fleet functional tests
This functional test suite deploys a fleet cluster nspawn containers and asserts fleet is functioning properly.
It shares etcd deployed on the host machine with each of the nspawn containers.
The caller must do three things before running the tests:
- Ensure an ssh-agent is running and the functional-testing identity is loaded. The
environment variable must be set.
$ ssh-agent
$ ssh-add fleet/functional/fixtures/id_rsa
- The
environment variable must point to the fleetctl binary that should be used to drive the actual tests.
$ export FLEETCTL_BIN=/usr/bin/fleetctl
- Make sure etcd is running on the host system
$ systemctl start etcd
Then the tests can be run (probably as root):
$ go test github.com/coreos/fleet/functional
ok github.com/coreos/fleet/functional 9.479s