
v1.5.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 3, 2021 License: MIT


Illuminating Deposits - gRPC

All commands should be executed from the root directory (illuminatingdeposits-grpc) of the project

(Development is WIP)

Illuminating Deposits Project Logo

Features include:

  • Golang (Go) gRPC Service Methods with protobuf for Messages
  • TLS for all requests
  • Integration and Unit tests; run in parallel using dockertest for faster feedback
  • Coverage Result for key packages
  • MongoDB health check service
  • User Management service with MongoDB for user creation
  • JWT generation for Authentication
  • JWT Authentication for Interest Calculations
  • 30daysInterest for a deposit is called Delta
  • Delta is for
    • each deposit
    • each bank with all deposits
    • all banks!
  • Concurrency support for computing Banks Delta included for more I/O processing
  • Sanity test client included for settings for each deployment
  • Dockering and using it for both Docker Compose and Kubernetes
  • Docker compose deployment for development
  • Kubernetes Deployment with Ingress; Helm; Mongodb internal replication setup
  • Running from Editor/IDE directly included
gRPC pre setup (in case desired to generate already included protobuf code)

This should not be needed when deploying; it is there for reference to how protobuf and related code was generated.

brew install protobuf

Enable module mode (or just execute next command from any directory outside of project having go.mod) Reference:

brew install protobuf
protoc --version  # Ensure compiler version is 3+
# install Go plugins for the protocol compiler protoc
export GO111MODULE=on  
go get 

Now go to this project root directory and run following scripts for generating protobuf related code for the services: 

Docker Compose Deployment

TLS files
docker build -t tlscert:v0.1 -f ./build/Dockerfile.openssl ./conf/tls && \
docker run --env DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS=$DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS -v $PWD/conf/tls:/tls tlscert:v0.1
Start mongodb
docker-compose -f ./deploy/compose/docker-compose.external-db-only.yml up 
Then set up mongodb indexes
docker-compose -f ./deploy/compose/docker-compose.dbindexes.yml up --build
To start all services without TLS:

Make sure DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_TLS=false in docker-compose.grpc.server.yml

To start all services with TLS - this is the way to go in gRPC:

Make sure DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_TLS=true in docker-compose.grpc.server.yml InterestCal service only supports TLS in gRPC as it carries access token. This means users want to transmit security information (e.g., OAuth2 token) which requires secure connection.Otherwise will see error as: the credentials require transport level security (use grpc.WithTransportCredentials() to set).

And then execute:
docker-compose -f ./deploy/compose/docker-compose.grpc.server.yml up --build
Logs of running services (in a separate terminal):
docker-compose -f ./deploy/compose/docker-compose.grpc.server.yml logs -f --tail 1  
Sanity test Client - gRPC Services Endpoints Invoked Externally:

The server side DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_TLS should be consistent and set for client also. Uncomment any request function if not desired.

export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0
go run ./cmd/sanitytestclient
docker-compose -f ./deploy/compose/docker-compose.external-db-only.yml down
docker-compose -f ./deploy/compose/docker-compose.grpc.server.yml down

Runing from Editor/IDE

TLS files -same as in Docker compose
docker build -t tlscert:v0.1 -f ./build/Dockerfile.openssl ./conf/tls && \
docker run --env DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS=$DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS -v $PWD/conf/tls:/tls tlscert:v0.1
Start DB:
docker-compose -f ./deploy/compose/docker-compose.external-db-only.yml up

And then run following (./tools/dbindexescli is actually needed only once):

go run ./tools/dbindexescli
go run ./cmd/server
Sanity test Client - gRPC Services Endpoints Invoked Externally:

The server side DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_TLS should be consistent and set for client also. Uncomment any request function if not desired.

export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0
go run ./cmd/sanitytestclient

Kubernetes Deployment

(for Better control; For Local Setup tested with Docker Desktop latest version with Kubernetes Enabled)

TLS files
docker build -t tlscert:v0.1 -f ./build/Dockerfile.openssl ./conf/tls && \
docker run --env DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS=$DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_ADDRESS -v $PWD/conf/tls:/tls tlscert:v0.1

As a side note, For any troubleshooting, To see openssl version being used in Docker:

docker build -t tlscert:v0.1 -f ./build/Dockerfile.openssl ./conf/tls && \
docker run -ti -v $PWD/conf/tls:/tls tlscert:v0.1 sh

You get a prompt /tls Check version using command:

openssl version
Installing Ingress controller

Using helm to install nginx ingress controller

brew install helm
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm repo list

and then use

helm install ingress-nginx -f ./deploy/kubernetes/nginx-ingress-controller/helm-values.yaml ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

to install ingress controller To see logs for nginx ingress controller:

kubectl logs -l -f
Make docker images and Push Images to Docker Hub
docker build -t rsachdeva/illuminatingdeposits.grpc.server:v1.5.0 -f ./build/Dockerfile.grpc.server .  
docker build -t rsachdeva/illuminatingdeposits.dbindexes:v1.5.0 -f ./build/Dockerfile.dbindexes .  

docker push rsachdeva/illuminatingdeposits.grpc.server:v1.5.0
docker push rsachdeva/illuminatingdeposits.dbindexes:v1.5.0

The v1.5.0 should match to version being used in Kubernetes resources (grpc-server.yaml; dbindexes.yaml).

Quick deploy for all Kubernetes resources ( more Detailed Kubernetes set up - Step by Step is below)

TLS File set up should have been installed using steps above.

helm install ingress-nginx -f ./deploy/kubernetes/nginx-ingress-controller/helm-values.yaml ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

MongoDB set up with internal replication has to be done once unless persistent volumes are deleted or number of replicas are changed:

kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/mongodb/.

Once all mongo pods are running, we have to do this once: ( unless we change replication pods)

Mongodb internal replication setup

Inside the mongo-0 pod we open a mongo shell:

kubectl exec -it mongo-0 -- mongo

Then inside shell:

      _id: "rs0",
      members: [
         { _id: 0, host : "mongo-0.mongo.default.svc.cluster.local:27017" },
         {_id: 1, host: "mongo-1.mongo.default.svc.cluster.local:27017"},
         {_id: 2, host: "mongo-2.mongo.default.svc.cluster.local:27017"}
#  wait till you get 1 primary

Allows connecting MongoDB UI using NodePort at 30010 from outside cluster locally to view data. We only need to set secrets once after tls files have been generated; This is using dry run:

kubectl delete secret illuminatingdeposits-grpc-secret-tls
kubectl create --dry-run=client secret tls illuminatingdeposits-grpc-secret-tls --key conf/tls/serverkeyto.pem --cert conf/tls/servercrtto.pem -o yaml > ./deploy/kubernetes/tls-secret-ingress.yaml

Now lets depoly the grpc application related resources:

# in case not built -- refer 'Make docker images and Push Images to Docker Hub'
docker build -t rsachdeva/illuminatingdeposits.grpc.server:v1.5.0 -f ./build/Dockerfile.grpc.server .  
docker build -t rsachdeva/illuminatingdeposits.dbindexes:v1.5.0 -f ./build/Dockerfile.dbindexes . 
kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/.

If status for kubectl get pod -l job-name=dbindexes | grep "Completed" shows completed for dbindexes pod, optionally can be deleted:

kubectl delete -f deploy/kubernetes/dbindexes.yaml

And see logs using kubectl logs -l app=grpcserversvc -f

Sanity test Client - gRPC Services Endpoints Invoked Externally:

The server side DEPOSITS_GRPC_SERVICE_TLS should be consistent and set for client also. Uncomment any request function if not desired.

export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0
go run ./cmd/sanitytestclient

With this Sanity test client, you will be able to:

  • get status of Mongo DB
  • add a new user
  • JWT generation for Authentication
  • JWT Authentication for Interest Delta Calculations for each deposit; each bank with all deposits and all banks Quickly confirms Sanity check for set up with Kubernetes/Docker. There are also separate Integration and Unit tests.
Detailed Kubernetes set up - Step by Step

See 'Quick deploy for all Kubernetes resources' above. If any issues, you can follow detailed steps. TLS File set up and Ingress controller should have been installed using steps above.

Start mongodb service
kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/mongodb/mongodb.yaml

See above 'Mongodb internal replication setup' in Quick deploy.

Then Migrate and set up dbindexes data manually for more control initially:

First should see in logs database system is ready to accept connections kubectl logs pod/mongodb-deposits-0 And then execute migration/dbindexes data for manual control when getting started:

kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/dbindexes.yaml

And if status for kubectl get pod -l job-name=dbindexes | grep "Completed" shows completed for dbindexes pod, optionally can be deleted:

kubectl delete -f deploy/kubernetes/dbindexes.yaml

To connect external tool with mongodb to see database internals use port 30010

Set up secret
kubectl delete secret illuminatingdeposits-grpc-secret-tls
kubectl create --dry-run=client secret tls illuminatingdeposits-grpc-secret-tls --key conf/tls/serverkeyto.pem --cert conf/tls/servercrtto.pem -o yaml > ./deploy/kubernetes/tls-secret-ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/tls-secret-ingress.yaml
Illuminating deposists gRPC server in Kubernetes!
kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/grpc-server.yaml

And see logs using kubectl logs -l app=grpcserversvc -f

Remove all resources / Shutdown
kubectl delete -f ./deploy/kubernetes/.
kubectl delete -f ./deploy/kubernetes/mongodb/.
helm uninstall ingress-nginx

This does not remove prestient volume. In case you are sure, you don't want to keep data only then

kubectl get pvc
kubectl delete pvc -l app=mongo 

Running Integration/Unit tests

Tests are designed to run in parallel with its own test server and docker based mongodb using dockertest. To run all tests with coverages reports for focussed packages: Run following only once as tests use this image; so faster:

docker pull mongo:4.4.2-bionic 

And then run the following with coverages for key packages concerned:

export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 
go test -v -count=1 -covermode=count -coverpkg=./userauthn,./usermgmt,./mongodbhealth,./interestcal -coverprofile cover.out ./... && go tool cover -func cover.out
go test -v -count=1 -covermode=count -coverpkg=./userauthn,./usermgmt,./mongodbhealth,./interestcal -coverprofile cover.out ./... && go tool cover -html cover.out

Coverage Result for key packages: total: (statements) 92.5%

Illuminating Deposits gRPC Test Coverage

The -v is for Verbose output: log all tests as they are run. Search "FAIL:" in parallel test output here to see reason for failure in case any test fails. Just to run all easily with verbose ouput:

go test -v ./... 

The -count=1 is mainly to not use caching and can be added as follows if needed for any go test command:

go test -v -count=1 ./...

See Editor specifcs to see Covered Parts in the Editor.

Test Docker containers for Mongodb

Docker containers are mostly auto removed. This is done by passing true to testserver.InitGRPCServerBuffConn(ctx, t, false) in your test. If you want to examine mongodb data for a particular test, you can temporarily set allowPurge as false in testserver.InitGRPCServerBuffConn(ctx, t, false) for your test. Then after running specific failed test connect to mongo db in the docker container using any db ui. As an example, if you want coverage on a specific package and run a single test in a package with verbose output:

go test -v -count=1 -covermode=count -coverpkg=./usermgmt -coverprofile cover.out -run=TestServiceServer_CreateUser ./usermgmt/... && go tool cover -func cover.out

Any docker containers still running after tests should be manually removed:

docker ps
docker stop $(docker ps -qa)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa)

And if mongodb not connecting for tests: (reference:

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)


If for any reason no connection is happening from client to server or client hangs or server start up issues: Run

ps aux | grep "go run" 


ps aux | grep "go_build" 

to confirm is something else is already running. Make sure to follow above TLS set up according to Kubernetes deployment, Docker compose deployment or Running from Editor. Make sure to follow Ingress controller installation for Kubernetes deployment. Otherwise you will get error as:

transport: Error while dialing dial tcp




Path Synopsis
Provides sanity test client with all gRPC requests with TLS and when required JWT Authentication.
Provides sanity test client with all gRPC requests with TLS and when required JWT Authentication.
Package interestcal provides interest calculation service for the server api
Package interestcal provides interest calculation service for the server api
Provides mongodb connection for tests only
Provides mongodb connection for tests only

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