Git clone & change directory to fake-data
git clone https://github.com/reishou/fake-data.git && cd fake-data
Run generate example csv
With *nix
./fake-data -template=default -count=1000
With windows
fake-data.exe -template=default -count=1000
Create a custom template yml template/user.yml
- uuid_digit
- username
- first_name
- last_name
- gender
- date
- password
- sentence
- lat
- long
Generate file csv/user.csv
With *nix
./fake-data -template=user -count=1000000
With windows
fake-data.exe -template=user -count=1000000
List all tags supported
- cc_number
- cc_type
- email
- domain_name
- ipv4
- ipv6
- password
- jwt
- phone_number
- mac_address
- url
- username
- toll_free_number
- e_164_phone_number
- title_male
- title_female
- first_name
- first_name_male
- first_name_female
- last_name
- name
- gender
- date
- time
- month_name
- year
- day_of_week
- day_of_month
- timestamp
- century
- timezone
- time_period
- word
- sentence
- paragraph
- currency
- amount_with_currency
- uuid_digit
- uuid_hyphenated
- lat
- long
- unix_time