Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v0 v0.0.1 Dec 23, 2023 Changes in this version + const ChannelSelectMenu + const ErrCodeAPIResourceIsCurrentlyOverloaded + const ErrCodeActionRequiredVerifiedAccount + const ErrCodeAnApplicationWithThatNameAlreadyExists + const ErrCodeBeforeValueIsEarlierThanThreadCreationDate + const ErrCodeBotsCannotUseEndpoint + const ErrCodeCanOnlyPinMessageToOriginatingChannel + const ErrCodeCannotDeleteAChannelRequiredForCommunityGuilds + const ErrCodeCannotEditFromAnotherUser + const ErrCodeCannotExecuteActionOnDMChannel + const ErrCodeCannotExecuteActionOnSystemMessage + const ErrCodeCannotExecuteActionOnThisChannelType + const ErrCodeCannotReplyWithoutPermissionToReadMessageHistory + const ErrCodeCannotSendEmptyMessage + const ErrCodeCannotSendMessagesInVoiceChannel + const ErrCodeCannotSendMessagesToThisUser + const ErrCodeCannotUpdateAFinishedEvent + const ErrCodeChannelHasHitWriteRateLimit + const ErrCodeChannelVerificationLevelTooHigh + const ErrCodeCommunityServerChannelsMustBeTextChannels + const ErrCodeEmbedDisabled + const ErrCodeExplicitContentCannotBeSentToTheDesiredRecipients + const ErrCodeFailedToCreateStageNeededForStageEvent + const ErrCodeFeatureTemporarilyDisabledServerSide + const ErrCodeFileUploadedExceedsTheMaximumSize + const ErrCodeGeneralError + const ErrCodeGuildAlreadyHasATemplate + const ErrCodeGuildPremiumSubscriptionLevelTooLow + const ErrCodeGuildWidgetDisabled + const ErrCodeInteractionHasAlreadyBeenAcknowledged + const ErrCodeInvalidAPIVersionProvided + const ErrCodeInvalidAccountType + const ErrCodeInvalidAuthenticationToken + const ErrCodeInvalidFileUploaded + const ErrCodeInvalidFormBody + const ErrCodeInvalidGuild + const ErrCodeInvalidJSONForUploadedLottieFile + const ErrCodeInvalidMessageType + const ErrCodeInvalidOAuth2AccessTokenProvided + const ErrCodeInvalidOAuthState + const ErrCodeInvalidRecipients + const ErrCodeInvalidRole + const ErrCodeInvalidStickerSent + const ErrCodeInvalidWebhookTokenProvided + const ErrCodeInviteAcceptedToGuildApplicationsBotNotIn + const ErrCodeInviteCodeWasEitherInvalidOrTaken + const ErrCodeLottieAnimationMaximumDimensionsExceeded + const ErrCodeMaximumGuildRolesReached + const ErrCodeMaximumGuildsReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfActiveAnnouncementThreadsReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfActiveThreadsReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfAnimatedEmojisReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfAttachmentsInAMessageReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfBansFetchesHasBeenReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfBansForNonGuildMembersHaveBeenExceeded + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfEditsToMessagesOlderThanOneHourReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfEmojisReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfGuildChannelsReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfGuildDiscoverySubcategoriesReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfGuildWidgetSettingsUpdatesHasBeenReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfInvitesReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfPinnedThreadsInForumChannelHasBeenReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfPruneRequestsHasBeenReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfRecipientsReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfServerMembersReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfStickersReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfTagsInForumChannelHasBeenReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfThreadParticipantsReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfUncompletedGuildScheduledEventsReached + const ErrCodeMaximumNumberOfWebhooksReached + const ErrCodeMaximumPinsReached + const ErrCodeMessageAlreadyCrossposted + const ErrCodeMessageCannotBeEditedDueToAnnouncementRateLimits + const ErrCodeMessageProvidedTooOldForBulkDelete + const ErrCodeMissingAccess + const ErrCodeMissingPermissions + const ErrCodeMissingRequiredOAuth2Scope + const ErrCodeNoUsersWithDiscordTagExist + const ErrCodeOAuth2ApplicationDoesNotHaveBot + const ErrCodeOAuth2ApplicationLimitReached + const ErrCodeOnlyBotsCanUseEndpoint + const ErrCodeOnlyTheOwnerOfThisAccountCanPerformThisAction + const ErrCodeOpeningDirectMessagesTooFast + const ErrCodePerformedOperationOnArchivedThread + const ErrCodeReactionBlocked + const ErrCodeRequestEntityTooLarge + const ErrCodeSendMessagesHasBeenTemporarilyDisabled + const ErrCodeStageTopicContainsNotAllowedWordsForPublicStages + const ErrCodeStickerAnimationDurationExceedsMaximumOfFiveSeconds + const ErrCodeStickerFrameCountExceedsMaximumOfOneThousandFrames + const ErrCodeStickerFrameRateOutOfRange + const ErrCodeStickerMaximumFramerateExceeded + const ErrCodeTagNamesMustBeUnique + const ErrCodeTargetIsNotConnectedToVoice + const ErrCodeTheRequestBodyContainsInvalidJSON + const ErrCodeTheStageIsAlreadyOpen + const ErrCodeTheWriteActionYouArePerformingOnTheServerHasHitTheWriteRateLimit + const ErrCodeThisActionCannotBePerformedDueToSlowmodeRateLimit + const ErrCodeThisServerIsNotAvailableInYourLocation + const ErrCodeThisServerNeedsMonetizationEnabledInOrderToPerformThisAction + const ErrCodeThisServerNeedsMoreBoostsToPerformThisAction + const ErrCodeThreadAlreadyCreatedForThisMessage + const ErrCodeThreadIsLocked + const ErrCodeTooFewOrTooManyMessagesToDelete + const ErrCodeTooManyReactions + const ErrCodeUnauthorized + const ErrCodeUnknownAccount + const ErrCodeUnknownApplication + const ErrCodeUnknownApplicationCommand + const ErrCodeUnknownApplicationCommandPermissions + const ErrCodeUnknownBan + const ErrCodeUnknownBranch + const ErrCodeUnknownBuild + const ErrCodeUnknownChannel + const ErrCodeUnknownDiscoveryCategory + const ErrCodeUnknownEmoji + const ErrCodeUnknownEntitlement + const ErrCodeUnknownGiftCode + const ErrCodeUnknownGuild + const ErrCodeUnknownGuildMemberVerificationForm + const ErrCodeUnknownGuildScheduledEvent + const ErrCodeUnknownGuildScheduledEventUser + const ErrCodeUnknownGuildTemplate + const ErrCodeUnknownGuildWelcomeScreen + const ErrCodeUnknownIntegration + const ErrCodeUnknownInteraction + const ErrCodeUnknownInvite + const ErrCodeUnknownLobby + const ErrCodeUnknownMember + const ErrCodeUnknownMessage + const ErrCodeUnknownOverwrite + const ErrCodeUnknownPremiumServerSubscribeCooldown + const ErrCodeUnknownProvider + const ErrCodeUnknownRedistributable + const ErrCodeUnknownRole + const ErrCodeUnknownSKU + const ErrCodeUnknownSession + const ErrCodeUnknownStageInstance + const ErrCodeUnknownSticker + const ErrCodeUnknownStoreDirectoryLayout + const ErrCodeUnknownStoreListing + const ErrCodeUnknownStream + const ErrCodeUnknownToken + const ErrCodeUnknownUser + const ErrCodeUnknownWebhook + const ErrCodeUnknownWebhookService + const ErrCodeUploadedLottiesCannotContainRasterizedImages + const ErrCodeUserIsBannedFromThisGuild + const ErrCodeYouAreNotAuthorizedToPerformThisActionOnThisApplication + const ErrUnknownTag + const FailedHeartbeatAcks + const InteractionDeadline + const LogDebug + const LogError + const LogInformational + const LogWarning + const MentionableSelectMenu + const PermissionAddReactions + const PermissionAdministrator + const PermissionAll + const PermissionAllChannel + const PermissionAllText + const PermissionAllVoice + const PermissionAttachFiles + const PermissionBanMembers + const PermissionChangeNickname + const PermissionCreateInstantInvite + const PermissionCreatePrivateThreads + const PermissionCreatePublicThreads + const PermissionEmbedLinks + const PermissionKickMembers + const PermissionManageChannels + const PermissionManageEmojis + const PermissionManageEvents + const PermissionManageMessages + const PermissionManageNicknames + const PermissionManageRoles + const PermissionManageServer + const PermissionManageThreads + const PermissionManageWebhooks + const PermissionMentionEveryone + const PermissionModerateMembers + const PermissionReadMessageHistory + const PermissionReadMessages + const PermissionSendMessages + const PermissionSendMessagesInThreads + const PermissionSendTTSMessages + const PermissionUseActivities + const PermissionUseExternalEmojis + const PermissionUseExternalStickers + const PermissionUseSlashCommands + const PermissionViewAuditLogs + const PermissionViewChannel + const PermissionViewGuildInsights + const PermissionVoiceConnect + const PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers + const PermissionVoiceMoveMembers + const PermissionVoiceMuteMembers + const PermissionVoicePrioritySpeaker + const PermissionVoiceRequestToSpeak + const PermissionVoiceSpeak + const PermissionVoiceStreamVideo + const PermissionVoiceUseVAD + const RoleSelectMenu + const StringSelectMenu + const UserSelectMenu + const VERSION + var APIVersion = "9" + var EmojiRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`<(a|):[A-z0-9_~]+:[0-9]{18,20}>`) + var EndpointAPI = EndpointDiscord + "api/v" + APIVersion + "/" + var EndpointApplication = func(aID string) string + var EndpointApplicationCommandPermissions = func(aID, gID, cID string) string + var EndpointApplicationCommandsGuildPermissions = func(aID, gID string) string + var EndpointApplicationGlobalCommand = func(aID, cID string) string + var EndpointApplicationGlobalCommands = func(aID string) string + var EndpointApplicationGuildCommand = func(aID, gID, cID string) string + var EndpointApplicationGuildCommands = func(aID, gID string) string + var EndpointApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata = func(aID string) string + var EndpointApplications = EndpointAPI + "applications" + var EndpointCDN = "" + var EndpointCDNAttachments = EndpointCDN + "attachments/" + var EndpointCDNAvatars = EndpointCDN + "avatars/" + var EndpointCDNBanners = EndpointCDN + "banners/" + var EndpointCDNChannelIcons = EndpointCDN + "channel-icons/" + var EndpointCDNGuilds = EndpointCDN + "guilds/" + var EndpointCDNIcons = EndpointCDN + "icons/" + var EndpointCDNSplashes = EndpointCDN + "splashes/" + var EndpointChannel = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelActiveThreads = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelFollow = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelInvites = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelMessage = func(cID, mID string) string + var EndpointChannelMessageCrosspost = func(cID, mID string) string + var EndpointChannelMessagePin = func(cID, mID string) string + var EndpointChannelMessageThread = func(cID, mID string) string + var EndpointChannelMessages = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelMessagesBulkDelete = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelMessagesPins = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelPermission = func(cID, tID string) string + var EndpointChannelPermissions = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelPrivateArchivedThreads = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelPublicArchivedThreads = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelThreads = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelTyping = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannelWebhooks = func(cID string) string + var EndpointChannels = EndpointAPI + "channels/" + var EndpointDefaultUserAvatar = func(idx int) string + var EndpointDiscord = "" + var EndpointEmoji = func(eID string) string + var EndpointEmojiAnimated = func(eID string) string + var EndpointFollowupMessage = func(aID, iToken string) string + var EndpointFollowupMessageActions = func(aID, iToken, mID string) string + var EndpointGateway = EndpointAPI + "gateway" + var EndpointGatewayBot = EndpointGateway + "/bot" + var EndpointGroupIcon = func(cID, hash string) string + var EndpointGuild = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildActiveThreads = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildAuditLogs = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildAutoModeration = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildAutoModerationRule = func(gID, rID string) string + var EndpointGuildAutoModerationRules = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildBan = func(gID, uID string) string + var EndpointGuildBanner = func(gID, hash string) string + var EndpointGuildBannerAnimated = func(gID, hash string) string + var EndpointGuildBans = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildChannels = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildCreate = EndpointAPI + "guilds" + var EndpointGuildEmbed = EndpointGuildWidget + var EndpointGuildEmoji = func(gID, eID string) string + var EndpointGuildEmojis = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildIcon = func(gID, hash string) string + var EndpointGuildIconAnimated = func(gID, hash string) string + var EndpointGuildIntegration = func(gID, iID string) string + var EndpointGuildIntegrations = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildInvites = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildMember = func(gID, uID string) string + var EndpointGuildMemberAvatar = func(gId, uID, aID string) string + var EndpointGuildMemberAvatarAnimated = func(gId, uID, aID string) string + var EndpointGuildMemberRole = func(gID, uID, rID string) string + var EndpointGuildMembers = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildMembersSearch = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildPreview = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildPrune = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildRole = func(gID, rID string) string + var EndpointGuildRoles = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildScheduledEvent = func(gID, eID string) string + var EndpointGuildScheduledEventUsers = func(gID, eID string) string + var EndpointGuildScheduledEvents = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildSplash = func(gID, hash string) string + var EndpointGuildSticker = func(gID, sID string) string + var EndpointGuildStickers = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildTemplate = func(tID string) string + var EndpointGuildTemplateSync = func(gID, tID string) string + var EndpointGuildTemplates = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildThreads = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildWebhooks = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuildWidget = func(gID string) string + var EndpointGuilds = EndpointAPI + "guilds/" + var EndpointInteraction = func(aID, iToken string) string + var EndpointInteractionResponse = func(iID, iToken string) string + var EndpointInteractionResponseActions = func(aID, iToken string) string + var EndpointInvite = func(iID string) string + var EndpointMessageReaction = func(cID, mID, eID, uID string) string + var EndpointMessageReactions = func(cID, mID, eID string) string + var EndpointMessageReactionsAll = func(cID, mID string) string + var EndpointNitroStickersPacks = EndpointAPI + "/sticker-packs" + var EndpointOAuth2 = EndpointAPI + "oauth2/" + var EndpointOAuth2Application = func(aID string) string + var EndpointOAuth2ApplicationAssets = func(aID string) string + var EndpointOAuth2Applications = EndpointOAuth2 + "applications" + var EndpointOAuth2ApplicationsBot = func(aID string) string + var EndpointOauth2 = EndpointOAuth2 + var EndpointOauth2Application = EndpointOAuth2Application + var EndpointOauth2ApplicationAssets = EndpointOAuth2ApplicationAssets + var EndpointOauth2Applications = EndpointOAuth2Applications + var EndpointOauth2ApplicationsBot = EndpointOAuth2ApplicationsBot + var EndpointSm = EndpointStatus + "scheduled-maintenances/" + var EndpointSmActive = EndpointSm + "active.json" + var EndpointSmUpcoming = EndpointSm + "upcoming.json" + var EndpointStageInstance = func(cID string) string + var EndpointStageInstances = EndpointAPI + "stage-instances" + var EndpointStatus = "" + var EndpointSticker = func(sID string) string + var EndpointStickers = EndpointAPI + "stickers/" + var EndpointThreadMember = func(tID, mID string) string + var EndpointThreadMembers = func(tID string) string + var EndpointUser = func(uID string) string + var EndpointUserApplicationRoleConnection = func(aID string) string + var EndpointUserAvatar = func(uID, aID string) string + var EndpointUserAvatarAnimated = func(uID, aID string) string + var EndpointUserBanner = func(uID, cID string) string + var EndpointUserBannerAnimated = func(uID, cID string) string + var EndpointUserChannels = func(uID string) string + var EndpointUserConnections = func(uID string) string + var EndpointUserGuild = func(uID, gID string) string + var EndpointUserGuildMember = func(uID, gID string) string + var EndpointUserGuilds = func(uID string) string + var EndpointUsers = EndpointAPI + "users/" + var EndpointVoice = EndpointAPI + "/voice/" + var EndpointVoiceRegions = EndpointVoice + "regions" + var EndpointWebhook = func(wID string) string + var EndpointWebhookMessage = func(wID, token, messageID string) string + var EndpointWebhookToken = func(wID, token string) string + var EndpointWebhooks = EndpointAPI + "webhooks/" + var ErrGuildNoIcon = errors.New("guild does not have an icon set") + var ErrGuildNoSplash = errors.New("guild does not have a splash set") + var ErrJSONUnmarshal = errors.New("json unmarshal") + var ErrMessageIncompletePermissions = errors.New("message incomplete, unable to determine permissions") + var ErrNilState = errors.New("state not instantiated, please use discordgo.New() or assign Session.State") + var ErrPruneDaysBounds = errors.New("the number of days should be more than or equal to 1") + var ErrStateNotFound = errors.New("state cache not found") + var ErrStatusOffline = errors.New("You can't set your Status to offline") + var ErrUnauthorized = errors.New(...) + var ErrVerificationLevelBounds = errors.New("VerificationLevel out of bounds, should be between 0 and 3") + var ErrWSAlreadyOpen = errors.New("web socket already opened") + var ErrWSNotFound = errors.New("no websocket connection exists") + var ErrWSShardBounds = errors.New("ShardID must be less than ShardCount") + var Locales = map[Locale]string + var Logger func(msgL, caller int, format string, a ...interface{}) + var Marshal func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) = json.Marshal + var Unmarshal func(src []byte, v interface{}) error = json.Unmarshal + func GuildAllChannelsID(guild string) (id string, err error) + func MultipartBodyWithJSON(data interface{}, files []*File) (requestContentType string, requestBody []byte, err error) + func SnowflakeTimestamp(ID string) (t time.Time, err error) + func VerifyInteraction(r *http.Request, key ed25519.PublicKey) bool + type APIErrorMessage struct + Code int + Message string + type ActionsRow struct + Components []MessageComponent + func (r *ActionsRow) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + func (r ActionsRow) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (r ActionsRow) Type() ComponentType + type Activity struct + ApplicationID string + Assets Assets + CreatedAt time.Time + Details string + Emoji Emoji + Flags int + Instance bool + Name string + Party Party + Secrets Secrets + State string + Timestamps TimeStamps + Type ActivityType + URL string + func (activity *Activity) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + type ActivityType int + const ActivityTypeCompeting + const ActivityTypeCustom + const ActivityTypeGame + const ActivityTypeListening + const ActivityTypeStreaming + const ActivityTypeWatching + type AddedThreadMember struct + Member *Member + Presence *Presence + type AllowedMentionType string + const AllowedMentionTypeEveryone + const AllowedMentionTypeRoles + const AllowedMentionTypeUsers + type Application struct + BotPublic bool + BotRequireCodeGrant bool + CoverImage string + Description string + Flags int + GuildID string + ID string + Icon string + Name string + Owner *User + PrimarySKUID string + PrivacyProxyURL string + RPCOrigins []string + Slug string + Summary string + Team *Team + TermsOfServiceURL string + VerifyKey string + type ApplicationCommand struct + ApplicationID string + DMPermission *bool + DefaultMemberPermissions *int64 + DefaultPermission *bool + Description string + DescriptionLocalizations *map[Locale]string + GuildID string + ID string + NSFW *bool + Name string + NameLocalizations *map[Locale]string + Options []*ApplicationCommandOption + Type ApplicationCommandType + Version string + type ApplicationCommandInteractionData struct + CommandType ApplicationCommandType + ID string + Name string + Options []*ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption + Resolved *ApplicationCommandInteractionDataResolved + TargetID string + func (ApplicationCommandInteractionData) Type() InteractionType + type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption struct + Focused bool + Name string + Options []*ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption + Type ApplicationCommandOptionType + Value interface{} + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) BoolValue() bool + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) ChannelValue(s *Session) *Channel + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) FloatValue() float64 + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) IntValue() int64 + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) RoleValue(s *Session, gID string) *Role + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) StringValue() string + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) UintValue() uint64 + func (o ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) UserValue(s *Session) *User + type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataResolved struct + Attachments map[string]*MessageAttachment + Channels map[string]*Channel + Members map[string]*Member + Messages map[string]*Message + Roles map[string]*Role + Users map[string]*User + type ApplicationCommandOption struct + Autocomplete bool + ChannelTypes []ChannelType + Choices []*ApplicationCommandOptionChoice + Description string + DescriptionLocalizations map[Locale]string + MaxLength int + MaxValue float64 + MinLength *int + MinValue *float64 + Name string + NameLocalizations map[Locale]string + Options []*ApplicationCommandOption + Required bool + Type ApplicationCommandOptionType + type ApplicationCommandOptionChoice struct + Name string + NameLocalizations map[Locale]string + Value interface{} + type ApplicationCommandOptionType uint8 + const ApplicationCommandOptionAttachment + const ApplicationCommandOptionBoolean + const ApplicationCommandOptionChannel + const ApplicationCommandOptionInteger + const ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable + const ApplicationCommandOptionNumber + const ApplicationCommandOptionRole + const ApplicationCommandOptionString + const ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand + const ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup + const ApplicationCommandOptionUser + func (t ApplicationCommandOptionType) String() string + type ApplicationCommandPermissionType uint8 + const ApplicationCommandPermissionTypeChannel + const ApplicationCommandPermissionTypeRole + const ApplicationCommandPermissionTypeUser + type ApplicationCommandPermissions struct + ID string + Permission bool + Type ApplicationCommandPermissionType + type ApplicationCommandPermissionsList struct + Permissions []*ApplicationCommandPermissions + type ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdate struct + type ApplicationCommandType uint8 + const ChatApplicationCommand + const MessageApplicationCommand + const UserApplicationCommand + type ApplicationRoleConnection struct + Metadata map[string]string + PlatformName string + PlatformUsername string + type ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata struct + Description string + DescriptionLocalizations map[Locale]string + Key string + Name string + NameLocalizations map[Locale]string + Type ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataType + type ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataType int + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataBooleanEqual + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataBooleanNotEqual + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataDatetimeGreaterThanOrEqual + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataDatetimeLessThanOrEqual + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataIntegerEqual + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataIntegerGreaterThanOrEqual + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataIntegerLessThanOrEqual + const ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataIntegerNotEqual + type Asset struct + ID string + Name string + Type int + type Assets struct + LargeImageID string + LargeText string + SmallImageID string + SmallText string + type AuditLogAction int + const AuditLogActionApplicationCommandPermissionUpdate + const AuditLogActionAutoModerationBlockMessage + const AuditLogActionAutoModerationFlagToChannel + const AuditLogActionAutoModerationRuleCreate + const AuditLogActionAutoModerationRuleDelete + const AuditLogActionAutoModerationRuleUpdate + const AuditLogActionAutoModerationUserCommunicationDisabled + const AuditLogActionBotAdd + const AuditLogActionChannelCreate + const AuditLogActionChannelDelete + const AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteCreate + const AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteDelete + const AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteUpdate + const AuditLogActionChannelUpdate + const AuditLogActionCreatorMonetizationRequestCreated + const AuditLogActionCreatorMonetizationTermsAccepted + const AuditLogActionEmojiCreate + const AuditLogActionEmojiDelete + const AuditLogActionEmojiUpdate + const AuditLogActionGuildUpdate + const AuditLogActionIntegrationCreate + const AuditLogActionIntegrationDelete + const AuditLogActionIntegrationUpdate + const AuditLogActionInviteCreate + const AuditLogActionInviteDelete + const AuditLogActionInviteUpdate + const AuditLogActionMemberBanAdd + const AuditLogActionMemberBanRemove + const AuditLogActionMemberDisconnect + const AuditLogActionMemberKick + const AuditLogActionMemberMove + const AuditLogActionMemberPrune + const AuditLogActionMemberRoleUpdate + const AuditLogActionMemberUpdate + const AuditLogActionMessageBulkDelete + const AuditLogActionMessageDelete + const AuditLogActionMessagePin + const AuditLogActionMessageUnpin + const AuditLogActionRoleCreate + const AuditLogActionRoleDelete + const AuditLogActionRoleUpdate + const AuditLogActionStageInstanceCreate + const AuditLogActionStageInstanceDelete + const AuditLogActionStageInstanceUpdate + const AuditLogActionStickerCreate + const AuditLogActionStickerDelete + const AuditLogActionStickerUpdate + const AuditLogActionThreadCreate + const AuditLogActionThreadDelete + const AuditLogActionThreadUpdate + const AuditLogActionWebhookCreate + const AuditLogActionWebhookDelete + const AuditLogActionWebhookUpdate + const AuditLogGuildScheduledEventCreate + const AuditLogGuildScheduledEventDelete + const AuditLogGuildScheduledEventUpdate + type AuditLogChange struct + Key *AuditLogChangeKey + NewValue interface{} + OldValue interface{} + type AuditLogChangeKey string + const AuditLogChangeKeyAfkChannelID + const AuditLogChangeKeyAfkTimeout + const AuditLogChangeKeyAllow + const AuditLogChangeKeyApplicationID + const AuditLogChangeKeyArchived + const AuditLogChangeKeyAsset + const AuditLogChangeKeyAutoArchiveDuration + const AuditLogChangeKeyAvailable + const AuditLogChangeKeyAvatarHash + const AuditLogChangeKeyBannerHash + const AuditLogChangeKeyBitrate + const AuditLogChangeKeyChannelID + const AuditLogChangeKeyCode + const AuditLogChangeKeyColor + const AuditLogChangeKeyCommunicationDisabledUntil + const AuditLogChangeKeyDeaf + const AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultAutoArchiveDuration + const AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultMessageNotification + const AuditLogChangeKeyDeny + const AuditLogChangeKeyDescription + const AuditLogChangeKeyDiscoverySplashHash + const AuditLogChangeKeyEnableEmoticons + const AuditLogChangeKeyEntityType + const AuditLogChangeKeyExpireBehavior + const AuditLogChangeKeyExpireGracePeriod + const AuditLogChangeKeyExplicitContentFilter + const AuditLogChangeKeyFormatType + const AuditLogChangeKeyGuildID + const AuditLogChangeKeyHoist + const AuditLogChangeKeyID + const AuditLogChangeKeyIconHash + const AuditLogChangeKeyInvitable + const AuditLogChangeKeyInviterID + const AuditLogChangeKeyLocation + const AuditLogChangeKeyLocked + const AuditLogChangeKeyMaxAge + const AuditLogChangeKeyMaxUses + const AuditLogChangeKeyMentionable + const AuditLogChangeKeyMfaLevel + const AuditLogChangeKeyMute + const AuditLogChangeKeyNSFW + const AuditLogChangeKeyName + const AuditLogChangeKeyNick + const AuditLogChangeKeyOwnerID + const AuditLogChangeKeyPermissionOverwrite + const AuditLogChangeKeyPermissions + const AuditLogChangeKeyPosition + const AuditLogChangeKeyPreferredLocale + const AuditLogChangeKeyPrivacylevel + const AuditLogChangeKeyPruneDeleteDays + const AuditLogChangeKeyPulibUpdatesChannelID + const AuditLogChangeKeyRateLimitPerUser + const AuditLogChangeKeyRegion + const AuditLogChangeKeyRoleAdd + const AuditLogChangeKeyRoleRemove + const AuditLogChangeKeyRulesChannelID + const AuditLogChangeKeySplashHash + const AuditLogChangeKeyStatus + const AuditLogChangeKeySystemChannelID + const AuditLogChangeKeyTags + const AuditLogChangeKeyTempoary + const AuditLogChangeKeyTemporary + const AuditLogChangeKeyTopic + const AuditLogChangeKeyType + const AuditLogChangeKeyUnicodeEmoji + const AuditLogChangeKeyUserLimit + const AuditLogChangeKeyUses + const AuditLogChangeKeyVanityURLCode + const AuditLogChangeKeyVerificationLevel + const AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetChannelID + const AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetEnabled + type AuditLogEntry struct + ActionType *AuditLogAction + Changes []*AuditLogChange + ID string + Options *AuditLogOptions + Reason string + TargetID string + UserID string + type AuditLogOptions struct + ApplicationID string + AutoModerationRuleName string + AutoModerationRuleTriggerType string + ChannelID string + Count string + DeleteMemberDays string + ID string + IntegrationType string + MembersRemoved string + MessageID string + RoleName string + Type *AuditLogOptionsType + type AuditLogOptionsType string + const AuditLogOptionsTypeMember + const AuditLogOptionsTypeRole + type AutoModerationAction struct + Metadata *AutoModerationActionMetadata + Type AutoModerationActionType + type AutoModerationActionExecution struct + Action AutoModerationAction + AlertSystemMessageID string + ChannelID string + Content string + GuildID string + MatchedContent string + MatchedKeyword string + MessageID string + RuleID string + RuleTriggerType AutoModerationRuleTriggerType + UserID string + type AutoModerationActionMetadata struct + ChannelID string + Duration int + type AutoModerationActionType int + const AutoModerationRuleActionBlockMessage + const AutoModerationRuleActionSendAlertMessage + const AutoModerationRuleActionTimeout + type AutoModerationKeywordPreset uint + const AutoModerationKeywordPresetProfanity + const AutoModerationKeywordPresetSexualContent + const AutoModerationKeywordPresetSlurs + type AutoModerationRule struct + Actions []AutoModerationAction + CreatorID string + Enabled *bool + EventType AutoModerationRuleEventType + ExemptChannels *[]string + ExemptRoles *[]string + GuildID string + ID string + Name string + TriggerMetadata *AutoModerationTriggerMetadata + TriggerType AutoModerationRuleTriggerType + type AutoModerationRuleCreate struct + type AutoModerationRuleDelete struct + type AutoModerationRuleEventType int + const AutoModerationEventMessageSend + type AutoModerationRuleTriggerType int + const AutoModerationEventTriggerHarmfulLink + const AutoModerationEventTriggerKeyword + const AutoModerationEventTriggerKeywordPreset + const AutoModerationEventTriggerSpam + type AutoModerationRuleUpdate struct + type AutoModerationTriggerMetadata struct + AllowList *[]string + KeywordFilter []string + MentionTotalLimit int + Presets []AutoModerationKeywordPreset + RegexPatterns []string + type Bucket struct + Key string + Remaining int + Userdata interface{} + func (b *Bucket) Release(headers http.Header) error + type Button struct + CustomID string + Disabled bool + Emoji ComponentEmoji + Label string + Style ButtonStyle + URL string + func (Button) Type() ComponentType + func (b Button) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + type ButtonStyle uint + const DangerButton + const LinkButton + const PrimaryButton + const SecondaryButton + const SuccessButton + type Channel struct + ApplicationID string + AppliedTags []string + AvailableTags []ForumTag + Bitrate int + DefaultForumLayout ForumLayout + DefaultReactionEmoji ForumDefaultReaction + DefaultSortOrder *ForumSortOrderType + DefaultThreadRateLimitPerUser int + Flags ChannelFlags + GuildID string + ID string + Icon string + LastMessageID string + LastPinTimestamp *time.Time + Member *ThreadMember + MemberCount int + Members []*ThreadMember + MessageCount int + Messages []*Message + NSFW bool + Name string + OwnerID string + ParentID string + PermissionOverwrites []*PermissionOverwrite + Position int + RateLimitPerUser int + Recipients []*User + ThreadMetadata *ThreadMetadata + Topic string + Type ChannelType + UserLimit int + func (c *Channel) IsThread() bool + func (c *Channel) Mention() string + type ChannelCreate struct + type ChannelDelete struct + type ChannelEdit struct + AppliedTags *[]string + Archived *bool + AutoArchiveDuration int + AvailableTags *[]ForumTag + Bitrate int + DefaultForumLayout *ForumLayout + DefaultReactionEmoji *ForumDefaultReaction + DefaultSortOrder *ForumSortOrderType + DefaultThreadRateLimitPerUser *int + Flags *ChannelFlags + Invitable *bool + Locked *bool + NSFW *bool + Name string + ParentID string + PermissionOverwrites []*PermissionOverwrite + Position *int + RateLimitPerUser *int + Topic string + UserLimit int + type ChannelFlags int + const ChannelFlagPinned + const ChannelFlagRequireTag + type ChannelFollow struct + ChannelID string + WebhookID string + type ChannelPinsUpdate struct + ChannelID string + GuildID string + LastPinTimestamp string + type ChannelType int + const ChannelTypeDM + const ChannelTypeGroupDM + const ChannelTypeGuildCategory + const ChannelTypeGuildForum + const ChannelTypeGuildNews + const ChannelTypeGuildNewsThread + const ChannelTypeGuildPrivateThread + const ChannelTypeGuildPublicThread + const ChannelTypeGuildStageVoice + const ChannelTypeGuildStore + const ChannelTypeGuildText + const ChannelTypeGuildVoice + type ChannelUpdate struct + type ClientStatus struct + Desktop Status + Mobile Status + Web Status + type ComponentEmoji struct + Animated bool + ID string + Name string + type ComponentType uint + const ActionsRowComponent + const ButtonComponent + const ChannelSelectMenuComponent + const MentionableSelectMenuComponent + const RoleSelectMenuComponent + const SelectMenuComponent + const TextInputComponent + const UserSelectMenuComponent + type Connect struct + type Disconnect struct + type EmbedType string + const EmbedTypeArticle + const EmbedTypeGifv + const EmbedTypeImage + const EmbedTypeLink + const EmbedTypeRich + const EmbedTypeVideo + type Emoji struct + Animated bool + Available bool + ID string + Managed bool + Name string + RequireColons bool + Roles []string + User *User + func (e *Emoji) APIName() string + func (e *Emoji) MessageFormat() string + type EmojiParams struct + Image string + Name string + Roles []string + type Entitlement struct + ApplicationID string + Deleted bool + EndsAt *time.Time + GuildID *string + ID string + SkuID string + StartsAt *time.Time + Type EntitlementType + UserID *string + type EntitlementCreate struct + type EntitlementDelete struct + type EntitlementType int + const EntitlementApplicationSubscription + type EntitlementUpdate struct + type Event struct + Operation int + RawData json.RawMessage + Sequence int64 + Struct interface{} + Type string + type EventHandler interface + Handle func(*Session, interface{}) + Type func() string + type EventInterfaceProvider interface + New func() interface{} + Type func() string + type ExpireBehavior int + const ExpireBehaviorKick + const ExpireBehaviorRemoveRole + type ExplicitContentFilterLevel int + const ExplicitContentFilterAllMembers + const ExplicitContentFilterDisabled + const ExplicitContentFilterMembersWithoutRoles + type File struct + ContentType string + Name string + Reader io.Reader + type ForumDefaultReaction struct + EmojiID string + EmojiName string + type ForumLayout int + const ForumLayoutGalleryView + const ForumLayoutListView + const ForumLayoutNotSet + type ForumSortOrderType int + const ForumSortOrderCreationDate + const ForumSortOrderLatestActivity + type ForumTag struct + EmojiID string + EmojiName string + ID string + Moderated bool + Name string + type GatewayBotResponse struct + SessionStartLimit SessionInformation + Shards int + URL string + type GatewayStatusUpdate struct + AFK bool + Game Activity + Since int + Status string + type Guild struct + AfkChannelID string + AfkTimeout int + ApplicationID string + ApproximateMemberCount int + ApproximatePresenceCount int + Banner string + Channels []*Channel + DefaultMessageNotifications MessageNotifications + Description string + DiscoverySplash string + Emojis []*Emoji + ExplicitContentFilter ExplicitContentFilterLevel + Features []GuildFeature + ID string + Icon string + JoinedAt time.Time + Large bool + MaxMembers int + MaxPresences int + MaxVideoChannelUsers int + MemberCount int + Members []*Member + MfaLevel MfaLevel + NSFWLevel GuildNSFWLevel + Name string + Owner bool + OwnerID string + Permissions int64 + PreferredLocale string + PremiumSubscriptionCount int + PremiumTier PremiumTier + Presences []*Presence + PublicUpdatesChannelID string + Region string + Roles []*Role + RulesChannelID string + Splash string + StageInstances []*StageInstance + Stickers []*Sticker + SystemChannelFlags SystemChannelFlag + SystemChannelID string + Threads []*Channel + Unavailable bool + VanityURLCode string + VerificationLevel VerificationLevel + VoiceStates []*VoiceState + WidgetChannelID string + WidgetEnabled bool + func (g *Guild) BannerURL(size string) string + func (g *Guild) IconURL(size string) string + type GuildApplicationCommandPermissions struct + ApplicationID string + GuildID string + ID string + Permissions []*ApplicationCommandPermissions + type GuildAuditLog struct + AuditLogEntries []*AuditLogEntry + Integrations []*Integration + Users []*User + Webhooks []*Webhook + type GuildAuditLogEntryCreate struct + type GuildBan struct + Reason string + User *User + type GuildBanAdd struct + GuildID string + User *User + type GuildBanRemove struct + GuildID string + User *User + type GuildChannelCreateData struct + Bitrate int + NSFW bool + Name string + ParentID string + PermissionOverwrites []*PermissionOverwrite + Position int + RateLimitPerUser int + Topic string + Type ChannelType + UserLimit int + type GuildCreate struct + type GuildDelete struct + BeforeDelete *Guild + type GuildEmbed struct + ChannelID string + Enabled *bool + type GuildEmojisUpdate struct + Emojis []*Emoji + GuildID string + type GuildFeature string + const GuildFeatureAnimatedBanner + const GuildFeatureAnimatedIcon + const GuildFeatureAutoModeration + const GuildFeatureBanner + const GuildFeatureCommunity + const GuildFeatureDiscoverable + const GuildFeatureFeaturable + const GuildFeatureInviteSplash + const GuildFeatureMemberVerificationGateEnabled + const GuildFeatureMonetizationEnabled + const GuildFeatureMoreStickers + const GuildFeatureNews + const GuildFeaturePartnered + const GuildFeaturePreviewEnabled + const GuildFeaturePrivateThreads + const GuildFeatureRoleIcons + const GuildFeatureTicketedEventsEnabled + const GuildFeatureVanityURL + const GuildFeatureVerified + const GuildFeatureVipRegions + const GuildFeatureWelcomeScreenEnabled + type GuildIntegrationsUpdate struct + GuildID string + type GuildMemberAdd struct + type GuildMemberAddParams struct + AccessToken string + Deaf bool + Mute bool + Nick string + Roles []string + type GuildMemberParams struct + ChannelID *string + CommunicationDisabledUntil *time.Time + Deaf *bool + Mute *bool + Nick string + Roles *[]string + func (p GuildMemberParams) MarshalJSON() (res []byte, err error) + type GuildMemberRemove struct + type GuildMemberUpdate struct + BeforeUpdate *Member + type GuildMembersChunk struct + ChunkCount int + ChunkIndex int + GuildID string + Members []*Member + Nonce string + NotFound []string + Presences []*Presence + type GuildNSFWLevel int + const GuildNSFWLevelAgeRestricted + const GuildNSFWLevelDefault + const GuildNSFWLevelExplicit + const GuildNSFWLevelSafe + type GuildParams struct + AfkChannelID string + AfkTimeout int + Banner string + DefaultMessageNotifications int + Description string + DiscoverySplash string + ExplicitContentFilter int + Features []GuildFeature + Icon string + Name string + OwnerID string + PreferredLocale Locale + PremiumProgressBarEnabled *bool + PublicUpdatesChannelID string + Region string + RulesChannelID string + Splash string + SystemChannelFlags SystemChannelFlag + SystemChannelID string + VerificationLevel *VerificationLevel + type GuildPreview struct + ApproximateMemberCount int + ApproximatePresenceCount int + Description string + DiscoverySplash string + Emojis []*Emoji + Features []string + ID string + Icon string + Name string + Splash string + func (g *GuildPreview) IconURL(size string) string + type GuildRole struct + GuildID string + Role *Role + type GuildRoleCreate struct + type GuildRoleDelete struct + GuildID string + RoleID string + type GuildRoleUpdate struct + type GuildScheduledEvent struct + ChannelID string + Creator *User + CreatorID string + Description string + EntityID string + EntityMetadata GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata + EntityType GuildScheduledEventEntityType + GuildID string + ID string + Image string + Name string + PrivacyLevel GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel + ScheduledEndTime *time.Time + ScheduledStartTime time.Time + Status GuildScheduledEventStatus + UserCount int + type GuildScheduledEventCreate struct + type GuildScheduledEventDelete struct + type GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata struct + Location string + type GuildScheduledEventEntityType int + const GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeExternal + const GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeStageInstance + const GuildScheduledEventEntityTypeVoice + type GuildScheduledEventParams struct + ChannelID string + Description string + EntityMetadata *GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadata + EntityType GuildScheduledEventEntityType + Image string + Name string + PrivacyLevel GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel + ScheduledEndTime *time.Time + ScheduledStartTime *time.Time + Status GuildScheduledEventStatus + func (p GuildScheduledEventParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + type GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel int + const GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevelGuildOnly + type GuildScheduledEventStatus int + const GuildScheduledEventStatusActive + const GuildScheduledEventStatusCanceled + const GuildScheduledEventStatusCompleted + const GuildScheduledEventStatusScheduled + type GuildScheduledEventUpdate struct + type GuildScheduledEventUser struct + GuildScheduledEventID string + Member *Member + User *User + type GuildScheduledEventUserAdd struct + GuildID string + GuildScheduledEventID string + UserID string + type GuildScheduledEventUserRemove struct + GuildID string + GuildScheduledEventID string + UserID string + type GuildTemplate struct + Code string + CreatedAt time.Time + Creator *User + CreatorID string + Description *string + IsDirty bool + Name string + SerializedSourceGuild *Guild + SourceGuildID string + UpdatedAt time.Time + UsageCount int + type GuildTemplateParams struct + Description string + Name string + type GuildUpdate struct + type Identify struct + Compress bool + Intents Intent + LargeThreshold int + Presence GatewayStatusUpdate + Properties IdentifyProperties + Shard *[2]int + Token string + type IdentifyProperties struct + Browser string + Device string + OS string + Referer string + ReferringDomain string + type Integration struct + Account IntegrationAccount + EnableEmoticons bool + Enabled bool + ExpireBehavior ExpireBehavior + ExpireGracePeriod int + ID string + Name string + RoleID string + SyncedAt time.Time + Syncing bool + Type string + User *User + type IntegrationAccount struct + ID string + Name string + type Intent int + const IntentAutoModerationConfiguration + const IntentAutoModerationExecution + const IntentDirectMessageReactions + const IntentDirectMessageTyping + const IntentDirectMessages + const IntentGuildBans + const IntentGuildEmojis + const IntentGuildIntegrations + const IntentGuildInvites + const IntentGuildMembers + const IntentGuildMessageReactions + const IntentGuildMessageTyping + const IntentGuildMessages + const IntentGuildModeration + const IntentGuildPresences + const IntentGuildScheduledEvents + const IntentGuildVoiceStates + const IntentGuildWebhooks + const IntentGuilds + const IntentMessageContent + const IntentsAll + const IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged + const IntentsDirectMessageReactions + const IntentsDirectMessageTyping + const IntentsDirectMessages + const IntentsGuildBans + const IntentsGuildEmojis + const IntentsGuildIntegrations + const IntentsGuildInvites + const IntentsGuildMembers + const IntentsGuildMessageReactions + const IntentsGuildMessageTyping + const IntentsGuildMessages + const IntentsGuildPresences + const IntentsGuildScheduledEvents + const IntentsGuildVoiceStates + const IntentsGuildWebhooks + const IntentsGuilds + const IntentsMessageContent + const IntentsNone + func MakeIntent(intents Intent) Intent + type Interaction struct + AppID string + AppPermissions int64 + ChannelID string + Data InteractionData + GuildID string + GuildLocale *Locale + ID string + Locale Locale + Member *Member + Message *Message + Token string + Type InteractionType + User *User + Version int + func (i *Interaction) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error + func (i Interaction) ApplicationCommandData() (data ApplicationCommandInteractionData) + func (i Interaction) MessageComponentData() (data MessageComponentInteractionData) + func (i Interaction) ModalSubmitData() (data ModalSubmitInteractionData) + type InteractionCreate struct + func (i *InteractionCreate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + type InteractionData interface + Type func() InteractionType + type InteractionResponse struct + Data *InteractionResponseData + Type InteractionResponseType + type InteractionResponseData struct + AllowedMentions *MessageAllowedMentions + Choices []*ApplicationCommandOptionChoice + Components []MessageComponent + Content string + CustomID string + Embeds []*MessageEmbed + Files []*File + Flags MessageFlags + TTS bool + Title string + type InteractionResponseType uint8 + const InteractionApplicationCommandAutocompleteResult + const InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource + const InteractionResponseDeferredChannelMessageWithSource + const InteractionResponseDeferredMessageUpdate + const InteractionResponseModal + const InteractionResponsePong + const InteractionResponseUpdateMessage + type InteractionType uint8 + const InteractionApplicationCommand + const InteractionApplicationCommandAutocomplete + const InteractionMessageComponent + const InteractionModalSubmit + const InteractionPing + func (t InteractionType) String() string + type Invite struct + ApproximateMemberCount int + ApproximatePresenceCount int + Channel *Channel + Code string + CreatedAt time.Time + ExpiresAt *time.Time + Guild *Guild + Inviter *User + MaxAge int + MaxUses int + Revoked bool + TargetApplication *Application + TargetType InviteTargetType + TargetUser *User + Temporary bool + Unique bool + Uses int + type InviteCreate struct + ChannelID string + GuildID string + type InviteDelete struct + ChannelID string + Code string + GuildID string + type InviteTargetType uint8 + const InviteTargetEmbeddedApplication + const InviteTargetStream + type Locale string + const Bulgarian + const ChineseCN + const ChineseTW + const Croatian + const Czech + const Danish + const Dutch + const EnglishGB + const EnglishUS + const Finnish + const French + const German + const Greek + const Hindi + const Hungarian + const Italian + const Japanese + const Korean + const Lithuanian + const Norwegian + const Polish + const PortugueseBR + const Romanian + const Russian + const SpanishES + const Swedish + const Thai + const Turkish + const Ukrainian + const Unknown + const Vietnamese + func (l Locale) String() string + type Member struct + Avatar string + CommunicationDisabledUntil *time.Time + Deaf bool + GuildID string + JoinedAt time.Time + Mute bool + Nick string + Pending bool + Permissions int64 + PremiumSince *time.Time + Roles []string + User *User + func (m *Member) AvatarURL(size string) string + func (m *Member) Mention() string + type MembershipState int + const MembershipStateAccepted + const MembershipStateInvited + type Message struct + Activity *MessageActivity + Application *MessageApplication + Attachments []*MessageAttachment + Author *User + ChannelID string + Components []MessageComponent + Content string + EditedTimestamp *time.Time + Embeds []*MessageEmbed + Flags MessageFlags + GuildID string + ID string + Interaction *MessageInteraction + Member *Member + MentionChannels []*Channel + MentionEveryone bool + MentionRoles []string + Mentions []*User + MessageReference *MessageReference + Pinned bool + Reactions []*MessageReactions + ReferencedMessage *Message + StickerItems []*Sticker + TTS bool + Thread *Channel + Timestamp time.Time + Type MessageType + WebhookID string + func (m *Message) ContentWithMentionsReplaced() (content string) + func (m *Message) ContentWithMoreMentionsReplaced(s *Session) (content string, err error) + func (m *Message) GetCustomEmojis() []*Emoji + func (m *Message) Reference() *MessageReference + func (m *Message) SoftReference() *MessageReference + func (m *Message) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + type MessageActivity struct + PartyID string + Type MessageActivityType + type MessageActivityType int + const MessageActivityTypeJoin + const MessageActivityTypeJoinRequest + const MessageActivityTypeListen + const MessageActivityTypeSpectate + type MessageAllowedMentions struct + Parse []AllowedMentionType + RepliedUser bool + Roles []string + Users []string + type MessageApplication struct + CoverImage string + Description string + ID string + Icon string + Name string + type MessageAttachment struct + ContentType string + Ephemeral bool + Filename string + Height int + ID string + ProxyURL string + Size int + URL string + Width int + type MessageComponent interface + Type func() ComponentType + func MessageComponentFromJSON(b []byte) (MessageComponent, error) + type MessageComponentInteractionData struct + ComponentType ComponentType + CustomID string + Resolved MessageComponentInteractionDataResolved + Values []string + func (MessageComponentInteractionData) Type() InteractionType + type MessageComponentInteractionDataResolved struct + Channels map[string]*Channel + Members map[string]*Member + Roles map[string]*Role + Users map[string]*User + type MessageCreate struct + func (m *MessageCreate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + type MessageDelete struct + BeforeDelete *Message + func (m *MessageDelete) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + type MessageDeleteBulk struct + ChannelID string + GuildID string + Messages []string + type MessageEdit struct + AllowedMentions *MessageAllowedMentions + Attachments *[]*MessageAttachment + Channel string + Components []MessageComponent + Content *string + Embed *MessageEmbed + Embeds []*MessageEmbed + Files []*File + Flags MessageFlags + ID string + func NewMessageEdit(channelID string, messageID string) *MessageEdit + func (m *MessageEdit) SetContent(str string) *MessageEdit + func (m *MessageEdit) SetEmbed(embed *MessageEmbed) *MessageEdit + func (m *MessageEdit) SetEmbeds(embeds []*MessageEmbed) *MessageEdit + type MessageEmbed struct + Author *MessageEmbedAuthor + Color int + Description string + Fields []*MessageEmbedField + Footer *MessageEmbedFooter + Image *MessageEmbedImage + Provider *MessageEmbedProvider + Thumbnail *MessageEmbedThumbnail + Timestamp string + Title string + Type EmbedType + URL string + Video *MessageEmbedVideo + type MessageEmbedAuthor struct + IconURL string + Name string + ProxyIconURL string + URL string + type MessageEmbedField struct + Inline bool + Name string + Value string + type MessageEmbedFooter struct + IconURL string + ProxyIconURL string + Text string + type MessageEmbedImage struct + Height int + ProxyURL string + URL string + Width int + type MessageEmbedProvider struct + Name string + URL string + type MessageEmbedThumbnail struct + Height int + ProxyURL string + URL string + Width int + type MessageEmbedVideo struct + Height int + URL string + Width int + type MessageFlags int + const MessageFlagsCrossPosted + const MessageFlagsEphemeral + const MessageFlagsFailedToMentionSomeRolesInThread + const MessageFlagsHasThread + const MessageFlagsIsCrossPosted + const MessageFlagsIsVoiceMessage + const MessageFlagsLoading + const MessageFlagsSourceMessageDeleted + const MessageFlagsSuppressEmbeds + const MessageFlagsSuppressNotifications + const MessageFlagsSupressEmbeds + const MessageFlagsUrgent + type MessageInteraction struct + ID string + Member *Member + Name string + Type InteractionType + User *User + type MessageNotifications int + const MessageNotificationsAllMessages + const MessageNotificationsOnlyMentions + type MessageReaction struct + ChannelID string + Emoji Emoji + GuildID string + MessageID string + UserID string + type MessageReactionAdd struct + Member *Member + type MessageReactionRemove struct + type MessageReactionRemoveAll struct + type MessageReactions struct + Count int + Emoji *Emoji + Me bool + type MessageReference struct + ChannelID string + FailIfNotExists *bool + GuildID string + MessageID string + type MessageSend struct + AllowedMentions *MessageAllowedMentions + Components []MessageComponent + Content string + Embed *MessageEmbed + Embeds []*MessageEmbed + File *File + Files []*File + Flags MessageFlags + Reference *MessageReference + StickerIDs []string + TTS bool + type MessageType int + const MessageTypeCall + const MessageTypeChannelFollowAdd + const MessageTypeChannelIconChange + const MessageTypeChannelNameChange + const MessageTypeChannelPinnedMessage + const MessageTypeChatInputCommand + const MessageTypeContextMenuCommand + const MessageTypeDefault + const MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryDisqualified + const MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryRequalified + const MessageTypeGuildMemberJoin + const MessageTypeRecipientAdd + const MessageTypeRecipientRemove + const MessageTypeReply + const MessageTypeThreadCreated + const MessageTypeThreadStarterMessage + const MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscription + const MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierOne + const MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierThree + const MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTierTwo + type MessageUpdate struct + BeforeUpdate *Message + func (m *MessageUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + type MfaLevel int + const MfaLevelElevated + const MfaLevelNone + type ModalSubmitInteractionData struct + Components []MessageComponent + CustomID string + func (ModalSubmitInteractionData) Type() InteractionType + func (d *ModalSubmitInteractionData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error + type Packet struct + Opus []byte + PCM []int16 + SSRC uint32 + Sequence uint16 + Timestamp uint32 + Type []byte + type Party struct + ID string + Size []int + type PermissionOverwrite struct + Allow int64 + Deny int64 + ID string + Type PermissionOverwriteType + type PermissionOverwriteType int + const PermissionOverwriteTypeMember + const PermissionOverwriteTypeRole + type PremiumTier int + const PremiumTier1 + const PremiumTier2 + const PremiumTier3 + const PremiumTierNone + type Presence struct + Activities []*Activity + ClientStatus ClientStatus + Since *int + Status Status + User *User + type PresenceUpdate struct + GuildID string + type PresencesReplace []*Presence + type RESTError struct + Message *APIErrorMessage + Request *http.Request + Response *http.Response + ResponseBody []byte + func (r RESTError) Error() string + type RateLimit struct + URL string + type RateLimitError struct + func (e RateLimitError) Error() string + type RateLimiter struct + func NewRatelimiter() *RateLimiter + func (r *RateLimiter) GetBucket(key string) *Bucket + func (r *RateLimiter) GetWaitTime(b *Bucket, minRemaining int) time.Duration + func (r *RateLimiter) LockBucket(bucketID string) *Bucket + func (r *RateLimiter) LockBucketObject(b *Bucket) *Bucket + type ReadState struct + ID string + LastMessageID string + MentionCount int + type Ready struct + Application *Application + Guilds []*Guild + PrivateChannels []*Channel + SessionID string + Shard *[2]int + User *User + Version int + type RequestConfig struct + Client *http.Client + MaxRestRetries int + Request *http.Request + ShouldRetryOnRateLimit bool + type RequestOption func(cfg *RequestConfig) + func WithAuditLogReason(reason string) RequestOption + func WithClient(client *http.Client) RequestOption + func WithContext(ctx context.Context) RequestOption + func WithHeader(key, value string) RequestOption + func WithLocale(locale Locale) RequestOption + func WithRestRetries(max int) RequestOption + func WithRetryOnRatelimit(retry bool) RequestOption + type Resumed struct + Trace []string + type Role struct + Color int + Hoist bool + ID string + Managed bool + Mentionable bool + Name string + Permissions int64 + Position int + func (r *Role) Mention() string + type RoleParams struct + Color *int + Hoist *bool + Mentionable *bool + Name string + Permissions *int64 + type Roles []*Role + func (r Roles) Len() int + func (r Roles) Less(i, j int) bool + func (r Roles) Swap(i, j int) + type Secrets struct + Join string + Match string + Spectate string + type SelectMenu struct + ChannelTypes []ChannelType + CustomID string + DefaultValues []SelectMenuDefaultValue + Disabled bool + MaxValues int + MenuType SelectMenuType + MinValues *int + Options []SelectMenuOption + Placeholder string + func (s SelectMenu) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + func (s SelectMenu) Type() ComponentType + type SelectMenuDefaultValue struct + ID string + Type SelectMenuDefaultValueType + type SelectMenuDefaultValueType string + const SelectMenuDefaultValueChannel + const SelectMenuDefaultValueRole + const SelectMenuDefaultValueUser + type SelectMenuOption struct + Default bool + Description string + Emoji ComponentEmoji + Label string + Value string + type SelectMenuType ComponentType + type Session struct + Client *http.Client + Compress bool + DataReady bool + Debug bool + Dialer *websocket.Dialer + Identify Identify + LastHeartbeatAck time.Time + LastHeartbeatSent time.Time + LogLevel int + MFA bool + MaxRestRetries int + Ratelimiter *RateLimiter + ShardCount int + ShardID int + ShouldReconnectOnError bool + ShouldReconnectVoiceOnSessionError bool + ShouldRetryOnRateLimit bool + State *State + StateEnabled bool + SyncEvents bool + Token string + UDPReady bool + UserAgent string + VoiceConnections map[string]*VoiceConnection + VoiceReady bool + func New(token string) (s *Session, err error) + func (s *Session) AddHandler(handler interface{}) func() + func (s *Session) AddHandlerOnce(handler interface{}) func() + func (s *Session) Application(appID string) (st *Application, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationAssets(appID string) (ass []*Asset, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationBotCreate(appID string) (st *User, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommand(appID, guildID, cmdID string, options ...RequestOption) (cmd *ApplicationCommand, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommandBulkOverwrite(appID string, guildID string, commands []*ApplicationCommand, ...) (createdCommands []*ApplicationCommand, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommandCreate(appID string, guildID string, cmd *ApplicationCommand, ...) (ccmd *ApplicationCommand, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommandDelete(appID, guildID, cmdID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommandEdit(appID, guildID, cmdID string, cmd *ApplicationCommand, ...) (updated *ApplicationCommand, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommandPermissions(appID, guildID, cmdID string, options ...RequestOption) (permissions *GuildApplicationCommandPermissions, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommandPermissionsBatchEdit(appID, guildID string, permissions []*GuildApplicationCommandPermissions, ...) (err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommandPermissionsEdit(appID, guildID, cmdID string, permissions *ApplicationCommandPermissionsList, ...) (err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCommands(appID, guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (cmd []*ApplicationCommand, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationCreate(ap *Application) (st *Application, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationDelete(appID string) (err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata(appID string) (st []*ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataUpdate(appID string, metadata []*ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata) (st []*ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata, err error) + func (s *Session) ApplicationUpdate(appID string, ap *Application) (st *Application, err error) + func (s *Session) Applications() (st []*Application, err error) + func (s *Session) AutoModerationRule(guildID, ruleID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *AutoModerationRule, err error) + func (s *Session) AutoModerationRuleCreate(guildID string, rule *AutoModerationRule, options ...RequestOption) (st *AutoModerationRule, err error) + func (s *Session) AutoModerationRuleDelete(guildID, ruleID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) AutoModerationRuleEdit(guildID, ruleID string, rule *AutoModerationRule, options ...RequestOption) (st *AutoModerationRule, err error) + func (s *Session) AutoModerationRules(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*AutoModerationRule, err error) + func (s *Session) Channel(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelDelete(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelEdit(channelID string, data *ChannelEdit, options ...RequestOption) (st *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelEditComplex(channelID string, data *ChannelEdit, options ...RequestOption) (st *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelFileSend(channelID, name string, r io.Reader, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelFileSendWithMessage(channelID, content string, name string, r io.Reader, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelInviteCreate(channelID string, i Invite, options ...RequestOption) (st *Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelInvites(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessage(channelID, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageCrosspost(channelID, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageDelete(channelID, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageEdit(channelID, messageID, content string, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageEditComplex(m *MessageEdit, options ...RequestOption) (st *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageEditEmbed(channelID, messageID string, embed *MessageEmbed, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageEditEmbeds(channelID, messageID string, embeds []*MessageEmbed, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessagePin(channelID, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSend(channelID string, content string, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSendComplex(channelID string, data *MessageSend, options ...RequestOption) (st *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSendEmbed(channelID string, embed *MessageEmbed, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSendEmbedReply(channelID string, embed *MessageEmbed, reference *MessageReference, ...) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSendEmbeds(channelID string, embeds []*MessageEmbed, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSendEmbedsReply(channelID string, embeds []*MessageEmbed, reference *MessageReference, ...) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSendReply(channelID string, content string, reference *MessageReference, ...) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageSendTTS(channelID string, content string, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessageUnpin(channelID, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessages(channelID string, limit int, beforeID, afterID, aroundID string, ...) (st []*Message, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessagesBulkDelete(channelID string, messages []string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelMessagesPinned(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Message, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelNewsFollow(channelID, targetID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *ChannelFollow, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelPermissionDelete(channelID, targetID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelPermissionSet(channelID, targetID string, targetType PermissionOverwriteType, ...) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelTyping(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelVoiceJoin(gID, cID string, mute, deaf bool) (voice *VoiceConnection, err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelVoiceJoinManual(gID, cID string, mute, deaf bool) (err error) + func (s *Session) ChannelWebhooks(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Webhook, err error) + func (s *Session) Close() error + func (s *Session) CloseWithCode(closeCode int) (err error) + func (s *Session) FollowupMessageCreate(interaction *Interaction, wait bool, data *WebhookParams, ...) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) FollowupMessageDelete(interaction *Interaction, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) FollowupMessageEdit(interaction *Interaction, messageID string, data *WebhookEdit, ...) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) ForumThreadStart(channelID, name string, archiveDuration int, content string, ...) (th *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ForumThreadStartComplex(channelID string, threadData *ThreadStart, messageData *MessageSend, ...) (th *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ForumThreadStartEmbed(channelID, name string, archiveDuration int, embed *MessageEmbed, ...) (th *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ForumThreadStartEmbeds(channelID, name string, archiveDuration int, embeds []*MessageEmbed, ...) (th *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) Gateway(options ...RequestOption) (gateway string, err error) + func (s *Session) GatewayBot(options ...RequestOption) (st *GatewayBotResponse, err error) + func (s *Session) Guild(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Guild, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildApplicationCommandsPermissions(appID, guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (permissions []*GuildApplicationCommandPermissions, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildAuditLog(guildID, userID, beforeID string, actionType, limit int, ...) (st *GuildAuditLog, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildBan(guildID, userID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *GuildBan, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildBanCreate(guildID, userID string, days int, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildBanCreateWithReason(guildID, userID, reason string, days int, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildBanDelete(guildID, userID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildBans(guildID string, limit int, beforeID, afterID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*GuildBan, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildChannelCreate(guildID, name string, ctype ChannelType, options ...RequestOption) (st *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildChannelCreateComplex(guildID string, data GuildChannelCreateData, options ...RequestOption) (st *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildChannels(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildChannelsReorder(guildID string, channels []*Channel, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildCreate(name string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Guild, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildCreateWithTemplate(templateCode, name, icon string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Guild, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildDelete(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEdit(guildID string, g *GuildParams, options ...RequestOption) (st *Guild, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEmbed(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *GuildEmbed, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEmbedEdit(guildID string, data *GuildEmbed, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEmoji(guildID, emojiID string, options ...RequestOption) (emoji *Emoji, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEmojiCreate(guildID string, data *EmojiParams, options ...RequestOption) (emoji *Emoji, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEmojiDelete(guildID, emojiID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEmojiEdit(guildID, emojiID string, data *EmojiParams, options ...RequestOption) (emoji *Emoji, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildEmojis(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (emoji []*Emoji, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildIcon(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (img image.Image, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildIntegrationCreate(guildID, integrationType, integrationID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildIntegrationDelete(guildID, integrationID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildIntegrationEdit(guildID, integrationID string, expireBehavior, expireGracePeriod int, ...) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildIntegrations(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Integration, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildInvites(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildLeave(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMember(guildID, userID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Member, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberAdd(guildID, userID string, data *GuildMemberAddParams, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberDeafen(guildID string, userID string, deaf bool, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberDelete(guildID, userID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberDeleteWithReason(guildID, userID, reason string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberEdit(guildID, userID string, data *GuildMemberParams, options ...RequestOption) (st *Member, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberEditComplex(guildID, userID string, data *GuildMemberParams, options ...RequestOption) (st *Member, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberMove(guildID string, userID string, channelID *string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberMute(guildID string, userID string, mute bool, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberNickname(guildID, userID, nickname string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberRoleAdd(guildID, userID, roleID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberRoleRemove(guildID, userID, roleID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMemberTimeout(guildID string, userID string, until *time.Time, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMembers(guildID string, after string, limit int, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Member, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildMembersSearch(guildID, query string, limit int, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Member, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildPreview(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *GuildPreview, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildPrune(guildID string, days uint32, options ...RequestOption) (count uint32, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildPruneCount(guildID string, days uint32, options ...RequestOption) (count uint32, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildRoleCreate(guildID string, data *RoleParams, options ...RequestOption) (st *Role, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildRoleDelete(guildID, roleID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildRoleEdit(guildID, roleID string, data *RoleParams, options ...RequestOption) (st *Role, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildRoleReorder(guildID string, roles []*Role, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Role, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildRoles(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Role, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildScheduledEvent(guildID, eventID string, userCount bool, options ...RequestOption) (st *GuildScheduledEvent, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildScheduledEventCreate(guildID string, event *GuildScheduledEventParams, options ...RequestOption) (st *GuildScheduledEvent, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildScheduledEventDelete(guildID, eventID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildScheduledEventEdit(guildID, eventID string, event *GuildScheduledEventParams, ...) (st *GuildScheduledEvent, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildScheduledEventUsers(guildID, eventID string, limit int, withMember bool, beforeID, afterID string, ...) (st []*GuildScheduledEventUser, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildScheduledEvents(guildID string, userCount bool, options ...RequestOption) (st []*GuildScheduledEvent, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildSplash(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (img image.Image, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildTemplate(templateCode string, options ...RequestOption) (st *GuildTemplate, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildTemplateCreate(guildID string, data *GuildTemplateParams, options ...RequestOption) (st *GuildTemplate) + func (s *Session) GuildTemplateDelete(guildID, templateCode string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildTemplateEdit(guildID, templateCode string, data *GuildTemplateParams, ...) (st *GuildTemplate, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildTemplateSync(guildID, templateCode string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) GuildTemplates(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*GuildTemplate, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildThreadsActive(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (threads *ThreadsList, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildWebhooks(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*Webhook, err error) + func (s *Session) GuildWithCounts(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Guild, err error) + func (s *Session) HeartbeatLatency() time.Duration + func (s *Session) InteractionRespond(interaction *Interaction, resp *InteractionResponse, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) InteractionResponse(interaction *Interaction, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) InteractionResponseDelete(interaction *Interaction, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) InteractionResponseEdit(interaction *Interaction, newresp *WebhookEdit, options ...RequestOption) (*Message, error) + func (s *Session) Invite(inviteID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) InviteAccept(inviteID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) InviteComplex(inviteID, guildScheduledEventID string, withCounts, withExpiration bool, ...) (st *Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) InviteDelete(inviteID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) InviteWithCounts(inviteID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Invite, err error) + func (s *Session) MessageReactionAdd(channelID, messageID, emojiID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) MessageReactionRemove(channelID, messageID, emojiID, userID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) MessageReactions(channelID, messageID, emojiID string, limit int, beforeID, afterID string, ...) (st []*User, err error) + func (s *Session) MessageReactionsRemoveAll(channelID, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) MessageReactionsRemoveEmoji(channelID, messageID, emojiID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) MessageThreadStart(channelID, messageID string, name string, archiveDuration int, ...) (ch *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) MessageThreadStartComplex(channelID, messageID string, data *ThreadStart, options ...RequestOption) (ch *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) Open() error + func (s *Session) Request(method, urlStr string, data interface{}, options ...RequestOption) (response []byte, err error) + func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembers(guildID, query string, limit int, nonce string, presences bool) error + func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembersBatch(guildIDs []string, query string, limit int, nonce string, presences bool) (err error) + func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembersBatchList(guildIDs []string, userIDs []string, limit int, nonce string, presences bool) (err error) + func (s *Session) RequestGuildMembersList(guildID string, userIDs []string, limit int, nonce string, presences bool) error + func (s *Session) RequestWithBucketID(method, urlStr string, data interface{}, bucketID string, ...) (response []byte, err error) + func (s *Session) RequestWithLockedBucket(method, urlStr, contentType string, b []byte, bucket *Bucket, sequence int, ...) (response []byte, err error) + func (s *Session) StageInstance(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (si *StageInstance, err error) + func (s *Session) StageInstanceCreate(data *StageInstanceParams, options ...RequestOption) (si *StageInstance, err error) + func (s *Session) StageInstanceDelete(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) StageInstanceEdit(channelID string, data *StageInstanceParams, options ...RequestOption) (si *StageInstance, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadJoin(id string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) ThreadLeave(id string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) ThreadMember(threadID, memberID string, withMember bool, options ...RequestOption) (member *ThreadMember, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadMemberAdd(threadID, memberID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) ThreadMemberRemove(threadID, memberID string, options ...RequestOption) error + func (s *Session) ThreadMembers(threadID string, limit int, withMember bool, afterID string, ...) (members []*ThreadMember, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadStart(channelID, name string, typ ChannelType, archiveDuration int, ...) (ch *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadStartComplex(channelID string, data *ThreadStart, options ...RequestOption) (ch *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadsActive(channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (threads *ThreadsList, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadsArchived(channelID string, before *time.Time, limit int, options ...RequestOption) (threads *ThreadsList, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadsPrivateArchived(channelID string, before *time.Time, limit int, options ...RequestOption) (threads *ThreadsList, err error) + func (s *Session) ThreadsPrivateJoinedArchived(channelID string, before *time.Time, limit int, options ...RequestOption) (threads *ThreadsList, err error) + func (s *Session) UpdateCustomStatus(state string) (err error) + func (s *Session) UpdateGameStatus(idle int, name string) (err error) + func (s *Session) UpdateListeningStatus(name string) (err error) + func (s *Session) UpdateStatusComplex(usd UpdateStatusData) (err error) + func (s *Session) UpdateStreamingStatus(idle int, name string, url string) (err error) + func (s *Session) UpdateWatchStatus(idle int, name string) (err error) + func (s *Session) User(userID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *User, err error) + func (s *Session) UserApplicationRoleConnection(appID string) (st *ApplicationRoleConnection, err error) + func (s *Session) UserApplicationRoleConnectionUpdate(appID string, rconn *ApplicationRoleConnection) (st *ApplicationRoleConnection, err error) + func (s *Session) UserAvatar(userID string, options ...RequestOption) (img image.Image, err error) + func (s *Session) UserAvatarDecode(u *User, options ...RequestOption) (img image.Image, err error) + func (s *Session) UserChannelCreate(recipientID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Channel, err error) + func (s *Session) UserChannelPermissions(userID, channelID string, fetchOptions ...RequestOption) (apermissions int64, err error) + func (s *Session) UserConnections(options ...RequestOption) (conn []*UserConnection, err error) + func (s *Session) UserGuildMember(guildID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Member, err error) + func (s *Session) UserGuilds(limit int, beforeID, afterID string, options ...RequestOption) (st []*UserGuild, err error) + func (s *Session) UserUpdate(username, avatar string, options ...RequestOption) (st *User, err error) + func (s *Session) VoiceRegions(options ...RequestOption) (st []*VoiceRegion, err error) + func (s *Session) Webhook(webhookID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Webhook, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookCreate(channelID, name, avatar string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Webhook, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookDelete(webhookID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookDeleteWithToken(webhookID, token string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Webhook, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookEdit(webhookID, name, avatar, channelID string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Role, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookEditWithToken(webhookID, token, name, avatar string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Role, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookExecute(webhookID, token string, wait bool, data *WebhookParams, ...) (st *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookMessage(webhookID, token, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) (message *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookMessageDelete(webhookID, token, messageID string, options ...RequestOption) (err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookMessageEdit(webhookID, token, messageID string, data *WebhookEdit, ...) (st *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookThreadExecute(webhookID, token string, wait bool, threadID string, data *WebhookParams, ...) (st *Message, err error) + func (s *Session) WebhookWithToken(webhookID, token string, options ...RequestOption) (st *Webhook, err error) + type SessionInformation struct + MaxConcurrency int + Remaining int + ResetAfter int + Total int + type StageInstance struct + ChannelID string + DiscoverableDisabled bool + GuildID string + GuildScheduledEventID string + ID string + PrivacyLevel StageInstancePrivacyLevel + Topic string + type StageInstanceEventCreate struct + type StageInstanceEventDelete struct + type StageInstanceEventUpdate struct + type StageInstanceParams struct + ChannelID string + PrivacyLevel StageInstancePrivacyLevel + SendStartNotification bool + Topic string + type StageInstancePrivacyLevel int + const StageInstancePrivacyLevelGuildOnly + const StageInstancePrivacyLevelPublic + type State struct + MaxMessageCount int + TrackChannels bool + TrackEmojis bool + TrackMembers bool + TrackPresences bool + TrackRoles bool + TrackThreadMembers bool + TrackThreads bool + TrackVoice bool + func NewState() *State + func (s *State) Channel(channelID string) (*Channel, error) + func (s *State) ChannelAdd(channel *Channel) error + func (s *State) ChannelRemove(channel *Channel) error + func (s *State) Emoji(guildID, emojiID string) (*Emoji, error) + func (s *State) EmojiAdd(guildID string, emoji *Emoji) error + func (s *State) EmojisAdd(guildID string, emojis []*Emoji) error + func (s *State) Guild(guildID string) (*Guild, error) + func (s *State) GuildAdd(guild *Guild) error + func (s *State) GuildRemove(guild *Guild) error + func (s *State) Member(guildID, userID string) (*Member, error) + func (s *State) MemberAdd(member *Member) error + func (s *State) MemberRemove(member *Member) error + func (s *State) Message(channelID, messageID string) (*Message, error) + func (s *State) MessageAdd(message *Message) error + func (s *State) MessageColor(message *Message) int + func (s *State) MessagePermissions(message *Message) (apermissions int64, err error) + func (s *State) MessageRemove(message *Message) error + func (s *State) OnInterface(se *Session, i interface{}) (err error) + func (s *State) Presence(guildID, userID string) (*Presence, error) + func (s *State) PresenceAdd(guildID string, presence *Presence) error + func (s *State) PresenceRemove(guildID string, presence *Presence) error + func (s *State) Role(guildID, roleID string) (*Role, error) + func (s *State) RoleAdd(guildID string, role *Role) error + func (s *State) RoleRemove(guildID, roleID string) error + func (s *State) ThreadListSync(tls *ThreadListSync) error + func (s *State) ThreadMemberUpdate(mu *ThreadMemberUpdate) error + func (s *State) ThreadMembersUpdate(tmu *ThreadMembersUpdate) error + func (s *State) UserChannelPermissions(userID, channelID string) (apermissions int64, err error) + func (s *State) UserColor(userID, channelID string) int + func (s *State) VoiceState(guildID, userID string) (*VoiceState, error) + type Status string + const StatusDoNotDisturb + const StatusIdle + const StatusInvisible + const StatusOffline + const StatusOnline + type Sticker struct + Available bool + Description string + FormatType StickerFormat + GuildID string + ID string + Name string + PackID string + SortValue int + Tags string + Type StickerType + User *User + type StickerFormat int + const StickerFormatTypeAPNG + const StickerFormatTypeGIF + const StickerFormatTypeLottie + const StickerFormatTypePNG + type StickerPack struct + BannerAssetID string + CoverStickerID string + Description string + ID string + Name string + SKUID string + Stickers []*Sticker + type StickerType int + const StickerTypeGuild + const StickerTypeStandard + type SystemChannelFlag int + const SystemChannelFlagsSuppressGuildReminderNotifications + const SystemChannelFlagsSuppressJoinNotificationReplies + const SystemChannelFlagsSuppressJoinNotifications + const SystemChannelFlagsSuppressPremium + type Team struct + Description string + ID string + Icon string + Members []*TeamMember + Name string + OwnerID string + type TeamMember struct + MembershipState MembershipState + Permissions []string + TeamID string + User *User + type TextInput struct + CustomID string + Label string + MaxLength int + MinLength int + Placeholder string + Required bool + Style TextInputStyle + Value string + func (TextInput) Type() ComponentType + func (m TextInput) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) + type TextInputStyle uint + const TextInputParagraph + const TextInputShort + type ThreadCreate struct + NewlyCreated bool + type ThreadDelete struct + type ThreadListSync struct + ChannelIDs []string + GuildID string + Members []*ThreadMember + Threads []*Channel + type ThreadMember struct + Flags int + ID string + JoinTimestamp time.Time + Member *Member + UserID string + type ThreadMemberUpdate struct + GuildID string + type ThreadMembersUpdate struct + AddedMembers []AddedThreadMember + GuildID string + ID string + MemberCount int + RemovedMembers []string + type ThreadMetadata struct + ArchiveTimestamp time.Time + Archived bool + AutoArchiveDuration int + Invitable bool + Locked bool + type ThreadStart struct + AppliedTags []string + AutoArchiveDuration int + Invitable bool + Name string + RateLimitPerUser int + Type ChannelType + type ThreadUpdate struct + BeforeUpdate *Channel + type ThreadsList struct + HasMore bool + Members []*ThreadMember + Threads []*Channel + type TimeStamps struct + EndTimestamp int64 + StartTimestamp int64 + func (t *TimeStamps) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + type TooManyRequests struct + Bucket string + Message string + RetryAfter time.Duration + func (t *TooManyRequests) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error + type TypingStart struct + ChannelID string + GuildID string + Timestamp int + UserID string + type UpdateStatusData struct + AFK bool + Activities []*Activity + IdleSince *int + Status string + type User struct + AccentColor int + Avatar string + Banner string + Bot bool + Discriminator string + Email string + Flags int + GlobalName string + ID string + Locale string + MFAEnabled bool + PremiumType UserPremiumType + PublicFlags UserFlags + System bool + Token string + Username string + Verified bool + func (u *User) AvatarURL(size string) string + func (u *User) BannerURL(size string) string + func (u *User) DefaultAvatarIndex() int + func (u *User) Mention() string + func (u *User) String() string + type UserConnection struct + ID string + Integrations []*Integration + Name string + Revoked bool + Type string + type UserFlags int + const UserFlagActiveBotDeveloper + const UserFlagBotHTTPInteractions + const UserFlagBugHunterLevel1 + const UserFlagBugHunterLevel2 + const UserFlagDiscordCertifiedModerator + const UserFlagDiscordEmployee + const UserFlagDiscordPartner + const UserFlagEarlySupporter + const UserFlagHouseBalance + const UserFlagHouseBravery + const UserFlagHouseBrilliance + const UserFlagHypeSquadEvents + const UserFlagSystem + const UserFlagTeamUser + const UserFlagVerifiedBot + const UserFlagVerifiedBotDeveloper + type UserGuild struct + Features []GuildFeature + ID string + Icon string + Name string + Owner bool + Permissions int64 + type UserPremiumType int + const UserPremiumTypeNitro + const UserPremiumTypeNitroBasic + const UserPremiumTypeNitroClassic + const UserPremiumTypeNone + type UserUpdate struct + type VerificationLevel int + const VerificationLevelHigh + const VerificationLevelLow + const VerificationLevelMedium + const VerificationLevelNone + const VerificationLevelVeryHigh + type VoiceConnection struct + ChannelID string + Debug bool + GuildID string + LogLevel int + OpusRecv chan *Packet + OpusSend chan []byte + Ready bool + UserID string + func (v *VoiceConnection) AddHandler(h VoiceSpeakingUpdateHandler) + func (v *VoiceConnection) ChangeChannel(channelID string, mute, deaf bool) (err error) + func (v *VoiceConnection) Close() + func (v *VoiceConnection) Disconnect() (err error) + func (v *VoiceConnection) Speaking(b bool) (err error) + type VoiceRegion struct + ID string + Name string + type VoiceServerUpdate struct + Endpoint string + GuildID string + Token string + type VoiceSpeakingUpdate struct + SSRC int + Speaking bool + UserID string + type VoiceSpeakingUpdateHandler func(vc *VoiceConnection, vs *VoiceSpeakingUpdate) + type VoiceState struct + ChannelID string + Deaf bool + GuildID string + Member *Member + Mute bool + RequestToSpeakTimestamp *time.Time + SelfDeaf bool + SelfMute bool + SelfStream bool + SelfVideo bool + SessionID string + Suppress bool + UserID string + type VoiceStateUpdate struct + BeforeUpdate *VoiceState + type Webhook struct + ApplicationID string + Avatar string + ChannelID string + GuildID string + ID string + Name string + Token string + Type WebhookType + User *User + type WebhookEdit struct + AllowedMentions *MessageAllowedMentions + Components *[]MessageComponent + Content *string + Embeds *[]*MessageEmbed + Files []*File + type WebhookParams struct + AllowedMentions *MessageAllowedMentions + AvatarURL string + Components []MessageComponent + Content string + Embeds []*MessageEmbed + Files []*File + Flags MessageFlags + TTS bool + ThreadName string + Username string + type WebhookType int + const WebhookTypeChannelFollower + const WebhookTypeIncoming + type WebhooksUpdate struct + ChannelID string + GuildID string