Overview ¶
Package dag is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- Variables
- type Dag
- func (d *Dag) ActiveMediatorsCount() int
- func (dag *Dag) AfterChainMaintenanceEvent(arg *modules.ChainMaintenanceEvent)
- func (dag *Dag) AfterSysContractStateChangeEvent(arg *modules.SysContractStateChangeEvent)
- func (d *Dag) ChainThreshold() int
- func (d *Dag) CheckHeaderCorrect(number int) error
- func (d *Dag) CheckReadSetValid(contractId []byte, readSet []modules.ContractReadSet) bool
- func (d *Dag) CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId string, number int) error
- func (dag *Dag) ClearAddrUtxo(addr common.Address) error
- func (dag *Dag) ClearUtxo() error
- func (d *Dag) Close()
- func (dag *Dag) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, certID *big.Int, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (dag *Dag) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to common.Address, token *modules.Asset, daoAmountToken, daoFee uint64, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (d *Dag) CurrentHeader(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Header
- func (d *Dag) CurrentUnit(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (d *Dag) FastSyncCommitHead(hash common.Hash) error
- func (dag *Dag) GenTransferPtnTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount uint64, text *string, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (dag *Dag) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter common.Address, mediators map[string]bool, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (dag *Dag) GenerateUnit(when time.Time, producer common.Address, groupPubKey []byte, ...) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAccountVotedMediators(addr common.Address) map[string]bool
- func (d *Dag) GetActiveMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator
- func (d *Dag) GetActiveMediatorAddr(index int) common.Address
- func (d *Dag) GetActiveMediatorInitPubs() []kyber.Point
- func (d *Dag) GetActiveMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node
- func (d *Dag) GetActiveMediators() []common.Address
- func (d *Dag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint *modules.OutPoint) (common.Address, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAddrOutpoints(addr common.Address) ([]modules.OutPoint, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAddrTransactions(addr common.Address) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAddrUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAllContractTpl() ([]*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAllContracts() ([]*modules.Contract, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAllData() ([][]byte, [][]byte)
- func (d *Dag) GetAllLeafNodes() ([]*modules.Header, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAllUtxos() (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAssetReference(asset []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetAssetTxHistory(asset *modules.Asset) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetBlacklistAddress() ([]common.Address, *modules.StateVersion, error)
- func (dag *Dag) GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters
- func (d *Dag) GetCommon(key []byte, stableDb bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix []byte, stableDb bool) map[string][]byte
- func (d *Dag) GetContract(id []byte) (*modules.Contract, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractDeploy(tempId, contractId []byte, name string) (*modules.ContractDeployPayload, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractDevelopers() ([]common.Address, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractJury(contractId []byte) (*modules.ElectionNode, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractState(id []byte, field string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractStateByVersion(id []byte, field string, version *modules.StateVersion) ([]byte, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractStatesById(id []byte) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractTpl(tplId []byte) (*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractTplCode(tplId []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractsByTpl(tplId []byte) ([]*modules.Contract, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr common.Hash) []*modules.Contract
- func (d *Dag) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (d *Dag) GetCurrentUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (d *Dag) GetCurrentUnitIndex(token modules.AssetId) (*modules.ChainIndex, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetDataVersion() (*modules.DataVersion, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetDynGlobalProp() *modules.DynamicGlobalProperty
- func (d *Dag) GetFileInfo(filehash []byte) ([]*modules.FileInfo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetGenesisUnit() (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetGlobalProp() *modules.GlobalProperty
- func (d *Dag) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetHeaderByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr common.Address, startHeight, count uint64) ([]*modules.Header, error)
- func (dag *Dag) GetImmutableChainParameters() *core.ImmutableChainParameters
- func (d *Dag) GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id modules.AssetId) uint64
- func (d *Dag) GetJurorByAddrHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.JurorDeposit, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd common.Address) common.Address
- func (d *Dag) GetLightChainHeight(assetId modules.AssetId) uint64
- func (d *Dag) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (bc *Dag) GetMainChain() (*modules.MainChain, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetMainCurrentUnit() *modules.Unit
- func (d *Dag) GetMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator
- func (dag *Dag) GetMediatorCount() int
- func (d *Dag) GetMediatorInfo(address common.Address) *modules.MediatorInfo
- func (d *Dag) GetMediatorSchl() *modules.MediatorSchedule
- func (dag *Dag) GetMediators() map[common.Address]bool
- func (dag *Dag) GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token modules.AssetId) (int64, error)
- func (bc *Dag) GetPartitionChains() ([]*modules.PartitionChain, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node
- func (d *Dag) GetPtnBalance(addr common.Address) uint64
- func (dag *Dag) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum uint32) common.Address
- func (dag *Dag) GetSlotAtTime(when time.Time) uint32
- func (dag *Dag) GetSlotTime(slotNum uint32) time.Time
- func (d *Dag) GetStableChainIndex(token modules.AssetId) *modules.ChainIndex
- func (d *Dag) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetStableUnit(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetStableUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetStxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Stxo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTransaction(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTrieSyncProgress() (uint64, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTxByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTxFee(pay *modules.Transaction) (*modules.AmountAsset, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTxFromAddress(tx *modules.Transaction) ([]common.Address, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTxHashByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (common.Hash, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTxOutput(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTxRequesterAddress(tx *modules.Transaction) (common.Address, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetTxSearchEntry(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TxLookupEntry, error)
- func (dag *Dag) GetUnitByHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUnitHash(number *modules.ChainIndex) (common.Hash, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash
- func (d *Dag) GetUnitNumber(hash common.Hash) (*modules.ChainIndex, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUnitTransactions(hash common.Hash) (modules.Transactions, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUnitTxsHash(hash common.Hash) ([]common.Hash, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUnstableUnits() []*modules.Unit
- func (d *Dag) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUtxoView(tx *modules.Transaction) (*txspool.UtxoViewpoint, error)
- func (d *Dag) GetUtxosOutViewbyTx(tx *modules.Transaction) *txspool.UtxoViewpoint
- func (d *Dag) GetUtxosOutViewbyUnit(unit *modules.Unit) *txspool.UtxoViewpoint
- func (d *Dag) GetVotingForMediator(addStr string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (d *Dag) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
- func (d *Dag) HasUnit(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (dag *Dag) HeadUnitHash() common.Hash
- func (dag *Dag) HeadUnitNum() uint64
- func (dag *Dag) HeadUnitTime() int64
- func (dag *Dag) InitPropertyDB(genesis *core.Genesis, unit *modules.Unit) error
- func (dag *Dag) InitStateDB(genesis *core.Genesis, head *modules.Header) error
- func (d *Dag) InsertDag(units modules.Units, txpool txspool.ITxPool, is_stable bool) (int, error)
- func (d *Dag) InsertHeaderDag(headers []*modules.Header) (int, error)
- func (d *Dag) InsertLightHeader(headers []*modules.Header) (int, error)
- func (d *Dag) IsActiveJury(addr common.Address) bool
- func (d *Dag) IsActiveMediator(add common.Address) bool
- func (dag *Dag) IsConsecutiveMediator(nextMediator common.Address) bool
- func (d *Dag) IsContractDeveloper(addr common.Address) bool
- func (d *Dag) IsEmpty() bool
- func (d *Dag) IsHeaderExist(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (d *Dag) IsIrreversibleUnit(hash common.Hash) (bool, error)
- func (dag *Dag) IsMediator(address common.Address) bool
- func (d *Dag) IsPrecedingMediator(add common.Address) bool
- func (dag *Dag) IsSynced(toStrictly bool) bool
- func (d *Dag) IsTransactionExist(hash common.Hash) (bool, error)
- func (d *Dag) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (bool, error)
- func (d *Dag) JuryCount() uint
- func (dag *Dag) LastMaintenanceTime() int64
- func (dag *Dag) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo
- func (dag *Dag) MediatorParticipationRate() uint32
- func (d *Dag) MediatorVotedResults() (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (d *Dag) MemdagInfos() (*modules.MemdagInfos, error)
- func (d *Dag) ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (bc *Dag) PostChainEvents(events []interface{})
- func (d *Dag) PrecedingMediatorsCount() int
- func (d *Dag) PrecedingThreshold() int
- func (d *Dag) QueryDbByKey(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (d *Dag) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix []byte) ([]*modules.DbRow, error)
- func (d *Dag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
- func (d *Dag) RebuildAddrTxIndex() error
- func (d *Dag) RefreshAddrTxIndex() error
- func (d *Dag) RefreshPartitionMemDag()
- func (d *Dag) RefreshSysParameters()
- func (d *Dag) SaveCommon(key, val []byte) error
- func (d *Dag) SaveContract(contract *modules.Contract) error
- func (d *Dag) SaveUnit(unit *modules.Unit, txpool txspool.ITxPool, isGenesis bool) error
- func (dag *Dag) SaveUtxoView(view map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo) error
- func (d *Dag) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash common.Hash, groupSign []byte, txpool txspool.ITxPool) error
- func (d *Dag) StableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error)
- func (d *Dag) StoreDataVersion(dv *modules.DataVersion) error
- func (d *Dag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.ActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *Dag) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *Dag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *Dag) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
- func (bc *Dag) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- modules.RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
- func (d *Dag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch chan<- modules.ToGroupSignEvent) event.Subscription
- func (d *Dag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.UnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
- func (dag *Dag) SwitchMainChainEvent(arg *memunit.SwitchMainChainEvent)
- func (d *Dag) UnitIrreversibleTime() time.Duration
- func (d *Dag) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error)
- func (d *Dag) VerifyUnitGroupSign(unitHash common.Hash, groupSign []byte) error
- type IDag
- type MockIDag
- func (m *MockIDag) ChainThreshold() int
- func (m *MockIDag) CheckHeaderCorrect(number int) error
- func (m *MockIDag) CheckReadSetValid(contractId []byte, readSet []modules.ContractReadSet) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId string, number int) error
- func (m *MockIDag) ClearAddrUtxo(addr common.Address) error
- func (m *MockIDag) ClearUtxo() error
- func (m *MockIDag) Close()
- func (m *MockIDag) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, certID *big.Int, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to common.Address, token *modules.Asset, daoAmountToken, daoFee uint64, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) CurrentHeader(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Header
- func (m *MockIDag) CurrentUnit(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) EXPECT() *MockIDagMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIDag) FastSyncCommitHead(arg0 common.Hash) error
- func (m *MockIDag) GenTransferPtnTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount uint64, text *string, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter common.Address, mediators map[string]bool, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAccountVotedMediators(addr common.Address) map[string]bool
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorAddr(index int) common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediators() []common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint *modules.OutPoint) (common.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrOutpoints(addr common.Address) ([]modules.OutPoint, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrTransactions(addr common.Address) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllContractTpl() ([]*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllContracts() ([]*modules.Contract, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllData() ([][]byte, [][]byte)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllLeafNodes() ([]*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllUtxos() (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetReference(asset []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetTxHistory(asset *modules.Asset) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetBlacklistAddress() ([]common.Address, *modules.StateVersion, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCommon(key []byte, stableDb bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix []byte, stableDb bool) map[string][]byte
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContract(id []byte) (*modules.Contract, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractDevelopers() ([]common.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractJury(contractId []byte) (*modules.ElectionNode, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractState(contractid []byte, field string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStateByVersion(id []byte, field string, version *modules.StateVersion) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStatesById(id []byte) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractTpl(tplId []byte) (*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractTplCode(tplId []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractsByTpl(tplId []byte) ([]*modules.Contract, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr common.Hash) []*modules.Contract
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCurrentUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetDataVersion() (*modules.DataVersion, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetDynGlobalProp() *modules.DynamicGlobalProperty
- func (m *MockIDag) GetFileInfo(filehash []byte) ([]*modules.FileInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetGenesisUnit() (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetGlobalProp() *modules.GlobalProperty
- func (m *MockIDag) GetHeaderByHash(arg0 common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetHeaderByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr common.Address, startHeight, count uint64) ([]*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetImmutableChainParameters() *core.ImmutableChainParameters
- func (m *MockIDag) GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id modules.AssetId) uint64
- func (m *MockIDag) GetJurorByAddrHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.JurorDeposit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd common.Address) common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetLightChainHeight(assetId modules.AssetId) uint64
- func (m *MockIDag) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMainChain() (*modules.MainChain, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMainCurrentUnit() *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorCount() int
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorInfo(address common.Address) *modules.MediatorInfo
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorSchl() *modules.MediatorSchedule
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediators() map[common.Address]bool
- func (m *MockIDag) GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token modules.AssetId) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetPartitionChains() ([]*modules.PartitionChain, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node
- func (m *MockIDag) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum uint32) common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetSlotAtTime(when time.Time) uint32
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableChainIndex(token modules.AssetId) *modules.ChainIndex
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableUnit(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Stxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTransaction(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTrieSyncProgress() (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxFee(pay *modules.Transaction) (*modules.AmountAsset, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxFromAddress(tx *modules.Transaction) ([]common.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxHashByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (common.Hash, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxOutput(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxRequesterAddress(tx *modules.Transaction) (common.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxSearchEntry(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TxLookupEntry, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitByHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitHash(number *modules.ChainIndex) (common.Hash, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitNumber(hash common.Hash) (*modules.ChainIndex, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitTransactions(hash common.Hash) (modules.Transactions, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitTxsHash(hash common.Hash) ([]common.Hash, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnstableUnits() []*modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUtxoView(tx *modules.Transaction) (*txspool.UtxoViewpoint, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetVotingForMediator(addStr string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) HasHeader(arg0 common.Hash, arg1 uint64) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) HasUnit(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) HeadUnitHash() common.Hash
- func (m *MockIDag) HeadUnitNum() uint64
- func (m *MockIDag) HeadUnitTime() int64
- func (m *MockIDag) InsertDag(units modules.Units, txpool txspool.ITxPool, is_stable bool) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) InsertHeaderDag(arg0 []*modules.Header) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) InsertLightHeader(headers []*modules.Header) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) IsActiveJury(addr common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsActiveMediator(add common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsContractDeveloper(addr common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsEmpty() bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsHeaderExist(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsMediator(address common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsSynced(toStrictly bool) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsTransactionExist(hash common.Hash) (bool, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (bool, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) JuryCount() uint
- func (m *MockIDag) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo
- func (m *MockIDag) MediatorVotedResults() (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) MemdagInfos() (*modules.MemdagInfos, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) PostChainEvents(events []interface{})
- func (m *MockIDag) QueryDbByKey(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix []byte) ([]*modules.DbRow, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) RebuildAddrTxIndex() error
- func (m *MockIDag) RefreshAddrTxIndex() error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveCommon(key, val []byte) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveContract(contract *modules.Contract) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveUnit(unit *modules.Unit, txpool txspool.ITxPool, isGenesis bool) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveUtxoView(view map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash common.Hash, groupSign []byte, txpool txspool.ITxPool) error
- func (m *MockIDag) StableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) StoreDataVersion(dv *modules.DataVersion) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.ActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch chan<- modules.ToGroupSignEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.UnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) UnitIrreversibleTime() time.Duration
- func (m *MockIDag) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error)
- type MockIDagMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ChainThreshold() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckHeaderCorrect(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckReadSetValid(contractId, readSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId, number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearAddrUtxo(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearUtxo() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, certID, msg, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to, token, daoAmountToken, daoFee, msg, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentHeader(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentUnit(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) FastSyncCommitHead(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GenTransferPtnTx(from, to, daoAmount, text, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter, mediators, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAccountVotedMediators(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorAddr(index interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediators() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr, asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrOutpoints(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrTransactions(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContractTpl() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContracts() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllData() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllLeafNodes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllUtxos() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetReference(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetTxHistory(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetBlacklistAddress() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetChainParameters() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommon(key, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContract(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractDevelopers() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractJury(contractId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractState(contractid, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStateByVersion(id, field, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesById(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id, prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTplCode(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsByTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDataVersion() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDynGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetFileInfo(filehash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGenesisUnit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByHash(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr, startHeight, count interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetImmutableChainParameters() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorByAddrHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightChainHeight(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainChain() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainCurrentUnit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorCount() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorInfo(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorSchl() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediators() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPartitionChains() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotAtTime(when interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableChainIndex(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransaction(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTrieSyncProgress() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxFee(pay interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxFromAddress(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxHashByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxOutput(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxRequesterAddress(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxSearchEntry(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHash(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash, max interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitNumber(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTransactions(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTxsHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnstableUnits() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoView(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetVotingForMediator(addStr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasHeader(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitHash() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitNum() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertDag(units, txpool, is_stable interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertHeaderDag(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertLightHeader(headers interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveJury(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsContractDeveloper(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsEmpty() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsHeaderExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsMediator(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsSynced(toStrictly interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsTransactionExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) JuryCount() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) LookupMediatorInfo() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MediatorVotedResults() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MemdagInfos() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) PostChainEvents(events interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByKey(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RebuildAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RefreshAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveCommon(key, val interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveContract(contract interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUnit(unit, txpool, isGenesis interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUtxoView(view interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash, groupSign, txpool interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StoreDataVersion(dv interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) UnitIrreversibleTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type Txo4Greedy
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ContractChainId = "palletone"
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Dag ¶
type Dag struct { Cache palletcache.ICache Db ptndb.Database ChainHeadFeed *event.Feed Mutex sync.RWMutex Memdag memunit.IMemDag // memory unit PartitionMemDag map[modules.AssetId]memunit.IMemDag //其他分区的MemDag // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDag ¶
newDag, with db , light to build a new dag firstly to check db migration, is updated ptn database.
func NewDag4GenesisInit ¶
to build a new dag when init genesis
func (*Dag) AfterChainMaintenanceEvent ¶
func (dag *Dag) AfterChainMaintenanceEvent(arg *modules.ChainMaintenanceEvent)
after chain maintenance to set stable threshold
func (*Dag) AfterSysContractStateChangeEvent ¶
func (dag *Dag) AfterSysContractStateChangeEvent(arg *modules.SysContractStateChangeEvent)
to refresh partition memdag
func (*Dag) CheckHeaderCorrect ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Dag) CheckReadSetValid ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (d *Dag) CheckReadSetValid(contractId []byte, readSet []modules.ContractReadSet) bool
func (*Dag) CheckUnitsCorrect ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Dag) ClearAddrUtxo ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (*Dag) CreateGenericTransaction ¶
func (*Dag) CreateTokenTransaction ¶
func (dag *Dag) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to common.Address, token *modules.Asset, daoAmountToken, daoFee uint64, msg *modules.Message, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
to build a transfer transactions by the token, from to fee
func (*Dag) CurrentHeader ¶
return latest header by assetId
func (*Dag) CurrentUnit ¶
return stable unit in dag
func (*Dag) FastSyncCommitHead ¶
FastSyncCommitHead sets the current head block to the one defined by the hash irrelevant what the chain contents were prior.
func (*Dag) GenTransferPtnTx ¶
func (dag *Dag) GenTransferPtnTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount uint64, text *string, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
func (*Dag) GenVoteMediatorTx ¶
func (dag *Dag) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter common.Address, mediators map[string]bool, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
to build a vote mediator transaction
func (*Dag) GenerateUnit ¶
func (dag *Dag) GenerateUnit(when time.Time, producer common.Address, groupPubKey []byte, ks *keystore.KeyStore, txpool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Unit, error)
GenerateUnit, generate unit @author Albert·Gou
func (*Dag) GetAccountVotedMediators ¶
func (*Dag) GetActiveMediator ¶
author Albert·Gou
func (*Dag) GetActiveMediatorAddr ¶
author Albert·Gou
func (*Dag) GetActiveMediatorInitPubs ¶
func (d *Dag) GetActiveMediatorInitPubs() []kyber.Point
author Albert·Gou
func (*Dag) GetActiveMediatorNodes ¶
author Albert·Gou
func (*Dag) GetActiveMediators ¶
author Albert·Gou
func (*Dag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos ¶
func (d *Dag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) ( map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
get the token balance by address and asset
func (*Dag) GetAddrByOutPoint ¶
return address by outpoint
func (*Dag) GetAddrOutpoints ¶
return all outpoint by address
func (*Dag) GetAddrStableUtxos ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Dag) GetAddrTransactions ¶
return all transaction with unit info by address
func (*Dag) GetAddrUtxos ¶
get all utxos in dag by address
func (*Dag) GetAllContractTpl ¶
func (d *Dag) GetAllContractTpl() ([]*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
return all contract templates
func (*Dag) GetAllContracts ¶
return all contract from dag
func (*Dag) GetAllData ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (*Dag) GetAllLeafNodes ¶
All leaf nodes for dag downloader. 根据资产Id返回所有链的header。
func (*Dag) GetAllUtxos ¶
return all utxo in dag
func (*Dag) GetAssetReference ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (d *Dag) GetAssetReference(asset []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
return proof of existence by asset
func (*Dag) GetAssetTxHistory ¶
return all transaction with unit info by asset
func (*Dag) GetBlacklistAddress ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Dag) GetChainParameters ¶
func (dag *Dag) GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters
func (*Dag) GetCommonByPrefix ¶
return the prefix's all key && value.
func (*Dag) GetContract ¶
get contract by contract id
func (*Dag) GetContractDeploy ¶
func (d *Dag) GetContractDeploy(tempId, contractId []byte, name string) (*modules.ContractDeployPayload, error)
get contract deploy by tempId, contractId, and name
func (*Dag) GetContractDevelopers ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (*Dag) GetContractJury ¶
func (d *Dag) GetContractJury(contractId []byte) (*modules.ElectionNode, error)
return electionInfo by contractId
func (*Dag) GetContractState ¶
get contract state return codes, state version by contractId and field
func (*Dag) GetContractStateByVersion ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (*Dag) GetContractStatesById ¶
get contract all state
func (*Dag) GetContractStatesByPrefix ¶
func (d *Dag) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
return contract state value by contractId, prefix
func (*Dag) GetContractTpl ¶
func (d *Dag) GetContractTpl(tplId []byte) (*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
return contract template by tlpId
func (*Dag) GetContractTplCode ¶
return the tplid's tlp code
func (*Dag) GetContractsByTpl ¶
return all contract by tplId from dag
func (*Dag) GetContractsWithJuryAddr ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Dag) GetCurrentMemUnit ¶
return latest unit in the memdag of assetid func (d *Dag) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId modules.AssetId, index uint64) *modules.Unit {
func (*Dag) GetCurrentUnit ¶
return higher unit in memdag
func (*Dag) GetCurrentUnitIndex ¶
return the chain index by assetId
func (*Dag) GetDataVersion ¶
func (d *Dag) GetDataVersion() (*modules.DataVersion, error)
return a data version from dag
func (*Dag) GetDynGlobalProp ¶
func (d *Dag) GetDynGlobalProp() *modules.DynamicGlobalProperty
func (*Dag) GetFileInfo ¶
return a file info by the filehash
func (*Dag) GetGenesisUnit ¶
return genesis unit of ptn chain
func (*Dag) GetGlobalProp ¶
func (d *Dag) GetGlobalProp() *modules.GlobalProperty
func (*Dag) GetHeaderByHash ¶
return the header by hash in dag
func (*Dag) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
return the header by chain index in dag
func (*Dag) GetHeadersByAuthor ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (*Dag) GetImmutableChainParameters ¶
func (dag *Dag) GetImmutableChainParameters() *core.ImmutableChainParameters
func (*Dag) GetIrreversibleUnitNum ¶
func (*Dag) GetJurorByAddrHash ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Dag) GetJurorReward ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (*Dag) GetLightChainHeight ¶
return a light chain's height by the assetId
func (*Dag) GetLightHeaderByHash ¶
Light Palletone Subprotocal
func (*Dag) GetMainChain ¶
return main chain from dag
func (*Dag) GetMainCurrentUnit ¶
return last main chain unit in memdag
func (*Dag) GetMediatorCount ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (*Dag) GetMediatorInfo ¶
func (d *Dag) GetMediatorInfo(address common.Address) *modules.MediatorInfo
func (*Dag) GetMediatorSchl ¶
func (d *Dag) GetMediatorSchl() *modules.MediatorSchedule
func (*Dag) GetNewestUnitTimestamp ¶
func (*Dag) GetPartitionChains ¶
func (bc *Dag) GetPartitionChains() ([]*modules.PartitionChain, error)
return all partition chain from dag
func (*Dag) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes ¶
func (*Dag) GetScheduledMediator ¶
func (*Dag) GetStableChainIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (d *Dag) GetStableChainIndex(token modules.AssetId) *modules.ChainIndex
func (*Dag) GetStableTransactionOnly ¶ added in v1.0.5
return the stable transaction by hash
func (*Dag) GetStableUnit ¶ added in v1.0.5
return the stable unit by hash or number
func (*Dag) GetStableUnitByNumber ¶ added in v1.0.5
return the stable unit by chain index
func (*Dag) GetStxoEntry ¶ added in v1.0.1
get the stxoEntry by outpoint
func (*Dag) GetTransaction ¶
return the transaction with unit packed by hash
func (*Dag) GetTransactionOnly ¶
return the transaction by hash
func (*Dag) GetTrieSyncProgress ¶
get trie sync progress
func (*Dag) GetTxByReqId ¶
return the transaction with unit info by reqid
func (*Dag) GetTxFee ¶
func (d *Dag) GetTxFee(pay *modules.Transaction) (*modules.AmountAsset, error)
return the transaction's fee ,
func (*Dag) GetTxFromAddress ¶
return all address by the transaction
func (*Dag) GetTxHashByReqId ¶
return a transaction hash by the reqId
func (*Dag) GetTxOutput ¶ added in v1.0.1
get the txoutput by outpoint include UTXO and STXO
func (*Dag) GetTxRequesterAddress ¶
return requester's address from the transaction
func (*Dag) GetTxSearchEntry ¶
retunr the txLookEntry by transaction hash
func (*Dag) GetUnitByNumber ¶
return the unit by chain index
func (*Dag) GetUnitHash ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (*Dag) GetUnitHashesFromHash ¶
GetBlockHashesFromHash retrieves a number of block hashes starting at a given hash, fetching towards the genesis block.
func (*Dag) GetUnitNumber ¶
get unit chain index by hash
func (*Dag) GetUnitTransactions ¶
return unit's body , all transactions of unit by hash
func (*Dag) GetUnitTxsHash ¶
GetUnitTxsHash is return the unit's txs hash list.
func (*Dag) GetUnstableUnits ¶
return all unstable units in memdag
func (*Dag) GetUtxoEntry ¶
get the utxoEntry by outpoint
func (*Dag) GetUtxoView ¶
func (d *Dag) GetUtxoView(tx *modules.Transaction) (*txspool.UtxoViewpoint, error)
get the tx's utxoView
func (*Dag) GetUtxosOutViewbyTx ¶
func (d *Dag) GetUtxosOutViewbyTx(tx *modules.Transaction) *txspool.UtxoViewpoint
get the tx's utxoViewpoint
func (*Dag) GetUtxosOutViewbyUnit ¶
func (d *Dag) GetUtxosOutViewbyUnit(unit *modules.Unit) *txspool.UtxoViewpoint
get the unit's utxoViewPoint
func (*Dag) GetVotingForMediator ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Dag) HeadUnitHash ¶
func (*Dag) HeadUnitNum ¶
func (*Dag) HeadUnitTime ¶
func (*Dag) InitPropertyDB ¶
func (*Dag) InitStateDB ¶
func (*Dag) InsertDag ¶
InsertDag attempts to insert the given batch of blocks in to the canonical chain or, otherwise, create a fork. If an error is returned it will return the index number of the failing block as well an error describing what went wrong. After insertion is done, all accumulated events will be fired. reference : Eth InsertChain
func (*Dag) InsertHeaderDag ¶
InsertHeaderDag attempts to insert the given header chain in to the local chain, possibly creating a reorg. If an error is returned, it will return the index number of the failing header as well an error describing what went wrong.
The verify parameter can be used to fine tune whether nonce verification should be done or not. The reason behind the optional check is because some of the header retrieval mechanisms already need to verify nonces, as well as because nonces can be verified sparsely, not needing to check each.
func (*Dag) InsertLightHeader ¶
insert headers into a light
func (*Dag) IsConsecutiveMediator ¶
func (*Dag) IsContractDeveloper ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (*Dag) IsHeaderExist ¶
return has header exist in dag or not by hash
func (*Dag) IsTransactionExist ¶
return the transaction exist in dag is true or false
func (*Dag) IsUtxoSpent ¶ added in v1.0.1
return the true or false , is utxo is spent.
func (*Dag) LastMaintenanceTime ¶
func (*Dag) LookupMediatorInfo ¶
func (dag *Dag) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo
func (*Dag) MediatorParticipationRate ¶
计算最近128个生产slots的mediator参与度,不包括当前unit Calculate the percent of unit production slots that were missed in the past 128 units, not including the current unit.
func (*Dag) MediatorVotedResults ¶
return all mediators voted results
func (*Dag) MemdagInfos ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (d *Dag) MemdagInfos() (*modules.MemdagInfos, error)
func (*Dag) ParentsIsConfirmByHash ¶
return the unit's parent confirmed is true or false
func (*Dag) PostChainEvents ¶
func (bc *Dag) PostChainEvents(events []interface{})
PostChainEvents iterates over the events generated by a chain insertion and posts them into the event feed. TODO: Should not expose PostChainEvents. The chain events should be posted in WriteBlock.
func (*Dag) PrecedingMediatorsCount ¶
func (*Dag) PrecedingThreshold ¶
func (*Dag) QueryDbByPrefix ¶
func (*Dag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference ¶
func (d *Dag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
return proof of existence
func (*Dag) RebuildAddrTxIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*Dag) RefreshAddrTxIndex ¶
refresh all address transaction's index
func (*Dag) RefreshPartitionMemDag ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (d *Dag) RefreshPartitionMemDag()
refresh partition memdag when newdag or system contract state be changed.
func (*Dag) SaveContract ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Dag) SaveUtxoView ¶
save all utxo of a view
func (*Dag) SetUnitGroupSign ¶
func (d *Dag) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash common.Hash, groupSign []byte, txpool txspool.ITxPool) error
set the unit's group sign ,and set to be stable unit by hash
func (*Dag) StableHeadUnitProperty ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (*Dag) StoreDataVersion ¶
func (d *Dag) StoreDataVersion(dv *modules.DataVersion) error
store a data version in dag
func (*Dag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent ¶
func (d *Dag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.ActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
subscribe active mediators updated event
func (*Dag) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (bc *Dag) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainEvent registers a subscription of ChainEvent.
func (*Dag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (bc *Dag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of ChainHeadEvent.
func (*Dag) SubscribeLogsEvent ¶
func (bc *Dag) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
SubscribeLogsEvent registers a subscription of []*types.Log.
func (*Dag) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent ¶
func (bc *Dag) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- modules.RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
SPV SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent registers a subscription of RemovedLogsEvent.
func (*Dag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent ¶
func (d *Dag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch chan<- modules.ToGroupSignEvent) event.Subscription
func (*Dag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (d *Dag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.UnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
func (*Dag) SwitchMainChainEvent ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (dag *Dag) SwitchMainChainEvent(arg *memunit.SwitchMainChainEvent)
func (*Dag) UnitIrreversibleTime ¶
func (*Dag) UnstableHeadUnitProperty ¶ added in v1.0.5
type IDag ¶
type IDag interface { Close() GetCommon(key []byte, stableDb bool) ([]byte, error) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix []byte, stableDb bool) map[string][]byte SaveCommon(key, val []byte) error GetAllData() ([][]byte, [][]byte) MemdagInfos() (*modules.MemdagInfos, error) IsEmpty() bool GetStableChainIndex(token modules.AssetId) *modules.ChainIndex CurrentUnit(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit GetCurrentUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit GetMainCurrentUnit() *modules.Unit //GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId modules.AssetId, index uint64) *modules.Unit GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit InsertDag(units modules.Units, txpool txspool.ITxPool, is_stable bool) (int, error) GetUnitByHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error) HasHeader(common.Hash, uint64) bool GetHeaderByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Header, error) GetHeaderByHash(common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr common.Address, startHeight, count uint64) ([]*modules.Header, error) GetUnstableUnits() []*modules.Unit CurrentHeader(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Header GetUnitTransactions(hash common.Hash) (modules.Transactions, error) GetUnitTxsHash(hash common.Hash) ([]common.Hash, error) GetTransaction(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error) GetTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error) GetStableUnit(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error) GetStableUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error) IsTransactionExist(hash common.Hash) (bool, error) GetTxSearchEntry(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TxLookupEntry, error) GetTxRequesterAddress(tx *modules.Transaction) (common.Address, error) // InsertHeaderDag inserts a batch of headers into the local chain. InsertHeaderDag([]*modules.Header) (int, error) HasUnit(hash common.Hash) bool //UnitIsConfirmedByHash(hash common.Hash) bool ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash common.Hash) bool IsHeaderExist(hash common.Hash) bool SaveUnit(unit *modules.Unit, txpool txspool.ITxPool, isGenesis bool) error FastSyncCommitHead(common.Hash) error GetGenesisUnit() (*modules.Unit, error) GetContractState(contractid []byte, field string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error) GetContractStateByVersion(id []byte, field string, version *modules.StateVersion) ([]byte, error) GetContractStatesById(id []byte) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error) GetContractJury(contractId []byte) (*modules.ElectionNode, error) GetUnitNumber(hash common.Hash) (*modules.ChainIndex, error) GetUtxoView(tx *modules.Transaction) (*txspool.UtxoViewpoint, error) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (bool, error) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainEvent) event.Subscription PostChainEvents(events []interface{}) GetTrieSyncProgress() (uint64, error) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error) GetStxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Stxo, error) //Include Utxo and Stxo GetTxOutput(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error) GetAddrOutpoints(addr common.Address) ([]modules.OutPoint, error) GetAddrUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error) GetAllUtxos() (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error) GetAddrTransactions(addr common.Address) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error) GetAssetTxHistory(asset *modules.Asset) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error) GetContractTpl(tplId []byte) (*modules.ContractTemplate, error) GetContractTplCode(tplId []byte) ([]byte, error) GetAllContractTpl() ([]*modules.ContractTemplate, error) SaveContract(contract *modules.Contract) error GetContract(id []byte) (*modules.Contract, error) GetAllContracts() ([]*modules.Contract, error) GetContractsByTpl(tplId []byte) ([]*modules.Contract, error) GetUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash GetUnitHash(number *modules.ChainIndex) (common.Hash, error) //Mediator GetActiveMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator GetActiveMediatorAddr(index int) common.Address GetActiveMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint *modules.OutPoint) (common.Address, error) GetTxFee(pay *modules.Transaction) (*modules.AmountAsset, error) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash common.Hash, groupSign []byte, txpool txspool.ITxPool) error SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch chan<- modules.ToGroupSignEvent) event.Subscription IsSynced(toStrictly bool) bool SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.ActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node UnitIrreversibleTime() time.Duration GenTransferPtnTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount uint64, text *string, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error) QueryDbByKey(key []byte) ([]byte, error) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix []byte) ([]*modules.DbRow, error) // SaveReqIdByTx GetTxHashByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (common.Hash, error) GetTxByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error) GetTxFromAddress(tx *modules.Transaction) ([]common.Address, error) GetFileInfo(filehash []byte) ([]*modules.FileInfo, error) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error) GetLightChainHeight(assetId modules.AssetId) uint64 InsertLightHeader(headers []*modules.Header) (int, error) GetAllLeafNodes() ([]*modules.Header, error) ClearUtxo() error ClearAddrUtxo(addr common.Address) error SaveUtxoView(view map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo) error HeadUnitTime() int64 HeadUnitNum() uint64 HeadUnitHash() common.Hash GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id modules.AssetId) uint64 StableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error) GetPartitionChains() ([]*modules.PartitionChain, error) GetMainChain() (*modules.MainChain, error) RefreshAddrTxIndex() error GenVoteMediatorTx(voter common.Address, mediators map[string]bool, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error) GetDynGlobalProp() *modules.DynamicGlobalProperty GetGlobalProp() *modules.GlobalProperty GetMediatorSchl() *modules.MediatorSchedule GetMediatorCount() int IsMediator(address common.Address) bool GetMediators() map[common.Address]bool GetActiveMediators() []common.Address GetAccountVotedMediators(addr common.Address) map[string]bool GetMediatorInfo(address common.Address) *modules.MediatorInfo GetVotingForMediator(addStr string) (map[string]uint64, error) MediatorVotedResults() (map[string]uint64, error) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo IsActiveMediator(add common.Address) bool GetMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token modules.AssetId) (int64, error) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum uint32) common.Address GetSlotAtTime(when time.Time) uint32 GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters GetImmutableChainParameters() *core.ImmutableChainParameters GetDataVersion() (*modules.DataVersion, error) StoreDataVersion(dv *modules.DataVersion) error QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error) GetAssetReference(asset []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error) CheckReadSetValid(contractId []byte, readSet []modules.ContractReadSet) bool IsActiveJury(addr common.Address) bool JuryCount() uint GetContractDevelopers() ([]common.Address, error) IsContractDeveloper(addr common.Address) bool //GetActiveJuries() []common.Address CreateGenericTransaction(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, certID *big.Int, msg *modules.Message, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to common.Address, token *modules.Asset, daoAmountToken, daoFee uint64, msg *modules.Message, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error) ChainThreshold() int CheckHeaderCorrect(number int) error CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId string, number int) error GetBlacklistAddress() ([]common.Address, *modules.StateVersion, error) RebuildAddrTxIndex() error GetJurorByAddrHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.JurorDeposit, error) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd common.Address) common.Address SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.UnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr common.Hash) []*modules.Contract }
type MockIDag ¶
type MockIDag struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDag is a mock of IDag interface
func NewMockIDag ¶
func NewMockIDag(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIDag
NewMockIDag creates a new mock instance
func (*MockIDag) ChainThreshold ¶ added in v1.0.3
ChainThreshold mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CheckHeaderCorrect ¶ added in v1.0.3
CheckHeaderCorrect mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CheckReadSetValid ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (m *MockIDag) CheckReadSetValid(contractId []byte, readSet []modules.ContractReadSet) bool
CheckReadSetValid mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CheckUnitsCorrect ¶ added in v1.0.3
CheckUnitsCorrect mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) ClearAddrUtxo ¶ added in v1.0.4
ClearAddrUtxo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CreateGenericTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (m *MockIDag) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, certID *big.Int, msg *modules.Message, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
CreateGenericTransaction mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CreateTokenTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (m *MockIDag) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to common.Address, token *modules.Asset, daoAmountToken, daoFee uint64, msg *modules.Message, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
CreateTokenTransaction mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CurrentHeader ¶
CurrentHeader mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CurrentUnit ¶
CurrentUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIDag) EXPECT() *MockIDagMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockIDag) FastSyncCommitHead ¶
FastSyncCommitHead mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GenTransferPtnTx ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GenTransferPtnTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount uint64, text *string, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
GenTransferPtnTx mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GenVoteMediatorTx ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter common.Address, mediators map[string]bool, txPool txspool.ITxPool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
GenVoteMediatorTx mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAccountVotedMediators ¶
GetAccountVotedMediators mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediator ¶
GetActiveMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorAddr ¶ added in v1.0.4
GetActiveMediatorAddr mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorNodes ¶
GetActiveMediatorNodes mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediators ¶
GetActiveMediators mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
GetAddr1TokenUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrByOutPoint ¶
GetAddrByOutPoint mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrOutpoints ¶
GetAddrOutpoints mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrStableUtxos ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
GetAddrStableUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrTransactions ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrTransactions(addr common.Address) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
GetAddrTransactions mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrUtxos ¶
GetAddrUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllContractTpl ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAllContractTpl() ([]*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
GetAllContractTpl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllContracts ¶
GetAllContracts mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllData ¶ added in v1.0.4
GetAllData mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllLeafNodes ¶
GetAllLeafNodes mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllUtxos ¶
GetAllUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAssetReference ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetReference(asset []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
GetAssetReference mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAssetTxHistory ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetTxHistory(asset *modules.Asset) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
GetAssetTxHistory mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetBlacklistAddress ¶ added in v1.0.3
GetBlacklistAddress mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetChainParameters ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters
GetChainParameters mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetCommonByPrefix ¶
GetCommonByPrefix mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContract ¶
GetContract mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractDevelopers ¶ added in v1.0.3
GetContractDevelopers mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractJury ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractJury(contractId []byte) (*modules.ElectionNode, error)
GetContractJury mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractState ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractState(contractid []byte, field string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error)
GetContractState mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractStateByVersion ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStateByVersion(id []byte, field string, version *modules.StateVersion) ([]byte, error)
GetContractStateByVersion mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractStatesById ¶
GetContractStatesById mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractStatesByPrefix ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
GetContractStatesByPrefix mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractTpl ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractTpl(tplId []byte) (*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
GetContractTpl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractTplCode ¶
GetContractTplCode mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractsByTpl ¶
GetContractsByTpl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractsWithJuryAddr ¶ added in v1.0.5
GetContractsWithJuryAddr mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetCurrentMemUnit ¶
GetCurrentMemUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetCurrentUnit ¶
GetCurrentUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetDataVersion ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetDataVersion() (*modules.DataVersion, error)
GetDataVersion mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetDynGlobalProp ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetDynGlobalProp() *modules.DynamicGlobalProperty
GetDynGlobalProp mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetFileInfo ¶
GetFileInfo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetGenesisUnit ¶
GetGenesisUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetGlobalProp ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (m *MockIDag) GetGlobalProp() *modules.GlobalProperty
GetGlobalProp mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetHeaderByHash ¶
GetHeaderByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
GetHeaderByNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetHeadersByAuthor ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (m *MockIDag) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr common.Address, startHeight, count uint64) ([]*modules.Header, error)
GetHeadersByAuthor mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetImmutableChainParameters ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetImmutableChainParameters() *core.ImmutableChainParameters
GetImmutableChainParameters mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetIrreversibleUnitNum ¶
GetIrreversibleUnitNum mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetJurorByAddrHash ¶ added in v1.0.3
GetJurorByAddrHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetJurorReward ¶ added in v1.0.4
GetJurorReward mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetLightChainHeight ¶
GetLightChainHeight mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetLightHeaderByHash ¶
GetLightHeaderByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMainChain ¶
GetMainChain mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMainCurrentUnit ¶
GetMainCurrentUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediator ¶ added in v1.0.2
GetMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediatorCount ¶ added in v1.0.2
GetMediatorCount mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediatorInfo ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorInfo(address common.Address) *modules.MediatorInfo
GetMediatorInfo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediatorSchl ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorSchl() *modules.MediatorSchedule
GetMediatorSchl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediators ¶
GetMediators mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetNewestUnitTimestamp ¶
GetNewestUnitTimestamp mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetPartitionChains ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetPartitionChains() ([]*modules.PartitionChain, error)
GetPartitionChains mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes ¶
GetPrecedingMediatorNodes mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetScheduledMediator ¶
GetScheduledMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetSlotAtTime ¶
GetSlotAtTime mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableChainIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (m *MockIDag) GetStableChainIndex(token modules.AssetId) *modules.ChainIndex
GetStableChainIndex mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableTransactionOnly ¶ added in v1.0.5
GetStableTransactionOnly mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableUnit ¶ added in v1.0.5
GetStableUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableUnitByNumber ¶ added in v1.0.5
GetStableUnitByNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStxoEntry ¶ added in v1.0.1
GetStxoEntry mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTransaction ¶
GetTransaction mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTransactionOnly ¶
GetTransactionOnly mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTrieSyncProgress ¶
GetTrieSyncProgress mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxByReqId ¶
GetTxByReqId mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxFee ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetTxFee(pay *modules.Transaction) (*modules.AmountAsset, error)
GetTxFee mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxFromAddress ¶
GetTxFromAddress mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxHashByReqId ¶
GetTxHashByReqId mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxOutput ¶ added in v1.0.1
GetTxOutput mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxRequesterAddress ¶
GetTxRequesterAddress mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxSearchEntry ¶
GetTxSearchEntry mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitByHash ¶
GetUnitByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitByNumber ¶
GetUnitByNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitHash ¶ added in v1.0.2
GetUnitHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitHashesFromHash ¶
GetUnitHashesFromHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitNumber ¶
GetUnitNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitTransactions ¶
GetUnitTransactions mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitTxsHash ¶
GetUnitTxsHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnstableUnits ¶
GetUnstableUnits mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUtxoEntry ¶
GetUtxoEntry mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUtxoView ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetUtxoView(tx *modules.Transaction) (*txspool.UtxoViewpoint, error)
GetUtxoView mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetVotingForMediator ¶ added in v1.0.3
GetVotingForMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) HeadUnitHash ¶
HeadUnitHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) HeadUnitNum ¶
HeadUnitNum mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) HeadUnitTime ¶
HeadUnitTime mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) InsertDag ¶
func (m *MockIDag) InsertDag(units modules.Units, txpool txspool.ITxPool, is_stable bool) (int, error)
InsertDag mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) InsertHeaderDag ¶
InsertHeaderDag mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) InsertLightHeader ¶
InsertLightHeader mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsActiveJury ¶ added in v1.0.3
IsActiveJury mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsActiveMediator ¶
IsActiveMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsContractDeveloper ¶ added in v1.0.3
IsContractDeveloper mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsHeaderExist ¶
IsHeaderExist mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsMediator ¶
IsMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsTransactionExist ¶
IsTransactionExist mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsUtxoSpent ¶ added in v1.0.1
IsUtxoSpent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) LookupMediatorInfo ¶
func (m *MockIDag) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo
LookupMediatorInfo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) MediatorVotedResults ¶
MediatorVotedResults mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) MemdagInfos ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (m *MockIDag) MemdagInfos() (*modules.MemdagInfos, error)
MemdagInfos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) ParentsIsConfirmByHash ¶
ParentsIsConfirmByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) PostChainEvents ¶
func (m *MockIDag) PostChainEvents(events []interface{})
PostChainEvents mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) QueryDbByKey ¶
QueryDbByKey mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) QueryDbByPrefix ¶
QueryDbByPrefix mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference ¶
func (m *MockIDag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
QueryProofOfExistenceByReference mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) RebuildAddrTxIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
RebuildAddrTxIndex mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) RefreshAddrTxIndex ¶
RefreshAddrTxIndex mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveCommon ¶
SaveCommon mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveContract ¶ added in v1.0.5
SaveContract mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveUtxoView ¶
SaveUtxoView mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SetUnitGroupSign ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash common.Hash, groupSign []byte, txpool txspool.ITxPool) error
SetUnitGroupSign mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) StableHeadUnitProperty ¶ added in v1.0.5
StableHeadUnitProperty mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) StoreDataVersion ¶
func (m *MockIDag) StoreDataVersion(dv *modules.DataVersion) error
StoreDataVersion mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.ActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainHeadEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch chan<- modules.ToGroupSignEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeToGroupSignEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.UnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) UnitIrreversibleTime ¶
UnitIrreversibleTime mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) UnstableHeadUnitProperty ¶ added in v1.0.5
UnstableHeadUnitProperty mocks base method
type MockIDagMockRecorder ¶
type MockIDagMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDagMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIDag
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ChainThreshold ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ChainThreshold() *gomock.Call
ChainThreshold indicates an expected call of ChainThreshold
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckHeaderCorrect ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckHeaderCorrect(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckHeaderCorrect indicates an expected call of CheckHeaderCorrect
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckReadSetValid ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckReadSetValid(contractId, readSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckReadSetValid indicates an expected call of CheckReadSetValid
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckUnitsCorrect ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId, number interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckUnitsCorrect indicates an expected call of CheckUnitsCorrect
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearAddrUtxo ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearAddrUtxo(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
ClearAddrUtxo indicates an expected call of ClearAddrUtxo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearUtxo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearUtxo() *gomock.Call
ClearUtxo indicates an expected call of ClearUtxo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateGenericTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, certID, msg, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateGenericTransaction indicates an expected call of CreateGenericTransaction
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateTokenTransaction ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to, token, daoAmountToken, daoFee, msg, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateTokenTransaction indicates an expected call of CreateTokenTransaction
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentHeader ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentHeader(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
CurrentHeader indicates an expected call of CurrentHeader
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentUnit(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
CurrentUnit indicates an expected call of CurrentUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) FastSyncCommitHead ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) FastSyncCommitHead(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
FastSyncCommitHead indicates an expected call of FastSyncCommitHead
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GenTransferPtnTx ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GenTransferPtnTx(from, to, daoAmount, text, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
GenTransferPtnTx indicates an expected call of GenTransferPtnTx
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GenVoteMediatorTx ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter, mediators, txPool interface{}) *gomock.Call
GenVoteMediatorTx indicates an expected call of GenVoteMediatorTx
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAccountVotedMediators ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAccountVotedMediators(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAccountVotedMediators indicates an expected call of GetAccountVotedMediators
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediator indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorAddr ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorAddr(index interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediatorAddr indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediatorAddr
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorNodes ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediatorNodes indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediatorNodes
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediators ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediators() *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediators indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediators
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddr1TokenUtxos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr, asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddr1TokenUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAddr1TokenUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrByOutPoint ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrByOutPoint indicates an expected call of GetAddrByOutPoint
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrOutpoints ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrOutpoints(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrOutpoints indicates an expected call of GetAddrOutpoints
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrStableUtxos ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrStableUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAddrStableUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrTransactions ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrTransactions(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrTransactions indicates an expected call of GetAddrTransactions
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAddrUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContractTpl ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContractTpl() *gomock.Call
GetAllContractTpl indicates an expected call of GetAllContractTpl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContracts ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContracts() *gomock.Call
GetAllContracts indicates an expected call of GetAllContracts
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllData ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllData() *gomock.Call
GetAllData indicates an expected call of GetAllData
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllLeafNodes ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllLeafNodes() *gomock.Call
GetAllLeafNodes indicates an expected call of GetAllLeafNodes
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllUtxos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllUtxos() *gomock.Call
GetAllUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAllUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetReference ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetReference(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAssetReference indicates an expected call of GetAssetReference
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetTxHistory ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetTxHistory(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAssetTxHistory indicates an expected call of GetAssetTxHistory
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetBlacklistAddress ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetBlacklistAddress() *gomock.Call
GetBlacklistAddress indicates an expected call of GetBlacklistAddress
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetChainParameters ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetChainParameters() *gomock.Call
GetChainParameters indicates an expected call of GetChainParameters
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommon ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommon(key, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCommon indicates an expected call of GetCommon
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommonByPrefix ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCommonByPrefix indicates an expected call of GetCommonByPrefix
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContract ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContract(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContract indicates an expected call of GetContract
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractDevelopers ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractDevelopers() *gomock.Call
GetContractDevelopers indicates an expected call of GetContractDevelopers
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractJury ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractJury(contractId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractJury indicates an expected call of GetContractJury
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractState ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractState(contractid, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractState indicates an expected call of GetContractState
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStateByVersion ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStateByVersion(id, field, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractStateByVersion indicates an expected call of GetContractStateByVersion
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesById ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesById(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractStatesById indicates an expected call of GetContractStatesById
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesByPrefix ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id, prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractStatesByPrefix indicates an expected call of GetContractStatesByPrefix
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTpl ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractTpl indicates an expected call of GetContractTpl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTplCode ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTplCode(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractTplCode indicates an expected call of GetContractTplCode
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsByTpl ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsByTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractsByTpl indicates an expected call of GetContractsByTpl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsWithJuryAddr ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractsWithJuryAddr indicates an expected call of GetContractsWithJuryAddr
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentMemUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCurrentMemUnit indicates an expected call of GetCurrentMemUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCurrentUnit indicates an expected call of GetCurrentUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDataVersion ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDataVersion() *gomock.Call
GetDataVersion indicates an expected call of GetDataVersion
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDynGlobalProp ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDynGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
GetDynGlobalProp indicates an expected call of GetDynGlobalProp
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetFileInfo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetFileInfo(filehash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetFileInfo indicates an expected call of GetFileInfo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGenesisUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGenesisUnit() *gomock.Call
GetGenesisUnit indicates an expected call of GetGenesisUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGlobalProp ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
GetGlobalProp indicates an expected call of GetGlobalProp
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByHash(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetHeaderByHash indicates an expected call of GetHeaderByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetHeaderByNumber indicates an expected call of GetHeaderByNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeadersByAuthor ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr, startHeight, count interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetHeadersByAuthor indicates an expected call of GetHeadersByAuthor
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetImmutableChainParameters ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetImmutableChainParameters() *gomock.Call
GetImmutableChainParameters indicates an expected call of GetImmutableChainParameters
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetIrreversibleUnitNum ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetIrreversibleUnitNum indicates an expected call of GetIrreversibleUnitNum
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorByAddrHash ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorByAddrHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetJurorByAddrHash indicates an expected call of GetJurorByAddrHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorReward ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetJurorReward indicates an expected call of GetJurorReward
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightChainHeight ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightChainHeight(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetLightChainHeight indicates an expected call of GetLightChainHeight
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightHeaderByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetLightHeaderByHash indicates an expected call of GetLightHeaderByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainChain ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainChain() *gomock.Call
GetMainChain indicates an expected call of GetMainChain
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainCurrentUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainCurrentUnit() *gomock.Call
GetMainCurrentUnit indicates an expected call of GetMainCurrentUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediator ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetMediator indicates an expected call of GetMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorCount ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorCount() *gomock.Call
GetMediatorCount indicates an expected call of GetMediatorCount
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorInfo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorInfo(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetMediatorInfo indicates an expected call of GetMediatorInfo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorSchl ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorSchl() *gomock.Call
GetMediatorSchl indicates an expected call of GetMediatorSchl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediators ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediators() *gomock.Call
GetMediators indicates an expected call of GetMediators
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnitTimestamp ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetNewestUnitTimestamp indicates an expected call of GetNewestUnitTimestamp
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPartitionChains ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPartitionChains() *gomock.Call
GetPartitionChains indicates an expected call of GetPartitionChains
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
GetPrecedingMediatorNodes indicates an expected call of GetPrecedingMediatorNodes
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetScheduledMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetScheduledMediator indicates an expected call of GetScheduledMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotAtTime ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotAtTime(when interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetSlotAtTime indicates an expected call of GetSlotAtTime
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableChainIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableChainIndex(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableChainIndex indicates an expected call of GetStableChainIndex
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableTransactionOnly ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableTransactionOnly indicates an expected call of GetStableTransactionOnly
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnit ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableUnit indicates an expected call of GetStableUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnitByNumber ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableUnitByNumber indicates an expected call of GetStableUnitByNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStxoEntry ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStxoEntry indicates an expected call of GetStxoEntry
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransaction ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransaction(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTransaction indicates an expected call of GetTransaction
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransactionOnly ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTransactionOnly indicates an expected call of GetTransactionOnly
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTrieSyncProgress ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTrieSyncProgress() *gomock.Call
GetTrieSyncProgress indicates an expected call of GetTrieSyncProgress
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxByReqId ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxByReqId indicates an expected call of GetTxByReqId
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxFee ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxFee(pay interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxFee indicates an expected call of GetTxFee
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxFromAddress ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxFromAddress(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxFromAddress indicates an expected call of GetTxFromAddress
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxHashByReqId ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxHashByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxHashByReqId indicates an expected call of GetTxHashByReqId
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxOutput ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxOutput(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxOutput indicates an expected call of GetTxOutput
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxRequesterAddress ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxRequesterAddress(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxRequesterAddress indicates an expected call of GetTxRequesterAddress
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxSearchEntry ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxSearchEntry(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxSearchEntry indicates an expected call of GetTxSearchEntry
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitByHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByNumber ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitByNumber indicates an expected call of GetUnitByNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHash ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHash(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHashesFromHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash, max interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitHashesFromHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitHashesFromHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitNumber ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitNumber(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitNumber indicates an expected call of GetUnitNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTransactions ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTransactions(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitTransactions indicates an expected call of GetUnitTransactions
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTxsHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTxsHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitTxsHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitTxsHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnstableUnits ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnstableUnits() *gomock.Call
GetUnstableUnits indicates an expected call of GetUnstableUnits
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoEntry ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUtxoEntry indicates an expected call of GetUtxoEntry
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoView ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoView(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUtxoView indicates an expected call of GetUtxoView
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetVotingForMediator ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetVotingForMediator(addStr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetVotingForMediator indicates an expected call of GetVotingForMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HasHeader ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasHeader(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
HasHeader indicates an expected call of HasHeader
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HasUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
HasUnit indicates an expected call of HasUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitHash() *gomock.Call
HeadUnitHash indicates an expected call of HeadUnitHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitNum ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitNum() *gomock.Call
HeadUnitNum indicates an expected call of HeadUnitNum
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitTime ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitTime() *gomock.Call
HeadUnitTime indicates an expected call of HeadUnitTime
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertDag ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertDag(units, txpool, is_stable interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertDag indicates an expected call of InsertDag
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertHeaderDag ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertHeaderDag(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertHeaderDag indicates an expected call of InsertHeaderDag
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertLightHeader ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertLightHeader(headers interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertLightHeader indicates an expected call of InsertLightHeader
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveJury ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveJury(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsActiveJury indicates an expected call of IsActiveJury
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsActiveMediator indicates an expected call of IsActiveMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsContractDeveloper ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsContractDeveloper(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsContractDeveloper indicates an expected call of IsContractDeveloper
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsEmpty ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsEmpty() *gomock.Call
IsEmpty indicates an expected call of IsEmpty
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsHeaderExist ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsHeaderExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsHeaderExist indicates an expected call of IsHeaderExist
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsMediator(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsMediator indicates an expected call of IsMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsSynced ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsSynced(toStrictly interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsSynced indicates an expected call of IsSynced
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsTransactionExist ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsTransactionExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsTransactionExist indicates an expected call of IsTransactionExist
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsUtxoSpent ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsUtxoSpent indicates an expected call of IsUtxoSpent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) JuryCount ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) JuryCount() *gomock.Call
JuryCount indicates an expected call of JuryCount
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) LookupMediatorInfo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) LookupMediatorInfo() *gomock.Call
LookupMediatorInfo indicates an expected call of LookupMediatorInfo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) MediatorVotedResults ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MediatorVotedResults() *gomock.Call
MediatorVotedResults indicates an expected call of MediatorVotedResults
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) MemdagInfos ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MemdagInfos() *gomock.Call
MemdagInfos indicates an expected call of MemdagInfos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ParentsIsConfirmByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
ParentsIsConfirmByHash indicates an expected call of ParentsIsConfirmByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) PostChainEvents ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) PostChainEvents(events interface{}) *gomock.Call
PostChainEvents indicates an expected call of PostChainEvents
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByKey ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByKey(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryDbByKey indicates an expected call of QueryDbByKey
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByPrefix ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryDbByPrefix indicates an expected call of QueryDbByPrefix
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryProofOfExistenceByReference indicates an expected call of QueryProofOfExistenceByReference
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) RebuildAddrTxIndex ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RebuildAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
RebuildAddrTxIndex indicates an expected call of RebuildAddrTxIndex
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) RefreshAddrTxIndex ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RefreshAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
RefreshAddrTxIndex indicates an expected call of RefreshAddrTxIndex
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveCommon ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveCommon(key, val interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveCommon indicates an expected call of SaveCommon
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveContract ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveContract(contract interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveContract indicates an expected call of SaveContract
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUnit(unit, txpool, isGenesis interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveUnit indicates an expected call of SaveUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUtxoView ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUtxoView(view interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveUtxoView indicates an expected call of SaveUtxoView
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SetUnitGroupSign ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash, groupSign, txpool interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetUnitGroupSign indicates an expected call of SetUnitGroupSign
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) StableHeadUnitProperty ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
StableHeadUnitProperty indicates an expected call of StableHeadUnitProperty
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) StoreDataVersion ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StoreDataVersion(dv interface{}) *gomock.Call
StoreDataVersion indicates an expected call of StoreDataVersion
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeChainEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeChainEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeChainHeadEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeChainHeadEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeToGroupSignEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeToGroupSignEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent ¶ added in v1.0.4
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) UnitIrreversibleTime ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) UnitIrreversibleTime() *gomock.Call
UnitIrreversibleTime indicates an expected call of UnitIrreversibleTime
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) UnstableHeadUnitProperty ¶ added in v1.0.5
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnstableHeadUnitProperty indicates an expected call of UnstableHeadUnitProperty
type Txo4Greedy ¶
func (*Txo4Greedy) GetAmount ¶
func (txo *Txo4Greedy) GetAmount() uint64
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
* @author PalletOne core developers <> * @date 2018
* @author PalletOne core developers <> * @date 2018 |
* * This file is part of go-palletone.
* * This file is part of go-palletone. |
* * This file is part of go-palletone.
* * This file is part of go-palletone. |
* @author PalletOne core developers <> * @date 2018 This file is part of go-palletone.
* @author PalletOne core developers <> * @date 2018 This file is part of go-palletone. |