
v0.34.3 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Mar 27, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 27 Imported by: 20



Package base 提供被其他多个package依赖的基础内容,自身不依赖任何package



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const (
	AvPacketStreamAudioFormatUnknown AvPacketStreamAudioFormat = 0
	AvPacketStreamAudioFormatRawAac  AvPacketStreamAudioFormat = 1
	AvPacketStreamAudioFormatAdtsAac AvPacketStreamAudioFormat = 2

	AvPacketStreamVideoFormatUnknown AvPacketStreamVideoFormat = 0
	AvPacketStreamVideoFormatAvcc    AvPacketStreamVideoFormat = 1
	AvPacketStreamVideoFormatAnnexb  AvPacketStreamVideoFormat = 2
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const (
	DumpTypeDefault                             uint32 = 0
	DumpTypePsRtpData                           uint32 = 1  // 1
	DumpTypeRtspRtpData                         uint32 = 17 // 1+16
	DumpTypeRtspSdpData                         uint32 = 18
	DumpTypeCustomizePubData                    uint32 = 33 // 1+16*2
	DumpTypeCustomizePubAudioSpecificConfigData uint32 = 34
	DumpTypeInnerFileHeaderData                 uint32 = 49 // 1+16*3
View Source
const (
	// AudioCodecAac StatGroup.AudioCodec
	AudioCodecAac   = "AAC"
	AudioCodecG711U = "PCMU"
	AudioCodecG711A = "PCMA"

	// VideoCodecAvc StatGroup.VideoCodec
	VideoCodecAvc  = "H264"
	VideoCodecHevc = "H265"
View Source
const (
	PullRetryNumForever = -1
	PullRetryNumNever   = 0

	AutoStopPullAfterNoOutMsNever       = -1
	AutoStopPullAfterNoOutMsImmediately = 0

	RtspModeTcp = 0
	RtspModeUdp = 1
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const (
	ErrorCodeSucc = 0
	DespSucc      = "succ"

	ErrorCodePageNotFound = 404
	DespPageNotFound      = "page not found, check this document out:"

	ErrorCodeGroupNotFound   = 1001
	DespGroupNotFound        = "group not found"
	ErrorCodeParamMissing    = 1002
	DespParamMissing         = "param missing"
	ErrorCodeSessionNotFound = 1003
	DespSessionNotFound      = "session not found"

	ErrorCodeStartRelayPullFail = 2001
	ErrorCodeListenUdpPortFail  = 2002
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const (
	// RtmpTypeIdAudio spec-rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf
	// 7.1. Types of Messages
	RtmpTypeIdAudio        uint8 = 8
	RtmpTypeIdVideo        uint8 = 9
	RtmpTypeIdMetadata     uint8 = 18 // RtmpTypeIdDataMessageAmf0
	RtmpTypeIdSetChunkSize uint8 = 1
	// RtmpTypeIdAck 和 RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize 的含义:
	// 一端向另一端发送 RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize ,要求对端每收够一定数据(一定数据的阈值包含在 RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize 信令中)后,向本端回复 RtmpTypeIdAck 。
	// 常见的应用场景:数据发送端要求数据接收端定时发送心跳信令给本端。
	RtmpTypeIdAck         uint8 = 3
	RtmpTypeIdUserControl uint8 = 4
	// RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize 见 RtmpTypeIdAck
	RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize         uint8 = 5
	RtmpTypeIdBandwidth          uint8 = 6
	RtmpTypeIdCommandMessageAmf3 uint8 = 17
	RtmpTypeIdCommandMessageAmf0 uint8 = 20
	RtmpTypeIdAggregateMessage   uint8 = 22

	// RtmpUserControlStreamBegin RtmpUserControlXxx...
	// user control message type
	RtmpUserControlStreamBegin  uint8 = 0
	RtmpUserControlRecorded     uint8 = 4
	RtmpUserControlPingRequest  uint8 = 6
	RtmpUserControlPingResponse uint8 = 7

	// RtmpFrameTypeKey spec-video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf
	// Video tags
	//     FrameType UB[4]
	//     CodecId   UB[4]
	//     AVCPacketType   UI8
	//     CompositionTime SI24
	//     Data            UI8[n]
	RtmpFrameTypeKey   uint8 = 1
	RtmpFrameTypeInter uint8 = 2

	RtmpCodecIdAvc  uint8 = 7
	RtmpCodecIdHevc uint8 = 12

	// RtmpAvcPacketTypeSeqHeader RtmpAvcPacketTypeNalu RtmpHevcPacketTypeSeqHeader RtmpHevcPacketTypeNalu
	// 注意,按照标准文档上描述,PacketType还有可能为2:
	// 2: AVC end of sequence (lower level NALU sequence ender is not required or supported)
	// 我自己遇到过在流结尾时,对端发送 27 02 00 00 00的情况(比如我们的使用wontcry.flv的单元测试,最后一个包)
	RtmpAvcPacketTypeSeqHeader  uint8 = 0
	RtmpAvcPacketTypeNalu       uint8 = 1
	RtmpHevcPacketTypeSeqHeader       = RtmpAvcPacketTypeSeqHeader
	RtmpHevcPacketTypeNalu            = RtmpAvcPacketTypeNalu

	RtmpAvcKeyFrame    = RtmpFrameTypeKey<<4 | RtmpCodecIdAvc
	RtmpHevcKeyFrame   = RtmpFrameTypeKey<<4 | RtmpCodecIdHevc
	RtmpAvcInterFrame  = RtmpFrameTypeInter<<4 | RtmpCodecIdAvc
	RtmpHevcInterFrame = RtmpFrameTypeInter<<4 | RtmpCodecIdHevc

	// RtmpSoundFormatAac spec-video_file_format_spec_v10.pdf
	// Audio tags
	//     SoundFormat UB[4]
	//     SoundRate   UB[2]
	//     SoundSize   UB[1]
	//     SoundType   UB[1]
	//     AACPacketType UI8
	//     Data          UI8[n]
	// 注意,视频的CodecId是后4位,音频是前4位
	RtmpSoundFormatG711A uint8 = 7
	RtmpSoundFormatG711U uint8 = 8
	RtmpSoundFormatAac   uint8 = 10

	RtmpAacPacketTypeSeqHeader = 0
	RtmpAacPacketTypeRaw       = 1
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const (
	// RtpPacketTypeAvcOrHevc
	// 注意,一般情况下:
	// AVC  96
	// HEVC 98
	// AAC  97
	// 但是我还遇到过:
	// AVC  105
	// HEVC 96
	// AAC  104
	RtpPacketTypeAvcOrHevc = 96
	RtpPacketTypeAac       = 97
	RtpPacketTypeHevc      = 98
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const (
	SessionTypeCustomizePub      SessionType = SessionProtocolCustomize<<8 | SessionBaseTypePub
	SessionTypeRtmpServerSession SessionType = SessionProtocolRtmp<<8 | SessionBaseTypePubSub
	SessionTypeRtmpPush          SessionType = SessionProtocolRtmp<<8 | SessionBaseTypePush
	SessionTypeRtmpPull          SessionType = SessionProtocolRtmp<<8 | SessionBaseTypePull
	SessionTypeRtspPub           SessionType = SessionProtocolRtsp<<8 | SessionBaseTypePub
	SessionTypeRtspSub           SessionType = SessionProtocolRtsp<<8 | SessionBaseTypeSub
	SessionTypeRtspPush          SessionType = SessionProtocolRtsp<<8 | SessionBaseTypePush
	SessionTypeRtspPull          SessionType = SessionProtocolRtsp<<8 | SessionBaseTypePull
	SessionTypeFlvSub            SessionType = SessionProtocolFlv<<8 | SessionBaseTypeSub
	SessionTypeFlvPull           SessionType = SessionProtocolFlv<<8 | SessionBaseTypePull
	SessionTypeTsSub             SessionType = SessionProtocolTs<<8 | SessionBaseTypeSub
	SessionTypePsPub             SessionType = SessionProtocolPs<<8 | SessionBaseTypePub
	SessionTypeHlsSub            SessionType = SessionProtocolHls<<8 | SessionBaseTypeSub

	SessionProtocolCustomize = 1
	SessionProtocolRtmp      = 2
	SessionProtocolRtsp      = 3
	SessionProtocolFlv       = 4
	SessionProtocolTs        = 5
	SessionProtocolPs        = 6
	SessionProtocolHls       = 7

	SessionBaseTypePubSub = 1
	SessionBaseTypePub    = 2
	SessionBaseTypeSub    = 3
	SessionBaseTypePush   = 4
	SessionBaseTypePull   = 5

	SessionProtocolCustomizeStr = "CUSTOMIZE"
	SessionProtocolRtmpStr      = "RTMP"
	SessionProtocolRtspStr      = "RTSP"
	SessionProtocolFlvStr       = "FLV"
	SessionProtocolTsStr        = "TS"
	SessionProtocolPsStr        = "PS"
	SessionProtocolHlsStr       = "HLS"

	SessionBaseTypePubSubStr = "PUBSUB"
	SessionBaseTypePubStr    = "PUB"
	SessionBaseTypeSubStr    = "SUB"
	SessionBaseTypePushStr   = "PUSH"
	SessionBaseTypePullStr   = "PULL"
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const (
	UkPreCustomizePubSessionContext = SessionProtocolCustomizeStr + SessionBaseTypePubStr // "CUSTOMIZEPUB"
	UkPreRtmpServerSession          = SessionProtocolRtmpStr + SessionBaseTypePubSubStr   // "RTMPPUBSUB" // 两种可能,pub或者sub
	UkPreRtmpPushSession            = SessionProtocolRtmpStr + SessionBaseTypePushStr     // "RTMPPUSH"
	UkPreRtmpPullSession            = SessionProtocolRtmpStr + SessionBaseTypePullStr     // "RTMPPULL"
	UkPreRtspPubSession             = SessionProtocolRtspStr + SessionBaseTypePubStr      // "RTSPPUB"
	UkPreRtspSubSession             = SessionProtocolRtspStr + SessionBaseTypePubSubStr   // "RTSPSUB"
	UkPreRtspPushSession            = SessionProtocolRtspStr + SessionBaseTypePushStr     // "RTSPPUSH"
	UkPreRtspPullSession            = SessionProtocolRtspStr + SessionBaseTypePullStr     // "RTSPPULL"
	UkPreFlvSubSession              = SessionProtocolFlvStr + SessionBaseTypePubSubStr    // "FLVSUB"
	UkPreFlvPullSession             = SessionProtocolFlvStr + SessionBaseTypePullStr      // "FLVPULL"
	UkPreTsSubSession               = SessionProtocolTsStr + SessionBaseTypePubSubStr     // "TSSUB"
	UkPrePsPubSession               = SessionProtocolPsStr + SessionBaseTypePubStr        // "PSPUB"
	UkPreHlsSubSession              = SessionProtocolHlsStr + SessionBaseTypeSubStr       // "HLSSUB"

	UkPreRtspServerCommandSession = "RTSPSRVCMD" // 这个不暴露给上层

	UkPreGroup              = "GROUP"
	UkPreHlsMuxer           = "HLSMUXER"
	UkPreRtmp2MpegtsRemuxer = "RTMP2MPEGTS"
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const (
	DefaultRtmpPort  = 1935
	DefaultHttpPort  = 80
	DefaultHttpsPort = 443
	DefaultRtspPort  = 554
	DefaultRtmpsPort = 443
	DefaultRtspsPort = 322
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const ConfVersion = "v0.4.1"

ConfVersion lalserver的配置文件的版本号

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const HttpApiVersion = "v0.4.5"

HttpApiVersion lalserver的HTTP-API功能的版本号

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const HttpNotifyVersion = "v0.2.2"

HttpNotifyVersion lalserver的HTTP-Notify功能的版本号

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const HttpWebUiVersion = "v0.0.2"
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const LalVersion = "v0.34.3"

LalVersion 整个lal工程的版本号。注意,该变量由外部脚本修改维护,不要手动在代码中修改

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const (
	NetworkTcp = "tcp"
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const WsMagicStr = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"


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var (
	ErrShortBuffer  = errors.New("lal: buffer too short")
	ErrFileNotExist = errors.New("lal: file not exist")
View Source
var (
	ErrAddrEmpty               = errors.New("lal.base: http server addr empty")
	ErrMultiRegisterForPattern = errors.New("lal.base: http server multiple registrations for pattern")

	ErrSessionNotStarted = errors.New("lal.base: session has not been started yet")

	ErrInvalidUrl = errors.New("lal.base: invalid url")
View Source
var (
	ErrAmfInvalidType = errors.New("lal.rtmp: invalid amf0 type")
	ErrAmfTooShort    = errors.New("lal.rtmp: too short to unmarshal amf0 data")
	ErrAmfNotExist    = errors.New("lal.rtmp: not exist")

	ErrRtmpShortBuffer   = errors.New("lal.rtmp: buffer too short")
	ErrRtmpUnexpectedMsg = errors.New("lal.rtmp: unexpected msg")
View Source
var (
	ErrRtsp                 = errors.New("lal.rtsp: fxxk")
	ErrRtspClosedByObserver = errors.New("lal.rtsp: close by observer")
View Source
var (
	ErrDupInStream      = errors.New("lal.logic: in stream already exist at group")
	ErrDisposedInStream = errors.New("lal.logic: in stream already disposed")

	ErrSimpleAuthParamNotFound = errors.New("lal.logic: simple auth failed since url param lal_secret not found")
	ErrSimpleAuthFailed        = errors.New("lal.logic: simple auth failed since url param lal_secret invalid")
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var (
	LalLibraryName = "lal"
	LalGithubRepo  = ""
	LalGithubSite  = ""
	LalDocSite     = ""

	// LalFullInfo e.g. lal v0.12.3 (
	LalFullInfo = LalLibraryName + " " + LalVersion + " (" + LalGithubRepo + ")"

	// LalVersionDot e.g. 0.12.3
	LalVersionDot string

	// LalVersionComma e.g. 0,12,3
	LalVersionComma string
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var (
	// LalRtmpHandshakeWaterMark 植入rtmp握手随机字符串中
	// e.g. lal v0.12.3 (
	LalRtmpHandshakeWaterMark string

	// LalRtmpConnectResultVersion 植入rtmp server中的connect result信令中
	// 注意,有两个object,第一个object中的fmsVer我们保持通用公认的值,在第二个object中植入
	// e.g. 0,12,3
	LalRtmpConnectResultVersion string

	// LalRtmpPushSessionConnectVersion e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalRtmpPushSessionConnectVersion string

	// LalRtmpBuildMetadataEncoder e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalRtmpBuildMetadataEncoder string

	// LalHttpflvPullSessionUa e.g. lal/0.12.3
	LalHttpflvPullSessionUa string

	// LalHttpflvSubSessionServer e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalHttpflvSubSessionServer string

	// LalHlsM3u8Server e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalHlsM3u8Server string

	// LalHlsTsServer e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalHlsTsServer string

	// LalRtspOptionsResponseServer e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalRtspOptionsResponseServer string

	// LalHttptsSubSessionServer e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalHttptsSubSessionServer string

	// LalHttpApiServer e.g. lal0.12.3
	LalHttpApiServer string

	// LalRtspPullSessionUa e.g. lal/0.12.3
	LalRtspPullSessionUa string

	// LalPackSdp e.g. lal 0.12.3
	LalPackSdp string

	// LalRtspRealm e.g. lal
	LalRtspRealm string
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var ApiNotFoundResp = ApiRespBasic{
	ErrorCode: ErrorCodePageNotFound,
	Desp:      DespPageNotFound,
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var ErrAvc = errors.New("lal.avc: fxxk")
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var (
	ErrGb28181 = errors.New("lal.gb28181: fxxk")
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var ErrHevc = errors.New("lal.hevc: fxxk")
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var ErrHls = errors.New("lal.hls: fxxk")
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var ErrHlsSessionNotFound = errors.New("lal.hls: hls session not found")
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var ErrRtpRtcpShortBuffer = errors.New("lal.rtprtcp: buffer too short")
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var ErrSamplingFrequencyIndex = errors.New("lal.aac: invalid sampling frequency index")
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var ErrSdp = errors.New("lal.sdp: fxxk")


func DefaultTlsConfigClient added in v0.34.3

func DefaultTlsConfigClient() *tls.Config

func DefaultTlsConfigServer added in v0.34.3

func DefaultTlsConfigServer(certFile, keyFile string) (*tls.Config, error)

func GenUkCustomizePubSession added in v0.29.0

func GenUkCustomizePubSession() string

func GenUkFlvPullSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkFlvPullSession() string

func GenUkFlvSubSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkFlvSubSession() string

func GenUkGroup added in v0.23.0

func GenUkGroup() string

func GenUkHlsMuxer added in v0.23.0

func GenUkHlsMuxer() string

func GenUkHlsSubSession added in v0.33.0

func GenUkHlsSubSession() string

func GenUkPsPubSession added in v0.31.0

func GenUkPsPubSession() string

func GenUkRtmp2MpegtsRemuxer added in v0.28.0

func GenUkRtmp2MpegtsRemuxer() string

func GenUkRtmpPullSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtmpPullSession() string

func GenUkRtmpPushSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtmpPushSession() string

func GenUkRtmpServerSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtmpServerSession() string

func GenUkRtspPubSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtspPubSession() string

func GenUkRtspPullSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtspPullSession() string

func GenUkRtspPushSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtspPushSession() string

func GenUkRtspServerCommandSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtspServerCommandSession() string

func GenUkRtspSubSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkRtspSubSession() string

func GenUkTsSubSession added in v0.23.0

func GenUkTsSubSession() string

func GetWd added in v0.30.0

func GetWd() string

func LogoutStartInfo added in v0.28.0

func LogoutStartInfo()

func MakeWsFrameHeader added in v0.23.0

func MakeWsFrameHeader(wsHeader WsHeader) (buf []byte)

func NewErrAmfInvalidType added in v0.27.0

func NewErrAmfInvalidType(b byte) error

func NewErrRtmpShortBuffer added in v0.27.0

func NewErrRtmpShortBuffer(need, actual int, msg string) error

func OsExitAndWaitPressIfWindows added in v0.23.0

func OsExitAndWaitPressIfWindows(code int)

func ParseHttpRequest added in v0.27.0

func ParseHttpRequest(req *http.Request) string


@return 完整url

func ReadableNowTime added in v0.28.0

func ReadableNowTime() string

ReadableNowTime 当前时间,可读字符串形式

func RunSignalHandler added in v0.26.0

func RunSignalHandler(cb func())

RunSignalHandler 监听SIGUSR1和SIGUSR2信号并回调

TODO(chef): refactor 函数名应与SIGUSR1挂钩

func UnixMilli added in v0.33.0

func UnixMilli(t time.Time) int64

func UpdateWebSocketHeader added in v0.22.0

func UpdateWebSocketHeader(secWebSocketKey string) []byte


type ApiCtrlKickSessionReq added in v0.31.0

type ApiCtrlKickSessionReq struct {
	StreamName string `json:"stream_name"`
	SessionId  string `json:"session_id"`

type ApiCtrlKickSessionResp added in v0.34.3

type ApiCtrlKickSessionResp struct {

type ApiCtrlStartRelayPullReq added in v0.30.0

type ApiCtrlStartRelayPullReq struct {
	Url                      string `json:"url"`
	StreamName               string `json:"stream_name"`
	PullTimeoutMs            int    `json:"pull_timeout_ms"`
	PullRetryNum             int    `json:"pull_retry_num"`
	AutoStopPullAfterNoOutMs int    `json:"auto_stop_pull_after_no_out_ms"`
	RtspMode                 int    `json:"rtsp_mode"`
	DebugDumpPacket          string `json:"debug_dump_packet"`

type ApiCtrlStartRelayPullResp added in v0.34.3

type ApiCtrlStartRelayPullResp struct {
	Data struct {
		StreamName string `json:"stream_name"`
		SessionId  string `json:"session_id"`
	} `json:"data"`

type ApiCtrlStartRtpPubReq added in v0.31.0

type ApiCtrlStartRtpPubReq struct {
	StreamName      string `json:"stream_name"`
	Port            int    `json:"port"`
	TimeoutMs       int    `json:"timeout_ms"`
	IsTcpFlag       int    `json:"is_tcp_flag"`
	DebugDumpPacket string `json:"debug_dump_packet"`

type ApiCtrlStartRtpPubResp added in v0.34.3

type ApiCtrlStartRtpPubResp struct {
	Data struct {
		StreamName string `json:"stream_name"`
		SessionId  string `json:"session_id"`
		Port       int    `json:"port"`
	} `json:"data"`

type ApiCtrlStopRelayPullResp added in v0.34.3

type ApiCtrlStopRelayPullResp struct {
	Data struct {
		SessionId string `json:"session_id"`
	} `json:"data"`

type ApiRespBasic added in v0.34.3

type ApiRespBasic struct {
	ErrorCode int    `json:"error_code"`
	Desp      string `json:"desp"`

type ApiStatAllGroupResp added in v0.34.3

type ApiStatAllGroupResp struct {
	Data struct {
		Groups []StatGroup `json:"groups"`
	} `json:"data"`

type ApiStatGroupResp added in v0.34.3

type ApiStatGroupResp struct {
	Data *StatGroup `json:"data"`

type ApiStatLalInfoResp added in v0.34.3

type ApiStatLalInfoResp struct {
	Data LalInfo `json:"data"`

type AvPacket added in v0.23.0

type AvPacket struct {
	PayloadType AvPacketPt
	Timestamp   int64 // 如无特殊说明,此字段是Dts
	Pts         int64
	Payload     []byte


不同场景使用时,字段含义可能不同。 使用 AvPacket 的地方,应注明各字段的含义。

func (*AvPacket) DebugString added in v0.29.0

func (packet *AvPacket) DebugString() string

func (*AvPacket) IsAudio added in v0.29.0

func (packet *AvPacket) IsAudio() bool

func (*AvPacket) IsVideo added in v0.29.0

func (packet *AvPacket) IsVideo() bool

type AvPacketPt added in v0.23.0

type AvPacketPt int
const (
	AvPacketPtUnknown AvPacketPt = -1
	AvPacketPtG711U   AvPacketPt = 0  // g711u
	AvPacketPtG711A   AvPacketPt = 8  // g711a
	AvPacketPtAvc     AvPacketPt = 96 // h264
	AvPacketPtHevc    AvPacketPt = 98 // h265
	AvPacketPtAac     AvPacketPt = 97 // aac

func (AvPacketPt) ReadableString added in v0.23.0

func (a AvPacketPt) ReadableString() string

type AvPacketStreamAudioFormat added in v0.29.0

type AvPacketStreamAudioFormat int

type AvPacketStreamOption added in v0.29.0

type AvPacketStreamOption struct {
	AudioFormat AvPacketStreamAudioFormat
	VideoFormat AvPacketStreamVideoFormat // 视频流的格式,注意,不是指编码格式,而是编码格式确定后,流的格式

type AvPacketStreamVideoFormat added in v0.29.0

type AvPacketStreamVideoFormat int

type BasicHttpSubSession added in v0.30.0

type BasicHttpSubSession struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBasicHttpSubSession added in v0.30.0

func NewBasicHttpSubSession(option BasicHttpSubSessionOption) *BasicHttpSubSession

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) AppName added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) AppName() string

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) Dispose added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) Dispose() error

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) GetStat added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) GetStat() StatSession

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) IsAlive added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) IsAlive() (readAlive, writeAlive bool)

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) RawQuery added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) RawQuery() string

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) RunLoop added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) RunLoop() error

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) StreamName added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) StreamName() string

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) UniqueKey added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) UniqueKey() string

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) UpdateStat added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) UpdateStat(intervalSec uint32)

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) Url added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) Url() string

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) Write added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) Write(b []byte)

func (*BasicHttpSubSession) WriteHttpResponseHeader added in v0.30.0

func (session *BasicHttpSubSession) WriteHttpResponseHeader(b []byte)

type BasicHttpSubSessionOption added in v0.30.0

type BasicHttpSubSessionOption struct {
	Conn          net.Conn
	ConnModOption connection.ModOption
	SessionType   SessionType
	UrlCtx        UrlContext
	IsWebSocket   bool
	WebSocketKey  string

type BasicSessionStat added in v0.30.0

type BasicSessionStat struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


包含两部分功能: 1. 维护 StatSession 的一些静态信息 2. 计算带宽

计算带宽有两种方式,一种是通过外部的 connection.Connection 获取最新状态,一种是内部自己管理状态

func NewBasicSessionStat added in v0.30.0

func NewBasicSessionStat(sessionType SessionType, remoteAddr string) BasicSessionStat


@param remoteAddr: 如果当前未知,填入""空字符串

func (*BasicSessionStat) AddReadBytes added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) AddReadBytes(n int)

func (*BasicSessionStat) AddWriteBytes added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) AddWriteBytes(n int)

func (*BasicSessionStat) BaseType added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) BaseType() string

func (*BasicSessionStat) GetStat added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) GetStat() StatSession

func (*BasicSessionStat) GetStatWithConn added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) GetStatWithConn(conn IStatable) StatSession

func (*BasicSessionStat) IsAlive added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) IsAlive() (readAlive, writeAlive bool)

func (*BasicSessionStat) IsAliveWitchConn added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) IsAliveWitchConn(conn IStatable) (readAlive, writeAlive bool)

func (*BasicSessionStat) SetBaseType added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) SetBaseType(baseType string)

func (*BasicSessionStat) SetRemoteAddr added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) SetRemoteAddr(addr string)

func (*BasicSessionStat) UniqueKey added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) UniqueKey() string

func (*BasicSessionStat) UpdateStat added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) UpdateStat(intervalSec uint32)

func (*BasicSessionStat) UpdateStatWitchConn added in v0.30.0

func (s *BasicSessionStat) UpdateStatWitchConn(conn IStatable, intervalSec uint32)

type DumpFile added in v0.31.0

type DumpFile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDumpFile added in v0.31.0

func NewDumpFile() *DumpFile

func (*DumpFile) Close added in v0.31.0

func (d *DumpFile) Close() error

func (*DumpFile) OpenToRead added in v0.31.0

func (d *DumpFile) OpenToRead(filename string) (err error)

func (*DumpFile) OpenToWrite added in v0.31.0

func (d *DumpFile) OpenToWrite(filename string) (err error)

func (*DumpFile) ReadOneMessage added in v0.31.0

func (d *DumpFile) ReadOneMessage() (m DumpFileMessage, err error)

func (*DumpFile) WriteAvPacket added in v0.33.0

func (d *DumpFile) WriteAvPacket(packet AvPacket, typ uint32) error

func (*DumpFile) WriteWithType added in v0.33.0

func (d *DumpFile) WriteWithType(b []byte, typ uint32) error

type DumpFileMessage added in v0.31.0

type DumpFileMessage struct {
	Ver       uint32 // 制造数据时的代码版本
	Typ       uint32
	Len       uint32 // Body 的长度
	Timestamp uint64 // 写入时的时间戳
	Reserve   uint32
	Body      []byte

func (*DumpFileMessage) DebugString added in v0.31.0

func (m *DumpFileMessage) DebugString() string

type EventCommonInfo added in v0.30.0

type EventCommonInfo struct {
	ServerId string `json:"server_id"`

EventCommonInfo 所有事件共有的字段

type Handler added in v0.23.0

type Handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)

type HlsMakeTsInfo added in v0.30.0

type HlsMakeTsInfo struct {

	Event          string  `json:"event"`
	StreamName     string  `json:"stream_name"`
	Cwd            string  `json:"cwd"`
	TsFile         string  `json:"ts_file"`
	LiveM3u8File   string  `json:"live_m3u8_file"`
	RecordM3u8File string  `json:"record_m3u8_file"`
	Id             int     `json:"id"`
	Duration       float64 `json:"duration"`

type HttpServerManager added in v0.23.0

type HttpServerManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHttpServerManager added in v0.23.0

func NewHttpServerManager() *HttpServerManager

func (*HttpServerManager) AddListen added in v0.23.0

func (s *HttpServerManager) AddListen(addrCtx LocalAddrCtx, pattern string, handler Handler) error


@param addrCtx:

 LocalAddrCtx.IsHttps 是否为https。
	LocalAddrCtx.Addr 监听地址,内部会为其建立监听。
	LocalAddrCtx.CertFile ...
	LocalAddrCtx.KeyFile ...
	LocalAddrCtx.Network 如果为空默认为NetworkTcp="tcp"。

@param pattern: 必须以`/`开始,并以`/`结束。


func (*HttpServerManager) Dispose added in v0.23.0

func (s *HttpServerManager) Dispose() error

func (*HttpServerManager) RunLoop added in v0.23.0

func (s *HttpServerManager) RunLoop() error

type IAvPacketStream added in v0.29.0

type IAvPacketStream interface {
	// WithOption 修改配置项
	// TODO(chef): [refactor] 重命名为WithAvPacketStreamOption 202301
	WithOption(modOption func(option *AvPacketStreamOption))

	// FeedAudioSpecificConfig 传入音频AAC的初始化数据
	// @param asc:
	// AudioSpecificConfig。含义可参考 aac.AscContext, aac.MakeAscWithAdtsHeader 等内容。
	// 注意,调用 FeedAvPacket 传入AAC音频数据前,需要先调用 FeedAudioSpecificConfig。
	// FeedAudioSpecificConfig 在最开始总共调用一次,后面就可以一直调用 FeedAvPacket
	FeedAudioSpecificConfig(asc []byte) error

	// FeedAvPacket
	// @param packet:
	// PayloadType: 类型,支持avc(h264),hevc(h265),aac
	// Timestamp: 时间戳,单位毫秒。注意,是累计递增值,不是单个包的duration时长。
	// Payload: 音视频数据,格式如下
	// 如果是音频AAC,格式是裸数据,不需要adts头。
	// 注意,调用 FeedAvPacket 传入AAC音频数据前,需要先调用 FeedAudioSpecificConfig。
	// FeedAudioSpecificConfig 在最开始总共调用一次,后面就可以一直调用 FeedAvPacket
	// 如果是视频,支持Avcc和Annexb两种格式。
	// Avcc也即[<4字节长度 + nal>...],Annexb也即[<4字节start code 00 00 00 01 + nal>...]。
	// 注意,sps和pps也通过 FeedAvPacket 传入。sps和pps可以单独调用 FeedAvPacket,也可以sps+pps+I帧组合在一起调用一次 FeedAvPacket
	FeedAvPacket(packet AvPacket) error

type IClientSession added in v0.20.0

type IClientSession interface {

type IClientSessionLifecycle added in v0.20.0

type IClientSessionLifecycle interface {
	// Dispose 主动关闭session时调用
	// 注意,只有Start(具体session的Start类型函数一般命令为Push和Pull)成功后的session才能调用,否则行为未定义
	// Dispose可在任意协程内调用
	// 注意,目前Dispose允许调用多次,但是未来可能不对该表现做保证
	// Dispose后,调用Write函数将返回错误
	// @return 可以通过返回值判断调用Dispose前,session是否已经被关闭了 TODO(chef) 这个返回值没有太大意义,后面可能会删掉
	Dispose() error

	// WaitChan Start成功后,可使用这个channel来接收session结束的消息
	// 注意,只有Start成功后的session才能调用,否则行为未定义
	// 注意,目前WaitChan只会被通知一次,但是未来可能不对该表现做保证,业务方应该只关注第一次通知
	// TODO(chef): 是否应该严格保证:获取到关闭消息后,后续不应该再有该session的回调上来
	// @return 一般关闭有以下几种情况:
	//         - 对端关闭,此时error为EOF
	//         - 本端底层关闭,比如协议非法等,此时error为具体的错误值
	//         - 本端上层主动调用Dispose关闭,此时error为nil
	WaitChan() <-chan error

type IObject added in v0.20.0

type IObject interface {
	// UniqueKey
	// 对象的全局唯一标识
	UniqueKey() string

type IServerSession added in v0.20.0

type IServerSession interface {

type IServerSessionLifecycle added in v0.20.0

type IServerSessionLifecycle interface {

	// Dispose 主动关闭session时调用
	// 如果是session通知业务方session已关闭(比如`RunLoop`函数返回错误),则不需要调用`Dispose` TODO(chef): review现状
	Dispose() error

type ISession added in v0.30.0

type ISession interface {

type ISessionStat added in v0.18.0

type ISessionStat interface {
	// UpdateStat
	// 周期性调用该函数,用于计算bitrate
	// @param intervalSec 距离上次调用的时间间隔,单位毫秒
	UpdateStat(intervalSec uint32)

	// GetStat
	// 获取session状态
	// @return 注意,结构体中的`BitrateKbits`的值由最近一次`func UpdateStat`调用计算决定,其他值为当前最新值
	GetStat() StatSession

	// IsAlive
	// 周期性调用该函数,判断是否有读取、写入数据
	// 注意,判断的依据是,距离上次调用该函数的时间间隔内,是否有读取、写入数据
	// 注意,不活跃,并一定是链路或网络有问题,也可能是业务层没有写入数据
	// @return readAlive  读取是否获取
	// @return writeAlive 写入是否活跃
	IsAlive() (readAlive, writeAlive bool)



type ISessionUrlContext added in v0.23.0

type ISessionUrlContext interface {
	Url() string
	AppName() string
	StreamName() string
	RawQuery() string // 参数,也即 url param

ISessionUrlContext 获取和流地址相关的信息


type IStatable added in v0.31.0

type IStatable interface {
	GetStat() connection.Stat // TODO(chef): [refactor] 考虑为 nazanet.UdpConnection 实现这个接口

type LalInfo added in v0.23.0

type LalInfo struct {
	ServerId      string `json:"server_id"`
	BinInfo       string `json:"bin_info"`
	LalVersion    string `json:"lal_version"`
	ApiVersion    string `json:"api_version"`
	NotifyVersion string `json:"notify_version"`
	WebUiVersion  string `json:"WebUiVersion"`
	StartTime     string `json:"start_time"`

type LocalAddrCtx added in v0.23.0

type LocalAddrCtx struct {
	IsHttps  bool
	Addr     string
	CertFile string
	KeyFile  string

	Network string

type LogDump added in v0.28.0

type LogDump struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLogDump added in v0.28.0

func NewLogDump(log nazalog.Logger, debugMaxNum int) LogDump


@param debugMaxNum: 日志最小级别为debug时,使用debug打印日志次数的阈值

func (*LogDump) Outf added in v0.28.0

func (ld *LogDump) Outf(format string, v ...interface{})


调用之前需调用 ShouldDump 将 ShouldDump 独立出来的目的是避免不需要打印日志时, Outf 调用前构造实参的开销,比如 ld.Outf("hex=%s", hex.Dump(buf)) 这个hex.Dump调用

func (*LogDump) ShouldDump added in v0.28.0

func (ld *LogDump) ShouldDump() bool

type MergeWriter added in v0.26.0

type MergeWriter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MergeWriter 合并多个内存块,达到阈值后一次性将内存块数组返回给上层


func NewMergeWriter added in v0.26.0

func NewMergeWriter(onWritev OnWritev, size int) *MergeWriter


@param onWritev 回调缓存的1~n个内存块 @param size 回调阈值

func (*MergeWriter) Flush added in v0.26.0

func (w *MergeWriter) Flush()

Flush 强制将内部缓冲的数据全部回调排空

func (*MergeWriter) Write added in v0.26.0

func (w *MergeWriter) Write(b []byte)



type OnAvPacketFunc added in v0.31.0

type OnAvPacketFunc func(packet *AvPacket)

type OnWritev added in v0.26.0

type OnWritev func(bs net.Buffers)

type PubStartInfo added in v0.17.0

type PubStartInfo struct {

func Session2PubStartInfo added in v0.30.0

func Session2PubStartInfo(session ISession) PubStartInfo

type PubStopInfo added in v0.17.0

type PubStopInfo struct {

func Session2PubStopInfo added in v0.30.0

func Session2PubStopInfo(session ISession) PubStopInfo

type PullStartInfo added in v0.30.0

type PullStartInfo struct {

func Session2PullStartInfo added in v0.30.0

func Session2PullStartInfo(session ISession) PullStartInfo

type PullStopInfo added in v0.30.0

type PullStopInfo struct {

func Session2PullStopInfo added in v0.30.0

func Session2PullStopInfo(session ISession) PullStopInfo

type RtmpConnectInfo added in v0.23.0

type RtmpConnectInfo struct {

	SessionId  string `json:"session_id"`
	RemoteAddr string `json:"remote_addr"`
	App        string `json:"app"`
	FlashVer   string `json:"flashVer"`
	TcUrl      string `json:"tcUrl"`

type RtmpHeader added in v0.23.0

type RtmpHeader struct {
	Csid         int
	MsgLen       uint32 // 不包含header的大小
	MsgTypeId    uint8  // 8 audio 9 video 18 metadata
	MsgStreamId  int
	TimestampAbs uint32 // dts, 经过计算得到的流上的绝对时间戳,单位毫秒

type RtmpMsg added in v0.23.0

type RtmpMsg struct {
	Header  RtmpHeader
	Payload []byte // Payload不包含Header内容。如果需要将RtmpMsg序列化成RTMP chunk,可调用rtmp.ChunkDivider相关的函数

func (RtmpMsg) AudioCodecId added in v0.34.3

func (msg RtmpMsg) AudioCodecId() uint8

func (RtmpMsg) Clone added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) Clone() (ret RtmpMsg)

func (RtmpMsg) DebugString added in v0.31.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) DebugString() string

func (RtmpMsg) Dts added in v0.28.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) Dts() uint32

func (RtmpMsg) IsAacSeqHeader added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) IsAacSeqHeader() bool

func (RtmpMsg) IsAvcKeyNalu added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) IsAvcKeyNalu() bool

func (RtmpMsg) IsAvcKeySeqHeader added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) IsAvcKeySeqHeader() bool

func (RtmpMsg) IsHevcKeyNalu added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) IsHevcKeyNalu() bool

func (RtmpMsg) IsHevcKeySeqHeader added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) IsHevcKeySeqHeader() bool

func (RtmpMsg) IsVideoKeyNalu added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) IsVideoKeyNalu() bool

func (RtmpMsg) IsVideoKeySeqHeader added in v0.23.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) IsVideoKeySeqHeader() bool

func (RtmpMsg) Pts added in v0.28.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) Pts() uint32


注意,只有视频才能调用该函数获取pts,音频的dts和pts都直接使用 RtmpMsg.Header.TimestampAbs

func (RtmpMsg) VideoCodecId added in v0.30.0

func (msg RtmpMsg) VideoCodecId() uint8

type ServerCtx added in v0.23.0

type ServerCtx struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type SessionEventCommonInfo added in v0.17.0

type SessionEventCommonInfo struct {

	SessionId  string `json:"session_id"`
	Protocol   string `json:"protocol"`
	BaseType   string `json:"base_type"`
	RemoteAddr string `json:"remote_addr"`

	Url        string `json:"url"`
	AppName    string `json:"app_name"`
	StreamName string `json:"stream_name"`
	UrlParam   string `json:"url_param"`

	HasInSession  bool `json:"has_in_session"`
	HasOutSession bool `json:"has_out_session"`

	// TODO(chef): [opt] 这两个字段,实际需求出发点是有业务方需要在stop事件做流量统计,但是现在的实现为所有session事件都添加了,是否合适 202208
	ReadBytesSum  uint64 `json:"read_bytes_sum"`
	WroteBytesSum uint64 `json:"wrote_bytes_sum"`

SessionEventCommonInfo session相关的事件的共有的字段

type SessionType added in v0.30.0

type SessionType int

type StatGroup added in v0.16.0

type StatGroup struct {
	StreamName  string    `json:"stream_name"`
	AppName     string    `json:"app_name"`
	AudioCodec  string    `json:"audio_codec"`
	VideoCodec  string    `json:"video_codec"`
	VideoWidth  int       `json:"video_width"`
	VideoHeight int       `json:"video_height"`
	StatPub     StatPub   `json:"pub"`
	StatSubs    []StatSub `json:"subs"` // TODO(chef): [opt] 增加数量字段,因为这里不一定全部放入
	StatPull    StatPull  `json:"pull"`

type StatPub added in v0.16.0

type StatPub struct {

func Session2StatPub added in v0.30.0

func Session2StatPub(session ISession) StatPub

type StatPull added in v0.17.0

type StatPull struct {

func Session2StatPull added in v0.30.0

func Session2StatPull(session ISession) StatPull

type StatSession added in v0.16.0

type StatSession struct {
	SessionId  string `json:"session_id"`
	Protocol   string `json:"protocol"`
	BaseType   string `json:"base_type"`
	RemoteAddr string `json:"remote_addr"`

	StartTime string `json:"start_time"`

	ReadBytesSum      uint64 `json:"read_bytes_sum"`
	WroteBytesSum     uint64 `json:"wrote_bytes_sum"`
	BitrateKbits      int    `json:"bitrate_kbits"`
	ReadBitrateKbits  int    `json:"read_bitrate_kbits"`
	WriteBitrateKbits int    `json:"write_bitrate_kbits"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type StatSub added in v0.16.0

type StatSub struct {

func Session2StatSub added in v0.30.0

func Session2StatSub(session ISession) StatSub

type SubStartInfo added in v0.17.0

type SubStartInfo struct {

func Session2SubStartInfo added in v0.30.0

func Session2SubStartInfo(session ISession) SubStartInfo

type SubStopInfo added in v0.17.0

type SubStopInfo struct {

func Session2SubStopInfo added in v0.30.0

func Session2SubStopInfo(session ISession) SubStopInfo

type UpdateInfo added in v0.17.0

type UpdateInfo struct {

	Groups []StatGroup `json:"groups"`

type UrlContext added in v0.23.0

type UrlContext struct {
	Url string

	Scheme       string
	Username     string
	Password     string
	StdHost      string // host or host:port
	HostWithPort string // 当原始url中不包含port时,填充scheme对应的默认port
	Host         string // 不包含port
	Port         int    // 当原始url中不包含port时,填充scheme对应的默认port

	PathWithRawQuery    string // 注意,有前面的'/'
	Path                string // 注意,有前面的'/'
	PathWithoutLastItem string // 注意,没有前面的'/',也没有后面的'/'
	LastItemOfPath      string // 注意,没有前面的'/'
	RawQuery            string // 参数,注意,没有前面的'?'

	RawUrlWithoutUserInfo string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ParseHttpflvUrl added in v0.23.0

func ParseHttpflvUrl(rawUrl string) (ctx UrlContext, err error)

func ParseRtmpUrl added in v0.23.0

func ParseRtmpUrl(rawUrl string) (ctx UrlContext, err error)

func ParseRtspUrl added in v0.23.0

func ParseRtspUrl(rawUrl string) (ctx UrlContext, err error)

func ParseUrl added in v0.23.0

func ParseUrl(rawUrl string, defaultPort int) (ctx UrlContext, err error)


@param defaultPort: 注意,如果rawUrl中显示指定了端口,则该参数不生效。 注意,如果设置为-1,内部依然会对常见协议(http, https, rtmp, rtsp)设置官方默认端口。

func (*UrlContext) GetFileType added in v0.27.0

func (u *UrlContext) GetFileType() string

func (*UrlContext) GetFilenameWithoutType added in v0.27.0

func (u *UrlContext) GetFilenameWithoutType() string

type UrlPathContext added in v0.23.0

type UrlPathContext struct {
	PathWithRawQuery    string
	Path                string
	PathWithoutLastItem string // 注意,没有前面的'/',也没有后面的'/'
	LastItemOfPath      string // 注意,没有前面的'/'
	RawQuery            string

type WsHeader added in v0.23.0

type WsHeader struct {
	Fin    bool
	Rsv1   bool
	Rsv2   bool
	Rsv3   bool
	Opcode WsOpcode

	PayloadLength uint64

	Masked  bool
	MaskKey uint32

type WsOpcode added in v0.22.0

type WsOpcode = uint8

WsOpcode The WebSocket Protocol

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length | |I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) | |N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) | | |1|2|3| |K| | | +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+ | |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data | +-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + : Payload Data continued ... : + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | Payload Data continued ... | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ opcode: * %x0 denotes a continuation frame * %x1 denotes a text frame * %x2 denotes a binary frame * %x3-7 are reserved for further non-control frames * %x8 denotes a connection close * %x9 denotes a ping * %xA denotes a pong * %xB-F are reserved for further control frames Payload length: 7 bits, 7+16 bits, or 7+64 bits Masking-key: 0 or 4 bytes mark 加密

for i := 0; i < datalen; i {
    m := markingkeys[i%4]
    data[i] = msg[i] ^ m
const (
	Wso_Continuous WsOpcode = iota //连续消息片断
	Wso_Text                       //文本消息片断,
	Wso_Binary                     //二进制消息片断,

	// Wso_Rsv3 非控制消息片断保留的操作码,
	Wso_Close //连接关闭,
	Wso_Ping  //心跳检查的ping,
	Wso_Pong  //心跳检查的pong,

	// Wso_RsvB 为将来的控制消息片断的保留操作码

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL