Path | Synopsis |
Package errwrap implements methods to formalize error wrapping in Go.
Package errwrap implements methods to formalize error wrapping in Go. |
Package cleanhttp offers convenience utilities for acquiring "clean" http.Transport and http.Client structs.
Package cleanhttp offers convenience utilities for acquiring "clean" http.Transport and http.Client structs. |
Package discover provides functions to get metadata for different cloud environments.
Package discover provides functions to get metadata for different cloud environments. |
Package aliyun provides node discovery for Aliyun.
Package aliyun provides node discovery for Aliyun. |
Package aws provides node discovery for Amazon AWS.
Package aws provides node discovery for Amazon AWS. |
Package azure provides node discovery for Microsoft Azure.
Package azure provides node discovery for Microsoft Azure. |
Package digitalocean provides node discovery for DigitalOcean.
Package digitalocean provides node discovery for DigitalOcean. |
Package gce provides node discovery for Google Cloud.
Package gce provides node discovery for Google Cloud. |
Package k8s provides pod discovery for Kubernetes.
Package k8s provides pod discovery for Kubernetes. |
Package linode provides node discovery for Linode.
Package linode provides node discovery for Linode. |
Package mdns provides node discovery via mDNS.
Package mdns provides node discovery via mDNS. |
Package os provides node discovery for Openstack.
Package os provides node discovery for Openstack. |
Package scaleway provides node discovery for Scaleway.
Package scaleway provides node discovery for Scaleway. |
Package softlayer provides node discovery for Softlayer.
Package softlayer provides node discovery for Softlayer. |
Package tencentcloud provides node discovery for TencentCloud.
Package tencentcloud provides node discovery for TencentCloud. |
Package aws provides node discovery for Joyent Triton.
Package aws provides node discovery for Joyent Triton. |
Package vsphere provides node discovery for VMware vSphere.
Package vsphere provides node discovery for VMware vSphere. |
Package memdb provides an in-memory database that supports transactions and MVCC.
Package memdb provides an in-memory database that supports transactions and MVCC. |
Package codec provides a High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go 1.4+ codec/encoding library for binc, msgpack, cbor, json.
Package codec provides a High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go 1.4+ codec/encoding library for binc, msgpack, cbor, json. |
The plugin package exposes functions and helpers for communicating to plugins which are implemented as standalone binary applications.
The plugin package exposes functions and helpers for communicating to plugins which are implemented as standalone binary applications. |
Package retryablehttp provides a familiar HTTP client interface with automatic retries and exponential backoff.
Package retryablehttp provides a familiar HTTP client interface with automatic retries and exponential backoff. |
Package rootcerts contains functions to aid in loading CA certificates for TLS connections.
Package rootcerts contains functions to aid in loading CA certificates for TLS connections. |
Package base62 provides utilities for working with base62 strings.
Package base62 provides utilities for working with base62 strings. |
Package sockaddr is a Go implementation of the UNIX socket family data types and related helper functions.
Package sockaddr is a Go implementation of the UNIX socket family data types and related helper functions. |
Package sockaddr/template provides a text/template interface the SockAddr helper functions.
Package sockaddr/template provides a text/template interface the SockAddr helper functions. |
Package lru provides three different LRU caches of varying sophistication.
Package lru provides three different LRU caches of varying sophistication. |
Package hcl decodes HCL into usable Go structures.
Package hcl decodes HCL into usable Go structures. |
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) |
Package parser implements a parser for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)
Package parser implements a parser for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) |
Package scanner implements a scanner for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) source text.
Package scanner implements a scanner for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) source text. |
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) |
This code was taken from the same implementation in a branch from Consul and then had the package updated and the mutex type unexported.
This code was taken from the same implementation in a branch from Consul and then had the package updated and the mutex type unexported. |
The archive utilities manage the internal format of a snapshot, which is a tar file with the following contents:
The archive utilities manage the internal format of a snapshot, which is a tar file with the following contents: |
DEPRECATED: this has been moved to go-secure-stdlib and will be removed
DEPRECATED: this has been moved to go-secure-stdlib and will be removed |
Package certutil contains helper functions that are mostly used with the PKI backend but can be generally useful.
Package certutil contains helper functions that are mostly used with the PKI backend but can be generally useful. |
This package is used to implement Key Derivation Functions (KDF) based on the recommendations of NIST SP 800-108.
This package is used to implement Key Derivation Functions (KDF) based on the recommendations of NIST SP 800-108. |
DEPRECATED: this has been moved to go-secure-stdlib and will be removed
DEPRECATED: this has been moved to go-secure-stdlib and will be removed |
DEPRECATED: this has been moved to go-secure-stdlib and will be removed
DEPRECATED: this has been moved to go-secure-stdlib and will be removed |
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