
v6.7.3-0...-1f455d7 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 7, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 59 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


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var ErrMissingPipelineName = errors.New("Need to specify atleast one pipeline name")
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var ErrShowHelpMessage = errors.New("help command invoked")


func GetBuild

func GetBuild(client concourse.Client, team concourse.Team, jobName string, buildNameOrID string, pipelineRef atc.PipelineRef) (atc.Build, error)

func GetLatestResourceVersion

func GetLatestResourceVersion(team concourse.Team, resource flaghelpers.ResourceFlag, version atc.Version) (atc.ResourceVersion, error)

func GetTeam

func GetTeam(target rc.Target, teamToFind string) concourse.Team

func WireTeamConnectors

func WireTeamConnectors(command *flags.Command)


type AbortBuildCommand

type AbortBuildCommand struct {
	Job   flaghelpers.JobFlag `short:"j" long:"job" value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB"   description:"Name of a job to cancel"`
	Build string              `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*AbortBuildCommand) Execute

func (command *AbortBuildCommand) Execute([]string) error

type ActiveUsersCommand

type ActiveUsersCommand struct {
	Since string `long:"since" description:"Start date range of returned users' last login, defaults to 2 months from today'"`
	Json  bool   `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*ActiveUsersCommand) Execute

func (command *ActiveUsersCommand) Execute([]string) error

type ArchivePipelineCommand

type ArchivePipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline        *flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p"  long:"pipeline"        description:"Pipeline to archive"`
	All             bool                      `short:"a"  long:"all"             description:"Archive all pipelines"`
	SkipInteractive bool                      `short:"n"  long:"non-interactive" description:"Skips interactions, uses default values"`

func (*ArchivePipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *ArchivePipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*ArchivePipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *ArchivePipelineCommand) Validate() error

type BuildsCommand

type BuildsCommand struct {
	AllTeams    bool                      `short:"a" long:"all-teams" description:"Show builds for the all teams that user has access to"`
	Count       int                       `short:"c" long:"count" default:"50" description:"Number of builds you want to limit the return to"`
	CurrentTeam bool                      `long:"current-team" description:"Show builds for the currently targeted team"`
	Job         flaghelpers.JobFlag       `short:"j" long:"job" value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB" description:"Name of a job to get builds for"`
	Json        bool                      `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`
	Pipeline    *flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" description:"Name of a pipeline to get builds for"`
	Teams       []string                  `short:"n"  long:"team" description:"Show builds for these teams"`
	Since       string                    `long:"since" description:"Start of the range to filter builds"`
	Until       string                    `long:"until" description:"End of the range to filter builds"`

func (*BuildsCommand) Execute

func (command *BuildsCommand) Execute([]string) error

type CheckResourceCommand

type CheckResourceCommand struct {
	Resource flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	Version  *atc.Version             `` /* 163-byte string literal not displayed */
	Async    bool                     `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	Shallow  bool                     `long:"shallow"                          value-name:"SHALLOW"         description:"Check the resource itself only"`

func (*CheckResourceCommand) Execute

func (command *CheckResourceCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type CheckResourceTypeCommand

type CheckResourceTypeCommand struct {
	ResourceType flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */
	Version      *atc.Version             `` /* 153-byte string literal not displayed */
	Async        bool                     `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	Shallow      bool                     `long:"shallow"                          value-name:"SHALLOW"         description:"Check the resource type itself only"`

func (*CheckResourceTypeCommand) Execute

func (command *CheckResourceTypeCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type ChecklistCommand

type ChecklistCommand struct {
	Pipeline flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" required:"true" description:"The pipeline from which to generate the Checkfile"`

func (*ChecklistCommand) Execute

func (command *ChecklistCommand) Execute([]string) error

func (*ChecklistCommand) Validate

func (command *ChecklistCommand) Validate() error

type ClearTaskCacheCommand

type ClearTaskCacheCommand struct {
	Job             flaghelpers.JobFlag `short:"j" long:"job"  required:"true"  description:"Job to clear cache from"`
	StepName        string              `short:"s" long:"step"  required:"true" description:"Step name to clear cache from"`
	CachePath       string              `short:"c" long:"cache-path"  default:"" description:"Cache directory to clear out"`
	SkipInteractive bool                `short:"n"  long:"non-interactive"          description:"Destroy the task cache(s) without confirmation"`

func (*ClearTaskCacheCommand) Execute

func (command *ClearTaskCacheCommand) Execute([]string) error

type CompletionCommand

type CompletionCommand struct {
	Shell string `long:"shell" required:"true" choice:"bash" choice:"zsh"` // add more choices later

func (*CompletionCommand) Execute

func (command *CompletionCommand) Execute([]string) error

type ContainersCommand

type ContainersCommand struct {
	Json bool `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*ContainersCommand) Execute

func (command *ContainersCommand) Execute([]string) error

type CurlCommand

type CurlCommand struct {
	Args struct {
		Path string   `positional-arg-name:"PATH" required:"true" description:"Pass query params as normal curl path like path?key=value"`
		Rest []string `` /* 141-byte string literal not displayed */
	} `positional-args:"yes"`
	PrintAndExit bool `long:"print-and-exit" description:"Print curl command and exit"`

func (*CurlCommand) Execute

func (command *CurlCommand) Execute([]string) error

type DeleteTargetCommand

type DeleteTargetCommand struct {
	All bool `short:"a" long:"all" description:"Delete all targets"`

func (*DeleteTargetCommand) Execute

func (command *DeleteTargetCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type DestroyPipelineCommand

type DestroyPipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline        flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p"  long:"pipeline" required:"true" description:"Pipeline to destroy"`
	SkipInteractive bool                     `short:"n"  long:"non-interactive"          description:"Destroy the pipeline without confirmation"`

	Team string `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the pipeline belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*DestroyPipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *DestroyPipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*DestroyPipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *DestroyPipelineCommand) Validate() error

type DestroyTeamCommand

type DestroyTeamCommand struct {
	Team            flaghelpers.TeamFlag `short:"n" long:"team-name" required:"true"        description:"The team to delete"`
	SkipInteractive bool                 `long:"non-interactive"        description:"Force apply configuration"`

func (*DestroyTeamCommand) Execute

func (command *DestroyTeamCommand) Execute([]string) error

type DisableResourceVersionCommand

type DisableResourceVersionCommand struct {
	Resource flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `short:"r" long:"resource" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/RESOURCE" description:"Name of the resource"`
	Version  *atc.Version             `` /* 280-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*DisableResourceVersionCommand) Execute

func (command *DisableResourceVersionCommand) Execute([]string) error

type EditTargetCommand

type EditTargetCommand struct {
	NewName rc.TargetName `long:"target-name" description:"Update target name"`
	Url     string        `short:"u" long:"concourse-url" description:"Update concourse URL"`
	Team    string        `short:"n" long:"team-name" description:"Update team name"`

func (*EditTargetCommand) Execute

func (command *EditTargetCommand) Execute([]string) error

type EnableResourceVersionCommand

type EnableResourceVersionCommand struct {
	Resource flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `short:"r" long:"resource" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/RESOURCE" description:"Name of the resource"`
	Version  *atc.Version             `` /* 278-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*EnableResourceVersionCommand) Execute

func (command *EnableResourceVersionCommand) Execute([]string) error

type ExecuteCommand

type ExecuteCommand struct {
	TaskConfig     atc.PathFlag                       `short:"c" long:"config" required:"true"                description:"The task config to execute"`
	Privileged     bool                               `short:"p" long:"privileged"                            description:"Run the task with full privileges"`
	IncludeIgnored bool                               `` /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */
	Inputs         []flaghelpers.InputPairFlag        `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	InputMappings  []flaghelpers.InputMappingPairFlag `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */
	InputsFrom     flaghelpers.JobFlag                `short:"j" long:"inputs-from" value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB" description:"A job to base the inputs on"`
	Outputs        []flaghelpers.OutputPairFlag       `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	Image          string                             `long:"image" description:"Image resource for the one-off build"`
	Tags           []string                           `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	Var            []flaghelpers.VariablePairFlag     `` /* 147-byte string literal not displayed */
	YAMLVar        []flaghelpers.YAMLVariablePairFlag `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */
	VarsFrom       []atc.PathFlag                     `` /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*ExecuteCommand) CreateTaskConfig

func (command *ExecuteCommand) CreateTaskConfig(args []string) (atc.TaskConfig, error)

func (*ExecuteCommand) Execute

func (command *ExecuteCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type ExposePipelineCommand

type ExposePipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" required:"true" description:"Pipeline to expose"`
	Team     string                   `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the pipeline belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*ExposePipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *ExposePipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*ExposePipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *ExposePipelineCommand) Validate() error

type FlyCommand

type FlyCommand struct {
	Help HelpCommand `command:"help" description:"Print this help message"`

	Target       rc.TargetName       `short:"t" long:"target" description:"Concourse target name"`
	Targets      TargetsCommand      `command:"targets" alias:"ts" description:"List saved targets"`
	DeleteTarget DeleteTargetCommand `command:"delete-target" alias:"dtg" description:"Delete target"`
	EditTarget   EditTargetCommand   `command:"edit-target" alias:"etg" description:"Edit a target"`

	Version func() `short:"v" long:"version" description:"Print the version of Fly and exit"`

	Verbose bool `long:"verbose" description:"Print API requests and responses"`

	PrintTableHeaders bool `long:"print-table-headers" description:"Print table headers even for redirected output"`

	Login  LoginCommand  `command:"login" alias:"l" description:"Authenticate with the target"`
	Logout LogoutCommand `command:"logout" alias:"o" description:"Release authentication with the target"`
	Status StatusCommand `command:"status" description:"Login status"`
	Sync   SyncCommand   `command:"sync"  alias:"s" description:"Download and replace the current fly from the target"`

	ActiveUsers ActiveUsersCommand `command:"active-users" alias:"au" description:"List the active users since a date or for the past 2 months"`
	Userinfo    UserinfoCommand    `command:"userinfo" description:"User information"`

	Teams       TeamsCommand       `command:"teams" alias:"t" description:"List the configured teams"`
	GetTeam     GetTeamCommand     `command:"get-team"  alias:"gt" description:"Show team configuration"`
	SetTeam     SetTeamCommand     `command:"set-team"  alias:"st" description:"Create or modify a team to have the given credentials"`
	RenameTeam  RenameTeamCommand  `command:"rename-team"   alias:"rt" description:"Rename a team"`
	DestroyTeam DestroyTeamCommand `command:"destroy-team"  alias:"dt" description:"Destroy a team and delete all of its data"`

	Checklist ChecklistCommand `command:"checklist" alias:"cl" description:"Print a Checkfile of the given pipeline"`

	Execute ExecuteCommand `command:"execute" alias:"e" description:"Execute a one-off build using local bits"`
	Watch   WatchCommand   `command:"watch"   alias:"w" description:"Stream a build's output"`

	Containers ContainersCommand `command:"containers" alias:"cs" description:"Print the active containers"`
	Hijack     HijackCommand     `command:"hijack"     alias:"intercept" alias:"i" description:"Execute a command in a container"`

	Jobs        JobsCommand        `command:"jobs"      alias:"js" description:"List the jobs in the pipelines"`
	PauseJob    PauseJobCommand    `command:"pause-job" alias:"pj" description:"Pause a job"`
	UnpauseJob  UnpauseJobCommand  `command:"unpause-job" alias:"uj" description:"Unpause a job"`
	ScheduleJob ScheduleJobCommand `` /* 144-byte string literal not displayed */

	Pipelines        PipelinesCommand        `command:"pipelines"           alias:"ps"   description:"List the configured pipelines"`
	DestroyPipeline  DestroyPipelineCommand  `command:"destroy-pipeline"    alias:"dp"   description:"Destroy a pipeline"`
	GetPipeline      GetPipelineCommand      `command:"get-pipeline"        alias:"gp"   description:"Get a pipeline's current configuration"`
	SetPipeline      SetPipelineCommand      `command:"set-pipeline"        alias:"sp"   description:"Create or update a pipeline's configuration"`
	PausePipeline    PausePipelineCommand    `command:"pause-pipeline"      alias:"pp"   description:"Pause a pipeline"`
	ArchivePipeline  ArchivePipelineCommand  `command:"archive-pipeline"    alias:"ap"   description:"Archive a pipeline"`
	UnpausePipeline  UnpausePipelineCommand  `command:"unpause-pipeline"    alias:"up"   description:"Un-pause a pipeline"`
	ExposePipeline   ExposePipelineCommand   `command:"expose-pipeline"     alias:"ep"   description:"Make a pipeline publicly viewable"`
	HidePipeline     HidePipelineCommand     `command:"hide-pipeline"       alias:"hp"   description:"Hide a pipeline from the public"`
	RenamePipeline   RenamePipelineCommand   `command:"rename-pipeline"     alias:"rp"   description:"Rename a pipeline"`
	ValidatePipeline ValidatePipelineCommand `command:"validate-pipeline"   alias:"vp"   description:"Validate a pipeline config"`
	FormatPipeline   FormatPipelineCommand   `command:"format-pipeline"     alias:"fp"   description:"Format a pipeline config"`
	OrderPipelines   OrderPipelinesCommand   `command:"order-pipelines"     alias:"op"   description:"Orders pipelines"`

	Resources              ResourcesCommand              `command:"resources"                  alias:"rs"   description:"List the resources in the pipeline"`
	ResourceVersions       ResourceVersionsCommand       `command:"resource-versions"          alias:"rvs"  description:"List the versions of a resource"`
	CheckResource          CheckResourceCommand          `command:"check-resource"             alias:"cr"   description:"Check a resource"`
	PinResource            PinResourceCommand            `command:"pin-resource"               alias:"pr"   description:"Pin a version to a resource"`
	UnpinResource          UnpinResourceCommand          `command:"unpin-resource"             alias:"ur"   description:"Unpin a resource"`
	EnableResourceVersion  EnableResourceVersionCommand  `command:"enable-resource-version"    alias:"erv"  description:"Enable a version of a resource"`
	DisableResourceVersion DisableResourceVersionCommand `command:"disable-resource-version"   alias:"drv"  description:"Disable a version of a resource"`

	CheckResourceType CheckResourceTypeCommand `command:"check-resource-type" alias:"crt"  description:"Check a resource-type"`

	ClearTaskCache ClearTaskCacheCommand `command:"clear-task-cache" alias:"ctc" description:"Clears cache from a task container"`

	Builds     BuildsCommand     `command:"builds"      alias:"bs" description:"List builds data"`
	AbortBuild AbortBuildCommand `command:"abort-build" alias:"ab" description:"Abort a build"`
	RerunBuild RerunBuildCommand `command:"rerun-build" alias:"rb" description:"Rerun a build"`

	TriggerJob TriggerJobCommand `command:"trigger-job" alias:"tj" description:"Start a job in a pipeline"`

	Volumes VolumesCommand `command:"volumes" alias:"vs" description:"List the active volumes"`

	Workers     WorkersCommand     `command:"workers" alias:"ws" description:"List the registered workers"`
	LandWorker  LandWorkerCommand  `command:"land-worker" alias:"lw" description:"Land a worker"`
	PruneWorker PruneWorkerCommand `command:"prune-worker" alias:"pw" description:"Prune a stalled, landing, landed, or retiring worker"`

	Curl CurlCommand `command:"curl" alias:"c" description:"curl the api"`

	Completion CompletionCommand `command:"completion" description:"generate shell completion code"`
var Fly FlyCommand

type FormatPipelineCommand

type FormatPipelineCommand struct {
	Config atc.PathFlag `short:"c" long:"config" required:"true" description:"Pipeline configuration file"`
	Write  bool         `short:"w" long:"write" description:"Do not print to stdout; overwrite the file in place"`

func (*FormatPipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *FormatPipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type GetPipelineCommand

type GetPipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" required:"true" description:"Get configuration of this pipeline"`
	JSON     bool                     `short:"j" long:"json"                     description:"Print config as json instead of yaml"`
	Team     string                   `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the pipeline belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*GetPipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *GetPipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*GetPipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *GetPipelineCommand) Validate() error

type GetTeamCommand

type GetTeamCommand struct {
	Team flaghelpers.TeamFlag `short:"n" long:"team-name" required:"true" description:"Get configuration of this team"`
	JSON bool                 `short:"j" long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*GetTeamCommand) Execute

func (command *GetTeamCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type HelpCommand

type HelpCommand struct{}

func (*HelpCommand) Execute

func (command *HelpCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type HidePipelineCommand

type HidePipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p"   long:"pipeline" required:"true" description:"Pipeline to hide"`
	Team     string                   `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*HidePipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *HidePipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*HidePipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *HidePipelineCommand) Validate() error

type HijackCommand

type HijackCommand struct {
	Job            flaghelpers.JobFlag      `short:"j" long:"job"   value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB"   description:"Name of a job to hijack"`
	Handle         string                   `          long:"handle"                            description:"Handle id of a job to hijack"`
	Check          flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `short:"c" long:"check" value-name:"PIPELINE/CHECK" description:"Name of a resource's checking container to hijack"`
	Url            string                   `short:"u" long:"url"                               description:"URL for the build, job, or check container to hijack"`
	Build          string                   `short:"b" long:"build"                             description:"Build number within the job, or global build ID"`
	StepName       string                   `short:"s" long:"step"                              description:"Name of step to hijack (e.g. build, unit, resource name)"`
	StepType       string                   `          long:"step-type"                         description:"Type of step to hijack (e.g. get, put, task)"`
	Attempt        string                   `short:"a" long:"attempt" value-name:"N[,N,...]"    description:"Attempt number of step to hijack."`
	PositionalArgs struct {
		Command []string `positional-arg-name:"command" description:"The command to run in the container (default: bash)"`
	} `positional-args:"yes"`
	Team string `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the container belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*HijackCommand) Execute

func (command *HijackCommand) Execute([]string) error

type JobsCommand

type JobsCommand struct {
	Pipeline flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" required:"true" description:"Get jobs in this pipeline"`
	Json     bool                     `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`
	Team     string                   `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the pipeline belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*JobsCommand) Execute

func (command *JobsCommand) Execute([]string) error

type LandWorkerCommand

type LandWorkerCommand struct {
	Worker flaghelpers.WorkerFlag `short:"w"  long:"worker" required:"true" description:"Worker to land"`

func (*LandWorkerCommand) Execute

func (command *LandWorkerCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type LoginCommand

type LoginCommand struct {
	ATCURL         string       `short:"c" long:"concourse-url" description:"Concourse URL to authenticate with"`
	Insecure       bool         `short:"k" long:"insecure" description:"Skip verification of the endpoint's SSL certificate"`
	Username       string       `short:"u" long:"username" description:"Username for basic auth"`
	Password       string       `short:"p" long:"password" description:"Password for basic auth"`
	TeamName       string       `short:"n" long:"team-name" description:"Team to authenticate with"`
	CACert         atc.PathFlag `long:"ca-cert" description:"Path to Concourse PEM-encoded CA certificate file."`
	ClientCertPath atc.PathFlag `long:"client-cert" description:"Path to a PEM-encoded client certificate file."`
	ClientKeyPath  atc.PathFlag `long:"client-key" description:"Path to a PEM-encoded client key file."`
	OpenBrowser    bool         `short:"b" long:"open-browser" description:"Open browser to the auth endpoint"`

	BrowserOnly bool

func (*LoginCommand) Execute

func (command *LoginCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type LogoutCommand

type LogoutCommand struct {
	All bool `short:"a" long:"all" description:"Logout of all targets"`

func (*LogoutCommand) Execute

func (command *LogoutCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type OrderPipelinesCommand

type OrderPipelinesCommand struct {
	Alphabetical bool                       `short:"a"  long:"alphabetical" description:"Order all pipelines alphabetically"`
	Pipelines    []flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" description:"Name of pipeline to order"`
	Team         string                     `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the pipelines belong, if different from the target default"`

func (*OrderPipelinesCommand) Execute

func (command *OrderPipelinesCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*OrderPipelinesCommand) Validate

func (command *OrderPipelinesCommand) Validate() (atc.OrderPipelinesRequest, error)

type PauseJobCommand

type PauseJobCommand struct {
	Job  flaghelpers.JobFlag `short:"j" long:"job" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB" description:"Name of a job to pause"`
	Team string              `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the job belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*PauseJobCommand) Execute

func (command *PauseJobCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type PausePipelineCommand

type PausePipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline *flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p"   long:"pipeline" description:"Pipeline to pause"`
	All      bool                      `short:"a"   long:"all"      description:"Pause all pipelines"`
	Team     string                    `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*PausePipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *PausePipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*PausePipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *PausePipelineCommand) Validate() error

type PinResourceCommand

type PinResourceCommand struct {
	Resource flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `short:"r" long:"resource" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/RESOURCE" description:"Name of the resource"`
	Version  *atc.Version             `` /* 233-byte string literal not displayed */
	Comment  string                   `` /* 175-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*PinResourceCommand) Execute

func (command *PinResourceCommand) Execute([]string) error

type PipelinesCommand

type PipelinesCommand struct {
	All             bool `short:"a"  long:"all" description:"Show pipelines across all teams"`
	IncludeArchived bool `long:"include-archived" description:"Show archived pipelines"`
	Json            bool `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*PipelinesCommand) Execute

func (command *PipelinesCommand) Execute([]string) error

type PruneWorkerCommand

type PruneWorkerCommand struct {
	Worker     flaghelpers.WorkerFlag `short:"w"  long:"worker" description:"Worker to prune"`
	AllStalled bool                   `short:"a" long:"all-stalled" description:"Prune all stalled workers"`

func (*PruneWorkerCommand) Execute

func (command *PruneWorkerCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type RenamePipelineCommand

type RenamePipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"o"  long:"old-name" required:"true"  description:"Pipeline to rename"`
	NewName  string                   `short:"n"  long:"new-name" required:"true"  description:"Name to set as pipeline name"`

func (*RenamePipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *RenamePipelineCommand) Execute([]string) error

func (*RenamePipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *RenamePipelineCommand) Validate() error

type RenameTeamCommand

type RenameTeamCommand struct {
	Team        flaghelpers.TeamFlag `short:"o" long:"old-name" required:"true" description:"Current team name"`
	NewTeamName string               `short:"n" long:"new-name" required:"true" description:"New team name"`

func (*RenameTeamCommand) Execute

func (command *RenameTeamCommand) Execute([]string) error

type RerunBuildCommand

type RerunBuildCommand struct {
	Job   flaghelpers.JobFlag `` /* 127-byte string literal not displayed */
	Build string              `short:"b" long:"build" required:"true" description:"The number of the build to rerun"`
	Watch bool                `short:"w" long:"watch" description:"Start watching the rerun build output"`

func (*RerunBuildCommand) Execute

func (command *RerunBuildCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type ResourceVersionsCommand

type ResourceVersionsCommand struct {
	Count    int                      `short:"c" long:"count" default:"50" description:"Number of versions you want to limit the return to"`
	Resource flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `short:"r" long:"resource" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/RESOURCE" description:"Name of a resource to get versions for"`
	Json     bool                     `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*ResourceVersionsCommand) Execute

func (command *ResourceVersionsCommand) Execute([]string) error

type ResourcesCommand

type ResourcesCommand struct {
	Pipeline flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" required:"true" description:"Get resources in this pipeline"`
	Json     bool                     `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*ResourcesCommand) Execute

func (command *ResourcesCommand) Execute([]string) error

type ScheduleJobCommand

type ScheduleJobCommand struct {
	Job flaghelpers.JobFlag `short:"j" long:"job" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB" description:"Name of a job to schedule"`

func (*ScheduleJobCommand) Execute

func (command *ScheduleJobCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type SetPipelineCommand

type SetPipelineCommand struct {
	SkipInteractive  bool `short:"n"  long:"non-interactive"               description:"Skips interactions, uses default values"`
	DisableAnsiColor bool `long:"no-color"               description:"Disable color output"`

	CheckCredentials bool `long:"check-creds"  description:"Validate credential variables against credential manager"`

	PipelineName string       `short:"p"  long:"pipeline"  required:"true"  description:"Pipeline to configure"`
	Config       atc.PathFlag `short:"c"  long:"config"    required:"true"  description:"Pipeline configuration file, \"-\" stands for stdin"`

	Var          []flaghelpers.VariablePairFlag     `` /* 151-byte string literal not displayed */
	YAMLVar      []flaghelpers.YAMLVariablePairFlag `` /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */
	InstanceVars []flaghelpers.YAMLVariablePairFlag `` /* 158-byte string literal not displayed */

	VarsFrom []atc.PathFlag `` /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */

	Team string `long:"team"              description:"Name of the team to which the pipeline belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*SetPipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *SetPipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*SetPipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *SetPipelineCommand) Validate() ([]concourse.ConfigWarning, error)

type SetTeamCommand

type SetTeamCommand struct {
	Team            flaghelpers.TeamFlag `short:"n" long:"team-name" required:"true" description:"The team to create or modify"`
	SkipInteractive bool                 `long:"non-interactive" description:"Force apply configuration"`
	AuthFlags       skycmd.AuthTeamFlags `group:"Authentication"`

func (*SetTeamCommand) Execute

func (command *SetTeamCommand) Execute([]string) error

func (*SetTeamCommand) Validate

func (command *SetTeamCommand) Validate() ([]concourse.ConfigWarning, error)

type StatusCommand

type StatusCommand struct{}

func (*StatusCommand) Execute

func (c *StatusCommand) Execute([]string) error

type SyncCommand

type SyncCommand struct {
	Force          bool         `long:"force" short:"f" description:"Sync even if versions already match."`
	ATCURL         string       `long:"concourse-url" short:"c" description:"Concourse URL to sync with"`
	Insecure       bool         `short:"k" long:"insecure" description:"Skip verification of the endpoint's SSL certificate"`
	CACert         atc.PathFlag `long:"ca-cert" description:"Path to Concourse PEM-encoded CA certificate file."`
	ClientCertPath atc.PathFlag `long:"client-cert" description:"Path to a PEM-encoded client certificate file."`
	ClientKeyPath  atc.PathFlag `long:"client-key" description:"Path to a PEM-encoded client key file."`

func (*SyncCommand) Execute

func (command *SyncCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type TargetsCommand

type TargetsCommand struct{}

func (*TargetsCommand) Execute

func (command *TargetsCommand) Execute([]string) error

type TeamsCommand

type TeamsCommand struct {
	Json    bool `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`
	Details bool `short:"d" long:"details" description:"Print authentication configuration"`

func (*TeamsCommand) Execute

func (command *TeamsCommand) Execute([]string) error

type TriggerJobCommand

type TriggerJobCommand struct {
	Job   flaghelpers.JobFlag `short:"j" long:"job" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB" description:"Name of a job to trigger"`
	Watch bool                `short:"w" long:"watch" description:"Start watching the build output"`
	Team  string              `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the job belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*TriggerJobCommand) Execute

func (command *TriggerJobCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type UnpauseJobCommand

type UnpauseJobCommand struct {
	Job  flaghelpers.JobFlag `short:"j" long:"job" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB" description:"Name of a job to unpause"`
	Team string              `long:"team" description:"Name of the team to which the job belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*UnpauseJobCommand) Execute

func (command *UnpauseJobCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type UnpausePipelineCommand

type UnpausePipelineCommand struct {
	Pipeline *flaghelpers.PipelineFlag `short:"p" long:"pipeline" description:"Pipeline to unpause"`
	All      bool                      `short:"a" long:"all"      description:"Unpause all pipelines"`
	Team     string                    `long:"team"              description:"Name of the team to which the pipeline belongs, if different from the target default"`

func (*UnpausePipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *UnpausePipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

func (*UnpausePipelineCommand) Validate

func (command *UnpausePipelineCommand) Validate() error

type UnpinResourceCommand

type UnpinResourceCommand struct {
	Resource flaghelpers.ResourceFlag `short:"r" long:"resource" required:"true" value-name:"PIPELINE/RESOURCE" description:"Name of the resource"`

func (*UnpinResourceCommand) Execute

func (command *UnpinResourceCommand) Execute([]string) error

type UserinfoCommand

type UserinfoCommand struct {
	Json bool `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*UserinfoCommand) Execute

func (command *UserinfoCommand) Execute([]string) error

type ValidatePipelineCommand

type ValidatePipelineCommand struct {
	Config           atc.PathFlag `short:"c" long:"config" required:"true"  description:"Pipeline configuration file"`
	Strict           bool         `short:"s" long:"strict"                  description:"Fail on warnings"`
	Output           bool         `short:"o" long:"output"                  description:"Output templated pipeline to stdout"`
	EnableAcrossStep bool         `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */

	Var     []flaghelpers.VariablePairFlag     `` /* 147-byte string literal not displayed */
	YAMLVar []flaghelpers.YAMLVariablePairFlag `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */

	VarsFrom []atc.PathFlag `` /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*ValidatePipelineCommand) Execute

func (command *ValidatePipelineCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type VolumesCommand

type VolumesCommand struct {
	Details bool `short:"d" long:"details" description:"Print additional information for each volume"`
	Json    bool `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*VolumesCommand) Execute

func (command *VolumesCommand) Execute([]string) error

type WatchCommand

type WatchCommand struct {
	Job                      flaghelpers.JobFlag `short:"j" long:"job"         value-name:"PIPELINE/JOB"  description:"Watches builds of the given job"`
	Build                    string              `short:"b" long:"build"                                  description:"Watches a specific build"`
	Url                      string              `short:"u" long:"url"                                    description:"URL for the build or job to watch"`
	Timestamp                bool                `short:"t" long:"timestamps"                             description:"Print with local timestamp"`
	IgnoreEventParsingErrors bool                `long:"ignore-event-parsing-errors"                      description:"Ignore event parsing errors"`

func (*WatchCommand) Execute

func (command *WatchCommand) Execute(args []string) error

type WorkersCommand

type WorkersCommand struct {
	Details bool `short:"d" long:"details" description:"Print additional information for each worker"`
	Json    bool `long:"json" description:"Print command result as JSON"`

func (*WorkersCommand) Execute

func (command *WorkersCommand) Execute([]string) error

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