Config CLI
Config CLI is a command-line interface that allows an organization to manage application configuration which is stored in the ledger. It provides the following functionality:
- Create or update the configuration of one or more applications within an organization (MSP)
- Query the configuration of one or more applications within an organization
- Delete configuration
The Config CLI provides three command: update, query, and delete.
The update command allows a client to update the configuration of one or more applications. Configuration may be specified direcly on the command-line as a JSON string (using the --config option) or a configuration file may be specified (using the --configfile option).
The format of the configuration is as follows:
"Config":"config for app1"
. . .
The configuration may be embedded direcly in the "Config" element or the Config element may reference a file containing the configuration.
The query command allows the client to query the org's configuration using a Config Key. The Config Key consists of:
- MspID (mandatory) - The MSP ID of the organization
- PeerID (optional) - The ID of the peer
- AppName (optional) - The application name
The Config Key may be specified as a JSON string (using the --configkey option) or it may be specified using the options: --mspid, --peerid, and --appname.
If PeerID and AppName are not specified then all of the org's configuration is returned.
The delete command allows the client to delete the org's configuration using a Config Key. (The config key is the same as described in the Query command.) A specific application configuration may be deleted if PeerID and AppName are specified, or the org's entire configuration may be deleted if only MspID is specified.
Navigate to folder configurationsnap/cmd/configcli.
$ go build $ ./configcli [options]
To display the available commands and global options:
$ ./configcli help $ ./configcli --help
To display the available options for a specific command:
$ ./configcli help $ ./configcli --help
Sample Usage
Send the update to all peers within the MSP, "Org1MSP" using a configuration file:
$ ./configcli update --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --mspid Org1MSP --configfile ./sampleconfig/org1-config.json
Send the update to a single peer:
$ ./configcli update --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --peerurl grpcs://localhost:7051 --configfile ./sampleconfig/org1-config.json
Send an update using a configuration string specified in the command-line:
$ ./configcli update --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --mspid Org1MSP --config '{"MspID":"Org1MSP","Peers":[{"PeerID":"","App":[{"AppName":"myapp","Config":"embedded config"}]}]}'
Query a single peer for configuration of a particular application:
$ ./configcli query --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --peerurl grpcs://localhost:7051 --mspid Org1MSP --peerid --appname myapp
... results in the following output:
----- MSPID: Org1MSP, Peer:, App: myapp:
embedded config
To display the output in raw format:
$ ./configcli query --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --peerurl grpcs://localhost:7051 --mspid Org1MSP --peerid --appname myapp --format raw
... results in the following output (note that this string would need to be unmarshalled using json.Unmarshal in order to get a readable config Value):
Query a single peer for all configuration for Org1MSP:
$ ./configcli query --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --peerurl grpcs://localhost:7051 --mspid Org1MSP
Query a single peer using a config key:
$ ./configcli query --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --peerurl grpcs://localhost:7051 --configkey '{"MspID":"Org1MSP","PeerID":"","AppName":"app1"}'
Delete a the configuration of a particular application:
$ ./configcli delete --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --mspid Org1MSP --peerid --appname myapp
Delete all configuration in Org1MSP:
$ ./configcli delete --clientconfig ../../../bddtests/fixtures/clientconfig/config.yaml --cid mychannel --mspid Org1MSP
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