This code has once again moved back into the pajbot project, so this microservice is no longer needed nor in development.
Microservice for pajbot to update chatters.
- Award your users with points for watching the stream and/or being in offline chat
- Update when users were last seen
- Update how many minutes your users spent in online/offline chat
Clone and build (You can install go with sudo apt install golang-go
if you are missing it):
git clone
cd chatters
go build
Copy config.json.example
to config.json
and edit the relevant fields:
cp config.example.json
editor config.json
Move service files to /opt
sudo cp -r . /opt/pajbot-chatters
sudo chown -R pajbot:pajbot /opt/pajbot-chatters
And activate the timer to run the service every 10 minutes.
sudo cp pajbot-chatters.service pajbot-chatters.timer /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now pajbot-chatters.timer