Telegram Bot
Local development
go run *.go -tg-bot-token "<token>" \
-mongo-uri "mongodb+srv://<user>:<pasword>@<cluster>/?retryWrites=true&w=majority" \
-db-namespace "dev" -tg-bot-debug "true"
Using dotenv
# copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
# edit .env file with the correct values
# run the bot
go run *.go
# run the following commands from the current directory (tgbot)
# build docker image
docker build -t eq-tg-bot .
# run docker container
docker run \
-e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="14...w" \
-e MONGO_URI="mongodb+srv://.../?retryWrites=true&w=majority" \
-e DB_NAMESPACE="dev" \
-e TG_BOT_DEBUG="true" \
--restart=always eq-tg-bot:latest
Install flyctl.
# run the following commands from the root directory
# log in with your account
flyctl auth login
# set app name
export APP_NAME=eq-tg-bot
# launch the app
fly launch --path tgbot --region ams --copy-config --remote-only --no-deploy --name $APP_NAME
# set app secrets
flyctl secrets set TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="<token>" \
MONGO_URI="<mongo-db-uri>" -a $APP_NAME
# deploy
fly deploy --dockerfile tgbot/Dockerfile -a $APP_NAME
# if deployment fails, try to restart it
fly scale count 0 -a $APP_NAME
fly scale count 1 -a $APP_NAME
# test deploy (run from root directory)
fly deploy --build-only --no-cache --config tgbot/fly.toml
Check the official documentation.
Bot Father configuration
Earthquake Events ⚠️
It makes you able to receive notifications of recent earthquakes by making subscriptions configured with parameters such as magnitude, location, and observing radius.
start - Starts the home screen
list - Lists current subscriptions