Index ¶
- func ByName(name string) internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
- func FilterByNamespace[V any](match func(string) bool, handler func(string, V) error) func(string, V) error
- func IsPodReady(pod *corev1.Pod) bool
- func IsPodRunning(pod *corev1.Pod) bool
- func ListByLabelSelector(selector string) internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
- func SkupperResourceByName(name string) skupperv2alpha1interfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
- func WaitForPodsSelectorStatus(namespace string, clientset kubernetes.Interface, selector string, ...) ([]corev1.Pod, error)
- type AccessGrantHandler
- type AccessGrantWatcher
- func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AccessGrant, error)
- func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AccessGrant
- func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type AccessTokenHandler
- type AccessTokenWatcher
- func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AccessToken, error)
- func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AccessToken
- func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type AttachedConnectorBindingHandler
- type AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher
- func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnectorBinding, error)
- func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnectorBinding
- func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type AttachedConnectorHandler
- type AttachedConnectorWatcher
- func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnector, error)
- func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnector
- func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type Callback
- type CallbackHandler
- type CertificateHandler
- type CertificateWatcher
- func (w *CertificateWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *CertificateWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Certificate, error)
- func (w *CertificateWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *CertificateWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *CertificateWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Certificate
- func (w *CertificateWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *CertificateWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type Clients
- type ConfigMapHandler
- type ConfigMapWatcher
- func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
- func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) List() []*corev1.ConfigMap
- func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type ConnectorHandler
- type ConnectorWatcher
- func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Connector, error)
- func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *ConnectorWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *ConnectorWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Connector
- func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type Controller
- func (c *Controller) AddEvent(o interface{})
- func (c *Controller) CallbackAfter(delay time.Duration, callback Callback, context string)
- func (c *Controller) Empty() bool
- func (c *Controller) GetDiscoveryClient() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
- func (c *Controller) GetDynamicClient() dynamic.Interface
- func (c *Controller) GetKubeClient() kubernetes.Interface
- func (c *Controller) GetRouteClient() routev1client.RouteV1Interface
- func (c *Controller) GetRouteInterface() openshiftroute.Interface
- func (c *Controller) GetSkupperClient() skupperclient.Interface
- func (c *Controller) HasContourHttpProxy() bool
- func (c *Controller) HasGateway() bool
- func (c *Controller) HasRoute() bool
- func (c *Controller) HasTlsRoute() bool
- func (c *Controller) HaveWatchersSynced() []cache.InformerSynced
- func (c *Controller) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (c *Controller) StartWatchers(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (c *Controller) Stop()
- func (c *Controller) TestProcess() bool
- func (c *Controller) TestProcessAll()
- func (c *Controller) WaitForCacheSync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- func (c *Controller) WatchAccessGrants(namespace string, handler AccessGrantHandler) *AccessGrantWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchAccessTokens(namespace string, handler AccessTokenHandler) *AccessTokenWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchAllPods(namespace string, handler PodHandler) *PodWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchAllSecrets(namespace string, handler SecretHandler) *SecretWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchAttachedConnectorBindings(namespace string, handler AttachedConnectorBindingHandler) *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchAttachedConnectors(namespace string, handler AttachedConnectorHandler) *AttachedConnectorWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchCertificates(namespace string, handler CertificateHandler) *CertificateWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchConfigMaps(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *ConfigMapWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchConnectors(namespace string, handler ConnectorHandler) *ConnectorWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchContourHttpProxies(options dynamicinformer.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *DynamicWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchDynamic(resource schema.GroupVersionResource, ...) *DynamicWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchGateways(options dynamicinformer.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *DynamicWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchIngresses(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *IngressWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchLinks(namespace string, handler LinkHandler) *LinkWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchListeners(namespace string, handler ListenerHandler) *ListenerWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchNamespaces(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, handler NamespaceHandler) *NamespaceWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchNodes(handler NodeHandler) *NodeWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchPods(selector string, namespace string, handler PodHandler) *PodWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchRouterAccesses(namespace string, handler RouterAccessHandler) *RouterAccessWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchRoutes(options routev1interfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *RouteWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchSecrets(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *SecretWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchSecuredAccesses(namespace string, handler SecuredAccessHandler) *SecuredAccessWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchSecuredAccessesWithOptions(options skupperv2alpha1interfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *SecuredAccessWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchServices(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *ServiceWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchSites(namespace string, handler SiteHandler) *SiteWatcher
- func (c *Controller) WatchTlsRoutes(options dynamicinformer.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, ...) *DynamicWatcher
- type DynamicHandler
- type DynamicWatcher
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) Get(key string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) List() []*unstructured.Unstructured
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) Resource() schema.GroupVersionResource
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *DynamicWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type IngressHandler
- type IngressWatcher
- func (w *IngressWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *IngressWatcher) Get(key string) (*networkingv1.Ingress, error)
- func (w *IngressWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *IngressWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *IngressWatcher) List() []*networkingv1.Ingress
- func (w *IngressWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *IngressWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type KubeClient
- func (c *KubeClient) GetDiscoveryClient() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
- func (c *KubeClient) GetDynamicClient() dynamic.Interface
- func (c *KubeClient) GetKubeClient() kubernetes.Interface
- func (c *KubeClient) GetNamespace() string
- func (c *KubeClient) GetRouteClient() routev1client.RouteV1Interface
- func (c *KubeClient) GetRouteInterface() openshiftroute.Interface
- func (c *KubeClient) GetSkupperClient() skupperclient.Interface
- type LinkHandler
- type LinkWatcher
- func (w *LinkWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *LinkWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Link, error)
- func (w *LinkWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *LinkWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *LinkWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Link
- func (w *LinkWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *LinkWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type ListenerHandler
- type ListenerWatcher
- func (w *ListenerWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *ListenerWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Listener, error)
- func (w *ListenerWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *ListenerWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *ListenerWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Listener
- func (w *ListenerWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *ListenerWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type NamespaceHandler
- type NamespaceWatcher
- func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.Namespace, error)
- func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *NamespaceWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *NamespaceWatcher) List() []*corev1.Namespace
- func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type NodeHandler
- type NodeWatcher
- func (w *NodeWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *NodeWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.Node, error)
- func (w *NodeWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *NodeWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *NodeWatcher) List() []*corev1.Node
- func (w *NodeWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *NodeWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type PodHandler
- type PodWatcher
- func (w *PodWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *PodWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.Pod, error)
- func (w *PodWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *PodWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *PodWatcher) List() []*corev1.Pod
- func (w *PodWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *PodWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type ResourceChange
- type ResourceChangeHandler
- type RouteHandler
- type RouteWatcher
- func (w *RouteWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *RouteWatcher) Get(key string) (*routev1.Route, error)
- func (w *RouteWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *RouteWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *RouteWatcher) List() []*routev1.Route
- func (w *RouteWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *RouteWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type RouterAccessHandler
- type RouterAccessWatcher
- func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.RouterAccess, error)
- func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.RouterAccess
- func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type SecretHandler
- type SecretWatcher
- func (w *SecretWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *SecretWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (w *SecretWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *SecretWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *SecretWatcher) List() []*corev1.Secret
- func (w *SecretWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *SecretWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type SecuredAccessHandler
- type SecuredAccessWatcher
- func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.SecuredAccess, error)
- func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.SecuredAccess
- func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type ServiceHandler
- type ServiceWatcher
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) CreateService(svc *corev1.Service) (*corev1.Service, error)
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.Service, error)
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) GetService(name string) (*corev1.Service, error)
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) List() []*corev1.Service
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- func (w *ServiceWatcher) UpdateService(svc *corev1.Service) (*corev1.Service, error)
- type SiteHandler
- type SiteWatcher
- func (w *SiteWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
- func (w *SiteWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Site, error)
- func (w *SiteWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
- func (w *SiteWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
- func (w *SiteWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Site
- func (w *SiteWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
- func (w *SiteWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
- type Watcher
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ByName ¶
func ByName(name string) internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
func FilterByNamespace ¶
func IsPodReady ¶
func IsPodRunning ¶
func ListByLabelSelector ¶
func ListByLabelSelector(selector string) internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
func SkupperResourceByName ¶
func SkupperResourceByName(name string) skupperv2alpha1interfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc
Types ¶
type AccessGrantHandler ¶
type AccessGrantHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.AccessGrant) error
type AccessGrantWatcher ¶
type AccessGrantWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AccessGrantWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*AccessGrantWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AccessGrant, error)
func (*AccessGrantWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*AccessGrantWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*AccessGrantWatcher) List ¶
func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AccessGrant
func (*AccessGrantWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*AccessGrantWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *AccessGrantWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type AccessTokenHandler ¶
type AccessTokenHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.AccessToken) error
type AccessTokenWatcher ¶
type AccessTokenWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AccessTokenWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*AccessTokenWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AccessToken, error)
func (*AccessTokenWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*AccessTokenWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*AccessTokenWatcher) List ¶
func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AccessToken
func (*AccessTokenWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*AccessTokenWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *AccessTokenWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type AttachedConnectorBindingHandler ¶
type AttachedConnectorBindingHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnectorBinding) error
type AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher ¶
type AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnectorBinding, error)
func (*AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) List ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnectorBinding
func (*AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type AttachedConnectorHandler ¶
type AttachedConnectorHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnector) error
type AttachedConnectorWatcher ¶
type AttachedConnectorWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AttachedConnectorWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*AttachedConnectorWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnector, error)
func (*AttachedConnectorWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*AttachedConnectorWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*AttachedConnectorWatcher) List ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.AttachedConnector
func (*AttachedConnectorWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*AttachedConnectorWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *AttachedConnectorWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type CallbackHandler ¶
type CallbackHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CallbackHandler) Describe ¶
func (c *CallbackHandler) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*CallbackHandler) Handle ¶
func (c *CallbackHandler) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
type CertificateHandler ¶
type CertificateHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.Certificate) error
type CertificateWatcher ¶
type CertificateWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CertificateWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *CertificateWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*CertificateWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *CertificateWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Certificate, error)
func (*CertificateWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *CertificateWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*CertificateWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *CertificateWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*CertificateWatcher) List ¶
func (w *CertificateWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Certificate
func (*CertificateWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *CertificateWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*CertificateWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *CertificateWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type Clients ¶
type Clients interface { GetKubeClient() kubernetes.Interface GetDynamicClient() dynamic.Interface GetDiscoveryClient() discovery.DiscoveryInterface GetRouteInterface() openshiftroute.Interface GetRouteClient() routev1client.RouteV1Interface GetSkupperClient() skupperclient.Interface }
type ConfigMapWatcher ¶
type ConfigMapWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ConfigMapWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*ConfigMapWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.ConfigMap, error)
func (*ConfigMapWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*ConfigMapWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*ConfigMapWatcher) List ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) List() []*corev1.ConfigMap
func (*ConfigMapWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*ConfigMapWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *ConfigMapWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type ConnectorHandler ¶
type ConnectorHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.Connector) error
type ConnectorWatcher ¶
type ConnectorWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ConnectorWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*ConnectorWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Connector, error)
func (*ConnectorWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*ConnectorWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *ConnectorWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*ConnectorWatcher) List ¶
func (w *ConnectorWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Connector
func (*ConnectorWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*ConnectorWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *ConnectorWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type Controller ¶
type Controller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewController ¶
func NewController(name string, clients Clients) *Controller
func (*Controller) AddEvent ¶
func (c *Controller) AddEvent(o interface{})
func (*Controller) CallbackAfter ¶
func (c *Controller) CallbackAfter(delay time.Duration, callback Callback, context string)
func (*Controller) Empty ¶
func (c *Controller) Empty() bool
func (*Controller) GetDiscoveryClient ¶
func (c *Controller) GetDiscoveryClient() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
func (*Controller) GetDynamicClient ¶
func (c *Controller) GetDynamicClient() dynamic.Interface
func (*Controller) GetKubeClient ¶
func (c *Controller) GetKubeClient() kubernetes.Interface
func (*Controller) GetRouteClient ¶
func (c *Controller) GetRouteClient() routev1client.RouteV1Interface
func (*Controller) GetRouteInterface ¶
func (c *Controller) GetRouteInterface() openshiftroute.Interface
func (*Controller) GetSkupperClient ¶
func (c *Controller) GetSkupperClient() skupperclient.Interface
func (*Controller) HasContourHttpProxy ¶
func (c *Controller) HasContourHttpProxy() bool
func (*Controller) HasGateway ¶
func (c *Controller) HasGateway() bool
func (*Controller) HasRoute ¶
func (c *Controller) HasRoute() bool
func (*Controller) HasTlsRoute ¶
func (c *Controller) HasTlsRoute() bool
func (*Controller) HaveWatchersSynced ¶
func (c *Controller) HaveWatchersSynced() []cache.InformerSynced
func (*Controller) Start ¶
func (c *Controller) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*Controller) StartWatchers ¶
func (c *Controller) StartWatchers(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*Controller) Stop ¶
func (c *Controller) Stop()
func (*Controller) TestProcess ¶
func (c *Controller) TestProcess() bool
func (*Controller) TestProcessAll ¶
func (c *Controller) TestProcessAll()
func (*Controller) WaitForCacheSync ¶
func (c *Controller) WaitForCacheSync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
func (*Controller) WatchAccessGrants ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchAccessGrants(namespace string, handler AccessGrantHandler) *AccessGrantWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchAccessTokens ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchAccessTokens(namespace string, handler AccessTokenHandler) *AccessTokenWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchAllPods ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchAllPods(namespace string, handler PodHandler) *PodWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchAllSecrets ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchAllSecrets(namespace string, handler SecretHandler) *SecretWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchAttachedConnectorBindings ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchAttachedConnectorBindings(namespace string, handler AttachedConnectorBindingHandler) *AttachedConnectorBindingWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchAttachedConnectors ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchAttachedConnectors(namespace string, handler AttachedConnectorHandler) *AttachedConnectorWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchCertificates ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchCertificates(namespace string, handler CertificateHandler) *CertificateWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchConfigMaps ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchConfigMaps(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler ConfigMapHandler) *ConfigMapWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchConnectors ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchConnectors(namespace string, handler ConnectorHandler) *ConnectorWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchContourHttpProxies ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchContourHttpProxies(options dynamicinformer.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler DynamicHandler) *DynamicWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchDynamic ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchDynamic(resource schema.GroupVersionResource, options dynamicinformer.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler DynamicHandler) *DynamicWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchGateways ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchGateways(options dynamicinformer.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler DynamicHandler) *DynamicWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchIngresses ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchIngresses(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler IngressHandler) *IngressWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchLinks ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchLinks(namespace string, handler LinkHandler) *LinkWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchListeners ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchListeners(namespace string, handler ListenerHandler) *ListenerWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchNamespaces ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchNamespaces(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, handler NamespaceHandler) *NamespaceWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchNodes ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchNodes(handler NodeHandler) *NodeWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchPods ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchPods(selector string, namespace string, handler PodHandler) *PodWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchRouterAccesses ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchRouterAccesses(namespace string, handler RouterAccessHandler) *RouterAccessWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchRoutes ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchRoutes(options routev1interfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler RouteHandler) *RouteWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchSecrets ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchSecrets(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler SecretHandler) *SecretWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchSecuredAccesses ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchSecuredAccesses(namespace string, handler SecuredAccessHandler) *SecuredAccessWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchSecuredAccessesWithOptions ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchSecuredAccessesWithOptions(options skupperv2alpha1interfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler SecuredAccessHandler) *SecuredAccessWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchServices ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchServices(options internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler ServiceHandler) *ServiceWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchSites ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchSites(namespace string, handler SiteHandler) *SiteWatcher
func (*Controller) WatchTlsRoutes ¶
func (c *Controller) WatchTlsRoutes(options dynamicinformer.TweakListOptionsFunc, namespace string, handler DynamicHandler) *DynamicWatcher
type DynamicHandler ¶
type DynamicHandler func(string, *unstructured.Unstructured) error
type DynamicWatcher ¶
type DynamicWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DynamicWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*DynamicWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) Get(key string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error)
func (*DynamicWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*DynamicWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*DynamicWatcher) List ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) List() []*unstructured.Unstructured
func (*DynamicWatcher) Resource ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) Resource() schema.GroupVersionResource
func (*DynamicWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*DynamicWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *DynamicWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type IngressHandler ¶
type IngressHandler func(string, *networkingv1.Ingress) error
type IngressWatcher ¶
type IngressWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*IngressWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *IngressWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*IngressWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *IngressWatcher) Get(key string) (*networkingv1.Ingress, error)
func (*IngressWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *IngressWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*IngressWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *IngressWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*IngressWatcher) List ¶
func (w *IngressWatcher) List() []*networkingv1.Ingress
func (*IngressWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *IngressWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*IngressWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *IngressWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type KubeClient ¶
type KubeClient struct { Namespace string Kube kubernetes.Interface Route openshiftroute.Interface //RouteClient *routev1client.RouteV1Client OCApps openshiftapps.Interface Rest *restclient.Config Dynamic dynamic.Interface Discovery discovery.DiscoveryInterface Skupper skupperclient.Interface }
A Kube Client manages orchestration and communications with the network components
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(namespace string, context string, kubeConfigPath string) (*KubeClient, error)
func (*KubeClient) GetDiscoveryClient ¶
func (c *KubeClient) GetDiscoveryClient() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
func (*KubeClient) GetDynamicClient ¶
func (c *KubeClient) GetDynamicClient() dynamic.Interface
func (*KubeClient) GetKubeClient ¶
func (c *KubeClient) GetKubeClient() kubernetes.Interface
func (*KubeClient) GetNamespace ¶
func (c *KubeClient) GetNamespace() string
func (*KubeClient) GetRouteClient ¶
func (c *KubeClient) GetRouteClient() routev1client.RouteV1Interface
func (*KubeClient) GetRouteInterface ¶
func (c *KubeClient) GetRouteInterface() openshiftroute.Interface
func (*KubeClient) GetSkupperClient ¶
func (c *KubeClient) GetSkupperClient() skupperclient.Interface
type LinkHandler ¶
type LinkHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.Link) error
type LinkWatcher ¶
type LinkWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LinkWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *LinkWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*LinkWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *LinkWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Link, error)
func (*LinkWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *LinkWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*LinkWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *LinkWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*LinkWatcher) List ¶
func (w *LinkWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Link
func (*LinkWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *LinkWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*LinkWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *LinkWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type ListenerHandler ¶
type ListenerHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.Listener) error
type ListenerWatcher ¶
type ListenerWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ListenerWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *ListenerWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*ListenerWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *ListenerWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Listener, error)
func (*ListenerWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *ListenerWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*ListenerWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *ListenerWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*ListenerWatcher) List ¶
func (w *ListenerWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Listener
func (*ListenerWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *ListenerWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*ListenerWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *ListenerWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type NamespaceWatcher ¶
type NamespaceWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NamespaceWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*NamespaceWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Get(key string) (*corev1.Namespace, error)
func (*NamespaceWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*NamespaceWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *NamespaceWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*NamespaceWatcher) List ¶
func (w *NamespaceWatcher) List() []*corev1.Namespace
func (*NamespaceWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*NamespaceWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *NamespaceWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type NodeWatcher ¶
type NodeWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NodeWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *NodeWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*NodeWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *NodeWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*NodeWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *NodeWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*NodeWatcher) List ¶
func (w *NodeWatcher) List() []*corev1.Node
func (*NodeWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *NodeWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*NodeWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *NodeWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type PodWatcher ¶
type PodWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PodWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *PodWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*PodWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *PodWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*PodWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *PodWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*PodWatcher) List ¶
func (w *PodWatcher) List() []*corev1.Pod
func (*PodWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *PodWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*PodWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *PodWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type ResourceChange ¶
type ResourceChange struct { Handler ResourceChangeHandler Key string }
type ResourceChangeHandler ¶
type ResourceChangeHandler interface { Handle(event ResourceChange) error Describe(event ResourceChange) string }
type RouteWatcher ¶
type RouteWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RouteWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *RouteWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*RouteWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *RouteWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*RouteWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *RouteWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*RouteWatcher) List ¶
func (w *RouteWatcher) List() []*routev1.Route
func (*RouteWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *RouteWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*RouteWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *RouteWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type RouterAccessHandler ¶
type RouterAccessHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.RouterAccess) error
type RouterAccessWatcher ¶
type RouterAccessWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RouterAccessWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*RouterAccessWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.RouterAccess, error)
func (*RouterAccessWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*RouterAccessWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*RouterAccessWatcher) List ¶
func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.RouterAccess
func (*RouterAccessWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*RouterAccessWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *RouterAccessWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type SecretWatcher ¶
type SecretWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SecretWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *SecretWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*SecretWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *SecretWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*SecretWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *SecretWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*SecretWatcher) List ¶
func (w *SecretWatcher) List() []*corev1.Secret
func (*SecretWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *SecretWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*SecretWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *SecretWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type SecuredAccessHandler ¶
type SecuredAccessHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.SecuredAccess) error
type SecuredAccessWatcher ¶
type SecuredAccessWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SecuredAccessWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*SecuredAccessWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.SecuredAccess, error)
func (*SecuredAccessWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*SecuredAccessWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*SecuredAccessWatcher) List ¶
func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.SecuredAccess
func (*SecuredAccessWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*SecuredAccessWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *SecuredAccessWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
type ServiceWatcher ¶
type ServiceWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ServiceWatcher) CreateService ¶
func (*ServiceWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *ServiceWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*ServiceWatcher) GetService ¶
func (w *ServiceWatcher) GetService(name string) (*corev1.Service, error)
func (*ServiceWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *ServiceWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*ServiceWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *ServiceWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*ServiceWatcher) List ¶
func (w *ServiceWatcher) List() []*corev1.Service
func (*ServiceWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *ServiceWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*ServiceWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *ServiceWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
func (*ServiceWatcher) UpdateService ¶
type SiteHandler ¶
type SiteHandler func(string, *skupperv2alpha1.Site) error
type SiteWatcher ¶
type SiteWatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SiteWatcher) Describe ¶
func (w *SiteWatcher) Describe(event ResourceChange) string
func (*SiteWatcher) Get ¶
func (w *SiteWatcher) Get(key string) (*skupperv2alpha1.Site, error)
func (*SiteWatcher) Handle ¶
func (w *SiteWatcher) Handle(event ResourceChange) error
func (*SiteWatcher) HasSynced ¶
func (w *SiteWatcher) HasSynced() func() bool
func (*SiteWatcher) List ¶
func (w *SiteWatcher) List() []*skupperv2alpha1.Site
func (*SiteWatcher) Start ¶
func (w *SiteWatcher) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{})
func (*SiteWatcher) Sync ¶
func (w *SiteWatcher) Sync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) bool
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