v1 of go-i18n is deprecated and no longer maintained. Please switch to v2.

go-i18n is a Go package and a command that helps you translate Go programs into multiple languages.
Package i18n 
The i18n package provides runtime APIs for fetching translated strings.
Command goi18n 
The goi18n command provides functionality for managing the translation process.
Make sure you have setup GOPATH.
go get -u github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/goi18n
goi18n -help
A typical workflow looks like this:
Add a new string to your source code.
Add the string to en-US.all.json
"id": "settings_title",
"translation": "Settings"
Run goi18n
goi18n path/to/*.all.json
Send path/to/*.untranslated.json
to get translated.
Run goi18n again to merge the translations
goi18n path/to/*.all.json path/to/*.untranslated.json
Translation files
A translation file stores translated and untranslated strings.
Here is an example of the default file format that go-i18n supports:
"id": "d_days",
"translation": {
"one": "{{.Count}} day",
"other": "{{.Count}} days"
"id": "my_height_in_meters",
"translation": {
"one": "I am {{.Count}} meter tall.",
"other": "I am {{.Count}} meters tall."
"id": "person_greeting",
"translation": "Hello {{.Person}}"
"id": "person_unread_email_count",
"translation": {
"one": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread email.",
"other": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread emails."
"id": "person_unread_email_count_timeframe",
"translation": {
"one": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread email in the past {{.Timeframe}}.",
"other": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread emails in the past {{.Timeframe}}."
"id": "program_greeting",
"translation": "Hello world"
"id": "your_unread_email_count",
"translation": {
"one": "You have {{.Count}} unread email.",
"other": "You have {{.Count}} unread emails."
To use a different file format, write a parser for the format and add the parsed translations using AddTranslation.
Note that TOML only supports the flat format, which is described below.
More examples of translation files: JSON, TOML, YAML.
You can also write shorter translation files with flat format.
E.g the example above can be written in this way:
"d_days": {
"one": "{{.Count}} day.",
"other": "{{.Count}} days."
"my_height_in_meters": {
"one": "I am {{.Count}} meter tall.",
"other": "I am {{.Count}} meters tall."
"person_greeting": {
"other": "Hello {{.Person}}"
"person_unread_email_count": {
"one": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread email.",
"other": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread emails."
"person_unread_email_count_timeframe": {
"one": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread email in the past {{.Timeframe}}.",
"other": "{{.Person}} has {{.Count}} unread emails in the past {{.Timeframe}}."
"program_greeting": {
"other": "Hello world"
"your_unread_email_count": {
"one": "You have {{.Count}} unread email.",
"other": "You have {{.Count}} unread emails."
The logic of flat format is, what it is structure of structures
and name of substructures (ids) should be always a string.
If there is only one key in substructure and it is "other", then it's non-plural
translation, else plural.
More examples of flat format translation files can be found in goi18n/testdata/input/flat.
If you would like to submit a pull request, please
- Write tests
- Format code with goimports.
- Read the common code review comments.
go-i18n is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.