Exporting Metrics
Pyroscope Server offers a way to export values of a particular stack trace sample from your profiles as a Prometheus
metric. You can find more details on how to use exporting in our documentation.
The directory contains example setup consisting of:
In the example, Pyroscope Server is configured to export sampled values gathered with pyroscope agent:
# The metrics is a sum of all observed CPU samples of 'slowFunction'
# of production app instance.
expr: simple.golang.app.cpu{env="prod"}
node: slowFunction
# The metrics is a sum of all observed CPU samples of 'slowFunction'
# with break down by 'env' tag.
expr: simple.golang.app.cpu
node: slowFunction
group_by: [ env ]
# The metrics below are listed for demonstration purpose.
# It's better to collect them via runtime instrumentation,
# for example, using Prometheus.
expr: simple.golang.app.cpu
expr: simple.golang.app.alloc_space
expr: simple.golang.app.alloc_objects
expr: simple.golang.app.inuse_space
expr: simple.golang.app.inuse_objects
To run the example execute the following command:
docker-compose up
Now you should be able to open sample Grafana dashboard with exported metrics: