfiguration) String() string + type EndEvent struct + func (s *EndEvent) MarshalEvent(pm protocol.PayloadMarshaler) (msg eventstream.Message, err error) + func (s *EndEvent) UnmarshalEvent(payloadUnmarshaler protocol.PayloadUnmarshaler, msg eventstream.Message) error + func (s EndEvent) GoString() string + func (s EndEvent) String() string + type Error struct + Code *string + Key *string + Message *string + VersionId *string + func (s *Error) SetCode(v string) *Error + func (s *Error) SetKey(v string) *Error + func (s *Error) SetMessage(v string) *Error + func (s *Error) SetVersionId(v string) *Error + func (s Error) GoString() string + func (s Error) String() string + type ErrorDocument struct + Key *string + func (s *ErrorDocument) SetKey(v string) *ErrorDocument + func (s *ErrorDocument) Validate() error + func (s ErrorDocument) GoString() string + func (s ErrorDocument) String() string + type EventBridgeConfiguration struct + func (s EventBridgeConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s EventBridgeConfiguration) String() string + type ExistingObjectReplication struct + Status *string + func (s *ExistingObjectReplication) SetStatus(v string) *ExistingObjectReplication + func (s *ExistingObjectReplication) Validate() error + func (s ExistingObjectReplication) GoString() string + func (s ExistingObjectReplication) String() string + type FilterRule struct + Name *string + Value *string + func (s *FilterRule) SetName(v string) *FilterRule + func (s *FilterRule) SetValue(v string) *FilterRule + func (s FilterRule) GoString() string + func (s FilterRule) String() string + type GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + RequestPayer *string + func (s *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) String() string + type GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput struct + RequestCharged *string + Status *string + func (s *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput + func (s *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) SetStatus(v string) *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput + func (s GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketAclInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketAclInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketAclInput + func (s *GetBucketAclInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketAclInput + func (s *GetBucketAclInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketAclInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketAclInput) String() string + type GetBucketAclOutput struct + Grants []*Grant + Owner *Owner + func (s *GetBucketAclOutput) SetGrants(v []*Grant) *GetBucketAclOutput + func (s *GetBucketAclOutput) SetOwner(v *Owner) *GetBucketAclOutput + func (s GetBucketAclOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketAclOutput) String() string + type GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + func (s *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) String() string + type GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput struct + AnalyticsConfiguration *AnalyticsConfiguration + func (s *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) SetAnalyticsConfiguration(v *AnalyticsConfiguration) *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput + func (s GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketCorsInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketCorsInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketCorsInput + func (s *GetBucketCorsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketCorsInput + func (s *GetBucketCorsInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketCorsInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketCorsInput) String() string + type GetBucketCorsOutput struct + CORSRules []*CORSRule + func (s *GetBucketCorsOutput) SetCORSRules(v []*CORSRule) *GetBucketCorsOutput + func (s GetBucketCorsOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketCorsOutput) String() string + type GetBucketEncryptionInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketEncryptionInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *GetBucketEncryptionInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *GetBucketEncryptionInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketEncryptionInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketEncryptionInput) String() string + type GetBucketEncryptionOutput struct + ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration *ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration + func (s *GetBucketEncryptionOutput) SetServerSideEncryptionConfiguration(v *ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) *GetBucketEncryptionOutput + func (s GetBucketEncryptionOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketEncryptionOutput) String() string + type GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + Id *string + func (s *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) String() string + type GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput struct + IntelligentTieringConfiguration *IntelligentTieringConfiguration + func (s *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) SetIntelligentTieringConfiguration(v *IntelligentTieringConfiguration) *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput + func (s GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + func (s *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) String() string + type GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput struct + InventoryConfiguration *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) SetInventoryConfiguration(v *InventoryConfiguration) *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput + func (s GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) String() string + type GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput struct + Rules []*LifecycleRule + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput) SetRules(v []*LifecycleRule) *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput + func (s GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketLifecycleInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketLifecycleInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLifecycleInput) String() string + type GetBucketLifecycleOutput struct + Rules []*Rule + func (s *GetBucketLifecycleOutput) SetRules(v []*Rule) *GetBucketLifecycleOutput + func (s GetBucketLifecycleOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLifecycleOutput) String() string + type GetBucketLocationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketLocationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketLocationInput + func (s *GetBucketLocationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketLocationInput + func (s *GetBucketLocationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketLocationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLocationInput) String() string + type GetBucketLocationOutput struct + LocationConstraint *string + func (s *GetBucketLocationOutput) SetLocationConstraint(v string) *GetBucketLocationOutput + func (s GetBucketLocationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLocationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketLoggingInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketLoggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketLoggingInput + func (s *GetBucketLoggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketLoggingInput + func (s *GetBucketLoggingInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketLoggingInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLoggingInput) String() string + type GetBucketLoggingOutput struct + LoggingEnabled *LoggingEnabled + func (s *GetBucketLoggingOutput) SetLoggingEnabled(v *LoggingEnabled) *GetBucketLoggingOutput + func (s GetBucketLoggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketLoggingOutput) String() string + type GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + func (s *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) String() string + type GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput struct + MetricsConfiguration *MetricsConfiguration + func (s *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) SetMetricsConfiguration(v *MetricsConfiguration) *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput + func (s GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest + func (s *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest + func (s *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) String() string + type GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput + func (s *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput + func (s *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput) String() string + type GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput struct + OwnershipControls *OwnershipControls + func (s *GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) SetOwnershipControls(v *OwnershipControls) *GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput + func (s GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) String() string + type GetBucketPolicyInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketPolicyInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketPolicyInput + func (s *GetBucketPolicyInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketPolicyInput + func (s *GetBucketPolicyInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketPolicyInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketPolicyInput) String() string + type GetBucketPolicyOutput struct + Policy *string + func (s *GetBucketPolicyOutput) SetPolicy(v string) *GetBucketPolicyOutput + func (s GetBucketPolicyOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketPolicyOutput) String() string + type GetBucketPolicyStatusInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput + func (s *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput + func (s *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketPolicyStatusInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketPolicyStatusInput) String() string + type GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput struct + PolicyStatus *PolicyStatus + func (s *GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput) SetPolicyStatus(v *PolicyStatus) *GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput + func (s GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput) String() string + type GetBucketReplicationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketReplicationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketReplicationInput + func (s *GetBucketReplicationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketReplicationInput + func (s *GetBucketReplicationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketReplicationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketReplicationInput) String() string + type GetBucketReplicationOutput struct + ReplicationConfiguration *ReplicationConfiguration + func (s *GetBucketReplicationOutput) SetReplicationConfiguration(v *ReplicationConfiguration) *GetBucketReplicationOutput + func (s GetBucketReplicationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketReplicationOutput) String() string + type GetBucketRequestPaymentInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput + func (s *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput + func (s *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketRequestPaymentInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketRequestPaymentInput) String() string + type GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput struct + Payer *string + func (s *GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput) SetPayer(v string) *GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput + func (s GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput) String() string + type GetBucketTaggingInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketTaggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketTaggingInput + func (s *GetBucketTaggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketTaggingInput + func (s *GetBucketTaggingInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketTaggingInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketTaggingInput) String() string + type GetBucketTaggingOutput struct + TagSet []*Tag + func (s *GetBucketTaggingOutput) SetTagSet(v []*Tag) *GetBucketTaggingOutput + func (s GetBucketTaggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketTaggingOutput) String() string + type GetBucketVersioningInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketVersioningInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketVersioningInput + func (s *GetBucketVersioningInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketVersioningInput + func (s *GetBucketVersioningInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketVersioningInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketVersioningInput) String() string + type GetBucketVersioningOutput struct + MFADelete *string + Status *string + func (s *GetBucketVersioningOutput) SetMFADelete(v string) *GetBucketVersioningOutput + func (s *GetBucketVersioningOutput) SetStatus(v string) *GetBucketVersioningOutput + func (s GetBucketVersioningOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketVersioningOutput) String() string + type GetBucketWebsiteInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetBucketWebsiteInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *GetBucketWebsiteInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *GetBucketWebsiteInput) Validate() error + func (s GetBucketWebsiteInput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketWebsiteInput) String() string + type GetBucketWebsiteOutput struct + ErrorDocument *ErrorDocument + IndexDocument *IndexDocument + RedirectAllRequestsTo *RedirectAllRequestsTo + RoutingRules []*RoutingRule + func (s *GetBucketWebsiteOutput) SetErrorDocument(v *ErrorDocument) *GetBucketWebsiteOutput + func (s *GetBucketWebsiteOutput) SetIndexDocument(v *IndexDocument) *GetBucketWebsiteOutput + func (s *GetBucketWebsiteOutput) SetRedirectAllRequestsTo(v *RedirectAllRequestsTo) *GetBucketWebsiteOutput + func (s *GetBucketWebsiteOutput) SetRoutingRules(v []*RoutingRule) *GetBucketWebsiteOutput + func (s GetBucketWebsiteOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetBucketWebsiteOutput) String() string + type GetObjectAclInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectAclInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectAclInput + func (s *GetObjectAclInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectAclInput + func (s *GetObjectAclInput) SetKey(v string) *GetObjectAclInput + func (s *GetObjectAclInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetObjectAclInput + func (s *GetObjectAclInput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectAclInput + func (s *GetObjectAclInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectAclInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectAclInput) String() string + type GetObjectAclOutput struct + Grants []*Grant + Owner *Owner + RequestCharged *string + func (s *GetObjectAclOutput) SetGrants(v []*Grant) *GetObjectAclOutput + func (s *GetObjectAclOutput) SetOwner(v *Owner) *GetObjectAclOutput + func (s *GetObjectAclOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *GetObjectAclOutput + func (s GetObjectAclOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectAclOutput) String() string + type GetObjectAttributesInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + MaxParts *int64 + ObjectAttributes []*string + PartNumberMarker *int64 + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetKey(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetMaxParts(v int64) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetObjectAttributes(v []*string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetPartNumberMarker(v int64) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectAttributesInput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectAttributesInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectAttributesInput) String() string + type GetObjectAttributesOutput struct + Checksum *Checksum + DeleteMarker *bool + ETag *string + LastModified *time.Time + ObjectParts *GetObjectAttributesParts + ObjectSize *int64 + RequestCharged *string + StorageClass *string + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetChecksum(v *Checksum) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetDeleteMarker(v bool) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetETag(v string) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetObjectParts(v *GetObjectAttributesParts) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetObjectSize(v int64) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetStorageClass(v string) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s *GetObjectAttributesOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectAttributesOutput + func (s GetObjectAttributesOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectAttributesOutput) String() string + type GetObjectAttributesParts struct + IsTruncated *bool + MaxParts *int64 + NextPartNumberMarker *int64 + PartNumberMarker *int64 + Parts []*ObjectPart + TotalPartsCount *int64 + func (s *GetObjectAttributesParts) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *GetObjectAttributesParts + func (s *GetObjectAttributesParts) SetMaxParts(v int64) *GetObjectAttributesParts + func (s *GetObjectAttributesParts) SetNextPartNumberMarker(v int64) *GetObjectAttributesParts + func (s *GetObjectAttributesParts) SetPartNumberMarker(v int64) *GetObjectAttributesParts + func (s *GetObjectAttributesParts) SetParts(v []*ObjectPart) *GetObjectAttributesParts + func (s *GetObjectAttributesParts) SetTotalPartsCount(v int64) *GetObjectAttributesParts + func (s GetObjectAttributesParts) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectAttributesParts) String() string + type GetObjectInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumMode *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + IfMatch *string + IfModifiedSince *time.Time + IfNoneMatch *string + IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time + Key *string + PartNumber *int64 + Range *string + RequestPayer *string + ResponseCacheControl *string + ResponseContentDisposition *string + ResponseContentEncoding *string + ResponseContentLanguage *string + ResponseContentType *string + ResponseExpires *time.Time + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetChecksumMode(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetIfMatch(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetIfModifiedSince(v time.Time) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetIfNoneMatch(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetIfUnmodifiedSince(v time.Time) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetKey(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetPartNumber(v int64) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetRange(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetResponseCacheControl(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetResponseContentDisposition(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetResponseContentEncoding(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetResponseContentLanguage(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetResponseContentType(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetResponseExpires(v time.Time) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectInput + func (s *GetObjectInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectInput) String() string + type GetObjectLegalHoldInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) SetKey(v string) *GetObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectLegalHoldInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectLegalHoldInput) String() string + type GetObjectLegalHoldOutput struct + LegalHold *ObjectLockLegalHold + func (s *GetObjectLegalHoldOutput) SetLegalHold(v *ObjectLockLegalHold) *GetObjectLegalHoldOutput + func (s GetObjectLegalHoldOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectLegalHoldOutput) String() string + type GetObjectLockConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectLockConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectLockConfigurationInput) String() string + type GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput struct + ObjectLockConfiguration *ObjectLockConfiguration + func (s *GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput) SetObjectLockConfiguration(v *ObjectLockConfiguration) *GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput + func (s GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput) String() string + type GetObjectOutput struct + AcceptRanges *string + Body io.ReadCloser + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CacheControl *string + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ContentDisposition *string + ContentEncoding *string + ContentLanguage *string + ContentLength *int64 + ContentRange *string + ContentType *string + DeleteMarker *bool + ETag *string + Expiration *string + Expires *string + LastModified *time.Time + Metadata map[string]*string + MissingMeta *int64 + ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus *string + ObjectLockMode *string + ObjectLockRetainUntilDate *time.Time + PartsCount *int64 + ReplicationStatus *string + RequestCharged *string + Restore *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + StorageClass *string + TagCount *int64 + VersionId *string + WebsiteRedirectLocation *string + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetAcceptRanges(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetBody(v io.ReadCloser) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetCacheControl(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetContentDisposition(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetContentEncoding(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetContentLanguage(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetContentLength(v int64) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetContentRange(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetContentType(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetDeleteMarker(v bool) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetETag(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetExpiration(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetExpires(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetMetadata(v map[string]*string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetMissingMeta(v int64) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetObjectLockMode(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(v time.Time) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetPartsCount(v int64) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetReplicationStatus(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetRestore(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetStorageClass(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetTagCount(v int64) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s *GetObjectOutput) SetWebsiteRedirectLocation(v string) *GetObjectOutput + func (s GetObjectOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectOutput) String() string + type GetObjectRetentionInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectRetentionInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectRetentionInput + func (s *GetObjectRetentionInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectRetentionInput + func (s *GetObjectRetentionInput) SetKey(v string) *GetObjectRetentionInput + func (s *GetObjectRetentionInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetObjectRetentionInput + func (s *GetObjectRetentionInput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectRetentionInput + func (s *GetObjectRetentionInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectRetentionInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectRetentionInput) String() string + type GetObjectRetentionOutput struct + Retention *ObjectLockRetention + func (s *GetObjectRetentionOutput) SetRetention(v *ObjectLockRetention) *GetObjectRetentionOutput + func (s GetObjectRetentionOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectRetentionOutput) String() string + type GetObjectTaggingInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectTaggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectTaggingInput + func (s *GetObjectTaggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectTaggingInput + func (s *GetObjectTaggingInput) SetKey(v string) *GetObjectTaggingInput + func (s *GetObjectTaggingInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetObjectTaggingInput + func (s *GetObjectTaggingInput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectTaggingInput + func (s *GetObjectTaggingInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectTaggingInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectTaggingInput) String() string + type GetObjectTaggingOutput struct + TagSet []*Tag + VersionId *string + func (s *GetObjectTaggingOutput) SetTagSet(v []*Tag) *GetObjectTaggingOutput + func (s *GetObjectTaggingOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *GetObjectTaggingOutput + func (s GetObjectTaggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectTaggingOutput) String() string + type GetObjectTorrentInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + func (s *GetObjectTorrentInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetObjectTorrentInput + func (s *GetObjectTorrentInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetObjectTorrentInput + func (s *GetObjectTorrentInput) SetKey(v string) *GetObjectTorrentInput + func (s *GetObjectTorrentInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *GetObjectTorrentInput + func (s *GetObjectTorrentInput) Validate() error + func (s GetObjectTorrentInput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectTorrentInput) String() string + type GetObjectTorrentOutput struct + Body io.ReadCloser + RequestCharged *string + func (s *GetObjectTorrentOutput) SetBody(v io.ReadCloser) *GetObjectTorrentOutput + func (s *GetObjectTorrentOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *GetObjectTorrentOutput + func (s GetObjectTorrentOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetObjectTorrentOutput) String() string + type GetPublicAccessBlockInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *GetPublicAccessBlockInput) SetBucket(v string) *GetPublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *GetPublicAccessBlockInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *GetPublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *GetPublicAccessBlockInput) Validate() error + func (s GetPublicAccessBlockInput) GoString() string + func (s GetPublicAccessBlockInput) String() string + type GetPublicAccessBlockOutput struct + PublicAccessBlockConfiguration *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration + func (s *GetPublicAccessBlockOutput) SetPublicAccessBlockConfiguration(v *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) *GetPublicAccessBlockOutput + func (s GetPublicAccessBlockOutput) GoString() string + func (s GetPublicAccessBlockOutput) String() string + type GlacierJobParameters struct + Tier *string + func (s *GlacierJobParameters) SetTier(v string) *GlacierJobParameters + func (s *GlacierJobParameters) Validate() error + func (s GlacierJobParameters) GoString() string + func (s GlacierJobParameters) String() string + type Grant struct + Grantee *Grantee + Permission *string + func (s *Grant) SetGrantee(v *Grantee) *Grant + func (s *Grant) SetPermission(v string) *Grant + func (s *Grant) Validate() error + func (s Grant) GoString() string + func (s Grant) String() string + type Grantee struct + DisplayName *string + EmailAddress *string + ID *string + Type *string + URI *string + func (s *Grantee) SetDisplayName(v string) *Grantee + func (s *Grantee) SetEmailAddress(v string) *Grantee + func (s *Grantee) SetID(v string) *Grantee + func (s *Grantee) SetType(v string) *Grantee + func (s *Grantee) SetURI(v string) *Grantee + func (s *Grantee) Validate() error + func (s Grantee) GoString() string + func (s Grantee) String() string + type HeadBucketInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *HeadBucketInput) SetBucket(v string) *HeadBucketInput + func (s *HeadBucketInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *HeadBucketInput + func (s *HeadBucketInput) Validate() error + func (s HeadBucketInput) GoString() string + func (s HeadBucketInput) String() string + type HeadBucketOutput struct + func (s HeadBucketOutput) GoString() string + func (s HeadBucketOutput) String() string + type HeadObjectInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumMode *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + IfMatch *string + IfModifiedSince *time.Time + IfNoneMatch *string + IfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time + Key *string + PartNumber *int64 + Range *string + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + VersionId *string + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetBucket(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetChecksumMode(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetIfMatch(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetIfModifiedSince(v time.Time) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetIfNoneMatch(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetIfUnmodifiedSince(v time.Time) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetKey(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetPartNumber(v int64) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetRange(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) SetVersionId(v string) *HeadObjectInput + func (s *HeadObjectInput) Validate() error + func (s HeadObjectInput) GoString() string + func (s HeadObjectInput) String() string + type HeadObjectOutput struct + AcceptRanges *string + ArchiveStatus *string + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CacheControl *string + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ContentDisposition *string + ContentEncoding *string + ContentLanguage *string + ContentLength *int64 + ContentType *string + DeleteMarker *bool + ETag *string + Expiration *string + Expires *string + LastModified *time.Time + Metadata map[string]*string + MissingMeta *int64 + ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus *string + ObjectLockMode *string + ObjectLockRetainUntilDate *time.Time + PartsCount *int64 + ReplicationStatus *string + RequestCharged *string + Restore *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + StorageClass *string + VersionId *string + WebsiteRedirectLocation *string + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetAcceptRanges(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetArchiveStatus(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetCacheControl(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetContentDisposition(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetContentEncoding(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetContentLanguage(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetContentLength(v int64) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetContentType(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetDeleteMarker(v bool) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetETag(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetExpiration(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetExpires(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetMetadata(v map[string]*string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetMissingMeta(v int64) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetObjectLockMode(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(v time.Time) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetPartsCount(v int64) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetReplicationStatus(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetRestore(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetStorageClass(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s *HeadObjectOutput) SetWebsiteRedirectLocation(v string) *HeadObjectOutput + func (s HeadObjectOutput) GoString() string + func (s HeadObjectOutput) String() string + type IndexDocument struct + Suffix *string + func (s *IndexDocument) SetSuffix(v string) *IndexDocument + func (s *IndexDocument) Validate() error + func (s IndexDocument) GoString() string + func (s IndexDocument) String() string + type Initiator struct + DisplayName *string + ID *string + func (s *Initiator) SetDisplayName(v string) *Initiator + func (s *Initiator) SetID(v string) *Initiator + func (s Initiator) GoString() string + func (s Initiator) String() string + type InputSerialization struct + CSV *CSVInput + CompressionType *string + JSON *JSONInput + Parquet *ParquetInput + func (s *InputSerialization) SetCSV(v *CSVInput) *InputSerialization + func (s *InputSerialization) SetCompressionType(v string) *InputSerialization + func (s *InputSerialization) SetJSON(v *JSONInput) *InputSerialization + func (s *InputSerialization) SetParquet(v *ParquetInput) *InputSerialization + func (s InputSerialization) GoString() string + func (s InputSerialization) String() string + type IntelligentTieringAndOperator struct + Prefix *string + Tags []*Tag + func (s *IntelligentTieringAndOperator) SetPrefix(v string) *IntelligentTieringAndOperator + func (s *IntelligentTieringAndOperator) SetTags(v []*Tag) *IntelligentTieringAndOperator + func (s *IntelligentTieringAndOperator) Validate() error + func (s IntelligentTieringAndOperator) GoString() string + func (s IntelligentTieringAndOperator) String() string + type IntelligentTieringConfiguration struct + Filter *IntelligentTieringFilter + Id *string + Status *string + Tierings []*Tiering + func (s *IntelligentTieringConfiguration) SetFilter(v *IntelligentTieringFilter) *IntelligentTieringConfiguration + func (s *IntelligentTieringConfiguration) SetId(v string) *IntelligentTieringConfiguration + func (s *IntelligentTieringConfiguration) SetStatus(v string) *IntelligentTieringConfiguration + func (s *IntelligentTieringConfiguration) SetTierings(v []*Tiering) *IntelligentTieringConfiguration + func (s *IntelligentTieringConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s IntelligentTieringConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s IntelligentTieringConfiguration) String() string + type IntelligentTieringFilter struct + And *IntelligentTieringAndOperator + Prefix *string + Tag *Tag + func (s *IntelligentTieringFilter) SetAnd(v *IntelligentTieringAndOperator) *IntelligentTieringFilter + func (s *IntelligentTieringFilter) SetPrefix(v string) *IntelligentTieringFilter + func (s *IntelligentTieringFilter) SetTag(v *Tag) *IntelligentTieringFilter + func (s *IntelligentTieringFilter) Validate() error + func (s IntelligentTieringFilter) GoString() string + func (s IntelligentTieringFilter) String() string + type InventoryConfiguration struct + Destination *InventoryDestination + Filter *InventoryFilter + Id *string + IncludedObjectVersions *string + IsEnabled *bool + OptionalFields []*string + Schedule *InventorySchedule + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) SetDestination(v *InventoryDestination) *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) SetFilter(v *InventoryFilter) *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) SetId(v string) *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) SetIncludedObjectVersions(v string) *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) SetIsEnabled(v bool) *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) SetOptionalFields(v []*string) *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) SetSchedule(v *InventorySchedule) *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *InventoryConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s InventoryConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s InventoryConfiguration) String() string + type InventoryDestination struct + S3BucketDestination *InventoryS3BucketDestination + func (s *InventoryDestination) SetS3BucketDestination(v *InventoryS3BucketDestination) *InventoryDestination + func (s *InventoryDestination) Validate() error + func (s InventoryDestination) GoString() string + func (s InventoryDestination) String() string + type InventoryEncryption struct + SSEKMS *SSEKMS + SSES3 *SSES3 + func (s *InventoryEncryption) SetSSEKMS(v *SSEKMS) *InventoryEncryption + func (s *InventoryEncryption) SetSSES3(v *SSES3) *InventoryEncryption + func (s *InventoryEncryption) Validate() error + func (s InventoryEncryption) GoString() string + func (s InventoryEncryption) String() string + type InventoryFilter struct + Prefix *string + func (s *InventoryFilter) SetPrefix(v string) *InventoryFilter + func (s *InventoryFilter) Validate() error + func (s InventoryFilter) GoString() string + func (s InventoryFilter) String() string + type InventoryS3BucketDestination struct + AccountId *string + Bucket *string + Encryption *InventoryEncryption + Format *string + Prefix *string + func (s *InventoryS3BucketDestination) SetAccountId(v string) *InventoryS3BucketDestination + func (s *InventoryS3BucketDestination) SetBucket(v string) *InventoryS3BucketDestination + func (s *InventoryS3BucketDestination) SetEncryption(v *InventoryEncryption) *InventoryS3BucketDestination + func (s *InventoryS3BucketDestination) SetFormat(v string) *InventoryS3BucketDestination + func (s *InventoryS3BucketDestination) SetPrefix(v string) *InventoryS3BucketDestination + func (s *InventoryS3BucketDestination) Validate() error + func (s InventoryS3BucketDestination) GoString() string + func (s InventoryS3BucketDestination) String() string + type InventorySchedule struct + Frequency *string + func (s *InventorySchedule) SetFrequency(v string) *InventorySchedule + func (s *InventorySchedule) Validate() error + func (s InventorySchedule) GoString() string + func (s InventorySchedule) String() string + type JSONInput struct + Type *string + func (s *JSONInput) SetType(v string) *JSONInput + func (s JSONInput) GoString() string + func (s JSONInput) String() string + type JSONOutput struct + RecordDelimiter *string + func (s *JSONOutput) SetRecordDelimiter(v string) *JSONOutput + func (s JSONOutput) GoString() string + func (s JSONOutput) String() string + type KeyFilter struct + FilterRules []*FilterRule + func (s *KeyFilter) SetFilterRules(v []*FilterRule) *KeyFilter + func (s KeyFilter) GoString() string + func (s KeyFilter) String() string + type LambdaFunctionConfiguration struct + Events []*string + Filter *NotificationConfigurationFilter + Id *string + LambdaFunctionArn *string + func (s *LambdaFunctionConfiguration) SetEvents(v []*string) *LambdaFunctionConfiguration + func (s *LambdaFunctionConfiguration) SetFilter(v *NotificationConfigurationFilter) *LambdaFunctionConfiguration + func (s *LambdaFunctionConfiguration) SetId(v string) *LambdaFunctionConfiguration + func (s *LambdaFunctionConfiguration) SetLambdaFunctionArn(v string) *LambdaFunctionConfiguration + func (s *LambdaFunctionConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s LambdaFunctionConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s LambdaFunctionConfiguration) String() string + type LifecycleConfiguration struct + Rules []*Rule + func (s *LifecycleConfiguration) SetRules(v []*Rule) *LifecycleConfiguration + func (s *LifecycleConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s LifecycleConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s LifecycleConfiguration) String() string + type LifecycleExpiration struct + Date *time.Time + Days *int64 + ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker *bool + func (s *LifecycleExpiration) SetDate(v time.Time) *LifecycleExpiration + func (s *LifecycleExpiration) SetDays(v int64) *LifecycleExpiration + func (s *LifecycleExpiration) SetExpiredObjectDeleteMarker(v bool) *LifecycleExpiration + func (s LifecycleExpiration) GoString() string + func (s LifecycleExpiration) String() string + type LifecycleRule struct + AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload *AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload + Expiration *LifecycleExpiration + Filter *LifecycleRuleFilter + ID *string + NoncurrentVersionExpiration *NoncurrentVersionExpiration + NoncurrentVersionTransitions []*NoncurrentVersionTransition + Prefix *string + Status *string + Transitions []*Transition + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetAbortIncompleteMultipartUpload(v *AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetExpiration(v *LifecycleExpiration) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetFilter(v *LifecycleRuleFilter) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetID(v string) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetNoncurrentVersionExpiration(v *NoncurrentVersionExpiration) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetNoncurrentVersionTransitions(v []*NoncurrentVersionTransition) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetPrefix(v string) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetStatus(v string) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) SetTransitions(v []*Transition) *LifecycleRule + func (s *LifecycleRule) Validate() error + func (s LifecycleRule) GoString() string + func (s LifecycleRule) String() string + type LifecycleRuleAndOperator struct + ObjectSizeGreaterThan *int64 + ObjectSizeLessThan *int64 + Prefix *string + Tags []*Tag + func (s *LifecycleRuleAndOperator) SetObjectSizeGreaterThan(v int64) *LifecycleRuleAndOperator + func (s *LifecycleRuleAndOperator) SetObjectSizeLessThan(v int64) *LifecycleRuleAndOperator + func (s *LifecycleRuleAndOperator) SetPrefix(v string) *LifecycleRuleAndOperator + func (s *LifecycleRuleAndOperator) SetTags(v []*Tag) *LifecycleRuleAndOperator + func (s *LifecycleRuleAndOperator) Validate() error + func (s LifecycleRuleAndOperator) GoString() string + func (s LifecycleRuleAndOperator) String() string + type LifecycleRuleFilter struct + And *LifecycleRuleAndOperator + ObjectSizeGreaterThan *int64 + ObjectSizeLessThan *int64 + Prefix *string + Tag *Tag + func (s *LifecycleRuleFilter) SetAnd(v *LifecycleRuleAndOperator) *LifecycleRuleFilter + func (s *LifecycleRuleFilter) SetObjectSizeGreaterThan(v int64) *LifecycleRuleFilter + func (s *LifecycleRuleFilter) SetObjectSizeLessThan(v int64) *LifecycleRuleFilter + func (s *LifecycleRuleFilter) SetPrefix(v string) *LifecycleRuleFilter + func (s *LifecycleRuleFilter) SetTag(v *Tag) *LifecycleRuleFilter + func (s *LifecycleRuleFilter) Validate() error + func (s LifecycleRuleFilter) GoString() string + func (s LifecycleRuleFilter) String() string + type ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput struct + Bucket *string + ContinuationToken *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) String() string + type ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput struct + AnalyticsConfigurationList []*AnalyticsConfiguration + ContinuationToken *string + IsTruncated *bool + NextContinuationToken *string + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput) SetAnalyticsConfigurationList(v []*AnalyticsConfiguration) *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput) SetNextContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput + func (s ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput) String() string + type ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput struct + Bucket *string + ContinuationToken *string + func (s *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput) String() string + type ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput struct + ContinuationToken *string + IntelligentTieringConfigurationList []*IntelligentTieringConfiguration + IsTruncated *bool + NextContinuationToken *string + func (s *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput) SetIntelligentTieringConfigurationList(v []*IntelligentTieringConfiguration) *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput) SetNextContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput + func (s ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput) String() string + type ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput struct + Bucket *string + ContinuationToken *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) String() string + type ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput struct + ContinuationToken *string + InventoryConfigurationList []*InventoryConfiguration + IsTruncated *bool + NextContinuationToken *string + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput) SetInventoryConfigurationList(v []*InventoryConfiguration) *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput) SetNextContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput + func (s ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput) String() string + type ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput struct + Bucket *string + ContinuationToken *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) String() string + type ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput struct + ContinuationToken *string + IsTruncated *bool + MetricsConfigurationList []*MetricsConfiguration + NextContinuationToken *string + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput) SetMetricsConfigurationList(v []*MetricsConfiguration) *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput + func (s *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput) SetNextContinuationToken(v string) *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput + func (s ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput) String() string + type ListBucketsInput struct + func (s ListBucketsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketsInput) String() string + type ListBucketsOutput struct + Buckets []*Bucket + Owner *Owner + func (s *ListBucketsOutput) SetBuckets(v []*Bucket) *ListBucketsOutput + func (s *ListBucketsOutput) SetOwner(v *Owner) *ListBucketsOutput + func (s ListBucketsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListBucketsOutput) String() string + type ListMultipartUploadsInput struct + Bucket *string + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + KeyMarker *string + MaxUploads *int64 + Prefix *string + RequestPayer *string + UploadIdMarker *string + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetKeyMarker(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetMaxUploads(v int64) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetPrefix(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) SetUploadIdMarker(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsInput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListMultipartUploadsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListMultipartUploadsInput) String() string + type ListMultipartUploadsOutput struct + Bucket *string + CommonPrefixes []*CommonPrefix + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + IsTruncated *bool + KeyMarker *string + MaxUploads *int64 + NextKeyMarker *string + NextUploadIdMarker *string + Prefix *string + RequestCharged *string + UploadIdMarker *string + Uploads []*MultipartUpload + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetBucket(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetCommonPrefixes(v []*CommonPrefix) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetKeyMarker(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetMaxUploads(v int64) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetNextKeyMarker(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetNextUploadIdMarker(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetPrefix(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetUploadIdMarker(v string) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) SetUploads(v []*MultipartUpload) *ListMultipartUploadsOutput + func (s ListMultipartUploadsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListMultipartUploadsOutput) String() string + type ListObjectVersionsInput struct + Bucket *string + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + KeyMarker *string + MaxKeys *int64 + OptionalObjectAttributes []*string + Prefix *string + RequestPayer *string + VersionIdMarker *string + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetKeyMarker(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetMaxKeys(v int64) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetOptionalObjectAttributes(v []*string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetPrefix(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) SetVersionIdMarker(v string) *ListObjectVersionsInput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListObjectVersionsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListObjectVersionsInput) String() string + type ListObjectVersionsOutput struct + CommonPrefixes []*CommonPrefix + DeleteMarkers []*DeleteMarkerEntry + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + IsTruncated *bool + KeyMarker *string + MaxKeys *int64 + Name *string + NextKeyMarker *string + NextVersionIdMarker *string + Prefix *string + RequestCharged *string + VersionIdMarker *string + Versions []*ObjectVersion + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetCommonPrefixes(v []*CommonPrefix) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetDeleteMarkers(v []*DeleteMarkerEntry) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetKeyMarker(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetMaxKeys(v int64) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetName(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetNextKeyMarker(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetNextVersionIdMarker(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetPrefix(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetVersionIdMarker(v string) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s *ListObjectVersionsOutput) SetVersions(v []*ObjectVersion) *ListObjectVersionsOutput + func (s ListObjectVersionsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListObjectVersionsOutput) String() string + type ListObjectsInput struct + Bucket *string + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Marker *string + MaxKeys *int64 + OptionalObjectAttributes []*string + Prefix *string + RequestPayer *string + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetMarker(v string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetMaxKeys(v int64) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetOptionalObjectAttributes(v []*string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetPrefix(v string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *ListObjectsInput + func (s *ListObjectsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListObjectsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListObjectsInput) String() string + type ListObjectsOutput struct + CommonPrefixes []*CommonPrefix + Contents []*Object + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + IsTruncated *bool + Marker *string + MaxKeys *int64 + Name *string + NextMarker *string + Prefix *string + RequestCharged *string + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetCommonPrefixes(v []*CommonPrefix) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetContents(v []*Object) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetMarker(v string) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetMaxKeys(v int64) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetName(v string) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetNextMarker(v string) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetPrefix(v string) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s *ListObjectsOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *ListObjectsOutput + func (s ListObjectsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListObjectsOutput) String() string + type ListObjectsV2Input struct + Bucket *string + ContinuationToken *string + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + FetchOwner *bool + MaxKeys *int64 + OptionalObjectAttributes []*string + Prefix *string + RequestPayer *string + StartAfter *string + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetBucket(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetFetchOwner(v bool) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetMaxKeys(v int64) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetOptionalObjectAttributes(v []*string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetPrefix(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetRequestPayer(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) SetStartAfter(v string) *ListObjectsV2Input + func (s *ListObjectsV2Input) Validate() error + func (s ListObjectsV2Input) GoString() string + func (s ListObjectsV2Input) String() string + type ListObjectsV2Output struct + CommonPrefixes []*CommonPrefix + Contents []*Object + ContinuationToken *string + Delimiter *string + EncodingType *string + IsTruncated *bool + KeyCount *int64 + MaxKeys *int64 + Name *string + NextContinuationToken *string + Prefix *string + RequestCharged *string + StartAfter *string + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetCommonPrefixes(v []*CommonPrefix) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetContents(v []*Object) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetContinuationToken(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetDelimiter(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetEncodingType(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetKeyCount(v int64) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetMaxKeys(v int64) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetName(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetNextContinuationToken(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetPrefix(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetRequestCharged(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s *ListObjectsV2Output) SetStartAfter(v string) *ListObjectsV2Output + func (s ListObjectsV2Output) GoString() string + func (s ListObjectsV2Output) String() string + type ListPartsInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + MaxParts *int64 + PartNumberMarker *int64 + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + UploadId *string + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetBucket(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetKey(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetMaxParts(v int64) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetPartNumberMarker(v int64) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) SetUploadId(v string) *ListPartsInput + func (s *ListPartsInput) Validate() error + func (s ListPartsInput) GoString() string + func (s ListPartsInput) String() string + type ListPartsOutput struct + AbortDate *time.Time + AbortRuleId *string + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + Initiator *Initiator + IsTruncated *bool + Key *string + MaxParts *int64 + NextPartNumberMarker *int64 + Owner *Owner + PartNumberMarker *int64 + Parts []*Part + RequestCharged *string + StorageClass *string + UploadId *string + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetAbortDate(v time.Time) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetAbortRuleId(v string) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetBucket(v string) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetInitiator(v *Initiator) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetIsTruncated(v bool) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetKey(v string) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetMaxParts(v int64) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetNextPartNumberMarker(v int64) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetOwner(v *Owner) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetPartNumberMarker(v int64) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetParts(v []*Part) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetStorageClass(v string) *ListPartsOutput + func (s *ListPartsOutput) SetUploadId(v string) *ListPartsOutput + func (s ListPartsOutput) GoString() string + func (s ListPartsOutput) String() string + type Location struct + AccessControlList []*Grant + BucketName *string + CannedACL *string + Encryption *Encryption + Prefix *string + StorageClass *string + Tagging *Tagging + UserMetadata []*MetadataEntry + func (s *Location) SetAccessControlList(v []*Grant) *Location + func (s *Location) SetBucketName(v string) *Location + func (s *Location) SetCannedACL(v string) *Location + func (s *Location) SetEncryption(v *Encryption) *Location + func (s *Location) SetPrefix(v string) *Location + func (s *Location) SetStorageClass(v string) *Location + func (s *Location) SetTagging(v *Tagging) *Location + func (s *Location) SetUserMetadata(v []*MetadataEntry) *Location + func (s *Location) Validate() error + func (s Location) GoString() string + func (s Location) String() string + type LoggingEnabled struct + TargetBucket *string + TargetGrants []*TargetGrant + TargetPrefix *string + func (s *LoggingEnabled) SetTargetBucket(v string) *LoggingEnabled + func (s *LoggingEnabled) SetTargetGrants(v []*TargetGrant) *LoggingEnabled + func (s *LoggingEnabled) SetTargetPrefix(v string) *LoggingEnabled + func (s *LoggingEnabled) Validate() error + func (s LoggingEnabled) GoString() string + func (s LoggingEnabled) String() string + type MetadataEntry struct + Name *string + Value *string + func (s *MetadataEntry) SetName(v string) *MetadataEntry + func (s *MetadataEntry) SetValue(v string) *MetadataEntry + func (s MetadataEntry) GoString() string + func (s MetadataEntry) String() string + type Metrics struct + EventThreshold *ReplicationTimeValue + Status *string + func (s *Metrics) SetEventThreshold(v *ReplicationTimeValue) *Metrics + func (s *Metrics) SetStatus(v string) *Metrics + func (s *Metrics) Validate() error + func (s Metrics) GoString() string + func (s Metrics) String() string + type MetricsAndOperator struct + AccessPointArn *string + Prefix *string + Tags []*Tag + func (s *MetricsAndOperator) SetAccessPointArn(v string) *MetricsAndOperator + func (s *MetricsAndOperator) SetPrefix(v string) *MetricsAndOperator + func (s *MetricsAndOperator) SetTags(v []*Tag) *MetricsAndOperator + func (s *MetricsAndOperator) Validate() error + func (s MetricsAndOperator) GoString() string + func (s MetricsAndOperator) String() string + type MetricsConfiguration struct + Filter *MetricsFilter + Id *string + func (s *MetricsConfiguration) SetFilter(v *MetricsFilter) *MetricsConfiguration + func (s *MetricsConfiguration) SetId(v string) *MetricsConfiguration + func (s *MetricsConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s MetricsConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s MetricsConfiguration) String() string + type MetricsFilter struct + AccessPointArn *string + And *MetricsAndOperator + Prefix *string + Tag *Tag + func (s *MetricsFilter) SetAccessPointArn(v string) *MetricsFilter + func (s *MetricsFilter) SetAnd(v *MetricsAndOperator) *MetricsFilter + func (s *MetricsFilter) SetPrefix(v string) *MetricsFilter + func (s *MetricsFilter) SetTag(v *Tag) *MetricsFilter + func (s *MetricsFilter) Validate() error + func (s MetricsFilter) GoString() string + func (s MetricsFilter) String() string + type MultipartUpload struct + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + Initiated *time.Time + Initiator *Initiator + Key *string + Owner *Owner + StorageClass *string + UploadId *string + func (s *MultipartUpload) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *MultipartUpload + func (s *MultipartUpload) SetInitiated(v time.Time) *MultipartUpload + func (s *MultipartUpload) SetInitiator(v *Initiator) *MultipartUpload + func (s *MultipartUpload) SetKey(v string) *MultipartUpload + func (s *MultipartUpload) SetOwner(v *Owner) *MultipartUpload + func (s *MultipartUpload) SetStorageClass(v string) *MultipartUpload + func (s *MultipartUpload) SetUploadId(v string) *MultipartUpload + func (s MultipartUpload) GoString() string + func (s MultipartUpload) String() string + type NoncurrentVersionExpiration struct + NewerNoncurrentVersions *int64 + NoncurrentDays *int64 + func (s *NoncurrentVersionExpiration) SetNewerNoncurrentVersions(v int64) *NoncurrentVersionExpiration + func (s *NoncurrentVersionExpiration) SetNoncurrentDays(v int64) *NoncurrentVersionExpiration + func (s NoncurrentVersionExpiration) GoString() string + func (s NoncurrentVersionExpiration) String() string + type NoncurrentVersionTransition struct + NewerNoncurrentVersions *int64 + NoncurrentDays *int64 + StorageClass *string + func (s *NoncurrentVersionTransition) SetNewerNoncurrentVersions(v int64) *NoncurrentVersionTransition + func (s *NoncurrentVersionTransition) SetNoncurrentDays(v int64) *NoncurrentVersionTransition + func (s *NoncurrentVersionTransition) SetStorageClass(v string) *NoncurrentVersionTransition + func (s NoncurrentVersionTransition) GoString() string + func (s NoncurrentVersionTransition) String() string + type NotificationConfiguration struct + EventBridgeConfiguration *EventBridgeConfiguration + LambdaFunctionConfigurations []*LambdaFunctionConfiguration + QueueConfigurations []*QueueConfiguration + TopicConfigurations []*TopicConfiguration + func (s *NotificationConfiguration) SetEventBridgeConfiguration(v *EventBridgeConfiguration) *NotificationConfiguration + func (s *NotificationConfiguration) SetLambdaFunctionConfigurations(v []*LambdaFunctionConfiguration) *NotificationConfiguration + func (s *NotificationConfiguration) SetQueueConfigurations(v []*QueueConfiguration) *NotificationConfiguration + func (s *NotificationConfiguration) SetTopicConfigurations(v []*TopicConfiguration) *NotificationConfiguration + func (s *NotificationConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s NotificationConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s NotificationConfiguration) String() string + type NotificationConfigurationDeprecated struct + CloudFunctionConfiguration *CloudFunctionConfiguration + QueueConfiguration *QueueConfigurationDeprecated + TopicConfiguration *TopicConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated) SetCloudFunctionConfiguration(v *CloudFunctionConfiguration) *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated) SetQueueConfiguration(v *QueueConfigurationDeprecated) *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated) SetTopicConfiguration(v *TopicConfigurationDeprecated) *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated + func (s NotificationConfigurationDeprecated) GoString() string + func (s NotificationConfigurationDeprecated) String() string + type NotificationConfigurationFilter struct + Key *KeyFilter + func (s *NotificationConfigurationFilter) SetKey(v *KeyFilter) *NotificationConfigurationFilter + func (s NotificationConfigurationFilter) GoString() string + func (s NotificationConfigurationFilter) String() string + type Object struct + ChecksumAlgorithm []*string + ETag *string + Key *string + LastModified *time.Time + Owner *Owner + RestoreStatus *RestoreStatus + Size *int64 + StorageClass *string + func (s *Object) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v []*string) *Object + func (s *Object) SetETag(v string) *Object + func (s *Object) SetKey(v string) *Object + func (s *Object) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *Object + func (s *Object) SetOwner(v *Owner) *Object + func (s *Object) SetRestoreStatus(v *RestoreStatus) *Object + func (s *Object) SetSize(v int64) *Object + func (s *Object) SetStorageClass(v string) *Object + func (s Object) GoString() string + func (s Object) String() string + type ObjectIdentifier struct + Key *string + VersionId *string + func (s *ObjectIdentifier) SetKey(v string) *ObjectIdentifier + func (s *ObjectIdentifier) SetVersionId(v string) *ObjectIdentifier + func (s *ObjectIdentifier) Validate() error + func (s ObjectIdentifier) GoString() string + func (s ObjectIdentifier) String() string + type ObjectLockConfiguration struct + ObjectLockEnabled *string + Rule *ObjectLockRule + func (s *ObjectLockConfiguration) SetObjectLockEnabled(v string) *ObjectLockConfiguration + func (s *ObjectLockConfiguration) SetRule(v *ObjectLockRule) *ObjectLockConfiguration + func (s ObjectLockConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s ObjectLockConfiguration) String() string + type ObjectLockLegalHold struct + Status *string + func (s *ObjectLockLegalHold) SetStatus(v string) *ObjectLockLegalHold + func (s ObjectLockLegalHold) GoString() string + func (s ObjectLockLegalHold) String() string + type ObjectLockRetention struct + Mode *string + RetainUntilDate *time.Time + func (s *ObjectLockRetention) SetMode(v string) *ObjectLockRetention + func (s *ObjectLockRetention) SetRetainUntilDate(v time.Time) *ObjectLockRetention + func (s ObjectLockRetention) GoString() string + func (s ObjectLockRetention) String() string + type ObjectLockRule struct + DefaultRetention *DefaultRetention + func (s *ObjectLockRule) SetDefaultRetention(v *DefaultRetention) *ObjectLockRule + func (s ObjectLockRule) GoString() string + func (s ObjectLockRule) String() string + type ObjectPart struct + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + PartNumber *int64 + Size *int64 + func (s *ObjectPart) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *ObjectPart + func (s *ObjectPart) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *ObjectPart + func (s *ObjectPart) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *ObjectPart + func (s *ObjectPart) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *ObjectPart + func (s *ObjectPart) SetPartNumber(v int64) *ObjectPart + func (s *ObjectPart) SetSize(v int64) *ObjectPart + func (s ObjectPart) GoString() string + func (s ObjectPart) String() string + type ObjectVersion struct + ChecksumAlgorithm []*string + ETag *string + IsLatest *bool + Key *string + LastModified *time.Time + Owner *Owner + RestoreStatus *RestoreStatus + Size *int64 + StorageClass *string + VersionId *string + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v []*string) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetETag(v string) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetIsLatest(v bool) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetKey(v string) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetOwner(v *Owner) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetRestoreStatus(v *RestoreStatus) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetSize(v int64) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetStorageClass(v string) *ObjectVersion + func (s *ObjectVersion) SetVersionId(v string) *ObjectVersion + func (s ObjectVersion) GoString() string + func (s ObjectVersion) String() string + type OutputLocation struct + S3 *Location + func (s *OutputLocation) SetS3(v *Location) *OutputLocation + func (s *OutputLocation) Validate() error + func (s OutputLocation) GoString() string + func (s OutputLocation) String() string + type OutputSerialization struct + CSV *CSVOutput + JSON *JSONOutput + func (s *OutputSerialization) SetCSV(v *CSVOutput) *OutputSerialization + func (s *OutputSerialization) SetJSON(v *JSONOutput) *OutputSerialization + func (s OutputSerialization) GoString() string + func (s OutputSerialization) String() string + type Owner struct + DisplayName *string + ID *string + func (s *Owner) SetDisplayName(v string) *Owner + func (s *Owner) SetID(v string) *Owner + func (s Owner) GoString() string + func (s Owner) String() string + type OwnershipControls struct + Rules []*OwnershipControlsRule + func (s *OwnershipControls) SetRules(v []*OwnershipControlsRule) *OwnershipControls + func (s *OwnershipControls) Validate() error + func (s OwnershipControls) GoString() string + func (s OwnershipControls) String() string + type OwnershipControlsRule struct + ObjectOwnership *string + func (s *OwnershipControlsRule) SetObjectOwnership(v string) *OwnershipControlsRule + func (s *OwnershipControlsRule) Validate() error + func (s OwnershipControlsRule) GoString() string + func (s OwnershipControlsRule) String() string + type ParquetInput struct + func (s ParquetInput) GoString() string + func (s ParquetInput) String() string + type Part struct + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ETag *string + LastModified *time.Time + PartNumber *int64 + Size *int64 + func (s *Part) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *Part + func (s *Part) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *Part + func (s *Part) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *Part + func (s *Part) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *Part + func (s *Part) SetETag(v string) *Part + func (s *Part) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *Part + func (s *Part) SetPartNumber(v int64) *Part + func (s *Part) SetSize(v int64) *Part + func (s Part) GoString() string + func (s Part) String() string + type PolicyStatus struct + IsPublic *bool + func (s *PolicyStatus) SetIsPublic(v bool) *PolicyStatus + func (s PolicyStatus) GoString() string + func (s PolicyStatus) String() string + type Progress struct + BytesProcessed *int64 + BytesReturned *int64 + BytesScanned *int64 + func (s *Progress) SetBytesProcessed(v int64) *Progress + func (s *Progress) SetBytesReturned(v int64) *Progress + func (s *Progress) SetBytesScanned(v int64) *Progress + func (s Progress) GoString() string + func (s Progress) String() string + type ProgressEvent struct + Details *Progress + func (s *ProgressEvent) MarshalEvent(pm protocol.PayloadMarshaler) (msg eventstream.Message, err error) + func (s *ProgressEvent) SetDetails(v *Progress) *ProgressEvent + func (s *ProgressEvent) UnmarshalEvent(payloadUnmarshaler protocol.PayloadUnmarshaler, msg eventstream.Message) error + func (s ProgressEvent) GoString() string + func (s ProgressEvent) String() string + type PublicAccessBlockConfiguration struct + BlockPublicAcls *bool + BlockPublicPolicy *bool + IgnorePublicAcls *bool + RestrictPublicBuckets *bool + func (s *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) SetBlockPublicAcls(v bool) *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration + func (s *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) SetBlockPublicPolicy(v bool) *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration + func (s *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) SetIgnorePublicAcls(v bool) *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration + func (s *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) SetRestrictPublicBuckets(v bool) *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration + func (s PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) String() string + type PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput struct + AccelerateConfiguration *AccelerateConfiguration + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) SetAccelerateConfiguration(v *AccelerateConfiguration) *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketAclInput struct + ACL *string + AccessControlPolicy *AccessControlPolicy + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + GrantFullControl *string + GrantRead *string + GrantReadACP *string + GrantWrite *string + GrantWriteACP *string + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetACL(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetAccessControlPolicy(v *AccessControlPolicy) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetGrantFullControl(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetGrantRead(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetGrantReadACP(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetGrantWrite(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) SetGrantWriteACP(v string) *PutBucketAclInput + func (s *PutBucketAclInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketAclInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketAclInput) String() string + type PutBucketAclOutput struct + func (s PutBucketAclOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketAclOutput) String() string + type PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput struct + AnalyticsConfiguration *AnalyticsConfiguration + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + func (s *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetAnalyticsConfiguration(v *AnalyticsConfiguration) *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketCorsInput struct + Bucket *string + CORSConfiguration *CORSConfiguration + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *PutBucketCorsInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketCorsInput + func (s *PutBucketCorsInput) SetCORSConfiguration(v *CORSConfiguration) *PutBucketCorsInput + func (s *PutBucketCorsInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketCorsInput + func (s *PutBucketCorsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketCorsInput + func (s *PutBucketCorsInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketCorsInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketCorsInput) String() string + type PutBucketCorsOutput struct + func (s PutBucketCorsOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketCorsOutput) String() string + type PutBucketEncryptionInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration *ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketEncryptionInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *PutBucketEncryptionInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *PutBucketEncryptionInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *PutBucketEncryptionInput) SetServerSideEncryptionConfiguration(v *ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) *PutBucketEncryptionInput + func (s *PutBucketEncryptionInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketEncryptionInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketEncryptionInput) String() string + type PutBucketEncryptionOutput struct + func (s PutBucketEncryptionOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketEncryptionOutput) String() string + type PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + Id *string + IntelligentTieringConfiguration *IntelligentTieringConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) SetIntelligentTieringConfiguration(v *IntelligentTieringConfiguration) *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + InventoryConfiguration *InventoryConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) SetInventoryConfiguration(v *InventoryConfiguration) *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + LifecycleConfiguration *BucketLifecycleConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) SetLifecycleConfiguration(v *BucketLifecycleConfiguration) *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketLifecycleInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + LifecycleConfiguration *LifecycleConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleInput) SetLifecycleConfiguration(v *LifecycleConfiguration) *PutBucketLifecycleInput + func (s *PutBucketLifecycleInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketLifecycleInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketLifecycleInput) String() string + type PutBucketLifecycleOutput struct + func (s PutBucketLifecycleOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketLifecycleOutput) String() string + type PutBucketLoggingInput struct + Bucket *string + BucketLoggingStatus *BucketLoggingStatus + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + func (s *PutBucketLoggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketLoggingInput + func (s *PutBucketLoggingInput) SetBucketLoggingStatus(v *BucketLoggingStatus) *PutBucketLoggingInput + func (s *PutBucketLoggingInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketLoggingInput + func (s *PutBucketLoggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketLoggingInput + func (s *PutBucketLoggingInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketLoggingInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketLoggingInput) String() string + type PutBucketLoggingOutput struct + func (s PutBucketLoggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketLoggingOutput) String() string + type PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Id *string + MetricsConfiguration *MetricsConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetId(v string) *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) SetMetricsConfiguration(v *MetricsConfiguration) *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + NotificationConfiguration *NotificationConfiguration + SkipDestinationValidation *bool + func (s *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) SetNotificationConfiguration(v *NotificationConfiguration) *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) SetSkipDestinationValidation(v bool) *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutBucketNotificationConfigurationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketNotificationConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketNotificationConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketNotificationInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + NotificationConfiguration *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *PutBucketNotificationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketNotificationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketNotificationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketNotificationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationInput) SetNotificationConfiguration(v *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated) *PutBucketNotificationInput + func (s *PutBucketNotificationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketNotificationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketNotificationInput) String() string + type PutBucketNotificationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketNotificationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketNotificationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + OwnershipControls *OwnershipControls + func (s *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput + func (s *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput + func (s *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) SetOwnershipControls(v *OwnershipControls) *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput + func (s *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) String() string + type PutBucketOwnershipControlsOutput struct + func (s PutBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) String() string + type PutBucketPolicyInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ConfirmRemoveSelfBucketAccess *bool + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Policy *string + func (s *PutBucketPolicyInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketPolicyInput + func (s *PutBucketPolicyInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketPolicyInput + func (s *PutBucketPolicyInput) SetConfirmRemoveSelfBucketAccess(v bool) *PutBucketPolicyInput + func (s *PutBucketPolicyInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketPolicyInput + func (s *PutBucketPolicyInput) SetPolicy(v string) *PutBucketPolicyInput + func (s *PutBucketPolicyInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketPolicyInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketPolicyInput) String() string + type PutBucketPolicyOutput struct + func (s PutBucketPolicyOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketPolicyOutput) String() string + type PutBucketReplicationInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + ReplicationConfiguration *ReplicationConfiguration + Token *string + func (s *PutBucketReplicationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketReplicationInput + func (s *PutBucketReplicationInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketReplicationInput + func (s *PutBucketReplicationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketReplicationInput + func (s *PutBucketReplicationInput) SetReplicationConfiguration(v *ReplicationConfiguration) *PutBucketReplicationInput + func (s *PutBucketReplicationInput) SetToken(v string) *PutBucketReplicationInput + func (s *PutBucketReplicationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketReplicationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketReplicationInput) String() string + type PutBucketReplicationOutput struct + func (s PutBucketReplicationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketReplicationOutput) String() string + type PutBucketRequestPaymentInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + RequestPaymentConfiguration *RequestPaymentConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput + func (s *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput + func (s *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput + func (s *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) SetRequestPaymentConfiguration(v *RequestPaymentConfiguration) *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput + func (s *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) String() string + type PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput struct + func (s PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput) String() string + type PutBucketTaggingInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Tagging *Tagging + func (s *PutBucketTaggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketTaggingInput + func (s *PutBucketTaggingInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketTaggingInput + func (s *PutBucketTaggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketTaggingInput + func (s *PutBucketTaggingInput) SetTagging(v *Tagging) *PutBucketTaggingInput + func (s *PutBucketTaggingInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketTaggingInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketTaggingInput) String() string + type PutBucketTaggingOutput struct + func (s PutBucketTaggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketTaggingOutput) String() string + type PutBucketVersioningInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + MFA *string + VersioningConfiguration *VersioningConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketVersioningInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketVersioningInput + func (s *PutBucketVersioningInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketVersioningInput + func (s *PutBucketVersioningInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketVersioningInput + func (s *PutBucketVersioningInput) SetMFA(v string) *PutBucketVersioningInput + func (s *PutBucketVersioningInput) SetVersioningConfiguration(v *VersioningConfiguration) *PutBucketVersioningInput + func (s *PutBucketVersioningInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketVersioningInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketVersioningInput) String() string + type PutBucketVersioningOutput struct + func (s PutBucketVersioningOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketVersioningOutput) String() string + type PutBucketWebsiteInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + WebsiteConfiguration *WebsiteConfiguration + func (s *PutBucketWebsiteInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *PutBucketWebsiteInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *PutBucketWebsiteInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *PutBucketWebsiteInput) SetWebsiteConfiguration(v *WebsiteConfiguration) *PutBucketWebsiteInput + func (s *PutBucketWebsiteInput) Validate() error + func (s PutBucketWebsiteInput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketWebsiteInput) String() string + type PutBucketWebsiteOutput struct + func (s PutBucketWebsiteOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutBucketWebsiteOutput) String() string + type PutObjectAclInput struct + ACL *string + AccessControlPolicy *AccessControlPolicy + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + GrantFullControl *string + GrantRead *string + GrantReadACP *string + GrantWrite *string + GrantWriteACP *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + VersionId *string + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetACL(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetAccessControlPolicy(v *AccessControlPolicy) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetGrantFullControl(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetGrantRead(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetGrantReadACP(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetGrantWrite(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetGrantWriteACP(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetKey(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) SetVersionId(v string) *PutObjectAclInput + func (s *PutObjectAclInput) Validate() error + func (s PutObjectAclInput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectAclInput) String() string + type PutObjectAclOutput struct + RequestCharged *string + func (s *PutObjectAclOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *PutObjectAclOutput + func (s PutObjectAclOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectAclOutput) String() string + type PutObjectInput struct + ACL *string + Body io.ReadSeeker + Bucket *string + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CacheControl *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ContentDisposition *string + ContentEncoding *string + ContentLanguage *string + ContentLength *int64 + ContentMD5 *string + ContentType *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Expires *time.Time + GrantFullControl *string + GrantRead *string + GrantReadACP *string + GrantWriteACP *string + Key *string + Metadata map[string]*string + ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus *string + ObjectLockMode *string + ObjectLockRetainUntilDate *time.Time + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSEncryptionContext *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + StorageClass *string + Tagging *string + WebsiteRedirectLocation *string + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetACL(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetBody(v io.ReadSeeker) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetCacheControl(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetContentDisposition(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetContentEncoding(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetContentLanguage(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetContentLength(v int64) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetContentMD5(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetContentType(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetExpires(v time.Time) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetGrantFullControl(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetGrantRead(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetGrantReadACP(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetGrantWriteACP(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetKey(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetMetadata(v map[string]*string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetObjectLockMode(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(v time.Time) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetSSEKMSEncryptionContext(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetStorageClass(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetTagging(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) SetWebsiteRedirectLocation(v string) *PutObjectInput + func (s *PutObjectInput) Validate() error + func (s PutObjectInput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectInput) String() string + type PutObjectLegalHoldInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + LegalHold *ObjectLockLegalHold + RequestPayer *string + VersionId *string + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) SetKey(v string) *PutObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) SetLegalHold(v *ObjectLockLegalHold) *PutObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *PutObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) SetVersionId(v string) *PutObjectLegalHoldInput + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) Validate() error + func (s PutObjectLegalHoldInput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectLegalHoldInput) String() string + type PutObjectLegalHoldOutput struct + RequestCharged *string + func (s *PutObjectLegalHoldOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *PutObjectLegalHoldOutput + func (s PutObjectLegalHoldOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectLegalHoldOutput) String() string + type PutObjectLockConfigurationInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + ObjectLockConfiguration *ObjectLockConfiguration + RequestPayer *string + Token *string + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetObjectLockConfiguration(v *ObjectLockConfiguration) *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) SetToken(v string) *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) Validate() error + func (s PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) String() string + type PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput struct + RequestCharged *string + func (s *PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput + func (s PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput) String() string + type PutObjectOutput struct + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ETag *string + Expiration *string + RequestCharged *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSEncryptionContext *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + VersionId *string + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetETag(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetExpiration(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetSSEKMSEncryptionContext(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s *PutObjectOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *PutObjectOutput + func (s PutObjectOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectOutput) String() string + type PutObjectRetentionInput struct + Bucket *string + BypassGovernanceRetention *bool + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + Retention *ObjectLockRetention + VersionId *string + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetBypassGovernanceRetention(v bool) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetKey(v string) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetRetention(v *ObjectLockRetention) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) SetVersionId(v string) *PutObjectRetentionInput + func (s *PutObjectRetentionInput) Validate() error + func (s PutObjectRetentionInput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectRetentionInput) String() string + type PutObjectRetentionOutput struct + RequestCharged *string + func (s *PutObjectRetentionOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *PutObjectRetentionOutput + func (s PutObjectRetentionOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectRetentionOutput) String() string + type PutObjectTaggingInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + Tagging *Tagging + VersionId *string + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutObjectTaggingInput + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutObjectTaggingInput + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutObjectTaggingInput + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) SetKey(v string) *PutObjectTaggingInput + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *PutObjectTaggingInput + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) SetTagging(v *Tagging) *PutObjectTaggingInput + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) SetVersionId(v string) *PutObjectTaggingInput + func (s *PutObjectTaggingInput) Validate() error + func (s PutObjectTaggingInput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectTaggingInput) String() string + type PutObjectTaggingOutput struct + VersionId *string + func (s *PutObjectTaggingOutput) SetVersionId(v string) *PutObjectTaggingOutput + func (s PutObjectTaggingOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutObjectTaggingOutput) String() string + type PutPublicAccessBlockInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + PublicAccessBlockConfiguration *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration + func (s *PutPublicAccessBlockInput) SetBucket(v string) *PutPublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *PutPublicAccessBlockInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *PutPublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *PutPublicAccessBlockInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *PutPublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *PutPublicAccessBlockInput) SetPublicAccessBlockConfiguration(v *PublicAccessBlockConfiguration) *PutPublicAccessBlockInput + func (s *PutPublicAccessBlockInput) Validate() error + func (s PutPublicAccessBlockInput) GoString() string + func (s PutPublicAccessBlockInput) String() string + type PutPublicAccessBlockOutput struct + func (s PutPublicAccessBlockOutput) GoString() string + func (s PutPublicAccessBlockOutput) String() string + type QueueConfiguration struct + Events []*string + Filter *NotificationConfigurationFilter + Id *string + QueueArn *string + func (s *QueueConfiguration) SetEvents(v []*string) *QueueConfiguration + func (s *QueueConfiguration) SetFilter(v *NotificationConfigurationFilter) *QueueConfiguration + func (s *QueueConfiguration) SetId(v string) *QueueConfiguration + func (s *QueueConfiguration) SetQueueArn(v string) *QueueConfiguration + func (s *QueueConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s QueueConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s QueueConfiguration) String() string + type QueueConfigurationDeprecated struct + Event *string + Events []*string + Id *string + Queue *string + func (s *QueueConfigurationDeprecated) SetEvent(v string) *QueueConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *QueueConfigurationDeprecated) SetEvents(v []*string) *QueueConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *QueueConfigurationDeprecated) SetId(v string) *QueueConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *QueueConfigurationDeprecated) SetQueue(v string) *QueueConfigurationDeprecated + func (s QueueConfigurationDeprecated) GoString() string + func (s QueueConfigurationDeprecated) String() string + type RecordsEvent struct + Payload []byte + func (s *RecordsEvent) MarshalEvent(pm protocol.PayloadMarshaler) (msg eventstream.Message, err error) + func (s *RecordsEvent) SetPayload(v []byte) *RecordsEvent + func (s *RecordsEvent) UnmarshalEvent(payloadUnmarshaler protocol.PayloadUnmarshaler, msg eventstream.Message) error + func (s RecordsEvent) GoString() string + func (s RecordsEvent) String() string + type Redirect struct + HostName *string + HttpRedirectCode *string + Protocol *string + ReplaceKeyPrefixWith *string + ReplaceKeyWith *string + func (s *Redirect) SetHostName(v string) *Redirect + func (s *Redirect) SetHttpRedirectCode(v string) *Redirect + func (s *Redirect) SetProtocol(v string) *Redirect + func (s *Redirect) SetReplaceKeyPrefixWith(v string) *Redirect + func (s *Redirect) SetReplaceKeyWith(v string) *Redirect + func (s Redirect) GoString() string + func (s Redirect) String() string + type RedirectAllRequestsTo struct + HostName *string + Protocol *string + func (s *RedirectAllRequestsTo) SetHostName(v string) *RedirectAllRequestsTo + func (s *RedirectAllRequestsTo) SetProtocol(v string) *RedirectAllRequestsTo + func (s *RedirectAllRequestsTo) Validate() error + func (s RedirectAllRequestsTo) GoString() string + func (s RedirectAllRequestsTo) String() string + type ReplicaModifications struct + Status *string + func (s *ReplicaModifications) SetStatus(v string) *ReplicaModifications + func (s *ReplicaModifications) Validate() error + func (s ReplicaModifications) GoString() string + func (s ReplicaModifications) String() string + type ReplicationConfiguration struct + Role *string + Rules []*ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationConfiguration) SetRole(v string) *ReplicationConfiguration + func (s *ReplicationConfiguration) SetRules(v []*ReplicationRule) *ReplicationConfiguration + func (s *ReplicationConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s ReplicationConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s ReplicationConfiguration) String() string + type ReplicationRule struct + DeleteMarkerReplication *DeleteMarkerReplication + Destination *Destination + ExistingObjectReplication *ExistingObjectReplication + Filter *ReplicationRuleFilter + ID *string + Prefix *string + Priority *int64 + SourceSelectionCriteria *SourceSelectionCriteria + Status *string + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetDeleteMarkerReplication(v *DeleteMarkerReplication) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetDestination(v *Destination) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetExistingObjectReplication(v *ExistingObjectReplication) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetFilter(v *ReplicationRuleFilter) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetID(v string) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetPrefix(v string) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetPriority(v int64) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetSourceSelectionCriteria(v *SourceSelectionCriteria) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) SetStatus(v string) *ReplicationRule + func (s *ReplicationRule) Validate() error + func (s ReplicationRule) GoString() string + func (s ReplicationRule) String() string + type ReplicationRuleAndOperator struct + Prefix *string + Tags []*Tag + func (s *ReplicationRuleAndOperator) SetPrefix(v string) *ReplicationRuleAndOperator + func (s *ReplicationRuleAndOperator) SetTags(v []*Tag) *ReplicationRuleAndOperator + func (s *ReplicationRuleAndOperator) Validate() error + func (s ReplicationRuleAndOperator) GoString() string + func (s ReplicationRuleAndOperator) String() string + type ReplicationRuleFilter struct + And *ReplicationRuleAndOperator + Prefix *string + Tag *Tag + func (s *ReplicationRuleFilter) SetAnd(v *ReplicationRuleAndOperator) *ReplicationRuleFilter + func (s *ReplicationRuleFilter) SetPrefix(v string) *ReplicationRuleFilter + func (s *ReplicationRuleFilter) SetTag(v *Tag) *ReplicationRuleFilter + func (s *ReplicationRuleFilter) Validate() error + func (s ReplicationRuleFilter) GoString() string + func (s ReplicationRuleFilter) String() string + type ReplicationTime struct + Status *string + Time *ReplicationTimeValue + func (s *ReplicationTime) SetStatus(v string) *ReplicationTime + func (s *ReplicationTime) SetTime(v *ReplicationTimeValue) *ReplicationTime + func (s *ReplicationTime) Validate() error + func (s ReplicationTime) GoString() string + func (s ReplicationTime) String() string + type ReplicationTimeValue struct + Minutes *int64 + func (s *ReplicationTimeValue) SetMinutes(v int64) *ReplicationTimeValue + func (s ReplicationTimeValue) GoString() string + func (s ReplicationTimeValue) String() string + type RequestFailure interface + HostID func() string + type RequestPaymentConfiguration struct + Payer *string + func (s *RequestPaymentConfiguration) SetPayer(v string) *RequestPaymentConfiguration + func (s *RequestPaymentConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s RequestPaymentConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s RequestPaymentConfiguration) String() string + type RequestProgress struct + Enabled *bool + func (s *RequestProgress) SetEnabled(v bool) *RequestProgress + func (s RequestProgress) GoString() string + func (s RequestProgress) String() string + type RestoreObjectInput struct + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + RequestPayer *string + RestoreRequest *RestoreRequest + VersionId *string + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) SetBucket(v string) *RestoreObjectInput + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *RestoreObjectInput + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *RestoreObjectInput + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) SetKey(v string) *RestoreObjectInput + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *RestoreObjectInput + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) SetRestoreRequest(v *RestoreRequest) *RestoreObjectInput + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) SetVersionId(v string) *RestoreObjectInput + func (s *RestoreObjectInput) Validate() error + func (s RestoreObjectInput) GoString() string + func (s RestoreObjectInput) String() string + type RestoreObjectOutput struct + RequestCharged *string + RestoreOutputPath *string + func (s *RestoreObjectOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *RestoreObjectOutput + func (s *RestoreObjectOutput) SetRestoreOutputPath(v string) *RestoreObjectOutput + func (s RestoreObjectOutput) GoString() string + func (s RestoreObjectOutput) String() string + type RestoreRequest struct + Days *int64 + Description *string + GlacierJobParameters *GlacierJobParameters + OutputLocation *OutputLocation + SelectParameters *SelectParameters + Tier *string + Type *string + func (s *RestoreRequest) SetDays(v int64) *RestoreRequest + func (s *RestoreRequest) SetDescription(v string) *RestoreRequest + func (s *RestoreRequest) SetGlacierJobParameters(v *GlacierJobParameters) *RestoreRequest + func (s *RestoreRequest) SetOutputLocation(v *OutputLocation) *RestoreRequest + func (s *RestoreRequest) SetSelectParameters(v *SelectParameters) *RestoreRequest + func (s *RestoreRequest) SetTier(v string) *RestoreRequest + func (s *RestoreRequest) SetType(v string) *RestoreRequest + func (s *RestoreRequest) Validate() error + func (s RestoreRequest) GoString() string + func (s RestoreRequest) String() string + type RestoreStatus struct + IsRestoreInProgress *bool + RestoreExpiryDate *time.Time + func (s *RestoreStatus) SetIsRestoreInProgress(v bool) *RestoreStatus + func (s *RestoreStatus) SetRestoreExpiryDate(v time.Time) *RestoreStatus + func (s RestoreStatus) GoString() string + func (s RestoreStatus) String() string + type RoutingRule struct + Condition *Condition + Redirect *Redirect + func (s *RoutingRule) SetCondition(v *Condition) *RoutingRule + func (s *RoutingRule) SetRedirect(v *Redirect) *RoutingRule + func (s *RoutingRule) Validate() error + func (s RoutingRule) GoString() string + func (s RoutingRule) String() string + type Rule struct + AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload *AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload + Expiration *LifecycleExpiration + ID *string + NoncurrentVersionExpiration *NoncurrentVersionExpiration + NoncurrentVersionTransition *NoncurrentVersionTransition + Prefix *string + Status *string + Transition *Transition + func (s *Rule) SetAbortIncompleteMultipartUpload(v *AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload) *Rule + func (s *Rule) SetExpiration(v *LifecycleExpiration) *Rule + func (s *Rule) SetID(v string) *Rule + func (s *Rule) SetNoncurrentVersionExpiration(v *NoncurrentVersionExpiration) *Rule + func (s *Rule) SetNoncurrentVersionTransition(v *NoncurrentVersionTransition) *Rule + func (s *Rule) SetPrefix(v string) *Rule + func (s *Rule) SetStatus(v string) *Rule + func (s *Rule) SetTransition(v *Transition) *Rule + func (s *Rule) Validate() error + func (s Rule) GoString() string + func (s Rule) String() string + type S3 struct + func New(p client.ConfigProvider, cfgs ...*aws.Config) *S3 + func (c *S3) AbortMultipartUpload(input *AbortMultipartUploadInput) (*AbortMultipartUploadOutput, error) + func (c *S3) AbortMultipartUploadRequest(input *AbortMultipartUploadInput) (req *request.Request, output *AbortMultipartUploadOutput) + func (c *S3) AbortMultipartUploadWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AbortMultipartUploadInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AbortMultipartUploadOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CompleteMultipartUpload(input *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) (*CompleteMultipartUploadOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(input *CompleteMultipartUploadInput) (req *request.Request, output *CompleteMultipartUploadOutput) + func (c *S3) CompleteMultipartUploadWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CompleteMultipartUploadInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CompleteMultipartUploadOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CopyObject(input *CopyObjectInput) (*CopyObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CopyObjectRequest(input *CopyObjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *CopyObjectOutput) + func (c *S3) CopyObjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CopyObjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CopyObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CreateBucket(input *CreateBucketInput) (*CreateBucketOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CreateBucketRequest(input *CreateBucketInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateBucketOutput) + func (c *S3) CreateBucketWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateBucketInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateBucketOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CreateMultipartUpload(input *CreateMultipartUploadInput) (*CreateMultipartUploadOutput, error) + func (c *S3) CreateMultipartUploadRequest(input *CreateMultipartUploadInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateMultipartUploadOutput) + func (c *S3) CreateMultipartUploadWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateMultipartUploadInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateMultipartUploadOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucket(input *DeleteBucketInput) (*DeleteBucketOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfiguration(input *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) (*DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest(input *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput, ...) (*DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketCors(input *DeleteBucketCorsInput) (*DeleteBucketCorsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketCorsRequest(input *DeleteBucketCorsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketCorsOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketCorsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketCorsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketCorsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketEncryption(input *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput) (*DeleteBucketEncryptionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketEncryptionRequest(input *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketEncryptionOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketEncryptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketEncryptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketEncryptionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration(input *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) (*DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationRequest(input *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, ...) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput, ...) (*DeleteBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketInventoryConfiguration(input *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) (*DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest(input *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationInput, ...) (*DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketLifecycle(input *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput) (*DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketLifecycleRequest(input *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketLifecycleWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketLifecycleInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration(input *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) (*DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest(input *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationInput, ...) (*DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketOwnershipControls(input *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput) (*DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsRequest(input *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsInput, ...) (*DeleteBucketOwnershipControlsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketPolicy(input *DeleteBucketPolicyInput) (*DeleteBucketPolicyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketPolicyRequest(input *DeleteBucketPolicyInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketPolicyOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketPolicyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketPolicyInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketPolicyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketReplication(input *DeleteBucketReplicationInput) (*DeleteBucketReplicationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketReplicationRequest(input *DeleteBucketReplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketReplicationOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketReplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketReplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketReplicationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketRequest(input *DeleteBucketInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketTagging(input *DeleteBucketTaggingInput) (*DeleteBucketTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketTaggingRequest(input *DeleteBucketTaggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketTaggingOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketTaggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketTaggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketWebsite(input *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput) (*DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketWebsiteRequest(input *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketWebsiteWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketWebsiteInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteBucketWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteBucketInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteBucketOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteObject(input *DeleteObjectInput) (*DeleteObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjectRequest(input *DeleteObjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteObjectOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjectTagging(input *DeleteObjectTaggingInput) (*DeleteObjectTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjectTaggingRequest(input *DeleteObjectTaggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteObjectTaggingOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjectTaggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteObjectTaggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteObjectTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteObjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjects(input *DeleteObjectsInput) (*DeleteObjectsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjectsRequest(input *DeleteObjectsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteObjectsOutput) + func (c *S3) DeleteObjectsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteObjectsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteObjectsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeletePublicAccessBlock(input *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput) (*DeletePublicAccessBlockOutput, error) + func (c *S3) DeletePublicAccessBlockRequest(input *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeletePublicAccessBlockOutput) + func (c *S3) DeletePublicAccessBlockWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeletePublicAccessBlockInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeletePublicAccessBlockOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAccelerateConfiguration(input *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) (*GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest(input *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput, ...) (*GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAcl(input *GetBucketAclInput) (*GetBucketAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAclRequest(input *GetBucketAclInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketAclOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAclWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketAclInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAnalyticsConfiguration(input *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) (*GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest(input *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput, ...) (*GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketCors(input *GetBucketCorsInput) (*GetBucketCorsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketCorsRequest(input *GetBucketCorsInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketCorsOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketCorsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketCorsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketCorsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketEncryption(input *GetBucketEncryptionInput) (*GetBucketEncryptionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketEncryptionRequest(input *GetBucketEncryptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketEncryptionOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketEncryptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketEncryptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketEncryptionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration(input *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) (*GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationRequest(input *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput, ...) (*GetBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketInventoryConfiguration(input *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) (*GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest(input *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketInventoryConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketInventoryConfigurationInput, ...) (*GetBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLifecycle(input *GetBucketLifecycleInput) (*GetBucketLifecycleOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration(input *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) (*GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest(input *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput, ...) (*GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLifecycleRequest(input *GetBucketLifecycleInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketLifecycleOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLifecycleWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketLifecycleInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketLifecycleOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLocation(input *GetBucketLocationInput) (*GetBucketLocationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLocationRequest(input *GetBucketLocationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketLocationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLocationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketLocationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketLocationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLogging(input *GetBucketLoggingInput) (*GetBucketLoggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLoggingRequest(input *GetBucketLoggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketLoggingOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketLoggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketLoggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketLoggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketMetricsConfiguration(input *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) (*GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest(input *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketMetricsConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketMetricsConfigurationInput, ...) (*GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketNotification(input *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) (*NotificationConfigurationDeprecated, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketNotificationConfiguration(input *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) (*NotificationConfiguration, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest(input *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) (req *request.Request, output *NotificationConfiguration) + func (c *S3) GetBucketNotificationConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest, ...) (*NotificationConfiguration, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketNotificationRequest(input *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) (req *request.Request, output *NotificationConfigurationDeprecated) + func (c *S3) GetBucketNotificationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest, ...) (*NotificationConfigurationDeprecated, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketOwnershipControls(input *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput) (*GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketOwnershipControlsRequest(input *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketOwnershipControlsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketOwnershipControlsInput, ...) (*GetBucketOwnershipControlsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketPolicy(input *GetBucketPolicyInput) (*GetBucketPolicyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketPolicyRequest(input *GetBucketPolicyInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketPolicyOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketPolicyStatus(input *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput) (*GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketPolicyStatusRequest(input *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketPolicyStatusWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketPolicyStatusInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketPolicyStatusOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketPolicyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketPolicyInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketPolicyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketReplication(input *GetBucketReplicationInput) (*GetBucketReplicationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketReplicationRequest(input *GetBucketReplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketReplicationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketReplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketReplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketReplicationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketRequestPayment(input *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput) (*GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketRequestPaymentRequest(input *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketRequestPaymentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketRequestPaymentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketTagging(input *GetBucketTaggingInput) (*GetBucketTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketTaggingRequest(input *GetBucketTaggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketTaggingOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketTaggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketTaggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketVersioning(input *GetBucketVersioningInput) (*GetBucketVersioningOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketVersioningRequest(input *GetBucketVersioningInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketVersioningOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketVersioningWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketVersioningInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketVersioningOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketWebsite(input *GetBucketWebsiteInput) (*GetBucketWebsiteOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetBucketWebsiteRequest(input *GetBucketWebsiteInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetBucketWebsiteOutput) + func (c *S3) GetBucketWebsiteWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetBucketWebsiteInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetBucketWebsiteOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObject(input *GetObjectInput) (*GetObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectAcl(input *GetObjectAclInput) (*GetObjectAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectAclRequest(input *GetObjectAclInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectAclOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectAclWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectAclInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetObjectAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectAttributes(input *GetObjectAttributesInput) (*GetObjectAttributesOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectAttributesRequest(input *GetObjectAttributesInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectAttributesOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectAttributesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectAttributesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetObjectAttributesOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectLegalHold(input *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) (*GetObjectLegalHoldOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectLegalHoldRequest(input *GetObjectLegalHoldInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectLegalHoldOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectLegalHoldWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectLegalHoldInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetObjectLegalHoldOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectLockConfiguration(input *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput) (*GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectLockConfigurationRequest(input *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectLockConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectLockConfigurationInput, ...) (*GetObjectLockConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectRequest(input *GetObjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectRetention(input *GetObjectRetentionInput) (*GetObjectRetentionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectRetentionRequest(input *GetObjectRetentionInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectRetentionOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectRetentionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectRetentionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetObjectRetentionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectTagging(input *GetObjectTaggingInput) (*GetObjectTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectTaggingRequest(input *GetObjectTaggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectTaggingOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectTaggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectTaggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetObjectTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectTorrent(input *GetObjectTorrentInput) (*GetObjectTorrentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectTorrentRequest(input *GetObjectTorrentInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetObjectTorrentOutput) + func (c *S3) GetObjectTorrentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectTorrentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetObjectTorrentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetObjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetObjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetPublicAccessBlock(input *GetPublicAccessBlockInput) (*GetPublicAccessBlockOutput, error) + func (c *S3) GetPublicAccessBlockRequest(input *GetPublicAccessBlockInput) (req *request.Request, output *GetPublicAccessBlockOutput) + func (c *S3) GetPublicAccessBlockWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *GetPublicAccessBlockInput, opts ...request.Option) (*GetPublicAccessBlockOutput, error) + func (c *S3) HeadBucket(input *HeadBucketInput) (*HeadBucketOutput, error) + func (c *S3) HeadBucketRequest(input *HeadBucketInput) (req *request.Request, output *HeadBucketOutput) + func (c *S3) HeadBucketWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *HeadBucketInput, opts ...request.Option) (*HeadBucketOutput, error) + func (c *S3) HeadObject(input *HeadObjectInput) (*HeadObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) HeadObjectRequest(input *HeadObjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *HeadObjectOutput) + func (c *S3) HeadObjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *HeadObjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*HeadObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurations(input *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) (*ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsRequest(input *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsInput, ...) (*ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurations(input *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput) (*ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsRequest(input *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsInput, ...) (*ListBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketInventoryConfigurations(input *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) (*ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsRequest(input *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsInput, ...) (*ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketMetricsConfigurations(input *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) (*ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsRequest(input *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsInput, ...) (*ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBuckets(input *ListBucketsInput) (*ListBucketsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListBucketsRequest(input *ListBucketsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListBucketsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListBucketsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListBucketsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListBucketsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListMultipartUploads(input *ListMultipartUploadsInput) (*ListMultipartUploadsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListMultipartUploadsPages(input *ListMultipartUploadsInput, ...) error + func (c *S3) ListMultipartUploadsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListMultipartUploadsInput, ...) error + func (c *S3) ListMultipartUploadsRequest(input *ListMultipartUploadsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListMultipartUploadsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListMultipartUploadsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListMultipartUploadsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListMultipartUploadsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListObjectVersions(input *ListObjectVersionsInput) (*ListObjectVersionsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListObjectVersionsPages(input *ListObjectVersionsInput, fn func(*ListObjectVersionsOutput, bool) bool) error + func (c *S3) ListObjectVersionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListObjectVersionsInput, ...) error + func (c *S3) ListObjectVersionsRequest(input *ListObjectVersionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListObjectVersionsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListObjectVersionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListObjectVersionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListObjectVersionsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListObjects(input *ListObjectsInput) (*ListObjectsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListObjectsPages(input *ListObjectsInput, fn func(*ListObjectsOutput, bool) bool) error + func (c *S3) ListObjectsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListObjectsInput, ...) error + func (c *S3) ListObjectsRequest(input *ListObjectsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListObjectsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListObjectsV2(input *ListObjectsV2Input) (*ListObjectsV2Output, error) + func (c *S3) ListObjectsV2Pages(input *ListObjectsV2Input, fn func(*ListObjectsV2Output, bool) bool) error + func (c *S3) ListObjectsV2PagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListObjectsV2Input, ...) error + func (c *S3) ListObjectsV2Request(input *ListObjectsV2Input) (req *request.Request, output *ListObjectsV2Output) + func (c *S3) ListObjectsV2WithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListObjectsV2Input, opts ...request.Option) (*ListObjectsV2Output, error) + func (c *S3) ListObjectsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListObjectsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListObjectsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListParts(input *ListPartsInput) (*ListPartsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) ListPartsPages(input *ListPartsInput, fn func(*ListPartsOutput, bool) bool) error + func (c *S3) ListPartsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListPartsInput, fn func(*ListPartsOutput, bool) bool, ...) error + func (c *S3) ListPartsRequest(input *ListPartsInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListPartsOutput) + func (c *S3) ListPartsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListPartsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListPartsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAccelerateConfiguration(input *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) (*PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest(input *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutBucketAccelerateConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAcl(input *PutBucketAclInput) (*PutBucketAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAclRequest(input *PutBucketAclInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketAclOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAclWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketAclInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration(input *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) (*PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest(input *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketCors(input *PutBucketCorsInput) (*PutBucketCorsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketCorsRequest(input *PutBucketCorsInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketCorsOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketCorsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketCorsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketCorsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketEncryption(input *PutBucketEncryptionInput) (*PutBucketEncryptionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketEncryptionRequest(input *PutBucketEncryptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketEncryptionOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketEncryptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketEncryptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketEncryptionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfiguration(input *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) (*PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationRequest(input *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutBucketIntelligentTieringConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketInventoryConfiguration(input *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) (*PutBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest(input *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketInventoryConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketInventoryConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutBucketInventoryConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLifecycle(input *PutBucketLifecycleInput) (*PutBucketLifecycleOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration(input *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) (*PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest(input *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLifecycleRequest(input *PutBucketLifecycleInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketLifecycleOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLifecycleWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketLifecycleInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketLifecycleOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLogging(input *PutBucketLoggingInput) (*PutBucketLoggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLoggingRequest(input *PutBucketLoggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketLoggingOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketLoggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketLoggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketLoggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketMetricsConfiguration(input *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) (*PutBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest(input *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketMetricsConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketMetricsConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketNotification(input *PutBucketNotificationInput) (*PutBucketNotificationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketNotificationConfiguration(input *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) (*PutBucketNotificationConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest(input *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketNotificationConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketNotificationConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutBucketNotificationConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketNotificationRequest(input *PutBucketNotificationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketNotificationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketNotificationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketNotificationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketNotificationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketOwnershipControls(input *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) (*PutBucketOwnershipControlsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketOwnershipControlsRequest(input *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketOwnershipControlsOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketOwnershipControlsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketOwnershipControlsInput, ...) (*PutBucketOwnershipControlsOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketPolicy(input *PutBucketPolicyInput) (*PutBucketPolicyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketPolicyRequest(input *PutBucketPolicyInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketPolicyOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketPolicyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketPolicyInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketPolicyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketReplication(input *PutBucketReplicationInput) (*PutBucketReplicationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketReplicationRequest(input *PutBucketReplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketReplicationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketReplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketReplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketReplicationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketRequestPayment(input *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) (*PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest(input *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketRequestPaymentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketRequestPaymentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketTagging(input *PutBucketTaggingInput) (*PutBucketTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketTaggingRequest(input *PutBucketTaggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketTaggingOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketTaggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketTaggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketVersioning(input *PutBucketVersioningInput) (*PutBucketVersioningOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketVersioningRequest(input *PutBucketVersioningInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketVersioningOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketVersioningWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketVersioningInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketVersioningOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketWebsite(input *PutBucketWebsiteInput) (*PutBucketWebsiteOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutBucketWebsiteRequest(input *PutBucketWebsiteInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutBucketWebsiteOutput) + func (c *S3) PutBucketWebsiteWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutBucketWebsiteInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutBucketWebsiteOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObject(input *PutObjectInput) (*PutObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectAcl(input *PutObjectAclInput) (*PutObjectAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectAclRequest(input *PutObjectAclInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutObjectAclOutput) + func (c *S3) PutObjectAclWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutObjectAclInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutObjectAclOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectLegalHold(input *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) (*PutObjectLegalHoldOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectLegalHoldRequest(input *PutObjectLegalHoldInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutObjectLegalHoldOutput) + func (c *S3) PutObjectLegalHoldWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutObjectLegalHoldInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutObjectLegalHoldOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectLockConfiguration(input *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) (*PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectLockConfigurationRequest(input *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput) + func (c *S3) PutObjectLockConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutObjectLockConfigurationInput, ...) (*PutObjectLockConfigurationOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectRequest(input *PutObjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutObjectOutput) + func (c *S3) PutObjectRetention(input *PutObjectRetentionInput) (*PutObjectRetentionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectRetentionRequest(input *PutObjectRetentionInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutObjectRetentionOutput) + func (c *S3) PutObjectRetentionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutObjectRetentionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutObjectRetentionOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectTagging(input *PutObjectTaggingInput) (*PutObjectTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectTaggingRequest(input *PutObjectTaggingInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutObjectTaggingOutput) + func (c *S3) PutObjectTaggingWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutObjectTaggingInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutObjectTaggingOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutObjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutObjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutPublicAccessBlock(input *PutPublicAccessBlockInput) (*PutPublicAccessBlockOutput, error) + func (c *S3) PutPublicAccessBlockRequest(input *PutPublicAccessBlockInput) (req *request.Request, output *PutPublicAccessBlockOutput) + func (c *S3) PutPublicAccessBlockWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *PutPublicAccessBlockInput, opts ...request.Option) (*PutPublicAccessBlockOutput, error) + func (c *S3) RestoreObject(input *RestoreObjectInput) (*RestoreObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) RestoreObjectRequest(input *RestoreObjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *RestoreObjectOutput) + func (c *S3) RestoreObjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RestoreObjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RestoreObjectOutput, error) + func (c *S3) SelectObjectContent(input *SelectObjectContentInput) (*SelectObjectContentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) SelectObjectContentRequest(input *SelectObjectContentInput) (req *request.Request, output *SelectObjectContentOutput) + func (c *S3) SelectObjectContentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *SelectObjectContentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*SelectObjectContentOutput, error) + func (c *S3) UploadPart(input *UploadPartInput) (*UploadPartOutput, error) + func (c *S3) UploadPartCopy(input *UploadPartCopyInput) (*UploadPartCopyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) UploadPartCopyRequest(input *UploadPartCopyInput) (req *request.Request, output *UploadPartCopyOutput) + func (c *S3) UploadPartCopyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *UploadPartCopyInput, opts ...request.Option) (*UploadPartCopyOutput, error) + func (c *S3) UploadPartRequest(input *UploadPartInput) (req *request.Request, output *UploadPartOutput) + func (c *S3) UploadPartWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *UploadPartInput, opts ...request.Option) (*UploadPartOutput, error) + func (c *S3) WaitUntilBucketExists(input *HeadBucketInput) error + func (c *S3) WaitUntilBucketExistsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *HeadBucketInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error + func (c *S3) WaitUntilBucketNotExists(input *HeadBucketInput) error + func (c *S3) WaitUntilBucketNotExistsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *HeadBucketInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error + func (c *S3) WaitUntilObjectExists(input *HeadObjectInput) error + func (c *S3) WaitUntilObjectExistsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *HeadObjectInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error + func (c *S3) WaitUntilObjectNotExists(input *HeadObjectInput) error + func (c *S3) WaitUntilObjectNotExistsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *HeadObjectInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error + func (c *S3) WriteGetObjectResponse(input *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) (*WriteGetObjectResponseOutput, error) + func (c *S3) WriteGetObjectResponseRequest(input *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) (req *request.Request, output *WriteGetObjectResponseOutput) + func (c *S3) WriteGetObjectResponseWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *WriteGetObjectResponseInput, opts ...request.Option) (*WriteGetObjectResponseOutput, error) + type SSEKMS struct + KeyId *string + func (s *SSEKMS) SetKeyId(v string) *SSEKMS + func (s *SSEKMS) Validate() error + func (s SSEKMS) GoString() string + func (s SSEKMS) String() string + type SSES3 struct + func (s SSES3) GoString() string + func (s SSES3) String() string + type ScanRange struct + End *int64 + Start *int64 + func (s *ScanRange) SetEnd(v int64) *ScanRange + func (s *ScanRange) SetStart(v int64) *ScanRange + func (s ScanRange) GoString() string + func (s ScanRange) String() string + type SelectObjectContentEventStream struct + Reader SelectObjectContentEventStreamReader + StreamCloser io.Closer + func NewSelectObjectContentEventStream(opts ...func(*SelectObjectContentEventStream)) *SelectObjectContentEventStream + func (es *SelectObjectContentEventStream) Close() (err error) + func (es *SelectObjectContentEventStream) Err() error + func (es *SelectObjectContentEventStream) Events() <-chan SelectObjectContentEventStreamEvent + type SelectObjectContentEventStreamEvent interface + type SelectObjectContentEventStreamReader interface + Close func() error + Err func() error + Events func() <-chan SelectObjectContentEventStreamEvent + type SelectObjectContentEventStreamUnknownEvent struct + Message eventstream.Message + Type string + func (e *SelectObjectContentEventStreamUnknownEvent) MarshalEvent(pm protocol.PayloadMarshaler) (msg eventstream.Message, err error) + func (e *SelectObjectContentEventStreamUnknownEvent) UnmarshalEvent(payloadUnmarshaler protocol.PayloadUnmarshaler, msg eventstream.Message) error + type SelectObjectContentInput struct + Bucket *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Expression *string + ExpressionType *string + InputSerialization *InputSerialization + Key *string + OutputSerialization *OutputSerialization + RequestProgress *RequestProgress + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + ScanRange *ScanRange + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetBucket(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetExpression(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetExpressionType(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetInputSerialization(v *InputSerialization) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetKey(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetOutputSerialization(v *OutputSerialization) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetRequestProgress(v *RequestProgress) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) SetScanRange(v *ScanRange) *SelectObjectContentInput + func (s *SelectObjectContentInput) Validate() error + func (s SelectObjectContentInput) GoString() string + func (s SelectObjectContentInput) String() string + type SelectObjectContentOutput struct + EventStream *SelectObjectContentEventStream + func (s *SelectObjectContentOutput) GetEventStream() *SelectObjectContentEventStream + func (s *SelectObjectContentOutput) GetStream() *SelectObjectContentEventStream + func (s *SelectObjectContentOutput) SetEventStream(v *SelectObjectContentEventStream) *SelectObjectContentOutput + func (s SelectObjectContentOutput) GoString() string + func (s SelectObjectContentOutput) String() string + type SelectParameters struct + Expression *string + ExpressionType *string + InputSerialization *InputSerialization + OutputSerialization *OutputSerialization + func (s *SelectParameters) SetExpression(v string) *SelectParameters + func (s *SelectParameters) SetExpressionType(v string) *SelectParameters + func (s *SelectParameters) SetInputSerialization(v *InputSerialization) *SelectParameters + func (s *SelectParameters) SetOutputSerialization(v *OutputSerialization) *SelectParameters + func (s *SelectParameters) Validate() error + func (s SelectParameters) GoString() string + func (s SelectParameters) String() string + type ServerSideEncryptionByDefault struct + KMSMasterKeyID *string + SSEAlgorithm *string + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) SetKMSMasterKeyID(v string) *ServerSideEncryptionByDefault + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) SetSSEAlgorithm(v string) *ServerSideEncryptionByDefault + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) Validate() error + func (s ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) GoString() string + func (s ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) String() string + type ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration struct + Rules []*ServerSideEncryptionRule + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) SetRules(v []*ServerSideEncryptionRule) *ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration) String() string + type ServerSideEncryptionRule struct + ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault *ServerSideEncryptionByDefault + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionRule) SetApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault(v *ServerSideEncryptionByDefault) *ServerSideEncryptionRule + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionRule) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *ServerSideEncryptionRule + func (s *ServerSideEncryptionRule) Validate() error + func (s ServerSideEncryptionRule) GoString() string + func (s ServerSideEncryptionRule) String() string + type SourceSelectionCriteria struct + ReplicaModifications *ReplicaModifications + SseKmsEncryptedObjects *SseKmsEncryptedObjects + func (s *SourceSelectionCriteria) SetReplicaModifications(v *ReplicaModifications) *SourceSelectionCriteria + func (s *SourceSelectionCriteria) SetSseKmsEncryptedObjects(v *SseKmsEncryptedObjects) *SourceSelectionCriteria + func (s *SourceSelectionCriteria) Validate() error + func (s SourceSelectionCriteria) GoString() string + func (s SourceSelectionCriteria) String() string + type SseKmsEncryptedObjects struct + Status *string + func (s *SseKmsEncryptedObjects) SetStatus(v string) *SseKmsEncryptedObjects + func (s *SseKmsEncryptedObjects) Validate() error + func (s SseKmsEncryptedObjects) GoString() string + func (s SseKmsEncryptedObjects) String() string + type Stats struct + BytesProcessed *int64 + BytesReturned *int64 + BytesScanned *int64 + func (s *Stats) SetBytesProcessed(v int64) *Stats + func (s *Stats) SetBytesReturned(v int64) *Stats + func (s *Stats) SetBytesScanned(v int64) *Stats + func (s Stats) GoString() string + func (s Stats) String() string + type StatsEvent struct + Details *Stats + func (s *StatsEvent) MarshalEvent(pm protocol.PayloadMarshaler) (msg eventstream.Message, err error) + func (s *StatsEvent) SetDetails(v *Stats) *StatsEvent + func (s *StatsEvent) UnmarshalEvent(payloadUnmarshaler protocol.PayloadUnmarshaler, msg eventstream.Message) error + func (s StatsEvent) GoString() string + func (s StatsEvent) String() string + type StorageClassAnalysis struct + DataExport *StorageClassAnalysisDataExport + func (s *StorageClassAnalysis) SetDataExport(v *StorageClassAnalysisDataExport) *StorageClassAnalysis + func (s *StorageClassAnalysis) Validate() error + func (s StorageClassAnalysis) GoString() string + func (s StorageClassAnalysis) String() string + type StorageClassAnalysisDataExport struct + Destination *AnalyticsExportDestination + OutputSchemaVersion *string + func (s *StorageClassAnalysisDataExport) SetDestination(v *AnalyticsExportDestination) *StorageClassAnalysisDataExport + func (s *StorageClassAnalysisDataExport) SetOutputSchemaVersion(v string) *StorageClassAnalysisDataExport + func (s *StorageClassAnalysisDataExport) Validate() error + func (s StorageClassAnalysisDataExport) GoString() string + func (s StorageClassAnalysisDataExport) String() string + type Tag struct + Key *string + Value *string + func (s *Tag) SetKey(v string) *Tag + func (s *Tag) SetValue(v string) *Tag + func (s *Tag) Validate() error + func (s Tag) GoString() string + func (s Tag) String() string + type Tagging struct + TagSet []*Tag + func (s *Tagging) SetTagSet(v []*Tag) *Tagging + func (s *Tagging) Validate() error + func (s Tagging) GoString() string + func (s Tagging) String() string + type TargetGrant struct + Grantee *Grantee + Permission *string + func (s *TargetGrant) SetGrantee(v *Grantee) *TargetGrant + func (s *TargetGrant) SetPermission(v string) *TargetGrant + func (s *TargetGrant) Validate() error + func (s TargetGrant) GoString() string + func (s TargetGrant) String() string + type Tiering struct + AccessTier *string + Days *int64 + func (s *Tiering) SetAccessTier(v string) *Tiering + func (s *Tiering) SetDays(v int64) *Tiering + func (s *Tiering) Validate() error + func (s Tiering) GoString() string + func (s Tiering) String() string + type TopicConfiguration struct + Events []*string + Filter *NotificationConfigurationFilter + Id *string + TopicArn *string + func (s *TopicConfiguration) SetEvents(v []*string) *TopicConfiguration + func (s *TopicConfiguration) SetFilter(v *NotificationConfigurationFilter) *TopicConfiguration + func (s *TopicConfiguration) SetId(v string) *TopicConfiguration + func (s *TopicConfiguration) SetTopicArn(v string) *TopicConfiguration + func (s *TopicConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s TopicConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s TopicConfiguration) String() string + type TopicConfigurationDeprecated struct + Event *string + Events []*string + Id *string + Topic *string + func (s *TopicConfigurationDeprecated) SetEvent(v string) *TopicConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *TopicConfigurationDeprecated) SetEvents(v []*string) *TopicConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *TopicConfigurationDeprecated) SetId(v string) *TopicConfigurationDeprecated + func (s *TopicConfigurationDeprecated) SetTopic(v string) *TopicConfigurationDeprecated + func (s TopicConfigurationDeprecated) GoString() string + func (s TopicConfigurationDeprecated) String() string + type Transition struct + Date *time.Time + Days *int64 + StorageClass *string + func (s *Transition) SetDate(v time.Time) *Transition + func (s *Transition) SetDays(v int64) *Transition + func (s *Transition) SetStorageClass(v string) *Transition + func (s Transition) GoString() string + func (s Transition) String() string + type UploadPartCopyInput struct + Bucket *string + CopySource *string + CopySourceIfMatch *string + CopySourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time + CopySourceIfNoneMatch *string + CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time + CopySourceRange *string + CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm *string + CopySourceSSECustomerKey *string + CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + ExpectedSourceBucketOwner *string + Key *string + PartNumber *int64 + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + UploadId *string + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetBucket(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySource(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceIfMatch(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceIfModifiedSince(v time.Time) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceIfNoneMatch(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince(v time.Time) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceRange(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceSSECustomerKey(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetCopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetExpectedSourceBucketOwner(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetKey(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetPartNumber(v int64) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) SetUploadId(v string) *UploadPartCopyInput + func (s *UploadPartCopyInput) Validate() error + func (s UploadPartCopyInput) GoString() string + func (s UploadPartCopyInput) String() string + type UploadPartCopyOutput struct + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CopyPartResult *CopyPartResult + CopySourceVersionId *string + RequestCharged *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetCopyPartResult(v *CopyPartResult) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetCopySourceVersionId(v string) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s *UploadPartCopyOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *UploadPartCopyOutput + func (s UploadPartCopyOutput) GoString() string + func (s UploadPartCopyOutput) String() string + type UploadPartInput struct + Body io.ReadSeeker + Bucket *string + ChecksumAlgorithm *string + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ContentLength *int64 + ContentMD5 *string + ExpectedBucketOwner *string + Key *string + PartNumber *int64 + RequestPayer *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKey *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + UploadId *string + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetBody(v io.ReadSeeker) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetBucket(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetChecksumAlgorithm(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetContentLength(v int64) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetContentMD5(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetKey(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetPartNumber(v int64) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetRequestPayer(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetSSECustomerKey(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) SetUploadId(v string) *UploadPartInput + func (s *UploadPartInput) Validate() error + func (s UploadPartInput) GoString() string + func (s UploadPartInput) String() string + type UploadPartOutput struct + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ETag *string + RequestCharged *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetETag(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s *UploadPartOutput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *UploadPartOutput + func (s UploadPartOutput) GoString() string + func (s UploadPartOutput) String() string + type VersioningConfiguration struct + MFADelete *string + Status *string + func (s *VersioningConfiguration) SetMFADelete(v string) *VersioningConfiguration + func (s *VersioningConfiguration) SetStatus(v string) *VersioningConfiguration + func (s VersioningConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s VersioningConfiguration) String() string + type WebsiteConfiguration struct + ErrorDocument *ErrorDocument + IndexDocument *IndexDocument + RedirectAllRequestsTo *RedirectAllRequestsTo + RoutingRules []*RoutingRule + func (s *WebsiteConfiguration) SetErrorDocument(v *ErrorDocument) *WebsiteConfiguration + func (s *WebsiteConfiguration) SetIndexDocument(v *IndexDocument) *WebsiteConfiguration + func (s *WebsiteConfiguration) SetRedirectAllRequestsTo(v *RedirectAllRequestsTo) *WebsiteConfiguration + func (s *WebsiteConfiguration) SetRoutingRules(v []*RoutingRule) *WebsiteConfiguration + func (s *WebsiteConfiguration) Validate() error + func (s WebsiteConfiguration) GoString() string + func (s WebsiteConfiguration) String() string + type WriteGetObjectResponseInput struct + AcceptRanges *string + Body io.ReadSeeker + BucketKeyEnabled *bool + CacheControl *string + ChecksumCRC32 *string + ChecksumCRC32C *string + ChecksumSHA1 *string + ChecksumSHA256 *string + ContentDisposition *string + ContentEncoding *string + ContentLanguage *string + ContentLength *int64 + ContentRange *string + ContentType *string + DeleteMarker *bool + ETag *string + ErrorCode *string + ErrorMessage *string + Expiration *string + Expires *time.Time + LastModified *time.Time + Metadata map[string]*string + MissingMeta *int64 + ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus *string + ObjectLockMode *string + ObjectLockRetainUntilDate *time.Time + PartsCount *int64 + ReplicationStatus *string + RequestCharged *string + RequestRoute *string + RequestToken *string + Restore *string + SSECustomerAlgorithm *string + SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string + SSEKMSKeyId *string + ServerSideEncryption *string + StatusCode *int64 + StorageClass *string + TagCount *int64 + VersionId *string + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetAcceptRanges(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetBody(v io.ReadSeeker) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetBucketKeyEnabled(v bool) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetCacheControl(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetChecksumCRC32(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetChecksumCRC32C(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetChecksumSHA1(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetChecksumSHA256(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetContentDisposition(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetContentEncoding(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetContentLanguage(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetContentLength(v int64) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetContentRange(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetContentType(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetDeleteMarker(v bool) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetETag(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetErrorCode(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetErrorMessage(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetExpiration(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetExpires(v time.Time) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetLastModified(v time.Time) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetMetadata(v map[string]*string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetMissingMeta(v int64) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetObjectLockMode(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(v time.Time) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetPartsCount(v int64) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetReplicationStatus(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetRequestCharged(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetRequestRoute(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetRequestToken(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetRestore(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetSSECustomerAlgorithm(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetSSECustomerKeyMD5(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetSSEKMSKeyId(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetServerSideEncryption(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetStatusCode(v int64) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetStorageClass(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetTagCount(v int64) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) SetVersionId(v string) *WriteGetObjectResponseInput + func (s *WriteGetObjectResponseInput) Validate() error + func (s WriteGetObjectResponseInput) GoString() string + func (s WriteGetObjectResponseInput) String() string + type WriteGetObjectResponseOutput struct + func (s WriteGetObjectResponseOutput) GoString() string + func (s WriteGetObjectResponseOutput) String() string