mse6 sends mock HTTP1.1 responses to test edge cases in user agents, such as bad headers or slow writes.
Up and running
docker pull simonmittag/mse6 &&
docker run -p8081:8081 simonmittag/mse6
brew install simonmittag/cli/mse6 &&
go get &&
go install &&
λ mse6 -h
Usage of mse6:
-p int
the http port (default 8081)
-t server self test
-u string
the path prefix (default "/mse6/")
-v print the server version
-w int
wait time for server to respond in seconds (default 3)
GET /mse6/die
Kills the server process without sending a response
GET /mse6/get
Standard json response with status code 200
POST /mse6/post
Standard json response with status code 200
GET /mse6/slowheader?wait=n
Sends headers but only after waiting for n seconds.
Alternatively configure default with -w=n on cli
GET /mse6/slowbody?wait=n
Sends body after initial lag of n/2s, then sends remaining body without chunking after n/2s.
Alternatively configure default with -w=n on cli
GET /mse6/badcontentlength
Sends invalid content length header, too large for response
GET /mse6/send?code=nnn&
Sends arbitrary response code between 100 and 999. For redirects, you can supply a custom
location parameter. Don't forget to URL encode your params.
GET /mse6/gzip
Sends a gzipped response with proper content encoding
GET /mse6/badgzip
Sends a response gzip content encoding header and garbled binary
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