Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.0.1 Jul 31, 2024 Changes in this version + const ANSI + const ANSIQuotes + const AutoCommitSessionVar + const ChecksumKey + const ConnectTimeLogKey + const ConnectionDbLogField + const ConnectionIdLogField + const CurrentDBSessionVar + const DateLayout + const EventDateSpaceTimeFormat + const False + const FoundRows + const IndexBatchSize + const IndexClassDefault + const IndexClassFulltext + const IndexClassSpatial + const InformationSchemaDatabaseName + const LastInsertId + const LastInsertUuid + const MaxIdentifierLength + const NoAutoValueOnZero + const NoEngineSubstitution + const OnlyFullGroupBy + const QueryKey + const RowCount + const SqlModeSessionVar + const StrictTransTables + const TimestampDatetimeLayout + const True + var ErrAddForeignKeyDuplicateColumn = errors.NewKind("cannot have duplicates of columns in a foreign key: `%v`") + var ErrAggregationUnsupported = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrAlterTableCollationNotSupported = errors.NewKind("table %s cannot have its collation altered") + var ErrAlterTableNotSupported = errors.NewKind("table %s cannot be altered") + var ErrAmbiguousColumnInOrderBy = errors.NewKind("Column %q in order clause is ambiguous") + var ErrAmbiguousColumnName = errors.NewKind("ambiguous column name %q, it's present in all these tables: %v") + var ErrAmbiguousColumnOrAliasName = errors.NewKind("ambiguous column or alias name %q") + var ErrAsOfNotSupported = errors.NewKind("AS OF not supported for database %s") + var ErrBadSpatialIdxCol = errors.NewKind("a SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type column") + var ErrCallIncorrectParameterCount = errors.NewKind("`%s` expected `%d` parameters but got `%d`") + var ErrCannotAddToClosedBackgroundThreads = errors.New("cannot add to a close background threads instance") + var ErrCannotCopyWindowFrame = errors.NewKind("cannot copy window '%s' because it has a frame clause") + var ErrCantDropFieldOrKey = errors.NewKind("error: can't drop '%s'; check that column/key exists") + var ErrCantDropIndex = errors.NewKind("error: can't drop index '%s': needed in foreign key constraint %s") + var ErrCharSetFailedToEncode = errors.NewKind("failed to encode: `%s`, valid string: `%v`, snippet: `%s`") + var ErrCharSetIntroducer = errors.NewKind("CHARACTER SET introducer must be attached to a string") + var ErrCharSetInvalidString = errors.NewKind("invalid string for character set `%s`: \"%s\"") + var ErrCharSetNotYetImplementedTemp = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrCharSetUnknown = errors.NewKind("Unknown character set: %v") + var ErrCheckConstraintInvalidatedByColumnAlter = errors.NewKind("can't alter column %q because it would invalidate check constraint %q") + var ErrCheckConstraintViolated = errors.NewKind("Check constraint %q violated") + var ErrChildrenAlreadyWritten = errors.New("treeprinter: children already written") + var ErrCircularWindowInheritance = errors.NewKind("there is a circularity in the window dependency graph") + var ErrCollatedExprWrongType = errors.NewKind("wrong type in collated expression") + var ErrCollationIllegalMix = errors.NewKind("Illegal mix of collations (%v) and (%v)") + var ErrCollationInvalidForCharSet = errors.NewKind("COLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'") + var ErrCollationMalformedString = errors.NewKind("malformed string encountered while %s") + var ErrCollationNotSupportedOnUniqueTextIndex = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrCollationNotYetImplementedTemp = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrCollationUnknown = errors.NewKind("Unknown collation: %v") + var ErrColumnCountMismatch = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrColumnDefaultDatetimeOnlyFunc = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrColumnDefaultReturnedNull = errors.NewKind(`default value attempted to return null but column is non-nullable`) + var ErrColumnDefaultSubquery = errors.NewKind("default value on column `%s` may not contain subqueries") + var ErrColumnExists = errors.NewKind("Column %q already exists") + var ErrColumnNotFound = errors.NewKind("column %q could not be found in any table in scope") + var ErrColumnNumberDoesNotMatch = errors.NewKind("The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns") + var ErrColumnSpecifiedTwice = errors.NewKind("column '%v' specified twice") + var ErrConflictingExternalQuery = errors.NewKind("found external scope with conflicting ORDER BY/LIMIT") + var ErrConvertToSQL = errors.NewKind("incompatible conversion to SQL type: '%v'->%s") + var ErrConvertingToSet = errors.NewKind("value %v is not valid for this set") + var ErrCreateTableNotSupported = errors.NewKind("tables cannot be created on database %s") + var ErrCteRecursionLimitExceeded = errors.NewKind("WITH RECURSIVE iteration limit exceeded") + var ErrCursorAlreadyOpen = errors.NewKind("cursor '%s' is already open") + var ErrCursorNotFound = errors.NewKind("cursor '%s' does not exist") + var ErrCursorNotOpen = errors.NewKind("cursor '%s' is not open") + var ErrDatabaseAccessDeniedForUser = errors.NewKind("Access denied for user %s to database '%s'") + var ErrDatabaseCollationsNotSupported = errors.NewKind("database %s does not support collation operations") + var ErrDatabaseExists = errors.NewKind("can't create database %s; database exists") + var ErrDatabaseNotFound = errors.NewKind("database not found: %s") + var ErrDatabaseWriteLocked = errors.NewKind("database is locked to writes") + var ErrDeclareConditionDuplicate = errors.NewKind("duplicate condition '%s'") + var ErrDeclareConditionNotFound = errors.NewKind("condition %s does not exist") + var ErrDeclareConditionOrderInvalid = errors.NewKind("DECLARE ... CONDITION may only exist at the beginning of a BEGIN/END block") + var ErrDeclareCursorDuplicate = errors.NewKind("duplicate cursor '%s'") + var ErrDeclareCursorOrderInvalid = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrDeclareHandlerDuplicate = errors.NewKind("duplicate handler declared in the same block") + var ErrDeclareHandlerOrderInvalid = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrDeclareHandlerUndo = errors.NewKind("DECLARE ... HANDLER does not support the UNDO action") + var ErrDeclareVariableDuplicate = errors.NewKind("duplicate variable '%s'") + var ErrDeclareVariableOrderInvalid = errors.NewKind("DECLARE variables may only exist at the beginning of a BEGIN/END block") + var ErrDeleteRowNotFound = errors.NewKind("row was not found when attempting to delete") + var ErrDiffSRIDs = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrDropColumnReferencedInDefault = errors.NewKind(`cannot drop column "%s" as default value of column "%s" references it`) + var ErrDropTableNotSupported = errors.NewKind("tables cannot be dropped on database %s") + var ErrDroppedJoinFilters = errors.NewKind("dropped filters from join, but failed to re-insert them") + var ErrDuplicateAliasOrTable = errors.NewKind("Not unique table/alias: %s") + var ErrDuplicateColumn = errors.NewKind("duplicate column name: `%s`") + var ErrDuplicateEntry = errors.NewKind("Duplicate entry for key '%s'") + var ErrDuplicateEntrySet = errors.NewKind("duplicate entry: %v") + var ErrDuplicateKey = errors.NewKind("Duplicate key name '%s'") + var ErrEventAlreadyExists = errors.NewKind("Event '%s' already exists") + var ErrEventCreateStatementInvalid = errors.NewKind(`Invalid CREATE TRIGGER statement: %s`) + var ErrEventDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("Event '%s' does not exist") + var ErrEventsNotSupported = errors.NewKind("database '%s' doesn't support events") + var ErrExistingView = errors.NewKind("the view %s.%s already exists") + var ErrExpectedSingleRow = errors.NewKind("the subquery returned more than 1 row") + var ErrExpectedTableFoundView = errors.NewKind("expected a table and found view: '%s' ") + var ErrExternalProcedureAmbiguousOverload = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrExternalProcedureFirstReturn = errors.NewKind("external stored procedures require the first return value to be the RowIter") + var ErrExternalProcedureInvalidParamType = errors.NewKind("external stored procedures do not support parameters with type `%s`") + var ErrExternalProcedureMissingContextParam = errors.NewKind("external stored procedures require the first parameter to be the context") + var ErrExternalProcedureNonFunction = errors.NewKind("received `%T` in place of a function for an external stored procedure") + var ErrExternalProcedurePointerVariadic = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrExternalProcedureReturnTypes = errors.NewKind("external stored procedures must return a RowIter and error") + var ErrExternalProcedureSecondReturn = errors.NewKind("external stored procedures require the second return value to be the error") + var ErrFetchIncorrectCount = errors.NewKind("incorrect number of FETCH variables") + var ErrFileExists = errors.NewKind("File '%s' already exists") + var ErrForeignKeyChildViolation = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrForeignKeyColumnCountMismatch = errors.NewKind("the foreign key must reference an equivalent number of columns") + var ErrForeignKeyColumnTypeMismatch = errors.NewKind("column type mismatch on `%s` and `%s`") + var ErrForeignKeyDepthLimit = errors.NewKind("Foreign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of 15.") + var ErrForeignKeyDropColumn = errors.NewKind("cannot drop column `%s` as it is used in foreign key `%s`") + var ErrForeignKeyDropIndex = errors.NewKind("cannot drop index: `%s` is used by foreign key `%s`") + var ErrForeignKeyDropTable = errors.NewKind("cannot drop table `%s` as it is referenced in foreign key `%s`") + var ErrForeignKeyDuplicateName = errors.NewKind("duplicate foreign key constraint name `%s`") + var ErrForeignKeyMissingColumns = errors.NewKind("cannot create a foreign key without columns") + var ErrForeignKeyMissingReferenceIndex = errors.NewKind("missing index for foreign key `%s` on the referenced table `%s`") + var ErrForeignKeyNotFound = errors.NewKind("foreign key `%s` was not found on the table `%s`") + var ErrForeignKeyNotResolved = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrForeignKeyParentViolation = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrForeignKeySetDefault = errors.NewKind(`"SET DEFAULT" is not supported`) + var ErrForeignKeySetNullNonNullable = errors.NewKind("cannot use SET NULL as column `%s` is non-nullable") + var ErrForeignKeyTextBlob = errors.NewKind("TEXT/BLOB are not valid types for foreign keys") + var ErrForeignKeyTypeChange = errors.NewKind("unable to change type of column `%s` as it is used by foreign keys") + var ErrForeignKeyTypeChangeSetNull = errors.NewKind("column `%s` must allow NULL values as foreign key `%s` has SET NULL") + var ErrFullTextDatabaseNotSupported = errors.NewKind("database does not support FULLTEXT indexes") + var ErrFullTextDifferentCollations = errors.NewKind("Full-Text index columns must have the same collation") + var ErrFullTextDuplicateColumn = errors.NewKind("cannot have duplicate columns in a Full-Text index: `%s`") + var ErrFullTextInvalidColumnType = errors.NewKind("all Full-Text columns must be declared on a non-binary text type") + var ErrFullTextMatchAgainstNotColumns = errors.NewKind("match columns must be column names") + var ErrFullTextMatchAgainstSameTable = errors.NewKind("match columns must refer to the same table") + var ErrFullTextMissingColumn = errors.NewKind("Full-Text index could not find the column `%s`") + var ErrFullTextNotSupported = errors.NewKind("table does not support FULLTEXT indexes") + var ErrFunctionNotFound = errors.NewKind("function: '%s' not found") + var ErrGeneratedColumnValue = errors.NewKind("The value specified for generated column %q in table %q is not allowed.") + var ErrGeneratedColumnWithDefault = errors.NewKind("Incorrect usage of DEFAULT and generated column") + var ErrGrantRevokeIllegalPrivilege = errors.NewKind("Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command") + var ErrGrantRevokeIllegalPrivilegeWithMessage = errors.NewKind("Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command: %s") + var ErrGrantRevokeRoleDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("Unknown authorization ID %s") + var ErrGrantUserDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT") + var ErrIllegalGISValue = errors.NewKind("illegal non geometric '%v' value found during parsing") + var ErrImmutableDatabaseProvider = errors.NewKind("error: can't modify database databaseProvider") + var ErrIncompatibleAsOf = errors.NewKind("incompatible use of AS OF: %s") + var ErrIncompatibleDefaultType = errors.NewKind("incompatible type for default value") + var ErrIncompleteFullTextIntegration = errors.NewKind("proper Full-Text support requires all interfaces to be implemented") + var ErrIncorrectValue = errors.NewKind("Incorrect %s value: '%s'") + var ErrIndexDeleteInvalidStatus = errors.NewKind("can't delete index %q because it's not ready for removal") + var ErrIndexExpressionAlreadyRegistered = errors.NewKind("there is already an index registered for the expressions: %s") + var ErrIndexIDAlreadyRegistered = errors.NewKind("an index with id %q has already been registered") + var ErrIndexNotFound = errors.NewKind("index %q was not found") + var ErrInsertIntoMismatchValueCount = errors.NewKind("number of values does not match number of columns provided") + var ErrInsertIntoNonNullableDefaultNullColumn = errors.NewKind("Field '%s' doesn't have a default value") + var ErrInsertIntoNonNullableProvidedNull = errors.NewKind("column name '%v' is non-nullable but attempted to set a value of null") + var ErrInvalidArgument = errors.NewKind("Invalid argument to %s") + var ErrInvalidArgumentDetails = errors.NewKind("Invalid argument to %s: %s") + var ErrInvalidArgumentNumber = errors.NewKind("function '%s' expected %v arguments, %v received") + var ErrInvalidArgumentType = errors.NewKind("function '%s' received invalid argument types") + var ErrInvalidAsOfExpression = errors.NewKind("expression %s cannot be used in AS OF") + var ErrInvalidAutoIncCols = errors.NewKind("there can be only one auto_increment column and it must be defined as a key") + var ErrInvalidBaseType = errors.NewKind("%v is not a valid %v base type") + var ErrInvalidBlobTextKey = errors.NewKind("blob/text column '%s' used in key specification without a key length") + var ErrInvalidCheckConstraint = errors.NewKind("invalid constraint definition: %s") + var ErrInvalidChildType = errors.NewKind("%T: invalid child type, got %T, expected %T") + var ErrInvalidChildrenNumber = errors.NewKind("%T: invalid children number, got %d, expected %d") + var ErrInvalidColExpr = errors.NewKind("the expression `%s` could not be found from the index `%s`") + var ErrInvalidColTypeDefinition = errors.NewKind("column %s type definition is invalid: %s") + var ErrInvalidColumnDefaultValue = errors.NewKind("Invalid default value for '%s'") + var ErrInvalidColumnNumber = errors.NewKind("tuple should contain %d column(s), but has %d") + var ErrInvalidConstraintFunctionNotSupported = errors.NewKind("Invalid constraint expression, function not supported: %s") + var ErrInvalidConstraintSubqueryNotSupported = errors.NewKind("Invalid constraint expression, sub-queries not supported: %s") + var ErrInvalidDefaultValueOrder = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrInvalidExpressionNumber = errors.NewKind("%T: invalid expression number, got %d, expected %d") + var ErrInvalidGISData = errors.NewKind("invalid GIS data provided to function %s") + var ErrInvalidIdentifier = errors.NewKind("invalid identifier: `%s`") + var ErrInvalidIndexName = errors.NewKind("invalid index name '%s'") + var ErrInvalidIndexPrefix = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrInvalidJSONText = errors.NewKind("Invalid JSON text: %s") + var ErrInvalidJson = errors.NewKind("Invalid JSON text: %s") + var ErrInvalidOnUpdate = errors.NewKind("Invalid ON UPDATE clause for '%s' column") + var ErrInvalidOperandColumns = errors.NewKind("operand should have %d columns, but has %d") + var ErrInvalidRangeType = errors.NewKind("encountered the RangeType_Invalid") + var ErrInvalidRefInView = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrInvalidSQLValType = errors.NewKind("invalid SQLVal of type: %d") + var ErrInvalidSRID = errors.NewKind("SRID value is out of range in %s") + var ErrInvalidSetValue = errors.NewKind("value %v was not found in the set") + var ErrInvalidSyntax = errors.NewKind("Invalid syntax: %s") + var ErrInvalidSystemVariableValue = errors.NewKind("Variable '%s' can't be set to the value of '%v'") + var ErrInvalidType = errors.NewKind("invalid type: %s") + var ErrInvalidTypeForLimit = errors.NewKind("invalid limit. expected %T, found %T") + var ErrInvalidUpdateInAfterTrigger = errors.NewKind("Updating of new row is not allowed in after trigger") + var ErrInvalidUpdateOfOldRow = errors.NewKind("Updating of old row is not allowed in trigger") + var ErrInvalidUseOfOldNew = errors.NewKind("There is no %s row in on %s trigger") + var ErrInvalidValue = errors.NewKind(`error: '%v' is not a valid value for '%v'`) + var ErrInvalidValueType = errors.NewKind(`error: '%T' is not a valid value type for '%v'`) + var ErrInvalidWindowInheritance = errors.NewKind("window '%s' cannot inherit '%s' since %s") + var ErrJSONObjectAggNullKey = errors.NewKind("JSON documents may not contain NULL member names") + var ErrKeyColumnDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("error: key column '%s' doesn't exist in table") + var ErrKeyNotFound = fmt.Errorf("memory: key not found in cache") + var ErrKeyTooLong = errors.NewKind("specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes") + var ErrKeyZero = errors.NewKind("key part '%s' length cannot be 0") + var ErrLoadDataCannotOpen = errors.NewKind("LOAD DATA is unable to open file: %s") + var ErrLoadDataCharacterLength = errors.NewKind("%s must be 1 character long") + var ErrLockDeadlock = errors.NewKind("serialization failure: %s, try restarting transaction.") + var ErrLockDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("Lock '%s' does not exist.") + var ErrLockNotOwned = errors.NewKind("Operation '%s' failed as the lock '%s' has a different owner.") + var ErrLockTimeout = errors.NewKind("Timeout acquiring lock '%s'.") + var ErrLoopLabelNotFound = errors.NewKind("%s with no matching label: '%s'") + var ErrLoopRedefinition = errors.NewKind("redefining label '%s'") + var ErrMergeJoinExpectsComparerFilters = errors.NewKind("merge join expects expression.Comparer filters, found: %T") + var ErrMisusedAlias = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrMoreThanOneRow = errors.NewKind("Result consisted of more than one row") + var ErrMultiplePrimaryKeysDefined = errors.NewKind("error: Multiple primary keys defined") + var ErrNoAutoIncrementCol = fmt.Errorf("this table has no AUTO_INCREMENT columns") + var ErrNoDatabaseSelected = errors.NewKind("no database selected") + var ErrNoForeignKeySupport = errors.NewKind("the table does not support foreign key operations: %s") + var ErrNoFullTextIndexFound = errors.NewKind("no matching Full-Text index found on table `%s`") + var ErrNoJoinFilters = errors.NewKind("join expected non-nil filters") + var ErrNoMemoryAvailable = errors.NewKind("no memory available") + var ErrNoSRID = errors.NewKind("There's no spatial reference with SRID %d") + var ErrNoTablesUsed = errors.NewKind("No tables used") + var ErrNodeAlreadyWritten = errors.New("treeprinter: node already written") + var ErrNodeNotWritten = errors.New("treeprinter: a child was written before the node") + var ErrNonAggregatedColumnWithoutGroupBy = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrNotLineString = errors.NewKind("value of type %T is not a linestring") + var ErrNotMatchingSRID = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrNotMatchingSRIDWithColName = errors.NewKind("The SRID of the geometry does not match the SRID of the column '%s'. %v") + var ErrNotPoint = errors.NewKind("value of type %T is not a point") + var ErrNotTuple = errors.NewKind("value of type %T is not a tuple") + var ErrNullableSpatialIdx = errors.NewKind("All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL") + var ErrPartitionNotFound = errors.NewKind("partition not found %q") + var ErrPidAlreadyUsed = errors.NewKind("pid %d is already in use") + var ErrPrimaryKeyViolation = errors.NewKind("duplicate primary key given") + var ErrPrivilegeCheckFailed = errors.NewKind("command denied to user %s") + var ErrProcedureCallAsOfReadOnly = errors.NewKind("CALL ... AS OF converts databases to read only") + var ErrProcedureCreateStatementInvalid = errors.NewKind(`Invalid CREATE PROCEDURE statement: %s`) + var ErrProcedureInvalidBodyStatement = errors.NewKind("`%s` statements are invalid inside of stored procedures") + var ErrProcedureNestedCallAsOf = errors.NewKind("CALL ... AS OF in stored procedure `%s`") + var ErrProcedureRecursiveCall = errors.NewKind("recursive CALL on stored procedure `%s`") + var ErrRangeSimplification = errors.NewKind("attempting to simplify ranges has removed all ranges") + var ErrReadOnly = errors.NewKind("database server is set to read only mode") + var ErrReadOnlyTransaction = errors.NewKind("cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction") + var ErrRecursiveCTEMissingUnion = errors.NewKind("Recursive Common Table Expression '%s' should contain a UNION") + var ErrRecursiveCTENotUnion = errors.NewKind("Recursive table reference in EXCEPT or INTERSECT operand is not allowed") + var ErrRenameTableNotSupported = errors.NewKind("tables cannot be renamed on database %s") + var ErrRevokeUserDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("There is no such grant defined for user '%s' on host '%s'") + var ErrRoleCreationFailure = errors.NewKind("Operation CREATE ROLE failed for %s") + var ErrRoleDeletionFailure = errors.NewKind("Operation DROP ROLE failed for %s") + var ErrSRIDOnNonGeomCol = errors.NewKind("incorrect usage of SRID and non-geometry column") + var ErrSavepointDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("SAVEPOINT %s does not exist") + var ErrSecureFilePriv = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrSessionDoesNotSupportPersistence = errors.NewKind("session does not support persistence") + var ErrShowGrantsUserDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("There is no such grant defined for user '%s' on host '%s'") + var ErrSignalOnlySqlState = errors.NewKind("SIGNAL/RESIGNAL can only use a condition defined with SQLSTATE") + var ErrSpatialRefSysAlreadyExists = errors.NewKind("There is already a spatial reference system with SRID %v") + var ErrSpatialTypeConversion = errors.NewKind("Cannot get geometry object from data you sent to the GEOMETRY field") + var ErrStarUnsupported = errors.NewKind("a '*' is in a context where it is not allowed.") + var ErrStoredProcedureAlreadyExists = errors.NewKind(`stored procedure "%s" already exists`) + var ErrStoredProcedureDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind(`stored procedure "%s" does not exist`) + var ErrStoredProceduresNotSupported = errors.NewKind(`database "%s" doesn't support stored procedures`) + var ErrSyntaxError = errors.NewKind("%s") + var ErrSystemVariableCodeFail = errors.NewKind("unable to encode/decode value '%v' for '%s'") + var ErrSystemVariableGlobalOnly = errors.NewKind(`Variable '%s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL`) + var ErrSystemVariableReadOnly = errors.NewKind(`Variable '%s' is a read only variable`) + var ErrSystemVariableReinitialized = errors.NewKind(`Variable '%s' was initialized more than 1x`) + var ErrSystemVariableSessionOnly = errors.NewKind(`Variable '%s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL`) + var ErrTableAccessDeniedForUser = errors.NewKind("Access denied for user %s to table '%s'") + var ErrTableAlreadyExists = errors.NewKind("table with name %s already exists") + var ErrTableColumnNotFound = errors.NewKind("table %q does not have column %q") + var ErrTableCopyingNotSupported = errors.NewKind("error: Table copying not supported") + var ErrTableCreatedNotFound = errors.NewKind("table was created but could not be found") + var ErrTableFunctionNotFound = errors.NewKind("table function: '%s' not found") + var ErrTableNotFound = errors.NewKind("table not found: %s") + var ErrTemporaryTableNotSupported = errors.NewKind("database does not support temporary tables") + var ErrTemporaryTablesForeignKeySupport = errors.NewKind("temporary tables do not support foreign keys") + var ErrTooLargeForSet = errors.NewKind(`value "%v" is too large for this set`) + var ErrTooManyKeyParts = errors.NewKind("too many key parts specified; max %d parts allowed") + var ErrTriggerCannotBeDropped = errors.NewKind(`trigger "%s" cannot be dropped as it is referenced by trigger "%s"`) + var ErrTriggerCreateStatementInvalid = errors.NewKind(`Invalid CREATE TRIGGER statement: %s`) + var ErrTriggerDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind(`trigger "%s" does not exist`) + var ErrTriggerTableInUse = errors.NewKind(...) + var ErrTriggersNotSupported = errors.NewKind(`database "%s" doesn't support triggers`) + var ErrTruncateReferencedFromForeignKey = errors.NewKind("cannot truncate table %s as it is referenced in foreign key %s on table %s") + var ErrUnableSort = errors.NewKind("unable to sort") + var ErrUnboundPreparedStatementVariable = errors.NewKind(`unbound variable "%s" in query`) + var ErrUnexpectedNilRow = errors.NewKind("unexpected nil row") + var ErrUnexpectedRowLength = errors.NewKind("expected %d values, got %d") + var ErrUnexpectedSeparator = errors.NewKind("Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual") + var ErrUnexpectedType = errors.NewKind("value at %d has unexpected type: %s") + var ErrUniqueKeyViolation = errors.NewKind("duplicate unique key given") + var ErrUnknownColumn = errors.NewKind("Unknown column '%s' in '%s'") + var ErrUnknownConstraint = errors.NewKind("Constraint %q does not exist") + var ErrUnknownConstraintDefinition = errors.NewKind("unknown constraint definition: %s, %T") + var ErrUnknownEvent = errors.NewKind("Unknown event '%s'") + var ErrUnknownIndexColumn = errors.NewKind("unknown column: '%s' in index '%s'") + var ErrUnknownPreparedStatement = errors.NewKind(`Unknown prepared statement handler (%s) given to EXECUTE`) + var ErrUnknownStatusVariable = errors.NewKind(`Unknown status variable '%s'`) + var ErrUnknownSystemVariable = errors.NewKind(`Unknown system variable '%s'`) + var ErrUnknownTable = errors.NewKind("Unknown table '%s'") + var ErrUnknownUserVariable = errors.NewKind(`Unknown user variable '%s'`) + var ErrUnknownWindowName = errors.NewKind("named window not found: '%s'") + var ErrUnsupportedFeature = errors.NewKind("unsupported feature: %s") + var ErrUnsupportedGISType = errors.NewKind("unsupported geospatial type: %s from value: 0x%s") + var ErrUnsupportedGISTypeForSpatialFunc = errors.NewKind("unsupported spatial type: %s for function %s") + var ErrUnsupportedIndexPrefix = errors.NewKind("prefix index on string column '%s' unsupported") + var ErrUnsupportedJoinFactorCount = errors.NewKind("unsupported join factor count: expected fewer than %d tables, found %d") + var ErrUnsupportedSRID = errors.NewKind("SRID %v has not been implemented for geographic spatial reference systems.") + var ErrUnsupportedSyntax = errors.NewKind("unsupported syntax: %s") + var ErrUserAlterFailure = errors.NewKind("Operation ALTER USER failed for %s") + var ErrUserCreationFailure = errors.NewKind("Operation CREATE USER failed for %s") + var ErrUserDeletionFailure = errors.NewKind("Operation DROP USER failed for %s") + var ErrUserVariableNoDefault = errors.NewKind(`User variable '%s' does not have a default value`) + var ErrUuidUnableToParse = errors.NewKind("unable to parse '%s' to UUID: %s") + var ErrValueOutOfRange = errors.NewKind("%v out of range for %v") + var ErrVersionedStoredProceduresNotSupported = errors.NewKind(`database "%s" doesn't support versioned stored procedures`) + var ErrViewDoesNotExist = errors.NewKind("the view %s.%s does not exist") + var ErrViewsNotSupported = errors.NewKind("database '%s' doesn't support views") + var ErrVirtualColumnPrimaryKey = errors.NewKind("Defining a virtual generated column as primary key is not supported") + var ErrWindowUnsupported = errors.NewKind("a window function '%s' is in a context where it cannot be evaluated.") + var ErrWrongAutoKey = errors.NewKind(...) + var NoopTracer = trace.NewNoopTracerProvider().Tracer("") + var SupportedCharsets = []CharacterSetID + var SupportedEngines = []Engine + func CastSQLError(err error) *mysql.SQLError + func ConvertToBool(ctx *Context, v interface{}) (bool, error) + func DBTableIter(ctx *Context, db Database, cb func(Table) (cont bool, err error)) error + func DebugString(nodeOrExpression interface{}) string + func Describe(n fmt.Stringer, options DescribeOptions) string + func Dispose(i interface{}) + func EvaluateCondition(ctx *Context, cond Expression, row Row) (interface{}, error) + func FormatRow(row Row) string + func GenerateCreateTableCheckConstraintClause(checkName, checkExpr string, enforced bool) string + func GenerateCreateTableColumnDefinition(col *Column, colDefault, onUpdate string, tableCollation CollationID) string + func GenerateCreateTableForiegnKeyDefinition(fkName string, fkCols []string, parentTbl string, parentCols []string, ...) string + func GenerateCreateTableIndexDefinition(isUnique, isSpatial, isFullText bool, indexID string, indexCols []string, ...) string + func GenerateCreateTablePrimaryKeyDefinition(pkCols []string) string + func GenerateCreateTableStatement(tblName string, colStmts []string, ...) string + func GetRangeCutKey(c RangeCut) interface + func GetTableNameInsensitive(tblName string, tableNames []string) (string, bool) + func GetTimeValueFromStringInput(field, t string) (time.Time, error) + func GetTmpdirSessionVar() string + func HasAvailableMemory(r Reporter) bool + func HasDefaultValue(ctx *Context, s Session, key string) (bool, interface{}) + func HashOf(v Row) (uint64, error) + func IncrementStatusVariable(ctx *Context, name string, val int) + func Inspect(expr Expression, f func(expr Expression) bool) + func IsFalse(val interface{}) bool + func IsKeyless(s Schema) bool + func IsTrue(val interface{}) bool + func MustConvert(val interface{}, _ ConvertInRange, err error) interface + func NewMapCache() mapCache + func NewUniqueKeyErr(keyStr string, isPK bool, existing Row) error + func Now() time.Time + func OrderedCuts(l, r RangeCut, typ Type) (RangeCut, RangeCut, error) + func QuoteIdentifier(id string) string + func QuoteIdentifiers(ids []string) []string + func RangeCutIsBinding(c RangeCut) bool + func RunWithNowFunc(nowFunc func() time.Time, fn func() error) error + func UnwrapError(err error) error + func ValidatePrimaryKeyDrop(ctx *Context, t IndexAddressableTable, oldSchema PrimaryKeySchema) error + func Walk(v Visitor, expr Expression) + func WalkWithNode(v NodeVisitor, n Node, expr Expression) + type Above struct + Key interface{} + func (Above) TypeAsLowerBound() RangeBoundType + func (Above) TypeAsUpperBound() RangeBoundType + func (a Above) Compare(c RangeCut, typ Type) (int, error) + func (a Above) String() string + type AboveAll struct + func (AboveAll) Compare(c RangeCut, typ Type) (int, error) + func (AboveAll) String() string + func (AboveAll) TypeAsLowerBound() RangeBoundType + func (AboveAll) TypeAsUpperBound() RangeBoundType + type AboveNull struct + func (AboveNull) Compare(c RangeCut, typ Type) (int, error) + func (AboveNull) String() string + func (AboveNull) TypeAsLowerBound() RangeBoundType + func (AboveNull) TypeAsUpperBound() RangeBoundType + type Aggregation interface + NewBuffer func() (AggregationBuffer, error) + type AggregationBuffer interface + Eval func(*Context) (interface{}, error) + Update func(ctx *Context, row Row) error + type AliasedDatabase interface + AliasedName func() string + type AlterableTable interface + AddColumn func(ctx *Context, column *Column, order *ColumnOrder) error + DropColumn func(ctx *Context, columnName string) error + ModifyColumn func(ctx *Context, columnName string, column *Column, order *ColumnOrder) error + type AnalyzerVersion uint8 + const VersionExperimental + const VersionStable + const VersionUnknown + type AutoIncrementSetter interface + SetAutoIncrementValue func(*Context, uint64) error + type AutoIncrementTable interface + AutoIncrementSetter func(*Context) AutoIncrementSetter + GetNextAutoIncrementValue func(ctx *Context, insertVal interface{}) (uint64, error) + PeekNextAutoIncrementValue func(ctx *Context) (uint64, error) + type BackgroundThreads struct + func NewBackgroundThreads() *BackgroundThreads + func (bt *BackgroundThreads) Add(name string, f func(ctx context.Context)) error + func (bt *BackgroundThreads) Shutdown() error + type BaseSession struct + func BaseSessionFromConnection(ctx context.Context, c *mysql.Conn, addr string) (*BaseSession, error) + func NewBaseSession() *BaseSession + func NewBaseSessionWithClientServer(server string, client Client, id uint32) *BaseSession + func (s *BaseSession) AddLock(lockName string) error + func (s *BaseSession) Address() string + func (s *BaseSession) ClearWarnings() + func (s *BaseSession) Client() Client + func (s *BaseSession) DelLock(lockName string) error + func (s *BaseSession) GetAllSessionVariables() map[string]interface{} + func (s *BaseSession) GetAllStatusVariables(_ *Context) map[string]StatusVarValue + func (s *BaseSession) GetCharacterSet() CharacterSetID + func (s *BaseSession) GetCharacterSetResults() CharacterSetID + func (s *BaseSession) GetCollation() CollationID + func (s *BaseSession) GetCurrentDatabase() string + func (s *BaseSession) GetIgnoreAutoCommit() bool + func (s *BaseSession) GetIndexRegistry() *IndexRegistry + func (s *BaseSession) GetLastQueryInfoInt(key string) int64 + func (s *BaseSession) GetLastQueryInfoString(key string) string + func (s *BaseSession) GetLogger() *logrus.Entry + func (s *BaseSession) GetPrivilegeSet() (PrivilegeSet, uint64) + func (s *BaseSession) GetQueriedDatabase() string + func (s *BaseSession) GetSessionVariable(ctx *Context, sysVarName string) (interface{}, error) + func (s *BaseSession) GetStatusVariable(_ *Context, statVarName string) (interface{}, error) + func (s *BaseSession) GetTransaction() Transaction + func (s *BaseSession) GetTransactionDatabase() string + func (s *BaseSession) GetUserVariable(ctx *Context, varName string) (Type, interface{}, error) + func (s *BaseSession) GetViewRegistry() *ViewRegistry + func (s *BaseSession) ID() uint32 + func (s *BaseSession) IncrementStatusVariable(_ *Context, statVarName string, val int) error + func (s *BaseSession) InitSessionVariable(ctx *Context, sysVarName string, value interface{}) error + func (s *BaseSession) IterLocks(cb func(name string) error) error + func (s *BaseSession) SetClient(c Client) + func (s *BaseSession) SetConnectionId(id uint32) + func (s *BaseSession) SetCurrentDatabase(dbName string) + func (s *BaseSession) SetIgnoreAutoCommit(ignore bool) + func (s *BaseSession) SetIndexRegistry(reg *IndexRegistry) + func (s *BaseSession) SetLastQueryInfoInt(key string, value int64) + func (s *BaseSession) SetLastQueryInfoString(key string, value string) + func (s *BaseSession) SetLogger(logger *logrus.Entry) + func (s *BaseSession) SetPrivilegeSet(newPs PrivilegeSet, counter uint64) + func (s *BaseSession) SetQueriedDatabase(dbName string) + func (s *BaseSession) SetSessionVariable(ctx *Context, sysVarName string, value interface{}) error + func (s *BaseSession) SetStatusVariable(_ *Context, statVarName string, val interface{}) error + func (s *BaseSession) SetTransaction(tx Transaction) + func (s *BaseSession) SetTransactionDatabase(dbName string) + func (s *BaseSession) SetUserVariable(ctx *Context, varName string, value interface{}, typ Type) error + func (s *BaseSession) SetViewRegistry(reg *ViewRegistry) + func (s *BaseSession) UseDatabase(ctx *Context, db Database) error + func (s *BaseSession) ValidateSession(ctx *Context) error + func (s *BaseSession) Warn(warn *Warning) + func (s *BaseSession) WarningCount() uint16 + func (s *BaseSession) Warnings() []*Warning + type Below struct + Key interface{} + func (Below) TypeAsLowerBound() RangeBoundType + func (Below) TypeAsUpperBound() RangeBoundType + func (b Below) Compare(c RangeCut, typ Type) (int, error) + func (b Below) String() string + type BelowNull struct + func (BelowNull) Compare(c RangeCut, typ Type) (int, error) + func (BelowNull) String() string + func (BelowNull) TypeAsLowerBound() RangeBoundType + func (BelowNull) TypeAsUpperBound() RangeBoundType + type BinaryNode interface + Left func() Node + Right func() Node + type Catalog interface + CreateDatabase func(ctx *Context, dbName string, collation CollationID) error + DatabaseTable func(ctx *Context, db Database, tableName string) (Table, Database, error) + DatabaseTableAsOf func(ctx *Context, db Database, tableName string, asOf interface{}) (Table, Database, error) + Function func(ctx *Context, name string) (Function, error) + LockTable func(ctx *Context, table string) + RegisterFunction func(ctx *Context, fns ...Function) + RemoveDatabase func(ctx *Context, dbName string) error + Table func(ctx *Context, dbName, tableName string) (Table, Database, error) + TableAsOf func(ctx *Context, dbName, tableName string, asOf interface{}) (Table, Database, error) + UnlockTables func(ctx *Context, id uint32) error + type CatalogTable interface + AssignCatalog func(cat Catalog) Table + type CatalogTableFunction interface + WithCatalog func(c Catalog) (TableFunction, error) + type CharacterSet struct + BinaryCollation CollationID + DefaultCollation CollationID + Description string + Encoder encodings.Encoder + ID CharacterSetID + MaxLength uint8 + Name string + type CharacterSetID uint16 + const CharacterSet_Unspecified + const CharacterSet_armscii8 + const CharacterSet_ascii + const CharacterSet_big5 + const CharacterSet_binary + const CharacterSet_cp1250 + const CharacterSet_cp1251 + const CharacterSet_cp1256 + const CharacterSet_cp1257 + const CharacterSet_cp850 + const CharacterSet_cp852 + const CharacterSet_cp866 + const CharacterSet_cp932 + const CharacterSet_dec8 + const CharacterSet_eucjpms + const CharacterSet_euckr + const CharacterSet_gb18030 + const CharacterSet_gb2312 + const CharacterSet_gbk + const CharacterSet_geostd8 + const CharacterSet_greek + const CharacterSet_hebrew + const CharacterSet_hp8 + const CharacterSet_keybcs2 + const CharacterSet_koi8r + const CharacterSet_koi8u + const CharacterSet_latin1 + const CharacterSet_latin2 + const CharacterSet_latin5 + const CharacterSet_latin7 + const CharacterSet_macce + const CharacterSet_macroman + const CharacterSet_sjis + const CharacterSet_swe7 + const CharacterSet_tis620 + const CharacterSet_ucs2 + const CharacterSet_ujis + const CharacterSet_utf16 + const CharacterSet_utf16le + const CharacterSet_utf32 + const CharacterSet_utf8 + const CharacterSet_utf8mb3 + const CharacterSet_utf8mb4 + func ParseCharacterSet(str string) (CharacterSetID, error) + func (cs CharacterSetID) BinaryCollation() CollationID + func (cs CharacterSetID) DefaultCollation() CollationID + func (cs CharacterSetID) Description() string + func (cs CharacterSetID) Encoder() encodings.Encoder + func (cs CharacterSetID) MaxLength() int64 + func (cs CharacterSetID) Name() string + func (cs CharacterSetID) String() string + type CharacterSetsIterator struct + func NewCharacterSetsIterator() *CharacterSetsIterator + func (csi *CharacterSetsIterator) Next() (CharacterSet, bool) + type CheckAlterableTable interface + CreateCheck func(ctx *Context, check *CheckDefinition) error + DropCheck func(ctx *Context, chName string) error + type CheckConstraint struct + Enforced bool + Expr Expression + Name string + func (c CheckConstraint) DebugString() string + type CheckConstraintNode interface + Checks func() CheckConstraints + WithChecks func(CheckConstraints) Node + type CheckConstraints []*CheckConstraint + func (cc CheckConstraints) FromExpressions(exprs []Expression) (CheckConstraints, error) + func (cc CheckConstraints) ToExpressions() []Expression + type CheckDefinition struct + CheckExpression string + Enforced bool + Name string + type CheckTable interface + GetChecks func(ctx *Context) ([]CheckDefinition, error) + type Checksumable interface + Checksum func() (string, error) + type Client struct + Address string + Capabilities uint32 + User string + type Closer interface + Close func(*Context) error + type ColSet struct + func MakeColSet(vals ...ColumnId) ColSet + func NewColSet(vals ...ColumnId) ColSet + func NewColSetFromIntSet(set FastIntSet) ColSet + func (s *ColSet) Add(col ColumnId) + func (s *ColSet) DifferenceWith(rhs ColSet) + func (s *ColSet) IntersectionWith(rhs ColSet) + func (s *ColSet) Remove(col ColumnId) + func (s *ColSet) UnionWith(rhs ColSet) + func (s ColSet) Contains(col ColumnId) bool + func (s ColSet) Copy() ColSet + func (s ColSet) Difference(rhs ColSet) ColSet + func (s ColSet) Empty() bool + func (s ColSet) Equals(rhs ColSet) bool + func (s ColSet) ForEach(f func(col ColumnId)) + func (s ColSet) Intersection(rhs ColSet) ColSet + func (s ColSet) Intersects(rhs ColSet) bool + func (s ColSet) Len() int + func (s ColSet) Next(startVal ColumnId) (ColumnId, bool) + func (s ColSet) String() string + func (s ColSet) SubsetOf(rhs ColSet) bool + func (s ColSet) Union(rhs ColSet) ColSet + type CollatedDatabase interface + GetCollation func(ctx *Context) CollationID + SetCollation func(ctx *Context, collation CollationID) error + type CollatedDatabaseProvider interface + CreateCollatedDatabase func(ctx *Context, name string, collation CollationID) error + type Collation struct + CharacterSet CharacterSetID + ID CollationID + IsAccentSensitive bool + IsCaseSensitive bool + IsCompiled bool + IsDefault bool + Name string + PadAttribute string + SortLength uint8 + Sorter CollationSorter + type CollationAlterableTable interface + ModifyDefaultCollation func(ctx *Context, collation CollationID) error + ModifyStoredCollation func(ctx *Context, collation CollationID) error + type CollationCoercible interface + CollationCoercibility func(ctx *Context) (collation CollationID, coercibility byte) + type CollationID uint16 + const Collation_Default + const Collation_Information_Schema_Default + const Collation_Unspecified + const Collation_armscii8_bin + const Collation_armscii8_general_ci + const Collation_ascii_bin + const Collation_ascii_general_ci + const Collation_big5_bin + const Collation_big5_chinese_ci + const Collation_binary + const Collation_cp1250_bin + const Collation_cp1250_croatian_ci + const Collation_cp1250_czech_cs + const Collation_cp1250_general_ci + const Collation_cp1250_polish_ci + const Collation_cp1251_bin + const Collation_cp1251_bulgarian_ci + const Collation_cp1251_general_ci + const Collation_cp1251_general_cs + const Collation_cp1251_ukrainian_ci + const Collation_cp1256_bin + const Collation_cp1256_general_ci + const Collation_cp1257_bin + const Collation_cp1257_general_ci + const Collation_cp1257_lithuanian_ci + const Collation_cp850_bin + const Collation_cp850_general_ci + const Collation_cp852_bin + const Collation_cp852_general_ci + const Collation_cp866_bin + const Collation_cp866_general_ci + const Collation_cp932_bin + const Collation_cp932_japanese_ci + const Collation_dec8_bin + const Collation_dec8_swedish_ci + const Collation_eucjpms_bin + const Collation_eucjpms_japanese_ci + const Collation_euckr_bin + const Collation_euckr_korean_ci + const Collation_gb18030_bin + const Collation_gb18030_chinese_ci + const Collation_gb18030_unicode_520_ci + const Collation_gb2312_bin + const Collation_gb2312_chinese_ci + const Collation_gbk_bin + const Collation_gbk_chinese_ci + const Collation_geostd8_bin + const Collation_geostd8_general_ci + const Collation_greek_bin + const Collation_greek_general_ci + const Collation_hebrew_bin + const Collation_hebrew_general_ci + const Collation_hp8_bin + const Collation_hp8_english_ci + const Collation_keybcs2_bin + const Collation_keybcs2_general_ci + const Collation_koi8r_bin + const Collation_koi8r_general_ci + const Collation_koi8u_bin + const Collation_koi8u_general_ci + const Collation_latin1_bin + const Collation_latin1_danish_ci + const Collation_latin1_general_ci + const Collation_latin1_general_cs + const Collation_latin1_german1_ci + const Collation_latin1_german2_ci + const Collation_latin1_spanish_ci + const Collation_latin1_swedish_ci + const Collation_latin2_bin + const Collation_latin2_croatian_ci + const Collation_latin2_czech_cs + const Collation_latin2_general_ci + const Collation_latin2_hungarian_ci + const Collation_latin5_bin + const Collation_latin5_turkish_ci + const Collation_latin7_bin + const Collation_latin7_estonian_cs + const Collation_latin7_general_ci + const Collation_latin7_general_cs + const Collation_macce_bin + const Collation_macce_general_ci + const Collation_macroman_bin + const Collation_macroman_general_ci + const Collation_sjis_bin + const Collation_sjis_japanese_ci + const Collation_swe7_bin + const Collation_swe7_swedish_ci + const Collation_tis620_bin + const Collation_tis620_thai_ci + const Collation_ucs2_bin + const Collation_ucs2_croatian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_czech_ci + const Collation_ucs2_danish_ci + const Collation_ucs2_esperanto_ci + const Collation_ucs2_estonian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_general_ci + const Collation_ucs2_general_mysql500_ci + const Collation_ucs2_german2_ci + const Collation_ucs2_hungarian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_icelandic_ci + const Collation_ucs2_latvian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_lithuanian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_persian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_polish_ci + const Collation_ucs2_roman_ci + const Collation_ucs2_romanian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_sinhala_ci + const Collation_ucs2_slovak_ci + const Collation_ucs2_slovenian_ci + const Collation_ucs2_spanish2_ci + const Collation_ucs2_spanish_ci + const Collation_ucs2_swedish_ci + const Collation_ucs2_turkish_ci + const Collation_ucs2_unicode_520_ci + const Collation_ucs2_unicode_ci + const Collation_ucs2_vietnamese_ci + const Collation_ujis_bin + const Collation_ujis_japanese_ci + const Collation_utf16_bin + const Collation_utf16_croatian_ci + const Collation_utf16_czech_ci + const Collation_utf16_danish_ci + const Collation_utf16_esperanto_ci + const Collation_utf16_estonian_ci + const Collation_utf16_general_ci + const Collation_utf16_german2_ci + const Collation_utf16_hungarian_ci + const Collation_utf16_icelandic_ci + const Collation_utf16_latvian_ci + const Collation_utf16_lithuanian_ci + const Collation_utf16_persian_ci + const Collation_utf16_polish_ci + const Collation_utf16_roman_ci + const Collation_utf16_romanian_ci + const Collation_utf16_sinhala_ci + const Collation_utf16_slovak_ci + const Collation_utf16_slovenian_ci + const Collation_utf16_spanish2_ci + const Collation_utf16_spanish_ci + const Collation_utf16_swedish_ci + const Collation_utf16_turkish_ci + const Collation_utf16_unicode_520_ci + const Collation_utf16_unicode_ci + const Collation_utf16_vietnamese_ci + const Collation_utf16le_bin + const Collation_utf16le_general_ci + const Collation_utf32_bin + const Collation_utf32_croatian_ci + const Collation_utf32_czech_ci + const Collation_utf32_danish_ci + const Collation_utf32_esperanto_ci + const Collation_utf32_estonian_ci + const Collation_utf32_general_ci + const Collation_utf32_german2_ci + const Collation_utf32_hungarian_ci + const Collation_utf32_icelandic_ci + const Collation_utf32_latvian_ci + const Collation_utf32_lithuanian_ci + const Collation_utf32_persian_ci + const Collation_utf32_polish_ci + const Collation_utf32_roman_ci + const Collation_utf32_romanian_ci + const Collation_utf32_sinhala_ci + const Collation_utf32_slovak_ci + const Collation_utf32_slovenian_ci + const Collation_utf32_spanish2_ci + const Collation_utf32_spanish_ci + const Collation_utf32_swedish_ci + const Collation_utf32_turkish_ci + const Collation_utf32_unicode_520_ci + const Collation_utf32_unicode_ci + const Collation_utf32_vietnamese_ci + const Collation_utf8_bin + const Collation_utf8_croatian_ci + const Collation_utf8_czech_ci + const Collation_utf8_danish_ci + const Collation_utf8_esperanto_ci + const Collation_utf8_estonian_ci + const Collation_utf8_general_ci + const Collation_utf8_general_mysql500_ci + const Collation_utf8_german2_ci + const Collation_utf8_hungarian_ci + const Collation_utf8_icelandic_ci + const Collation_utf8_latvian_ci + const Collation_utf8_lithuanian_ci + const Collation_utf8_persian_ci + const Collation_utf8_polish_ci + const Collation_utf8_roman_ci + const Collation_utf8_romanian_ci + const Collation_utf8_sinhala_ci + const Collation_utf8_slovak_ci + const Collation_utf8_slovenian_ci + const Collation_utf8_spanish2_ci + const Collation_utf8_spanish_ci + const Collation_utf8_swedish_ci + const Collation_utf8_tolower_ci + const Collation_utf8_turkish_ci + const Collation_utf8_unicode_520_ci + const Collation_utf8_unicode_ci + const Collation_utf8_vietnamese_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_bin + const Collation_utf8mb3_croatian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_czech_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_danish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_esperanto_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_estonian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_general_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_general_mysql500_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_german2_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_hungarian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_icelandic_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_latvian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_lithuanian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_persian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_polish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_roman_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_romanian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_sinhala_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_slovak_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_slovenian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_spanish2_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_spanish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_swedish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_tolower_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_turkish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_unicode_520_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_unicode_ci + const Collation_utf8mb3_vietnamese_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_0900_as_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_0900_bin + const Collation_utf8mb4_bg_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_bg_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_bin + const Collation_utf8mb4_bs_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_bs_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_croatian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_cs_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_cs_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_czech_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_da_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_da_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_danish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_de_pb_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_de_pb_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_eo_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_eo_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_es_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_es_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_es_trad_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_es_trad_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_esperanto_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_estonian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_et_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_et_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_general_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_german2_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_gl_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_gl_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_hr_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_hr_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_hu_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_hu_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_hungarian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_icelandic_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_is_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_is_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs_ks + const Collation_utf8mb4_la_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_la_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_latvian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_lithuanian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_lt_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_lt_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_lv_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_lv_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_mn_cyrl_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_mn_cyrl_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_nb_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_nb_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_nn_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_nn_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_persian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_pl_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_pl_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_polish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_ro_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_ro_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_roman_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_romanian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_ru_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_ru_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_sinhala_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_sk_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_sk_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_sl_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_sl_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_slovak_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_slovenian_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_spanish2_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_spanish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_sr_latn_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_sr_latn_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_sv_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_sv_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_swedish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_tr_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_tr_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_turkish_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_unicode_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_vi_0900_ai_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_vi_0900_as_cs + const Collation_utf8mb4_vietnamese_ci + const Collation_utf8mb4_zh_0900_as_cs + func GetCoercibility(ctx *Context, nodeOrExpr interface{}) (collation CollationID, coercibility byte) + func ParseCollation(characterSetStr string, collationStr string, binary bool) (CollationID, error) + func ResolveCoercibility(leftCollation CollationID, leftCoercibility byte, rightCollation CollationID, ...) (CollationID, byte) + func (c CollationID) CharacterSet() CharacterSetID + func (c CollationID) Collation() Collation + func (c CollationID) Equals(other CollationID) bool + func (c CollationID) HashToBytes(str string) ([]byte, error) + func (c CollationID) HashToUint(str string) (uint64, error) + func (c CollationID) IsCompiled() string + func (c CollationID) IsDefault() string + func (c CollationID) Name() string + func (c CollationID) PadAttribute() string + func (c CollationID) SortLength() uint32 + func (c CollationID) Sorter() CollationSorter + func (c CollationID) String() string + func (c CollationID) WorksWithCharacterSet(cs CharacterSetID) bool + func (c CollationID) WriteWeightString(hash io.Writer, str string) error + type CollationSorter func(r rune) int32 + type CollationsIterator struct + func NewCollationsIterator() *CollationsIterator + func (ci *CollationsIterator) Next() (Collation, bool) + type Column struct + AutoIncrement bool + Comment string + DatabaseSource string + Default *ColumnDefaultValue + Extra string + Generated *ColumnDefaultValue + Name string + Nullable bool + OnUpdate *ColumnDefaultValue + PrimaryKey bool + Source string + Type Type + Virtual bool + func (c *Column) Check(v interface{}) bool + func (c *Column) DebugString() string + func (c *Column) Equals(c2 *Column) bool + func (c Column) Copy() *Column + type ColumnDefaultValue struct + Expr Expression + Literal bool + OutType Type + Parenthesized bool + ReturnNil bool + func NewColumnDefaultValue(expr Expression, outType Type, representsLiteral bool, parenthesized bool, ...) (*ColumnDefaultValue, error) + func NewUnresolvedColumnDefaultValue(expr string) *ColumnDefaultValue + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) CheckType(ctx *Context) error + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) Children() []Expression + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) CollationCoercibility(ctx *Context) (collation CollationID, coercibility byte) + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) DebugString() string + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) Eval(ctx *Context, r Row) (interface{}, error) + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) IsLiteral() bool + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) IsNullable() bool + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) IsParenthesized() bool + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) Resolved() bool + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) String() string + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) Type() Type + func (e *ColumnDefaultValue) WithChildren(children ...Expression) (Expression, error) + type ColumnExpressionType struct + Expression string + Type Type + type ColumnId uint16 + type ColumnOrder struct + AfterColumn string + First bool + type ColumnRename struct + After string + Before string + type CommentedNode interface + Comment func() string + WithComment func(string) Node + type CommentedTable interface + Comment func() string + type Context struct + Memory *MemoryManager + ProcessList ProcessList + Version AnalyzerVersion + func NewContext(ctx context.Context, opts ...ContextOption) *Context + func NewEmptyContext() *Context + func (c *Context) ApplyOpts(opts ...ContextOption) + func (c *Context) Error(code int, msg string, args ...interface{}) + func (c *Context) KillConnection(connID uint32) error + func (c *Context) LoadInfile(filename string) (io.ReadCloser, error) + func (c *Context) NewCtxWithClient(client Client) *Context + func (c *Context) NewErrgroup() (*errgroup.Group, *Context) + func (c *Context) NewSubContext() (*Context, context.CancelFunc) + func (c *Context) Pid() uint64 + func (c *Context) Query() string + func (c *Context) QueryTime() time.Time + func (c *Context) RootSpan() trace.Span + func (c *Context) SetQueryTime(t time.Time) + func (c *Context) Span(opName string, opts ...trace.SpanStartOption) (trace.Span, *Context) + func (c *Context) Warn(code int, msg string, args ...interface{}) + func (c *Context) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Context + func (c *Context) WithQuery(q string) *Context + type ContextOption func(*Context) + func WithMemoryManager(m *MemoryManager) ContextOption + func WithPid(pid uint64) ContextOption + func WithProcessList(p ProcessList) ContextOption + func WithQuery(q string) ContextOption + func WithRootSpan(s trace.Span) ContextOption + func WithServices(services Services) ContextOption + func WithSession(s Session) ContextOption + func WithTracer(t trace.Tracer) ContextOption + type ConvertInRange bool + const InRange + const OutOfRange + type CountingRowIter struct + Stats *DescribeStats + func NewCountingRowIter(iter RowIter, describable WithDescribeStats) CountingRowIter + func (c CountingRowIter) Next(ctx *Context) (Row, error) + type CreateFunc0Args func() Expression + type CreateFunc1Args func(e1 Expression) Expression + type CreateFunc2Args func(e1, e2 Expression) Expression + type CreateFunc3Args func(e1, e2, e3 Expression) Expression + type CreateFunc4Args func(e1, e2, e3, e4 Expression) Expression + type CreateFunc5Args func(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5 Expression) Expression + type CreateFunc6Args func(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 Expression) Expression + type CreateFunc7Args func(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7 Expression) Expression + type CreateFuncNArgs func(args ...Expression) (Expression, error) + type Database interface + GetTableInsensitive func(ctx *Context, tblName string) (Table, bool, error) + GetTableNames func(ctx *Context) ([]string, error) + type DatabaseProvider interface + AllDatabases func(ctx *Context) []Database + Database func(ctx *Context, name string) (Database, error) + HasDatabase func(ctx *Context, name string) bool + func NewDatabaseProvider(dbs ...Database) DatabaseProvider + type Databaseable interface + Database func() string + type Databaser interface + Database func() Database + WithDatabase func(Database) (Node, error) + type DatetimeType interface + ConvertWithoutRangeCheck func(v interface{}) (time.Time, error) + MaximumTime func() time.Time + MinimumTime func() time.Time + Precision func() int + type DbTable struct + Db string + Table string + func NewDbTable(db, table string) DbTable + func (dt *DbTable) String() string + type DebugStringer interface + DebugString func() string + type DecimalType interface + BoundsCheck func(v decimal.Decimal) (decimal.Decimal, ConvertInRange, error) + ConvertNoBoundsCheck func(v interface{}) (decimal.Decimal, error) + ConvertToNullDecimal func(v interface{}) (decimal.NullDecimal, error) + ExclusiveUpperBound func() decimal.Decimal + MaximumScale func() uint8 + Precision func() uint8 + Scale func() uint8 + type DeferredType interface + IsDeferred func() bool + Name func() string + type DeletableTable interface + Deleter func(*Context) RowDeleter + type Describable interface + Describe func(options DescribeOptions) string + type DescribeOptions struct + Analyze bool + Debug bool + Estimates bool + func (d DescribeOptions) String() string + type DescribeStats struct + ActualRowCount uint64 + Cost float64 + EstimatedRowCount uint64 + HasStats bool + NumberOfIterations uint64 + func (e *DescribeStats) GetDescribeStatsString(options DescribeOptions) string + func (e *DescribeStats) SetDescribeStats(newStats DescribeStats) + func (e DescribeStats) GetEstimatedCost() float64 + func (e DescribeStats) GetEstimatedRowCount() uint64 + type Disposable interface + Dispose func() + type DisposeFunc func() + type DriverIndex interface + Driver func() string + type DriverIndexLookup interface + Indexes func() []string + Lookup func() IndexLookup + Values func(Partition) (IndexValueIter, error) + type DriverIndexableTable interface + IndexKeyValues func(*Context, []string) (PartitionIndexKeyValueIter, error) + WithDriverIndexLookup func(DriverIndexLookup) Table + type DynamicColumnsTable interface + AllColumns func(*Context) (Schema, error) + HasDynamicColumns func() bool + WithDefaultsSchema func(Schema) (Table, error) + type EditOpenerCloser interface + DiscardChanges func(ctx *Context, errorEncountered error) error + StatementBegin func(ctx *Context) + StatementComplete func(ctx *Context) error + type EmptyProcessList struct + func (e EmptyProcessList) AddConnection(id uint32, addr string) + func (e EmptyProcessList) AddPartitionProgress(pid uint64, tableName, partitionName string, total int64) + func (e EmptyProcessList) AddTableProgress(pid uint64, name string, total int64) + func (e EmptyProcessList) BeginQuery(ctx *Context, query string) (*Context, error) + func (e EmptyProcessList) ConnectionReady(Session) + func (e EmptyProcessList) Done(pid uint64) + func (e EmptyProcessList) EndQuery(ctx *Context) + func (e EmptyProcessList) Kill(connID uint32) + func (e EmptyProcessList) Processes() []Process + func (e EmptyProcessList) RemoveConnection(uint32) + func (e EmptyProcessList) RemovePartitionProgress(pid uint64, tableName, partitionName string) + func (e EmptyProcessList) RemoveTableProgress(pid uint64, name string) + func (e EmptyProcessList) UpdatePartitionProgress(pid uint64, tableName, partitionName string, delta int64) + func (e EmptyProcessList) UpdateTableProgress(pid uint64, name string, delta int64) + type Engine struct + Name string + func (e Engine) Comment() string + func (e Engine) Savepoints() string + func (e Engine) String() string + func (e Engine) Support() string + func (e Engine) Transactions() string + func (e Engine) XA() string + type EnumType interface + At func(index int) (string, bool) + CharacterSet func() CharacterSetID + Collation func() CollationID + IndexOf func(v string) int + NumberOfElements func() uint16 + Values func() []string + type EquivSets struct + func (e *EquivSets) Add(cols ColSet) + func (e *EquivSets) Len() int + func (e *EquivSets) Sets() []ColSet + func (e *EquivSets) String() string + type EventDatabase interface + DropEvent func(ctx *Context, name string) error + GetEvent func(ctx *Context, name string) (EventDefinition, bool, error) + GetEvents func(ctx *Context) (events []EventDefinition, token interface{}, err error) + NeedsToReloadEvents func(ctx *Context, token interface{}) (bool, error) + SaveEvent func(ctx *Context, ed EventDefinition) (bool, error) + UpdateEvent func(ctx *Context, originalName string, ed EventDefinition) (bool, error) + UpdateLastExecuted func(ctx *Context, eventName string, lastExecuted time.Time) error + type EventDefinition struct + Comment string + CreatedAt time.Time + Definer string + Ends time.Time + EventBody string + ExecuteAt time.Time + ExecuteEvery string + HasEnds bool + HasExecuteAt bool + LastAltered time.Time + LastExecuted time.Time + Name string + OnCompletionPreserve bool + SqlMode string + Starts time.Time + Status string + TimezoneOffset string + func (e *EventDefinition) ConvertTimesFromUTCToTz(tz string) *EventDefinition + func (e *EventDefinition) CreateEventStatement() string + func (e *EventDefinition) GetNextExecutionTime(curTime time.Time) (time.Time, bool, error) + type EventOnScheduleEveryInterval struct + Days int64 + Hours int64 + Minutes int64 + Months int64 + Seconds int64 + Years int64 + func EventOnScheduleEveryIntervalFromString(every string) (*EventOnScheduleEveryInterval, error) + func NewEveryInterval(y, mo, d, h, mi, s int64) *EventOnScheduleEveryInterval + func (e *EventOnScheduleEveryInterval) GetIntervalValAndField() (string, string) + type EventScheduler interface + AddEvent func(ctx *Context, edb EventDatabase, event EventDefinition) + RemoveEvent func(dbName, eventName string) + RemoveSchemaEvents func(dbName string) + UpdateEvent func(ctx *Context, edb EventDatabase, orgEventName string, event EventDefinition) + type EventSchedulerStatement interface + WithEventScheduler func(controller EventScheduler) Node + type EventStatus byte + const EventStatus_Disable + const EventStatus_DisableOnSlave + const EventStatus_Enable + func EventStatusFromString(status string) (EventStatus, error) + func (e EventStatus) String() string + type ExecSourceRel interface + RowIter func(ctx *Context, r Row) (RowIter, error) + type Expression interface + Children func() []Expression + Eval func(ctx *Context, row Row) (interface{}, error) + IsNullable func() bool + Type func() Type + WithChildren func(children ...Expression) (Expression, error) + func NillaryWithChildren(expr Expression, children ...Expression) (Expression, error) + type Expression2 interface + Eval2 func(ctx *Context, row Row2) (Value, error) + Type2 func() Type2 + type ExpressionWithNodes interface + NodeChildren func() []Node + WithNodeChildren func(children ...Node) (ExpressionWithNodes, error) + type Expressioner interface + Expressions func() []Expression + WithExpressions func(...Expression) (Node, error) + type ExtendedIndex interface + ExtendedColumnExpressionTypes func() []ColumnExpressionType + ExtendedExpressions func() []string + type ExternalStoredProcedureDetails struct + AdminOnly bool + Function interface{} + Name string + ReadOnly bool + Schema Schema + func (espd ExternalStoredProcedureDetails) FakeCreateProcedureStmt() string + type ExternalStoredProcedureProvider interface + ExternalStoredProcedure func(ctx *Context, name string, numOfParams int) (*ExternalStoredProcedureDetails, error) + ExternalStoredProcedures func(ctx *Context, name string) ([]ExternalStoredProcedureDetails, error) + type ExternalStoredProcedureRegistry struct + func NewExternalStoredProcedureRegistry() ExternalStoredProcedureRegistry + func (epd *ExternalStoredProcedureRegistry) LookupByName(name string) ([]ExternalStoredProcedureDetails, error) + func (epd *ExternalStoredProcedureRegistry) LookupByNameAndParamCount(name string, numOfParams int) (*ExternalStoredProcedureDetails, error) + func (epd *ExternalStoredProcedureRegistry) Register(procedureDetails ExternalStoredProcedureDetails) + type FastIntSet struct + func NewFastIntSet(vals FastIntSet + func (s *FastIntSet) Add(i int) + func (s *FastIntSet) AddRange(from, to int) + func (s *FastIntSet) CopyFrom(c FastIntSet) + func (s *FastIntSet) DifferenceWith(rhs FastIntSet) + func (s *FastIntSet) IntersectionWith(rhs FastIntSet) + func (s *FastIntSet) Remove(i int) + func (s *FastIntSet) Shift(delta int) FastIntSet + func (s *FastIntSet) UnionWith(rhs FastIntSet) + func (s FastIntSet) Contains(i int) bool + func (s FastIntSet) Copy() FastIntSet + func (s FastIntSet) Difference(rhs FastIntSet) FastIntSet + func (s FastIntSet) Empty() bool + func (s FastIntSet) Equals(rhs FastIntSet) bool + func (s FastIntSet) ForEach(f func(i int)) + func (s FastIntSet) Intersection(rhs FastIntSet) FastIntSet + func (s FastIntSet) Intersects(rhs FastIntSet) bool + func (s FastIntSet) Len() int + func (s FastIntSet) Next(startVal int) (int, bool) + func (s FastIntSet) Ordered() []int + func (s FastIntSet) String() string + func (s FastIntSet) SubsetOf(rhs FastIntSet) bool + func (s FastIntSet) Union(rhs FastIntSet) FastIntSet + type FilteredIndex interface + HandledFilters func(filters []Expression) (handled []Expression) + type FilteredTable interface + Filters func() []Expression + HandledFilters func(filters []Expression) []Expression + WithFilters func(ctx *Context, filters []Expression) Table + type ForeignKeyConstraint struct + Columns []string + Database string + IsResolved bool + Name string + OnDelete ForeignKeyReferentialAction + OnUpdate ForeignKeyReferentialAction + ParentColumns []string + ParentDatabase string + ParentTable string + Table string + func (f *ForeignKeyConstraint) DebugString() string + func (f *ForeignKeyConstraint) IsSelfReferential() bool + type ForeignKeyConstraints []*ForeignKeyConstraint + type ForeignKeyEditor interface + type ForeignKeyReferentialAction string + const ForeignKeyReferentialAction_Cascade + const ForeignKeyReferentialAction_DefaultAction + const ForeignKeyReferentialAction_NoAction + const ForeignKeyReferentialAction_Restrict + const ForeignKeyReferentialAction_SetDefault + const ForeignKeyReferentialAction_SetNull + func (f ForeignKeyReferentialAction) IsEquivalentToRestrict() bool + type ForeignKeyTable interface + AddForeignKey func(ctx *Context, fk ForeignKeyConstraint) error + CreateIndexForForeignKey func(ctx *Context, indexDef IndexDef) error + DropForeignKey func(ctx *Context, fkName string) error + GetDeclaredForeignKeys func(ctx *Context) ([]ForeignKeyConstraint, error) + GetForeignKeyEditor func(ctx *Context) ForeignKeyEditor + GetReferencedForeignKeys func(ctx *Context) ([]ForeignKeyConstraint, error) + UpdateForeignKey func(ctx *Context, fkName string, fk ForeignKeyConstraint) error + type ForeignKeyTables []ForeignKeyTable + type Freeable interface + Free func() + type FuncDepSet struct + func NewCrossJoinFDs(left, right *FuncDepSet) *FuncDepSet + func NewFilterFDs(fds *FuncDepSet, notNull ColSet, constant ColSet, equiv [][2]ColumnId) *FuncDepSet + func NewInnerJoinFDs(left, right *FuncDepSet, filters [][2]ColumnId) *FuncDepSet + func NewLeftJoinFDs(left, right *FuncDepSet, filters [][2]ColumnId) *FuncDepSet + func NewLookupFDs(fds *FuncDepSet, idxCols ColSet, notNull ColSet, constant ColSet, ...) *FuncDepSet + func NewMax1RowFDs(cols, notNull ColSet) *FuncDepSet + func NewProjectFDs(fds *FuncDepSet, cols ColSet, distinct bool) *FuncDepSet + func NewTablescanFDs(all ColSet, strict []ColSet, lax []ColSet, notNull ColSet) *FuncDepSet + func (f *FuncDepSet) AddConstants(cols ColSet) + func (f *FuncDepSet) AddEquiv(i, j ColumnId) + func (f *FuncDepSet) AddEquivSet(cols ColSet) + func (f *FuncDepSet) AddKey(k Key) + func (f *FuncDepSet) AddLaxKey(cols ColSet) + func (f *FuncDepSet) AddNotNullable(cols ColSet) + func (f *FuncDepSet) AddStrictKey(cols ColSet) + func (f *FuncDepSet) All() ColSet + func (f *FuncDepSet) ColsAreStrictKey(cols ColSet) bool + func (f *FuncDepSet) Constants() ColSet + func (f *FuncDepSet) CopyKeys() []Key + func (f *FuncDepSet) Empty() bool + func (f *FuncDepSet) Equiv() *EquivSets + func (f *FuncDepSet) EquivalenceClosure(cols ColSet) ColSet + func (f *FuncDepSet) HasMax1Row() bool + func (f *FuncDepSet) LaxKey() (ColSet, bool) + func (f *FuncDepSet) NotNull() ColSet + func (f *FuncDepSet) StrictKey() (ColSet, bool) + func (f *FuncDepSet) String() string + type Function interface + FunctionName func() string + NewInstance func([]Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function0 struct + Fn CreateFunc0Args + Name string + func NewFunction0(name string, fn func() Expression) Function0 + func (fn Function0) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function0) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function1 struct + Fn CreateFunc1Args + Name string + func (fn Function1) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function1) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function2 struct + Fn CreateFunc2Args + Name string + func (fn Function2) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function2) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function3 struct + Fn CreateFunc3Args + Name string + func (fn Function3) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function3) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function4 struct + Fn CreateFunc4Args + Name string + func (fn Function4) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function4) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function5 struct + Fn CreateFunc5Args + Name string + func (fn Function5) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function5) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function6 struct + Fn CreateFunc6Args + Name string + func (fn Function6) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function6) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type Function7 struct + Fn CreateFunc7Args + Name string + func (fn Function7) FunctionName() string + func (fn Function7) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type FunctionExpression interface + Description func() string + FunctionName func() string + type FunctionN struct + Fn CreateFuncNArgs + Name string + func (fn FunctionN) FunctionName() string + func (fn FunctionN) NewInstance(args []Expression) (Expression, error) + type FunctionProvider interface + Function func(ctx *Context, name string) (Function, error) + type Histogram []HistogramBucket + func (h Histogram) DebugString() string + func (h Histogram) IsEmpty() bool + func (h Histogram) ToInterface() interface{} + type HistogramBucket interface + BoundCount func() uint64 + DistinctCount func() uint64 + McvCounts func() []uint64 + Mcvs func() []Row + NullCount func() uint64 + RowCount func() uint64 + UpperBound func() Row + type IdExpression interface + Id func() ColumnId + WithId func(ColumnId) IdExpression + type IgnorableError struct + OffendingRow Row + func NewIgnorableError(row Row) IgnorableError + func (e IgnorableError) Error() string + type Index interface + CanSupport func(...Range) bool + ColumnExpressionTypes func() []ColumnExpressionType + Comment func() string + Database func() string + Expressions func() []string + ID func() string + IndexType func() string + IsFullText func() bool + IsGenerated func() bool + IsSpatial func() bool + IsUnique func() bool + PrefixLengths func() []uint16 + Table func() string + type IndexAddressable interface + GetIndexes func(ctx *Context) ([]Index, error) + IndexedAccess func(lookup IndexLookup) IndexedTable + PreciseMatch func() bool + type IndexAddressableTable interface + type IndexAlterableTable interface + CreateIndex func(ctx *Context, indexDef IndexDef) error + DropIndex func(ctx *Context, indexName string) error + RenameIndex func(ctx *Context, fromIndexName string, toIndexName string) error + type IndexBuilder struct + func NewIndexBuilder(idx Index) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) Build(ctx *Context) (IndexLookup, error) + func (b *IndexBuilder) Equals(ctx *Context, colExpr string, keys ...interface{}) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) GreaterOrEqual(ctx *Context, colExpr string, key interface{}) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) GreaterThan(ctx *Context, colExpr string, key interface{}) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) IsNotNull(ctx *Context, colExpr string) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) IsNull(ctx *Context, colExpr string) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) LessOrEqual(ctx *Context, colExpr string, key interface{}) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) LessThan(ctx *Context, colExpr string, key interface{}) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) NotEquals(ctx *Context, colExpr string, key interface{}) *IndexBuilder + func (b *IndexBuilder) Ranges(ctx *Context) RangeCollection + type IndexBuildingTable interface + BuildIndex func(ctx *Context, indexDef IndexDef) (RowInserter, error) + ShouldBuildIndex func(ctx *Context, indexDef IndexDef) (bool, error) + type IndexClass uint8 + type IndexColumn struct + Length int64 + Name string + type IndexConstraint byte + const IndexConstraint_Fulltext + const IndexConstraint_None + const IndexConstraint_Primary + const IndexConstraint_Spatial + const IndexConstraint_Unique + type IndexDef struct + Columns []IndexColumn + Comment string + Constraint IndexConstraint + Name string + Storage IndexUsing + func (i *IndexDef) ColumnNames() []string + func (i *IndexDef) IsFullText() bool + func (i *IndexDef) IsPrimary() bool + func (i *IndexDef) IsSpatial() bool + func (i *IndexDef) IsUnique() bool + func (i *IndexDef) String() string + type IndexDefs []*IndexDef + type IndexDriver interface + Create func(db, table, id string, expressions []Expression, config map[string]string) (DriverIndex, error) + Delete func(DriverIndex, PartitionIter) error + ID func() string + LoadAll func(ctx *Context, db, table string) ([]DriverIndex, error) + Save func(*Context, DriverIndex, PartitionIndexKeyValueIter) error + type IndexKeyValueIter interface + Next func(*Context) ([]interface{}, []byte, error) + type IndexLookup struct + Index Index + IsEmptyRange bool + IsPointLookup bool + IsReverse bool + IsSpatialLookup bool + Ranges RangeCollection + func NewIndexLookup(idx Index, ranges RangeCollection, ...) IndexLookup + func (il IndexLookup) DebugString() string + func (il IndexLookup) IsEmpty() bool + func (il IndexLookup) String() string + type IndexOrder byte + const IndexOrderAsc + const IndexOrderDesc + const IndexOrderNone + type IndexRegistry struct + Root string + func NewIndexRegistry() *IndexRegistry + func (r *IndexRegistry) AddIndex(idx DriverIndex) (created chan<- struct{}, ready <-chan struct{}, err error) + func (r *IndexRegistry) CanRemoveIndex(idx Index) bool + func (r *IndexRegistry) CanUseIndex(idx Index) bool + func (r *IndexRegistry) DefaultIndexDriver() IndexDriver + func (r *IndexRegistry) DeleteIndex(db, id string, force bool) (<-chan struct{}, error) + func (r *IndexRegistry) ExpressionsWithIndexes(db string, exprs ...Expression) [][]Expression + func (r *IndexRegistry) HasIndexes() bool + func (r *IndexRegistry) Index(db, id string) DriverIndex + func (r *IndexRegistry) IndexDriver(id string) IndexDriver + func (r *IndexRegistry) IndexesByTable(db, table string) []DriverIndex + func (r *IndexRegistry) LoadIndexes(ctx *Context, dbs []Database) error + func (r *IndexRegistry) MarkOutdated(idx Index) + func (r *IndexRegistry) MatchingIndex(ctx *Context, db string, expr ...Expression) (index Index, prefixCount int, err error) + func (r *IndexRegistry) RegisterIndexDriver(driver IndexDriver) + func (r *IndexRegistry) ReleaseIndex(idx Index) + type IndexRequired interface + RequiredPredicates func() []string + type IndexSearchable interface + LookupForExpressions func(*Context, []Expression) (IndexLookup, error) + SkipIndexCosting func() bool + type IndexSearchableTable interface + type IndexStatus byte + const IndexNotReady + const IndexOutdated + const IndexReady + func (s IndexStatus) IsUsable() bool + func (s IndexStatus) String() string + type IndexUsing byte + const IndexUsing_BTree + const IndexUsing_Default + const IndexUsing_Hash + type IndexValueIter interface + Next func(*Context) ([]byte, error) + type IndexedTable interface + LookupPartitions func(*Context, IndexLookup) (PartitionIter, error) + type IndexedTableCreator interface + CreateIndexedTable func(ctx *Context, name string, schema PrimaryKeySchema, idxDef IndexDef, ...) error + type InsertableTable interface + Inserter func(*Context) RowInserter + type JSONWrapper interface + ToInterface func() interface{} + type Key struct + func (k *Key) Empty() bool + type KeyValueCache interface + Get func(uint64) (interface{}, error) + Put func(uint64, interface{}) error + Size func() int + type LockState int + const LockDoesNotExist + const LockFree + const LockInUse + type LockSubsystem struct + func NewLockSubsystem() *LockSubsystem + func (ls *LockSubsystem) GetLockState(name string) (state LockState, owner uint32) + func (ls *LockSubsystem) Lock(ctx *Context, name string, timeout time.Duration) error + func (ls *LockSubsystem) ReleaseAll(ctx *Context) (int, error) + func (ls *LockSubsystem) Unlock(ctx *Context, name string) error + type Lockable interface + Lock func(ctx *Context, write bool) error + Unlock func(ctx *Context, id uint32) error + type MapCatalog struct + Databases map[string]Database + Funcs map[string]Function + Tables map[string]Table + func (t MapCatalog) AllDatabases(ctx *Context) []Database + func (t MapCatalog) CreateDatabase(ctx *Context, dbName string, collation CollationID) error + func (t MapCatalog) DataLength(ctx *Context, db, table string) (uint64, error) + func (t MapCatalog) Database(ctx *Context, name string) (Database, error) + func (t MapCatalog) DatabaseTable(ctx *Context, db Database, tableName string) (Table, Database, error) + func (t MapCatalog) DatabaseTableAsOf(ctx *Context, db Database, tableName string, asOf interface{}) (Table, Database, error) + func (t MapCatalog) DropDbStats(ctx *Context, db string, flush bool) error + func (t MapCatalog) DropStats(ctx *Context, qual StatQualifier, cols []string) error + func (t MapCatalog) ExternalStoredProcedure(ctx *Context, name string, numOfParams int) (*ExternalStoredProcedureDetails, error) + func (t MapCatalog) ExternalStoredProcedures(ctx *Context, name string) ([]ExternalStoredProcedureDetails, error) + func (t MapCatalog) Function(ctx *Context, name string) (Function, error) + func (t MapCatalog) GetStats(ctx *Context, qual StatQualifier, cols []string) (Statistic, bool) + func (t MapCatalog) GetTableStats(ctx *Context, db, table string) ([]Statistic, error) + func (t MapCatalog) HasDatabase(ctx *Context, name string) bool + func (t MapCatalog) LockTable(ctx *Context, table string) + func (t MapCatalog) RefreshTableStats(ctx *Context, table Table, db string) error + func (t MapCatalog) RegisterFunction(ctx *Context, fns ...Function) + func (t MapCatalog) RemoveDatabase(ctx *Context, dbName string) error + func (t MapCatalog) RowCount(ctx *Context, db, table string) (uint64, error) + func (t MapCatalog) SetStats(ctx *Context, stats Statistic) error + func (t MapCatalog) Table(ctx *Context, dbName, tableName string) (Table, Database, error) + func (t MapCatalog) TableAsOf(ctx *Context, dbName, tableName string, asOf interface{}) (Table, Database, error) + func (t MapCatalog) TableFunction(ctx *Context, name string) (TableFunction, error) + func (t MapCatalog) UnlockTables(ctx *Context, id uint32) error + func (t MapCatalog) WithTableFunctions(fns ...TableFunction) (TableFunctionProvider, error) + type MemoryManager struct + func NewMemoryManager(r Reporter) *MemoryManager + func (m *MemoryManager) Free() + func (m *MemoryManager) HasAvailable() bool + func (m *MemoryManager) NewHistoryCache() (KeyValueCache, DisposeFunc) + func (m *MemoryManager) NewLRUCache(size uint) (KeyValueCache, DisposeFunc) + func (m *MemoryManager) NewRows2Cache() (Rows2Cache, DisposeFunc) + func (m *MemoryManager) NewRowsCache() (RowsCache, DisposeFunc) + func (m *MemoryManager) NumCaches() int + type MultiDatabaser interface + DatabaseProvider func() DatabaseProvider + WithDatabaseProvider func(DatabaseProvider) (Node, error) + type MutableDatabaseProvider interface + CreateDatabase func(ctx *Context, name string) error + DropDatabase func(ctx *Context, name string) error + type MutableStatistic interface + WithAvgSize func(uint64) Statistic + WithColSet func(ColSet) Statistic + WithDistinctCount func(uint64) Statistic + WithFuncDeps func(*FuncDepSet) Statistic + WithHistogram func(Histogram) (Statistic, error) + WithLowerBound func(Row) Statistic + WithNullCount func(uint64) Statistic + WithRowCount func(uint64) Statistic + type MutableTableNode interface + ReplaceTable func(table Table) (MutableTableNode, error) + WithTable func(Table) (MutableTableNode, error) + WrappedTable func() Table + type MutableTableWrapper interface + WithUnderlying func(Table) Table + type MySQLStatusVariable struct + Default interface{} + Name string + Scope StatusVariableScope + Type Type + func (m *MySQLStatusVariable) GetDefault() interface{} + func (m *MySQLStatusVariable) GetName() string + func (m *MySQLStatusVariable) GetScope() StatusVariableScope + func (m *MySQLStatusVariable) GetType() Type + type MysqlConnectionUser struct + Host string + User string + func (m MysqlConnectionUser) Get() *query.VTGateCallerID + type MysqlSVScopeType byte + const SystemVariableScope_Both + const SystemVariableScope_Global + const SystemVariableScope_Persist + const SystemVariableScope_PersistOnly + const SystemVariableScope_ResetPersist + const SystemVariableScope_Session + func (s MysqlSVScopeType) String() string + type MysqlScope struct + Type MysqlSVScopeType + func GetMysqlScope(t MysqlSVScopeType) *MysqlScope + func (m *MysqlScope) GetValue(ctx *Context, name string, collation CollationID) (any, error) + func (m *MysqlScope) IsGlobalOnly() bool + func (m *MysqlScope) IsSessionOnly() bool + func (m *MysqlScope) SetValue(ctx *Context, name string, val any) error + type MysqlSystemVariable struct + Default interface{} + Dynamic bool + Name string + NotifyChanged func(SystemVariableScope, SystemVarValue) error + Scope *MysqlScope + SetVarHintApplies bool + Type Type + ValueFunction func() (interface{}, error) + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) DisplayString(specifiedScope string) string + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) GetDefault() any + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) GetName() string + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) GetSessionScope() SystemVariableScope + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) GetType() Type + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) InitValue(val any, global bool) (SystemVarValue, error) + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) IsGlobalOnly() bool + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) IsReadOnly() bool + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) SetDefault(a any) + func (m *MysqlSystemVariable) SetValue(val any, global bool) (SystemVarValue, error) + type Nameable interface + Name func() string + type NameableNode interface + type Node interface + CheckPrivileges func(ctx *Context, opChecker PrivilegedOperationChecker) bool + Children func() []Node + IsReadOnly func() bool + Schema func() Schema + WithChildren func(children ...Node) (Node, error) + type NodeExecBuilder interface + Build func(ctx *Context, n Node, r Row) (RowIter, error) + type NodeVisitor interface + Visit func(node Node, expression Expression) NodeVisitor + type NonDeterministicExpression interface + IsNonDeterministic func() bool + type NullOrdering byte + const NullsFirst + const NullsLast + type NullType interface + type NumberType interface + DisplayWidth func() int + IsFloat func() bool + IsSigned func() bool + type OpaqueNode interface + Opaque func() bool + type OrderedIndex interface + Order func() IndexOrder + Reversible func() bool + type Partition interface + Key func() []byte + type PartitionCounter interface + PartitionCount func(*Context) (int64, error) + type PartitionIndexKeyValueIter interface + Next func(*Context) (Partition, IndexKeyValueIter, error) + type PartitionIter interface + Next func(*Context) (Partition, error) + func PartitionsToPartitionIter(partitions ...Partition) PartitionIter + type PartitionProgress struct + func (p PartitionProgress) String() string + type PersistableSession interface + GetPersistedValue func(k string) (interface{}, error) + PersistGlobal func(sysVarName string, value interface{}) error + RemoveAllPersistedGlobals func() error + RemovePersistedGlobal func(sysVarName string) error + type PrimaryKeyAlterableTable interface + CreatePrimaryKey func(ctx *Context, columns []IndexColumn) error + DropPrimaryKey func(ctx *Context) error + type PrimaryKeySchema struct + PkOrdinals []int + func NewPrimaryKeySchema(s Schema, pkOrds PrimaryKeySchema + func SchemaToPrimaryKeySchema(table Table, sch Schema, renames ...ColumnRename) PrimaryKeySchema + type PrimaryKeySchemaTarget interface + WithPrimaryKeySchema func(schema PrimaryKeySchema) (Node, error) + type PrimaryKeyTable interface + PrimaryKeySchema func() PrimaryKeySchema + type PrivilegeCheckSubject struct + Column string + Database string + IsProcedure bool + Routine string + Table string + type PrivilegeSet interface + Count func() int + Database func(dbName string) PrivilegeSetDatabase + Equals func(otherPs PrivilegeSet) bool + GetDatabases func() []PrivilegeSetDatabase + Has func(privileges ...PrivilegeType) bool + HasPrivileges func() bool + ToSlice func() []PrivilegeType + type PrivilegeSetColumn interface + Count func() int + Equals func(otherPs PrivilegeSetColumn) bool + Has func(privileges ...PrivilegeType) bool + Name func() string + ToSlice func() []PrivilegeType + type PrivilegeSetDatabase interface + Count func() int + Equals func(otherPs PrivilegeSetDatabase) bool + GetRoutines func() []PrivilegeSetRoutine + GetTables func() []PrivilegeSetTable + Has func(privileges ...PrivilegeType) bool + HasPrivileges func() bool + Name func() string + Routine func(routineName string, isProcedure bool) PrivilegeSetRoutine + Table func(tblName string) PrivilegeSetTable + ToSlice func() []PrivilegeType + type PrivilegeSetRoutine interface + Count func() int + Equals func(otherPs PrivilegeSetRoutine) bool + Has func(privileges ...PrivilegeType) bool + HasPrivileges func() bool + RoutineName func() string + RoutineType func() string + ToSlice func() []PrivilegeType + type PrivilegeSetTable interface + Column func(colName string) PrivilegeSetColumn + Count func() int + Equals func(otherPs PrivilegeSetTable) bool + GetColumns func() []PrivilegeSetColumn + Has func(privileges ...PrivilegeType) bool + HasPrivileges func() bool + Name func() string + ToSlice func() []PrivilegeType + type PrivilegeType int + const PrivilegeType_Alter + const PrivilegeType_AlterRoutine + const PrivilegeType_Create + const PrivilegeType_CreateRole + const PrivilegeType_CreateRoutine + const PrivilegeType_CreateTablespace + const PrivilegeType_CreateTempTable + const PrivilegeType_CreateUser + const PrivilegeType_CreateView + const PrivilegeType_Delete + const PrivilegeType_Drop + const PrivilegeType_DropRole + const PrivilegeType_Event + const PrivilegeType_Execute + const PrivilegeType_File + const PrivilegeType_GrantOption + const PrivilegeType_Index + const PrivilegeType_Insert + const PrivilegeType_LockTables + const PrivilegeType_Process + const PrivilegeType_References + const PrivilegeType_Reload + const PrivilegeType_ReplicationClient + const PrivilegeType_ReplicationSlave + const PrivilegeType_Select + const PrivilegeType_ShowDB + const PrivilegeType_ShowView + const PrivilegeType_Shutdown + const PrivilegeType_Super + const PrivilegeType_Trigger + const PrivilegeType_Update + func PrivilegeTypeFromString(privilegeType string) (PrivilegeType, bool) + func (pt PrivilegeType) String() string + type PrivilegedOperation struct + Column string + Database string + DynamicPrivileges []string + IsProcedure bool + Routine string + StaticPrivileges []PrivilegeType + Table string + func NewDynamicPrivilegedOperation(privs ...string) PrivilegedOperation + func NewPrivilegedOperation(subject PrivilegeCheckSubject, privs ...PrivilegeType) PrivilegedOperation + type PrivilegedOperationChecker interface + RoutineAdminCheck func(ctx *Context, operations ...PrivilegedOperation) bool + UserHasPrivileges func(ctx *Context, operations ...PrivilegedOperation) bool + type Process struct + Command ProcessCommand + Connection uint32 + Database string + Host string + Kill context.CancelFunc + Progress map[string]TableProgress + Query string + QueryPid uint64 + StartedAt time.Time + User string + func (p *Process) Done() + func (p *Process) Seconds() uint64 + type ProcessCommand string + const ProcessCommandConnect + const ProcessCommandQuery + const ProcessCommandSleep + type ProcessList interface + AddConnection func(connID uint32, addr string) + AddPartitionProgress func(pid uint64, tableName, partitionName string, total int64) + AddTableProgress func(pid uint64, name string, total int64) + BeginQuery func(ctx *Context, query string) (*Context, error) + ConnectionReady func(sess Session) + EndQuery func(ctx *Context) + Kill func(connID uint32) + Processes func() []Process + RemoveConnection func(connID uint32) + RemovePartitionProgress func(pid uint64, tableName, partitionName string) + RemoveTableProgress func(pid uint64, name string) + UpdatePartitionProgress func(pid uint64, tableName, partitionName string, delta int64) + UpdateTableProgress func(pid uint64, name string, delta int64) + type Progress struct + Done int64 + Name string + Total int64 + type ProjectedTable interface + Projections func() []string + WithProjections func(colNames []string) Table + type Projector interface + ProjectedExprs func() []Expression + type Range []RangeColumnExpr + func IntersectRanges(ranges ...Range) Range + func SortRanges(ranges ...Range) ([]Range, error) + func (rang Range) AsEmpty() Range + func (rang Range) Compare(otherRange Range) (int, error) + func (rang Range) Copy() Range + func (rang Range) DebugString() string + func (rang Range) Equals(otherRange Range) (bool, error) + func (rang Range) ExpressionByColumnName(idx Index, colExpr string) (RangeColumnExpr, bool) + func (rang Range) Intersect(otherRange Range) (Range, error) + func (rang Range) IsConnected(otherRange Range) (bool, error) + func (rang Range) IsEmpty() (bool, error) + func (rang Range) IsSubsetOf(otherRange Range) (bool, error) + func (rang Range) IsSupersetOf(otherRange Range) (bool, error) + func (rang Range) Overlaps(otherRange Range) (bool, error) + func (rang Range) RemoveOverlap(otherRange Range) (RangeCollection, bool, error) + func (rang Range) String() string + func (rang Range) TryMerge(otherRange Range) (Range, bool, error) + type RangeBoundType int + const Closed + const Open + func (bt RangeBoundType) Inclusive() bool + type RangeCollection []Range + func RemoveOverlappingRanges(ranges ...Range) (RangeCollection, error) + func (ranges RangeCollection) DebugString() string + func (ranges RangeCollection) Equals(otherCollection RangeCollection) (bool, error) + func (ranges RangeCollection) Intersect(otherRanges RangeCollection) (RangeCollection, error) + func (ranges RangeCollection) String() string + type RangeColumnExpr struct + LowerBound RangeCut + Typ Type + UpperBound RangeCut + func AllRangeColumnExpr(typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func ClosedRangeColumnExpr(lower, upper interface{}, typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func CustomRangeColumnExpr(lower, upper interface{}, lowerBound, upperBound RangeBoundType, typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func EmptyRangeColumnExpr(typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func GreaterOrEqualRangeColumnExpr(lower interface{}, typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func GreaterThanRangeColumnExpr(lower interface{}, typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func LessOrEqualRangeColumnExpr(upper interface{}, typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func LessThanRangeColumnExpr(upper interface{}, typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func NotNullRangeColumnExpr(typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func NullRangeColumnExpr(typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func OpenRangeColumnExpr(lower, upper interface{}, typ Type) RangeColumnExpr + func SimplifyRangeColumn(rces ...RangeColumnExpr) ([]RangeColumnExpr, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) DebugString() string + func (r RangeColumnExpr) Equals(other RangeColumnExpr) (bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) HasLowerBound() bool + func (r RangeColumnExpr) HasUpperBound() bool + func (r RangeColumnExpr) IsConnected(other RangeColumnExpr) (bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) IsEmpty() (bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) IsSubsetOf(other RangeColumnExpr) (bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) IsSupersetOf(other RangeColumnExpr) (bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) Overlaps(other RangeColumnExpr) (RangeColumnExpr, bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) RepresentsEquals() (bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) String() string + func (r RangeColumnExpr) Subtract(other RangeColumnExpr) ([]RangeColumnExpr, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) TryIntersect(other RangeColumnExpr) (RangeColumnExpr, bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) TryUnion(other RangeColumnExpr) (RangeColumnExpr, bool, error) + func (r RangeColumnExpr) Type() RangeType + type RangeColumnExprTree struct + func NewRangeColumnExprTree(initialRange Range, columnExprTypes []Type) (*RangeColumnExprTree, error) + func (tree *RangeColumnExprTree) FindConnections(rang Range, colExprIdx int) (RangeCollection, error) + func (tree *RangeColumnExprTree) GetRangeCollection() (RangeCollection, error) + func (tree *RangeColumnExprTree) Insert(rang Range) error + func (tree *RangeColumnExprTree) Iterator() *rangeTreeIter + func (tree *RangeColumnExprTree) Remove(rang Range) error + func (tree *RangeColumnExprTree) String() string + type RangeCut interface + Compare func(RangeCut, Type) (int, error) + String func() string + TypeAsLowerBound func() RangeBoundType + TypeAsUpperBound func() RangeBoundType + func GetRangeCutMax(typ Type, cuts ...RangeCut) (RangeCut, error) + func GetRangeCutMin(typ Type, cuts ...RangeCut) (RangeCut, error) + type RangeType int + const RangeType_All + const RangeType_ClosedClosed + const RangeType_ClosedOpen + const RangeType_Empty + const RangeType_EqualNull + const RangeType_GreaterOrEqual + const RangeType_GreaterThan + const RangeType_Invalid + const RangeType_LessOrEqualOrNull + const RangeType_LessThanOrNull + const RangeType_OpenClosed + const RangeType_OpenOpen + type ReadOnlyDatabase interface + IsReadOnly func() bool + type ReferenceChecker interface + SetReferenceCheck func() error + type RenameableNode interface + WithName func(string) Node + type ReplaceableTable interface + Replacer func(ctx *Context) RowReplacer + type Reporter interface + MaxMemory func() uint64 + UsedMemory func() uint64 + var ProcessMemory Reporter = new(processReporter) + type Resolvable interface + Resolved func() bool + type RewritableTable interface + RewriteInserter func(ctx *Context, oldSchema, newSchema PrimaryKeySchema, ...) (RowInserter, error) + ShouldRewriteTable func(ctx *Context, oldSchema, newSchema PrimaryKeySchema, ...) bool + type Row []interface + func (r Row) Append(r2 Row) Row + func (r Row) Copy() Row + func (r Row) Equals(row Row, schema Schema) (bool, error) + func NewRow(values ...interface{}) Row + func RowIterToRows(ctx *Context, i RowIter) ([]Row, error) + type Row2 []Value + func (r Row2) GetField(i int) Value + func (r Row2) Len() int + type RowDeleter interface + Delete func(*Context, Row) error + type RowFrame struct + Types []querypb.Type + Values []ValueBytes + func NewRowFrame(vals ...Value) (f *RowFrame) + func (f *RowFrame) Append(vals ...Value) + func (f *RowFrame) AppendMany(types []querypb.Type, vals []ValueBytes) + func (f *RowFrame) Clear() + func (f *RowFrame) Recycle() + func (f *RowFrame) Row2() Row2 + func (f *RowFrame) Row2Copy() Row2 + type RowInserter interface + Insert func(*Context, Row) error + type RowIter interface + Next func(ctx *Context) (Row, error) + func NewSpanIter(span trace.Span, iter RowIter) RowIter + func RowsToRowIter(rows ...Row) RowIter + type RowReplacer interface + type RowUpdater interface + Update func(ctx *Context, old Row, new Row) error + type Rows2Cache interface + Add2 func(Row2) error + Get2 func() []Row2 + type RowsCache interface + Add func(Row) error + Get func() []Row + type Schema []*Column + func (s Schema) CaseSensitiveEquals(s2 Schema) bool + func (s Schema) CheckRow(row Row) error + func (s Schema) Contains(column string, source string) bool + func (s Schema) Copy() Schema + func (s Schema) Equals(s2 Schema) bool + func (s Schema) HasAutoIncrement() bool + func (s Schema) HasVirtualColumns() bool + func (s Schema) IndexOf(column, source string) int + func (s Schema) IndexOfColName(column string) int + func (s Schema) PhysicalSchema() Schema + func (s Schema) Resolved() bool + type SchemaTarget interface + TargetSchema func() Schema + WithTargetSchema func(Schema) (Node, error) + type SchemaValidator interface + ValidateSchema func(Schema) error + type Services struct + KillConnection func(connID uint32) error + LoadInfile func(filename string) (io.ReadCloser, error) + type Session interface + AddLock func(lockName string) error + Address func() string + ClearWarnings func() + Client func() Client + DelLock func(lockName string) error + GetAllSessionVariables func() map[string]interface{} + GetAllStatusVariables func(ctx *Context) map[string]StatusVarValue + GetCharacterSet func() CharacterSetID + GetCharacterSetResults func() CharacterSetID + GetCollation func() CollationID + GetCurrentDatabase func() string + GetIgnoreAutoCommit func() bool + GetIndexRegistry func() *IndexRegistry + GetLastQueryInfoInt func(key string) int64 + GetLastQueryInfoString func(key string) string + GetLogger func() *logrus.Entry + GetPrivilegeSet func() (PrivilegeSet, uint64) + GetSessionVariable func(ctx *Context, sysVarName string) (interface{}, error) + GetStatusVariable func(ctx *Context, statVarName string) (interface{}, error) + GetTransaction func() Transaction + GetUserVariable func(ctx *Context, varName string) (Type, interface{}, error) + GetViewRegistry func() *ViewRegistry + ID func() uint32 + IncrementStatusVariable func(ctx *Context, statVarName string, val int) error + InitSessionVariable func(ctx *Context, sysVarName string, value interface{}) error + IterLocks func(cb func(name string) error) error + SetClient func(Client) + SetConnectionId func(connId uint32) + SetCurrentDatabase func(dbName string) + SetIgnoreAutoCommit func(ignore bool) + SetIndexRegistry func(*IndexRegistry) + SetLastQueryInfoInt func(key string, value int64) + SetLastQueryInfoString func(key string, value string) + SetLogger func(*logrus.Entry) + SetPrivilegeSet func(newPs PrivilegeSet, counter uint64) + SetSessionVariable func(ctx *Context, sysVarName string, value interface{}) error + SetStatusVariable func(ctx *Context, statVarName string, val interface{}) error + SetTransaction func(tx Transaction) + SetUserVariable func(ctx *Context, varName string, value interface{}, typ Type) error + SetViewRegistry func(*ViewRegistry) + UseDatabase func(ctx *Context, db Database) error + ValidateSession func(ctx *Context) error + Warn func(warn *Warning) + WarningCount func() uint16 + Warnings func() []*Warning + type SessionUserVariables interface + GetUserVariable func(ctx *Context, varName string) (Type, interface{}, error) + SetUserVariable func(ctx *Context, varName string, value interface{}, typ Type) error + func NewUserVars() SessionUserVariables + type SetType interface + BitsToString func(bits uint64) (string, error) + CharacterSet func() CharacterSetID + Collation func() CollationID + NumberOfElements func() uint16 + Values func() []string + type SortField struct + Column Expression + Column2 Expression2 + NullOrdering NullOrdering + Order SortOrder + func (s SortField) DebugString() string + func (s SortField) String() string + type SortFields []SortField + func (sf SortFields) FromExpressions(exprs ...Expression) SortFields + func (sf SortFields) ToExpressions() []Expression + type SortOrder byte + const Ascending + const Descending + func (s SortOrder) String() string + type SpatialColumnType interface + GetSpatialTypeSRID func() (uint32, bool) + MatchSRID func(interface{}) error + SetSRID func(uint32) Type + type SpatialIndexBuilder struct + func NewSpatialIndexBuilder(idx Index) *SpatialIndexBuilder + func (b *SpatialIndexBuilder) AddRange(lower, upper interface{}) *SpatialIndexBuilder + func (b *SpatialIndexBuilder) Build() (IndexLookup, error) + type SqlMode struct + func LoadSqlMode(ctx *Context) *SqlMode + func NewSqlModeFromString(sqlModeString string) *SqlMode + func (s *SqlMode) AnsiQuotes() bool + func (s *SqlMode) ModeEnabled(mode string) bool + func (s *SqlMode) ParserOptions() sqlparser.ParserOptions + func (s *SqlMode) String() string + type StatQualifier struct + Database string + Idx string + Tab string + func NewQualifierFromString(q string) (StatQualifier, error) + func NewStatQualifier(db, table, index string) StatQualifier + func (q StatQualifier) Db() string + func (q StatQualifier) Empty() bool + func (q StatQualifier) Index() string + func (q StatQualifier) String() string + func (q StatQualifier) Table() string + type Statistic interface + AvgSize func() uint64 + ColSet func() ColSet + Columns func() []string + CreatedAt func() time.Time + DistinctCount func() uint64 + FuncDeps func() *FuncDepSet + Histogram func() Histogram + IndexClass func() IndexClass + LowerBound func() Row + NullCount func() uint64 + Qualifier func() StatQualifier + RowCount func() uint64 + Types func() []Type + type StatisticsTable interface + DataLength func(ctx *Context) (uint64, error) + RowCount func(ctx *Context) (uint64, bool, error) + type StatsProvider interface + DataLength func(ctx *Context, db, table string) (uint64, error) + DropDbStats func(ctx *Context, db string, flush bool) error + DropStats func(ctx *Context, qual StatQualifier, cols []string) error + GetStats func(ctx *Context, qual StatQualifier, cols []string) (Statistic, bool) + GetTableStats func(ctx *Context, db, table string) ([]Statistic, error) + RefreshTableStats func(ctx *Context, table Table, db string) error + RowCount func(ctx *Context, db, table string) (uint64, error) + SetStats func(ctx *Context, stats Statistic) error + type StatusVarValue struct + Val interface{} + Var StatusVariable + type StatusVariable interface + GetDefault func() interface{} + GetName func() string + GetScope func() StatusVariableScope + GetType func() Type + type StatusVariableRegistry interface + GetGlobal func(name string) (StatusVariable, interface{}, bool) + IncrementGlobal func(name string, val int) error + NewGlobalMap func() map[string]StatusVarValue + NewSessionMap func() map[string]StatusVarValue + SetGlobal func(name string, val interface{}) error + var StatusVariables StatusVariableRegistry + type StatusVariableScope byte + const StatusVariableScope_Both + const StatusVariableScope_Global + const StatusVariableScope_Session + type StoredProcedureDatabase interface + DropStoredProcedure func(ctx *Context, name string) error + GetStoredProcedure func(ctx *Context, name string) (StoredProcedureDetails, bool, error) + GetStoredProcedures func(ctx *Context) ([]StoredProcedureDetails, error) + SaveStoredProcedure func(ctx *Context, spd StoredProcedureDetails) error + type StoredProcedureDetails struct + CreateStatement string + CreatedAt time.Time + ModifiedAt time.Time + Name string + SqlMode string + type StringType interface + CharacterSet func() CharacterSetID + Collation func() CollationID + Length func() int64 + MaxByteLength func() int64 + MaxCharacterLength func() int64 + type SystemVarValue struct + Val interface{} + Var SystemVariable + type SystemVariable interface + DisplayString func(string) string + GetDefault func() any + GetName func() string + GetSessionScope func() SystemVariableScope + GetType func() Type + InitValue func(val any, global bool) (SystemVarValue, error) + IsGlobalOnly func() bool + IsReadOnly func() bool + SetDefault func(any) + SetValue func(val any, global bool) (SystemVarValue, error) + type SystemVariableRegistry interface + AddSystemVariables func(sysVars []SystemVariable) + AssignValues func(vals map[string]interface{}) error + GetAllGlobalVariables func() map[string]interface{} + GetGlobal func(name string) (SystemVariable, interface{}, bool) + NewSessionMap func() map[string]SystemVarValue + SetGlobal func(name string, val interface{}) error + var SystemVariables SystemVariableRegistry + type SystemVariableScope interface + GetValue func(*Context, string, CollationID) (any, error) + IsGlobalOnly func() bool + IsSessionOnly func() bool + SetValue func(*Context, string, any) error + type SystemVariableType interface + DecodeValue func(string) (interface{}, error) + EncodeValue func(interface{}) (string, error) + UnderlyingType func() Type + type Table interface + Collation func() CollationID + PartitionRows func(*Context, Partition) (RowIter, error) + Partitions func(*Context) (PartitionIter, error) + Schema func() Schema + func GetTableInsensitive(tblName string, tables map[string]Table) (Table, bool) + type TableCopierDatabase interface + CopyTableData func(ctx *Context, sourceTable string, destinationTable string) (uint64, error) + type TableCreator interface + CreateTable func(ctx *Context, name string, schema PrimaryKeySchema, collation CollationID, ...) error + type TableDropper interface + DropTable func(ctx *Context, name string) error + type TableEditor interface + type TableFunction interface + NewInstance func(ctx *Context, db Database, args []Expression) (Node, error) + type TableFunctionProvider interface + TableFunction func(ctx *Context, name string) (TableFunction, error) + WithTableFunctions func(fns ...TableFunction) (TableFunctionProvider, error) + type TableId uint16 + func (i TableId) IsEmpty() bool + type TableNode interface + UnderlyingTable func() Table + type TableProgress struct + PartitionsProgress map[string]PartitionProgress + func NewTableProgress(name string, total int64) TableProgress + func (p TableProgress) String() string + type TableRenamer interface + RenameTable func(ctx *Context, oldName, newName string) error + type TableRowIter struct + func NewTableRowIter(ctx *Context, table Table, partitions PartitionIter) *TableRowIter + func (i *TableRowIter) Close(ctx *Context) error + func (i *TableRowIter) Next(ctx *Context) (Row, error) + type TableWrapper interface + Underlying func() Table + type Tableable interface + Table func() string + type TemporaryTable interface + IsTemporary func() bool + type TemporaryTableCreator interface + CreateTemporaryTable func(ctx *Context, name string, schema PrimaryKeySchema, collation CollationID) error + type TemporaryTableDatabase interface + GetAllTemporaryTables func(ctx *Context) ([]Table, error) + type Transaction interface + IsReadOnly func() bool + type TransactionCharacteristic int + const ReadOnly + const ReadWrite + type TransactionSession interface + CommitTransaction func(ctx *Context, tx Transaction) error + CreateSavepoint func(ctx *Context, transaction Transaction, name string) error + ReleaseSavepoint func(ctx *Context, transaction Transaction, name string) error + Rollback func(ctx *Context, transaction Transaction) error + RollbackToSavepoint func(ctx *Context, transaction Transaction, name string) error + StartTransaction func(ctx *Context, tCharacteristic TransactionCharacteristic) (Transaction, error) + type TreePrinter struct + func NewTreePrinter() *TreePrinter + func (p *TreePrinter) String() string + func (p *TreePrinter) WriteChildren(children ...string) error + func (p *TreePrinter) WriteNode(format string, args ...interface{}) error + type TriggerDatabase interface + CreateTrigger func(ctx *Context, definition TriggerDefinition) error + DropTrigger func(ctx *Context, name string) error + GetTriggers func(ctx *Context) ([]TriggerDefinition, error) + type TriggerDefinition struct + CreateStatement string + CreatedAt time.Time + Name string + SqlMode string + type TruncateableTable interface + Truncate func(*Context) (int, error) + type Type interface + Compare func(interface{}, interface{}) (int, error) + Convert func(interface{}) (interface{}, ConvertInRange, error) + Equals func(otherType Type) bool + MaxTextResponseByteLength func(ctx *Context) uint32 + Promote func() Type + SQL func(ctx *Context, dest []byte, v interface{}) (sqltypes.Value, error) + Type func() query.Type + ValueType func() reflect.Type + Zero func() interface{} + func GetColExprTypes(ranges []Range) []Type + type Type2 interface + Compare2 func(Value, Value) (int, error) + Convert2 func(Value) (Value, error) + SQL2 func(Value) (sqltypes.Value, error) + Zero2 func() Value + type TypeWithCollation interface + Collation func() CollationID + StringWithTableCollation func(tableCollation CollationID) string + WithNewCollation func(collation CollationID) (Type, error) + type TypedValue struct + Typ Type + Value interface{} + type UnaryNode interface + Child func() Node + type UniqueKeyError struct + Existing Row + IsPK bool + func (ue UniqueKeyError) Error() string + type UnresolvedColumnDefault struct + ExprString string + func (UnresolvedColumnDefault) CollationCoercibility(ctx *Context) (collation CollationID, coercibility byte) + func (u UnresolvedColumnDefault) Children() []Expression + func (u UnresolvedColumnDefault) Eval(ctx *Context, row Row) (interface{}, error) + func (u UnresolvedColumnDefault) IsNullable() bool + func (u UnresolvedColumnDefault) Resolved() bool + func (u UnresolvedColumnDefault) String() string + func (u UnresolvedColumnDefault) Type() Type + func (u UnresolvedColumnDefault) WithChildren(children ...Expression) (Expression, error) + type UnresolvedDatabase string + func (UnresolvedDatabase) GetTableInsensitive(ctx *Context, tblName string) (Table, bool, error) + func (UnresolvedDatabase) GetTableNames(ctx *Context) ([]string, error) + func (UnresolvedDatabase) Tables() map[string]Table + func (d UnresolvedDatabase) Name() string + type UnresolvedTable interface + AsOf func() Expression + Database func() Database + WithAsOf func(asOf Expression) (Node, error) + type UnsupportedFunctionStub interface + IsUnsupported func() bool + type UpdatableTable interface + Updater func(ctx *Context) RowUpdater + type UserVars struct + func (u *UserVars) GetUserVariable(ctx *Context, varName string) (Type, interface{}, error) + func (u *UserVars) SetUserVariable(ctx *Context, varName string, value interface{}, typ Type) error + type Value struct + Typ querypb.Type + Val ValueBytes + func ConvertToValue(v interface{}) (Value, error) + func MustConvertToValue(v interface{}) Value + func (v Value) IsNull() bool + type ValueBytes []byte + type VersionedDatabase interface + GetTableInsensitiveAsOf func(ctx *Context, tblName string, asOf interface{}) (Table, bool, error) + GetTableNamesAsOf func(ctx *Context, asOf interface{}) ([]string, error) + type View struct + func NewView(name string, definition Node, textDefinition, createViewStmt string) *View + func (v *View) CreateStatement() string + func (v *View) Definition() Node + func (v *View) Name() string + func (v *View) TextDefinition() string + func (v *View) WithDefinition(def Node) *View + type ViewDatabase interface + AllViews func(ctx *Context) ([]ViewDefinition, error) + CreateView func(ctx *Context, name string, selectStatement, createViewStmt string) error + DropView func(ctx *Context, name string) error + GetViewDefinition func(ctx *Context, viewName string) (ViewDefinition, bool, error) + type ViewDefinition struct + CreateViewStatement string + Name string + SqlMode string + TextDefinition string + type ViewKey struct + func NewViewKey(databaseName, viewName string) ViewKey + type ViewRegistry struct + func NewViewRegistry() *ViewRegistry + func (r *ViewRegistry) Delete(databaseName, viewName string) error + func (r *ViewRegistry) Exists(databaseName, viewName string) bool + func (r *ViewRegistry) Register(database string, view *View) error + func (r *ViewRegistry) View(databaseName, viewName string) (*View, bool) + func (r *ViewRegistry) ViewsInDatabase(databaseName string) (views []*View) + type Visitor interface + Visit func(expr Expression) Visitor + type Warning struct + Code int + Level string + Message string + type WindowAdaptableExpression interface + NewWindowFunction func() (WindowFunction, error) + Window func() *WindowDefinition + WithWindow func(window *WindowDefinition) WindowAdaptableExpression + type WindowAggregation interface + type WindowBuffer []Row + type WindowDefinition struct + Frame WindowFrame + Name string + OrderBy SortFields + PartitionBy []Expression + Ref string + func NewWindowDefinition(partitionBy []Expression, orderBy SortFields, frame WindowFrame, ...) *WindowDefinition + func (w *WindowDefinition) DebugString() string + func (w *WindowDefinition) FromExpressions(children []Expression) (*WindowDefinition, error) + func (w *WindowDefinition) PartitionId() (uint64, error) + func (w *WindowDefinition) String() string + func (w *WindowDefinition) ToExpressions() []Expression + type WindowFrame interface + EndCurrentRow func() bool + EndNFollowing func() Expression + EndNPreceding func() Expression + NewFramer func(*WindowDefinition) (WindowFramer, error) + StartCurrentRow func() bool + StartNFollowing func() Expression + StartNPreceding func() Expression + UnboundedFollowing func() bool + UnboundedPreceding func() bool + type WindowFramer interface + FirstIdx func() int + Interval func() (WindowInterval, error) + LastIdx func() int + NewFramer func(WindowInterval) (WindowFramer, error) + Next func(*Context, WindowBuffer) (WindowInterval, error) + type WindowFunction interface + Compute func(*Context, WindowInterval, WindowBuffer) interface{} + DefaultFramer func() WindowFramer + StartPartition func(*Context, WindowInterval, WindowBuffer) error + type WindowInterval struct + End int + Start int + type WithDescribeStats interface + GetDescribeStatsString func(options DescribeOptions) string + SetDescribeStats func(stats DescribeStats) + type WrappedInsertError struct + Cause error + OffendingRow Row + func NewWrappedInsertError(r Row, err error) WrappedInsertError + func (w WrappedInsertError) Error() string + type WrappedTypeConversionError struct + Err error + OffendingIdx int + OffendingVal interface{} + func NewWrappedTypeConversionError(offendingVal interface{}, idx int, err error) WrappedTypeConversionError + func (w WrappedTypeConversionError) Error() string + type YearType interface